What is your energy potential, how can you find out? How to find out your potential test

The number of the day you were born (birthday) can give a lot additional information about who you are and where your talents lie. Your birthday indicates some special abilities that you have. This information, in fact, is a gift that is very useful in different life situations.

The Power of Birth is an indicator number of your calling. It tells you what you really are and what you are naturally capable of doing even without training. It serves as a source of strength and energy that can be drawn from it in the course of fulfilling the dictates of Fate. It is who you are or what you have. This number is interpreted as “you are” as opposed to the “you should be” Destiny number.

The Pythagorean square is a universal numerological matrix of a person, which describes the potential inherent in a person. It is believed that this unique system originates from the Egyptian priests. Pythagoras took as a basis the ancient knowledge of numbers and applied to them the aspect of sacred geometry based on the harmony of the square. Thus, you and I have the opportunity to touch the most ancient knowledge and get to know ourselves.

The name is the main word in our life - the password to which we respond. But our name also contains special resonances that attune the owners of each name to special character traits, actions, and their own vision of the world. The name becomes a secret program to which not only we, the owners of names, respond, but also our destiny.

Your expression number is you. Your full birth name contains every aspect of your personality, including your deepest desires and deepest fears. Your full name reflects your true potential, including those talents and capabilities that you have not yet realized and in which you are not entirely sure. We can say that the number life path and all other numbers based on your date of birth show the path you take throughout your life...

The minor number of an expression, like other numbers, is calculated based on the name you use in Everyday life, reflects your external “I”.

The influence of the short name is weaker than the influence of the full name. However, it can introduce or exclude certain qualities, it can concentrate existing qualities or awaken previously dormant talents in you.

Each of us has four parts: body, mind, soul and spirit. Their combination makes us who we are. They act as our points of contact with reality and allow us to think, work, love, plan, dream, build our own lives and express our feelings. Our temperament, disposition, reaction to circumstances, other people and ourselves are determined by the degree of balance and intensity of manifestation of the four Planes of Expression under consideration.

The heart's desire number (sometimes called the soul's desire number) is what your name implies, your inner essence, the desires closest to your heart. It reflects the inner motivation or overall intention behind your actions. It determines the choice of life path. Its influence extends to all areas of your life: career, environment, friends and lifestyle.

The minor number of your heart's desire depends on the vowels that make up your short name. The short name is a reflection of more complex qualities that depend on the full name. It sharpens and enhances the energy contained in your full name, enhancing some aspects of your being and muting others. That is why a short name often allows you to see what you would really like in life. It reflects how strong your desires are...

Your personality number comes from the consonants that make up your full name. Your personality is a narrow hallway leading to a large room that is your essence. This narrow corridor is the first impression people get of you. It either attracts and intrigues, or makes you lose all interest.

Every person born on this earth has his own specific potential. How do you know what your potential is? By what criteria is it determined? Am I capable of achieving success with what I potentially have? We will try to briefly answer these questions, although an entire dissertation could be devoted to this. And I immediately became interested in what the word potential means and I plunged into the research process...
So, potential is the totality of all available opportunities and resources in any area or sphere. This definition refers to human potential (there are also definitions for physics and biology). A synonym for the word potential is opportunity.
The etymology of this word is: “Derived from French. potentiel “might be”, borrowed in the 19th century and having its source in Lat. potential "strength, power". And again: “Derived from noun. potential, from lat. potentialis “powerful”, further from potentia “strength, power”, further from pot;ns “mighty”, part. praes. act. from posse “to be able, to be able” from adj. potis “mighty, capable” + esse “to be”.
Already, based on the definition, it is clear that we are talking about some kind of force, power hidden within us, but which can be realized. How can we determine what is hidden in us?
If you have children, then you probably remember how, when a child is born, a doctor comes to your home and at the first examination asks a lot of questions (Who are your parents, grandparents? What were you sick with? Etc.).
For what? She creates a family tree to see the child's health potential and thus determine milestones further development child. Some features of its potential.
As we grow older, certain qualities and properties may stand out to us. And most often, these characteristics of ours will subsequently influence our further development of personality (where to go to study, choice of profession, etc.).
It turns out that human potential has certain specifics:
Systematicity: human potential has systemic properties and cannot be reduced to a simple sum of a list of people’s qualities.
External conditioning: for the formation and realization of human potential, conditions and factors “external” to it, the nature of the environment of its existence, as a rule, are of decisive importance.
Opacity: human potential is characterized by hidden properties that can become apparent when certain conditions change.
Strategicality: the properties of human potential determine opportunities human development both in the near future and in the more distant future.
Based on this research, we see that certain conditions are necessary to realize potential. But in order to realize it, we must first find out what is inherent in us?
So, take a piece of paper and analyze your life. To do this you need to answer certain questions:
What family was I born into? (who are the parents, their special qualities, professions, what they have achieved, etc.)
What is my social status (peasant, worker, boss, intellectual, single mother, mother of many children, disabled, pensioner, etc.)
What talents and abilities do I have?
What is my character?
Is learning easy for me?
Am I ready to change quickly?
Can I manage my time correctly? (diary, goals, priorities)
Can I manage my finances correctly? (maintain a budget, invest)
Do I have leadership abilities? (organizer, leader or follower)
What is the opinion of others about me? (characteristic, attitude)
By answering all these questions, you can see what you roughly have. But in order to see and reveal to you the full potential placed in you by the Creator, you need to turn to God the Creator and He will help you see and realize what you were created for on this earth.


