Blessed oil is a source of spiritual strength and a means of bodily healing. The Icon of the Mother of God “The Tsaritsa”, what it helps with and the meaning The Icon of the Tsarina – help in solving financial problems

Treatment of cancer with the help of the All-Tsaritsa icon
The icon of the All-Tsarina is used in the treatment of a person with cancer or for protection against cancer of the family.

the icon is placed in the red corner and standard prayers are read in front of it
prayer service with a prayer to her at the end of the prayer service and with a request at the end of the prayer to
it is about healing a person.
You can read more about this icon on the Internet.
First prayer
Oh, All-Good, wonderful Mother of God, Pantanassa, All-Tsarina!
Come under my roof!
Yes, say the word, Compassionate Mother of God of Mercy and Love, and may my soul be healed and may my ailing body be strengthened.
You have an invincible power and your word is omnipotent, O All-Queen.
Tell me (name) for me.
Ask (name) for me.
You beg for me (name).
May I glorify Your glorious name, O Queen of All, forever and ever. Amen.
Second prayer
Most Pure Mother of God, All-Tsarina. Hear our painful sigh
before your miraculous icon, brought from the inheritance of Athos to Russia,
look upon Thy children, the incurable ailments of those who suffer, to the holy image
To yours who fall in faith! Like a winged bird covering its chicks,
so You too, now, ever-living being, cover us with Your multi-healing
omophorion. Appear with patience and weakness. There, where hope disappears,
Wake up with undoubted Hope. There, where fierce sorrows prevail,
there, where the darkness of despair has settled in the souls, let the ineffable light shine
Deities! Comfort the faint-hearted, strengthen the weak, hardened hearts
Grant softening and enlightenment. Heal Your sick people, O All-Merciful One.
To the queen! Bless the minds and hands of those who heal us, may they serve as a tool
The Almighty Physician Christ our Savior. As if Ti, who is with us, is more alive,
We pray before Your icon, O Lady! Stretch out Your hands, filled with
healing and healing, Joy to the sorrowful, Consolation to the sorrowful, yes
Having soon received miraculous help, we glorify the Life-Giving, Undivided One
Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.
Troparion to the Theotokos of All Queens, tone 4
In a manner
the joyful joy of the honest All-Tsarina, the warm desire of those seeking grace
Yours, save, Lady; deliver from circumstances those who come running to You, from
protect Your flock from all adversity, calling for Your intercession
Prayer three
O Healing Queen of All,
All-merciful Mother of God,
Intercessor and tablet of Light in hearts,
Queen of peace and merciful healing,
Come into my home,
And say the word so that my soul may be healed;
Yes, strengthen my spirit,
May my body be healed,
May you heal my illness (for oncology: cancer, which is corroding my body)
Say the word and calm the storm of my passions
And heal my bodily enmity
And may I glorify Your miracles
Forever and ever!
Let it be so!
protection of some kind from cancer, if there is a predisposition to it,
you need to buy an icon of the Queen of All and keep it in the bedroom. And every 20th
months for 3 years and 1 and a half months to read one of the
the above prayers with a request to protect your family from cancer.
For cancer
the Four-Part and Five-Part Icons of the Mother of God are also treated, as well as
The icon of the Three-Handed Mother of God, famous for its healing power
But, if the cancer has already begun to eat the body,
It is not enough to count on the help of prayers alone. The best treatment option in
In this case, it is a combination of herbal medicine or homeopathy with prayers,
read for the believer.
It is no coincidence that I mentioned the believer, having
meaning not a person’s belonging to any religion, but his sincere
faith in God. As traditional healers have said for many centuries:
“Only God heals.” And for God to be able to cure a person, the person must
let God inside you. If a person is closed from God, then there is no
prayer, no external worship, no feat of relatives
patient and no most advanced treatment will help him. Only the one
whoever lives with God inside himself receives from God at any necessary moment
comfort and help. He who does not accept God within himself remains without
him. This is the right of a person’s personal choice and the payment for this choice.
I have been convinced from personal experience more than once that saving an unbeliever (and even
belonging to any religion outwardly) of a person at the moment when he
there is a mortal danger, impossible.
If the tumor is already
has taken a serious form, prayers in combination with gentle treatment can
turn out to be not enough. In this case, traditional medicine recommends
any serious ritual for healing from such a disease.

of such rituals begging for the healing of a person from cancer
is the ritual of “The Queen of the Seven Rivers”. It is called that because
it uses the icon of the Mother of God “The Queen of All” and the power of seven rivers and seven

This ritual has saved many lives because it
used not only to treat cancer, but also to save lives
human in case of fatal generic damage or curse, as well as for
saving the life of a weak child or woman from any female

Ritual of “The Queen of the Seven Rivers”
For the ritual to you
you will need the icon “The Queen of All” and the patient’s voluntary desire to perform
pilgrimage. Without voluntary desire, to carry out this ritual of meaning
does not have - God will not give a person healing.
Choose a route
pilgrimage (but it must be voluntary, if a person does not want,
There is no need to drag him - God will not give him healing).

Let me give you an example,
when Evdokia Stepanova herself offered her healing services to one
famous actor, but he replied that he did not believe in God and does not believe. Then
she told him that means he will die. Because it can only heal
God, and if a person does not accept God, then God will not give him healing. What
and it happened, although this actor was treated by the best doctors of Soviet times.

