Everything for kindergarten teachers. Catalog of Internet resources for teachers of preschool educational institutions, material on the topic. "Innovative methods and technologies"

Participation in competitions is one of the exciting activities not only for children, but also for adults. Various types of competitions stimulate an inquisitive mind, the search for new solutions, creativity, and contribute to the comprehensive and harmonious development of the individual. And competitions for preschool teachers are an opportunity to take a fresh look at their activities, evaluate their own strengths and capabilities, and feel the desire to develop further.

Center for competitions "CREATE! PARTICIPATE! WIN!" presents more than 50 different competitions for educators and their students. Among them: individual and team competitions for teachers and children, educational, sports, competitions of skills, achievements and outlook, and many, many others. In some of them, both children and their teachers can take part at the same time.

Time obliges us to use new progressive technologies, including the Internet, to create and display our own image. Websites are a modern and convenient tool for information and communication, but they can also become a source of pride if you submit them to a competition for kindergarten teachers in the category “Best Institutional Website.”

Professional competitions for preschool teachers

Children are the basis of our future. And the future requires a special approach combined with thorough knowledge and the ability to competently operate with appropriate methods and techniques. Raising a creative child can only be done by a person who has the talent to take an unconventional approach to communicating with children, organizing their creativity, play and developmental activities. Knowing that there are especially many talented people among teachers and kindergarten teachers, we tried to create as many conditions as possible for their personal growth. Here you will find not only professional competitions for preschool teachers who can objectively assess your knowledge and methodological skills, but also many nominations that will help you fully reveal your organizational, literary, artistic and other talents.

Social educators and teachers can also present their work experience and achievements or take part in scientific and practical conferences.

How convenient are pedagogical competitions for educators on the Internet:

− Internet competitions for teachers and educators presented on our website are held online, which means you do not have to waste time and effort collecting and sending competition materials;

Fortunately, nowadays you can find many cultural events in which speech therapists, teachers and psychologists of preschool educational institutions can show their talents and confirm their qualifications. These plans can be implemented through presentation competitions for preschool teachers.

The work of a teacher in a preschool educational institution is not easy, painstaking, but interesting work. The emotionality of the students, unusual situations, and psychological stress are more than compensated by the children’s love for a good teacher and their gratitude.

We often compare life and activity to a train. Like him, we move from one station to another. And if on the route of personal life they are played by certain important events, then the professional route is determined by the stations of our achievements.

Teachers, especially those working with children under school age, are special people: creative, constantly striving for excellence and open to new knowledge and sharing their experience. It is precisely these educators who are waiting for an international competition, in which they can also participate remotely.

Lyudmila Gusak
Master class for teachers “Health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions”


Target: application in the educational process.

Tasks: introduce teachers with a variety of health-saving methods and techniques that have a positive impact on children's development.

Dear colleagues!

Shout loudly and in unison, friends,

Would you refuse to help me? (Yes or no)

Do you love children? Yes or no?

Have you come to Master Class,

No strength at all

Do you want to listen to lectures here? (No)

I understand you….

What should I do, gentlemen?

Do we need to solve children's problems? (Yes)

Give me the answer then

Would you refuse to help me? (No)

I'll ask you one last thing I:

Will you all be active? (Yes or no)

So, with a great mood and positive emotions, we begin Master Class« Health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions»

Today in preschool institutions much attention is paid health-saving technologies.

Health saving technology

This is a system of measures that includes the relationship and interaction of all factors of the educational environment aimed at preserving health child at all stages of his learning and development.

health-saving educational technologies provide the child with the opportunity to save health, to form the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities healthy lifestyle, teach how to use the acquired knowledge in everyday life.

It is important to understand that Health- a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity (WHO).

Health, as an object health-saving technologies, provides:

Physical health.

Mental health.

Social health.

Moral health.

Thanks to the use health-saving technologies in children occur:

Improving memory, attention, thinking; increasing the ability of voluntary control; improvement of general emotional state; increased performance and self-confidence; motor functions are stimulated; reduces fatigue; the respiratory and articulatory apparatus develops; speech function is stimulated;

Health-saving pedagogical technologies are used in various types of activities and are presented How:

Technologies conservation and stimulation health:

dynamic pauses, active and sports games, relaxation, finger gymnastics, eye gymnastics, breathing gymnastics, invigorating gymnastics, corrective gymnastics

Technologies for teaching healthy lifestyles: Physical education classes, swimming pool classes, rhythmics, biofeedback (BOS).problem-based games, communicative games, conversations from the series « Health» , acupressure self-massage,

Corrective technologies: technologies development of the emotional-volitional sphere, behavior correction, psycho-gymnastics, art therapy, articulatory gymnastics, technology musical influence, fairy tale therapy)

Tasks for teachers

For teachers You are asked to choose the color of the booklet and describe the feelings associated with this color.

Color therapy is one of the most promising and reliable methods of treatment and health improvement. Color serves as a powerful stimulator for the emotional and intellectual development of children.

Red provides health, physical strength, endurance, stability, self-confidence increases internal energy, helps activate hematopoiesis, normalize blood circulation and metabolism.

Orange increases the level of neuroendocrine regulation, helps overcome fatigue, blues, depression, uncertainty, anxiety and fear.

Yellow, as a symbol of the sun, relieves stress and gives hope.

Green promotes the rhythmic functioning of the heart, relaxation of the eyes, and has a moderate anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect. In addition, it helps with coughs. calms, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Blue helps with insomnia, relieves fears, causes a feeling of comfort and peace, relieves tension, lowers blood pressure, and calms breathing.

Violet has a soft, stimulating effect. Gives strength during energy depletion, does not give room to depression, pessimism and powerlessness.

(Depending on the selected color, teachers given task-use health-saving technology)

Booklet red color

Finger gymnastics

What does finger gymnastics give to children?

Helps develop fine motor skills.

Helps develop speech.

Increases the performance of the cerebral cortex.

Develops a child's mental processes: thinking, attention, memory, imagination.

Relieves anxiety

You need to come up with movements and demonstrate gymnastics in accordance with the text

We will cook compote, (hold the left palm "bucket",

You need a lot of fruit. (with the index finger of the right hand "interfering".)

Let's chop apples (Bend your fingers one at a time, starting with the thumb)

We will chop the pear.

