Human physiognomy. What will your lips tell you? Sensual mouth and lips

Friends and like-minded people, I greet you!

Well, if you have already figured out the question, well, we will take a closer look at this interest Ask: what connection can there be between such things as facial physiognomy and character?


The head is the most important part of the body, where the main organs through which we receive information about the outside world are concentrated: vision, hearing, smell...

Thinkers of all times and peoples have tried to correlate the shape of the head and facial features with psychological characteristics . Friends, have you ever met people with an “evil face”, but with a “smart” or “stupid” one?

After all, a person’s face stores traces of his most frequent and typical thoughts and experiences.

What can you tell about a person's character by observing a person's hair?

Let's start with such a noticeable detail as hair. A person has the opportunity to change them at will natural characteristics: color, curliness, length, quantity. This one of the most vibrant means of self-expression.

Meeting people with thin delicate hair, we can notice that such people are more , fragile and vulnerable. It is clear that such hair is more common in women. Isn't this the basis for sympathy for blondes, who seem sensitive and soft?

But very light hair speaks volumes indifference and cold-bloodedness. And here golden issue wilfulness and cunning(fox-sister!).

Coarse hair corresponds to the coarse nature of its owner, but such people can more easily endure the pain and hardships of life, they are straightforward and indelicate.

Brunettes often have coarse hair: black curly hair usually belong to people hot and ardent.

Brown hair talk about justice and nobility their owners.

And now, a final question: “ Do you often dye your hair? How about painting yourself a radical color?"When answering: " Yes!“, we understand that before us is an impulsive, vain, self-centered person, unable to see himself from the outside.

Is it just our hair, or do our hairstyles also give us away?

Men, for example, who like to wear long hair- this is usually artistic natures or.

And here short hair prefer athletes, military, conservatives.

Girls, if you see well-groomed man: haircut, styling, expensive clothes, shoes, accessories, then remember - this vain and a man who demands admiration from others!

And here a woman's hairstyle is not a very indicative sign— it all depends on fashion and social affiliation. Young and sexy women wear long hair, but short, fashionably and impeccably cut hair indicates an artistic nature and indicates the financial well-being of its owners.

A less stylish haircut reveals practicality, and an ultra-short haircut - extravagance.

Features of the human face

Conventionally, all people are divided into two groups:

Three parts of the face

Looking at the person’s face, divide it into three parts:

  • top part starts at the roots of the hair and ends at the eyebrows.
    It reflects inherited intellectual abilities, it shows the history of the development of a person’s life from 15 to 30 years.
  • middle part starts from the eyebrows and goes down to the tip of the nose.
    She rules the prime period from 31 to 50 years.
  • the part of the face from the tip of the nose to the chin is called bottom.
    It corresponds to the period from 51 to 77 years and is associated with instincts.

If the top part is longer and wider than the other two, then the person probably had a happy childhood. If the middle part is more harmonious and longer than the other two, then the person achieved the greatest success in the middle of life, and if the lower part of the face is the most developed, then, most likely, the person will live a happy life.

An ideal face is one in which all three parts are approximately the same length.

Good signs are: a wide, high and smooth forehead, clear and penetrating eyes, a straight and slightly elongated nose, a clearly defined mouth, full cheeks, a strong chin.

What types of faces are there?

Now let's learn to distinguish different types faces. First you need to define it form.

Pear-shaped face- widest in the jaw area, tapering towards the temples. Such people are very different activity, the desire to do something all the time. They are determined, persistent, but can be rude, heartless and harsh.

Long face- equal width in the forehead, cheekbones and jaws. This is an aristocratic type of face, considered the standard and rare. People with this face shape have , have refined manners, very emotional, persistent, diligent, hardworking and prudent. They spend a lot of effort on self-affirmation.

Triangular face- widest in the forehead area. This is the type of people with well-developed intuition, sensitive, impressionable and. Among them there are very cunning and quarrelsome natures. In general, people of this type strive for peace, a state of relaxation, but they are often unsure of themselves.

Round face- widest in the cheek area. Such people are associated with good nature, peacefulness, gentleness. Such people are distinguished by activity, flexibility, sociability, the desire for new experiences, and the search for new friends. They are attracted to easy money and gambling.

Square face typical for people energetic, disciplined and executive, but such people are often difficult to communicate with, and sometimes straightforward to the point of cruelty.

Eyes, the mirror of the soul

The eyes have long been considered the mirror of the soul. After all, over 80% of information about the world around us is perceived through the eyes. They always determine people's inner experiences. It has long been noted that a person with beautiful and attractive eyes has good health, intelligence, will, balance. Beautiful, expressive eyes have a number of characteristics - they seem to emit light, and are well protected by eyelids. Deviations indicate character traits that create difficulties in life not only for the owner, but also for those around him.

First, pay attention to the size of the eyes. Holders big eyes differ emotionality, artistry, masculinity,. Large dreamy eyes indicate a loving, musical nature, albeit with a tendency to distort the truth.

Small eyes are a sign of caution. When making decisions, owners of such eyes think about the situation for a long time, carefully weighing all the pros and cons. Such eyes often belong to closed, sometimes self-satisfied people. The smaller the eye size, the worse the sensitivity.

Features of the look

The manner of looking over one's head speaks of pride, arrogance, and disdain.

A modest person, overly cautious and restless, usually looks with his head bowed.

Anyone who does not look directly in the face, but only casts quick glances, is a person “on his own mind.” But if a person diligently looks away, then he is either planning something or feels guilty. You have to be very careful with this.

A courageous person with a clear conscience usually looks into the eyes of his interlocutor and withstands someone else’s gaze.

Sometimes people while talking lower their eyelids. This unconscious gesture may mean that the interlocutor is unpleasant or uninteresting.

Briefly closing the eyes means agreement or approval, if accompanied by a nod of the head.

Wide open eyes for a long time indicate focused attention, a desire to make contact.

