Definition of IC in education. Information and communication technologies in education. Education - IO - IOS

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Marina Skaraeva
Innovative technologies. Use of ICT in preschool educational institutions

“In ancient times, people studied in order to improve themselves. Nowadays people study in order to surprise others.” Confucius. (Slide 2)

« Technology» , when translated from Greek (techne) means art, skill, skill, and these are nothing more than processes.

Hence, usage in the educational process of preschool educational institutions innovation- this is not a fashion trend, but a requirement of the time! (Slide 3)

What is " innovative technologies"? (Slide 4)

Innovative technologies- this is an organizational and methodological toolkit of the pedagogical process in a preschool educational institution (a system of methods, methods, teaching techniques, educational means, aimed at achieving a positive result in modern conditions and at the implementation of Federal state educational standards for preschool education. One of the main directions the use of innovative technologies is ICT. (Slide 5)

What is meant by the term "information and communication technologies"? (Slide 6)

Information and communication technologies(ICT)- these are personality-oriented technologies, promoting the implementation of the principles of a differentiated and individual approach to learning. (Slide 7)

What does ICT include? (Slide 8)

ICT tools: TV, camera, multimedia, tape recorder, computer and of course interactive equipment. (Slide 9)

What is the relevance? use of ICT in preschool educational institutions? (Slide 10)

Relevance of the problem:

(Slide 11)

The process of informatization in preschool educational institutions is determined by the requirements of a modern developing society.

It follows from the Concept of the National Informatization Program - “informatization of education is aimed at the formation and development of the intellectual potential of the nation, improvement of the forms and content of the educational process, and the introduction of computer teaching methods.”

Computer, multimedia and interactive tools are information processing tools that can become powerful technical training tool, a means of communication necessary for the joint activities of teachers, parents and preschoolers.

What documents do we rely on when use of ICT?

(Slide 12)


(Slide 13)

1. Federal law “On education in the Russian Federation”

2. “Federal state educational standard for preschool education”

3. “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational organizations”

4. Regulatory documents

5. Adoption at the state level of the Strategy for the Development of the Information Society

6. Program implementation "Electronic Russia"

7. Development of the National Educational Concept "Our new school»


(Slide 14)

Penetration of modern information technologies into the field of education allows teachers to qualitatively change the content, methods and organizational forms of teaching.

Strengthening the intellectual capabilities of children in the information society, as well as humanization, individualization of the learning process and improving the quality of education at all levels of the educational system.

Modern child? What is he like? (Slide 15)

The developmental characteristics of children indicate that they differ from their peers of the last century and require a modern approach to upbringing, education and development.

Therefore, preschool teachers began to actively use ICT, as the main achievement in working with children. And I'm no exception. Having independently mastered computer technologies, multimedia and interactive equipment, I use my skills and abilities in working with children. (Slide 16)

Therefore, it is difficult to disagree with the statement of our President V.V. Putin: “New knowledge and technologies should not lie under the cloth, should not remain a dead weight. You and I understand everything perfectly well - such capital, as we know, very quickly depreciates and ages. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to formulate and re-create mechanisms for the dissemination of information, to make it open and as accessible as possible, through use of ICT». (Slide 17)

What can be said about the benefits of ICT? (Slide 18)

Compared to traditional forms of teaching preschoolers, computer, multimedia and interactive equipment has a number of benefits: (Slide 19)

Presenting information on a computer screen in a playful manner arouses great interest in children;

In an accessible form, brightly, figuratively, present the material to preschoolers - movements, sound, animation attracts the child’s attention for a long time;

Encouraging the child to solve problems correctly with the computer itself stimulates the cognitive activity of children;

Provides the opportunity to individualize training;

The child himself regulates the pace and number of game learning tasks to be solved;

In the process of his activities, the preschooler gains self-confidence, that he can do a lot;

Allows you to simulate life situations that cannot be seen in everyday life (rocket flight, flood, unexpected and unusual effects);

The computer is very “patient”, never scolds a child for mistakes, but waits for him to correct them himself, encourages children to solve problematic problems and overcome difficulties

What can be said about the disadvantages of ICT? (Slide 20)

Disadvantages of ICT:

(Slide 21)

When introducing computer technologies teaching in kindergartens there are economic difficulties character: not enough funds for technical equipment of premises, creation of a local network within the institution, implementation of the necessary technical support, acquisition of licensed software and application software.

The problem of professional competence remains relevant teachers: it is necessary to be able not only to use modern technology, but also to create your own educational resources, to be a competent Internet user.

Excessive use of a computer can lead to deterioration of a child's vision and also negatively affect his mental health.

This is especially dangerous for shy children.

You cannot rely only on the computer, multimedia and ID.

A child is a small person; he can form and develop only by communicating with people and living in the real world.

Necessary conditions for preserving the child’s health during use of ICT. (Slide 22)

(Slide 23)

Direct educational activities with using ID for children 5-7 years old should be carried out no more than 1 time during the day and no more often

3 times a week on the highest days performance: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

The permissible distance from the screen to the chairs on which children sit is 2 - 2.5 meters.

The duration of interactive games for children 5 years old should not exceed 10 minutes, and for children 6-7 years old - 15 minutes.

At the end of the NOD, children are given eye exercises.

T.O. with proper use of ICT, with proper organization of the educational process, computer programs for preschoolers can widely be used in practice without risk to children's health. (Slide 24)

Use of ICT in preschool educational institutions:

(Slide 25)

ICT as a means of interaction with society.