Squeeze the lemon juice

We'll put in some drainage and sand.

We cook, we cook compote. (Again "cook" And "interfering")

Let's treat honest people.

Booklet green color

Playful activities increase interest in physical education and sports. But not only outdoor or sports games increase interest, but also didactic games.

I present to your attention a didactic manual "Flower health»

Didactic game “Guess the sport based on the show”

Booklet yellow color

The emotional sphere can be considered as one of the fundamental internal factors that determine mental health the child and the formation of his initially prosperous psyche. With the help of didactic games, it is possible to develop emotional well-being in preschool children.

Didactic game “Guess the emotion from the show”

Orange color of the booklet

Relaxation is the ability to relax; it helps some children relieve tension, others - concentrate attention and relieve excitement. Relaxation "Barbell" (Klyueva N.V.)

Target: relaxation of the muscles of the arms, legs, body.

Instructions: “Imagine that you are lifting a heavy barbell. Bend over, take it. Clench your fists. Slowly raise your arms. They're tense! Hard! Our arms are tired, we throw the barbell (arms drop sharply down and freely fall along the body). They are relaxed, resting. It's easy to breathe. Inhale – pause, exhale – pause.”

Booklet blue color

MUSIC THERAPY - we know that music can change a person’s mental and physical state, we knew back in ancient Greece and other countries, listening to correctly selected music increases the immunity of children, relieves tension and irritability, headaches and muscle pain, and restores calm breathing. Music works selectively: depending on the nature of the work, on the instrument on which it is performed. For example, the violin and piano calm the nervous system, and the flute has a relaxing effect.

Hearing "To Eliza" L. V. Beethoven

Thus, application in work health-saving pedagogical technologies increases the effectiveness of the educational process,

forms teachers and parents’ value orientations of maintaining and strengthening children's health, and the child has a strong motivation for creativity and healthy lifestyle

"We work according to the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education"
The project “For the Teacher” invites kindergarten teachers and other teachers of preschool educational organizations to take part in the All-Russian competition of pedagogical excellence in the category “Best Methodological Development”. The theme of this competition is the most relevant object in the education system of the Russian Federation today - the Federal State Educational Standard.
To participate in the competition, notes from classes, events, and other developments drawn up in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education are accepted.
The purpose of the event: presentation and dissemination of pedagogical experience in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard in preschool education.

All-Russian competition for preschool teachers
"Best lesson notes (GCD)"
The project "For the Teacher" invites kindergarten teachers and other teachers of preschool educational organizations to take part in the all-Russian competition for the best lesson notes (BLC).
Goals and objectives of the competition: dissemination of best practices of teachers and educators of preschool educational institutions in the field of organizing direct educational activities.
The subject of the Competition is the development of a lesson. The choice of lesson topic remains with the teacher.

Editorial fee for organizing and holding the event is 200 rubles. Results within 24 hours.
You will be able to receive an award diploma the next day after posting the material.

All-Russian competition for preschool teachers
"Slide Palette"
The project "For the Teacher" invites kindergarten teachers and other teachers of preschool educational organizations to take part in the all-Russian competition of pedagogical excellence "Palette of Slides".
Goals of the competition: improving skills in working with office applications; intensifying the introduction of ICT in the educational process; dissemination and transfer of innovative pedagogical experience in the field of information technology; identifying and encouraging the authors of the best presentations.
The subject of the competition is presentations made in Power Point.

Editorial fee for organizing and holding the event is 200 rubles. Results within 24 hours.
You will be able to receive an award diploma the next day after posting the material.

All-Russian competition for preschool teachers
"Country of Masters"
The site "For the Teacher" invites educators and all teachers of preschool organizations to take part in the All-Russian creative competition.
The competition accepts photographs of crafts, toys, equipment, models, posters, panels, costumes, design elements for a group or section, etc., created by yourself.
The purpose of the event: dissemination of creative experience and ideas of teaching staff.

Editorial fee for organizing and holding the event is 200 rubles. Results within 24 hours.
You will be able to receive an award diploma the next day after posting the material.

All-Russian competition for preschool teachers
"The best professional portfolio of a preschool teacher"
A teacher’s professional portfolio is a collection of materials, documentary and other evidence that reflects the content and confirms the results achieved by the teacher in various types of activities.
The project “For the Teacher” invites kindergarten teachers and other teachers of preschool educational organizations to take part in the all-Russian competition for the best portfolio.
The objectives of the competition are: to identify and disseminate effective experience in creating a professional portfolio; support for teachers who showed creative initiative and presented original ideas for creating a portfolio in electronic form.

Editorial fee for organizing and holding the event is 200 rubles. Results within 24 hours.
You will be able to receive an award diploma the next day after posting the material.

All-Russian competition for preschool teachers
The best methodological development on traffic rules “Our friend is the traffic light”
Today, the issue of preschoolers learning the rules of the road has become even more relevant and acute, since on modern streets the number of cars is increasing every day, and accordingly the number of accidents is growing. Therefore, every child, as effectively as possible for his age, should know the rules of the road. The first assistants in this are, of course, teachers of preschool educational institutions. Their task is to educate children and their parents.
The project “For the Teacher” invites kindergarten teachers and other teachers of preschool educational organizations to take part in the all-Russian competition for the best methodological development on traffic rules.
The subject of the competition is text materials, as well as presentations.

Editorial fee for organizing and holding the event is 200 rubles. Results within 24 hours.
You will be able to receive an award diploma the next day after posting the material.

All-Russian competition for preschool teachers
"The best methodological development in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard"
The project “For the Teacher” invites kindergarten teachers and other teachers of preschool educational organizations to take part in the all-Russian competition for the best methodological development in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.
The purpose of the competition: to identify and broadcast advanced pedagogical experience in implementing the requirements of the federal state educational standard.

Editorial fee for organizing and holding the event is 200 rubles. Results within 24 hours.
You will be able to receive an award diploma the next day after posting the material.

All-Russian competition for preschool teachers
"Collection of pedagogical excellence and creativity"
The project "For the Teacher" invites kindergarten teachers and other teachers of preschool educational organizations to take part in the all-Russian competition "Collection of Pedagogical Skills and Creativity."
The competition accepts photographs of crafts, toys, equipment, models, posters, panels, costumes, design elements for a group, a site, and other photos of materials of pedagogical skill and creativity.