Sometimes it’s worth thinking about how well your potential has been revealed, and what you should strive for.

This test will help you determine your maximum level. Have you reached your potential, or do you still have room to grow? Are there hidden abilities within you that you don't know about, or are you using everything you have?

Take the test and maybe it will tell you.

Under the test you can find 5 useful tips about how to develop your potential.

How to develop your potential

1. Try to understand what exactly your potential is.

Simply put, unlocking your potential means developing yourself to become the best version of yourself.

Try thinking about the following:

* What have you always wanted to do, achieve or achieve?

* Did you want to become a better person, for example kinder or more confident?

* Is there a desire to become stronger or lose weight?

2. Try to confidently move towards your goal.

First you need to clearly understand that the goal you have set for yourself is achievable. This could be a daily task or a longer-term goal. After that, get down to business.

In fact, the most difficult part is getting started. Once you overcome it, you will begin to move confidently towards your goal.

3. The main thing is to take small but confident steps.

You've set a goal and it's time to start moving. However, when starting, you may have to stop more than once and think about everything again, because sometimes the path to the goal may be more difficult than you initially thought.

Try to approach the matter in a way that makes you feel comfortable.

4. Accept the idea that failure and defeat are part of life.

While developing yourself and striving for your goals, there will definitely be failures. It's actually another way to figure out what really works and what doesn't. Failures help a person understand his true strength, and also help him realize mistakes and find ways out of different situations.

An old Greek proverb says: “The eyes are the window to the soul.” And in many ways she is right, because with the help of our eyes we touch, learn and even fall in love. Vision involves all of a person’s senses at once, and this is where its great importance lies. However, it is not necessary to see only with the eyes...

Choose an eye to see!

When we talk about vision from the point of view of magic, we mean many things that are not related to our usual senses. It's about about spiritual vision and how we “see” things around us astral body. Astral Vision is much more valuable than ordinary vision and is of an eternal nature. Spiritual eyes are equally capable of blessing, charming or cursing. This is why sometimes we say to trust your inner voice: energy is not capable of lies.

Now we suggest choosing one eye and letting the eye choose you. Which one can see your soul? Which one do you feel connected to? Take this test again in a month and the result will surprise you!

1. I am passion

The flame of passion burns within you, and your instincts tremble and crave food. You want adventure again and again. You want to live the way you like and be spontaneous in your actions. Your libido has awakened, and now you are sure of your intentions and know what you want from the future. And you're probably angry about something that happened in the past and that won't let you go. But the key to healing lies in forgiveness. But at the same time, fire can both give life and lead a person into a death trap. So make sure that your awakened instincts are used for good, let the fire light your path!

2. I am a mystery

In the past, you have put a lot of effort into the pursuit of knowledge. But you've sacrificed a lot along the way to get to where you are today. You may have lost something valuable, but here you are - wise and strong. Although you don’t understand it yet, you are much stronger now than before. On the other hand, the acquired knowledge can now be used to achieve your goals. And even if they are already different, do not waste your knowledge. Set new goals for yourself and take control of your future! The time has come to develop, so show the world what you are capable of!

