The combat path of the 111th Infantry Division. Pioneers of the Afghan War. Osh airborne battalion K. A. Zlobin

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  • Details Published: 04/07/2015 17:27 Views: 7525

    Brief history of formation and combat path

    111 Gvardeysky, Belotserkovsky,

    Orders of Lenin, Kutuzov and Suvorov

    howitzer artillery regiment

    reserve of the High Command.

    In the harsh February days of 1942, a group of young commanders who had just graduated from the 3rd Leningrad and Ryazan artillery schools arrived at the Cherepovets city military registration and enlistment office with the order “To Team 875.”

    The next day, upon the return of the military commissar from the headquarters of the Arkhangelsk Military District, it became known that the 875th howitzer artillery regiment of the reserve of the High Command would be formed near the village of Torovo. That same day in the evening, the first soldiers and junior commanders who arrived from Vologda were located in the forest near the village of Torovo in dugouts with two-tier bunks of 1000 people each. The very next day they began combat and political training, although there was no base for this. There was no time to swing. It was necessary to quickly prepare for battle; the enemy was not waiting. Craftsman soldiers made wooden cannons, telephone sets, and even gun panoramas. The regiment's personnel were at 25% strength. command staff who had already taken part in battles, and 75% - after shortened officer courses and schools. 50% of the privates and sergeants were those who arrived from hospitals and escaped encirclement, and 50% were untrained older men Vologda region. Did anyone in the cold February days think that here, in Torovo, the future glorified guards regiment was being formed!

    Major Mizerny Nestor Danilovich was appointed commander of the regiment.

    Classes took place day and night. At the end of March, the regiment received equipment, small arms, and in May - Studebaker tractors. Direct fire at tanks was practiced. Tanks replaced moving models. At the beginning of July, during an inspection carried out by the commander of the artillery headquarters of the Arkhangelsk Military District, the conclusion was made that the regiment was ready to carry out combat missions.

    In the summer of 1942, the Germans reached the Don and captured Voronezh. On July 27, the regiment was alerted and sent in two echelons to the Voronezh Front.

    The regiment's combat journey began. Here, near the ancient Russian city of Voronezh, 875 GAP RGK received its first baptism of fire.

    Then there was the Middle Don, where the regiment began moving to the West.

    A big and joyful event for the entire personnel of the regiment was the Decree of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated March 7, 1943 on awarding the 875 GAP RGC the guards rank. The regiment became known as the 111th Guards GAP RGK. Why were the warriors so proud? Because the honorary title “Guards” was awarded only to selected, the best military units for courage, mass heroism, and high military skill. The soldiers of the regiment were awarded “Guard” badges. There was even this quatrain:

    I fight like a hero in battle,

    I will give everything for my native land!

    Shines on my chest

    Golden Guardsman Badge!

    Guards 111 GAP RGK lived up to its title. Fighting bravely, the regiment went west. The Battle of Kursk, the most difficult battles surrounded in the Veprin area, the crossing of the Dnieper, the battle for Right Bank Ukraine, the liberation of the city of Bila Tserkva, the defeat of the Korsun-Shevchenkovsky group - these are the stages of the regiment’s journey through the territory Soviet Union.

    In July 1944, 111 GAP reached the state border of the Soviet Union with Poland. Our Army entered there as a liberating army. The Poles, who suffered under the yoke of the Nazis, warmly welcomed Soviet soldiers. The regiment fought its way through Poland, and the Nazis put up desperate resistance. By the evening of January 20, 1944, units of the 13th Army, including 111 GAP, captured the last Polish city and entered German territory. The regiment marched more than 200 km through the most difficult battles across Germany before the historic meeting with the allied American forces on the Elbe River. It was a solemn meeting. The regiment's soldiers put on all their orders and medals and new uniforms.

    Already on May 5, 1945, the regiment moved to help the workers of Prague, the capital of Czechoslovakia.

    On May 8, the regiment held a rally in honor of Victory Day in a field near a village Soviet army And Soviet people above Nazi Germany. It was an indescribable celebration. All the soldiers, sergeants and officers were excited and, with the permission of the regiment commander, fired a powerful salute. After this, the regiment moved to Prague.

