To whom is war, and to whom is mother. To whom is war, and to whom is dear mother War and dear mother meaning

To whom is war, and to whom is mother dear
And I would order such a cook to be hacked to death on the wall, so that he wouldn’t waste his speeches there in vain, where power needs to be used.
This saying was heard in post-war years, when, against the backdrop of disasters and losses suffered during the Great Patriotic War For the majority of the people, the well-fed well-being and rich complacency of some cunning people, skilled in amassing wealth through theft and buying up cheaply in exchange for stolen products, paintings, jewelry and other expensive things, remaining with the hungry population, looked blasphemous. There were such non-human people even in besieged Leningrad, and not all of them were caught by the hand and tried under martial law.

Now, of course, the time is not war, but economically it is significantly complicated, and not so much by the EU and US sanctions against Russia, the negative impact of which on the country’s economy and standard of living ordinary people for a long time, for several months, it did not become apparent how many actions of dishonest people were to inflate prices for basic food products, medicines, services and the inability or unwillingness of the authorities to curtail their insatiable appetites.

Some jingoists may disagree with this statement, citing in support of their case that, firstly, the government organized massive checks on the validity of a sharp increase in prices in retail and wholesale trade networks, and secondly, that in a long chain of factors determining pricing, the final chains are not always the main ones. But it can be objected that, firstly, such checks are not effective, since even if malicious pricing violations are identified the legislative framework does not allow anyone to be brought to criminal liability, and you cannot intimidate grabbers with fines, and secondly, in this long chain of factors, the interests of bankers and oligarchs in the oil and gas industry play an important role, who do not want to share the difficulties of the crisis with the people, who are confident in the impossibility of the government infringing on its fabulous profits, not allowing even the thought that someone could encroach on the rights of the “sacred cow”.

And it’s time to look at the “art” with a galloping rise in prices (which began as if on command from the Washington “regional committee” or from the headquarters of the liberals of the 5th column) explained by Russian swindlers (from the purchase, processing, storage and sale of agricultural products) the introduction of sanctions, not only as insatiable, greedy rippers of the wallets of their fellow citizens, but also as accomplices of foreign forces’ actions that are unfriendly to us (not to say more harshly, hostile), that is, to consider their actions as facilitating negative impact economic sanctions on our economy and equate them with representatives of the 5th column in the person of renegade liberals. And accordingly, stop being liberal with both. Otherwise, it turns out that some get sanctions, and others get a reason to profit even more, hiding behind them.

And when they are abolished, they will not lose money either and will try to help European firms return to our market, again oust domestic producers and destroy our agriculture in the first place. And with our businessmen being so unscrupulous in their means of profit, it will not be difficult for European firms to do this: just temporarily reduce the prices of their products, and they will again flood our market, just like Bush’s chicken legs did in their time. The evil politicians of the US and EU will help to create such an artificial reduction in the price of agricultural products, JUST AS THEY HAVE DONE NOT FOR THE FIRST TIME WITH THE CLASS OF OIL PRICES.

But maybe the devaluation of the ruble is carried out deliberately, and it is beneficial for someone in power so that all the burden economic crisis was shifted onto the shoulders of the working people, and with devalued rubles it is easier to plug holes in the economy and fulfill the social obligations of the state to the people? These and similar unanswered questions and thoughts about what we have come to as a result of our envy, greed, naivety and stupidity are reflected in the poem “Prices” given below.

We don't have any inflation, it's just a simple rise in prices
From the “sermon” of an economist
Prices are increasing every day,
Show of all-Russian deception -
Life, as they say, is in full swing,
It hits you on the head and in the pocket.

Only life is not quoted,
In a figurative sense, it’s worth little.
This is the market, not socialism,
Even during periods of stagnation.

This could have been earlier
Dissatisfied with everything and offended:
To take children far to kindergarten,
It's difficult to get to work

And the area, of course, is not so hot.
I would like to exchange an apartment with someone,
So that on the way to kindergarten from work
Stop by and don't get stuck in traffic jams.