You will be able to receive an award diploma the next day after posting the material.

All-Russian competition for preschool teachers
The best methodological development "Application of health-saving technologies in kindergarten"
Today, preserving and strengthening children’s health is one of the main strategic objectives of the country’s development. For the full physical development of children and the realization of the need for movement, it is necessary to pay great attention to creating a health-saving space.
The project "For the Teacher" invites kindergarten teachers and other teachers of preschool educational organizations to take part in the all-Russian competition for the best methodological development "Application of health-saving technologies in kindergarten."
The subject of the competition is text materials, as well as presentations about the technologies and methods used in preschool educational institutions that help improve the health of children in kindergarten.

Editorial fee for organizing and holding the event is 200 rubles. Results within 24 hours.
You will be able to receive an award diploma the next day after posting the material.

All-Russian competition for preschool teachers
The best methodological development "Patriotic education of preschool children"
Patriotic education of the younger generation is one of the most pressing tasks of our time. It is very important to instill in a person a sense of patriotism, love for the Motherland, a sense of loyalty and responsibility. This is the result of a long, targeted educational influence on a child, and it is necessary to cultivate patriotism from preschool age, when the child’s personality begins to form.
The project “For the Teacher” invites kindergarten teachers and other teachers of preschool educational organizations to take part in the all-Russian competition for the best methodological development for the patriotic education of preschoolers.

Editorial fee for organizing and holding the event is 200 rubles. Results within 24 hours.
You will be able to receive an award diploma the next day after posting the material.

All-Russian competition for preschool teachers
The best methodological development "Working with gifted children"
Among the most interesting and mysterious natural phenomena, children's talent undoubtedly occupies one of the leading places. The most sensitive period for the development of abilities is early childhood and preschool age.
The project “For the Teacher” invites kindergarten teachers and other teachers of preschool educational organizations to take part in the all-Russian competition for the best methodological development for working with gifted children.

Editorial fee for organizing and holding the event is 200 rubles. Results within 24 hours.
You will be able to receive an award diploma the next day after posting the material.

All-Russian competition for preschool teachers
"Holiday of good mood" (for best script)
The project “For the Teacher” invites kindergarten teachers and other teachers of preschool educational organizations to take part in the all-Russian competition “Holiday of Good Mood”.
The subject of the competition is scripts for festive events, prepared in a Word text file or in the form of a presentation.

Editorial fee for organizing and holding the event is 200 rubles. Results within 24 hours.
You will be able to receive an award diploma the next day after posting the material.

All-Russian competition for preschool teachers
The best methodological development "Pre-school time"
At the preschool stage, it is necessary to create conditions for the maximum disclosure of the child’s individual age-related potential; it is necessary to create conditions for the development of a functionally literate personality - a person capable of solving any life tasks (problems), using for this the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired throughout life.
Preschool education is the foundation of the entire educational system, since it is here that the foundations of personality are laid, which determine the nature of the child’s future development.
The project “For the Teacher” invites kindergarten teachers and other teachers of preschool educational organizations to take part in the all-Russian competition for the best methodological development for preparing children for school.

Editorial fee for organizing and holding the event is 200 rubles. Results within 24 hours.
You will be able to receive an award diploma the next day after posting the material.

All-Russian competition for preschool teachers
The best methodological development "Formation of mathematical concepts of children of senior preschool age"
One of the most important tasks in raising a child is the development of his mind, the formation of such thinking skills and abilities that make it easy to learn new things. The content and methods of preparing the thinking of preschoolers for school education, in particular pre-mathematical preparation, should be aimed at solving this problem.
The project “For the Teacher” invites kindergarten teachers and other teachers of preschool educational organizations to take part in the all-Russian competition for the best methodological development for the formation of mathematical concepts in children of senior preschool age.

Regulations for the event.
| Photos of teachers in costumes of various heroes and characters are accepted for the competition. The project “For the Teacher” invites kindergarten teachers and other teachers of preschool educational organizations to take part in the all-Russian competition “Autumn Motives”.

All-Russian competition for preschool teachers
"Winter's Tale"
Winter is an amazing time when the earth is wrapped in a snow-white blanket, and nature falls asleep, anticipating in a dream the future spring awakening.
The project "For the Teacher" invites kindergarten teachers and other teachers of preschool educational organizations to take part in the all-Russian competition "Winter's Tale".
The subject of the competition is: summaries of thematic conversations, quizzes, event scenarios, stories, poems, game programs, creative projects, articles and other materials that have pedagogical value in teaching preschool children about winter.

Editorial fee for organizing and holding the event is 150 rubles. Results within 24 hours.
You will be able to receive an award diploma the next day after posting the material.

All-Russian competition for preschool teachers
"New Year's Trouble"
The project "For the Teacher" invites kindergarten teachers and other teachers of preschool educational organizations to take part in the all-Russian competition "New Year's Trouble."
The subject of the competition is any work on a New Year's theme (summaries of thematic conversations, quizzes, event scenarios, stories, poems, game programs, creative projects, articles, crafts, gifts, postcards, etc.).

Editorial fee for organizing and holding the event is 150 rubles. Results within 24 hours.
You will be able to receive an award diploma the next day after posting the material.

The catalog presents the results of an analysis of resources posted on the Internet that are of interest to teachers of preschool educational institutions.

More than 150 Internet resources are shown, including official websites of federal and regional educational authorities, electronic versions of encyclopedias, dictionaries and reference books, websites of fiction for children, websites of children's writers and electronic periodicals for children.

The purpose of the directory.

Help you navigate the Internet world and quickly find the information you need.

1. Systematize the addresses of Internet resources related to the work of a teacher in a preschool educational institution.

2. Provide an annotation for each section and site.

All sites are combined into seven sections. Each section features a variety of collections.

The catalog is addressed, first of all, to the teacher of a preschool educational institution. At the same time, Internet resources, links to which are given in the catalog, will be useful for parents, as well as for students - future teachers.



I affirm:

Head of MBDOU kindergarten

combined type No. 10










Compiled by: E.S. Gimon, senior teacher.