If the interlocutor squints eyes, then this can be considered as an unfriendly signal - they don’t want to see you, and sometimes the interlocutor may show that he wants to take a closer look at you. Well, and, of course, myopic people can also squint.

A lot depends on other signals - on gestures, posture, head turn, etc.

Focusing your gaze

Often uncertain, a person who has achieved nothing in life, does not focus his gaze on his interlocutor, but constantly glances from object to object, on other people.

And the man focusing gaze on the interlocutor, who looks long and carefully, as a rule, turns out to be smart, understanding, knowing his goals and ways to achieve them. He is a good analyst, decisive, far-sighted and persistent. He can be slow, but he achieves a lot.

Eye color

Dark pupils, bordered with silvery squirrels, indicate great intelligence, nobility, authority.

And if whites yellowish, reddish or clear white , then this indicates anger, timidity, stupidity.

Large iris- a sign of mercy, small- Difficulties in relationships with other people.

Grey eyes found in people plastic, quickly responding to changes in the situation. They are distinguished by patience, realism, observation, and the ability to subjugate other people.

Blue eyes point to people persistent who achieve their goals and have intuition. Dark blue eyes are found in people with gentle manners, idealists, but not always sincere.

Blue eyes characteristic of active people, insightful, able to subjugate people to their desires.

Brown eyes indicate people who know how to work hard and a lot, who have energy and will, but sometimes impulsive.

Green eyes indicate high sensitivity, a tendency to deep experiences. Such people need love and care, they are very loyal and gentle. They strive for pleasure, but can be very envious.

Black eyes- sign independence and desire for dominance. When they encounter obstacles on their way, they aggressive. And don’t forget that “the evil eye is a black eye.”

You also need to take into account the distance between the eyes and their placement.

The distance between the eyes and their landing

Wide-set eyes reflect breadth of soul, A shifted to the bridge of the nose the eyes give away a person pragmatic, purposeful, striving to penetrate into the essence of what is happening.

Bulging eyes- nature self-willed, self-imposing, not accustomed to denying herself anything.

And people with deep-set eyes and with a forehead that seems to hang somewhat over them, there is a secretive, cautious character, not cowardly, but capable of unexpected aggression. And these people are sensitive, temperamental, and suspicious. In short, it’s better not to anger such people unnecessarily.

Eye shape

To determine character great importance has the shape of eyes. For better memory, since ancient times, Chinese physiognomists have associated types of eye shapes with certain animals.

Dragon eyes: large with a lively shine. The upper eyelid somewhat covers the eye. Point to desire for power, desire to have respect.

Phoenix eyes: long eyes with double eyelids, the outer corners of the eyes resemble "fish tails". This is a sign refined nature with business and artistic abilities.

Eyes of the Tiger: almost round eyes with shine, with numerous folds on the eyelids. testify to impulsiveness, cruelty and thirst for leadership.

Elephant eyes: Narrow and elongated eyes with double or triple eyelids. They are more common in fat people, calm, friendly, leisurely.

Sheep eyes: Narrow, small eyes with black and yellow irises, with three layers of skin on the upper eyelids. This is a sign passionate nature, but are often susceptible to self-destructive moods.

Horse eyes: the shape of the eyes resembles a trapezoid (the lower base is smaller than the upper), they come with sagging eyelids. These eyes indicate cheerfulness of disposition, talkativeness, and inconstancy.

Wolf eyes: Irises are usually small and the white surrounds the sides and top of the iris. People with such eyes usually have evil character, cruel, vindictive and ruthless.

Monkey eyes: Small eyes with double lower eyelids and black irises. They belong very much restless people with an unstable temperament.

Snake eyes: The iris is small with a reddish tint. Points to explosive character, touchiness, aggressiveness.

Fish eyes: The upper eyelid falls to the outer corner of the eye. Behind the external calm of such people lies instability and impulsiveness.

Cancer eyes: Eyeballs protrude noticeably forward. Sign stubborn, brave and ambitious person.

rooster eyes: often blue and light brown. The irises are lined with lines emanating from the pupil, like the spokes of a wheel. Such people are susceptible to all sorts of misadventures.

cat eyes: eyes with double eyelids and dark yellow irises. Sometimes they look sick and evoke compassion from other people, but attract opposite sex.

Lion eyes: Large eyes with folds on the upper and lower eyelids. Such people tend justice, and organizational skills.

After the eyes, let's pay attention to the eyebrows

By the shape and color of the eyebrows one can judge a person’s mental abilities, artistry, talents and others. personal qualities. Eyebrows vary in width, length, shape and position.

Wide eyebrows point to courage, honesty, directness and sexuality. But often they happen intolerant, have a desire subjugate others.

People with with thin eyebrows they are shy, modest, conservative.

Long eyebrows belong gifted people with artistic inclinations.

Short eyebrows belong timid and lonely people, silent and distrustful.

And here short and very thick eyebrows talk about courage And leadership abilities others.

Eyebrow position

The lower they are located the more impatient and intolerant their owner is. Extremely touchy people have eyebrows that hang over their eyes, they do not forgive insults and are very vindictive.

People with high up eyebrows generous, easy to communicate, make friends easily.

Asymmetrically well-positioned eyebrows are found in thoughtful people, easily changing moods and desires.

Eyebrow shape

If a person has eyebrows symmetrical, neat, beautiful and slightly curved, then he is by nature friendly. If eyebrows grow chaotic and uneven, That relationship will be with other people bad. There are the following eyebrow shapes:

  • Horizontal- owners of such eyebrows have a lively mind, easy attitude to life, love of honor, comfort, prosperity.
  • Selfish eyebrows- shaped like arches, growing in width from the outer edge of the face to the bridge of the nose. These people are selfish, narcissistic, angry and vindictive.
  • Short and very thick eyebrows- neat, shiny and slightly curved at the edges. They belong to people with artistic talent, good taste, impatient and hot, but bold.
  • Devil's eyebrows- bushy, chaotic, sticking out in all directions. Their owners are people extremely proud, cruel, vicious, suspicious.
  • Crescent shaped- such eyebrows speak of tenderness, softness, sensitivity, openness in communication.
  • Fused eyebrows- such eyebrows indicate restless character and difficulties in life.
  • "Willow" eyebrows- slightly curved and attractive. Belong to people romantic, smart, friendly, pleasant to talk to.