    Officially Great Patriotic War ended on May 9, but 111 Guards Regiment I also had to fight with the resisting fascists. Only in September 1945 the regiment returned to its homeland and was stationed in the town of Slauta.

    The flag of the Airborne Forces 111 PDP is a tribute to the glorious traditions of the unit. The 111th Airborne Regiment made a great contribution to creating the image of the paratroopers as the elite of the Armed Forces.


    • 111 RAP
    • 111 Guards RAP
    • military unit 01986

    111th Guards Parachute Regiment

    Unfortunately, not all representatives of the younger generation of paratroopers remember the names and accomplishments of the glorious airborne formations disbanded during the Soviet Union. In this article, Voenpro will remind all veterans of the days of service in the 111th airborne regiment, and will provide the younger generation with the opportunity to learn the history of how it happened.

    111 traffic police station 105 airborne division in Osh

    The 111th Guards Airborne Regiment was formed in Rybinsk on the basis of units of the 11th Guards Airborne Division in 1955. Soon after the creation of 111 PDP, the 105th Guards Division was assigned. VDD.

    In 1960, the regiment was redeployed to the Turkestan Military District. The location of the 111th airborne patrol was the city of Osh.

    IN Central Asia 105th airborne division, including the 111th Guards Parachute Regiment, underwent intensive training to adapt to combat operations in desert and mountainous terrain.

    In 1968, exercises took place with the landing of units of the 111th Guards. pdp and 351 pdp. The actions of the regiments' personnel in the mountainous desert areas were quite highly appreciated by the command.

    The following year, the 111th Airborne Regiment showed itself excellently in joint exercises with the troops of the Central Asian Military District.

    In 1970, under the leadership of Marshal of the Soviet Union K. Moskalenko, large-scale exercises Vostok-70 were conducted. The actions of the guards-paratroopers of the 111th airborne division received the highest rating from the command.

    In 1972, an inspection was carried out by the USSR Ministry of Defense. The paratroopers from the 111th airborne division did not disgrace the colors of the Airborne Forces and received a good assessment from the inspectors.

    In 1973, the 111th Airborne Regiment received an “excellent” rating for courageous actions during exercises. The combat mission of the regiment's units - landing on four desert sites and destroying the missile battalion of the tank division - was carried out brilliantly.

    Disbandment of 111 PDP

    Before starting a conversation about the disbandment of the 111th airborne division and the entire 105th airborne division, it should be noted that units of the regiment were sent to Afghanistan in the summer of 1979. It's about about the 1st infantry battalion of the 111th Guards Parachute Regiment, which carried out the task of protecting the Kabul airfield and ensuring the landing of the main forces. It should also be noted that the 1st Parachute Battalion of the 111th Airborne Regiment, already in Afghanistan at the time of the division’s disbandment, was transferred to the 345th Separate Parachute Regiment and, as part of it, continued to carry out combat missions almost until the very end of the war in Afghanistan.

    The division's disbandment in the fall of 1979 came as a complete surprise to most officers and personnel. Since 1978, the 105th Airborne Division, including the 111th Airborne Division, was constantly in the “military danger” state of readiness. Indeed, everything indicated that the division most prepared in the USSR Armed Forces for battles in hot climatic conditions and mountain-desert areas, will be sent to one of the hotbeds of tension. Afghanistan, Vietnam, where clashes with the Chinese army began, Iran, blazing in the fire of the Islamic revolution - the experience of 111 airborne forces could come in handy everywhere. But history cannot be changed and the regiment, like the entire division, was disbanded and new airborne formations were created on their basis.

    The 50th Infantry Brigade was formed at the base.
    399, 468 and 532 rifle regiments,
    286th artillery regiment,
    267th separate anti-tank fighter division,
    146 reconnaissance company,
    181st engineer battalion,
    223 separate battalion communications (157 separate communications company),
    120th medical battalion,
    19th separate chemical defense company,
    189th motor transport company,
    490 field bakery,
    1005 divisional veterinary hospital,
    1608 field postal station,
    1652 field cash desk of the State Bank.

