Children about the planets of the solar system. About the planets of the solar system for children Planets for children 5 years old

Our planet Earth, on which we live, is part of the solar system. In the center of the solar system, a hot star shines brightly - the Sun. Eight main planets revolve around it at different distances from the Sun. One of them, the third in a row, is our Earth.

Each planet has its own orbit in which it moves around the Sun. A complete revolution around the Sun is called a year. On Earth it lasts 365 days. On planets that are closer to the Sun, a year lasts less, and on those that are further away, a full revolution can take several Earth years. The planets also rotate around their axis. One such complete revolution is called a day. On Earth, a day (a revolution around its axis) is approximately 24 hours (more precisely 23 hours 56 minutes 4 seconds).

Presentation for children: Planets of the Solar System


A bright star located at the center of the solar system. The sun, like a hot ball of fire, distributes heat to its nearby planets. True, those planets that are very close to the Sun (Mercury and Venus) are very hot, and those that are further than Mars are very cold, because the warm rays almost do not reach them. But on planet Earth, the temperature turned out to be neither low nor high, which was very convenient for the emergence and development of life on it.


This smallest planet is closest to the Sun. At the same time, almost all the time it turns to the Sun with one side. Therefore, on one side of Mercury it is very hot, and on the other it is very cold.


Second planet from the Sun. On it, like on Earth, there is an atmosphere, it is a kind of air shell. Only, unlike our earthly one, it consists not of oxygen, but mostly of carbon dioxide. Therefore, it is impossible to breathe on Venus, and it is very, very hot on its surface. So there are no plants, no animals, no bacteria there.


This blue planet, the third from the Sun, is our common home. Here we live, animals, people, fish, birds - all under one roof. And the roof of planet Earth consists of an atmosphere in which there is a huge amount of oxygen necessary for life. Here we build our world, write history and from here we observe other planets and stars. And planet Earth also has a little friend - the Moon, which is a satellite of the Earth.


Little red planet, the fourth in a row. There is very little oxygen on it, almost none. There is also almost no water, although scientists are constantly looking for it, because once upon a time there may have been a lot of it on Mars. Then, many, many years ago, there could have been rivers, seas and oceans on the planet, but then something happened and the water disappeared. This mystery has yet to be solved.


The largest, fifth planet in the solar system. Jupiter is made of gas and is called a gas giant. Storms and whirlwind winds constantly occur on its surface, and the planet itself, despite its size, rotates very quickly around its axis, like a top.


A beautiful and unusual planet, sixth from the Sun. Its amazing feature, which can be seen from Earth through a telescope, is the ring around the planet. The ring looks like a disk, only in reality it is not a solid disk, but thousands, thousands of small stones, asteroid fragments and dust.


A mysterious planet, the seventh in a row, which for unknown reasons lies on its side and rotates completely differently from other planets. Uranus has an unusual blue color and looks like a round ball with a smooth surface.


The icy, very cold planet, the eighth in a row, is very far from the Sun, so the sun's rays almost do not reach the surface of this blue planet. Strong winds blow on Neptune and therefore the weather on it is not just winter, but by cosmic standards, completely cold, so that everything on it, even gas, turns into ice.


Once upon a time, this planet was the ninth in a row and was part of the solar system, but it turned out that it was too small to be called a planet and is now called a dwarf planet and is not allowed to be associated with adult planets from the name. Maybe Pluto is still just a baby and just needs to grow up)

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    This wonderful encyclopedia contains interesting facts and interesting details about nature. Here there is information about all the shells of the Earth (solid, water and air) and about the processes that occur in them, about the patterns of settlement of animals and plants and how they have adapted to life in often difficult conditions. Information is also provided about problems that arise in nature due to human activity and ways to solve them.... Further

    Magnificent three-dimensional illustrations will help readers see what our planet is made of and get an idea of ​​natural phenomena that are sometimes difficult to see in reality.