Bottom line: wide, long, smooth, even eyebrows and raised high above the eyes are considered a favorable sign.


For those who don’t know, the forehead is located in the upper zone of the face and is responsible for the intellectual sphere of a person. The forehead should be wide, high and not protruding too much. When studying the forehead, we examine it in profile.

The options are:

  • Slanted forehead- belongs to a person with good intellectual abilities, but often impulsive and pragmatic. Such people act quickly, without thinking. Very often they are deceitful and cunning.
  • Straight or slightly convex forehead- in front of us typical intellectual, with good logical thinking, but it takes a lot of time to think and there is a lack of intuition.
  • Too prominent forehead- in front of us narrow-minded, evil nature, but very practical.
  • Straight and narrow forehead - straightforwardness, kindness, but poor development of intelligence.
  • Too big forehead- it does not harmonize with other facial features, this is an indicator laziness and a tendency towards a sedentary lifestyle.

Wrinkles on the forehead

A forehead with horizontal wrinkles close to the hairline - pride, lack of kindness towards others.

And if the wrinkles are located closer to the eyebrows, the person clearly has analytical abilities.


The nose is located in the very center of the face and is of particular importance in determining a person’s character. It also serves as a fulcrum for assessing the balance of facial features and the harmony of their combination.

Ideally - nose straight with a well rounded tip and beautiful wing shape, the openings of the nostrils should be hidden. In addition, the ideal nose has a streamlined shape from the bridge of the nose to the tip, but, as practice shows, the nose has the most deviations from the ideal shape, which is reflected in the character.

A long nose- points to independence, ability to solve various problems.

Short nose- this is the “soul wide open”, inexhaustible optimism.

bony long nose - pride, arrogance, quarrelsomeness.

Bony nose with a pronounced hump gives us .

The tip of the nose in the form of a hanging drop- cheerfulness, optimism .

The tip of the nose resembles the beak of an eagle - insight, cunning, and sometimes vindictiveness.

Full, big, bulbous nose tip - human cordial and warm.

Raised nose with protruding wings of the nostrils - self-will, incontinence, promiscuity.

Split nose tip - timidity.

Small nostrils - excessive compliance.

Wide wings of the nose - conceit.

Droopy nose covering part of the upper lip is a sign treachery.

The wings at the tip of the nose diverge widely - sensitivity, and sometimes aggressiveness.

Mouth and lips

At the bottom of the face is the mouth. After the eyes, people pay most attention to him. First, assess the size of your mouth.

Big mouth indicates a person who strives for as much as possible keep near you: information, people, things. Such people rarely miss anything in life.

In people with small mouth much less appetite. To possess something, they need to show great skill and cunning. There is more than enough perseverance and diligence, but strength is often lacking.

Large mouth with sloping corners lips pointing to strong will, it is difficult to put pressure on such a person.

Small mouth in the shape of an arc - sensitive nature.

Sometimes it seems that the lower half of the mouth is slightly lowered is a sign stubbornness.

Men often have hard lips, while women have soft lips.

Pursed, somewhat retracted lips give out in a person passion for hoarding, and communication with other people is based strictly on profit.

But if you met thin or thick lips, but tightly compressed- in front of you a confident and courageous person.

Slightly parted lips point to pliability, a person’s openness, his desire to communicate, but such a person is often proud and easily caught in flattery.

Some people, if you look at them in profile, the lower lip protrudes forward, which indicates capricious and a willful person, accustomed to getting his own way.

"Multi-lipped" when upper lip resembles in shape horizontal line, natural gossipers with imaginative thinking, with good intuition, with a premonition of the future, well-versed in unclear situations.

People who have a line the upper lip resembles a wave, more decisive and assertive, specific. In conversation they are overly categorical and straightforward, somewhat talkative, love to joke and have a positive attitude in life.

Dropped corners lips talk about frequent lesions and others sorrows.

Some raised corners lips - a feeling of superiority, triumph, optimism, success in life.

Chin and jaws

The chin and jaws are located in the “instinctive”, lower zone of the face and control the later years of a person’s life.

For a round face well developed jaws indicate affection, generosity, self-control.

With a square face, they speak of determination and strength of character.

Generally speaking, a wide jaw or chin is a sign of a strong character, if not damaged bad traits faces.

Usually, wide chin indicates the presence great strength and agility, such people always go towards their intended goal.

If developed jaws are reinforced prominent pointed chin, then this means determination and speed of onslaught, but aggressiveness and ambition increase.

Sharp triangular chin- indication of ambition and ambitiousness at . If in profile the chin is weakly expressed and noticeably slanted, in front of us weak-willed man, but resourceful, suspicious, vindictive and proud.

And the owners of chins with vertical slot in the middle the character will prevail warmth, tenderness, passion.


They are used to judge the first 14 years of a person’s life. The shape of the ear resembles a human embryo; it is used to determine almost everyone's condition internal organs . The ear is also an active erotic zone. When assessing character, attention is paid to the position of the ears relative to the eyebrows, closeness to the head, color and size of the ear canal.

Thin, translucent ears - irritability and impulsiveness.

Little ears- desire for in order.

Long and narrow ears - stinginess.

Hard ears - internal energy.

Soft ears - underdeveloped thinking.

If the top edge of the ears is above the eyebrow line, this indicates intelligence and ambition.

What if the ears pressed to the head, then to the person lacks independence.

Protruding ears pointing decision making ability.

Small ears pressed to the head - vindictiveness.

auditory canal- hole inside the ear. If it big, then its owner kind, sympathetic person, capable of learning.

