Boiling point of acetonitrile. Acetonitrile is used. See what "Acetic acid nitrile" is in other dictionaries


Acetic acid nitrile, acetonitrile, methyl cyanide

Freezing temperature:

Commercially available acetic acid nitrile is sufficiently pure to be used as a solvent for most purposes. It forms a large number of binary and ternary azeotropes, which complicate purification when it contains significant amounts of impurities. At the same time, in some cases azeotropes can be effectively used to purify acetonitrile.

Amiel and Nomine obtained acetic acid nitrile with a yield of up to 99% by passing an equimolecular mixture of acetylene and ammonia at 400 - 500° over a zinc catalyst under conditions of complete absence of moisture.

Jeffery and Vogel prepared acetic acid nitrile from acetamide and phosphorus pentoxide to study its physical properties. The boiling point was 81° (757 mm).

Timmermans and Henne-Roland treated acetic acid nitrile with sodium sulfate and phosphorus pentoxide, and then distilled until the densities of the individual fractions became constant.

Walden and Birr purified a commercial drug to measure its electrical conductivity. They distilled it over phosphorus pentoxide in equipment made entirely of glass and protected from air by a tube filled with phosphorus pentoxide. The distillation was repeated until the phosphorus pentoxide in the distillation flask ceased to be colored. After this, acetonitrile was distilled over anhydrous potash to remove traces of phosphorus pentoxide; Finally, it was distilled without a drying agent.

Teter and Merwin dried acetic acid nitrile by azeotropic distillation with dichloromethane. As a result of the formation of an azeotropic mixture of dichloromethane-water, for every 19 g of dichloromethane, 1 g of water was removed. This method can also be used to purify nitriles containing up to four carbon atoms per molecule.

Dale extracted anhydrous acetonitrile from its aqueous solutions using various combinations of atmospheric and vacuum distillations and freezing and separation of liquid phases.

Pratt purified acetic acid nitrile by azeotropic distillation. The azeotrope can be dried using a third component, such as benzene or trichlorethylene. At a pressure of 776.5 mm, the benzene-acetonitrile-water ternary azeotrope boils at approximately 66°; the azeotropic mixture of trichlorethylene-acetonitrile-water boils at 67.5°.

Lewis and Smythe dried the commercial preparation over calcium chloride, repeatedly refluxed it over phosphorus pentoxide until the color on the oxide stopped appearing, distilled it into a vessel containing freshly calcined potash, again distilled it from this vessel, and finally subjected it to fractional distillation. The average fraction was collected and used for dipole moment measurements.

Purity criteria. Dreisbach and Martin judged the purity of acetic acid nitrile from the freezing curve.

Lewis and Smythe used physical properties such as boiling point, density and refractive index as criteria for purity, while Timmermans and Henne-Roland distilled acetonitrile to obtain a distillate of constant density.

Toxicology. Contaminated acetic acid nitrile can be significantly more toxic than the pure product. It is assumed that the maximum permissible concentration of acetonitrile in air is 0.002%. Acetic acid nitrile is obviously less toxic than other nitriles, such as acrylic acid nitrile. Smythe found that the LD50 for rats was 3.8 g per kg of body weight and reported that five out of six rats remained alive after 4 hours in air with an acetonitrile concentration of 0.8%.

Acetonitrile is an organic substance containing a cyano group –CN combined with a methyl radical. Sometimes considered as a derivative of an organic acid. The names methyl cyanide, acetic acid nitrile, ethanenitrile, cyanomethane, ethylnitrile are also used for designation. When abbreviated, the substance is designated ACN. Acetonitrile is registered in CAS under number 75-05-8. Acetonitrile is classified as hazard class 3 (irritant, explosive).
The chemical formula is written as CH 3 CN or C 2 H 3 N. The molar mass of acetonitrile is 41.05 g/mol. The substance melts at a temperature of -44°C, turning into a mobile colorless liquid. Boiling point: 81.6°C. Forms difficult to separate azeotropic mixtures with water, organic solvents and saturated hydrocarbons. The liquid is highly volatile with heavy vapors, which, when mixed with air, form an explosive mixture (concentration limits 4.1-16.0%).