ICT as a means of cooperation with parents.

ICT in organizing methodological work with teaching staff.

ICT for children as a means of transmitting and storing information in various games technologies.

Development technologies, teaching aids, projects incorporating ICT.

ICT as a means of program support.

ICT as a teaching tool when organizing the educational process with children.

The main activity of preschoolers is play. Through play, a child’s personality is revealed, formed and developed.

A usage Computer games help improve the effectiveness of children's learning and the development of intellectual and creative capabilities. (Slide 26)

CONCLUSION. (Slide 27)

V.V. Putin: “The Internet and ICT are an opportunity for communication, self-expression, it is a tool for improving the quality of life and information security of society” (Slide 28)

In our preschool educational institution we are actively we use innovative technologies. On the basis of our preschool educational institution in January 2015, a seminar was held - a workshop on preparing children for school, through usage modern pedagogical technologies, in particular on the use of ICT.

Thank you for your attention! Creative success! (Slide 30)

Information and communication technologies means software, hardware and software and devices operating on the basis of microprocessor, computer technology, as well as modern means and systems for broadcasting information, information exchange, providing operations for collecting, producing, accumulating, storing, processing, transmission of information and the ability to access information resources of local and global computer networks.

The most commonly used ICT tools in the educational process include:

  • 1) electronic textbooks and manuals demonstrated using a computer and a multimedia projector;
  • 2) electronic encyclopedias and reference books;
  • 3) simulators and testing programs;
  • 4) educational resources on the Internet;
  • 5) DVDs and CDs with paintings and illustrations;
  • 6) video and audio equipment;
  • 7) research works and projects;
  • 8) interactive whiteboard.

Methodologists identify several classifications of ICT tools. In accordance with the first classification, all ICT tools used in the education system can be divided into two types: hardware (computer, printer, scanner, camera, video camera, audio and video recorder) and software (electronic textbooks, simulators, test environments, information websites, Internet search engines, etc.).

The breakthrough in the field of ICT, which is currently taking place, forces us to reconsider the issues of organizing information support for cognitive activity. Thus, the second classification of ICT tools allows us to consider the possibilities of using information technologies in educational activities:

  • 1) to search for literature on the Internet using browsers such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, etc., various search engines and programs for working online (,,, etc.) and work with it (summarying, note-taking, annotating, quoting, creating slide presentations online);
  • 2) to work with texts using the package of basic Microsoft Office applications: Microsoft Word allows you to create and edit texts with graphic design; Microsoft Power Point allows you to create presentation slides for a more colorful presentation of the material; Microsoft Excel lets you perform calculations, analyze and visualize data, and work with lists in tables and web pages; Microsoft Office Publisher allows you to create and modify booklets, brochures, etc.;
  • 3) for automatic translation of texts using translator programs (PROMTXT) and electronic dictionaries (AbbyLingvo7.0);
  • 4) for storing and accumulating information (CDs, DVDs, Flash drives);
  • 5) for communication (Internet, email, Skype, Hangout, etc.);
  • 6) for processing and reproducing graphics and sound (Microsoft Media Player, zplayer, image viewing programs CorelDraw, PhotoShop), programs for creating diagrams, drawings and graphs (Visio, etc.).

The listed ICT tools create favorable opportunities in foreign language lessons for organizing students’ independent work. They can use computer technology both to study individual topics and to self-monitor the acquired knowledge. Moreover, the computer is the most patient teacher, capable of repeating any tasks as much as necessary, achieving the correct answer and, ultimately, automating the skill being practiced.

Multimedia presentations are widely used by almost all teachers. They are convenient for both teacher and students. Having basic computer literacy, you can create original educational materials that captivate, motivate and target students for successful results. The educational potential of multimedia presentations can be effectively used in foreign language lessons to provide visual support for speech learning.

The benefits of multimedia presentations are as follows:

  • -combination of various textual audio and video visualizations;
  • - the possibility of using for presentation as an interactive, multimedia board, which allows you to more clearly semantize new lexical, grammatical and even phonetic material, as well as provide support for teaching all types of speech activity;
  • - the ability to use individual slides as handouts (supports, tables, diagrams, graphs, diagrams);
  • - activating the attention of the whole class;
  • - ensuring the effectiveness of perception and memorization of new educational material;
  • - monitoring the assimilation of new knowledge and systematization of the studied material;
  • - a combination of classroom and extracurricular independent work of students; saving study time;
  • - formation of computer multimedia competence of both teachers and students, development of their creative abilities in organizing educational work.

The advantages of introducing Internet technologies into the process of teaching a foreign language are currently beyond doubt. There is also no doubt about the positive influence of various forms of synchronous and asynchronous Internet communication (email, chat, forums, web conferences) on the formation of foreign language communicative competence of students.

Network resources are an invaluable basis for creating an information and subject environment, education and self-education of people, satisfying their personal and professional interests and needs. However, the mere availability of access to Internet resources does not guarantee fast and high-quality language education. Methodically illiterate work of students with Internet resources can contribute to the formation of not only false stereotypes and generalizations about the culture of the country of the language being studied, but even racism and xenophobia.

