During the growing season. Plant vegetation: what is it? What is vegetation

The word vegetation comes from the Latin word vegetatio, which literally translates as “revival”, “excitement”. So, if you don’t know what plant vegetation is, then, simply put, it is the development of plants.

There is such a thing as a growing season. Let us immediately note that it should not be confused with the concept of the growing season.

  • The growing season of plants is a biological concept and means the period of the year when the plant becomes most active: it grows and reproduces. You can learn more about the types of reproduction in this article -.
  • The growing season refers to the time that elapses from sowing or planting seeds or tubers until they are fully ripened, i.e. until harvest time. The growing season divides crops into early-ripening, mid-ripening and late-ripening.

Features of the growing season

The growing season is most often not constant and varies depending on environmental conditions, and it also depends on the characteristics of a particular variety. For example, a crop such as a tomato produces several harvests throughout the year. To find out the growing season, you need to know the dates of the first and last harvest.

Under certain conditions, for example when the plant lacks nutrients, sun or moisture, the growing season may change.

Most often, the growing season for most plants in temperate climates begins in spring and ends in autumn. As for cereals and wintering spring plants, it begins in the fall, slows down in the winter, and resumes again in the spring.

Why control vegetation?

To get a big harvest, you need to know when and which plant needs vegetation control. It is possible to create conditions for fruit and vegetable crops under which growth and development (vegetation) proceed most quickly.

When growing cultivated plants, you can pursue different goals:

  • If you want to harvest a good harvest of leaves and root crops, then in this case you need to speed up the growth of the plant, but slow down the fruiting so that after the appearance of the peduncle the crop does not become coarse and lose its taste. This applies, for example, to daikon, radish and some varieties of cabbage.
  • If you need a bountiful harvest of fruits, then you need to slow down the beginning of the growing season. This applies, for example, to cucumbers and tomatoes. Such vegetables will be better stored, but it is worth considering that not all fruits will have time to ripen.

Thus, by controlling the growing season, you get a better harvest.

The process of plant vegetation made it possible for all life on Earth to develop. It is they who, going through their life cycle within one year, form the leaf canopy. The parenchyma of the leaves contains chlorophyll grains; they capture the energy of the sun, and photosynthesis occurs in them with the absorption of carbon dioxide and the release of oxygen.

The growing season for agricultural and ornamental plants is important in temperate climates with pronounced seasonality. It is important that the selected crop has time to form a crop that would ripen on the bush and acquire the necessary standards in terms of the content of sugars, acids, dry substances and other characteristics.

Basic Concepts

The one-time cumulative process of accumulation of biological mass, development of generative organs, formation of fruits and ripening of seeds is called plant vegetation. The time during which each crop goes through its growing season is called the growing season. Perennial plants go through several growing seasons during their life. For example, strawberry bushes can live 4-6 years and during this time go through the same number of growing seasons. Oaks and redwoods live up to a thousand years and can have as many growing seasons in their lives.

Evergreen tropical plants may require more than one calendar year to form fruits and ripen seeds. For example, a coconut tree takes 2-3 months to flower and set, and then the coconut takes another 10 months to mature. Flowers and fruits on different branches are not formed at the same time and ripen at different times. Therefore, coconut fruiting varies greatly from year to year; in one year farmers can collect 60 nuts, and in another - 200 or more.

Plants of northern latitudes, permafrost zones and southern deserts have a very short growing season. This is due to the short favorable period for development, when the soil thaws or precipitation falls. The crops have time to form a flower, bloom and produce seeds in 3-4 weeks. In the temperate zone there is a group of plants - ephemerals and ephemeroids. These include stoneflies, croup, hornwort, as well as bulbous plants - tulips, daffodils, lilies of the valley. They all bloom in early spring, and in June their leaf canopy withers, and only the bulb or rhizome remains in the soil.

In agronomic science, the concept of growing season is distinguished. In each region, it begins with a steady transition of the average daily air temperature through +10 degrees. The air temperature itself above this mark is called active.

The end of the growing season is taken to be the reverse transition of air temperature. Thus, in the Moscow region this period lasts from 100 to 130 days, during which time the sum of active temperatures of approximately 2800 degrees accumulates. This amount is enough to complete the growing season of cucumbers, radishes, onions and other open ground vegetables.

Growing season of garden crops and vegetables

The growing season of fruit crops is taken to be a time equal to the growing season of plants in the region. Since fruit plants are perennial plants and after harvesting they continue to grow and develop, it is customary to allocate a harvesting period or production period for them, which is calculated by the number of days from bud opening to the end of harvesting. The same applies to grapes.

For late-ripening varieties, the crop is harvested earlier and stored. It becomes ready for consumption after 1.5-3 months. The table below shows the productivity times for various types varieties of fruit crops and grapes.

Culture Harvest or ripening period Number of days from bud break to harvest or consumption
Apple tree
  • summer;
  • late summer;
  • autumn;
  • winter;
  • late winter
  • 90-110;
  • 110-130;
  • 130-140;
  • 140-160;
  • over 160
  • early summer;
  • summer;
  • late summer;
  • early autumn;
  • autumn;
  • winter;
  • late winter
  • 75-90;
  • 90-110;
  • 110-120;
  • 120-130;
  • 130-140;
  • 140-160;
  • over 160
  • very early;
  • early;
  • mid-early;
  • average;
  • mid-late;
  • late
  • 45-50;
  • 50-55;
  • 55-60;
  • 60-65;
  • 65-70;
  • over 70
  • very early;
  • early;
  • mid-early;
  • average;
  • mid-late;
  • late
  • 75-80;
  • 80-85;
  • 85-90;
  • 90-95;
  • 95-100;
  • 100-110
  • early ripening;
  • mid-season;
  • late-ripening
  • 110-125;
  • 125-140;
  • 140-160

In each specific growing region, a serious approach to choosing a variety based on ripening time is required in order to get a harvest High Quality. Based on the data given in the table and the duration of the warm period, you can select varieties of fruit crops for your garden.

The bud burst phase is important point the beginning of the growing season of fruit plants.

In the period between the transition of the average daily air temperature through +5 degrees and the beginning of bud bursting, favorable conditions are formed for the first eradicative spraying of trees against pests and diseases. At this time, insects and diseases are already active, and the trees are still in the dormant stage.

Vegetable crops are divided into two large groups:

  • with one-step harvesting - the economically valuable part of the crop and tops (carrots, radishes, radishes, onions, beets, cabbage, potatoes) are immediately harvested;
  • with an extended harvest - the crop ripens gradually (cucumber, tomato, pepper, eggplant, greens), the plant continues to grow, albeit at a slower pace.

The growing season of crops with one-stage harvesting is usually counted from germination to harvesting, and with an extended period - from germination to removal of the plant.

Vegetables that ripen gradually have a harvest period. The task of every vegetable grower is to extend the period of active fruit harvesting, thereby increasing the yield of the crop. The table below shows the length of the growing season and harvest time for major vegetable crops.

Culture Ripening period Number of days from germination to start of harvesting Duration of active collection,days
  • early;
  • average;
  • late
  • 70-80;
  • 80-100;
  • 100-130
  • early;
  • average;
  • late
  • 75-100;
  • 100-120;
  • over 120
Bulb onions
  • early;
  • average;
  • late
  • 70-90;
  • 90-120;
  • over 120
  • early;
  • average;
  • late
  • 18-22;
  • 22-28;
  • 28-32
Winter black radish-
  • 80-110
White cabbage
  • early;
  • average;
  • late
  • 70-100;
  • 100-140;
  • 140-180
  • early;
  • mid-early;
  • average;
  • mid-late;
  • late
  • 50-60;
  • 60-80;
  • 80-100;
  • 100-120;
  • 120-125
  • early;
  • average;
  • late
  • 105-110;
  • 110-130;
  • 130-140
  • 45-75;
  • 45-60;
  • 30-45
Sweet pepper
  • early;
  • average;
  • late
  • 105-110;
  • 110-130;
  • 130-140
  • 45-75;
  • 45-60;
  • 30-45
  • early;
  • average;
  • late
  • 110-125;
  • 125-135;
  • 135-145
  • 35-45;
  • 30-40;
  • 20-30
  • early;
  • average;
  • late
  • 35-45;
  • 45-55;
  • 55-70
  • 30-45;
  • 30-40;
  • 20-30
  • early;
  • average;
  • late
  • 30-40;
  • 40-55;
  • 55-70
  • 14-20
  • 30-45
  • 100 or more
Leaf lettuce
  • early;
  • average;
  • late
  • 20-30;
  • 30-40;
  • 40-45
  • 14-20;
  • 10-14;
  • 10-14

How to extend the active harvest period?

A set of measures, including:

  1. 1. Feeding plants with organic and mineral fertilizers, from organic matter good results gives mullein infusion - 2 l/10 l of water at the root every 14 days, mineral fertilizer - azofoska - 20 g/sq.m. m before watering, Nutrisol - 10 ml/10 l of water - spraying on a leaf every 14 days.
  2. 2. Regular moisturizing 2-3 times a week.
  3. 3. Loosening the soil between the rows and weeding.
  4. 4. Pest and disease control.
  5. 5. Pinching bushes.

With good care, the growing season of plants can be extended by 20-30 days and much more fruit can be obtained.

What to do if the growing season of plants in the region is short?

There are a number of plants that are interesting to grow from different points of view, such as cotton, tobacco, peanuts and coffee trees. Growing these crops is not at all difficult, and the only difficulty is getting them to ripen due to the very long growing season. Cotton requires over 130 warm days to ripen bolls. The seeds germinate easily, and the plant does not stop growing even in the absence of sunny days. The photo below shows a bush with a ripe box.

Tobacco plants belong to the Solanaceae family like tomatoes, peppers and eggplants and are just as easy to grow. However, to wait for them to bloom, at least 160 days must pass with an average air temperature of +25-28 degrees.

Blooming tobacco

Peanuts belong to the legume family and are a valuable crop because they enrich the soil with nitrogen, and their fruits contain a lot of healthy oil and essential amino acids. To get a groundnut, which is what the peanut fruit is called, it takes from 120 to 160 warm days.

Peanut fruit

However, if you have a great desire to grow these crops, you should not despair. There are several ways to get the harvest:

  1. 1. Use greenhouses and greenhouses to grow seedlings and, when warm weather arrives, transplant them into open ground.
  2. 2. Grow the plant at home.
  3. 3. Use fresh manure and compost to add to the soil to a depth of 30-40 cm, which will create " warm bed", and use a lightweight frame greenhouse on top.
  4. 4. Plant the crop at the usual time on a bed covered with black film.

The use of black mulch film accelerates flowering and fruit set and shortens the growing season of plants by 20-40 days.

Many varieties of chrysanthemums are very late, but the interest in growing them is so great that you should take advantage of the recommendation and move your favorite bushes into your house or apartment in the fall, after replanting them in a tub. It is no coincidence that the best varieties are cultivated in greenhouses.

So, if you decide to grow any crop in your region, carefully study its growing season, how many warm days are required for the fruits of a particular variety to ripen. Actively use the seedling method of growing vegetables, technical plants and flowers. To learn more about the growing season, check out the video below.

Growing season (growing season)- the time during which plant growth is possible. Starting from seed germination or, for example, bud opening, ending with the formation of seeds or the cessation of growth of the vegetative organs of the plant.

Conventionally, the growing season is determined an average daily temperature of 5°C in spring and autumn. But there are many plants, and each has its own minimum temperature.

One plant can still withstand this temperature, but another dies at the same temperature. The growing season is considered to be the climatic summer, the duration of which depends on the climate and latitude.

Any organism basically goes through a process of growth and rest. Many professionals also highlight small phases during which the plant prepares for the upcoming change of state. The spring period is the moment when, after a winter slowdown, the plant begins its development again. The autumn period is the moment when plants stop their development process.

The plant stores nutritional reserves for the next year. At the end of the growing season, the plant begins to shed its leaves before going into a resting phase. When choosing a plant, you need to proceed from geographical location. Because the growing season varies in the north or south. On the south side, all plants can be grown, regardless of their development period. And in the north, some plants will not always ripen.

Growing season for annual plants

As the name suggests, these plants only live for one year. This means that they only go through one growing season in their entire life. During it, annual plants go through the following phases:

  • seed germination;
  • bud opening;
  • the appearance of buds;
  • bloom;
  • fruiting;
  • seed formation;
  • death.

Annual plants are the familiar peas, cauliflower, and dill, which grow in dachas. They also include weeds, medicinal and ornamental plants, and vegetables.

Annual plants are most common in deserts, since their growing season there lasts one year.

Growing season for perennial plants

Perennial plants go through a growing season many times during their lives until they die. Usually in the winter they lose only their above-ground part, and in the spring they begin to grow again. They do not require annual sowing or replanting.

The most durable plants go through the growing season 6-7 times. During this, the following phases occur:

  • seed germination;
  • formation of small shoots;
  • bud opening;
  • the appearance of buds;
  • bloom;
  • fruiting;
  • seed formation;
  • death of the aboveground part.
    Then all phases proceed in a new way until the plant dies completely.

A large number of perennial plants are herbs, for example: dandelion, burdock, St. John's wort. They also include ornamental plants, such as gladiolus, dahlia, poppy.

Perennial plants grow almost everywhere, even in water. But their dominant numbers grow in the steppes and tundras (where trees simply do not grow).

Vegetation in trees

With trees, things are much more complicated. They also go through a growing season, but their whole year is divided into 4 phases.

  1. Growing season.
  2. Transitional autumn period.
  3. A period of relative rest.
  4. Transitional spring period.

Growing season

This period is the longest period. During it, everything happens the same as during the growing seasons of annual and perennial plants, with the exception of death. Also during this period, the roots of the tree actively grow.

In the middle of the growing season, the growth of the tree is no longer so significant. But the leaves continue to work, so starch accumulates in the plant and fruits. The shoots of the tree are covered with wood. The root system becomes less active.
Transitional autumn period

During this period the timber covering is completed. Starch accumulated in all parts of the plant is converted into sugar. They provide good stability during winter. During the entire period, there is active growth of small suction roots. They grow until the frosts.

Period of relative rest

During this period, the trees appear dead. But at a depth of 40 cm, the roots are still working. Therefore, the tree receives water and nutrients from the soil for some time. This is how this whole period goes.

Transitional spring period

During the last period of the year, the roots are just beginning to grow again, but the above-ground part is active. The crown of the tree receives nutrients and moisture, which contribute to the better development of the tree and its fruits during the growing season.

This happens every year with any tree. These include fruit tree species: apple trees, cherries, and cherries. And trees such as birch, oak, maple, poplar, chestnut. And even such rare trees as baobab, eucalyptus, and sakura in Japan.

There are a huge number of tree species, and listing them all is very long. The essence is the same - trees have the most difficult growing season, and it can repeat itself for many, many years.
Growing season- an important part in the life cycle of plants. For everyone, it happens approximately the same way, but differences appear due to the different life span of plants, their structure, climate and part of the world in which they live.

The simplest growing season is for annual plants. It occurs only once and ends in the death of the plant itself.

For perennial plants, everything is a little more complicated. The growing season is repeated several times, but still ends with the death of the plant.

In trees, the growing season can be repeated many times. Sometimes it seems that trees are immortal if they are not cut down or if the roots are not destroyed. Therefore, the growing season does not end with the death of the tree, but is only replaced by new periods.

The growing season and the growing season of plants are different concepts, although many do not know this. The first concept determines the development time of a particular plant species or variety. This refers to the time from the time of emergence of seedlings until the subsequent harvest. The growing season is a determining factor in which category a particular garden crop can be classified into. Therefore, today there are three types of garden plants with different periods of fruit ripening - early ripening, mid-ripening and late ripening. But what is the growing season? This is the name given to a certain period of time during which active development of plants occurs, taking into account climatic conditions region.

How is the growing season determined?

Often, harvesting in the garden occurs before the seeds ripen. In some cases, the fruit may not even ripen. For tomatoes, cucumbers and other vegetable crops that produce several harvests, it is necessary to determine the time of the first and last harvest. This will allow us to correctly characterize this concept.

In fact, the growing season for each crop is a variable value. Its change can be influenced by many factors related to the characteristics of the variety and the growing environment. In this regard, it can last from several days to three months. With a lack of nutrients, good lighting and heat, this process can take an order of magnitude longer - up to 9 months. Vegetation is directly related to the process of growth and development of plantings, although these two concepts are significantly different from each other. The first concept implies an increase in size and shape, the formation of new cells and parts. While development is a qualitative change that occurs at growth points. As a result of this, plants begin to flower, new organs appear, and fruiting occurs.

These two phenomena occur inside plants at the same time. The only difference may be their intensity and pace. This is affected by environment and the factor of heredity. The timing of the growing season can be controlled by creating favorable conditions for plantings to grow. In this way, it is possible to stimulate or, conversely, slow down the growth of crops, if necessary.

Growing season for different crops

In annual vegetable crops - potatoes, cabbage, tomatoes, growth and development should occur in parallel and intensively. The same applies to fruit trees - apple trees, pears, plums, etc. This will increase the assimilation apparatus and ensure early and abundant fruiting. If you suspend the growing season for vegetable crops such as tomatoes or cucumbers, you can get a good harvest of tasty fruits. It is also worth considering that such a technique will significantly affect the fruiting process itself, during which all the fruits do not have time to ripen.

I would like to note that the growing season for fruits, including apple trees, begins in the spring, when the buds bloom on the trees.

The duration of this process in an apple tree is influenced by the temperature and length of daylight hours, which is determined by the region where the trees grow. The intensity of growth and development of an apple tree will depend on many factors - the plant variety, its agrotechnical characteristics and natural factors. Each breed of fruit and berry plants, including apple trees, has its own phenophases that occur at different times. Their changes are affected by temperature, air humidity level, etc.

Reducing the period

If cultivation is aimed at producing greens, roots or stems, gardeners stimulate growth while slowing down the fruiting process. This technique is effective in the process of growing potatoes, cabbage and other garden crops. This is due to the fact that in such plants, at the flowering stage, the fruits begin to become coarse and lose their taste. The same thing happens with perennial garden crops, which are recommended to be stored in a cool room during the cold season. This condition will ensure an active flowering process, suppressing their growth. Slowing growth will allow you to preserve the harvest of cabbage, potatoes and other vegetables better and longer.

Every gardener should know all these subtleties in order to be able to properly regulate the growing season of plantings. After all, this is the key to a bountiful and high-quality harvest in the future.

Studying the life periods of plants is the key to the successful cultivation of any crop.

Summer residents, gardeners and, especially, agronomists must have in their luggage a number of knowledge related to the development of plants in a given period of time.

Let’s take a closer look at the question, which goes like this: “Plant vegetation – what is it and how does such a period proceed?”

Botanists have identified four periods:

  1. Vegetation.
  2. Peace.
  3. Preparing for the winter period.
  4. Preparing for the growing season.

Do not confuse the concepts of growing season and growing season. These are two completely different processes.