Acetonitrile dissolves oils, fats, polymers of acrylates and amides, cellulose ether compounds, as well as a number of inorganic salts.
Has a faint ethereal odor.
The chemical properties of acetonitrile are determined by the presence of an unsaturated cyano group, the polarization of which also weakens the bond with the methyl radical. Nitrogen can provide lone pairs of electrons to form complex compounds with metal salts.
Reactions with electrophiles occur at the Nitrogen atom, and with nucleophiles - at the Carbon atom of the cyano group.
To produce acetonitrile on an industrial scale, the method of catalytic reaction of acetic acid with excess ammonia is used. In a number of organic industries, acetonitrile is a by-product (for example, during the oxidative ammonolysis of propylene in the technological chain for the production of acrylonitrile).
When obtaining acetonitrile in the laboratory, several methods are used:

  • dehydration of acetamide or ammonium acetate using phosphorus pentacide P 2 O 5 ;
  • reaction of acetylene and ammonia in the presence of aluminum oxide Al 2 O 3;
  • reaction of potassium cyanide with iodomethane.

Application of acetonitrile

The use of acetonitrile is based on its properties as a solvent, extracting and azeotropic agent in the separation of mixtures of organic substances (selective solubility). It is known to use acetonitrile as a raw material in pharmacological production and organic synthesis.
Above-ground vertical tanks are used to store acetonitrile. The recommended filling factor is 0.9-0.95. Store at atmospheric pressure without special means of thermoregulation. Can be stored in glass bottles and metal canisters. Storage in plastic and polyethylene containers is prohibited.
Avoid contact with skin and inhalation of vapors. Toxic. Flammable Explosive. Self-ignites at temperatures above 450°C.

Original name: acetonitrile(abbreviation - ACN)
Alternative names: methyl cyanide, ethane nitrile, acetic acid nitrile,
Chemical formula C2H3N
Density 0.787515 g/cm³
Molar mass 41.05 g/mol
Melting point -44°C
Boiling point 81.6°C

Properties of acetonitrile

Colorless toxic liquid (absorbed through the skin). It has a slight but unpleasant ethereal odor. The maximum permissible concentration (MPC) in working and other premises is 10 mg/m3. meter. In water - 0.7 mg/liter. It can be mixed with water (solubility 7.3%) and organic solvents (acetone, ethyl alcohol, etc.), including the formation of azeotropic mixtures.
Heavy vapors of acetonitrile are explosive.

Industrial production

Acetonitrile various degrees of purification depending on the subsequent use of the reagent.
Outside laboratories, the substance is obtained as a result of the reaction of acetic acid and ammonia in the presence of a catalyst at high temperature (300-400°C). In this case, the impurities in the substance are:

  • acetamide,

    ammonium acetate,

Acetonitrile for HPLC (high performance liquid chromatography) and other purposes often require purification from impurities. Drying is carried out using anhydrous calcium compounds (chloride and sulfate), as well as by shaking with silica gel. Residual water and acetic acid are removed by adding calcium hydride until the evolution of hydrogen ceases.
After such preparatory work, acetonitrile with remaining impurities is subjected to fractional distillation.
At different stages of the described technological process, a substance of varying degrees of purification is obtained.


In addition to HPLC, acetonitrile is used to measure the content of pesticides and toxins in various environments and food products.
The reagent can act as an extractant for the separation of butadiene from a hydrocarbon mixture, and participate in the process of toluene separation in azeotropic form.
The substance is quite widely used in pharmaceuticals as a raw material.
Acetonitrile can be used to dissolve

    inorganic salts,

  • synthetic polymers,

    cellulose ethers,

    varnishes, etc.

The ability of the reagent to act as a selective solvent of oils makes it possible to use it to isolate fatty acids from oils of plant and animal origin.
In the pharmaceutical industry it is used to produce vitamin B1.

Acetonitrile(acetic acid nitrile, ethanenitrile, methyl cyanide) is an organic chemical compound with the formula CH 3 CN. It is a colorless liquid with a weak ethereal odor. Widely used in organic chemistry as a solvent.

Physical properties

Acetonitrile is miscible with water, ethyl alcohol, diethyl ether, acetone, CCl 4 and other organic solvents. It forms azeotropic mixtures with water (bp 76.5 °C, 83.7% acetonitrile), benzene (73.0 °C, 34%), CCl 4 (65 °C, 17%), ethanol (72 .5 °C, 44%), ethyl acetate (74.8 °C, 23%), many aliphatic hydrocarbons.

Acetonitrile is used to dissolve oils, fats, varnishes, cellulose ethers, various synthetic polymers and inorganic salts.


In industry, acetonitrile is produced by the reaction of acetic acid with a slight excess of ammonia at 300-400 °C in the presence of a catalyst.