Educational Internet resources should be aimed at the comprehensive formation and development of:

  • - Aspects of foreign language communicative competence in all the diversity of its components (linguistic, sociolinguistic, sociocultural, strategic, discursive, educational and cognitive);
  • - Communicative and cognitive skills to search and select, generalize, classify, analyze and synthesize the information received;
  • - Communication skills to present and discuss the results of work with Internet resources;
  • - Ability to use Internet resources for self-education in order to get acquainted with the cultural and historical heritage of various countries and peoples, as well as act as a representative of one’s native culture, country, city;
  • - Ability to use network resources to satisfy one’s information and educational interests and needs.

In didactic terms, the Internet includes two main components: forms of telecommunications and information resources.

The most common forms of telecommunications (i.e. communication via Internet technologies) are email, chat, forum, ICQ, video, web conferences, etc. Initially they were created for real communication between people located at a distance from each other , and now they are used for educational purposes in teaching a foreign language.

Internet information resources contain text, audio and visual material on various topics in different languages. Educational Internet resources (IR) are created exclusively for educational purposes.

In English-language literature, there are five types of educational Internet resources:

  • 1) hotlist;
  • 2) treasure hunt;
  • 3) subject sampler;
  • 4) multimedia scrapbook;
  • 5) webquest.

These terms are translated into Russian using transliteration. The structure and methodological content of each of these IRs is as follows:

Hotlist (list by topic) - a list of sites with text materials on the topic being studied. To create it, you need to enter a keyword into the search engine.

Multimedia scrapbook (multimedia draft) is a collection of multimedia resources, unlike a hotlist, in addition to links to text sites, a scrapbook also contains photographs, audio files and video clips, graphic information, animated virtual tours. These files can be easily downloaded by students and used as informative or illustrative material when studying a specific topic.

Treasure hunt (treasure hunt), in addition to links to various sites on the topic being studied, also contains questions on the content of each site. With the help of these questions, the teacher directs the students’ search and cognitive activity. In conclusion, students are asked one more general question for a holistic understanding of the topic (factual material). A detailed answer to it will include answers to more detailed questions about each of the sites.

The sample subject is the next level of complexity compared to the treasure hunt. Also contains links to text and multimedia materials on the Internet. After studying each aspect of the topic, students need to answer questions posed, but the questions are not aimed at actually learning the material, but at discussing controversial topics. Students need not only to familiarize themselves with the material, but also to express and argue their opinion on the controversial issue being studied.

Webquest (Internet project) is the most complex type of educational Internet resources. This is a scenario for organizing student project activities on any topic using Internet resources. It includes all the components of the four materials above and involves a project involving all students. One of the scenarios for organizing PD may be as follows. First, the whole class is introduced to general information on the topic, then students are divided into groups, each group gets a certain aspect of the topic. The teacher needs to select the necessary resources for each group in accordance with the aspect being studied. After studying, discussing and fully understanding a specific problem in each primary group, students are regrouped so that each new group has one representative of the primary group. During the discussion, all students learn from each other all aspects of the problem being discussed.

Each of the five types of educational Internet resources follows from the previous one, gradually becoming more complex and thereby making it possible to solve more complex educational problems. The first two are aimed at searching, selecting and classifying information. The rest contain elements of problem-based learning and are aimed at enhancing the search and cognitive activity of students.

The fullest potential of educational Internet resources is manifested in specialized training and elective courses, when it is foreign language communicative competence, and not language knowledge, that plays the leading role in the educational process.

The latest information and communication technologies occupy an increasingly larger place in the life of modern people. Their use in foreign language lessons increases the motivation and cognitive activity of students, broadens their horizons and allows the use of student-oriented technology of interactive teaching of a foreign language, i.e. learning through interaction.

The use of information and communication technologies in the educational process helps to intensify and individualize learning, helps to increase interest in the subject, and makes it possible to avoid subjective assessment.

The use of computers and digital educational resources in teaching English helps students overcome the psychological barrier to using a foreign language as a means of communication.

Information and communication technologies are both a means of presenting material and a means of control. They provide high quality material delivery and use various communication channels (text, audio, graphic, touch, etc.). New technologies make it possible to individualize the learning process based on the pace and depth of the course. Such a differentiated approach gives a great positive result, because creates conditions for the successful activity of each student, causing positive emotions in students, and thus influences their learning motivation.

Unlike traditional methods, when using interactive forms of learning, the student himself becomes the main character and opens the way to the acquisition of knowledge. The teacher acts as an active assistant in this situation, and his main function is to organize and stimulate the educational process.

The following digital educational resources are used in foreign language lessons: presentations in Power Point (PP), text editors, spreadsheets, tests, training programs on CD-ROM, electronic textbooks, educational Internet resources.

Multimedia presentations, electronic training programs and educational Internet resources have great educational potential.

Thanks to the use of new information technologies in the process of teaching a foreign language, new opportunities are opening up for creating conditions close to the conditions of real communication in the country of the language being studied: authentic, relevant, multimedia or text information to be learned in a foreign language can be obtained at any time and in anywhere. At the same time, it is quite easy to organize written or oral communication with native speakers or other language learners. Thus, there is an integration of electronic media into a traditional foreign language lesson: teaching aids are increasingly supplemented with relevant, authentic texts or relevant audio, video, and graphic material.


The twenty-first century is the century of high computer technology. The modern student lives in the world of electronic culture. The role of the teacher in information culture is changing; he must become a coordinator of information flow. A teacher who keeps up with the times is today psychologically and technically ready to use information technology in teaching. Any stage of a lecture or practical lesson can be enlivened by the introduction of new technical means.

