What does it mean if a person constantly... What does it mean if a girl constantly discusses you? Reasons for this behavior

Good day to all! It is morning in my hemisphere and I have just woken up. I dreamed of an old friend whom I saw a couple of days ago, but there was no opportunity to say hello. Lately I remembered him and realized that I missed him, but our schedules still did not coincide.

It reminded me of the times when I saw the same person every night. I didn't understand why. And I was tormented by the question “ What does it mean if a person dreams ? After all, this is probably not just like that! Are you familiar with this condition? Perhaps you are confused and want an answer. This article is dedicated to you!

Can this person think about me?

IN adolescence I thought a lot about dreams. At that time I was not yet familiar with psychology, and therefore I read a lot of esoteric books. There I was looking for information about whether there is a connection between who you dream about and how that person feels about you. After all, you really wanted the boy you were crazy about every day , was in love with you too! What if there is some unknown connection? And the constant appearance of the same person suggests that.

I want to disappoint my readers who believe in this. There is no pattern. Science refutes such speculation. After all, sleep is a personal property that does not in any way depend on the psyche of another person.

Of course, it could be a coincidence that people dream about each other . But if they do not have a clear coincidence of plot, events, faces and colors, there is no need to talk about a telepathic connection.

If someone else dreams of you too man, you can rejoice. But you shouldn’t see this as the work of a higher power.

What's the catch?

Night dreams come in a wide variety. From desired events to nightmares, strange plot twists or simply chaotic changes in images. However, there is one unifying factor: they are emotionally compelling.If your child has predominantly nightmares, and you don’t know what to do about it, I suggest reading my .

A dream is not a mysterious message, not God's grace or the machinations of the devil. This is just a set of symbols that have meaning for each individual person.

First I would like to say that you will never dream of something that you have not seen. That's how the brain works. Difficult physiological process sleep, during which information moves from short-term memory to long-term memory. The necessary space is cleared, the body is rebooted.

Thus, the flashing pictures are the result of what you saw, knew and about. thought very often.

Do you see what I'm getting at? If you constantly dream of the same dream or person, it’s not just that, you’re dreaming about what your life is filled with. The subconscious is trying to reach out and say something. I have written another article covering .

What do you dream about and why?

If you dreamed about the guy you like or is dead relative, there is reason to think. Turning to dream books is appropriate only if you dream of individual symbolic images: flight, water, horse. But a dreamed person is always an individual phenomenon, but obviously this person is dear to you. Therefore, if you want to get a transcript of why you had this or that vision at night, it makes sense to do it together with a psychologist. In particular, one way to talk to your subconscious could be .

Reveals in more detail the mechanism of occurrence of night images Freud in his book “Nothing Happens by Chance”.

What can a dream represent?:

  1. Secret desires. That which, due to certain rules and restrictions, we do not allow ourselves to realize. After repression, desires do not go away; they can subside for a while, but occasionally seep into dreams, reminding of themselves. If you suspect that you have a hidden conflict between the subconscious and consciousness, perhaps my article will help you.” ”.
  2. The need for change. It happens that the usual state of affairs is no longer pleasing. Only a step separates you from a decisive change in life. A dream can tell you exactly how to implement this step or what is preventing you from taking it.
  3. Actualization of grief. The most stressful situations are , his or his own illness. In such situations, mental exhaustion occurs and the brain tries to remove some of the overstrain. at night.
  4. Realization of creative potential. Often it can “illuminate” in a dream. IN It is generally accepted that it is thanks to dreams that contact between the subconscious and creativity is established.
  5. Model of real relationships. Relationship with loved ones may be contradictory, overly emotional, and confusing. All this is an integral part of life. Meeting another person in a dream often projects a real interaction. So, after waking up, you can analyze the dream, understand how to solve the problem, establish communication, evaluate, and possibly.
  6. Reflection of health status. For example, if you constantly dream that close a man pierces your heart with a knife. In reality, this may mean that relationships with this person cause severe anxiety, provoke attacks of tachycardia, and can cause a heart attack. Or shackles on the legs as a sign of approaching rheumatism. Sometimes such a direct dependence occurs.

An important clarification: the dream must be holistic, have a plot or meaningful images. Because with chaotic flashing of frames that are in no way connected with each other, fragmentary, it may simply be a consequence of playing back information received during the day and not carry much meaning. May flicker familiar , whom you saw by chance, but did not pay much attention to it. You can read about what to do if you stop dreaming .

One way or another, when during the day everything is fine, but as night falls you will have dreams that cause a strong emotional reaction, it is worth analyzing what you are dreaming. You can write your dreams in a journal to see connections and understand what they mean to you.

It is impossible to say with one hundred percent accuracy that a person really loves you. However, there are many ways to determine a person's true attitude. To do this, you should pay attention to his behavior, words and actions, especially when you are together. And despite the fact that each person’s idea of ​​true love is different, it can be distinguished from simple love, interest or fleeting infatuation. If you want to know the true feelings of your loved one, follow these guidelines.


How does he behave?

    Can a person be himself around you? To love means to be open to your other half. If a person changes when he is alone with you, it means he loves you. For example, if in public he is serious and polite, but in private he fools around with you and does stupid things, then he is completely open and loves you.

    • If a person shares his deepest emotions and experiences with you, while feeling comfortable, he loves you.
    • If a person feels comfortable without pretending to be perfect, relaxes and doesn't care about food stuck in his teeth, then he doesn't mind you seeing this side of his personality.
  1. Is the person happy to see you after a hard day? If a person is having a bad day but perks up when he sees you, that's a sign of love. If a person loves you, the sight of you or the sound of your voice will already make him feel a little better.

    • Next time he's not in the mood, see how he reacts to your presence.
  2. Does your loved one look at you with loving eyes? Have you ever noticed a hazy look on yourself full of adoration? You'll know what it's all about as soon as you see it. Sometimes you may notice this look in the morning, or even accidentally during lunch.

    • You may also notice that the person is staring at you with the same facial expression.
  3. Does a person like to play the fool next to you? Love makes a person stupider, more inspired and makes you laugh without reason. If a person behaves this way in your presence, he is most likely in love.

    • If you said something not very funny, and the person simply explodes with laughter, he is consumed by love for you.
    • If the person is nervous or fidgeting, they are likely excited by your presence.
  4. Is a person sad when you are sad? If you are experiencing incredible emotional suffering or simply feeling broken because of your illness, this condition must be transferred to the person who loves you. He will absorb negative emotions to make you feel better.

    • Although a person does not have to feel the same feelings as you, he will definitely be influenced by your mood.

What he says?

  1. Does the person talk about your future together as a matter of course? If a person truly loves you, the thought of a future together will be natural for him, he should not feel uncertainty or insecurity. If it’s okay for him to talk about what you will do in the future, what your life together will look like in a year, two, ten years, then he really loves you.

    • True love implies the desire to live forever next to your loved one. If a person does not see his future without you, he definitely loves you.
    • If you're discussing what your kids will look like, where you'll retire, or where you'll go on your honeymoon, you're in true love.
  2. Does your loved one give you meaningful compliments? There is a big difference between “I love your hair” and “You make me feel better no matter what.” It is important that the person tells you that he values ​​you as a person and respects some of your character traits.

    • You don't have to be complimented all the time. It is quality that matters, not quantity.
  3. When a person tells you “I love you,” does he really mean it? There is a huge difference between “Liu cha!” I love you too". If a person really loves you, he says it, looking into your eyes, his voice sounds sincere and he does not demand anything in return.

    • You don't need a reason to confess your love. He should not do this out of favor or because this moment this will sound appropriate.
  4. Is the person really open to you? loving person will not be afraid to talk about his thoughts, feelings, fears and the like. He will talk about his childhood, his regrets, difficult periods, dreams, and he will be comfortable sharing this with you.

    • If a person says, “I’ve never told anyone this before...”, then most likely he really loves and trusts you.
  5. Does your loved one tell you that he misses you when you are apart? If you are far from each other, but continue to correspond, call each other, making it clear that you miss each other, then you cannot imagine life without each other. If you left for 3 weeks and did not receive any news, most likely this is not love.

    • Your loved one should not constantly call you to say that he misses you.
  6. Does your loved one see your shortcomings? He shouldn't idealize you. A truly loving person will be able to point out to you a mistake, an incorrect statement or unworthy behavior. However, he shouldn't criticize you all the time. It should be healthy, constructive criticism, meaning that the person knows you inside and out and accepts you with all your strengths and weaknesses.

    • You should be wary if a person never criticizes you and never argues with you. Make sure the person loves you and not the ideal version of you.
  7. Does your loved one respect your opinion? If he's interested in you on a variety of issues, from appreciating a pair of new shoes to the political situation in the world, then he really loves you. A loving person can ask for your advice or point of view on any matter, even if he already has his own formed opinion.

    • He doesn't have to ask your opinion about everything - only about the things that are most important to him.

What is he doing?

  1. Does your loved one listen to everything you say? If a person truly loves you, not only will he be open with you, but he will also listen to what you tell him, even if he has heard about it before. This doesn't mean he has to act like your dog. He will simply be there to listen to your thoughts and express a response point of view, without interrupting or being distracted.

    • To love means not only to speak, but also to be able to listen.
  2. Does your loved one come to your aid at any moment, even at inopportune and inconvenient times? Sure, he's always there for a drink or two at the bar or a delicious meal, but will he take you to the airport when needed? Or will he walk your dog when you're sick? A loving person will share both joyful and sad moments with you.

    • If a person is with you when you are happy, in a good mood and with a light heart, but disappears when you are sad or depressed, he does not love you.
    • Love is being close to a person, no matter what. A loving person will accept you with all your strengths and weaknesses, and will also share happy and difficult times with you.
  3. Does your loved one do nice things for you? A loving person will gas up your car when you're busy, buy you groceries, or make chicken soup when you're sick. He doesn't have to be all over you and overprotective, but if he loves you, he'll want to give you a reason to smile or make your life a little easier.

    • True love is the ability not only to take, but also to give in return.
    • If a person truly loves you, he will do these things without asking your permission. This should go without saying. If you ask him for help every time, most likely they don’t like you.
  4. Does a person always want to be close to you? To love means to always strive to be close, even when it seems impossible. Of course, this doesn't mean you have to cling to each other, but loving people take advantage of every opportunity to be together.

  5. Does your loved one give you enough freedom? A loving person will always give you time to be alone with yourself and mind your own business. If a person does not let you go even a step, this is already a blind obsession. As a couple, everyone needs time to do their own thing and be themselves.

    • The desire to be close all the time rather speaks not of love, but of the fact that a person is not confident in himself.
  6. Does the person really understand you? True love is true understanding. If a person knows how to recognize your mood, knows what you like and what you don’t, and how to please you, then he loves you.

    • It's okay if you remain partly a mystery to a person. You don't have to expect that he understands you 100%, but you should have a firm belief that the person feels and understands you most of the time.
    • If a person truly loves you, he will support your goals and interests, even if he is far from them.
  • When someone likes you, they act differently in your presence, look at you differently, or smile a lot.
  • Consider other people's feelings. When someone likes you, whatever you do will mean a lot to that person. Be careful.
  • If a person doesn't talk to you, it doesn't mean he doesn't like you. Maybe he's just shy.
  • Don't confuse flirting with showing friendship, otherwise you will be hurt later.
  • Giving a person freedom is necessary, but if you are not at all interested in where, what and with whom he does, you risk losing him.
  • If your girlfriend or boyfriend seems clingy and overprotective towards you, it may be because they care about you.


  • A person may try to sacrifice his love if you are no longer interested in him or are already in a relationship or marriage with someone else. However, he won't do this if you constantly feed his hopes.

In everyone's life there are people who love to talk. on one specific topic: They talk only about illnesses, only about work, only about themselves, and so on.

website found out why some people, upon learning that someone’s house burned down or someone’s company went bankrupt, simply exclaim “Oh!” and continue to talk about their own things. And also what they usually talk about and how to react to it.

It happens that a person you have seen just a couple of times dumps his entire personal life in front of you. And, despite your slightly embarrassed appearance, it continues to wrench your soul, as if at a reception with a priest.

Reasons for this behavior:

      escape from loneliness and, as a result, the perception of other people as an extension of oneself; a personality disorder close to hysteria, hence the desire to impress or attract attention at any cost.

What to do:

    make it clear by all means that you are bored by such a monologue. If the case is radical, refer the person to a psychologist, since such behavior may be a sign of some problem.

There are people who, according to them, seem to be hated by all the existing and non-existent gods. They only talk about their hardest martyrdom (often having a very good life). The most paradoxical thing is that they are not trying to change the situation at all. And, if you ask a person: “How will you deal with this?” - most likely, he will fall into a stupor and switch to another task.

Reasons for this behavior:

      desire to justify one's mistakes; shift responsibility for your actions onto your relatives, family, fate; manipulate others

after all, the role of the victim is always beneficial

What to do:

    always ask questions about how the person plans to solve these problems.

This is a continuation of the previous paragraph, but it is so common that it is worthy of being separated into a separate subspecies. Do you have a friend who constantly complains about his health, as if he has the last stage of cancer, and not a common runny nose? A sort of boring pseudo-doctor who constantly talks about diseases. So, this is not just like that.

Reasons for this behavior:

      desire to demonstrate one's sacrifice; the need for empathy; a person allows his illness to control his life so much that it becomes the purpose of existence.

What to do:

    if this is a temporary phenomenon, treat it with understanding and support, distract the person with some pleasant activity; if permanent, refer to a doctor.

Everyone has that friend who seems to have chosen an option in their brain. “talk only about work” and saved without the right to change settings. And even at a friends’ wedding, on a romantic trip, at a dentist’s appointment, he doesn’t stop talking about the problems of the corporation and even about how annoyed he is when the deputy courier’s assistant bites nuts.

Reasons for this behavior:

      lack of life hobbies; lack of something or someone worthwhile in life; demonstration of sacrifice.

What to do:

    show a person that life does not end at work (for example, help him find a passion, a hobby).

We all do this to some extent. when we remember a specific time, person or place. Those who are literally fixated on the past continue to be selflessly nostalgic, even despite a good current life.

Reasons for this behavior:

      strong psychological trauma in past; regret about the choice made; lack of achievements in the present.

What to do:

    convincing a person to go to a psychotherapist is not just nostalgia, it requires the help of a specialist.

Esotericists are convinced that in a dream the soul of a person ( astral body) travels through the subtle worlds and can communicate with other people and animals. There is even a whole system of knowledge aimed at realizing the world of dreams in practical application - lucid dreams. Scientists have proven that through controlling dream events you can change your destiny. Why do you often dream about the same person? The answer to the question may lie in the plane of various interpretations, which depend on the details of the dream and the subjective experiences of the dreamer.

People are always present in dreams. This could be a person from the past, an acquaintance from the present, or unknown personalities. Also in dreams we are visited by deceased relatives and friends. However, dreamers are puzzled by one question: why does the same person come to sleep over a long period of time? Sometimes an old acquaintance, whom you haven’t seen for many years, comes into your dreams with enviable persistence! Sometimes in a dream you can see a completely unfamiliar person who appears with enviable regularity. What does it mean?

If we consider a detailed interpretation of a dream, we can distinguish three main positions:

  1. dream of a familiar person;
  2. a stranger appears in a dream;
  3. the deceased comes into sleep.