INTRODUCTION …………………………………………………………………………..4

SEARCH ENGINES……………………………………………..………...5

EDUCATIONAL SITES……………………………………………………………….…...7




SITES OF CHILDREN'S WRITERS……………………………………………………………..…20




The catalog presents the results of an analysis of resources posted on the Internet that are of interest to teachers of preschool educational institutions.

More than 150 Internet resources are shown, including official websites of federal and regional educational authorities, electronic versions of encyclopedias, dictionaries and reference books, websites of fiction for children, websites of children's writers and electronic periodicals for children.

The purpose of the directory.

Help you navigate the Internet world and quickly find the information you need.


  1. Systematize the addresses of Internet resources related to the work of a teacher in a preschool educational institution.
  2. Provide an annotation for each section and site.

All sites are combined into seven sections. Each section features a variety of collections.

The catalog is addressed, first of all, to the teacher of a preschool educational institution. At the same time, Internet resources, links to which are given in the catalog, will be useful for parents, as well as for students - future teachers.


The catalog describes the most famous and largest search engines today.

The variety of search capabilities of various search engines will help both an experienced computer scientist and a novice user in navigating the Internet.

http://www.AltaVista.ru - AltaVista. At the moment, this oldest search system occupies one of the first places in terms of the volume of indexed documents. Allows you to select the country to search for resources and the language of the document. Searches for documents in Russian.

http://www.Aport.ru – Aport is a unique bilingual search system. Having the same basic features as AltaVista, Aport contains many more modern resources of the Russian Internet. One of the significant advantages of Aport is English-Russian and Russian-English on-line translation of queries and result searches, automatic checking of query spelling errors, and the ability to search in any grammatical form (which is especially important for the Russian language).

http://www.Google.ru – Google. The world's largest search engine is simple and easy to use and provides free information in different languages ​​in a split second. (You can search in 100 languages ​​of the world, including Russian.) Provides access to all information without going to the main page. Google Toolbar allows you to search from anywhere on the Internet. Google can be used from various mobile platforms (even not on a computer), including phones running in WAP and i-mode modes.

http://www.OpenText.ru – The OpenText information system is the most commercialized information product on the Internet. All descriptions look more like advertising than an informative operating manual. However, all documents issued upon request are ranked.

http://www.Rambler.ru – The Rambler search engine contains millions of documents from more than 42 thousand Russian sites. Has a developed query language. The query can consist of one or more words separated by spaces. Both Russian and English characters can be used.

http://www.Yahoo.ru – Yahoo cooperates with many manufacturers of information retrieval tools. The Yahoo language is quite simple: all words should be entered separated by a space, they are connected by the connective “and” or “or”. However, when issuing a document, the degree of compliance of the document with the request is not indicated, but only the words from the request that appear in the document are emphasized. Yahoo belongs to the class of simple traditional systems with limited search capabilities.

http://www.Yandex.ru – Today, Yandex has the largest search database in the Russian network. It is best to work with a search engine if you need to find the largest number of documents, because... Yandex scans hundreds of thousands of web pages every day looking for changes or new links. The collection of Yandex links is constantly growing.


The section presents portals and websites of federal and regional education authorities.

These resources contain official information, regulatory documents of the current year and archives of previous years: orders, instructions, letters of instruction, recommendations, news. Reports on current events, plans, federal target programs, competitions and grants are also presented here. The catalog contains the most informative resources that are well designed and contain links to other WWW resources.

http://5ballov.com.ru – “5 Points.Ru” contains a selection of educational resources. The site contains the largest collections of essays (more than 5,000), essays, term papers and dissertations (about 68,000), there are summaries of various texts, a large collection of biographies of writers and poets, a collection of ready-made homework assignments, intelligence tests and much more. Free Internet library.

http://sputnik.mto.ru – Satellite channel of a unified educational information environment.

http://www.apkppro.ru – Academy of Advanced Training and Professional Retraining of Education Workers of the Russian Federation.

http://www.curator.ru - “Curator”. The site is dedicated to the use of Internet technologies in education. Education news, materials on distance learning via the Internet, website building, web reviews, reviews of electronic textbooks, materials to help teachers and methodologists, the Internet in facts and figures.

http://www.ed.gov.ru – Federal Agency for Education.

http://www.edu.ru – Federal portal “Russian Education”. Catalog of educational Internet resources. Basic federal educational portals. Search by adjustment, by rubricators. Resource ratings. Regulatory documents of the education system. State educational standards. Distance learning (courses, organizations, regulatory framework). Glossary (education, pedagogy).

http://www.edu.-all.ru – The VSEOBUCH portal is all about education.

http://www.fcpro.ru – Federal Target Program for the Development of Education (2006 – 2010) – Federal Center for Education and Training

http://www.fipi.ru – Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements.

http://fsu.edu.ru/p1.html – Federal Council for Textbooks of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

http://www.ict.edu.ru – Federal portal “Information and communication technologies in education.”

http://www.informika.ru – “Informika” – The official name of the Informatization Center of the Ministry of General and Professional Education of Russia. Russian press about education, the latest achievements in a variety of scientific fields. News of educational sites. Distance education, learning resources, information technology; conferences, exhibitions; funds, grants, competitions; training of management personnel; newspapers magazines; Internet guide.

http://www.int-edu.ru – Institute of New Educational Technologies. The site presents various didactic and methodological aids.

http://www.irro.ru – Institute for the Development of Regional Education of the Sverdlovsk Region.

http://www.lexed.ru – Federal Center for Educational Legislation.

http://www.minobraz.ru – Website of the Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Sverdlovsk Region.

http://www.mkso.ru – Official website of the Ministry of Culture of the Sverdlovsk Region. The website contains all the information about the Ministry of Culture of the Sverdlovsk Region. Here you can find regulatory documents of the current year and previous years, reports on current events, plans, information on the results of competitions and much more.

http://www.mon.gov.ru – Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

http://www.rost.ru – Priority national projects: website of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the implementation of priority national projects and demographic policy.

http://www.school.edu.ru – Russian general education portal. Educational resources for educators, teachers, students and parents. The portal contains a variety of information on all major issues of general education, from preschool to full secondary education.

http://www.videoresursy.ru – “Media Resources for Education and Enlightenment” is one of the leaders in creating a new generation of electronic teaching aids based on demonstrating the work experience of practicing teachers. "Media Resources" is a commercial organization, a modern market structure, specializing in the development, publication, replication and sale of multimedia teaching aids for general and professional education.

http://www.vidod.edu.ru – Federal portal “Additional education for children”. Federal and interdepartmental programs. Upbringing. Areas of additional education for children. Children's holiday.


The section presents portals and sites containing a wealth of information about writers and poets, a collection of works by various authors intended for viewing in electronic form. There are both classics and modern literature here. This section contains a list of children's online libraries. With the help of various libraries you can quickly find the book you need.

http://deti.spb.ru – Regional website of children's libraries.

http://detskiy-mir.net/rating.php - Child's world. Catalog of children's resources. All sites with children's themes.

http://gumer.info – Gumer Library. Includes libraries on history, psychology, law, philology, cultural studies, journalism, pedagogy, etc.

http://kidsbook.narod.ru – Kidsbook: library of children's literature.

http://lib.students.ru – Student Library Online. a comprehensive interactive resource of the “Russian Student Server” of catalog type, designed to comprehensively meet the needs of Russian students and youth for a variety of text information.

http://lukoshko.net - “Battle of Fairy Tales.” Children's electronic library - folk and original fairy tales, poems and stories for children.

http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/Libweb - Catalog of Russian libraries.

http:// www.allbest.ru – “Allbest.ru” is the largest library catalog to date, containing links to universal, scientific, educational, artistic, philological and other thematic libraries. The catalog is divided into 30 sections. Currently contains links to approximately 5,000 electronic libraries.

http:// www.allbest.ru .union – one of the leading sections of the Allbest.ru project. The site contains a catalog of the most informative, from the point of view of the site’s authors, educational, scientific and information resources. The site contains links to resources of electronic libraries, collections of abstracts, scientific and educational materials on various sciences, materials about the Internet, foreign languages, and others. A notable advantage of this site is that it is updated daily.

http://www.analysys.com/vlib/educate.htm - Collection of virtual libraries.

http://www.chtivo.ru – Reading.Ru. United catalog of printed publications. Includes approximately 150,000 books, 3,000 newspapers, 700 magazines and about 200 electronic publications. A large number of educational publications are presented.

http://www.dedushka.net – Children's network library. Catalogs by age, by author. Useful links: Websites for parents; Electronic archives.

http://www.fplib.ru - Russian literature. An electronic library, entering which any user plunges into the magical world of poetry. Here you can hear the voices of wonderful Russian and foreign authors, and enjoy meeting long-loved or new works. The library contains many literary biographies and photographs of great people of our time. The number of works and biographies is growing weekly.

http://www.kulichki.com/moshkow/TALES/stishki.txt - Children's poems - section of Maxim Moshkov's library.

http://www.kinder.ru – catalog of children's resources on the Internet KINDER.RU. More than 2000 links to sites about children and for children.

http://www.lib.com.ua – A large electronic library where you can find books in electronic form on almost any topic. Here you can find not only fiction, but also popular science texts.

http://www.lib.km.ru – An electronic library containing in its archive more than 16,000 books updated daily. All books available in the library are classified into sections: detective stories, housekeeping, women's novels, history, classics, lyrics, memoirs, science fiction, politics, adventure, religion, fairy tales, poetry, textbooks, philosophy, fantasy, humor.

http://www.lib.ru – Electronic library of Maxim Moshkov. Here are texts of classical and modern literature not only by Russian authors, but also by foreign ones.

http://www.rgdb.ru/Default1.aspx - Russian State Children's Library.The site presents various catalogs: Teaching materials; Catalog "Rare Book"; Catalog of the department of literature in foreign languages.

http://www.rsl.ru - Russian State Library. The library's collections represent a universal collection of full-text electronic copies, especially valuable and most requested publications from the collections of the Russian State Library, from external sources, as well as documents originally created in electronic form. The total volume of funds is about 150,000 documents.

http://www.russiantext.com - Russian text. The site represents a kind of archive of Russian texts from classical authors to modern ones. The site also has a large selection of dictionaries.

http://www.rvb.ru – Russian virtual library. All works available on the site are prepared from academic publications.

http://www.teenbook.ru – Sverdlovsk Regional Library for Children and Youth.

http://www.top-kniga.ru – “Top Book” is a kind of reviewer of new book releases with a universal search system. There are links to online stores through which you can order any book.


The section presents electronic versions of various encyclopedias, dictionaries and reference books. The practical significance of these resources for preparing classes and organizing leisure time for preschoolers is obvious.

http://a-nomalia.narod.ru/mif – Mythological Dictionary. Slavic and Russian mythology.

http://mify.org/dictionary.shtml – Myths of Ancient Greece: Mythological Dictionary. The dictionary contains more than 1100 entries.

http://potomy.ru - “Potomu.ru - Children's encyclopedia. Let's explore the world together."More than 2500 answers to a variety of questions. More than a dozen new answers from qualified teachers - school teachers and kindergarten teachers - appear on the site every day. By registering, any site visitor can ask a question. Teachers or educators can post their articles on the site for FREE.

http://ru.wikipedia.org – Wikipedia: a free multilingual encyclopedia.

http://vip.km.ru/Megabook/child/index.asp - Encyclopedias vip.km.ru: “Universal Encyclopedia”, “Children’s Encyclopedia”, “Encyclopedia of Popular Music”, “Encyclopedia of Animals”, “Encyclopedia of Cinema”, “Encyclopedia of Cooking”, “Car Encyclopedia”, “Tourist Atlas of the World”, “Encyclopedia of Sports”, “Encyclopedia of Health”, “Encyclopedia of Personal Computer”.

http://www.books.kharkov.com - IN AND. Dal. Explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language.

http://www.encyclopedia.ru – The world of encyclopedias. Reference system. Review of universal and specialized Internet encyclopedias and dictionaries.

http://www.krugosvet.ru – Encyclopedia “Around the World”.

http://www.megakm.ru – Megaencyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius. Universal library, several thematic encyclopedias and dictionaries. Ability to search for information using keywords.

http://www.psi.webzone.ru – Psychological Dictionary. Alphabetical and thematic sorting of articles. Psychology tests. Dictionary search system.

http://www.rubricon.com - Rubricon. The largest reference and encyclopedic Internet resource in Russian. The site provides access to full electronic versions of the most important encyclopedias, dictionaries and reference books.

http://www.rulex.ru – Russian biographical dictionary. A selection of articles from the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary (biographies of figures of Russian history and culture, articles about Russian semi-mythical and folklore characters), portraits, coats of arms.

http://www.slovari.gramota.ru – Reference and information portal. Russian language dictionaries. Russian language service. (Institute of Russian Language named after V.V. Vinogradov.)

http://www.sokr.ru – Sokr.Ru. Dictionary of Russian language abbreviations.

http://www.src-home.slav.hokudai.ac.jp/Writer - Modern writers in Russia. Bibliographic reference book.