    The encyclopedia will provide invaluable assistance in understanding the world around us. ... Further

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  • Anatoly Dimarov

    “Another Planet” by Anatoly Dimarov is a fantastic story that creates a picture of the life of a distant future, when apartments could be on the two-hundredth century, and people could fly to other planets***. The creation has primitive elements, the succession of the future vashtovane so, abi the least harmful to the environment. The author’s most famous works include “Yogo Family”, “Idol”, “The Ways of Life”, “I Will Be People”, “Pain and Fury”, “Son of the Captain”, “Peaks”, “Live and Revelation”, “On Horseback” and under the horse”, “Another Planet”. Anatoly Dimarov is a Ukrainian writer, a master of social-psychological prose, and the author of many luscious books for children.... Further

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    The illustrated encyclopedia is an indispensable reference publication about the amazing world in which we live. Together with the encyclopedia, you will take an unforgettable journey across our vast planet: on land and sea, in the atmosphere and in space, you will learn about how our planet appeared, you will get acquainted with the world of the natural spheres of the Earth - the atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, as well as the internal structure of the globe. The encyclopedia will tell you in an accessible form about the relief of the earth's surface, the composition and properties of rocks, minerals, the internal forces of the Earth (the movement of lithospheric plates, volcanoes, geysers, earthquakes), as well as the flora and fauna.... Further

    Big children's encyclopedia. Planet Earth is an excellent modern encyclopedia for children, which will serve as an indispensable reference tool and tell the inquisitive reader about all the secrets of our planet.

    For a more exciting introduction to the encyclopedia's materials, the publication provides a variety of mini-games with adjustable difficulty levels, as well as tests to test knowledge.

    Thanks to convenient navigation and a search system, the disk can be used as a reference book, allowing you to quickly find information of interest, and, if necessary, make bookmarks or print it.

    The encyclopedia is addressed to curious children of middle and high school age, as well as their parents and teachers.

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    * Internal structure of the Earth

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    * Land relief

    *Water shell

    * Air shell

    * Shell of life

    * Humanity on Earth

    * Continents and oceans

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> Solar system

Description planets of the solar system for children: look at the model of the solar system and all the planets in order with photos and drawings, interesting facts about the Sun.

solar system- This is a huge place with a lot of empty space between the planets. But there are also asteroids, comets, rocky and icy objects, and dwarf planets in the Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud that have yet to be explored.

For the little ones you need to know that the solar system is represented by the sun and the objects revolving around it: planets, asteroids, meteorites, comets and satellites. All of them extend from the main star (the ancient Romans called it "Sol") and pass the four inner planets through the Asteroid Belt to the four gas giants, the Kuiper Belt (disc-shaped) and beyond the giant Oort Cloud (spherical shape) and the teardrop heliopause . Researchers believe that the edge of the system is 15 billion km from the star.

This article will reveal the most interesting facts about the solar system for children and will provide a complete description of all planets and objects with photos, drawings, pictures and videos. In addition, you will find out which planet is the largest or smallest, the first and the last, hot and cold. Be sure to consider the diagram with the location and orbits, where all the planets of the Solar System are in full view.

Discovery of the Solar System - for children

Parents or teachers At school can start explanation for children from detection of our system. Astronomers did not stop admiring the shine of the stars in the sky and tracking their movements. The ancient Greeks called these points planets - “wanderers”. Children They will be surprised, but Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn were already known then, and the advent of telescopes only added to the Asteroid Belt, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and their satellites. With the development of space research, many probes have been launched into space, which continue to further expand the boundaries of understanding the system. With the discovery of Eris, the era of dwarf planets began.

Since January 20, 2016, scientists have been tracking the mysterious Planet Nine (10 times the mass of Earth and 5,000 times the mass of Pluto).

Formation Solar system - for children

Most researchers agree that the solar system emerged from a giant rotating cloud of gas and dust - the solar nebula. Important explain to the children, that with increasing gravity, it expanded, accelerated rotation and flattened into a disk shape. Most of the material concentrated in the center to create the main star, the Sun. The rest of the material continued to collide and combine until it became comets, asteroids, moons and planets.

Children should know that the solar wind was so powerful that it transported light elements (hydrogen and helium) from the inner planets, leaving behind rocky formations. In the outer regions it weakened, allowing gas giants to form.

Sun - for children

For the little ones It will not be news that the Sun ranks first in size in the solar system. It is our only star whose mass represents 99.8% of the mass of the entire system. Thanks to its light and warmth, life appeared on our planet. The planets move in an oval orbit (ellipse). Moreover, in each ellipse the Sun is shifted from the center.