If a person voluntarily agrees to a pilgrimage, he must choose
a path through seven monasteries so that on the way from your home to the last
monastery cross seven rivers. Completing such a pilgrimage in one day
It’s unlikely to succeed, but you can return home only after passing through 7 rivers and
There are 7 monasteries, so the route must include places for
overnight stays
Previously, this could be done in the monasteries themselves.
on the way they take the home icon of the All-Tsarina with them, carefully wrapping it in
a pure one-color scarf or a blessed scarf intended for
church decoration. The person before the pilgrimage and everyone who decided
to go with him, they are blessed with the help of this icon.
When crossing each river, they ask to wash away the disease:
Baba Voda, bright river,
Remove from (name) everything that sickens your soul.
Everything that the soul and body suffers from,
The Queen of the Seven Rivers is removed
As it was in the beginning, so it will be fulfilled today and so it will be.
Let it be so!
A religious person instead of the mystical “so be it!” uses "Amen!" or any key word of your faith.
In this spell, words (except for the words of the key) cannot be rearranged or read differently, otherwise it will not work!
they enter the monastery, taking with them in a special bag (that is, in a bag
there should only be an icon and a card in which it will be wrapped and
nothing more) the icon of the All-Tsarina, unfolding it in front of it. With this icon
They perform the service in every monastery in full. Upon completion of service in
in the same temple they independently read prayers to the Mother of God the All-Tsarina (the same
the ones they read at home) with a request for healing.
To the monastery
donate money asking for healing. Every monastery takes a saint
water, pouring it into a separate small bottle. Leaving the monastery,
the icon is carefully wrapped in cloth, and the bottle is placed next to it so that
the power of the icon added healing energy to the holy water.
In the latter monastery they buy blessed oil and incense for an odd sum.
Returning home, all seven waters are mixed together. A little bit of this water
added to a bucket of regular tap water, poured full
silence. All handles, window sills, thresholds and
After which the patient is washed from head to head with clean holy water.
heels so that the entire body is covered. At this moment the patient can
feel very bad: you may start to sweat, feel dizzy,
temperature rise, etc. It still needs to be washed. And when it's bad
feeling well, put him to bed, letting him sleep as much as he needs
for conversion.
After washing the patient, you must wash your own hands from the elbows down with holy water with any prayer.
oil is applied to the sore spot every day after prayer in front of the icon
All-Tsaritsa. And the amulet is placed under the patient’s pillow.
Within 3 days
After the ritual, they don’t lend anything to anyone. Overnight from midnight to 3
in the morning they do not open doors and windows and do not answer the phone at this time,
if he calls.
If everything in the ritual is done with faith, the person begins to recover within 40 days.
If there is no faith, nothing will help.

Sheremetyevo Airport lived its own well-functioning life. The plane has landed... Check-in begins... Check-in for our flight has not yet begun. I accompanied two monks I knew to Mount Athos, and we sat in the waiting room and talked. Suddenly an elderly woman approached us, smiled timidly, and looked pleadingly at my companions.

– I accidentally heard that you are flying to Athos. I have a request to you: there is an icon there, they say it cures cancer. I don’t remember what it’s called, but they know it there. I always carry a paper icon with me, my granddaughter... - she began to cry habitually and bitterly, as people who have suffered and hope for nothing cry.

She handed my companions a slightly crumpled small icon with the Mother of God sitting on the royal throne. On his knees is the Infant God, blessing with his right hand and holding a scroll in his left. Behind, behind the throne, are two angels. One stretches out his arms, the other folds them crosswise on his chest. I immediately remembered that I have exactly the same one at home, brought to me last year as a gift from Athos.

- "The Queen of All"! – we exclaimed almost simultaneously.
- Come on, mother, the address. This is clearly God’s providence - just a little more and they would have flown away. You're right, this icon is on Mount Athos. We'll be there, we'll apply this one to the miraculous one. We'll come back and call you. You’ll take it,” was all my companions had time to say. Registration has started.

It’s interesting, I thought, an ordinary day, unremarkable, and above it, surprisingly and brightly, is the Lord. Arranges meetings, gives hope, makes people happy. Later I asked. That woman actually came to the monks for her icon attached to the “Vseritsa”, and also for oil from the lamp above it. Thank you very much.

And the “Vsetsaritsa” is located in the Vatopedi Monastery. They say that this monastery is one of the richest and most extensive on Mount Athos. It was founded by Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Constantine in the first half of the 4th century. True, it was soon ruined by the Roman emperor, the apostate Julian. But it so happened that at this place the son of the Byzantine emperor Theodosius the Great was miraculously saved, and the grateful father restored the monastery again. What happened to my son? The young prince Arkady was returning by sea from Rome to Constantinople. Suddenly a terrible storm arose, and a wave threw him into the depths of the sea. Heartbroken, the companions landed on the Athos shore. Imagine their surprise when on the shore under the shadow of a thorn tree they saw the prince serenely sleeping. They woke me up and started hugging and kissing me. Tell me, they ask, how did you get to Athos? And the prince only repeats that the Mother of God saved him, he only repeats... Great was the joy of Emperor Theodosius, he spared no expense - he restored the ancient monastery. Since then, it received the name Vatoped, which translated means “youth’s bush.”