The section is filled by including links to Internet resources that contain methodological, scientific and practical materials on issues of child psychology, pedagogy, medicine, consultations on upbringing, early development and education of children. The section presents lessons, trainings, tests, texts on the topics: readiness for school, teaching mathematics, Russian, drawing, modeling.

http://adalin.mospsy.ru - Psychological Center “ADALIN”. Psychological counseling on issues of child-parent and family relationships, developmental activities with preschool children (diagnosis and development of thinking, speech, memory, attention, creativity), preparing the child for school. Correctional classes: hyperactivity, attention deficit, increased aggressiveness, anxiety, slowness, autism, childhood fears, neuroses in children, mental retardation. Psychological tests, correctional and developmental techniques, articles and publications on psychology.

http://azps.ru - "AND I. Psychology". The site contains articles on various branches of psychology, including child psychologyhttp://azps.ru/articles/kid (in fact - a hypertextbook), tests, training programs, a dictionary of psychological terms, there is a section for parents.

http://childhoodbooks.ru - “Childhood Books.” About the best children's publications of the USSR and some good books of modern Russia.

http://edu.km.ru – Educational projects of the company “Cyril and Methodius”.

http://homestead.narod.ru - “Paradise in a hut.” Website about early childhood development.

http://illustrators.odub.tomsk.ru/illustr - Illustrators of children's books. The site introduces children, parents and educators to the work of children's book illustrators (Bilibina, Vasnetsova,Konashevich, Lebedev, Mavrina, Mitrokhin, Pakhomov, Rachev, Suteev, Favorsky, Charushin, Chizhikov and others); introduces the child to the world of lines and colors created by artists; teaches you to see beauty. Objectives of the site: increase the level of artistic perception, enrich the creative imagination and fantasy of the child.

http://kinklub.com - Catalog of children's sites. The catalog contains sites only with children's themes. Children's search system AGA.

http://ladushki.ru - “Okay.” A site for babies and toddlers, as well as their parents. Gallery of children's drawings. Children's literary creativity. Crafts. Living alphabet. Fun math. Useful links (“Catalogue of children's resources”, “Playing with clay”, “Entertaining physics in questions and answers”http://elkin52.narod.ru - The site is for school-age children, but you can also find educational information for preschoolers).

http://playroom.com.ru . - Children's playroom. More than 120 texts of children's songs from films and cartoons, computer games for children of all ages, available for download, educational and logic games, as well as crosswords, riddles, flip-flops, counting rhymes, proverbs, charades, and puzzles.

http://psyparents.ru/index.php?view=news&item=943 – Child psychology for parents.Preschool programs, articles about preschool programs. School programs (“Philosophy for Children”, System of D.B. Elkonin - V.V. Davydov, Waldorf pedagogy, System of L. Zankov).Websites for parents . Psychological centers. Psychological Dictionary.

http://skazkater.narod.ru - Community of fairy tale therapists. Therapeutic fairy tales, links to collections of fairy tales.

http://vschool.km.ru – Virtual School of Cyril and Methodius.

http://www.babylib.by.ru - “Library of a little genius.” About the early development of children and educational toys. Manuals by Zaitsev, Nikitin, Montessori.

http://www.danilova.ruLena Danilova's website. It has existed since 1999 and is one of the first sites for educators and parents on the Russian Internet. The section “All about early development” contains materials about various methods; in the “Pantry” - books for children, materials for classes: manuals, games, coloring books, pictures, sheet music and much more. “Workshop” will tell caring mothers and fathers about how to make a toy or game for their baby, how to make interior items, and how to create amazing crafts together with their children. In the “Health” section they teach you not to get sick, and if you do get sick, then get treated correctly: non-drug treatments, juice therapy, aromatherapy and much more.

http://detochka.ru - “Baby.” Directories. Hardening of babies, infant swimming, logical and entertaining games with children, baby talk, nutrition and raising a baby - personal experience and expert opinion.

http://detskiy-mir.net - “Children’s World” - A fun children's site.Program “Color it!” will help you turn drawings for coloring into masterpieces, learn the alphabet and numbers, create your own drawings and have fun and usefully spend time.You can download 42 albums with more than 850 coloring pages.

http:// www.detisite.ru - "Detisite". Psychological and pedagogical Internet publication. Contains scientific and practical materials on issues of child psychology, pedagogy, medicine, and invites participation in discussions and seminars. Sections: psychology of early childhood, psychology of child education, practice of educating preschoolers, teaching materials.The site is closed for renovation; work will last until the end of June 2008.

http:// www.detskiysad.ru – « Kindergarten.Ru – for adults about children.” Website for parents and teachers. Contains articles on the physical development of children, on the basics of child hygiene, on the importance of children's games in the educational process, on the labor education of a child, on the organization of holiday parties in kindergarten, on some childhood diseases and much more.The site’s materials will be useful not only for kindergarten teachers and methodologists, but also for students and young parents.

http://www.e-skazki.narod.ru – « A fairy tale for the people - news from the world of fairy tales " A wide variety of folk and original fairy tales from all over the world.

http://www.forkids.ru – “Recreation and leisure for children.” Website andhas links to friendly resources. Websites for children.Websites for parents. For the whole family. Sports resources. Leisure. Other resources.

http://www.juja.ru/ - Daily story for children. The visual part is made using the latest computer technologies. Much attention in the project is paid to the sound component, the text will be heard in the voice of professional artists, and poems will turn into songs.

http://www.manners.ru - “Manners.Ru”. For those who strive to ensure that their child learns to behave correctly before school. Here they not only teach, but also test their skills using special tests.