    Combat period

    The 111th Rifle Division was formed on the basis of the 50th Separate Rifle Brigade in the town of Bezhitsa, Kalinin Region, from April 26 to July 16, 1942.

    In July 1942, in preparation for a broad offensive on the Kalinin Front, the full division arrived at the site of the fighting. The division included: Directorate of the 111th rifle division, 399, 468, 532 rifle regiments, 286th artillery regiment, separate training regiment, 267 separate machine gun battalion, 267 separate anti-tank division, 369 separate anti-aircraft artillery battery, NAD, 146 separate reconnaissance company, 181 separate sapper battalion, 223rd separate communications battalion, 19th separate chemical protection company, 189th separate delivery company, 490th field bakery, 120th separate medical battalion, 1005th veterinary hospital.

    ... Having destroyed the enemy’s bridgehead on the eastern bank of the Volga, in the area of ​​​​the city of Rzhava, as a result of heavy prolonged battles, the 111th division was withdrawn from the battle in October 1942 and transferred to the area of ​​​​the city of Belev Oryol region. The severely depleted division under the command of Colonel Khoteevna was in the second echelon of the army and began recruiting personnel and began combat and political training. At the same time, work was underway to equip the 2nd army line of defense.

    After the restoration of combat capability in December 1942, the division was transferred to the Voronezh Front, where it took part in breaking through the German defense in the middle Don area.

    In January-February 1943, the division, consisting of the 3rd Tank Army of Lieutenant General Rybalko, fought fierce battles for the villages and hamlets of the Rivne region: Ivanovka, Nagolnaya, Rzhevka, Aidar.

    On February 4, 1943, the division came under the command of the commander of the 12th Tank Corps, Lieutenant General of the Tank Forces Zinkevich.

    By this time, soldiers and officers had destroyed 8,375 invaders, destroyed and captured 184 armored vehicles and tanks, 85 guns of various calibers, 6 aircraft, 119 mortars, 259 machine guns, 460 vehicles, 1,950 rifles, 720 horses. The division liberated 300 settlements.

    On March 2, 1943, the 111th Division received the order and left the battle, and on March 14 it was transferred to the reserve of the Voronezh Front and was deployed near the city of Novy Oskol.

    On March 28, 1943, according to the order of the headquarters of the Voronezh Front, the 111th Rifle Division became part of the 69th Army, and on April 8 it took up defensive positions and defended the strip located in the Bolshetroitsky region.

    Later the division occupied the line from x. Petrovka, Bulanovka and to the village of Belyanka. The forces of the division's personnel and the local population are equipping the front line in the area of ​​​​height 196, 7 on the western outskirts of the village of Osinovka, Bolshetroitsy (on the western mountainous outskirts of the fir garden), Ch-Dibrovka, 1 Tseplyaevo, Russkoe.

    The order to the headquarters of the 111th division No. 001 dated April 3, 1943 noted that the enemy, having reached the line of the Seversky Donets River, was carrying out defensive work along the entire front and pulling up units from the depths. In connection with this, the division was ordered to withdraw from its occupied line and by 7 a.m. on April 5 to occupy and prepare defenses in the area of ​​the village. White Well.

    Already on April 3, units of the division withdrew from their positions at 12 o'clock at night and by 7 o'clock in the morning on April 5 began constructing defensive lines: the 399th Infantry Regiment - in the village. Berezovka; The 468th Infantry Regiment left the villages of Nemtsev, Zhurbinka, Pervomaiskoe and by 9 am on April 4 settled for the day in the village. Bershakovo, and then at 10 pm he set out and by 7 am on April 5 he arrived and began defensive work in the village of Ch-Dibrovka.

    The 532nd regiment set out from area x. Badgers and by 7 am on April 5 concentrated and began defensive work in the village. White Well. The 286th Artillery Regiment also arrived here and began equipping its positions.

    On April 8, an order was received again: the 399th regiment to equip the front line at the line 1-Strelitza - x. Berezovo along the Nezhegolek River.