Internal system- for children

There are 4 relatively small inner planets of the solar system: Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. They are similar in composition (iron and rock) and size, which is why they are called terrestrial planets. The Earth has one satellite, and Mars has two (Deimos and Phobos). Previously, Pluto was in first place in terms of tinyness, but since 2006 it has been classified as a dwarf planet. Now Mercury is the smallest planet in the solar system.

In the area between Mars and Jupiter is the Asteroid Belt. These are small stone fragments with a diameter of 1 km. Children should know that an incredible number of celestial bodies rotate there. The dwarf planet Ceres (950 km) is also located here. Some asteroids have orbits that cause them to move toward the solar system. Because of this, there have been so many collisions with our planet and other planets in the past.

External system - for children

This includes the major planets: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. These are huge worlds with thick gas layers. Important explain for the youngest children that almost all of their mass is represented by hydrogen and helium, which is why they resemble the Sun in composition. There is no solid surface beneath these layers, although there may be a rocky core. Around them there are rings of rocks and ice (the most famous are those of Saturn). Of course, Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system.

Comets are often called dirty snowballs because they are made of ice and rock. When their orbit is directed toward the Sun, some of the ice in the central core turns into gas, which is sprayed into space in the form of a long tail. There are comets with short periodicities (200 years) that emerge from the Kuiper belt. But with a long periodicity - Oort cloud objects.

Trans-Neptunian region- for children

For a long time, astronomers suspected that a long icy strip, the Kuiper Belt, was hidden behind Neptune. Children should know that its distance is 30-55 times greater than the Earth-Sun distance. To date, more than a thousand objects have been discovered. Scientists believe that icy bodies 100 km wide, as well as more than a trillion comets, live there.

Objects beyond Neptune's orbit:

The dwarf planet Pluto also lives there. Recent research has also found Eris, Makemake and Haumea. Quavare is also quite massive, but has not yet been classified. Sedna (3/4 the size of Pluto) was the first to be found in the Oort cloud. This happened on July 14, 2015 thanks to NASA's New Horizons mission.

For the little ones It will be fascinating to hear about the mysterious Planet Nine. It orbits 20 times further than Neptune and 600 times the Earth's orbit. So far, researchers have not been able to see it in telescopes, so its existence is known only due to its gravitational influence on other Kuiper Belt objects.

The Oort cloud is located beyond the Kuiper belt and occupies 5000-100000 times the Earth-Sun distance. In the past, this was the edge of the system, the heliosphere and most of space filled with electrically charged particles. Astronomers believe that the limit of the heliosphere occurs at the heliopause (15 billion km from the Sun).

We hope you liked the description and characteristics of the Solar System. Be sure to visit the page for each planet and object to learn interesting facts with photos, drawings, pictures and diagrams from telescopes and spacecraft. Also, a 3D model of the solar system, where all the planets are in full size, is available for children and adults completely free of charge. You can admire maps, surface features, orbits and movements for a year or more. If schoolchildren and children of any age are interested in real observations, then many planets, as well as the Earth’s Moon, can be seen through an online telescope in real time. Let's also remember that there are many solar systems based on distant stars in the Milky Way and other galaxies, so check out the amazing deep space objects.

Space objects

lily of ionina
Abstract of the educational activity “Planets of the Solar System” for children 5–6 years old

I present to my colleagues abstract GCD for familiarization with the outside world for the Week dedicated to Cosmonautics Day. The children of my group were very interested in learning new things about space and the place of our planets in the solar system. This lesson is included in the complex of lessons dedicated to the day astronautics: rockets were counted in mathematics, planets, astronauts, etc. During the introduction to fiction, excerpts from the story “Starships” were read. During art classes, we drew, sculpted, and glued spaceships in the starry sky. Even physical education was cosmic. During our walk we took a tour of the Moon.

Abstract directly educational activities on the surrounding world

« Planets of the solar system» .

Integrated educational region: "Socialization", "Cognition", "Communication", "Artistic creativity".

Types of children's activities: gaming, productive, communicative, cognitive and research.

Tasks: to form ideas about planets, their variety and size; develop cognitive interest children.

GCD move:

Educator: guys, listen carefully to my riddle and guess her:

Bottomless ocean

The endless ocean

Airless, dark

And extraordinary.