And here small hole in the ears speaks of narrowness of interests, envy, vindictiveness.

Secretive people usually have large and deep ears.

White and red colors are considered favorable, but a dark color indicates a weak mind and poor health.


Big lobe usually happens at obstinate and stubborn people, this is also an indicator of longevity.

And here small the lobe portends cardiovascular diseases.


This is a kind of outgrowth that covers the ear openings.

If the tragus turned inside out, then such a person needs information from the outside.

But if the tragus is bent inside, then we see secretive person who does not know how to use his abilities.

Well, friends, we have come to the end of the study of physiognomy. Remember, appearances are not deceiving! It’s just that not everyone can read faces and between the lines! Of course, keep in mind that this is not the absolute truth and that you should not accept it 100%. I’ll be honest that in many cases this information is very true, but there is always room for exceptions. I advise you to watch several criteria, rather than one or two, before drawing conclusions.

I wish you success! And may the Force be with you!

The individuality of any person is a set of expressed personality traits that dominate over the others, which are significantly less developed. It is this set that creates our uniqueness, so adored by everyone. Fortunately for us, there are not a hundred or even twenty leading features. Their number, as a rule, varies from three to five.

The ability to understand people lies precisely in recognizing this unique “personality profile” and correctly interpreting the combination of characteristics created by nature and society.

Imagine that you have learned to see a certain psychological “code” of a person. The patterns of his behavior have become obvious to you: how he makes decisions, what is important to him in life, what he will like and what will repel him... Do you understand what I’m getting at?

Knowledge about the behavioral patterns of our partner, client, competitor or loved one will give us the opportunity to influence his decisions and consciously manage the communication process. Then there are only ethical restrictions. I hope you, dear reader, have them.

We have prepared for you a short excursion into psychological physiognomy without esotericism, guessing and abstract verbiage.

Facial physiognomy

Based on the method of decision-making, physiognomy divides people into logicians and intuitives. The difference is that a logician first builds a chain of reasoning, compares facts and data, and only then makes one decision or another.

The intuitive acts completely differently: he makes a decision, guided by sensations (intuition), and then selects the decision argument "for". Neither one nor the other, in itself, is strong or weak side. It all depends on the specific life situation.

Based on the method of decision-making, physiognomy divides people into logicians and intuitives. The difference is that a logician first builds a chain of reasoning, compares facts and data, and only then makes one decision or another.

The intuitive acts completely differently: he makes a decision, guided by feelings (intuition), and then selects arguments for the already made decision. Neither one nor the other, in and of itself, is a strength or weakness. It all depends on the specific life situation.

A logician in a situation of a changing environment that requires a quick response with a small amount of input information will lose time collecting additional data to make a decision. An intuitive, in high-stakes circumstances that require a calm and thoughtful approach to an issue, may trust his feelings and miss obvious danger signals.

The paradox is that intuition, with proper development, often suggests the right decision, because it is a system of competencies that are unconscious to a person at a rational level.
In physiognomic psychoanalysis, indicators of logic and intuition are reflected in the shape of the head, or more precisely, in the characteristics of long-headed and round-headed.

The shape of the head is determined without taking into account the height of the forehead and the characteristics of the jaw. These elements can enhance or compensate for the frequency of decision making in a logical or intuitive thinking structure, but they should be considered separately.

Physiognomy of the jaw - volitional qualities

Physical activity in humans is always associated with increased tone of the masticatory muscles. From the point of view of evolution, this is absolutely natural, because the maximum force required by a predator to survive is the force of the jaws squeezing the throat of the prey. This behavioral pattern, jaw clenching during physical activity, has evolved to the level of cognitive and social processes.

When overcoming life's difficulties, we unconsciously clench our jaws and “gather our will into a fist.”

Physiognomy of the jaw involves not only the study of genetic predispositions of the bone skeleton (height and width of the jaw), but also acquired strong-willed qualities- development of chewing muscles (musculus masseter).

Strong-willed qualities, of course, can and should be cultivated. History is full of similar examples.

Physiognomy of the jaw - active action strategies

As you know, different people solve the same problem in different ways. For one, the best strategy is open conflict, for another - adjustment and manipulation, for a third - progressive, steady pressure, for a fourth - the search for non-standard solutions, etc.

Physiognomy evaluates the dominant strategy of active actions through the characteristics of the structure of the bones of the lower jaw. This is not surprising. Grip strength dictates possible solutions to problems.

The analogy with the animal world is, again, quite appropriate. There is nothing to do with a weak jaw in open combat. A person intuitively chooses a tactic that is comfortable for himself and considers it the only correct one.

By understanding your opponent's typical behavior patterns and your dominant strategies, you will objectively realize that the choice of tactics to achieve results should be based on the study of alternatives, and not on the usual response patterns.

Some physiognomic characteristics of the jaw:

  • heavy jaw (size on the scale of the face) - high genetic resistance to stress, slowness and progression in actions, rigidity;
  • light jaw - mental mobility, avoidance of conflicts, fear of direct confrontation, conformism;
  • jaw height (vertical distance from the lower lip to the tip of the chin) - impact, straightness, combativeness;
  • jaw width (horizontal distance between the chewing muscles along the line of the mouth) - a tendency to non-standard approaches, a love of maneuvers, avoidance of direct collision;
  • jaw forward - an uncompromising strategy of trial and error, behavioral maximalism;
  • jaw thrown back - actions with caution, reinsurance against mistakes, cowardice.

The characteristics of the chin are also of great importance for the physiognomic analysis of the jaw.

Considering the number and information content of the indicators, it is not difficult to imagine how many behavioral options can be modeled from the above characteristics and how accurately an experienced specialist in the field of physiognomy can predict the behavior of a particular person.

Physiognomy of the mouth - capture ambitions

The size of the mouth in physiognomic analysis is the ambition of possession. The larger the mouth, the correspondingly larger pieces you want to send there.