And it’s not the floor I would like,
And the kitchen would not be as good as a sheepskin.
Somehow the courage is over now
Among people who dreamed of living in a market place.

If now someone
They suddenly gave me a free apartment,
That lucky man would thank fate
Why was he so lucky in life?

If only a young family could now
Offered a place in kindergarten
Even in the worst, believe me,
They would be immensely happy.

But you can’t return all this,
Free cheese - now in a mousetrap.
Our life is not worth a penny.
So the craftsmen led us cleverly.

Everything they say is excellent,
They defeat evil, as in a good fairy tale.
Prices are only rising by leaps and bounds,
You know, they didn’t skimp on the sourdough.

The invisible war is spreading,
People are dying, like in a bad fairy tale.
The price of our life is falling
As if by a magical evil order.

But the stores are still full of all sorts of third-rate products, consisting of various surrogates, including ground hooves, cellulose and other inedible ingredients with the addition of flavor enhancers, giving a pleasant color, freshness and removing unpleasant odors. Go to super and hypermarkets, admire the masterpieces of artists in museums, and drool, admiring the fact that you can count more than 30 varieties of cheese and sausage. It would be better if there were 3-4 varieties of sausage, but made from meat, and not with scanty additives, and at an affordable price, not shamelessly inflated several times, or even tens of times.

I don’t understand why Putin released this bastard into the wild!??? These are not some kind of pussywrights! This nit still has dough and a ton of Russophobic connections.

“I have a naval comrade. He lives a quiet, measured life in Tel Aviv. At work, my friend communicates with high-ranking politicians and officials in Israel. I have no reason not to trust him. Moreover, he is not a politically interested person. Therefore, my article, to a greater extent, written from his words.

Representatives of the Russian opposition may be financing the punitive operation in Donbass. According to information from one of the influential members of the political party “Our Home Israel,” funds for foreign mercenaries and punitive battalions fighting against resistance forces in the Donbass regularly come from the assets of Russian businessman Mikhail Khodorkovsky, who is currently in the United States.

Already in the fall of this year, financial flows for the fight against militias are planned to be carried out through the opportunities established by Khodorkovsky in 2004 and now being recreated, interregional public organization"Open Russia" and the international charitable foundation "Open Russia Foundation". The funds will be received under the guise of providing humanitarian assistance and charitable activities. The entrepreneur’s plans include attracting representatives of large European companies and North American business structures to the board of directors of the organization, as was previously organized during the creation and operation of the public organization and foundation in 2001-2004.

According to the Israeli politician, in July 2014, Khodorkovsky contacted one of the leaders of the largest sovereign wealth investment fund of the UAE (Adia Abu Dhabi Investment Authority), Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed An-Nahyan. The Russian entrepreneur put forward a proposal to hold a bilateral working meeting with representatives of the fund at the end of September 2014. The purpose of the negotiations is to provide the Arab side with a loan of 30 billion US dollars for investment in the Ukrainian economic and defense sphere under guarantees of the Ukrainian government.

This initiative will allow the Ukrainian side to receive much-needed financial resources bypassing the IMF, which is not ready to finance the government of a warring country.

I asked my friend, during a regular meeting with a politician, to ask a question about the oligarch Igor Kolomoisky. The information received exceeded all my expectations.

US commercial structures, through Igor Kolomoisky, plan to acquire a number of coal mining enterprises in the Lugansk region for their further use as toxic waste storage sites.

In August of this year, representatives of Kolomoisky, on behalf of US commercial structures, informed the management of Sistema Capital Management JSC, owned by Rinat Akhmetov, about their readiness to acquire a number of coal mines of Krasnodonugol PJSC. First of all, it is planned to buy the Sukhodolskaya-Vostochnaya mine, which is 40 km from Lugansk. Representatives of the head of the Dnepropetrovsk region refused to name the name of the American company, but at the same time emphasized that if they refuse to sell these assets, they will be subjected to artillery fire.