\mathsf(CH_3COOH + NH_3 \xrightarrow(t,Al_2O_3) CH_3CONH_2 + H_2O) \mathsf(CH_3CONH_2 \xrightarrow (t) CH_3CN + H_2O)

The yield in this process is 90-95%. Acetonitrile is also formed as a by-product in the synthesis of acrylonitrile during the oxidative ammonolysis of propylene.

In laboratory conditions, for the synthesis of acetonitrile, it is convenient to use the dehydration reaction of acetamide under the action of phosphorus pentoxide.

\mathsf(CH_3CONH_2 \xrightarrow (P_2O_5) CH_3CN + H_2O)

Laboratory purification

Another way to remove water from acetonitrile is to distill it over a small amount of phosphorus pentoxide (0.5-1% w/v). Excess P 2 O 5 leads to the formation of an orange polymer. This method is not suitable in cases where acetonitrile is intended to be used in reactions involving substances that are very sensitive to acids. Traces of phosphorus pentoxide can be removed by distillation over anhydrous potassium carbonate.

A rapid purification procedure involves drying over anhydrous potassium carbonate for 24 hours, further drying with molecular sieves or boric anhydride (24 hours) and distillation.


Acetonitrile is used as an extractant for the separation of butadiene from a mixture of hydrocarbons, an azeotropic agent for the separation of toluene, a raw material for the pharmaceutical industry, and a solvent.


Acetonitrile is toxic and is absorbed through the skin.

At a concentration of 15% or more, it is a precursor (Table III), the circulation of which is limited in the Russian Federation.

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  • Sigma-Aldrich.. Retrieved November 10, 2013.
  • Sigma-Aldrich.. Retrieved November 10, 2013.

Excerpt characterizing Acetonitrile

He woke up and looked around in fear for a long time, unable to understand where he was.
“The Countess ordered me to ask if your Excellency is at home?” – asked the valet.
But before Pierre had time to decide on the answer he would make, the countess herself, in a white satin robe, embroidered with silver, and simple hair (two huge braids en diademe [in the form of a diadem] curved twice around her lovely head) entered the room calm and majestic; only on her marble, somewhat convex forehead was a wrinkle of anger. She, with her all-bearing calm, did not speak in front of the valet. She knew about the duel and came to talk about it. She waited until the valet had set out the coffee and left. Pierre looked at her timidly through his glasses, and, like a hare surrounded by dogs, his ears flattened, continues to lie in sight of his enemies, so he tried to continue reading: but he felt that it was pointless and impossible and again looked timidly at her. She did not sit down, and looked at him with a contemptuous smile, waiting for the valet to come out.
- What is this? “What have you done, I’m asking you,” she said sternly.
- I? what am I? - said Pierre.
- A brave man has been found! Well, tell me, what kind of duel is this? What did you want to prove with this? What? I'm asking you. “Pierre turned heavily on the sofa, opened his mouth, but could not answer.
“If you don’t answer, then I’ll tell you...” Helen continued. “You believe everything that they tell you, they told you...” Helen laughed, “that Dolokhov is my lover,” she said in French, with her rough precision of speech, pronouncing the word “lover” like any other word, “and you believed ! But what did you prove by this? What did you prove with this duel! That you are a fool, que vous etes un sot, [that you are a fool] everyone knew that! Where will this lead? So that I become the laughing stock of all Moscow; so that everyone will say that you, drunk and unconscious, challenged to a duel a man whom you are unreasonably jealous of,” Helen raised her voice more and more and became animated, “who is better than you in all respects...
“Hm... hm...” Pierre mumbled, wincing, not looking at her and not moving a single member.
- And why could you believe that he is my lover?... Why? Because I love his company? If you were smarter and nicer, I would prefer yours.
“Don’t talk to me... I beg you,” Pierre whispered hoarsely.
- Why shouldn’t I tell you! “I can speak and will boldly say that it is a rare wife who, with a husband like you, would not take lovers (des amants), but I did not,” she said. Pierre wanted to say something, looked at her with strange eyes, the expression of which she did not understand, and lay down again. He was physically suffering at that moment: his chest was tight, and he could not breathe. He knew that he needed to do something to stop this suffering, but what he wanted to do was too scary.
“It’s better for us to part,” he said falteringly.
“Part up, if you please, only if you give me a fortune,” said Helen... Separate, that’s what scared me!
Pierre jumped up from the sofa and staggered towards her.
- I'll kill you! - he shouted, and grabbing a marble board from the table, with a force still unknown to him, he took a step towards it and swung at it.
Helen's face became scary: she squealed and jumped away from him. His father's breed affected him. Pierre felt the fascination and charm of rage. He threw the board, broke it and, with open arms, approaching Helen, shouted: “Get out!!” in such a terrible voice that the whole house heard this scream with horror. God knows what Pierre would have done at that moment if
Helen did not run out of the room.