The inclusion of information technology in the educational process allows the teacher to organize various forms of educational and cognitive activity in the classroom, to make students’ independent work active and focused. The computer can be used at all stages: both in preparing a lecture and in the learning process: when explaining (introducing) new material, consolidating, repeating and monitoring.

Information technology can be considered as a means of accessing educational information, providing the ability to search, collect and work with a source, including on the Internet, as well as a means of delivering and storing information. The use of information technology in the educational process makes it possible to improve the quality of educational material and enhance educational effects.


Information technology (IT) (also information and communication technologies (ICT)) is a process that uses a set of tools and methods for collecting, processing and transmitting data to obtain new quality information about the state of an object, process or phenomenon.

Benefits of using ICT tools in education

Information and communication technologies open up real prospects for improving the education system, namely: the widespread introduction of ICT tools for a visual, dynamic presentation of educational information using video images, sound and remote access to information resources? continuity and continuity of computer education at all levels of forms of education - full-time, part-time and distance learning - through computer support for all subjects and disciplines of the educational process? creation of a scientifically and methodologically sound education system based on new information technologies.

Advantages of using ICT in education over traditional learning:

Information technologies significantly expand the possibilities of presenting educational information. Does the use of color, graphics, sound, and all modern video equipment allow one to recreate a real activity environment?

A computer can significantly increase students' motivation to learn. Is motivation increased through the use of adequate incentives for correct problem solving?

Do ICTs involve students in the educational process, contributing to the widest development of their abilities and the activation of mental activity?

the use of ICT in the educational process increases the possibilities of setting educational tasks and managing the process of solving them. Do computers allow you to build and analyze models of various objects, situations, phenomena?

Do ICTs make it possible to qualitatively change the control of students’ activities, while providing flexibility in managing the educational process?

The computer helps students develop reflection. The training program allows students to visually present the result of their actions, identify the stage in solving a problem at which an error was made, and correct it.

Disadvantages of using ICT tools

However, when using ICT in education, a number of disadvantages arise

the educational institution must have the necessary equipment to conduct classes with ICT, the acquisition of which is not expensive;

teachers must have the appropriate skills to be able to teach and create lecture material using ICT;

setting up equipment can be dangerous;

Availability of software; in cases of paid software, a license to use it is required.

Ethical issues also arise:

The use of ICT in various areas of human activity entails the creation of an information-oriented society. Thus, by teaching computer skills, teachers prepare for life in a new society.

accessibility of ICT, which consists of accessibility and comfort. Increased accessibility has been achieved through various changes in computer systems, most notably the development of personal computers and computer networks. Comfort is achieved by using a graphical interface and functional standards.

assessment of the effectiveness of ICT in education, which includes, on the one hand, the feasibility of using technology, and, on the other hand, ways of using it

ICT classification

Educational information technology involves the use of specialized software along with computer equipment. An educational software tool is a software tool in which a certain subject area is recreated, where the technology for its study is implemented, and conditions are created for the implementation of various types of educational activities. Such software tools, which functionally support various types of educational process, are called pedagogical software tools.

Currently, there are a large number of different classifications and typologies of pedagogical software.

According to the methodological purpose, pedagogical software tools can be:

Computer textbooks (lectures);

Training programs (tutorials);

Controlling (test shells);

Information and reference books (encyclopedias);



Demonstration (slide or video films);

Educational games;

Leisure (computer games: arcade, quests, strategy, role-playing, logic, sports and other types).

“The most important thing is not that the student uses new technologies,

but how this use contributes to the enhancement of his education.”

S. Ehrmann

Educational information technologies - These are all technologies that use special technical means (computer, audio, cinema, video), i.e. computer and information technology.

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) - is “a wide range of digital technologies used to create, transmit and disseminate information and provide services (computer hardware, software, telephone lines, cellular communications, e-mail, cellular and satellite technologies, wireless and cable networks, multimedia, and Internet)"

In the modern education system, the process of introducing information and communication technologies (ICT), providing educational institutions with computer equipment, developing telecommunications, global and local educational networks is rapidly gaining speed. This is due to the fact that information literacy and culture have become the key to a person’s successful professional activity. Information technologies are becoming an integral part of the life of a modern person. Possession of them is put on a par with such qualities as the ability to read and write. A person who skillfully and effectively masters technology and information has a new style of thinking and has a fundamentally different approach to assessing the problem that has arisen and to organizing his activities.

Teaching a child to work with information and teach him to learn is an important task of a modern school. ICT expands the teacher’s ability to introduce students to a fascinating world where they will independently obtain, analyze and transmit information to others. The sooner students learn about the capabilities of ICT, the faster they will be able to take advantage of the latest methods of obtaining information and converting it into knowledge. Informatization of primary school plays an important role in achieving modern quality of education and forming the information culture of a child of the 21st century.

Purpose of using ICT: improving the quality of education

Objectives of using ICT:

    increase learning motivation;

    increase the efficiency of the learning process;

    contribute to the activation of the cognitive sphere of students;

    improve teaching methods;

    timely monitor the results of training and education;

    plan and systematize your work;

    use as a means of self-education;

    prepare a lesson (event) efficiently and quickly.

At preparation And carrying out lessons on various steps both values I use various forms ICT :

Ready-made electronic products that allow you to intensify the activities of teachers and students, improve the quality of teaching subjects, bringing to life the principle of clarity.

Multimedia presentations allow you to present educational material as a system of vivid supporting images. In this case, various channels of perception are involved, which makes it possible to store information not only in factual, but also in associative form in the long-term memory of students.

Internet resources carry enormous potential for educational services (e-mail, search engines, electronic conferences, distance learning, competitions) and are becoming an integral part of modern education. By receiving educationally significant information from the network, students learn to purposefully find information and systematize it according to given criteria; see information as a whole, and not fragmentarily, highlight the main thing in the information message.

Using an interactive whiteboard and SMART Board software allows teachers and students to fully present and thoroughly understand the material being studied.

XXI century - century high computer technologies

The 21st century is the century of high computer technology. Therefore, at present there is a need to organize the learning process based on modern information and communication technologies.

For primary schools, this means a change in priorities in setting educational goals: one of the results of training and education in a first-level school should be the readiness of children to master modern computer technologies and the ability to update the information obtained with their help for further self-education. To achieve these goals, there is a need to apply different strategies for teaching primary school students in the practice of primary school teachers and, first of all, the use of information and communication technologies in the teaching and educational process.

The use of ICT in primary school lessons allows students to develop their ability to navigate the information flows of the world around them, master practical ways of working with information, and develop skills that allow them to exchange information using modern technical means. This promotes conscious learning by students.

The use of ICT in primary school allows for an individual approach to the student, using multi-level tasks; involve each student in an active cognitive process; teach the student to find, select and use information to solve the problems facing him; develop basic computer skills; teach students to present their point of view and defend it based on the material received.

Lessons using information technology have a number of advantages over traditional lessons

A lesson using information technology becomes more interesting for students, which, as a rule, results in more effective learning; The level of clarity in the lesson improves.

The use of some computer programs makes it possible to facilitate the teacher’s work: selecting assignments, tests, checking and assessing the quality of knowledge, thereby freeing up time in the lesson for additional tasks (due to the fact that the materials are prepared in advance in electronic form).

Increasing the effectiveness of the lesson through clarity. Of course, this can be achieved by other methods (posters, maps, tables, notes on the board), but computer technology undoubtedly creates a much higher level of visibility.

The ability to demonstrate phenomena that are impossible to see in reality. Modern personal computers and programs make it possible to simulate various educational situations using animation, sound, photographic accuracy, and have the ability to present unique information materials (paintings, manuscripts, video clips) in multimedia form; visualization of the studied phenomena, processes and relationships between objects.

Information technologies provide ample opportunities for individualization and differentiation of learning, not only through multi-level tasks, but also through student self-education.

Means of achieving the effectiveness of the educational process using ICT

Information technology in a modern school should be considered as one of the teaching methods. Any inclusion of ICT in the educational environment must be justified.

It must be taken into account that a lesson using information technology is somewhat different from a traditional lesson. It is difficult to identify a single structure of such a lesson, since each lesson is individual, which is determined by a number of reasons: the specifics of the subject area, the content of a particular lesson, the connection to information technology hardware, the didactic capabilities of software, the type and quality of electronic resources, ICT - the competence of the teacher.

Developing a lesson using information technology is possible only if there is an electronic resource.

Educational electronic resources can be divided into three groups, depending on the function performed.

    Illustration of educational material (tables, diagrams, experiments,

    video clips);

    2. Support for educational material (assignments, tests, etc.)

    3. Source of educational material (electronic textbook, assignment development

    According to the method of development, they can belong to one of the following types:

Internet resources (can be used not only directly on

lesson, but also for preparation).

Special (this includes all electronic resources produced by

various publishers).

Universal (Word, Excel, Power Point, etc. - designed for

creation by teachers of their own educational resources).

In my opinion, the most interesting and effective lessons are those using educational resources, developed by the teacher taking into account the characteristics of a specific student group and for specific students. In the process of creating such a lesson, a unique educational resource arises, into which not only the knowledge, skills and experience of the teacher-developer are invested, but also a piece of his soul.

Typically, preparing such a lesson is a labor-intensive process for the teacher, which takes a lot of time and requires certain knowledge and skills.

It is necessary to consider the following factors influencing the construction of the lesson:

The methodological goal of the lesson and the type of lesson it determines (explanation of new material, consolidation, generalization of the topic covered, intermediate control, etc.) must be interconnected.

Students' readiness for a new type of learning activity.

The use of ICT in the classroom allowed us to fully implement the main principles of enhancing cognitive activity:
1. The principle of equality of positions
2. The principle of trust
3. Feedback principle
4. The principle of taking a research position.
The implementation of these principles is visible in all lessons where ICT is used.

The use of ICT allows you to conduct lessons:
. at a high aesthetic and emotional level (animation, music)
. provides visibility;
. attracts a large amount of didactic material;
. increases the amount of work performed in the lesson by 1.5-2 times;
. provides a high degree of differentiation of learning (an individual approach to the student, using multi-level tasks).
Application of ICT:
. expands the possibility of independent activity;
. develops research skills;
. provides access to various reference systems, electronic libraries, and other information resources;

The following stages of preparing a lesson using ICT are distinguished:

I. Conceptual

The need to use ICT tools is argued: shortage of sources of educational material; the ability to present unique information materials (paintings, manuscripts, video clips) in multimedia form; visualization of the studied phenomena, processes and relationships between objects; the need for objective assessment in a shorter period of time, etc.

Formulation of educational goals with a focus on achieving results (formation, consolidation, generalization of knowledge, control of assimilation, etc.);

Selecting the type of educational electronic resources.

II. Technological

Choosing a methodology for conducting classes and designing the main activities of the teacher and students;

Choosing the method of interaction between teacher and student.

III. Operational

Step-by-step lesson planning and preparation of educational materials are carried out.

For each stage, the following are determined: goal formulation with a focus on a specific result; duration of the stage; form of organizing students' activities with ICT tools; functions of the teacher and the main types of his activities at this stage; form of intermediate control.

IV. Pedagogical implementation

The role of the teacher in a lesson using ICT is changing, the teacher is now not only a source of knowledge, but also a manager of the learning process, the main tasks of the teacher become: managing the cognitive activity of the student.

Search engines and tools for searching electronic resources on the Internet

The purpose of Internet search engines is to collect data about network information resources and provide users with the ability to quickly find the necessary information. Using online search engines, you can search and find electronic resources, software, information about organizations, various events, people, and much more. For teachers, search engines can help in finding information resources that could improve the efficiency of the learning process and the system for preparing schoolchildren.

There are a large number of catalogs and portals on the Internet that collect electronic educational resources, the use of which would be appropriate in the education system. Information educational resources are used:

    to promptly provide teachers, students and parents with relevant, timely and reliable information that corresponds to the goals and content of education;

    to optimize the organization of students’ activities related to independent acquisition of knowledge;

    to introduce modern information and telecommunication technologies into the educational process;

    for objective measurement, assessment and forecast of learning effectiveness, comparison of the results of schoolchildren’s educational activities with the requirements of the state educational standard;

    to individualize the management of a student’s educational activities, adequately to his level of knowledge, skills, and abilities, as well as the characteristics of his motivation to learn;

    to create favorable, pedagogically and psychologically comfortable conditions for teaching schoolchildren;

    to organize the effective activities of general education institutions in accordance with the regulatory provisions and substantive concepts adopted in the country.

    With the help of modern search engines, you can search for a wide variety of electronic resources on the Internet, the use of which would improve the effectiveness of learning. Among such resources we can highlight educational Internet portals, which themselves are catalogs of resources, service and instrumental computer software, electronic presentations of paper publications, electronic educational tools and means of measuring learning outcomes, resources containing news, announcements and means for communication of participants educational process.

    Working with search engines is easy. In the search engine query line, you need to type in the desired language the keywords or phrase corresponding to the electronic resource or Internet resources that you want to find and click “Search”. The search results will appear in the working browser window.

    Search engines of the Russian segment of the Internet

    Search engine "Yandex"

    Google search engine (Russia)

    Search engine "Rambler"

    Search system "[email protected]"

    Intelligent search system Nigma

    Russian directories of general purpose Internet resources

    Catalog of Internet resources "Yandex.Catalogue"

    Catalog of Internet resources “[email protected]”

    Catalog of Internet resources “Aport”

    Educational resource directories

    Catalog of the information system “Single window of access to educational resources”

    Catalog of the Russian general education portal

    Catalog “Educational resources on the Internet for general education”

    Catalog of children's resources "Internet for children"

Collections of electronic educational resources and searching for resources in them

Information resources originally designed to improve educational effectiveness can be found through collections of digital educational resources. There are several such collections.

Federal Center for Information and Educational Resources - central repository of electronic educational resources of the education system. The portal storage contains resources of various types: electronic educational modules of open multimedia systems and virtual collective environments, electronic educational resources on local media, text-graphic network electronic educational resources, resources created using modern Flash and Java technologies.

Information system “Single window of access to educational resources” - contains information about electronic educational and scientific resources of Russian universities, libraries, museums, publishing houses, schools, electronic collections of all levels of education for a wide range of users.

Unified Collection of Digital Educational Resources - This is the largest online repository of Russian-language electronic resources intended for free distribution and use in the educational process as teaching aids or their components. The collection is in the stage of active filling and testing; it currently contains more than 50 thousand storage units, including electronic educational resources in all subjects of secondary school, electronic teaching materials, thematic collections, software tools to support educational activities and organization educational process.

Internet - resources For teachers initial classes :

Http:// Welcome to the Russian language class. The tests are designed for students in grades 1-5 of secondary school.

Http:// Some issues of using the Internet in elementary school, report at the conference "Information Technologies in Education."

Http:// Issues of using a computer in elementary school: from psychological and pedagogical aspects to a selection of various exercises for the eyes when working with a machine.

Http:// - Computer science in games and tasks. (Computer-free course)

Http:// At this address you will find an interactive game made in flash technology. In this game you can independently compose the sounds of the forest, sea, jungle from the voices of animals, the noise of trees, and the sea surf.

Http:// For those who already know the language well, there is a site called “Fun exercise for the mind.” On it you will find educational, logical, mathematical games, tests for children, plans and teaching materials for teachers, tips and recommendations.

Http:// This resource is useful not only for children, but also for class teachers, biology and ecology teachers, and club leaders.

Http:// At the address of the Teacher's Newspaper website you can find a letter from the Ministry of Education, which contains recommendations for the use of computers in elementary schools. The author's program of the information culture course for grades 1-4. This program specifies the requirements for the minimum content of education, requirements for the level of training, and basic concepts that must be formed. The website of the conference "Information Technologies in Education" contains a large number of abstracts, including reports on the study of computer science in elementary grades.

Http:// Monthly scientific and methodological magazine "Primary School". The archive of this magazine begins in 1998. To view the magazine, Adobe Acrobat Reader must be installed on your computer. (By the way, you can download this free program at On the same site you can write a letter to the editor and take part in the forum.

Http:// Weekly magazine of the publishing house "First of September" "Elementary school". His archive includes issues since 1997. Considering that the newspaper is published every week, this is a huge material for primary school teachers. If you cannot find this newspaper at your school or library, the Internet will always help you.

Http:// Riddles and crosswords for children. Selected riddles and entertaining tasks from the book by I.G. Sukhina "New 500 riddles - 70 crosswords." Sections of the book: joke riddles in crossword puzzles, entertaining tasks in crossword puzzles, literary crosswords, riddles in crossword puzzles, Russian folk riddles in crossword puzzles, answers. The book is intended for children 5-12 years old, kindergarten teachers, teachers, counselors, librarians, and parents.

Http:// Entertaining and methodological materials from the books of Igor Sukhin: from literary inventions to chess. Speech material for working with children with pronunciation deficiencies: an explanation of the methodology, a collection of exercises and tasks. Entertaining mathematics and chess for preschool and primary school children. Psychological aspects of managing the process of acquiring knowledge and methods of student activity in the classroom.

Http:// Advice for parents of first-graders.

Http:// Club activities for junior schoolchildren. Social and methodological aspects of working with children 7-10 years old in leisure activities.

Http:// Preparing first-graders: problems, advice, tests, etc. Memo to parents of first-graders.

Http:// Children's fairy tales. Author's collection of children's fairy tales in verse, poems, dictionaries, encyclopedias, etc.

Http:// Website of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Http:// Russian Humanitarian Scientific Foundation

Http:// Website of the Institute of New Technologies.

Http:// Russian State Library.

Http:// State Scientific Pedagogical Library named after. K. D. Ushinsky.

Http:// Pedagogical library.

Http:// Dictionaries and encyclopedias on-line.

Http:// Pedagogical encyclopedic dictionary.

Http:// Portal of the company "Cyril and Methodius"

Http:// Virtual School of Cyril and Methodius.

Http:// Internet for children. Catalog of children's resources.

Http:// Website of the Teacher's Newspaper.

Http:// Children's fairy tale magazine “Read it.”

Http:// Electronic version of the magazine “Koster”.

Http:// Website "Children's World". Children's songs, cartoons, fairy tales, riddles, etc.

Http:// Children's portal “Sun”.

Http:// Website for children and parents “Virtual Kids”.

Http:// A site containing mathematical puzzles.

Http:// Website “Entertaining and methodological materials from the books of Igor Sukhin: from literary inventions to chess.”

Http:// A site about origami for children and parents.

Http:// free lesson development, scenarios, planning.

Http:// Unified collection of digital educational resources

Http:// Website about special children

Results of practical work on the use of ICT technologies to improve the efficiency of the educational process in primary school

ICT technologies can be used:

    To announce the topic, goals and objectives of the lesson, pose a problematic question

(The topic of the lesson is presented on slides that briefly outline the key points of the issue being discussed.)

    As an accompaniment to the teacher's explanation

(In my practice, I use multimedia presentation notes created specifically for specific lessons, containing short text, basic formulas, diagrams, drawings, video clips. When using multimedia presentations in the process of explaining a new topic, a linear sequence of frames is sufficient, in which the most winning moments of the topic. Definitions and diagrams may also appear on the screen, which the children copy into their notebooks, while the teacher, without wasting time on repetition, manages to tell more.)

    As an information and training manual

In education today, special emphasis is placed on the child’s own activities in searching, comprehending and processing new knowledge. The teacher in this case acts as the organizer of the learning process, the leader of the independent activities of students, providing them with the necessary help and support.

    Like an interactive laboratory

The presence of multimedia software makes it possible to compensate for the insufficient laboratory facilities, thanks to the ability to simulate processes and natural phenomena, which is especially important for conducting lessons on the surrounding world, etc.

    To control knowledge

The use of computer testing increases the efficiency of the educational process and activates the cognitive activity of schoolchildren. Tests can be variants of cards with questions, the answers to which the student writes down in a notebook or on a special answer form; at the request of the teacher, the change of slides can be configured to automatically transition after a certain time interval.

When creating a test with a choice of answers on a computer, you can organize a reaction output about the correctness (incorrectness) of the choice made or without indicating the correctness of the choice made. It is possible to provide the possibility of reselecting an answer. Such tests should provide results on the number of correct and incorrect answers. Based on the results of such tests, one can judge the degree of readiness and desire of students to study this section.

    For stress relief, relaxation

To relieve tension and redirect attention, especially when the lesson takes place at the end of the school day, we use presentations that can entertain and relieve tension. For example, physical education minutes.

    Students can also prepare presentations to accompany their own report.

    To summarize the lesson: conclusions, answer to the question, reflection.

    For training (vocabulary work, mental arithmetic)

    To accompany interactive games

    For individual and distance learning

I use educational electronic resources as:

    Illustrations of educational material (tables, diagrams, experiments, video clips,

    musical works);

    2. Support for educational material (assignments, tests, presentation texts, etc.)

    3. Source of educational material (electronic textbook, assignment development

    for student’s independent work).

    Usage ICT V initial classes on various ur okah


    In mathematics lessons, with the help of slides created in PowerPoint, examples, tasks, chains for mental calculation can be demonstrated, mathematical warm-ups and self-tests can be organized, etc. I use presentations for mathematical warm-up tasks from the collection of games and exercises for mental calculation. Animated presentation when learning new things. When fixing the multiplication tables, I use simulators in a playful way.

    The world

    In general, the presentation is a godsend for these lessons. Pictures of the nature around us, animals, seas, oceans, natural areas, the water cycle, food chains - everything can be reflected on slides. And it’s easier to test your knowledge: tests, crosswords, puzzles, charades - everything makes the lesson exciting, and therefore memorable. In an entertaining way, they get acquainted with the external and internal structure of the human body, learn about preventive measures and proper balanced nutrition. Presentations, video materials, and electronic textbooks provide invaluable assistance when getting to know different cities and countries.

    Literacy training

    A child's first days at school are the most difficult. Play is necessary to maintain continuity between kindergarten and school, and to reduce mental and physical stress. With the help of presentations, there are great opportunities to introduce elements of play and entertainment into literacy lessons.

    They lie in the picturesqueness of textual and illustrated material and give impetus to children's imagination and the work of creative imagination. It should be noted that a huge role in the presentation is played not just by demonstrating an image, but by animation, i.e. movement pictures, letters, words.

    The Integrated Teaching and Learning Center provides me with great assistance in preparing such lessons. school 1-4 grades Cyril and Methodius. Russian language.

    Russian language

    Probably, many will agree that children find Russian language lessons boring and uninteresting. Psychologists have proven that knowledge acquired without interest, not colored by one’s own positive attitude and emotions, does not become useful - it is dead weight. How to make students listen in class, by what means and methods to ignite the inquisitive spark of thirst for knowledge in their eyes? You can always find something interesting, exciting and entertaining in the Russian language (word formation, spelling of sibilants, vocabulary, etc.). It is very convenient to use presentations when working on presentation and essay: the plan, questions, difficult words, the picture itself - all this is before the eyes of the children. And the school does not always have a painting that is required by the program, so multimedia is very convenient.

    Literary reading

    Reading lessons can be made especially interesting with the help of presentations. Portraits of writers, places where they lived and worked, dramatizations of individual episodes from works, drawing up an outline, vocabulary work, tongue twisters, tongue twisters, literary quizzes - everything becomes interesting if you use these modern methods.

    Along with the presentation in literary reading lessons, you can watch videos on the topic and accompany the lesson with music. For example, when reading the story “Basket with Fir Cones” by K. Paustovsky, I invite the children to listen to the works of E. Grieg. This always evokes a lively emotional response and increases interest in the text read.

    Fine arts, technology.

    The presentation can also be used in fine arts lessons: portraits of artists, reproductions, diagrams, sequence of drawing, etc. Samples of products and stages of work on project activities in technology lessons, etc.

    The computer is also a powerful stimulus for the creativity of children, including the most infantile or disinhibited. The screen attracts attention, which we sometimes cannot achieve when working with the class from the front. The impact of educational material on students largely depends on the degree and level of illustrativeness of the material. The visual richness of educational material makes it bright, convincing, and promotes better assimilation and memorization.

    In elementary school, I use presentations at all stages of the lesson: when explaining new material, consolidating, repeating, monitoring, etc. The child becomes searching, thirsty for knowledge, tireless, creative, persistent and hardworking.

    Analysis of classes using presentations showed that cognitive motivation increases and mastery of complex material becomes easier.

    In addition, fragments of lessons in which presentations are used reflect one of the main principles of creating a modern lesson - the principle of attractiveness. Thanks to the presentations, children who were usually not very active in the classroom began to actively express their opinions and reason.

    Thus, the work spent on managing cognitive activity using ICT tools is justified in all respects:

    Improves the quality of knowledge

    Promotes the child's overall development

    Helps overcome difficulties

    Brings joy into a child's life

    Allows learning in the zone of proximal development

    Creates favorable conditions for better mutual understanding between teachers and students and their cooperation in the educational process.

    Computers and information technology in general are a convenient tool that, when used wisely, can bring an element of novelty to a school lesson, increase students’ interest in acquiring knowledge, and make it easier for the teacher to prepare for classes.

    The use of a computer at different stages of learning allows students to increase their active work time in the lesson to 75-80% of the lesson time, instead of the usual 15-20%. Modern schoolchildren learn information faster and with greater interest from a computer screen than from the words of a teacher.

    Result use ICT

    The results of using computer technology are as follows:

    Increasing the effectiveness of teaching (development of students’ intelligence and independent work skills in searching for information; variety of forms of children’s educational activities in the classroom);

    Implementation of an individual approach to learning (work independently at an optimal speed for yourself);

    Expanding the volume of educational information presented;

    Ensuring flexibility in managing the educational process (tracking the process and results of your work);

    Improving the organization of the lesson (didactic material is always available in sufficient quantities);

    Improving the quality of monitoring students’ knowledge and diversifying its form;

    Inclusion of children in collective activities in pairs and groups;

    Increasing the child’s interest in studying the subject and learning in general, improving the quality of education, activating the creative potential of the student and teacher;

    Inclusion of schoolchildren and teachers in the modern space of the information society, self-realization and self-development of the student’s personality.

    The results of the use of ICT are the comprehensive development of students and teachers, the organization of the learning process at a higher methodological level, and increased efficiency and quality of education. The use of modern technical teaching aids allows you to achieve the desired result. The use of modern information technologies in the classroom makes learning bright, memorable, interesting for students of any age, and forms an emotionally positive attitude towards the subject. The widespread use of computers makes learning more visual, understandable and memorable. Not only can the teacher test the student’s knowledge using the testing system, but the child himself can control the degree of mastery of the material.