At the very place where the boy was discovered, there is now an altar of the monastery church. The shrines of the Vatopedi Monastery are great. It is here that part of the sponge is kept, on which the crucified Savior was given otset (vinegar with gall) to drink. This is where part of the Life-giving Cross of the Lord is located. The priceless treasure of the monastery, the belt of the Mother of God, is kept in a silver ark under glass. I was told that the belt was small, about thirty centimeters, woven, dark, with a gold thread in the middle. Here, in Vatopedi, is the incorruptible head of John Chrysostom. And icons, miraculous icons. “Consolation or Consolation”, “Forerunner”, “Executed” and – “The Tsarina of All”.
The place of the "Vsetsaritsa" in the cathedral church, to the left of the Royal Doors. They say that one elder brought it to the monastery. One day a young man approached the icon and wanted to cross himself, but was thrown away from the icon onto the floor by an invisible force. In fear, he ran out of the temple, and soon confessed to the monastery elders that he was practicing witchcraft.

The first copy of the icon was made only in 1993 for Greece. People began to notice that in front of the icon they were receiving healings from... cancer. The earth was full of rumors. In Russia they also learned about the amazing icon, and Greek postcard icons began to spread here and there. They were sorely lacking. They went to their homes, where trouble was registered, desperate people fell to them in prayer. Russia asked, Russia hoped, Russia believed. Then, at the request of the Community of Mercy of the Holy Righteous John of Kronstadt at the children's oncology center on Kashirskoye Highway, the abbot of the Vatopedi Monastery, Archimandrite Ephraim, blessed to make a list from Mount Athos and appeared to the unfortunate child. It was this girl who was the first to venerate the icon. And miracles began. A few months later, on the feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the “Vsetsaritsa” began... streaming myrrh. Several large drops of peace appeared on it, and an amazing fragrance filled everything around. On the Feast of the Entry of the Most Holy Theotokos into the Temple, the flow of myrrh was repeated once again.

Needless to say, the news about the amazing icon spread throughout Moscow with lightning speed. It was transferred to the Church of All Saints of the former Novo-Alekseevsky Monastery, which is in Krasnoselsky Lane, not far from the Krasnoselskaya metro station. Molebens began to be held in front of the icon, at which oil (oil) was consecrated for the healing of ailments. But “The Tsaritsa” did not leave the children of the cancer center. The miraculous image is regularly brought here, and prayer services are held here.

A young couple lived without God. A child was born, but they didn’t rejoice for long. He was not yet a year old, and the doctors diagnosed him like a bolt from the blue: liver cancer. They began to rush in different directions, but there was only one conclusion: the firstborn was doomed. And then a believing woman I knew brought to the young parents’ house an icon-postcard from the miraculous image of the “All-Tsaritsa,” oil blessed at the prayer service, and an akathist. She advised: read the akathist daily for forty days and anoint the child with oil. And she gave this advice to her mother: go to church every week and receive communion. Everything was done. Forty days passed, they did an examination... Yes, yes, the child sentenced to death turned out to be completely healthy. Need I say that the parents have since become faithful children of the Church?

In the short time before the “Vse Tsaritsa”, many miraculous healings occurred. One woman was diagnosed with a brain tumor in the winter of 1995, and it had already metastasized. I began to come to prayer services at the holy image. And a year later in the spring, during a repeat examination, the tumor was not found. A parishioner of the temple named George suffered from bladder cancer. I started going to the “Vsetsaritsa” for prayer services. A year later, not a trace of the disease remained. A woman named Nadezhda received a severe spinal injury: a displaced compression fracture. They performed an operation, but the severe pain did not subside, and it was difficult to take a few steps on my own. Literally crawled to the “Vsetsaritsa”. Now he goes to church without outside help.

The “Tsarina of All,” who came to us from Holy Mount Athos, does not abandon the Russians with her mercies and, first of all, those whose prayers are with faith and patience. A cynical person cannot bow humbly before an image. Let us remember once again: it will be done for you according to your faith. Opening your heart and letting a miracle into it is easy at first glance. This is great work, and, like any great work in the name of God, it is rewarded.

It’s good, wonderful, glorious that we now have “Vsetsaritsa”, in Greek – “Pantanassa”. The Vatopedi shrine that came to Russia. Came to save. Probably not only those with serious illnesses, but also those who are tired of living without faith, who have fallen and have not risen again. The Mother of God patiently bestows upon us her miracles. Not seeing them is a sin. And seeing is believing. According to our faith, according to faith...

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary before her icon “The Tsaritsa”

O most pure Mother of God, All-Tsarina! Hear our much-painful sigh before Your miraculous icon, brought from the Athos inheritance to Russia, look at Your children, all those remembered here, those suffering from incurable ailments, who fall to Your holy image with faith! Just as a winged bird covers its chicks, so You, now and ever-living being, cover all those here now remembered with Your multi-healing omophorion. There, where hope disappears, awaken with undoubted Hope. There, where fierce sorrows prevail, Appear with Patience and Weakness. There, where the darkness of despair has settled in the souls, let the ineffable light of the Divine shine! Comfort the faint-hearted, strengthen the weak, grant softening and enlightenment to hardened hearts. Heal Your sick people, O all-merciful Queen! Bless the minds and hands of those who heal; may they serve as an instrument of the Almighty Physician Christ our Savior. As if You are alive and present with us, we pray before Your icon, O Lady! Extend Your hand, full of healing and healing, Joy to those who mourn, Consolation to those in sorrow, so that with miraculous help we soon receive, we glorify the Life-Giving and Indivisible Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

Date of publication or update 02/01/2017

  • Book Historical description of the Vvedensky Vladychny convent in the city of Serpukhov.
  • Shrines of the Vladychny Monastery

    Holy oil

    Blessed oil is holy. Use it reverently, prayerfully and in faith. You can anoint sore spots with the oil in a cross shape; If necessary, take in food in a small amount, dripping onto a prosphora or a piece of bread.