A week later, Pierre gave his wife power of attorney to manage all the Great Russian estates, which amounted to more than half of his fortune, and alone he left for St. Petersburg.

Two months passed after receiving news in Bald Mountains about the Battle of Austerlitz and the death of Prince Andrei, and despite all the letters through the embassy and all the searches, his body was not found, and he was not among the prisoners. The worst thing for his relatives was that there was still hope that he had been raised by the inhabitants on the battlefield, and perhaps was lying recovering or dying somewhere alone, among strangers, and unable to give news of himself. In the newspapers, from which the old prince first learned about the defeat of Austerlitz, it was written, as always, very briefly and vaguely, that the Russians, after brilliant battles, had to retreat and carried out the retreat in perfect order. The old prince understood from this official news that ours were defeated. A week after the newspaper brought news of the Battle of Austerlitz, a letter arrived from Kutuzov, who informed the prince of the fate that befell his son.
“Your son, in my eyes,” wrote Kutuzov, with a banner in his hands, in front of the regiment, fell as a hero worthy of his father and his fatherland. To my general regret and that of the entire army, it is still unknown whether he is alive or not. I flatter myself and you with hope that your son is alive, for otherwise he would have been named among the officers found on the battlefield, about whom the list was given to me through the envoys.”
Having received this news late in the evening, when he was alone. in his office, the old prince, as usual, went for his morning walk the next day; but he was silent with the clerk, the gardener and the architect, and, although he looked angry, he did not say anything to anyone.
When, at ordinary times, Princess Marya came to him, he stood at the machine and sharpened, but, as usual, did not look back at her.
- A! Princess Marya! - he suddenly said unnaturally and threw the chisel. (The wheel was still spinning from its swing. Princess Marya long remembered this fading creaking of the wheel, which for her merged with what followed.)
Princess Marya moved towards him, saw his face, and something suddenly sank within her. Her eyes stopped seeing clearly. She saw from her father’s face, not sad, not murdered, but angry and unnaturally working on himself, that a terrible misfortune hung over her and would crush her, the worst in her life, a misfortune she had not yet experienced, an irreparable, incomprehensible misfortune. , the death of someone you love.
- Mon pere! Andre? [Father! Andrei?] - Said the ungraceful, awkward princess with such an inexpressible charm of sadness and self-forgetfulness that her father could not stand her gaze and turned away, sobbing.
- Got the news. None among the prisoners, none among the killed. Kutuzov writes,” he shouted shrilly, as if wanting to drive the princess away with this cry, “he has been killed!”
The princess did not fall, she did not feel faint. She was already pale, but when she heard these words, her face changed, and something shone in her radiant, beautiful eyes. It was as if joy, the highest joy, independent of the sorrows and joys of this world, spread beyond the intense sadness that was in her. She forgot all her fear of her father, walked up to him, took his hand, pulled him towards her and hugged his dry, sinewy neck.
“Mon pere,” she said. “Don’t turn away from me, we’ll cry together.”
- Scoundrels, scoundrels! – the old man shouted, moving his face away from her. - Destroy the army, destroy the people! For what? Go, go, tell Lisa. “The princess sank helplessly into a chair next to her father and began to cry. She now saw her brother at that moment as he said goodbye to her and Lisa, with his gentle and at the same time arrogant look. She saw him at that moment, how he tenderly and mockingly put the icon on himself. “Did he believe? Did he repent of his unbelief? Is he there now? Is it there, in the abode of eternal peace and bliss?” she thought.
- Mon pere, [Father,] tell me how it was? – she asked through tears.
- Go, go, killed in a battle in which they ordered the best Russian people and Russian glory to be killed. Go, Princess Marya. Go and tell Lisa. I will come.

Acetonitrile(acetic acid nitrile, ethanenitrile, methyl cyanide) is an organic chemical compound with the formula CH 3 CN. It is a colorless liquid with a weak ethereal odor. Widely used in organic chemistry as a solvent.