http://www.medkrug.ru/community/show/30?from=adwords – “MedKrug.RU”. Communities: Children from 1 to 5.Community interests: homeopathy, vaccinations, child development; pros and cons of home education, childhood illnesses, child nutrition, games, safety, children's health, psychological characteristics of preschoolers, family relationships, children's team, preparation for school, children's sports.

http://www.moi-detsad.ru ; http://ivalex.ucoz.ru - Everything for kindergarten.Methodological developments, consultations for teachers, lesson notes, materials on life safety, games, fairy tales, songs; the forum is working.

http://www.mosdeti.ru – Children's portal of the city of Moscow. Project of the Moscow city government. The portal is addressed to parents, educators and children.

http://www.moskids.ru – Portal for kids of the city of Moscow. Project of the Moscow city government.

http://www.nanya.ru - "Nanny". The main family portal of the country. All about children and family relationships. Main sections: upbringing, education, advice to parents, thematic conferences. Authoritatively. Professionally. Healthy.

http:// www.psy.org.ru - Neuropsychology of childhood. The site was created by employees of the Center for Intellectual Development of the Child, based at the Department of Clinical Psychology of the Moscow Psychological and Social Institute. Contains articles and annotations of books on the neuropsychology of childhood.

http://www.semaclub.ru - Children's center "Syoma". Network of children's development centers. The center's programs are aimed at different age groups and include a variety of techniques and ways of perceiving information, comprehensive development and preparation for school.

http://www.skazka.com.ru - "Fairy tale". The site contains the full texts of 7015 folk and literary fairy tales, myths and legends from different countries. Fairy tales for the youngest readers and fairy tales for adults are highlighted, and the texts of 97 “horror stories” are also posted. A convenient search allows you to find a fairy tale by nationality or author.

http:// www.solnet.ee – Children's portal “Sun”. The project is aimed at three main groups of visitors: children (games, competitions, fairy tales, coloring books, children's magazine, virtual school, forums); for parents (on-line consultations on upbringing, early development and education of children, exchange of experience, forums); for teachers (a collection of didactic and script material, original methods and developments).

http:// www.solnet.ee/school/index.html - “Virtual School” page - lessons, texts, illustrations on topics: readiness for school, teaching history, mathematics, Russian language; drawing, modeling.

http://www.tikki.ru/skazki - Fairy tales and children's songs in MP3 . A catalog of fairy tales and children's songs that can be downloaded for free. Musical fairy tales.


Compared to the number of children's writers, the sites are few. This section is an excellent illustrative and informational material that allows you to visually immerse yourself in the world of the writer, the atmosphere of his life and work.

http://andersen.com.ua - All Andersen's fairy tales.

http://s-marshak.ru – “The unfinished page - Samuil Marshak.” Website about the life and work of Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak. All works for children, letters, photographs and sound files, which, complementing the literary heritage of the author, will help to better know and love Marshak the poet, translator, prose writer and editor.

http://www.bazhov.ru/ - Pavel Petrovich Bazhov. Biography of the writer, written by his daughter, Ariadna Pavlovna Bazhova; photo album. Tales. Links: uralring.eunnet.net/bazhov - Wonderful places in Bazhov’s tales;www.skazka.com.ru/article/bagov/bagov.html- Bazhov's tales. bazhov.ural.ru - website of the Pavel Bazhov literary award.

http://www.detlit.hut2.ru - Official website of the Association of Children's and Youth Writers of Russia.

http://www.chaplina1.narod.ru – Website V.V. Chaplina.The site is dedicated to the life and work of the wonderful children's writer Vera Vasilievna Chaplina.

http://www.chukfamily.ru – “Having given my life to art without giving up...” Site about Korney and Lydia Chukovsky. Biographies. All works of art. Articles, memoirs, essays, interviews.

http://www.museum.ru – Catalog of museums. You can search for museums by author or work of any author.

http://www.sky-art.com/andersen/index.htm - Heavenly art. Hans Christian Andersen. All works by H.K. Andersen, translated into Russian. Materials about translations and translators of Andersen. Illustrations for the writer's works. Photos. Travel notes. Autobiography. Letters. Literature about Andersen.

http://www.sgu.ru/ogis/museum/kassil/indexmsie.html - Museum of Lev Kassil.

http://www.uspens.ru – website of E.N. Uspensky. All works by E.N. Uspensky. Publications in foreign languages. New projects. Characters. Films based on the writer's works (full list).


Chapter is aimed at two main groups: preschool children (games, competitions, songs, poems, fairy tales, coloring books) and educators (exchange of experience, a collection of didactic and script material, original methods and developments). The section contains websites of modern popular newspapers and magazines for children and teachers. The list also includes publications that do not have a printed version and exist only on the Internet.

http://dob.1september.ru – Newspaper “Preschool Education”.

http://periodika.websib.ru – Pedagogical periodicals: catalog of articles in the Russian educational press.

http://puzkarapuz.ru/2008/04/16/razvivajushhijj_zhurnal_dlja_detejj_umnjasha_122008.html - Developmental magazine "Umnyasha"for children of preschool and primary school age with tasks teaching writing, reading, mathematics, drawing, applique, modeling, English in a playful way. A magazine for children and their parents, for whom joint creativity will bring a lot of joy.

http://zerno.narod.ru - “Grain.” Full-color Christian magazine, for children 4-11 years old, teaches, entertains, comforts, and helps raise children in Christian traditions.

http://www.1september.ru - “First of September.” Server for the association of pedagogical publications. Issues of the newspaper are published, as well as materials from subject newspapers, including “Preschool Education».

http://psy.1september.ru - “School psychologist.”

http://www.detgazeta.ru - "Children's newspaper."A new fun electronic publication for children from 6 to 10 years old. Fairy tales, puzzles, quizzes, labyrinths, stories about animals, recipes, addresses of friends.

http://www.informica.ru/windows/magaz/higher/higher.html – Scientific and pedagogical journal of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

http://www.kindereducation.com - “Preschool child.” Magazine for smart kids andtheir parents. Education and entertainment for preschool children. Speech development, fun mathematics, child psychology, fine arts lessons, games and competitions (from 4 years old).