Galaxies live in it,

Stars and comets

There are also inhabited

May be, planets. (Space)

Educator: That's right, this is space. And today we will talk to you about space, galaxies and planets. (knock on the door, on the threshold is an astrologer, disguised as a junior teacher).

Astrologer: who here wants to know everything about space and stars? Only with me can you learn everything and even more about them. I am an astrologer, a great galactic traveler. And I invite you to my spaceship. (Children sit on the carpet). And in order to fly to the stars, we must start the engines and get off the ground. Repeat after me:

We are great guys

We are pilots, astronauts.

We're on a rocket into deep space

let's go to now.

You meet us planets

We'll be glad to see you.

The engines started, the flames flew out.

A blue rocket takes off from the ground.

The force of gravity pressed us into the chairs,

Once! And weightlessness defeated the force.


Raise your hands up with a handshake

Start the engines by hand

Straightened arms-wings

Crouched down and cowered

They straightened their arms, flew, and sat down.

Astrologer: here you and I are in interplanetary space. How many of you know the name of our planet? (Earth). What do you think is the closest star to Earth? (Sun) The sun is a circle or ball? Earth is... (ball). If celestial bodies are similar to each other, then The sun also has a shape...(ball). Sun is at the center of the galaxy, and the Earth revolves around it. How many of you know what other planets revolve around the sun? Do not know? Then I'll tell you. (starry sky projector turns on) you and I live in solar system, in big "family" planets, they are all different in size, in natural conditions, and in their structure: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto. They fly around on different roads Sun. In addition to 9 large planets, around Sun many small ones rotating (asteroids).

Previously, people could only look at the stars through a telescope, but now with the development of astronautics, we are learning more and more about distant planets. Which one of you knows: Who was the first astronaut? (Yu. A. Gagarin) Gagarin was the first to fly into space and spent 108 minutes there. Nowadays, astronauts live on space stations for six months or longer. They conduct various scientific studies. They study space using automatic instruments. Observation results are transmitted to the ground via radio and video communications (presentation demonstration). They provide information about weather, cyclones, minerals, etc. And our time in orbit is up, let's return to Earth (excerpt from the film "Third planet from the sun» ).

Astrologer: Here we are back on Earth. It's time for me to conquer new ones planets and galaxies. And I ask you to draw what you saw today. Your teacher will send the drawings to me by email, directly to the ship. I will definitely see them all.

Reflection: drawing on a theme "Starry Sky"

During the day, you can consolidate the lesson by watching a film "Third planet from the sun» .


1. Yu. A. Vakulenko, Complex entertaining classes in middle and senior groups, Volgograd 2009.

Why is it so much easier for children to remember the planets of the solar system than it might seem? Yes, because there is an easy way that can help the kids. And we will tell you about this method now. Almost every child after 5 years begins to be interested in space, celestial bodies and planets of the solar system. Remember yourself during these years, how you were drawn to the starry sky and its secrets. Children are especially fascinated by this topic, so stories about stars and constellations can captivate children for a long time.

So how can you help your child form the most correct concepts in the field of astronomy? First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the age of the child and the degree of his interest in this issue. You shouldn’t overload a six-year-old baby with serious data about the mass of planets or their chemical composition, but the names, satellites, and locations in the starry sky can be explained quite clearly. In this article we will focus on the age of children from 5 to 10 years. But, of course, you will have to decide what specific information to convey to children yourself. But then you can safely say that it’s yours! 🙂

How to tell your child about the planets of the solar system

In order for a child to learn the material well, it must be clearly demonstrated. Therefore, you will need pictures with planets, constellations, celestial bodies and stars. You can prepare a small computer presentation and place all the necessary images in it. A short video in the form of a . The main thing is that your student does not get bored and easily perceives what you say. Don’t overwhelm him with complex phrases, tell him everything simply and naturally. Learning should take place in a playful way, then the child will not get bored and will remember all the basic information.

So let's decide

What exactly can you tell your child about space and the solar system?

  1. What is the solar system.
  2. The history of the origin of planets.
  3. Satellites of the planets.
  4. The names of the planets and the order of their location relative to the Sun.
  5. A short description of each planet.