    You cannot use holy oil as food additives in the form of dressing for salads, soups, etc., so as not to desecrate the shrine. It should be kept near icons or with other shrines.

    In the Vladychny Monastery, in front of the miraculous myrrh-streaming icons of the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice”, “The All-Tsarina” and at the tombstone of St. Varlaam of Serpukhov, unquenchable lamps burn, the oil from these lamps, consecrated by the grace of these shrines, is used for anointing. With the help of God, through the prayers of the Lady Theotokos and the saint of God, Varlaam, through this holy oil, those who suffer receive healing from their ailments.

    The container of holy oil must be burned.

    Holy water with peace

    Holy water with peace is a shrine. Use it reverently, prayerfully and in faith. You can anoint sore spots with holy water and myrrh in a cross shape, make lotions if necessary, and take small amounts throughout the day, using special containers for holy water.

    Holy water and peace should not be sprinkled on premises and things. It cannot be used for cooking, teas, decoctions, etc., so as not to desecrate the shrine. It should be stored near icons or with other shrines.

    In the St. George Church of the Vladychny Monastery, more than 30 icons stream myrrh, many of which are miraculous. Myrrh collected from these icons is added to holy water. With the help of God, through the prayers of the Most Pure Mother of God and all the saints, through this holy water, in peace, those who suffer receive healing from their ailments,

    The holy water vessel with myrrh can be used to store holy water (do not use it for other drinks!) or must be burned.

    Holy water from prayer service

    Blessed water is sacred. Use it reverently, prayerfully and in faith. Holy water from the prayer service can be taken throughout the day using special containers for holy water.

    Holy water from a prayer service can be sprinkled on premises and things. Cannot be used for cooking, teas, decoctions, etc., so as not to desecrate the shrine. It should be kept near icons or with other shrines.

    In the Vladychny Monastery, before the miraculous myrrh-streaming icons of the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice” and “The All-Tsarina”, prayer services are served with an akathist and the rite of blessing of water. Through the prayers of the Most Pure Mother of God, this holy water has the blessed power to heal those suffering from mental and physical ailments.

    The holy water vessel can be used to store holy water (do not use it for other drinks!) or must be burned.

    A mitten, a scarf, a scarf, consecrated on the tombstone of St. Varlaam Serpukhovsky

    A consecrated product is a shrine. Use them reverently, prayerfully and in faith. Can be worn or applied to sore spots for physical or mental ailments. They should be kept near icons or with other shrines.

    In the Vladychny Convent, the relics of St. Varlaam of Serpukhov rest in secret. Through the prayers of this saint of God, consecrated things have the grace-filled power to help and heal those suffering from mental and physical ailments.

    Wash separately from other items (can be washed with detergents). After washing, pour the water under a tree or bush so that it is not trampled underfoot or desecrated by animals.

    Candles burned from unquenchable lamps at the miraculous myrrh-streaming icons and tombstones of St. Varlaam Serpukhovsky

    Candles burned near unquenchable lamps are sacred objects - they must be handled with reverence.

    They are intended for home use only. Candles are lit in front of icons when reading an akathist to the Mother of God or St. Varlaam (the number of candles corresponds to forty), when reading the prayer rule, in a state of spiritual sorrow, in illness and temptation.

    In addition, a candle is a testimony of faith, a person’s involvement in the Divine light. It expresses the flame of our love for the Lord, the Mother of God, angels or saints. You cannot light a candle formally, with a cold heart.

    External action must be complemented by prayer, even the simplest one, in your own words.

    There is a documented case that after lighting a candle, a raging drunkard calmed down.

    Incense consecrated on the tombstone of St. Varlaam of Serpukhov and the miraculous image of the Mother of God "Inexhaustible Chalice"

    It protects against unclean spirits and carries within itself the power of grace from the shrines on which it is consecrated.

    A material shrine given as God’s mercy to the human race - to drive away enemies visible and invisible.

    Rusks blessed on the tombstone of St. Varlaam Serpukhovsky

    Blessed crackers are a shrine - they must be handled with reverence, prayer and faith.

    You can consume them throughout the day with holy water. Do not eat together with other products, for example: carbonated water, tea, soups, etc. They should be kept near icons or with other shrines.

    In the Vladychny Convent, the relics of St. Varlaam of Serpukhov rest in secret. Through the prayers of this saint of God, consecrated crackers have the blessed power to help and heal those suffering from mental and physical ailments.

    Packaging of blessed crackers must be burned.

    Blessed leather belts

    Belts with a prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos are consecrated on the miraculous myrrh-streaming image of the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice” and the tombstone of St. Varlaam Serpukhovsky.

    Belts with the Jesus and Mother of God prayers, belts with the prayer “Alive in Help...” (Psalm 90), belts with the prayer “Save and Preserve” are consecrated on the tombstone of St. Varlaam Serpukhovsky.

    miraculous power of the icon of the Mother of God “Vsetsaritsa”

    Icon of the Mother of God, called “The All-Tsarina” (“Pantanassa”)

    Before the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Vsetsaritsa” (“Pantanassa”) they pray for healing from cancer and for deliverance from magical spells.

    The miraculous icon of the Mother of God, called the “Vsetsaritsa” (in Greek – “Pantanassa”), is located on Holy Mount Athos in Greece. She resides in the Vatopedi Monastery, in the cathedral church of the monastery, to the left of the royal doors. This icon is small in size. The time of its writing dates back to the 17th century.
    The icon depicts the Most Pure Virgin in a scarlet robe, seated on the royal throne. In Her arms is the Child of God with a scroll in his left hand and blessing with his right hand. With her right hand, the Mother of God points to Her Royal Son as the Savior of all people. In the background are two angels who reverently overshadow the Most Pure Virgin with their wings.

    Icon of the Mother of God All-Tsaritsa or Pantanassa. Athos. Vatoped

    This icon belongs to the Panahranta iconographic type, which translated from Greek means “Most Immaculate”, “Most Pure”. The All-Merciful is the second name for icons of the Mother of God of this type. A common feature of such icons is that the Mother of God is depicted seated on a throne with the Child Christ on her lap. The throne symbolizes the royal grandeur and glory of the Mother of God, the most perfect of all those born on earth.

    In the 20th century, the famous Athonite elder Joseph the Hesychast blessed his disciples with the image of “Pantanassa”. He conveyed to his contemporaries the ancient legend about this icon.

    One day a strange man approached the icon and began muttering something inaudibly. At that moment, the face of the Mother of God shone with a wondrous light, and an invisible force threw the young man to the floor. In fear, he ran out of the temple and with tears confessed to the elders that he had led a sinful life and was engaged in witchcraft and magic. Thus, the Most Holy Theotokos revealed a miracle from Her image, turned the young man away from wickedness and set him on the path of repentance. The miraculous intervention of the Mother of God convinced him to change his life and stay on Mount Athos.
    This was the first manifestation of the miraculous power of the icon of the Mother of God “The All-Tsarina”; later they began to notice that the icon had a beneficial effect on patients with various tumors, including malignant ones, as they are called in the modern world. Not many people know that the disease cancer has an ancient history. The name “cancer” comes from the term “carcinoma” introduced by Hippocrates, derived from two Greek words: “crab” and “tumor”. Hippocrates called the tumor carcinoma because it looks like a crab. The disease was first described in an Egyptian papyrus around 1600 BC. e.. The papyrus talks about several forms of cancer and reports that there is no cure for this disease. Already in the 1st century BC. The Roman physician Aulus Cornelius Celsus proposed treating cancer at an early stage by removing the tumor, and at a later stage not treating it at all.

    It cannot be said that over the past 2000 years, doctors have made any particular progress in the fight against this disease, which affects an increasing number of people every year. Now, as before, this disease is considered incurable, and all cancer patients hope only for a miracle. It must be admitted that cases of miraculous healing do occur, many of them, perhaps all, are associated with fervent prayerful appeal to the Savior and the Mother of God. Therefore, when in the 17th century the miraculous power of the icon of the Mother of God “The All-Tsarina” in curing cancer was discovered, exact lists began to be made from the icon for other monasteries. Gradually, the icon became known throughout the world as a healer of cancer, and to this day the image of the Mother of God “The All-Tsarina” has the grace to heal the most terrible of diseases of modern humanity. The very name of the icon, All-Mistress, All-Mistress, speaks of its special, all-encompassing power. This image of the Mother of God has the most powerful healing principle.

    In 1995, Russians also had the opportunity to bow before the miraculous image in order to directly before the face of the Mother of God turn to the All-Tsarina with a request for deliverance from many incurable diseases, and first of all, from cancer, which is called the plague of the 20th century, and which does not spare small children , neither young men nor old men.

    At the request of the Community of Mercy of the Holy Righteous John of Kronstadt at the children's oncology center on Kashirskoye Highway, the abbot of the Vatopedi Monastery, Archimandrite Ephraim, blessed to make a copy of the Athonite miraculous icon of the Mother of God “The All-Tsarina”. An exact copy of the icon, painted in compliance with the canon, prayers and solemn services, appeared to the unfortunate children.

    And miracles began. The condition of the children improved significantly, which could not be explained solely by the use of medications. A few months later, on the feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the icon of the Mother of God “The Tsarina of All” began to stream myrrh, several large drops of myrrh appeared on it, and an amazing fragrance filled everything around. On the Feast of the Entry of the Most Holy Theotokos into the Temple, the flow of myrrh was repeated once again. The first miracle revealed by the All-Tsarina in Russia is called the healing of a young man who had suffered from drug addiction for many years. Since then, parents have turned to the Mother of God in front of the “Vsetsaritsa” icon to pray for their children who are addicted to drugs and alcohol.

    Needless to say, the news about the amazing icon spread throughout Moscow with lightning speed. The miraculous image was transferred to the Church of All Saints of the former Novo-Alekseevsky Monastery, which is located in Krasnoselsky Lane, not far from the Krasnoselskaya metro station; the image of the “All-Tsarina” is regularly brought back to the oncology center for prayer services.

    Church of All Saints in Krasnoe Selo, metro station "Krasnoselskaya"

    To the left of the Royal Doors is the Icon of the Mother of God “The Tsaritsa”

    After some time, a Church Slavonic version of the akathist to the Mother of God in honor of Her icon “The Tsaritsa” was created, different from the Greek. Every Sunday in the Church of All Saints at 16.30 (and if a great holiday falls on Monday, at 15.00) prayers are held with the reading of an akathist to the Mother of God and the blessing of oil for anointing all those who suffer, and not only from cancer. The chronicle of healing is constantly updated with more and more new evidence of miraculous help for those who no longer expected to receive it from earthly doctors. There are stories here about old people and babies, on behalf of women and men, about healing in the late stages of cancer and about removing suspicion of it, about recovery from fatal diseases and from those that bring a lot of suffering, but are not fatal and about much, much more. Grateful people not only leave their stories in the book, but also bring all kinds of gifts to the shrine.