http://www.klepa.ru - “Klepa.” International children's magazine/almanac, published since 1992. Regular columns: “Your famous namesakes”, “Klep-club”. Each issue of this magazine/almanac covers one topic.

http://www.klepa.ru/klepclub_mag.php - “Klep-club”. Supplement to the magazine "Klepa". A modern educational magazine for inquisitive children aged 5 - 7 years.

http:// www.kostyor.ru - Children's literary and artistic magazine "Koster". Today's "Bonfire" is a useful and exciting publication, interesting to both children and their parents. The purpose of the magazine is to instill in children a taste and love for fiction, for creative knowledge of the world around us. The authors are famous children's writers: Eduard Uspensky, Grigory Oster, Svyatoslav Sakharnov, Vladislav Krapivin, Valery Voskoboynikov, Alexander Kurlyandsky and others. Koster publishes classics of Russian children's literature and discovers new young names. Young authors appear in the magazine on equal terms with adults - the guys publish their first literary experiences in the magazine: poems, stories, notes, sketches. The magazine has many interesting competitions and educational quizzes with prizes, and there are pages of humor, cinema and music.

http://www.krokha.ru - “My Baby and I.” One of the most popular publications in Russia for parents and educators. The magazine contains a lot of interesting tips and answers to specific questions.

http://www.lazur.ru/anons/cvirel/cvirel4.html - “Pipe”. Children's environmental magazine for reading with the family. The magazine contains popular educational materials on various aspects of natural science and ecology, aimed at school curricula, as well as literary and artistic works - stories, novellas. Each room provides an introduction to a nature reserve or national park. Fascinating, informative, modern. The magazine was awarded the “Golden Press Fund” Badge of Distinction.

http://www.lazur.ru/anons/cvirelka/cvirelka4.html - “Svirelka.” Monthly nature magazine for childrenfrom 3 to 8 years. The publication introduces children to the world around them. Each issue contains stories about animals, plants, fairy tales, riddles, educational games, crosswords, coloring books... The young reader will be able to work hard: cut and glue an animal figurine for his “Home Zoo”, a house; collect baby books. The teacher can use the magazine in class.

http://www.magazines.russ.ru – Magazine room. Electronic library of modern Russian magazines - (“Arion”, “Bulletin of Europe”, “Volga”, “Questions of Literature”, “Friendship of Peoples”, “Star”, “Znamya”, “Foreign Literature”, “Continent”, “Critical Mass” ", "Logos", "Neva", "Emergency Reserve", "New Literary Review", "New Russian Book", "New Youth", "New Journal", "New Face", "New World", "October" , “Domestic Notes”, “Ural”, “Ural Life” and others).

http://www.medvejata.ru - “Cheerful bear cubs.” A kind, bright educational magazine for children 6 - 12 years old. Fairy tales, riddles, educational stories about animals, traffic rules, creative workshops and competitions with prizes. “Cheerful bear cubs” are a cheerful friend of children, an indispensable assistant to teachers and parents!

http://www.merrypictures.ru/last_eskiz - “Sketch”. Magazine about art for children. Published since 2000. The magazine promotes aesthetic development and serves as a guide for drawing lessons and aesthetic education. City architecture, the largest museums in the world, painting and sculpture, folk crafts, cinema and theater, computer graphics, creativity of young readers. Audience: children 6-12 years old.

http://www.merrypictures.ru/last_filya - “Filya.” Magazine for children about nature and ecology. Published since 1997.The most interesting information about wildlife, reports from the zoo, fun quizzes about animals, environmental games, colorful photographs and illustrations, travel of famous naturalists. Each issue has an additional tab with coloring pages. The magazine is designed for children from 6 to 12 years old.

http://www.merrypictures.ru/last_vk - "Funny pictures". Children's humor magazine. Organizes leisure time for the whole family: board games, comics, puzzles, jokes, riddles.Since the new year, the magazine has a tab “Learning with Merry Men”. “Fun Geometry”, “Let’s Compare”, “Name Your Favorite Color”, “Learning to Count” and other fun lessons will make up a unique “Fun Textbook”. The magazine is designed for children from 4 to 10 years old.You can view the magazine archive on the websitehttp://publ.lib.ru/ARCHIVES/V/""Veselye_kartinki""/_""Veselye_kartinki"".html Public library (Electronic bookshelves of Vadim Ershov and K).

http://www.murzilka.org/info/about/ - popular children's literary and art magazine "Murzilka".The magazine publishes fairy tales, fairy tales, short stories, plays, and poems. Its main authors are modern talented writers, artists and classics of children's literature. Often the authors of the magazine are the readers themselves. You can view the magazine archive on the website:www.murzilka.km.ru Dot », « Tram », « Young naturalist », « Young technician ».


http://www.cofe.ru/read-ka - “Read it.” A colorful illustrated magazine for the youngest children, existing only on the Internet. Fairy tales, poems, puzzles, curiosities, unusual things, stories, riddles, facts from the lives of scientists, great storytellers. Competition of young poets and writers. (Audience – children from 4 years old.)

http://www.solnet.ee/sol - "Sun". An entertaining and educational children's magazine that exists only on the Internet (in virtual form). There was no printed version and there is not yet. Toy library, holiday scenarios, photo gallery “My Sunshine”, fairy tales, zoo, magazine (coloring books, poems, songs, riddles, humor, crosswords, puzzles and much more). On its pages you can read fairy tales, stories about exciting adventures and mysterious discoveries. Receive lessons in good manners, answers to children's questions (the “Why Why” section), Povareshkin’s advice (how to prepare simple dishes when your parents are not around). “Polyglot” (learning foreign languages ​​at an early age). Archival materials sorted by headings and numbers. (Audience – children from 4 years old.)

Virtual magazines, combining the printed word and computer advances, are a unique phenomenon. By looking at virtual magazines, the child, together with his parents or educators, simultaneously gains knowledge on a global scale: at the same time he reads a literary work and participates in an educational quiz, corresponds with friends, views a wide range of graphic images (photos of beautiful places on the planet, animals, plants), increases the level of both his native language and an additional one - English, for example, the main one on the Internet, plays a game that develops logical thinking - and all this at once!

http://www.enews.com/monster/education.html – Catalog of Network magazines. A fairly large and detailed list of educational journals that do not have a printed counterpart.