How to easily remember the order of planets in the sky

There is one simple way for children to remember the planets of the Solar System. However, for adults too. It is very similar to how we remember the colors of the rainbow. All children love various counting rhymes, thanks to which information remains in memory for a long time. To memorize the planets of the solar system, I can suggest you learn a poem with the guys, which you can compose yourself, or use the work of A. Hight:

All planets in order

Any of us can name:

One - Mercury,

Two - Venus,

Three - Earth,

Four - Mars.

Five - Jupiter,

Six - Saturn,

Seven - Uranus,

Behind him is Neptune.

Think back to how you memorized the colors of the rainbow as a child. The same principle can be applied to the names of the planets. Construct a phrase in which each word begins with the same letter as a planet in the solar system in the order of its location from the Sun. For example:

M s Mercury

IN meet Venus

Z Tomorrow Earth

M oya Mars

YU Naya Jupiter

WITH traveler Saturn

U I fly Uranus

N for a long time Pluto

This is just an example; in fact, you can come up with anything, as long as it is close to your child’s spirit and he easily remembers the entire sentence. Now that we have figured out exactly how any information should be presented to children, we can move on to the direct knowledge that you will teach young astronomers.

And finally, an interesting and simple story for children about

What is the solar system

The solar system is all the cosmic bodies that revolve around the Sun according to their clearly defined trajectories. These include 8 planets and their satellites (their composition is constantly changing, as some objects are discovered, others lose their status), many comets, asteroids and meteorites.

History of the origin of planets

There is no definite opinion on this matter, there are only theories and guesses. According to the most common opinion, about 5 billion years ago, one of the clouds of the Galaxy began to shrink towards the center and formed our Sun. The formed body had a tremendous gravitational force, and all the particles of gas and dust around began to connect and stick together into balls (these are the current planets).

The sun as a star and the center of the solar system

The planets revolve in their orbits around a huge star called the Sun. The planets themselves do not emit any heat, and if it were not for the light of the Sun that they reflect, then life on Earth would never have arisen. There is a certain classification of stars, according to which the Sun is a yellow dwarf, approximately 5 billion years old.

Satellites of the planets

The solar system does not consist only of planets; it also includes natural satellites, including the well-known Moon. In addition to Venus and Mercury, each planet has a certain number of satellites, today there are more than 63. New celestial bodies are constantly being discovered thanks to photographs taken by automatic spacecraft. They are capable of detecting even the smallest satellite with a diameter of only 10 km (Leda, Jupiter).

Characteristics of each planet in the solar system

1. Mercury. This planet is closest to the Sun; in the entire system it is considered the smallest. Mercury has a hard surface, like all four inner planets (those closest to the center). It has the highest rotation speed. During the day, the planet practically burns under the sun's rays (+350?), and at night it freezes (-170?).

2. Venus. This planet is more similar to Earth than others in its size and brightness. There are always a lot of clouds around it, which makes observation difficult. The entire surface of Venus is a hot rocky desert.

3. Earth - the only one plan A planet on which there is water, and therefore life. It has an ideal location in relation to the Sun: close enough to receive light and heat in the right quantities, and far enough not to get burned by the rays. The Earth has one satellite - Moon.
4. Mars. Some scientists have suggested that life also exists on this planet because it has a number of similarities with Earth. But numerous studies have found no signs of life there. At the moment, two natural satellites of Mars are known: Phobos and Deimos.

5. Jupiter – the largest planet in the solar system, 10 times larger than Earth in diameter and 300 times larger in mass. Jupiter consists of hydrogen, helium and other gases and has 16 satellites.
6. Saturn – the most interesting planet for children, as it has rings that are formed from dust, stones and ice. There are three main rings around Saturn, each about 30 meters thick.

7. Uranus. This planet also has rings, but they are much more difficult to see and they only appear at certain times. The main feature of Uranus is its manner of rotation, performed in the “lying on its side” mode.

8. Neptune. Astronomy today calls this planet the last in the solar system. Neptune was discovered only in 1989, since it is located very far from the Sun. Its surface looks blue from space, which cannot but amaze us.

Until 2006, there were 9 planets, including Pluto. But according to the latest scientific data, this space object is no longer called a planet. It’s a pity... Although, it has become easier for children to remember. 🙂

Well? Do you think our simple tips will help children remember the planets of the solar system? Or do you know an easier way?