    The 468th Regiment equipped the front line at the Novoselovka line (the eastern outskirts of Bolshetroitsa) and through the Shemraevka farmstead to x. Korzhov.

    Other units received orders at the highest place in the area, in the village. Bulanovka, create a resistance node.

    Thus, in anticipation of the enemy’s attack, the 111th Division lived its full life. Every day, fresh manpower and equipment were replenished from among those who arrived. Everyone expected a new offensive by our troops.

    ...And then July 5, 1943, at the very beginning Battle of Kursk, the division set out on a march in the direction of Volchansk. In one day we covered a distance of up to 45 kilometers. On July 7, the 399th Infantry Regiment, under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Kuleshov, marched into a fierce battle with a well-prepared superior enemy. In collaboration with soldiers of the 468th Infantry Regiment, with the support of army artillery Soviet troops They overthrew a strong enemy and reached the eastern bank of the Seversky Donets River in the direction of Belgorod.

    Developing the offensive, the regiments of the 111th Infantry Division took up defensive positions in the area of ​​the Old City, for which they received 1 letter of gratitude from the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Soviet Union, Marshal I.V. Stalin.

    The 399th Infantry Regiment, while on the defensive, fought off fierce enemy counterattacks every day until July 31, 1943. At 23 o'clock in the morning, the 399th Regiment began to cross the Seversky Donets River in order to create a bridgehead on the western bank of the river. At 24 o'clock at night one of the battalions managed to cross the river and reach the railway station. But the enemy concentrated new forces and launched violent counterattacks. The battalion was forced to retreat to its previous line. On August 4, an advance detachment consisting of a rifle company, under heavy fire from the Nazis, crossed the river in the area northeast of Belgorod and managed to create a bridgehead.

    At 3 o'clock in the morning on August 5, 1943, the 399th regiment, under the cover of artillery preparation, broke into the city of Belgorod and by the end of the day, in cooperation with other units, completely cleared the city of Belgorod. The soldiers of the regiment again received the gratitude of Stalin I.V.

    Having liberated the city of Belgorod, the 111th division, pursuing the enemy, reached the outskirts of Kharkov. In a fierce battle the following were liberated: the village of Bolshaya Danilovka, the supply farm named after Shevchenko.

    Having exhausted the main forces of the enemy, the 399th, 468th and other units of the division went on the offensive at 24 o'clock in the morning on August 22, 1943 and broke into Kharkov on the morning of August 23. By the end of the day, in cooperation with other units in street battles, they completely cleared the city of invaders.

    A huge role was played by the soldiers of the 181st separate sapper battalion, who, every minute, risking their lives, under enemy fire, built bridges, ensured the passage of equipment, removed minefields, ensuring the successful advancement of division units. Thus, the 111th Infantry Division from 1 to last day The Battle of Kursk was fought in our area. After fierce fighting, the division was withdrawn from the battles from September 28 to October 26, 1943 and was in the village of Aleksandrovka and other villages of the Kharkov region in the reserve of the Headquarters of the High Command.

    On October 28, the 111th Division was again on the march and on November 25, 1943, concentrated in the area of ​​​​the city of Pyatikhatka. After the defeat of the enemy in the city, soldiers and officers took part in the liberation of the city of Alexandria. For the bravery and courage of the division's personnel, the division was named after the Alexandria Red Banner Order of Bohdan Khmelnitsky.

    On July 20, 1944, the 111th Infantry Division moved to Romania. For the division’s participation in the Iasi-Kishinev operation, Stalin’s gratitude to I.V. is again declared.

    The 111th Alexandria Rifle Division of the Order of Bohdan Khmelnitsky completed its combat career in Czechoslovakia. The division suffered significant losses. 6,105 soldiers and officers died heroically. However, the division covered itself with unfading glory for its courage.

    TsAMO. Fund 111 SD. Op. 1. D. Historical form.

    The 111th Infantry Division was formed on the basis of the former 29th Infantry Division in July - August 1940. Arkhangelsk Military District, place of deployment during the formation of the city of Vologda 03/17/42. by order No. 76 People's Commissar defense of Comrade Stalin, the division was transformed into the 24th Guards Infantry Division.