Currently, technical specialists of Sistema Capital Management JSC are preparing technical documentation for the Sukhodolskaya-Vostochnaya mine at the request of the American side. According to their assessments, the nature of the requested information does not affect the organization of mining operations or sales of products. It is likely that these facilities are planned to be used for storing industrial waste. That's it, my friends. To whom is war, and to whom is mother. And we are still surprised by the actions of Andrei Makarevich! (c)

Ps: I am a peaceful person. And my profession is humane - nurse.
BUT ENOUGH Russia plays at democracy! IT'S TIME for all the liberals to celebrate their thirties!

To whom is war, and to whom is mother dear?

It is not known at what pace the implementation of Taft’s plan would have proceeded and if it would have taken place at all if it had not been for the outbreak of the First World War. World War. While the peoples of Europe were bleeding on the battlefields, the Americans sat overseas, profiting from supplies to the warring parties. During 1914-1919, American exports increased from 2.4 to 7.9 billion dollars, that is, 3.2 times. The total net profit of US monopolies during this period was $33.6 billion.

As a result of the war, the financial situation in the world changed dramatically. By 1914, the United States owed various European countries about $5 billion. In turn, American investments abroad amounted to about 3 billion dollars, which was 10 times less than the foreign investments of England, 6 times less than those of France and 4.5 times less than German investments. Thanks to military orders, America not only eliminated its debt to Europe, but from a debtor became a creditor - by the end of the First World War, European countries owed the United States 11 billion dollars. In addition, during the war years, private investments of American monopolies abroad more than doubled, amounting to about $6.5 billion by 1919.

Naturally, with such profits, America was vitally interested in ensuring that the world war lasted as long as possible and that all the European countries participating in it exhausted each other as much as possible. Wilson, who replaced Taft as president, said that the United States would not benefit from a quick victory of both Germany over England and England over Germany. The United States clearly gravitated towards the Entente countries, and they should have entered the war. Which is what they did on April 6, 1917.

As a result of the First World War, the United States, faster than the wildest forecasts would have suggested, acquired the economic superpower so desired by Taft. Thanks to the war, America became the largest creditor in four years and concentrated over half of the world's gold reserves. American positions in the production of global industrial products have also strengthened significantly. By 1920, the United States produced about half the world's coal production, three-fifths of the world's iron and steel production, two-thirds of the world's oil, and 85% of the world's automobile production.

Bombs fell from the sky on Europe, and financial and economic power fell on America instead. Inspired by him, Woodrow Wilson, from 1917, set a course for gaining “world leadership” in the political field. However, here he had to endure severe disappointment. Even allies England and France refused to recognize American claims, despite huge military debts to Washington. On Parizhskaya peace conference In 1919, Wilson suffered a major diplomatic defeat. The post-war Versailles peace system in Europe was also created without the participation of the United States. The result of the defeat was severe disappointment and the growth of isolationist sentiments that prevailed in the ruling elite of the United States. Supporters of these sentiments insisted that America should mind its own affairs and not interfere in European ones.

This was the general background against which the United States policy towards Russia was developed. And interest in our country, especially in the inexhaustible treasures of its subsoil, appeared in American business circles even before the October Revolution. “American companies,” wrote the US Ambassador to Russian Empire Francis, - they are already looking with greedy eyes at the mineral deposits, water energy reserves, and railway construction opportunities available in this country. On the ship with which this package will be sent, several Americans are returning to their homeland, but among them there is not a single one who would not intend to return to Russia, since everyone believes that there is no other field of activity on earth similar to this.” Only the relatively strong monarchical power tempered the insatiable greed of the American monopolies. After February Revolution this obstacle has been removed. Initially, a corrupt democratic government handed the country over to anyone who wanted to buy it.

However, England and France played a leading role in determining the general policy of the Entente countries towards Russia. The USA had to be content with second roles here too. However, the rapidly growing American imperialism soon began to actively declare its interests, the sphere of which was primarily the Russian Far East.

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15. WHO HAS SUCCESS AND WHO HAS THE BITTERNESS OF THE SEA WAVE However, this success came to them only when the first ice appeared in the Kara Sea, and on the Kola Peninsula Soviet troops drove the mountain riflemen to the Norwegian border. On September 15, 1944, border patrol ships near Dikson

28.11.2014 16:21

An article about how to make money from a punitive operation.