More precisely, the more ambition a person has to capture, the larger the size of the mouth. And here it doesn’t matter what aspect we're talking about: money, power, knowledge, impressions, travel, etc.

In which area the capture will be carried out will be shown by other physiognomic signs, but the fact that the largemouth never stops there is a fact.

A small mouth compared to the size of the face indicates the selectivity of the owner. He is ready to be content with little, but at the same time he is not ready to take just anything.

His ambitions always have a foreseeable horizon and, having reached it, the owner of a small mouth is likely to stop and enjoy.

The physiognomy of the lips is also of significant importance, but this aspect is associated not so much with ambitions as with the area communication skills person.

Lips are our last line of defense before capture. Its goal is to probe the object of capture.

The characteristics of the lips directly reflect a person’s ability to sense the interlocutor and perceive situational changes environment and provide other supporting information that improves the ability to interact with the outside world.

Physiognomy of the nose and forehead

Impulsivity and reflexivity

When analyzing the personality of any person, indicators of conflict and impulsivity are of interest. A psychopath, a jealous person, or simply an unbalanced person who has poor control over his outbursts of anger is unlikely to be a desirable employee, business partner, or even less a life partner.

The tendency to rash, uncontrolled actions can be determined by several indicators: a sloping forehead, a hump on the nose, a thin bridge of the nose.

If this combination is complemented by a light or impact jaw, the likelihood of a quick temper will be even higher. Psychoanalysis of the reasons in this case differs significantly, but the result will be the same - strict adherence to principles in unprincipled issues.

Impulsive outbursts of anger, a tendency to selfish self-justification of one’s overly harsh actions towards other people. A couple more touches and we will get a classic portrait of a jealous person.

A high forehead with a heavy jaw gives increased thoughtfulness and even retardation in decision making. Such a person prefers to think about actions and go through options, but often forgets about the need to begin the process of activity itself.

Moreover, it is not clear to him what the end result is. He is interested in the processes themselves, but does not care about the product.

But, if you have a wide, straight bridge of the nose, you can count on high stress resistance and leisurely calm. Such a person does not worry unnecessarily and does not rush things. It is difficult to anger him, and he will not argue over trifles.

Physiognomy of nasolabial wrinkles - motives and goals

The structure of motives has a direct relationship with the acquired life experience gained during social interaction. As a rule, it is associated with acquired social attitudes determined by the implementation of leading needs. Often, true motives are replaced by patterns of imaginary social success.

This phenomenon of substitution in psychology is called a shift of motive to goal. It can lead a person to become fixated on processes of accumulation and pseudo-success that are insignificant from the point of view of personal development, but are encouraged in society.

To assess whether a person’s internal motivation system is aimed at hoarding or whether he is driven by non-material motives, physiognomy identifies the corresponding characteristics of the nasolabial wrinkle. Its severity and direction indicate the presence or absence of a person’s existing structure of motives and connection with the ambitions of capture.

In other words, the direction of the wrinkle of motives indicates a person’s tendency to hoard and, in combination with other signs, indicates greed or altruism.

Physiognomy of eyebrows - emotions and feelings

To assess the structure of motifs, it is also necessary to pay attention to the characteristics of eyebrows and forehead wrinkles. Two principles are present and constantly interact in a person:

  • the animal (individual) component of our Self: the need for security, continued happiness, physiological saturation, dominance, etc.
  • social motivations: rationality, success, financial solvency, material independence, etc.

The characteristics of eyebrows and forehead wrinkles determine the balance of these two factors in physiognomy. Naturally, there is a good balance in everything. Let us describe extreme states.

A person with a dominant individual principle is led by his emotions and desires. He cannot deny himself anything regarding the satisfaction of basic needs.

An uncontrollable fire of emotions constantly rages within him, which he cannot cope with. Anger, joy, sadness, passion - this man has everything over the edge. Due to low self-control, impulsive or even aggressive actions may predominate.

A person who is in the grip of ego impulses is a soulless and insensitive rationalist. He has high self-control and a cold mind, is self-centered and insensitive to other people's experiences. He is not touched by other people's grief or joy. All his actions are determined by a system of social attitudes, and true motives are replaced by the goals of achieving social well-being.

The position and shape of the eyebrows also provide information about the dominance of the abstract or practical thinking and some other signs.
Here, in connection with motives, the physiognomy of the cheek is considered as features of a person’s work with resources and some other clarifying indicators.

Physiognomy of the nose - features of working with information, curiosity and intelligence

Physiognomy considers intelligence as a set of qualities that allow one to work with information. Key indicators in this system:

  • curiosity;
  • ability to work with large volumes of information;
  • analytical capabilities;
  • the ability to maintain analytical skills in a stressful situation;
  • ability to apply information in practice.

For example, curiosity can be assessed through the characteristics of the tip of the nose. A pointed tip will indicate a person's tendency to search for new information. These are lovers of innovation who always want development. They are ready to learn and develop regardless of age and life achievements.

A potato nose, on the contrary, will indicate a person with established traditions. Such people are accustomed to being based on old schemes that have already been established and have proven their reliability. What is new for them is an attack on the foundations. But such people are characterized by thoughtfulness and systematicity when working with information.

The ability to work with information flows is the characteristics of the nostrils. Analytical abilities - the size of the nose in terms of the face. Analytics in a stressful situation - characteristics of the wings of the nose.

These indicators are very important in a personnel selection situation, because the success of business processes related to analytics and forecasting especially depends on the level of performance abilities of a particular employee.

Physiognomy of cheekbones - communication abilities

People with high cheekbones love to communicate. They don’t always know how, but they always love. Therefore, it is not surprising that a high-cheekbone face in itself more often evokes sympathy than antipathy. In any case, people with high cheekbones have a predisposition to communicative activities.

If, in combination with pronounced cheekbones, we see, for example, pronounced lips as an amplifier, then the communicative ability of such a person increases significantly. He no longer just loves to communicate, but also knows how to feel the interlocutor in contact, which means that the exchange of information will be more effective and comfortable.

People with weak cheekbones tend to have little contact. If such a person actively stimulates communication with a wide range of people, then this is most likely an acquired skill that has been mastered as a necessity. Such a subject, as a rule, will prefer books, a computer or TV to human communication, i.e. objects that do not require feedback from him.

The modern information space provides unlimited opportunities for communication. But perhaps precisely because so many people with weak cheekbones are engaged in the development of the communication sphere, there is less and less room in our world for personal human contact.

Physiognomy of the eyes - assessment of objective reality and planning

All people see the same world, but often perceive it in completely different ways. It's not just about the features of the visual analyzer, i.e. the eyes themselves. The main discrepancies occur at the stage of processing the received data. The characteristics of the eyes in physiognomy provide information about the structure of a particular person’s worldview and the specifics of his plan.
To assess the physiognomy of the eyes, the following physiognomic indicators exist:

  • eye shape (round, panoramic, narrow);
  • eye set (close set and wide set);
  • eyelashes;
  • upper eyelid;
  • lower eyelid;
  • wrinkles around the eyes.

Some characteristics of the eyebrows and wrinkles located in the area between the eyes are also discussed here.
Round eyes - commitment to quick decisions. Such a person, other things being equal, will always choose the short term rather than long-term plans. This must be taken into account, say, when preparing commercial offer or presentations. Seeing a long-term perspective without details and intermediate results, he is unlikely to approve the project.

Narrow-set eyes - tunnel plan. A person gives preference to the development of one, narrow direction, considering the development of related areas unnecessary. In a situation where there is a need to develop, say, one narrow line of business, this is an excellent quality.

All efforts will be focused on strengthening our positions and conquering new horizons. But if it is necessary to expand the range of activities, an employee with close-set eyes will see the dispersion of resources everywhere and intuitively look for a priority area on which to place the main emphasis. The remaining projects will be quickly forgotten.

Physiognomy of eyelashes - sensitivity

The ability to isolate small nuances from the information flow. A woman with long eyelashes seems more sensual. Professional seductresses have long noticed this and successfully use eyelash lengthening when applying makeup.

Physiognomy of the upper eyelid

Satisfaction with your life situation; presence or absence of unresolved intrapersonal conflicts. Either a snob or a person who is dissatisfied with his present and predicting a negative future is looking at us through half-closed eyelids.

Physiognomy of the lower eyelid

Fighting qualities, vitality. Sagging of the lower eyelid, bags under the eyes, as well as blue discoloration directly indicate a lack of vitality, as well as reduced functionality of the kidneys and liver. A dense lower eyelid indicates strong leadership qualities. Remember the “Stalinist squint”.

Physiognomy of wrinkles around the eyes

Principles of decision making, dominant planning strategies, self-assessment and trade-offs. How a person is used to solving problems. What stable cognitive connections has he developed over the course of his experience? Important wrinkles. By understanding them, one can quite accurately predict the likely directions of a person’s actions.

Physiognomy of forehead wrinkles - life beliefs

Forehead wrinkles appear in humans at different ages. This is due to the different times a person goes through periods of development. The appearance of forehead wrinkles as such indicates the emergence of global life concepts or metastrategies.
First of all, the very fact of the formation of such wrinkles indicates certain established stable principles and the presence of a person’s own picture of the world. What this picture is, we will be helped to understand not only by the forehead wrinkles themselves, but also by other physiognomic signs. The presence of formed wrinkles should in no case be considered as some kind of incorrigibility. Under the influence of life circumstances, any foundations can be shaken. We know that the human psyche is plastic and capable of transformation at almost any age.

The physiognomy of horizontal forehead wrinkles identifies four main metastrategies:

  • leadership;
  • a tendency towards militarism and aggression;
  • humanistic values;
  • service and asceticism.

Forehead wrinkles, as a rule, are not symmetrical, have breaks and curvatures. You need to be able to read and interpret this drawing.
Physiognomy of forehead wrinkles - metastrategies

Physiognomic analysis as a method of personality diagnosis

Physiognomy provides a detailed and reliable psychological portrait of a person. Knowledge of the signs and understanding of the patterns of physiognomic psychoanalysis make it possible to use this technique in almost all areas of activity related to communication: identifying personal characteristics when selecting personnel, determining the character traits of employees, preparing for negotiations with partners and competitors, interpersonal relationships, etc.
Of particular importance in physiognomy is the skill of arranging and interpreting mutually reinforcing and compensating combinations of physiognomic features. Physiognomy is not only a science, but also an art, which since time immemorial has been called this: the art of reading faces.

19.10.2016 13:00

Thousands of faces pass before the eyes of an HR manager, so his experience in recognizing character traits from eyes, lips and facial expressions is especially interesting. Vladimir Maleshin, who headed personnel services in companies and banks, shared his discoveries in the field of physiognomy.

- When did you first become interested in physiognomy?

This happened in 1968, when I was still a first-year student and read Veresaev’s book. It contained the following words: “The eyes are the mirror of the soul. What nonsense! Eyes are a deceptive mask, eyes are screens that hide the soul. The mirror of the soul is the lips. If you want to know a person's soul, look at his lips... Beware of your eyes! Because of the eyes, this is how people are often mistaken. Your lips won't deceive you."

Now, after 47 years of observing people and after 50,000 hiring interviews, I have developed a classification of lips, behind which there are certain personality traits and behavioral patterns. Here are fragments of my “Harmonica” technique.

You can judge the softness or hardness of your character by your lips. This is determined by the degree to which the lips cover the teeth. If the upper row of teeth is visible during a conversation, then this is a soft, positive person. If the bottom row is, on the contrary, tough, hard, demanding, “biting”. Communicating with such people is much more difficult, but they achieve a lot in life. If during a conversation both the upper and lower rows of teeth are visible, a person combines both qualities. It can be both hard and soft depending on the situation.

A clear sign of sexuality in both men and women is a well-developed philtrum above the upper lip. The better it is expressed, the stronger a person’s reproductive function. And the lines of the groove indicate concentration or mobility of the mind.

The dependence of a person’s character on the fullness of his lips is clearly manifested. Let’s take the opposites: very thin lips and full, “heart-shaped” ones. Thin-lipped people are reasonable, while those with full lips are sensual and emotional.

In people with an even and friendly character, the upper and lower lips will be of the same fullness (it should be noted that normally in men the lower lip is often fuller than the upper). A protruding lower lip speaks of a person’s capriciousness and swagger, while a curled upper lip speaks of indecisiveness.

The line where the lips close also carries information. For calm people it is smooth and horizontal, but for overly emotional people it is wavy. For example, pay attention to this line from Vladimir Zhirinovsky or Grigory Leps. The second clear sign of emotionality is a highly developed nasolabial fold.

In an unemotional person, facial expressions during a conversation remain weakly expressed. In turn, in people who are overly emotional, the whole face moves - “walks around”.

The contours of the lips - the so-called Cupid's line - also deserve attention. In simple, simple-minded people, these contours are smooth and calm. A clearly and clearly defined line of the upper lip indicates a sophisticated mind, the ability to generate ideas, and wit. At the same time, a person can be very sarcastic and harsh. Among the owners of a pronounced Cupid line there are many extraordinary personalities, including those prone to sophisticated revenge, who know how to subtly humiliate.

Raised upward corners of the mouth indicate optimism, and dimples in the corners of the lips and on the cheeks indicate goodwill. Egocentrics and skeptics have the corners of their lips downturned.

When a person curls his lips in a conversation, this speaks of his arrogance, aplomb, and sense of superiority over other people. The character is complex.

Remember: people with beautiful lips have a beautiful soul and a good character!

- Are there any bright, practice-tested characteristics associated with other facial features?

My main observation is that people with the same faces have similar personalities. If you see someone who resembles your friend, look for the same features. The similarity of a person’s character and behavior will be stronger the more you find common external signs: in figure, gait, voice, manner of dressing, handwriting, and so on.

The origins of physiognomy go back to the distant past. Once upon a time, our ancestors noticed the similarity of human behavior with animals. The habits of pigs were similar to pigs, cats were similar to cats, monkeys were similar to monkeys, and donkeys were similar to donkeys. And there is some truth in this!

The shape of the head and face reflects the character. The friendliest people are chubby people. Remember the faces of our wonderful artist Evgeny Leonov or Yuri Kuklachev. People with a square head shape and a rectangular chin, such as Winston Churchill, tend to be tough, demanding and strong-willed. In physiognomy, a square chin is called Churchill’s chin, or “bulldog jaw.” Its owners are tough, unyielding fighters capable of withstanding great physical exertion. But the triangular shape of the head, a pointed or protruding chin indicates that a person is not inclined to endure heavy physical activity. But he has a well-developed penchant for rhetoric.

Protruding ears signify stubbornness. A pressed auricle means flexibility. A large ear is a sign of longevity.

A dimple on the chin indicates a very complex character. The deeper it is, the more serious the problems within a person. In men, the dimple on the chin is more pronounced, but women also have a hint of it.

Another sure sign of a person’s good, cheerful character is “crow’s feet,” folds in the outer corners of our eyes, formed from laughter and frequent smiles.

If the nose is hooked (in the Slavic type of person) this is a manifestation of choleric temperament. If the upper lip is raised upward along with it, this is a sign of nonsense. What if its tip is down? Here you can say “poking your nose into someone else’s question.” Friendly, gentle people have a “potato” nose, while those with a complex character have a narrow and straight nose.

Such a quality as cunning can be recognized by four signs. This is a hereditary bald spot in men, a “duck nose” - widening downward from a narrow bridge of the nose, a “fox ear” - pointed upward, as well as a “Pinocchio mouth” - when after closing the lips there is still a cut of two to three millimeters.

When analyzing a face, it is very important to pay attention to its shape, the correlation of the upper, middle, lower zones, and wrinkles. The shape and wrinkles cannot be changed - this is given to us by nature, so by paying attention to these features, you can learn a lot about a person from the first minutes of meeting him.


Wrinkles indicate the muscles that are most frequently used. Psychologists distinguish between the real self and the mirror self. When we look in the mirror, we try to please ourselves, so we look different than in life. You can find out your real self if you tense your muscles a little in front of the mirror so that the wrinkles intensify. Now look at yourself - this is the face with which you go through life.

What do the lines on the chosen one’s face say?

  • In the corners of the eyes and mouth - found in people of a kind and cheerful disposition.
  • All over the eyelid around the eyes - indicate shyness and uncertainty.
  • Crow's feet indicate a person's attentiveness.
  • Two vertical deep wrinkles between the eyebrows - their owner is tactful and intelligent.
  • Nasolabial wrinkles are a sign of dissatisfaction. If their owner also has sagging cheeks, then this person loves to grumble.
  • Superciliary wrinkles indicate aggressiveness and anger. The effect is enhanced by the jaw muscles being pushed forward and teeth clenched tightly.
  1. Oval face. The owner is a peaceful, charming, good-natured person. In family relationships, such a partner will not create difficulties. He is not interested in fame and is inclined to carelessness.
  2. Triangular face (narrow chin and wide forehead). A talented and sensitive person. But he is very amorous, so he is not capable of a long-term relationship. He is very gifted, a thinker and an intellectual, but at the same time he can be cunning, resourceful, jealous and quarrelsome.
  3. Rectangular face (equal width of forehead and jaw). Such a person is a good organizer. To achieve goals, interacts well with different people. Fair, far-sighted, prudent. In relationships with loved ones, he is sincere and reliable.
  4. Square face. Its owner is energetic, proactive, and executive. He persistently moves towards his goals and is not pretentious. But it may differ in the cruelty of its attitudes. In personal relationships - constant, faithful, committed.
  5. Trapezoidal face (wide forehead and cheekbones, narrow chin). Such a person is sensitive. He has a quick mind. It creates a comfortable atmosphere for loved ones, but under unfavorable circumstances it can leave to start all over again, dooming itself to repeat the past.
  6. Diamond-shaped face. The owner of such a face has the most contradictory character. He is stubborn and dogmatic, quickly adapts to new conditions, but often tries to change them to suit himself. This is a leader with fighting traits. IN family life characterized by irreconcilable positions. After achieving his goals, he reassesses his values, which is why he has a tendency to cheat.

Reason vs instincts

The human face is divided into zones: from the crown to the eyebrows - the upper (intellectual), from the eyebrows to the tip of the nose - the middle (emotional), from the nose to the chin - the lower (vital).

  • Upper zone- responsible for mental and intellectual activity. A person with a highly developed zone is an esthete, a humanist, and has a strong intellect. In life he is guided by idealistic, abstract considerations.
  • Middle zone can talk about the depth of the soul, the elaboration of one’s experiences, and sensitivity.
  • Lower zone- is responsible for the love of pleasure and satisfaction of one’s instincts.
Now, let's pay attention to how all these zones relate. If the vital zone is expressed more than all others, the person is not consistent and is subject to hobbies and infidelity.

If the emotional zone predominates, impressionability will prevent such a person from violating family norms. He will not repeat the negative experiences of others.

A pronounced intellectual zone - a person will be focused on generally accepted norms and rules. You can rely on him.

Attention to detail - facial physiognomy will help you better understand the nuances and avoid misunderstandings from the very beginning of acquaintance.

Example in photography

Video about physiognomy - determining character by face.

We judge a person by his first impression appearance, and the life experience we have accumulated often allows us to accurately determine character traits based on certain external features. Observations of the relationship between a person’s appearance and his character laid the foundation physiognomy- a knowledge system that allows you to determine a person’s personality type and his mental qualities (both innate and acquired) based on analysis characteristic features faces and expressions.

In a narrow sense, physiognomy - This is the expression of a person’s face and figure, determined by the very structure of the face, skull, torso, limbs, regardless of expressive movements. Facial expressions are examined by physiognomy, allowing one to draw conclusions about a person’s emotional manifestations. Also separately allocated kinesics, which studies the totality of human body movements in the process of communication, phrenology, revealing connections between the human psyche and the structure of the surface of his skull, etc.

Physiognomy interprets character based on facial features in three stages:

  1. Bright, special features, as a manifestation of the main specific character.
  2. Protruding parts telling about human capabilities.
  3. Symmetry and asymmetry as an expression individual characteristics personality.

The asymmetry of the human face is associated with the uneven development of the cerebral hemispheres and structural features of the skull. The presence of asymmetry in a normal human face can be proven by creating images of the same face from two left and two right halves. The two additional portraits are absolutely symmetrical and thus differ significantly from the original.

The basic concepts of physiognomy originated in ancient times. Each culture accumulated its own observations: among the ancient Bedouins - qiyafa, among Muslims - firasat, in China - Xiangfa (Xianshu, Xianzhenshuo), etc. Physiognomy was especially revered in the East, considering it a full-fledged branch of medicine, believing that all life path You can read a person by his face.

In the West, the first physiognomists were Theophrastus and Hippocrates, as well as Aristotle, who is credited with the first systematic treatise in this field - physiognomics.

In the Middle Ages, studies of physiognomy were supplemented by the observations of the philosopher John Scottai and the artist and scientist Leonardo da Vinci.

Physiognomy has not lost its importance today. Modern research the connection between a person’s internal psychological content and external features facial structure. Physiognomy is closely related to psychology; it helps to most fully compose a psychological portrait of a person. Below are some data from modern physiognomy:

  • Eyes mirror of the soul - they will talk about creative and spiritual qualities. Those with large eyes are sensitive and have the makings of a leader. Protruding eyes indicate slowness and laziness. Deeply sunken eyes - in angry, unfriendly people, prone to cunning and insults, physiognomy explains such negative manifestations character in that this type of eye is destined for life failures.
  • Forehead speaks about the human mind, his philosophy, ideology, ethics and ethics. Wide, high foreheads with open corners and smooth wrinkles are most often found among intellectuals and talented people. A very high forehead with a long face reveals a tough, unkind person prone to violence. A short and narrow forehead indicates a small mind and strong will, as well as hard work and homeliness.
  • Chin measures grit and sexuality. If it is wide, it is a sign of a strong character (remember cartoon supermen), a weakly defined jaw indicates softness, and a heavy jaw indicates uncontrollable passions. A slightly cleft chin is characteristic of passionate people and womanizers.
  • NoseWith indicates will and activity. A straight nose of moderate thickness and length is a sign of tenderness, agreeableness and hard work, with a hump - in exalted people, inclined to mental work and constant in cordial relationships. A slightly turned-up nose speaks of carelessness, natural cheerfulness and spiritual simplicity, while a nose that is too turned up speaks of courage and a tendency to take risks. A crooked nose reveals the deceit and hypocrisy of the owner.
  • Mouth talks about sensuality and love, as well as the inner energy of a person. A large mouth can indicate courage or deceit, a small mouth can indicate timidity, compressed lips can indicate firmness and determination, and a slack jaw can indicate stupidity or serious health problems.

However, it is worth mentioning that all signs are finally formed by the age of forty, until this time one can only assume a person’s predisposition to certain character traits.

Physiognomy— a unique tool for analyzing facial features with deciphering a person’s individual characteristics. The ability to correctly read the internal state, character and inclinations from appearance can help in various situations of interaction in society: during the first personal acquaintance, when recruiting personnel, during important negotiations, etc.

Practice observing characteristic features You can do it at any time and anywhere: on the bus, at work or on the street. You can start with yourself by looking in the mirror. Getting used to observing faces and associating their features with certain forms of behavior significantly improves social communication skills.