    For example, in 2002, one person suffered a hypertensive crisis. After discharge, on the advice of his relatives, he went for a brain tomography. The examination showed that after frequent pressure surges, a tumor had formed in the brain. There was only one solution - surgery. Before undergoing surgery, this man went to the monastery for a blessing, and there his wife ordered a prayer service for the “All-Tsarina” icon with the blessing of water. While in the hospital, he constantly prayed to the All-Tsarina for recovery and constantly drank holy water, which he took after the prayer service. The hospital did another follow-up examination, which confirmed healing from a serious illness.

    Today this list, which is located in the Church of All Saints in Krasnoe Selo, is no longer the only one in Russia. In 1997, another miraculous copy of the icon of the Mother of God “Vsetsaritsa” appeared in Moscow, which is located in the Novospassky Monastery (Moscow, Krestyanskaya Square, 10, metro station “Proletarskaya”). This list was specially prepared at the Vatopedi Monastery and brought to Russia. He is revered as miraculous and myrrh-streaming. Here, too, a book is kept in which all miracles occurring from the shrine are recorded. Prayer services are performed in front of it every day, and on Sundays prayer services are served with the blessing of water.

    The miraculous icon of the Mother of God “Vsetsaritsa” in the Novospassky Monastery

    Numerous offerings hanging on the icon testify to the many cases of healings revealed through prayers to the Mother of God at this image.

    The myrrh-streaming icon of the “All-Tsarina” is currently in
    Vladychny Convent (Moscow region, city of Serpukhov). This icon streamed myrrh more than 30 times. 2 cases of healing from cancer have been documented. At the monastery, an akathist is read daily before the miraculous image of the Mother of God, during which the names of people suffering from various ailments are remembered.

    “The Tsaritsa” is considered the most “powerful” icon in the world, healing cancer patients. The Mother of God reveals Her ineffable mercy and grants healing to all who turn to Her in prayer with faith and love before Her glorified image.

    Troparion, tone 4
    With the joyful image of the honest All-Tsarina, / with the warm desire of those seeking Thy grace, save, O Lady; / deliver those who come running to You from circumstances; / Protect Your flock from every misfortune, // always calling for Your intercession.


    First prayer
    O All-merciful, venerable Mother of God, Pantanassa, All-Queen! I am not worthy, but come under my roof! But as a merciful and gracious Mother of God, say the word, may my soul be healed and my weak body strengthened. For you have an invincible power and all your words will not be exhausted, O All-Tsaritsa! You beg for me. You begged for me. May I glorify Your glorious name always, now and forever. Amen.

    Second prayer
    O Most Pure Mother of God, All-Tsarina! Hear our much-painful sigh before Your miraculous icon, brought from the inheritance of Athos to Russia, look upon Your children, those suffering from incurable ailments, who fall to Your holy image with faith! Just as a winged bird covers its chicks, so You, now and ever-living being, have covered us with Your multi-healing omophorion. Appear with patience and weakness. There, where hope disappears, awaken with undoubted Hope. There, where fierce sorrows prevail, there, where the darkness of despair has settled in souls, let the ineffable light of the Divine shine forth! Comfort the faint-hearted, strengthen the weak, grant softening and enlightenment to hardened hearts. Heal Your sick people, O All-Merciful Queen! Bless the minds and hands of those who heal us, may they serve as an instrument of the Almighty Physician Christ our Savior. As if You are alive and present with us, we pray before Your icon, O Lady! Extend Your hand, full of healing and healing, Joy to those who mourn, Consolation to those in sorrow, so that we soon receive miraculous help, we glorify the Life-Giving Indivisible Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

    The Icon of the Mother of God “The Queen of All” is revered not only on Holy Athos, but also far beyond its borders. One of the blessings of “The Tsaritsa” is the healing of cancer patients from a terrible disease that has struck modern humanity. Many cases confirm the impact of the miraculous image, when after a prayer service in front of the icon the most hopeless patients were healed. Believers also pray to the Mother of God for deliverance from the influence of drugs, alcohol, and witchcraft.

    The Mother of God is our intercessor

    The Mother of God is called by many names: Queen of Heaven, Mother Intercessor, Mother of God, Mother of God. All these names are reflected in our prayers addressed to her bright image; they have developed over the centuries in the Orthodox faith. All icons with the Mother of God are always especially revered, because very often the last resort in troubles is the Intercessor. We consider her to be the main intercessor before the Lord and we tearfully ask for help. Our own prayer powers are very small, and therefore we turn to her, so that she turns to God and protects us and the people close to us.

    Many times the common people's prayer to the Mother of God helped in difficult and troubled times for Rus'. She saved our Fatherland from evil enemies, gave courage and spirit to the soldiers.

    There is not a single church in Russia, and perhaps not a single Orthodox home, where the bright face of the Mother of God is not present. Often these are several icons - Vladimir, Iveron, Smolensk, the icon of the Mother of God “All-Tsarina” and other lists, each of which helps in one or another life situation. Several hundred copies of icons in Orthodoxy, and each has its own interesting history and amazing evidence of miraculous help. Time and time again, the Mother of God shows the world her maternal care, favor and attention. Hundreds of people are calling for help in front of the “All-Tsaritsa”. What kind of icon is this? What makes it special?

    Description of the icon “The Queen of All”

    The icon “The All-Tsarina” is very ancient, dating back to the 12th century, kept on Mount Athos since the 17th century and was intended as a blessing to the disciples from Elder Joseph the Hesychast.