3. I am nature

Your life energy has always been part of nature. Now you understand this better than ever. You are guided by the spirits of nature and you know that you have the power and ability to create miracles within your control. These miracles can change the lives of those around you, which is why people are drawn to you in search of healing. Your aura is permeated with natural green forces and allows you to radiate calm and happiness. Use herbal magic to master this gift. Discover the properties of resins, plants and herbs to reach your full potential!

4. I am the spirit of the ephemeral

You always want to know more about what is happening, penetrating into the essence of everything around you. You constantly wonder how life might have turned out if you had chosen a different path. Sometimes you are too hard on yourself and you are an idealist. But life is life, and although your pure soul is able to guide people on the true path, you feel lonely because you constantly doubt your choices, motives and judgments. Just start trusting yourself more!

Of course, you will also make mistakes, and sometimes they will be very painful. But who doesn’t make mistakes in this life? If we were perfect, we wouldn't be born here. Learn to love yourself and trust your inner self!

5. I am a mystery

Most of the information people get from you is simply the result of your skillful manipulation. You know exactly what you can tell and what is better to hide. It may not be intentional, but you value your personal qualities too much to share them with anyone else.

You reward your loved ones by gradually sharing your most intimate things with them, and the more you love someone, the more you reveal yourself to them. Perhaps this happens because you have already been betrayed once, and you have formed a protective, impregnable wall around yourself. This aura of mystery is part of a defense mechanism. Just be careful and don’t get too carried away with the riddles: those who were stupid enough to betray you should not be compared with those who love you and want to be near you. Open your heart to love and let old wounds heal!

6. I am a soul capable of charming

With your mystery, you literally attract others to you. Your aura radiates mystery and wisdom, and the energy emanating from you is so strong that you are always the center of attention, although you may not notice it.

Become more confident in yourself Accept that you are special and that you have great potential within you. Know your abilities and hidden sides and try to remember all your previous lives in order to fully reveal yourself in this one.

And most importantly, it’s time for you to move from defense to moving towards your dreams, because you can achieve anything. The only thing you need to do is believe in yourself and everything will work out.

7. I am the night watchman

You are a keeper of knowledge and a master of disguise. You enjoy watching how others behave in a certain situation. You also know how to create the illusion of something and how to “play” relationships. And despite your sincerity, you still prefer to talk less about yourself. You like to give people a reason to know more about you and position yourself as some kind of award that can be won if you show what you can do.

You are used to setting bait and waiting for someone to fall into your net. But once you are in your power, a person will never regret meeting you. Your heart is full of secrets. And the one who turns out to be smart and brave enough to look into this “dark abyss” will be rewarded by having the opportunity to walk in this life next to you.

0 - these are people in a large degree of drawdown, or in an energy minus. The main characteristic is the “sucking” of energy from others. When you come into contact with them, you usually lose your energy. Such negative energy negatively affects life and relationships with other people.

1 is weakened energy. For one reason or another. Often this is a consequence of the low energy of the silver thread. This energy potential is slightly below average. It is difficult for people with such energy to compete in society with other people, to achieve results, to make their opinion heard and taken into account.

2 is the average energy level for society. A normal healthy state of energy, without any special distortions, for a person who has not done much in any energy practices. Or he didn’t do them at all, but has good health and energy. This is a good base to start energy practice and move on to the next category.

3 are people with strong, leadership energy. Or they are already established leaders in society, highly productive specialists, businessmen. Or these are people who are already actively engaged in energy practices, and due to this they have received great advantages over others in society.
They have influence, they can do what others do not have the strength to do, they can achieve results where others fail. This state of energy already allows us to have a fairly good social level. However, here too there are often certain shortcomings in the energy sector.


4 is a special category of people, to which I include only energy practitioners, or people with “magical” energy from birth. These are people with an energetic configuration that allows them to influence ongoing events and be conductors of forces. Such people are usually already psychics by default. Here, energy deficiencies and “blank spots” are also often encountered, due to which such people cannot fully realize their potential.