Physical properties

Acetonitrile is miscible with water, ethyl alcohol, diethyl ether, acetone, CCl 4 and other organic solvents. It forms azeotropic mixtures with water (bp 76.5 °C, 83.7% acetonitrile), benzene (73.0 °C, 34%), CCl 4 (65 °C, 17%), ethanol (72 .5 °C, 44%), ethyl acetate (74.8 °C, 23%), many aliphatic hydrocarbons.

Acetonitrile is used to dissolve oils, fats, varnishes, cellulose ethers, various synthetic polymers and inorganic salts.


In industry, acetonitrile is produced by the reaction of acetic acid with a slight excess of ammonia at 300-400 °C in the presence of a catalyst.

texvc not found; See math/README for setup help.): \mathsf(CH_3COOH + NH_3 \xrightarrow(t,Al_2O_3) CH_3CONH_2 + H_2O) Unable to parse expression (Executable file texvc not found; See math/README for setup help.): \mathsf(CH_3CONH_2 \xrightarrow (t) CH_3CN + H_2O)

The yield in this process is 90-95%. Acetonitrile is also formed as a by-product in the synthesis of acrylonitrile during the oxidative ammonolysis of propylene.

In laboratory conditions, for the synthesis of acetonitrile, it is convenient to use the dehydration reaction of acetamide under the action of phosphorus pentoxide.

Unable to parse expression (Executable file texvc not found; See math/README for setup help.): \mathsf(CH_3CONH_2 \xrightarrow (P_2O_5) CH_3CN + H_2O)

Laboratory purification

Another way to remove water from acetonitrile is to distill it over a small amount of phosphorus pentoxide (0.5-1% w/v). Excess P 2 O 5 leads to the formation of an orange polymer. This method is not suitable in cases where acetonitrile is intended to be used in reactions involving substances that are very sensitive to acids. Traces of phosphorus pentoxide can be removed by distillation over anhydrous potassium carbonate.

A rapid purification procedure involves drying over anhydrous potassium carbonate for 24 hours, further drying with molecular sieves or boric anhydride (24 hours) and distillation.


Acetonitrile is used as an extractant for the separation of butadiene from a mixture of hydrocarbons, an azeotropic agent for the separation of toluene, a raw material for the pharmaceutical industry, and a solvent.


Acetonitrile is toxic and is absorbed through the skin.

At a concentration of 15% or more, it is a precursor (Table III), the circulation of which is limited in the Russian Federation.

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  • Sigma-Aldrich.. Retrieved November 10, 2013.
  • Sigma-Aldrich.. Retrieved November 10, 2013.