Russian proverb “To whom war is a mother!” sounds perfect today, especially in Ukrainian.

Blood and money always make their way forward together—surrounding, enveloping, outflanking. The gigantic scale of material assets, weapons, equipment, food, medicine cannot bypass the interest of people who have long ago exchanged their conscience for dollars. Therefore, in any war there are always enough “camouflage businessmen” who profit from the deaths and valor of others.

The history of the war between the Kyiv regime and Donbass today is replete with facts of cynical money-making. One of the first to admit the total theft was “Guchnomov ATO member” Dmytro Tymchuk. They concerned fashionable and stylish rations with which the US State Department decided to feed the Ukrainian army. As you know, this product is a closed order from the Obama military department and therefore does not go to retail.

But they don’t receive this, and after crossing the airspace of Ukraine, dry rations can quickly turn into a well-selling product. Tymchuk is outraged: “Our guys in the ATO zone say that instead of the promised American dry rations, they are fed “domestic” crackers. And it immediately becomes clear where American aid is going. Well, bestiality, honestly. We are taking this topic seriously, since there are few “intermediate links” in the distribution of aid, and if it wanted, the Ministry of Defense could easily identify thieves in its ranks (of course, if it wanted to, there are serious doubts about that).”

As it turned out, volunteers were selling (and selling on a large scale) dry rations, through hundreds of whose organizations the products were supposed to go to the troops. The theft was attributed to a tender sale.
Dubious tenders caused rare dissatisfaction and discussion in the press, to which Arkady Stuzhuk, deputy head of the department for organizing the supply of property of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, noted that after the initial confusion, open tenders began to take place, which all doubters could observe.
However, in this matter, what is curious is not the scheme of the tender itself, but the entire system, which has not changed since the time of Kravchuk: supplier - customer. Today it's really simplified, an individual supplier can use it right away military unit, or even a whole branch of the military. This is also a source of serious profits.

The production and supply of food, medicine, and ammunition today are carried out by people who are well known to the Ukrainian business community. By the way, a significant part of these businessmen were recently parliamentarians from the Party of Regions faction like Vladimir Dudka or Alexander Tabalov, although the scandals did not affect them - they just make money.
In the summer, another scandal was quickly hushed up - with the distribution of donations to the so-called ATO through sending “patriotic SMS messages”, and this amounted to a significant amount of more than 120 million hryvnia (!).

As you know, the government promised to buy sleeping bags, body armor and Kevlar helmets with this money. The tender for sewing sleeping bags was won by a certain Chernigov company, indicating the cost of one at 352 hryvnia. But it turned out that cheap and reliable tourist sleeping bags could be bought for exactly half the price, and that’s at retail!
By the way, about medications. And here one could not do without the temptations of gain, as reported by volunteer Yuri Biryukov, who published the fact that individual first aid kits for the military were “understaffed.”
And the scandalous lady Alexandra Kuzhel stated that faulty small arms are being sent to the front line.

A real “hail” of several “body armor” scandals became truly loud. The first, when it became known that after the tender purchase, the troops received body armor that could not withstand being hit by a bullet from an AK-74.
Then Defense Minister Mikhail Koval in the Verkhovna Rada publicly accused the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine (AMKU), which stopped the purchase of Corsair-3M body armor vests, which were manufactured by the Temp-3000 company, for public funds.