    Arriving at the front on 07/01/41. to the Ostrov region of the Leningrad region, part of the division 07/03/41. entered into battle with the Nazi troops advancing from Kaunas through Pskov, Luga to Leningrad. The enemy threw two tank and five motorized infantry divisions in this direction, which were supported by aviation. 07/04/41 With a decisive counterattack, parts of the division threw the enemy 10 km to the west, the city of Ostrov changed hands several times. After heavy battles from 03.07. to 07/08/41 in the areas of Ostrov, Palkino, Dulovka, Nikolaevo, during which up to 1,500 enemy soldiers and officers were killed, 40 tanks were knocked out and destroyed, the division fought back across the river. Velikaya Pskov on the Meadow and 07/20/41. occupied the defense of the southwest. Meadows. The advancing enemy units were stopped here. All German efforts to overthrow the Luga defense and break through to Leningrad were unsuccessful. 07/29/41 With a bold counterattack, the 468th rifle division defeated the SS reconnaissance battalion of the main commander. German army. In this case, more than 100 enemy soldiers and officers were killed.

    In mid-August, the enemy, having thrown more than 10 tank and infantry divisions, tried to break through it and was stopped again. 561 ap. especially distinguished himself in these defensive battles. Major Kuznetsov. Marshal of the Soviet Union, comrade. Voroshilov, with a special order, noted the steadfastness of the Luga defense units and expressed gratitude to all EU personnel. Having no success in the Luga direction, the enemy with strong blows from the directions of Kengisep and Pskov, reached Krasnogvardeysk (near Leningrad) and Novgorod and Chudovo, thereby putting parts of the Luga defense in semi-encirclement, in connection with this, by order of 41 sk 08.20.41. left the defense of Luga and led heavy fighting with the advancing enemy in the area of ​​Sorochkino, Yashchera and the storage farm. "Red Lighthouse"

    2.09.41 when the ammunition ran out and contact with Shtakor 41 was lost, the division began to escape from the encirclement of the enemy, who by this time had closed his ring.

    Having destroyed its material unit, the division, in three separate columns, reached the western bank of the river by the beginning of October. Volkhov in the Myasnoy Bor area along which the front line passed. Contacting Red Army units on the eastern bank through a scout from the 468th Infantry Regiment junior lieutenant. Oplesnin, parts of the division overthrew the enemy garrisons in Starye and Novye Bystritsy, Yamno and crossed the Volkhov. On the night of October 5, the division headquarters and communications battalion fought across. Thanks to the heroic and selfless actions of junior lieutenant Oplesnin, the division was able to retain most of its personnel when leaving the encirclement.

    11/12/41 After being replenished with personnel and equipped with materiel, the division again entered the battle in the Malaya Vishera area (Leningrad region), operating as part of the 52nd Army. During November 11-12, units of the division blocked and destroyed the heavily fortified enemy points of Glutino, Veretye, Glad and liberated up to 20 settlements. 20.11.41 the city was liberated and railroad station Malaya Vishera. In the battles for Malaya Vishera, the enemy suffered up to 1,200 killed and wounded. Particularly fierce battles took place for the Veretye ​​stronghold covering the Gornetsno-Glad road, which is one of the enemy’s communications with his Tikhvin group. After the liquidation of this strong point, part of the 468th division, the rifle regiment entered behind enemy lines and intercepted the road to the station. Ridges - Chudovo in the area of ​​the station. Dubtsy, thus completely cutting off the enemy garrisons of Gorneshko and Hryady from their rear. This operation ensured the rapid defeat of these garrisons.

    During these battles, the enemy's 422nd Infantry Regiment and 215th Artillery Regiment were completely destroyed. The enemy suffered losses of up to 2,500 killed and wounded. Destroyed: 1 tanks, 6 guns, Art. pool. 21, 2 cars.

    Trophies taken: 12 guns, 15 radios and receivers, 18 machine guns, 14 mortars, 3 vehicles, 11 motorcycles, shells and mines up to 5000. 26 enemy soldiers were captured.

    During the second half of January, the division fought in the Gruzino-Chudovo area, but was unsuccessful.

    On January 20, 1942, having transferred to the operational subordination of the 2nd Shock Army, the division was given the task of destroying a large enemy stronghold, Lyubino-Pole - Mostki. On the Chudovo-Novgorod highway, following the order of a division unit on January 23, 1942. blocked the strong point and 02/12/42. mastered it.

    The enemy lost only about 250 soldiers and officers out of 300 people who made up the garrison. The division captured large trophies: 14 guns, 10 mortars, 6 anti-aircraft machine guns, 13 heavy machine guns, 24 vehicles, 3 cars, 12 tractors, 9 tanks (damaged), 70 mine boxes.

    The success of this operation was ensured by a carefully developed artillery offensive plan and its precise execution. The artillery offensive was carried out on February 10 and 11, 1942. by the forces of the artillery regiment.

    The division's losses amounted to 110 people killed and wounded. By eliminating the Lyubino-Pole-Mostki stronghold, the breakthrough in enemy defenses made by units of the 2nd Shock Army in the Myasnoy Bor area was expanded.

    Fulfilling the order of the Headquarters of the 59th Army to go behind enemy lines and encircle its large stronghold - Chudovo, the division in the second half of February fought to eliminate separate resistance centers in the forests west of Spasskaya Polist, Chudovo district.

    02/19/42 The division again became part of the 59th Army. Having cut the enemy's main communications supplying his stronghold at Spasskaya Polist, parts of the division overcame enemy resistance and repelled his counterattacks. continued to delve deeper into the territory occupied by him.

    03/02/42 The enemy's second communication line, the Sennaya Kerest-Glushitsa road, was cut, and the division's units reached the Karpovo 2 area, 7 km away. southwest of Chudovo. However, due to the stretched nature of its own communications, which were constantly exposed to enemy counterattacks and required large forces to guard them, the division could not advance further. At the same time, the enemy, having brought a significant amount of equipment and manpower into battle, reached the communications of the 2nd Shock Army in the Myasnoy Bor area. In this regard, the division received an order from the operational group of the Headquarters of the 59th Army to withdraw its units from Karpovo 2 and take up active defense to the Sennaya Kerest - Glushitsa road.

    The enemy is operating with tanks on 03/20/42. knocked down our guard on the Sennaya-Kerest-Glushitsa road and cut off the 532nd infantry regiment located north-west of Glushitsa from the rear. Regiment until April 24, 1942. fought heavy battles surrounded and left the ring on the orders of Stadiv. 05/27/42 By order of the task force of the Headquarters of the 59th Army, units of the division concentrated in the area of ​​elevation. 37.8 (west of Spasskaya Polist) with the task of breaking through the enemy’s defenses and connecting with units of the 59th Army operating from the east

    Conducting offensive battles in this area for a month and a half in difficult conditions of a swampy forest area, the division was not successful and suffered heavy losses. For the period from 15.02. until 05/15/42 The actions of the units destroyed: 1 tank, 2 guns, 28 rp, 12 heavy machine guns, 21 mortars, 6 enemy soldiers were captured.

    Own losses during this time amounted to 4,000 people. killed and wounded.

    From 20.05. to 07/07/42 The division was on vacation and engaged in combat training in the Bol area. Vyazhitsy Malovishersky district.

    From 08.06. to 07/21/42 By order of the Commander of the Leningrad Front, the division replaced the 374th Infantry Division in defense in the Spasskaya Polist area (on the eastern side).

    From 07/22/42 The division, having surrendered its line to the 378th Infantry Division, reached the Bol area. Knitting materials for combat training.

    08/07/42 By order of the Volkhov Front, the division was loaded into trains at the station. Ridges and 08/11/42 arrived in the Volkovo area, Volkhov Front, Leningrad Region, where she continued her combat training.

    Extracts from the archive were made personally by Oksana Korneva. If you want to copy, be sure to read and complete.