Shrubs and trees form buds in different ways. Suppose stone fruit crops cope with this in three months, but apple trees need more time. Plants do not bloom immediately in one period of time, but gradually, over several days. This is the key to better pollination.

The vegetation has been accumulating nutrients since last year. After the plant blooms, growth slows down and the fruits ripen.

The end of the growing season is considered to be cessation of growth. Shrubs and trees prepare for winter and shed their leaves.


During the winter season the plant goes dormant. It draws strength from the nutrients it accumulated during the growing season. By the time spring arrives, supplies are completely depleted.

There are thaws in winter, some plants wake up and begin to actively manifest themselves. Abnormal winter weather, more often in cities, leads to greening of the lawn.

It is important to feed all trees and shrubs in the fall so that they can easily survive the winter. Not least important is abundant watering, which also needs to be done in the fall. Given the large loss of moisture in winter, during a harsh period, the plant may die.

Vegetation example

Fruit and berry plants have different growing seasons, which is directly related to flowering and fruit ripening. Let's look at some options.

The growing season of cucumbers and tomatoes varies among different varieties. Early ripening tomatoes develop quickly - up to 75 days. However, tomatoes of late varieties can ripen up to 130 days. The same with cucumbers - early ones grow in 95-100 days, late ones - a maximum of 115.

The gooseberry growing season starts early. Already after three weeks you can see flowers on its shoots. This period falls in the month of May. The same goes for currant bushes. The buds of the bush are visible in April, after 10 days buds form, but the leaves are still hidden.

Apple trees begin to grow actively when the temperature reaches above +5 degrees. After 10 degrees the buds begin to bloom. In fruit plants they bloom first and only then in leaf plants. When the temperature reaches 15-20 degrees, the buds ripen. The duration of flowering lasts no more than 10 days.

Vegetation control

To obtain an excellent harvest from fruit and berry crops, vegetation control is necessary. This period is subject to acceleration and deceleration. It all depends on what type of plant is being considered and what needs to be obtained as a result of its ripening.

For a good harvest of vegetables, activity is slowed down at the very beginning. The flowering process of root crops is delayed.

Conditions for a favorable growing season

Fertilizers and watering are the most effective way for successful plant growth!

Fertilizers consisting of nitrogen and organic matter are best applied in the spring or early years.

This will give the plant the necessary nutrients, increase fruiting, and as a result the harvest will be excellent.

In the fall, you should not feed the plant with these substances; the result will be exactly the opposite.

Reasons for slow vegetation

Hot summers cause slow growth of domestic crops. It is necessary to carefully monitor watering. But you shouldn’t overdo it, especially in the last month of summer. This will cause a lot of trouble.

In essence, the growing season of plants is the formation of a supply of nutrients. They need to be saved to survive the winter, and not spent on growth. Weeds that grow around garden crops feed on moisture that should have gone to the roots. Don’t forget about this and monitor the situation around bushes and trees.

Using simple agrotechnical manipulations, you can get great benefits from the growing season and extend the life of the plant.

High tech

In the near future, people dream of freeing themselves from any agricultural work by creating robotics that will cultivate and harvest crops.

Genetic engineers are doing their bit and developing plants that are resistant to any diseases.

For example, soon wheat and oats will be able to go through the growing season despite weather. More and more attention is being paid to such a concept as vegetation. For every scientist this word means something personal.

Genetic engineers see in it a set of characteristics that affect the productivity of fruits. Technologists in the field of agronomy solve the problem of production profitability. Those who produce products are concerned about the time during which they can complete the full cycle of growing a plant and achieve the greatest profit.

Vegetation in ecology

In scientific circles, ecologists consider the process of plant vegetation to be the main stage in which a highly organized form of life is formed.

If one day something bad happens and there is a failure in this process, then our planet will become unsuitable for breathing multicellular creatures. And this will affect people first of all.