Excerpt characterizing Acetonitrile

- After all, people first killed even their poor God, and only then began to pray to him. Is it really impossible to see the real truth even before it’s too late?.. Isn’t it better to save the same heroes, look up to them and learn from them?.. Do people always need a shock example of someone else’s courage so that they can believe in their own? ?.. Why is it necessary to kill, so that later you can erect a monument and glorify? Honestly, I would prefer to erect monuments to the living, if they are worth it...
What do you mean when you say someone is “distributing blame”? Is this God or what?.. But it’s not God who punishes... We punish ourselves. And we ourselves are responsible for everything.
“You don’t believe in God, dear?..” the sad man, who listened attentively to my “emotionally indignant” speech, was surprised.
– I haven’t found him yet... But if he really exists, then he must be kind. And for some reason many people are afraid of him, they are afraid of him... At our school they say: “A man sounds proud!” How can a person be proud if fear hangs over him all the time?!.. And there are too many different gods - each country has its own. And everyone is trying to prove that theirs is the best... No, I still don’t understand a lot... But how can you believe in something without understanding?.. In our school they teach that there is nothing after death ... But how can I believe this if I see something completely different?.. I think blind faith simply kills hope in people and increases fear. If they knew what was really happening, they would behave much more carefully... They would not care what happens next after their death. They would know that they would live again, and they would have to answer for the way they lived. Just not in front of the “terrible God”, of course... But in front of yourself. And no one will come to atone for their sins, but they will have to atone for their sins themselves... I wanted to tell someone about this, but no one wanted to listen to me. It’s probably much more convenient for everyone to live this way... And probably easier too,” I finally finished my “deadly long” speech.
I suddenly felt very sad. Somehow, this man managed to get me to talk about what had been “gnawing” at me inside since the day when I first “touched” the world of the dead, and in my naivety I thought that people needed to “just tell, and they will They will immediately believe and even be happy!... And, of course, they will immediately want to do only good things...” How naive a child do you have to be for such a stupid and impossible dream to be born in your heart?!! People don't like to know that there is something else "out there" - after death. Because if you admit this, it means that they will have to answer for everything they have done. But this is exactly what no one wants... People are like children, for some reason they are sure that if they close their eyes and see nothing, then nothing bad will happen to them... Or blame everything on the strong shoulders to this same God, who will “atone” all their sins for them, and then everything will be fine... But is this really right?.. I was just a ten-year-old girl, but even then many things did not fit into my mind. my simple, “childish” logical framework. In the book about God (the Bible), for example, it was said that pride is a great sin, and the same Christ (the son of man!!!) says that with his death he will atone for “all the sins of man”... What kind of Pride one had to have , to equate yourself with the entire human race taken together?!. And what kind of person would dare to think such a thing about himself?.. Son of God? Or the Son of Man?.. And the churches?!.. Each one more beautiful than the other. It’s as if the ancient architects tried very hard to “outdo” each other when building God’s house... Yes, churches really are incredibly beautiful, like museums. Each of them is a real work of art... But, if I understood correctly, a person went to church to talk with God, right? In that case, how could he find him in all that stunning, eye-catching gold luxury, which, for example, not only did not dispose me to open my heart, but, on the contrary, to close it as quickly as possible, so as not to see the same himself, bleeding, almost naked, brutally tortured God, crucified in the middle of all that shiny, sparkling, crushing gold, as if people were celebrating his death, and did not believe and did not rejoice at his life... Even in cemeteries, we all plant the living flowers so that they remind us of the life of the same dead. So why didn’t I see a statue of the living Christ in any church, to whom I could pray, talk to him, open my soul?.. And does the House of God mean only his death? .. Once I asked the priest why we don’t pray to the living God? He looked at me like I was an annoying fly and said that “this is so that we do not forget that he (God) gave his life for us, atoning for our sins, and now we must always remember that we are not his.” worthy (?!), and to repent of their sins as much as possible”... But if he has already redeemed them, then what should we repent of?.. And if we must repent, does that mean all this atonement is a lie? The priest got very angry and said that I had heretical thoughts and that I should atone for them by reading “Our Father” twenty times in the evening (!)... Comments, I think, are unnecessary...
I could continue for a very, very long time, since all this irritated me very much at that time, and I had thousands of questions to which no one gave me answers, but only advised me to simply “believe,” which I would never do in my life I couldn’t, because before I believed, I had to understand why, and if there was no logic in that same “faith,” then for me it was “looking for a black cat in a black room,” and such faith was not neither my heart nor my soul needs. And not because (as some told me) I had a “dark” soul that did not need God... On the contrary, I think that my soul was light enough to understand and accept, but there was nothing to accept ... And what could be explained if people themselves killed their God, and then suddenly decided that it would be “more correct” to worship him?.. So, in my opinion, it would be better not to kill, but to try to learn from him as much as possible, if he really was a real God... For some reason, at that time I felt much closer to our “old gods”, whose carved statues were erected in our city, and throughout Lithuania, a bunch of. These were funny and warm, cheerful and angry, sad and stern gods, who were not as incomprehensibly “tragic” as the same Christ, for whom they built amazingly expensive churches, as if really trying to atone for some sins...

“Old” Lithuanian Gods in my hometown of Alytus, homely and warm, like a simple friendly family...

These gods reminded me of kind characters from fairy tales, who were somewhat similar to our parents - they were kind and affectionate, but if necessary, they could severely punish us when we were too naughty. They were much closer to our soul than that incomprehensible, distant, and so terribly lost at human hands, God...
I ask believers not to be indignant when reading lines with my thoughts at that time. That was then, and I, as in everything else, was looking for my childhood truth in the same Faith. Therefore, I can only argue about this about my views and concepts that I have now, and which will be presented in this book much later. In the meantime, it was a time of “persistent search”, and it was not so easy for me...
“You’re a strange girl...” the sad stranger whispered thoughtfully.
- I'm not strange - I'm just alive. But I live among two worlds - the living and the dead... And I can see what many, unfortunately, do not see. That’s probably why no one believes me... But everything would be so much simpler if people listened and thought for at least a minute, even if they didn’t believe... But I think that if this happens when Someday, it certainly won’t happen today... And today I have to live with this...