The Ministry of Defense opened a tender for the purchase of 28 thousand body armor at a price of 4,200 hryvnia. But the AMCU decided to suspend the purchase. Based on a complaint from the AMOS society, which was purchasing British body armor, but at a price of 17.7 thousand hryvnia per piece. Then it came to mutual accusations between competitors, showdowns in the Antimonopoly Committee, and the initiation of a criminal case. And that's all...
Almost at the same time, it became known from the head of the Lviv police, Sergei Zyubanenko, that in Lviv, scammers had sold about 100 counterfeit bulletproof vests to a retail chain, of which 85 were sent “to the ATO zone in Donbass.” Under the brand name of class 5 body armor, simple metal plates sewn into “properly tailored bras” were sold to the troops.
The sale of Melitopol-made body armor was recorded.
After such facts, one can no longer be surprised by the information that the military acquired cardboard combat boots for the winter. Several testimonies from soldiers appeared in the media in one day.
The Ukrainian media were silent about the evidence, but then the chairman of the temporary commission of the Lviv Regional Council for assistance to units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the region, Yaroslav Mudryi, publicly confirmed: “The received shoes unstick on the second day, get wet easily, the nails come out and injure the feet of the soldiers... The material from which they are made These shoes, more like cardboard than leather, are easily torn by hands. We have submitted relevant requests to the prosecutor's office. Judging by the markings, these “berts” are produced at one of the Kyiv factories. Moreover, the state buys them for 240 hryvnia per pair, while the same ones can be bought at the Lviv Krakow market for 150 hryvnia...”

And how can we not now remember some “mobile insulated checkpoints” with which they are going to supply soldiers in the winter. Without hiding philological revelations, they are already called “containers for the military.” Who knows - this is an ordinary shipping container, lined with foam plastic and... buried in the ground. The cost of this defensive miracle can only be estimated. However, some are already calling this fortification invention a “collective coffin.”

War has always been an extremely expensive business, and it is started by rich people. Moreover, the cheapest thing for these rich people in war is a person who can be protected with tin armor, put on cardboard boots, and packed in containers for the winter...
During the military confrontation in Donbass, 14 thousand Ukrainian soldiers died. This was stated by deputy from the Opposition Bloc political party Nestor Shufrich on the air of one of the Ukrainian talk shows. “14 thousand military personnel, this figure will soon be announced publicly, died during the “anti-terrorist operation”, this is only the Ukrainian military,” the politician said.
And the President of Ukraine continues to talk about “total war.” “Who cares about war, who cares about mother!”...

PS. Separately, I point out that the figures voiced by Shufrich coincide with our integral estimates of irretrievable losses of the armed forces of the junta (AFU, Right Sector, punitive and territorial battalions, SBU, Ministry of Internal Affairs, employees of foreign PMCs) from April to mid-November at 14-16 thousand people . Plus, on the topic of losses, they began to publish photos of passports of junta servicemen who died in Donbass. Perhaps someone will be able to identify their relatives or friends there who have been missing since the summer.


Meaning of the proverb:
It is said to one or another who, even in difficult moments of life for others, pursues his own interests, seeks profit, neglecting the problems of others.

A trade war is also a war. For several months now, a fairly tough sanctions war has been going on between Russia and many Western countries. Having started with jokes about jamon and parmesan, this war is already noticeable on many supermarket grocery shelves.

Some people find positive aspects in it, opportunities for local producers. Some see negativity, lack of choice, limitation of their consumer freedoms.

But the post is not about that, but about how entrepreneurs from Belarus are taking advantage of this situation. Or Belarus, whichever you prefer. Just a month ago everyone laughed at Belarusian mussels, today photos of Belarusian olives are circulating on the Internet:

Although we all understand perfectly well that entrepreneurs from a neighboring state, buying raw materials from countries on the sanctions list, process them and sell them to Russia. And they make money from it.

It is obvious that Spain, for example, as the main producer of olives, supplies good raw materials.
Obviously, the lines for salting, pickling and canning are simple. Such lines already existed in the country, and are now being actively expanded.
It is obvious that the degree of processing is sufficient to consider Belarus as the country of origin. Who wants
Obviously, manufacturers of other canned and packaged products are following the same road, be it cherry tomatoes, pineapples or mussels.

UPD: I carefully read about the degree of sufficient processing, but not carefully enough about the sanctions list :)
Olives and olive oil are not included in the sanctions list, but, IMHO, this does not change the essence. Mussels, nuts, anything else that will be processed in Belarus will follow the same scenario.

Attention, question:
