ICT in teaching. Integrated use of information and communication technologies in the work of a teacher of Russian language and literature. Concept of communication and information technology

In recent decades, the idea of ​​technologization and informatization of the educational process as an important means of improving the educational system and ensuring the progress of society as a whole has gained significant development in Russia.

Information and communication technologies (ICT) in education are a set of methods, devices and processes used to collect, process and disseminate information and use them in the educational process.

The implementation of various types of classes using ICT in teaching made it possible to formulate pedagogical conditions for their use: a sufficient level of information competence of the teacher and students; the ability to present the content of an academic subject in accordance with the chosen form of lesson; availability of appropriate material and technical base; modeling of an educational environment that adequately reflects the content and is represented by educational resources on the Internet and multimedia. Despite the fact that the rapid development of multimedia and the Internet has aroused great interest among teachers in computer education, ensuring the quality and effectiveness of teaching using ICT remains at an insufficiently high level.

Existing software is constantly being updated; Computer equipment and information and communication technologies in education are being improved. This situation puts university professors and school teachers in the position of specialists who are constantly mastering new material and at the same time adapting this new information for students and schoolchildren. Naturally, it is advisable to prepare for such complex activities not only students in pedagogical colleges and universities, but also already working teachers and university employees.

Let's consider the possibilities of using information and communication technologies in the main activities of a teacher - educational, methodological, scientific...
ICTs are used in various types of educational activities of university teachers (lectures, practical exercises, educational and training games; management of student project activities, coursework and diploma projects) and teachers (lessons of various types, elective classes, consultations, management of educational projects, independent activities of students) .

In a modern educational institution, a teacher who uses in the process of lecturing and conducting lessons. multimedia projector, electronic board and computer, has access to the Internet, has a qualitative advantage over colleagues who work only within the framework of the usual “chalk technology”. In this case, it is necessary to take into account:

The level of preparedness and education of the students for whom such a lecture is given (university, pedagogical college, lyceum);
- professional orientation of students (humanities, natural sciences);
- specifics of the academic discipline;
- features of a specific topic;
- technical capabilities for using computer technology in the classroom.

Not every educational material is suitable for this form of training, but its elements are possible in any case. We have developed and used visualization lectures on pedagogical disciplines:

Model of the Web site of a teacher of the department of pedagogy (“Pedagogy”, “New information technologies in education”;
- presentations: “Higher education in the world” (“Pedagogy”, “Psychology and Pedagogy”), “Computer training programs” (“New information technologies in education”), “Emotions” (“Psychology and Pedagogy”, “General Psychology” ) and etc.;
- packages of computer files prepared independently: “Teaching methods” (“Pedagogy”), “Business games” (“Higher school pedagogy”);
- packages of files downloaded from the Internet and systematized by topics: “Main educational portals and sites in both the Russian and English components of the Network”, “Virtual libraries”, “Preparation for the unified state exam”, “School course in mathematics and the Internet” (“Pedagogy”, “New information technologies in education”, “Methods of teaching English”).

In classes of this type, materials downloaded from the Internet and presented in the form of texts and drawings are also used.
We attach particular importance to the use of the project method in the educational and cognitive activities of students using information and communication technologies. The fundamental works of E.S. Polat were used as a theoretical basis for the development of projects of various types. If telecommunication projects are used quite widely, as materials of scientific conferences on the problems of informatization of education show, by school teachers, much less by university teachers of special disciplines, then on issues of teacher education, psychology and pedagogy - extremely rarely.

Project activities are carried out according to a certain scheme, starting with a clear justification for the choice of the project topic and ending with its practical implementation. Students develop a project structure according to a specific scenario: project goal, objectives, project implementation plan, expected result. So, for example, on the topic of research, students: develop a layout of a booklet (using Microsoft Publisher); a presentation is prepared to defend the project (using Microsoft PowerPoint), a website is created (using Microsoft Publisher or Microsoft Word) using Internet resources on the project problem.

In order to successfully use ICT in methodological work (both educational and methodological and scientific and methodological in nature), the teacher must be well aware of various types of information and communication technologies and be able to practically apply some of them, be able to organize educational and cognitive activities of students and schoolchildren in new conditions.

The teacher must have a certain system of knowledge, skills and experience in creative activity.
Knowledge of: main types of ICT, prospects for their development and existing problems; the capabilities of the Internet and educational opportunities of the main types of telecommunications (E-mail, including educational mailings; Web forums, electronic conferences, chat conferences, etc.); main educational sites, both domestic and foreign (brief description of the content of resources, didactic opportunities, etc.); various approaches to constructing a typology of multimedia training programs, the most popular types of programs in world practice, classifications of programs according to functional characteristics (the most common in our country), characteristics of individual types of training programs; means for assessing educational sites on the Internet, training programs and criteria for their quality; various types of distance learning based on NIT; main websites of universities (both Russian-language and English-language) providing distance learning (brief description of the content of resources, didactic opportunities); forms and methods of organizing educational and cognitive activities in the conditions of using scientific and technological information; possibilities of using Microsoft Office, Microsoft Publisher, Fine Reader, translator programs, etc. for educational purposes.

Basic skills: using the Microsoft Office software package, Microsoft Publisher, Fine Reader, translator programs, etc.; using the Internet for communications and collecting information needed in education; evaluate the reliability of information acquired through Internet resources, synthesize this data acquired through the Internet into a meaningful whole; use of various search engines and directories; work with various types of telecommunications.

Experience in creative activity, consisting of: analyzing information about the capabilities of various types of new information technologies, developing models of educational sites on the subject of specialization, educational institution sites on the Internet (using the Microsoft Publisher program); in preparing reports for electronic scientific, methodological and methodological conferences on the Internet.

The development of distance courses for posting on the Internet is currently relevant for many universities and schools. Information learning environments have been created to create network (distance) courses and use them in the educational process. The greatest difficulty is the preparation of appropriate teaching materials for these courses. This is a new aspect of the methodological work of not only university teachers, but also school teachers.

Increasing the level of methodological work of teachers in both higher and secondary schools requires constant professional development. Advanced training of teachers is carried out in various forms: through the system of advanced training of teachers, carried out by the Institutes for Educational Development, through the work of methodological associations and departments in schools, through distance courses using the Internet.

Currently, the necessary skills for the methodological work of a university and school teacher are: the ability to find the necessary scientific, methodological and educational information on the Internet, exhibit the results of scientific, methodological and educational work on pedagogical websites, electronic pedagogical journals, and electronic conferences. This is especially important in modern conditions, since some scientific-methodological and scientific-practical conferences are available only via the Internet. The teacher has the opportunity not only to read the contents of textbooks, teaching aids on the subject he teaches, but also to download the corresponding files to his computer, print out the necessary chapters and individual methodological recommendations in preparation for various types of educational and cognitive activities of students.

The scientific work of school and university teachers in the new operating conditions also has some specifics. Let's look at some of its elements:

Familiarization with information on the Internet about all scientific conferences that will be held on the research problem, both in our country and abroad;
- analysis of scientific data presented on the Internet on the topic of the teacher’s scientific work (both in the Russian and English language components of the Network);
- participation in electronic scientific conferences (preparing reports for electronic conferences for posting them on the Internet; using e-mail to “send” a report, abstracts of a report to a scientific conference held in the classical version);
- preparation of layouts (in electronic form) of methodological recommendations, teaching aids, monographs;
- use of software packages for statistical processing of experimental data from scientific research, etc.;
- conducting scientific research on the problems of informatization of education; their registration in the form of dissertation research and defense of candidate dissertations for the academic degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences in the following specialties: 13.00.01 - General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education; 13.00.02 - Theory and methodology of training and education (computer science, level of general education, level of higher education).

Currently, postgraduate training for school teachers, college and university teachers (without interruption from professional activities) is quite common. Thus, under the guidance of the author of this article, dissertation research was carried out on the problems of informatization of education and candidate dissertations were defended in 2005 on the topics: “Organization of creative activity of lyceum students using information and communication technologies”, “Formation of the readiness of students of a pedagogical college to use information and communication technologies in professional activities”, “Formation of teachers’ readiness to use new information technologies in professional activities by means of a system of supporting education”, “Improving the information training of secondary school teachers in the context of a regional system of advanced training”.

The use of information and communication technologies in various types of teacher activities helps to increase the efficiency of the educational process and improve the level of their methodological and research work.


1. Kruchinina G.A. Possibilities of Microsoft PowerPoint and Microsoft Publisher programs in the work of a university teacher / Modern problems of science, education and production. Materials of the interuniversity scientific and practical conference (October 2-4, 2003) - N Novgorod: URAO, 2003. P.60-62
2. Kruchinina G.A. Project method in contextual learning in the context of informatization of education / Problems of theory and practice in the training of a modern specialist. Interuniversity collection of scientific papers. Issue 1.N. Novgorod, Publishing House NGLU im. N.A. Dobrolyubova, 2003. P. 113-123
3. Kruchinina G.A. Methodological work of a teacher in the conditions of using new information technologies for teaching / Problems of theory and practice in the preparation of a modern specialist. Interuniversity collection of scientific papers. - N. Novgorod, NGLU Publishing House, 2003. pp. 126 - 136.
4. Kruchinina G.A. Pedagogical concept of an educational site / Current pedagogical technologies in the field of education. Collection of scientific items. Issue I. Melitopol: MDPU, 2001. pp. 122-127.
5. Kruchinina G.A. Formation of readiness of students of pedagogical specialties to use new information technologies in education and pedagogical science / Bulletin of Nizhny Novgorod State University named after. N.I. Lobachevsky. Series: Innovations in education. Issue 1(2). N.Novgorod: Publishing House of Nizhny Novgorod State University, 2001. P.151 - 175.
6. Kruchinina G.A., Isakova S.N. Improving the lecture form of education in the context of informatization of the educational process / Problems of professional training of specialists in the conditions of continuous multi-level education. Proceedings of the Interuniversity Scientific and Practical Conference of teachers, students, graduate students, applicants and specialists (December 19, 2003). - N.Novgorod: VGIPA, 2003. P. 115 - 117.
7. Kruchinina G.A. Use of the educational and methodological package: “Pedagogy: new information technologies in the educational process” in the system of preparing students for teaching activities / Teacher training in the conditions of modernization of education. Proceedings of the regional scientific and practical conference (March 18-19, 2003). - N. Novgorod: NGPU Publishing House, 2003. P. 176 - 179
8. Polat E.S. Project method. Internet - http://users.kaluga.ru/school6/school/polat.htm
9. Isakova S.N. Forming the readiness of students of a pedagogical college to use information and communication technologies in professional activities.” Author's abstract. dis...cand. ped. Sci. N. Novgorod, 2005. - 26 p.
10. Kanyanina T.I. Organization of creative activities of lyceum students using information and communication technologies. Author's abstract. dis... cand. pedagogical sciences N. Novgorod, 2005. - 24 p.
11. Shevtsova L.A. Formation of teachers' readiness to use new information technologies in professional activities through a system of supportive education. Author's abstract. dis... cand. pedagogical sciences N. Novgorod, 2005. -26 p.
12. Chechenina S.I. Improving information training for teachers of secondary schools in the context of a regional system of advanced training. Author's abstract. dis...cand. ped. .sciences N. Novgorod, 2005. - 27 p.

A.N. Polezhaeva, computer science teacher, KBOU "School of Distance Education"



In modern society, information processes are one of the most important components of human life and society. The development of the global process of informatization of society leads to the formation of not only a new information environment for people, but also a new information way of life and professional activity.

Informatization is the most important mechanism for reforming the educational system, aimed at improving the quality, accessibility and effectiveness of education.

The use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the educational process is a pressing problem of modern school education. Today, almost every teacher in any school discipline can prepare and teach a lesson using ICT. A lesson using ICT is visual, colorful, informative, interactive, saves time for the teacher and student, allows the student to work at his own pace, allows the teacher to work with the student in a differentiated and individual way, and makes it possible to quickly monitor and evaluate learning results.

Information technology is usually considered in three aspects:

    as a subject of study;

    as a teaching tool;

    as a tool for automating educational activities.

For a teacher, when using ICT in lessons, a number of opportunities open up: the computer takes on the function of monitoring knowledge, helps to save time in the lesson, richly illustrate the material, show difficult moments in dynamics, repeat what caused difficulties, differentiate the lesson in accordance with individual characteristics of each student.

ICT can be used in the following ways: to prepare handouts; as a multimedia accompaniment to the lesson; computer testing, etc. Psychologists note that modern children perceive information on the screens of monitors, laptops, projectors, and televisions much better than printed book information. Therefore, during the learning process, as a rule, students’ interest in lessons using ICT increases.

When organizing a lesson using ICT, you need to take into account the following factors: the level of preparation of the class, the methodological purpose of the lesson, the type of lesson, the readiness of students for the type of educational activity, sanitary and hygienic requirements that regulate the possibility of using computers in the educational process, taking into account the age characteristics of students.

The process of introducing new information technologies into education has generally yielded positive results: the volume of educational resources on the Internet has increased, the activity of teachers and schoolchildren in using the resources and capabilities of the Internet has increased.

When using Internet technologies, it becomes possible to:

    develop skills in working with information;

    introduce students to a variety of ways of presenting material and visualizing thoughts;

    teach how to find information in various sources;

    use automated search systems;

    highlight the main and secondary information in information; arrange, systematize;

    develop students' critical thinking;

    develop self-education skills;

    create your own information prototypes and products.

A fairly wide projected range of application of Internet technologies in the educational process is emerging:

    working with browsers, search engines;

    using an email program;

    virtual communication;

    participation in teleconferences, projects, competitions;

    Creation Web sites, Web portals;

    creating your own projects and posting them on the Internet.

The computer telecommunications system is a living information environment in which all people have equal opportunities to access vast information resources. Modern schools successfully use Internet tools in distance learning for teachers and students.

The following advantages of distance learning via the Internet can be highlighted:

    the ability to study at a time convenient for you;

    simultaneous access of a large number of students to many educational sources, communication through networks with each other and with teachers;

    the use in the educational process of modern information and telecommunication technologies that contribute to the advancement of a person into the global information space”;

    social equality (equal educational opportunities for everyone);

    stimulating independence in learning.

Like any distance learning tool, the Internet also has its disadvantages:

    limited technical capabilities and slow modems lead to delays in receiving and transmitting information; training;

    The success of training partly depends on skills in computer management and Internet use.

But the use of ICT in teaching various school subjects is impossible without a sufficient technical base, appropriate software and Internet connection, and sufficient computer skills of the teacher himself.

The role of telecommunications is unusually large in distance learning, when participating in distance competitions and olympiads, during which children’s productive cognitive activity occurs.

The educational process at the present stage should ensure the formation of a creative personality, ready for activity with the widespread dissemination and implementation of ICT in all areas of activity. Elements of distance learning (distance Olympiads, competitions, courses, etc.) are penetrating and increasingly being used in the learning process. ICT tools are a tool that not only provides students with various knowledge in computer science, but also means that enhance the student’s creative capabilities, the ability to conduct research, and complete assignments - projects. Moreover, the possibility of telecommunication access to world information resources quite effectively influences students’ personal perception of the environment.

The independence of students when working on the Internet (searching for information, completing projects, participating in distance competitions, olympiads) allows us to consider the global computer network of working with the Internet as a tool of knowledge and self-development, which, in turn, contributes to the manifestation of the student’s social activity.

The general information culture of society is inextricably linked with the effectiveness of the introduction of ICT into school learning processes. The use of the Internet by a teacher poses a number of problems, the solution of which depends on the effective interaction of a number of subjects of science and practice: the creators of educational portals and training programs, methodologists and teachers for organizing educational activities in the information society.

The use of ICT is a powerful tool for creating optimal working conditions in the classroom, but it must be expedient and methodologically justified. ICT should be used only when this use provides an undeniable pedagogical effect and in no case should the use of computers be considered a tribute to the times or turned into a fashionable hobby.


1. Experience in using ICT in the educational process. -

information education Russian teacher

Concept of information and communication technologies

The processes of informatization of modern society and the closely related processes of informatization of all forms of educational activity are characterized by processes of improvement and mass distribution of modern information and communication technologies (ICT). Such technologies are actively used to transmit information and ensure interaction between teacher and student in modern open and distance education systems. A modern teacher must not only have knowledge in the field of ICT, but also be a specialist in their application in their professional activities.

The word “technology” has Greek roots and translated means science, a set of methods and techniques for processing or processing raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, products and converting them into consumer goods. The modern understanding of this word also includes the application of scientific and engineering knowledge to solve practical problems. In this case, information and telecommunication technologies can be considered those technologies that are aimed at processing and converting information.

Information and communication technologies (ICT) is a general concept that describes various devices, mechanisms, methods, and algorithms for processing information. The most important modern ICT devices are a computer equipped with appropriate software and telecommunications tools along with the information stored on them.

ICT tools used in education

The main ICT tool for the information environment of any education system is a personal computer, the capabilities of which are determined by the software installed on it. The main categories of software are system programs, application programs, and software development tools. System programs, first of all, include operating systems that ensure the interaction of all other programs with the equipment and the interaction of the user of a personal computer with the programs. This category also includes utility or service programs. Application programs include software that is an information technology toolkit - technologies for working with texts, graphics, tabular data, etc.

In modern education systems, universal office application programs and ICT tools have become widespread: word processors, spreadsheets, presentation preparation programs, database management systems, organizers, graphics packages, etc.

With the advent of computer networks and other similar ICT means, education acquired a new quality, associated primarily with the ability to quickly receive information from anywhere in the world. Through the global computer network Internet, instant access to the world's information resources (electronic libraries, databases, file storages, etc.) is possible. About two billion multimedia documents have been published on the most popular Internet resource - the World Wide Web WWW.

Other common ICT tools available online include email, mailing lists, newsgroups, and chat. Special programs have been developed for communication in real time, allowing, after establishing a connection, to transfer text entered from the keyboard, as well as sound, image and any files. These programs allow you to organize collaboration between remote users and a program running on the local computer.

With the advent of new data compression algorithms, the sound quality available for transmission over a computer network has increased significantly and has begun to approach the sound quality in conventional telephone networks. As a result, a relatively new ICT tool, Internet telephony, began to develop very actively. Using special equipment and software, you can conduct audio and video conferences via the Internet.

To ensure effective search for information in telecommunication networks, there are automated search tools, the purpose of which is to collect data about the information resources of the global computer network and provide users with a quick search service. Using search engines, you can search for World Wide Web documents, multimedia files and software, and address information about organizations and people.

With the help of ICT network tools, it becomes possible to have wide access to educational, methodological and scientific information, organize operational consulting assistance, simulate research activities, and conduct virtual training sessions (seminars, lectures) in real time.

There are several main classes of information and telecommunication technologies that are significant from the point of view of open and distance education systems. Some of these technologies are video recordings and television. Videotapes and associated ICT tools allow large numbers of students to listen to lectures from top teachers. Videotapes with lectures can be used both in special video classes and at home. It is noteworthy that in American and European training courses the main material is presented in printed publications and on video cassettes.

Television, as one of the most common ICTs, plays a very important role in people's lives: almost every family has at least one TV. Educational television programs are widely used throughout the world and are a prime example of distance learning. Thanks to television, it becomes possible to broadcast lectures to a wide audience in order to increase the overall development of this audience without subsequent monitoring of knowledge acquisition, as well as the opportunity to subsequently test knowledge using special tests and exams.

A powerful technology that allows storing and transmitting the bulk of the material being studied is educational electronic publications, both distributed on computer networks and recorded on CD-ROM. Individual work with them gives a deep assimilation and understanding of the material. These technologies make it possible, with appropriate modification, to adapt existing courses for individual use and provide opportunities for self-learning and self-testing of acquired knowledge. Unlike a traditional book, educational electronic publications allow you to present material in a dynamic graphic form.

Modern ICTs and their role in the education system

Informatization today is considered as one of the main ways to modernize the education system. This is due not only to the development of technology and technology, but also, first of all, to the changes caused by the development of the information society, in which information and the ability to work with it become the main value. Accordingly, one of the main tasks of the modern education system is the development of projects and programs that contribute to the formation of a person in modern society. The main goal of teaching teams is to create conditions for identifying and developing the abilities of each child, forming an individual who has solid basic knowledge and is able to adapt to the conditions of modern life. Informatization of education should be considered as one of the important means of achieving this goal. This means solving a number of sequential problems: technical equipment, creation of didactic tools, development of new teaching technologies, etc., which determine the stages of the modernization process.

The development of information technologies and telecommunications creates the basis for the implementation of scientific and educational programs at a qualitatively new level. The creation of high-speed telecommunications and the development of real-time technologies makes it possible to implement models of a distributed educational environment built on technologies for remote access to information resources and computer means of communication.30

Despite the shortage of telecommunication resources, these technologies have already become firmly established in the practice of educational institutions. E-mail, which ten years ago seemed like a significant advance in the development of communication technologies, has been replaced by on-line technologies. And unique laboratory experimental and computing complexes have become available thanks to automation tools and computer remote control technologies.

The advantages of such technologies are obvious. They make it possible to combine the material and computing resources of educational and scientific centers to solve complex problems, attract leading specialists and create distributed scientific laboratories, organize prompt access to shared resources and jointly conduct computational and laboratory experiments, carry out joint scientific projects and educational programs.

An important quality of modern information and communication technologies (ICT) is their versatility; they can be the basis for organizing any activity related to information exchange, the basis for creating a common information space.31

Information technologies arise as a means of resolving the contradiction between knowledge accumulating in ever-increasing volumes, on the one hand, and the possibilities and scale of their social use, on the other hand. Hence the dual role of ICT: on the one hand, it is a means of transforming knowledge into an information resource of society, and on the other, a means of implementing social technologies and transforming them into social information technologies that can already be directly used in systems of public administration and public self-government.

Let us outline the main didactic requirements for information and communication technologies in education in order to increase the efficiency of their use in the educational process:

· motivation in using various teaching materials;

· clear definition of the role, place, purpose and time of use of electronic educational resources and computer teaching aids;

· the leading role of the teacher in conducting classes;

· introducing into the technology only such components that guarantee the quality of training;

· compliance of the computer training methodology with the general strategy for conducting the training session;

· taking into account the fact that the introduction of electronic educational resources and computer training programs into the set of educational tools requires a revision of all components of the system and a change in the general teaching methodology;

· ensuring a high degree of individualization of training;

· providing sustainable feedback in training, etc.

The application of general didactic teaching principles and the implementation of the specified requirements for the use of ICT in the educational process will help improve the quality of training. Because of this, they should be considered in the context of the goals of education and scientific understanding of the practice of educational activities, based on the principles of the appropriateness and effectiveness of using ICT in the educational process.

ICT expands the capabilities of the educational environment, both with a variety of software tools and methods for developing the creativity of students. Such software tools include modeling programs, search programs, intelligent training programs, expert systems, and programs for conducting business games. Virtually all modern electronic textbooks place emphasis on the development of creative thinking. For this purpose, they offer tasks of a heuristic, creative nature, pose questions to which it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer, etc. Communication technologies make it possible to implement methods that activate creative activity in a new way. Students can join in discussions that are held not only in the classroom or class, but also virtually, for example, on the websites of periodicals and training centers. Students from various educational institutions can participate in joint creative projects.

The use of laboratory equipment makes it possible to organize in real time a demonstration experiment that enhances understanding of the material and its assimilation. The use of satellite technologies allows us to move to a higher level of use of information and communication technologies in the educational process.

The use of ICT in the education system actualizes their communicative component. The penetration of computer telecommunications into the field of education initiated the development of new educational technologies, when the technical component of the educational process leads to an essential change in education. The development of computer telecommunications in education initiated the emergence of new educational practices, which in turn contributed to the transformation of the educational system as a whole. The boundaries of the educational sphere, localized by institutional, temporal and spatial frameworks, have been significantly expanded due to the introduction of telecommunication technologies into the educational process.

Learning models that use information and communication technologies can be characterized as follows:

· Model of learning. Studying and mastering a computer, user interface, program. Mastering tools and tools.

· Model of existence. Simulation software environments. Games, exercise equipment, Internet.

· Model for managing your own information. Formation and accumulation of information materials in the sense of accumulation, organization of their storage, updating, etc.

· Process control model. Management of laboratory experiments.

· Model of creativity. Computer as a tool of cognition and creativity.

· Communication model. Distance communication, training and education.

· View model. Satisfying your own curiosity

· Information acquisition model. Searching for information using electronic encyclopedias and guidebooks.

· Model of indirect interaction. Participation in projects does not necessarily involve direct use of a computer.

Typology of information and communication technologies,

used in education

Technologies for presenting information. Informatization of the primary stage of education. Informatization of natural science education

Over the fairly short history of computer science, a huge number of different information technologies have already been created, and with the development of many of them, necessary and useful, modern man is almost constantly late in various types of his activities. This is often the fate of ICT professionals who only manage to master them in their narrow professional field. In order not to feel helpless in the modern information world, you need to constantly “feed” yourself by studying new technologies.

1) technologies for presenting information (multimedia, hypertext, virtual reality);

2) technologies for structuring information and artificial intelligence systems (databases and knowledge, expert training systems);

3) communication technologies (networks of different levels, telecommunications).

Let's consider each direction separately.

Technologies for presenting information

The information resource - the knowledge accumulated over the entire history of mankind - has until now been mainly preserved in a passive form, in the form of printed materials. With the advent of information technologies based on modern computers as new means of working with information, it became possible to transfer information from a passive form into an actively functioning resource based on technologies such as, for example, multimedia and hypertext technologies (hypermedia).

Multimedia is a rapidly developing modern information technology that allows you to combine information of different types, such as text, sound, graphics, animation (cartoon) and video. As a result, information is presented in such a way that a person perceives it with several senses simultaneously, combined with the use of large volumes of information, quick access and interactive opportunities to work with it, which predetermines qualitatively new opportunities for increasing the effectiveness of education when, for example, creating educational materials completely new type.

Another technology in this direction is hypertext technology. Hypertext is a specially structured text arranged in a non-linear manner, in the form of separate fragments that are connected to each other through links, as a result the text is arranged as if in the form of a branching tree. Links make the process of citing any text sources extremely simple. In this case, we are not talking about citation in the usual sense, accepted for books and magazines on paper, but about the ability to immediately obtain the full text of the source with one movement of the computer mouse. As a result, the very method of presenting texts changes altogether, the need for quotations in the usual sense disappears, and only links remain in the text, allowing you to immediately obtain the necessary explanation for it; the information appears to be compressed in time and space.

In combination with hypertext, multimedia forms hypermedia (hypermedia – super environment). In this case, hypertexts contain not only text, but also various visual and audio information. The carrier of hypermedia information is usually a special optical CD, which allows storing large volumes of structured information of various types, which is read using a laser.

The use of hypermedia technology in the educational process makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of learning by stimulating the student's greatest number of sensations, the ability to model various objects, phenomena and processes and interactively control them, developing students' skills in working with various types of information and its free manipulation, the ability to expand and collapse branches of information in space and time, which involves the implementation of a wide range of learning influences.

The practical implementation of hypermedia systems has led to the emergence of electronic books, which can be divided into four classes: encyclopedic, informational, educational, and examining.

An electronic textbook is a software and methodological complex that provides the ability to independently or with the partial participation of a teacher master a course or its section using ICT. Each electronic textbook usually has informational (content), training (exercises to consolidate acquired knowledge) and testing (customizable bank of questions, testing module itself, expert module for analysis and evaluation) parts.

The difficulty of practical use of e-books and textbooks is mainly due to their purpose for self-study. They contain a large amount of branched additional information, and each student chooses his own route to study the material, so they do not always fit into the outline of the traditional classroom learning process.

Despite the difficulties of development and implementation, a new technology of non-contact information interaction is becoming increasingly widespread for educational purposes - virtual reality, which creates the illusion of direct entry and presence in the real off-screen world with the help of complex multimedia operating environments and special devices. This developing technology seems to be a fundamentally different, future stage in the development of hypermedia. The user's contact with the virtual reality system is carried out using glasses-television monitors and a special device - a joystring, which creates the effect of force feedback and provides communication with gestures using an interface glove.

The implementation of virtual reality technology for educational purposes contributes to the formation of experience in simulating, designing, modeling objects, phenomena and processes of the objective world; development of visual-figurative, theoretical thinking, which allows the student to study not only objects and phenomena of the real reality surrounding us, but also those that in reality are irreproducible or difficult to reproduce (space flights to other planets, new surgical operations, observations of complex natural phenomena and etc.).

Knowledge of the virtual world, into which a person finds himself while working with the system, develops imagination, abstract thinking, helps to understand and realize the essence of the most unique phenomena and processes. The main difficulties in implementing virtual reality technology are the complexity and high cost of software tools for creating computer software products, as well as the need to use expensive equipment.

Information technology (IT, from the English information technology, IT) is a wide class of disciplines and areas of activity related to technologies for managing and processing data, as well as creating data, including using computer technology.

Recently, information technology most often refers to computer technology. Specifically, IT deals with the use of computers and software to store, transform, protect, process, transmit, and receive information. Computer hardware and programming specialists are often called IT specialists.

According to the definition adopted by UNESCO, IT is a complex of interrelated scientific, technological, and engineering disciplines that study methods for effectively organizing the work of people involved in processing and storing information; computer technology and methods of organizing and interacting with people and production equipment, their practical applications, as well as social, economic and cultural problems associated with all this. IT itself requires complex training, large initial costs and high-tech technology. Their implementation should begin with the creation of mathematical software and the formation of information flows in specialist training systems.

The main features of modern IT:

storing large amounts of information on computer media;

transmission of information over long distances in a limited time.

https://pandia.ru/text/78/231/images/image002_52.gif" alt=" Modern ICTs and their role in education" width="521" height="210">!}

Speech at the m/o

history teachers

Spartakovskaya ZOSH

Marina Skaraeva
Innovative technologies. Use of ICT in preschool educational institutions

“In ancient times, people studied in order to improve themselves. Nowadays people study in order to surprise others.” Confucius. (Slide 2)

« Technology» , when translated from Greek (techne) means art, skill, skill, and these are nothing more than processes.

Hence, usage in the educational process of preschool educational institutions innovation- this is not a fashion trend, but a requirement of the time! (Slide 3)

What is " innovative technologies"? (Slide 4)

Innovative technologies- this is an organizational and methodological toolkit of the pedagogical process in a preschool educational institution (a system of methods, methods, teaching techniques, educational means, aimed at achieving a positive result in modern conditions and at the implementation of Federal state educational standards for preschool education. One of the main directions the use of innovative technologies is ICT. (Slide 5)

What is meant by the term "information and communication technologies"? (Slide 6)

Information and communication technologies(ICT)- these are personality-oriented technologies, promoting the implementation of the principles of a differentiated and individual approach to learning. (Slide 7)

What does ICT include? (Slide 8)

ICT tools: TV, camera, multimedia, tape recorder, computer and of course interactive equipment. (Slide 9)

What is the relevance? use of ICT in preschool educational institutions? (Slide 10)

Relevance of the problem:

(Slide 11)

The process of informatization in preschool educational institutions is determined by the requirements of a modern developing society.

It follows from the Concept of the National Informatization Program - “informatization of education is aimed at the formation and development of the intellectual potential of the nation, improvement of the forms and content of the educational process, and the introduction of computer teaching methods.”

Computer, multimedia and interactive tools are information processing tools that can become powerful technical training tool, a means of communication necessary for the joint activities of teachers, parents and preschoolers.

What documents do we rely on when use of ICT?

(Slide 12)


(Slide 13)

1. Federal law “On education in the Russian Federation”

2. “Federal state educational standard for preschool education”

3. “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational organizations”

4. Regulatory documents

5. Adoption at the state level of the Strategy for the Development of the Information Society

6. Program implementation "Electronic Russia"

7. Development of the National Educational Concept "Our new school»


(Slide 14)

Penetration of modern information technologies into the field of education allows teachers to qualitatively change the content, methods and organizational forms of teaching.

Strengthening the intellectual capabilities of children in the information society, as well as humanization, individualization of the learning process and improving the quality of education at all levels of the educational system.

Modern child? What is he like? (Slide 15)

The developmental characteristics of children indicate that they differ from their peers of the last century and require a modern approach to upbringing, education and development.

Therefore, preschool teachers began to actively use ICT, as the main achievement in working with children. And I'm no exception. Having independently mastered computer technologies, multimedia and interactive equipment, I use my skills and abilities in working with children. (Slide 16)

Therefore, it is difficult to disagree with the statement of our President V.V. Putin: “New knowledge and technologies should not lie under the cloth, should not remain a dead weight. You and I understand everything perfectly well - such capital, as we know, very quickly depreciates and ages. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to formulate and re-create mechanisms for the dissemination of information, to make it open and as accessible as possible, through use of ICT». (Slide 17)

What can be said about the benefits of ICT? (Slide 18)

Compared to traditional forms of teaching preschoolers, computer, multimedia and interactive equipment has a number of benefits: (Slide 19)

Presenting information on a computer screen in a playful manner arouses great interest in children;

In an accessible form, brightly, figuratively, present the material to preschoolers - movements, sound, animation attracts the child’s attention for a long time;

Encouraging the child to solve problems correctly with the computer itself stimulates the cognitive activity of children;

Provides the opportunity to individualize training;

The child himself regulates the pace and number of game learning tasks to be solved;

In the process of his activities, the preschooler gains self-confidence, that he can do a lot;

Allows you to simulate life situations that cannot be seen in everyday life (rocket flight, flood, unexpected and unusual effects);

The computer is very “patient”, never scolds a child for mistakes, but waits for him to correct them himself, encourages children to solve problematic problems and overcome difficulties

What can be said about the disadvantages of ICT? (Slide 20)

Disadvantages of ICT:

(Slide 21)

When introducing computer technologies teaching in kindergartens there are economic difficulties character: not enough funds for technical equipment of premises, creation of a local network within the institution, implementation of the necessary technical support, acquisition of licensed software and application software.

The problem of professional competence remains relevant teachers: it is necessary to be able not only to use modern technology, but also to create your own educational resources, to be a competent Internet user.

Excessive use of a computer can lead to deterioration of a child's vision and also negatively affect his mental health.

This is especially dangerous for shy children.

You cannot rely only on the computer, multimedia and ID.

A child is a small person; he can form and develop only by communicating with people and living in the real world.

Necessary conditions for preserving the child’s health during use of ICT. (Slide 22)

(Slide 23)

Direct educational activities with using ID for children 5-7 years old should be carried out no more than 1 time during the day and no more often

3 times a week on the highest days performance: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

The permissible distance from the screen to the chairs on which children sit is 2 - 2.5 meters.

The duration of interactive games for children 5 years old should not exceed 10 minutes, and for children 6-7 years old - 15 minutes.

At the end of the NOD, children are given eye exercises.

T.O. with proper use of ICT, with proper organization of the educational process, computer programs for preschoolers can widely be used in practice without risk to children's health. (Slide 24)

Use of ICT in preschool educational institutions:

(Slide 25)

ICT as a means of interaction with society.

ICT as a means of cooperation with parents.

ICT in organizing methodological work with teaching staff.

ICT for children as a means of transmitting and storing information in various games technologies.

Development technologies, teaching aids, projects incorporating ICT.

ICT as a means of program support.

ICT as a teaching tool when organizing the educational process with children.

The main activity of preschoolers is play. Through play, a child’s personality is revealed, formed and developed.

A usage Computer games help improve the effectiveness of children's learning and the development of intellectual and creative capabilities. (Slide 26)

CONCLUSION. (Slide 27)

V.V. Putin: “The Internet and ICT are an opportunity for communication, self-expression, it is a tool for improving the quality of life and information security of society” (Slide 28)

In our preschool educational institution we are actively we use innovative technologies. On the basis of our preschool educational institution in January 2015, a seminar was held - a workshop on preparing children for school, through usage modern pedagogical technologies, in particular on the use of ICT.

Thank you for your attention! Creative success! (Slide 30)