    The icon belongs to one of the iconographic types - Panahranta, from Greek this is translated as “Most Pure” or “Immaculate”. Another name for this same type of icon of the Mother of God is “All-Merciful.” A common feature of the “Tsaritsa” icon is that the Mother of God is seated on a throne, holding her Baby Jesus in her arms. The throne itself is a symbol of the royal grandeur and perfection of the Mother of God - the main Mother on the whole Earth.

    The icon of the Mother of God “The Queen of All” is medium in size. The Most Pure Virgin, seated on the throne, is dressed in crimson robes. The Divine Infant, sitting in her arms with a blessing right hand, holds a scroll in his left hand. The Mother of God points to her son with her right hand - as the Savior of the human race. The halo over Christ is written in Greek - “He by whom we all exist”, “From Whom everything is around”. The All-Tsaritsa's halo is decorated with enamel patterns. From above, two angels overshadow the Virgin Mary and Christ, stretching out their hands to them. In general, the icon is very colorful, the bright colors of the robes, the golden background that symbolizes eternity, the beautiful halos above their heads evoke awe in everyone.

    Where is the original kept?

    The icon “The All-Tsarina” refers to one of the miraculous images of the Virgin Mary and Child. In all the churches where the lists of icons are located, the “Tsaritsa” is decorated with various precious jewelry, which the believers bring as a token of gratitude. The prayers of those asking reach the Mother of God, and with her mercy she shows many miracles of healing. The original of the miraculous icon “The All-Tsarina” (“Pantanassa” - Greek) is kept in the Vatopedi monastery, located on Holy Mount Athos. For centuries, the icon has been helping all those who suffer. Thousands of pilgrims flock to Holy Athos in the hope of getting rid of terrible ailments through prayer.

    The first miracle from the “Vsetsaritsa”

    The “Tsarina of All” showed her first miracle back in the 17th century, when a wonderful man appeared in front of the icon in the temple. He muttered something inaudibly while standing in front of the Holy Icon. At some point, the face of the Mother of God lit up as if by lightning, and this man was thrown to the ground by unknown forces. After he came to his senses, he came to his senses and immediately rushed to confession with tears to the fathers of the monastery. He said that for some time he became interested in magic, did not live with God in his soul, and came here to try his spell on the Holy icons. The miraculous icon “The Queen of All” helped the young man change his views on life, renounce magic and become a pious Christian. After his epiphany and relief from mental burdens, he remained on Holy Athos. Like a cancerous tumor, sorcery, witchcraft, and a passion for magic spread among Christians at that time.

    Icon "The Queen of All". What does it help with?

    After the first manifestation of miraculous powers, believers increasingly began to turn to the icon for deliverance from terrible misfortunes. It became obvious that the icon helps patients with various tumors, including malignant ones.

    Over two thousand years, scientists, of course, have made progress in the fight against a terrible disease called cancer, but it remains one of the incurables. Having heard, like a death sentence, a diagnosis of cancer, some give up and prepare for the worst. Many patients, whom doctors have already given up on, rely only on a miracle and turn their gaze and tearful prayers to God. This is where the Mother of God “All-Tsarina” comes to the rescue. Many cases of the miraculous power of this icon have been recorded throughout the world. Already in the 17th century, other monasteries began to make exact copies of the icon, so that all cancer patients had the opportunity to turn to it. And in the churches of Russia there is the icon “The Tsaritsa”. What do they pray for before her? Now she is known throughout the world as a cure for cancer. Her very name “The All-Tsarina”, the All-Sovereign, the All-Mistress confirms the immense power of her image, which has a healing principle.

    “The Tsaritsa” heals not only cancer, but also serious illnesses: drug addiction, alcoholism, passion for magic, which, like a tumor, have enveloped humanity. The prayer to the icon “The Queen of All” should be extolled not only from loved ones of those who are dependent on the disease, but also come from the sick person himself.

    The appearance of the icon in Russia

    In 1995, the Community of Charity of John of Kronstadt, operating at the oncology center for children in Kashirka, asked to graciously provide a copy of the “All-Tsarina” icon so that it would bring healing to sick children. A copy was written with the blessing of Archimandrite Ephraim of Vatopedi. Fulfilling an order from Russia, the monastery icon painters mixed holy relics into the paint for writing and added holy water. The newly painted icon perfectly preserved the purity and beauty of the pristine image of the Virgin and Child.

    This is how the icon “The Tsaritsa” ended up in Moscow on August 11, 1995. The first to see her were the children of the “house of sadness” - the oncology department located on Kashirka. Despite the hardships and sorrow that reigned in this institution, here too there was a place for the all-warming love of the Mother of God and the Lord. Facts confirm the miraculous effect of the icon. After sick children took the “Vsetsaritsa”, many noticed improvements in their condition so strong that they could not be attributed only to the effects of drugs. Every week, the priests of the community delivered an icon to sick children and performed a prayer service before the “All-Tsaritsa”, asking for their health.

    “The Tsaritsa” in the Church of All Saints (Novoalekseevsky Monastery)

    On the feast of the Nativity of the Mother of God, a miracle happened - the icon began to bleed myrrh. A few drops of peace appeared on it, and everything around was filled with an amazing fragrance. The flow of myrrh was repeated on the feast of the Entry into the Temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary. News of the wonderful icon instantly spread throughout Moscow. The miraculous “Vsetsaritsa” was transferred to the Church of All Saints in Krasnoye Selo.

    Orthodox believe that the Mother of God herself chooses the places for her miraculous icons. This is how the “Vsetsaritsa” settled in the Novoalekseevsky Monastery in the Church of All Saints. The temple servants say that the icon is happy here, it helps to perform miracles of healing. The icon is regularly taken to the oncology center for prayer services. The last hope for healing is justified by the icon “The Tsaritsa”; its significance for incurable patients is simply enormous.

    The first miracle in Russia

    The first miracle in Russia from the icon “The Tsaritsa” was the cure of a drug addict who had suffered from this illness for several years. Since then, hundreds of parents have prayed to the icon for their children, who are lost in society and addicted to harmful addictions to alcohol or drugs.

    One pious Christian woman has a son. And it so happened that he got involved with bad company and became addicted to drugs. It started with weed and ended with a terrible geraine addiction. The guy is seriously hooked. No matter how many authorities the poor mother went through, the doctors just shrugged their shoulders: the guy had no desire to be treated, he was already suffering from a severe mental disorder. The guy completely abandoned his studies and turned into a boor and a barbarian towards his closest people. It even happened that he raised his hand to the one who gave him life. The mother despaired of waiting for help from people. Soon the pious woman heard that the icon “The Tsarina of All” had appeared in Moscow and was helping hopeless patients to recover from the terrible machinations of Satan. Drug addiction can be attributed to the machinations of Satan.

    In January 1996, full of hope and faith, a Muscovite came to the temple with the greatest trepidation and excitement. As never before, she prayed with hot tears and looked with hope at the miraculous icon of the Mother of God. I took holy water from the temple.

    In front of the house, she felt anxious that her son would start his daring bullying again. But a miracle... his first words were a request, he wanted to drink as much holy water as possible. His mother did not immediately believe her ears when he said that he wanted to be treated by a narcologist and work. An amazing fact, but at the drug treatment clinic, doctors certified that the guy’s body does not have too harmful effects from drugs and will be able to quickly recover. Now the guy is trying to help everyone who wants to get rid of drugs to get on the right path. The mother came to the temple with words of gratitude and told this story to the priest.

    Novospassky Monastery. Moscow. Icon "The Queen of All"

    The Novospassky Monastery is one of the most ancient monasteries in Moscow. Since ancient times, on its territory there are the oldest holy burial places of the royal dynasties, as well as a great many different miraculous icons of the Orthodox faith.

    Today, the list of the “Vsetsaritsa” icon located in Krasnoe Selo is far from the only one in Russia. The icon “The All-Tsarina” appeared in the Novospassky Monastery in 1997. The copy was made to order at the Vatopedi Monastery. Now he is revered as myrrh-streaming and miraculous. Believers come from all over to ask for mercy from the icon “The Tsarina of All.” Every Sunday prayers and water blessings are held here.

    As in other places where there is an icon of the “Vsetsaritsa”, a book is being kept in the Novospassky Monastery. It records all the miracles that occur from the image of the Mother of God.

    Once a year, the “Vsetsaritsa” leaves the Novospasskaya monastery. She is sent to the Herzen Oncology Institute. There, in the hospital church, consecrated in honor of this image, a prayer service is held, where all those suffering can venerate the Mother of God and ask her for help.


    Relatively recently, a Slavic version of the akathist, different from the Greek, was created in honor of the icon “The Tsaritsa”. In the Church of All Saints, every Sunday a prayer service is held and an akathist is read to the icon “The Tsaritsa”, and oil is consecrated to anoint all the sick and suffering, not only from oncology. The akathist to the icon contains many petitions extolling the Mother of God. They call her “The Secret Sweetness for the Suffering”, and “The Destroyer of Cancer”, and “Pointing the Finger to the Cup of Life - the Eucharist”. Every Christian, like a baby to the breast, must fall to the Mother Church and accept all the Divine mysteries. Many people learn about amazing facts when the “Vsetsaritsa” comes to the rescue in the most hopeless cases.

    Why does healing occur? This is what the priests of the temple say: the grace of God is sent to everyone who prays according to his faith, work and prayers. On Sunday, a prayer service and akathist are read, after which the oil is blessed and distributed to those in need. To pray to the “All-Tsarina” at home, you can purchase small images of Her in the church shop. On the back is written a prayer with which you need to address the Mother of God. Everyone who attended the akathist assures that they felt the power of the prayer word. Fervent prayer helps to get rid of many troubles and misfortunes, because the Lord said: “I will not cast out those who ask earnestly.” People sing in the akathist: “Rejoice, who raises those abandoned by healers from their beds. Rejoice, who burns out cancerous ulcers like a flame.”

    Father tells believers that if they expect healing from God, they need to work for it. Read the prayer word and akathist. It is not for nothing that the “Tsarina of All” points her finger to the Holy Eucharist when resorting to Communion, to Confession. After the prayer service, you need to take the sacred oil and anoint it with words of prayer and in faith on the sore spots and forehead of the sick person. Rely on the miraculous power of the Lord.

    In every church where there is an icon of the “Tsarina of All,” you can read the chronicle of miraculous healings of those who no longer hoped to receive it from earthly healers, but trusted only in the power of the Lord. There are many stories here about babies and old people, women, men, about cures for cancer even in the later stages of the most hopeless patients. And stories not only about deliverance from a fatal disease, but also from various satanic addictions. In gratitude, people not only leave their stories, but also bring rich gifts to the “Vsetsaritsa”. In each temple, on the icon you can see many decorations left by its grateful children.