The approach to interpretation has two directions: psychological and esoteric. Psychologists connect the events of dreams with images of reality, and esotericists see in them the contact of the subconscious with the subtle world. For example, frequent vision of a person of the opposite sex may warn of an imminent change in personal life- creating a family. Provided that the dreams were positive. Seeing a person of the same sex can warn of the appearance of a devoted boyfriend or girlfriend in the near future.

There is also a mystical interpretation of this event. If a person of the opposite sex (familiar or unfamiliar) regularly appears in a dream, you should contact a magician/psychic for a diagnosis. The possibility of magical influence cannot be ruled out. However, you should not take into account a dream about a person with whom you have a real connection. If you are busy thinking about some subject during the day, the regular appearance of his image in a dream means only one thing: you are continuing the line of communication that began during the daytime.

Dreaming of an acquaintance

If the dreamer experiences to this person sympathy, which means that the dream realizes dreams that were not realized in reality. In a dream, everything is possible; there are no restrictions or prohibitions. It is through sleep that you can get pleasant sensations from contact with a certain person, inaccessible during wakefulness. Perhaps during the day you are bothered by shyness or complexes.

If a dream is visited by a familiar person with whom there is no close connection in reality, it means that his subconscious is trying to convey something important to you. Esotericists and psychologists advise making an appointment with this person and talking.

If a dream is regularly visited by a person from the past, contacts with whom have been lost, then the interpretation can be twofold. Either the subconscious mind indicates unresolved problems from the past when you were in contact with this person, or you need to get rid of past memories and live a real life.

Stranger in a dream

Esotericists advise in such cases to try to get the stranger to talk. Such a dream is considered a harbinger of changes in life. It is important to pay attention to the emotional state of the stranger: is he friendly or aggressive? A benevolent person who is regularly present in dreams can also be a person’s guardian spirit.

Unpleasant dreams with a stranger in the lead role may have the following explanation. In the past, you experienced a tragedy or witnessed tragic events, this person was also a witness - but you did not pay attention to him. However, the subconscious mind remembers everything. What to do? You should seek clarification from a psychologist or psychic. It’s better to find out everything right away than to get lost in the unknown.

Repeated dreams involving the same person may have different interpretations. Trust your intuition in interpretation. The direction of dream interpretation may be as follows:

  • you constantly think about him during the day;
  • he constantly thinks about you;
  • you need to sort things out;
  • he influences you;
  • sleep realizes daytime dreams;
  • the person wants to help you;
  • he needs your help.

A mystical interpretation can be a magical effect provided (love spell, damage) or the incorporation of an astral essence. In any case, expert advice won't hurt.

In everyone's life there are people who love to talk. on one specific topic: They talk only about illnesses, only about work, only about themselves, and so on.

website found out why some people, upon learning that someone’s house burned down or someone’s company went bankrupt, simply exclaim “Oh!” and continue to talk about their own things. And also what they usually talk about and how to react to it.

It happens that a person you have seen just a couple of times dumps his entire personal life in front of you. And, despite your slightly embarrassed appearance, it continues to wrench your soul, as if at a reception with a priest.

Reasons for this behavior:

      escape from loneliness and, as a result, the perception of other people as an extension of oneself; a personality disorder close to hysteria, hence the desire to impress or attract attention at any cost.

What to do:

    make it clear by all means that you are bored by such a monologue. If the case is radical, refer the person to a psychologist, since such behavior may be a sign of some problem.

There are people who, according to them, seem to be hated by all the existing and non-existent gods. They only talk about their hardest martyrdom (often having a very good life). The most paradoxical thing is that they are not trying to change the situation at all. And, if you ask a person: “How will you deal with this?” - most likely, he will fall into a stupor and switch to another task.

Reasons for this behavior:

      desire to justify one's mistakes; shift responsibility for your actions onto your relatives, family, fate; manipulate others

after all, the role of the victim is always beneficial

What to do:

    always ask questions about how the person plans to solve these problems.

This is a continuation of the previous paragraph, but it is so common that it is worthy of being separated into a separate subspecies. Do you have a friend who constantly complains about his health, as if he has the last stage of cancer, and not a common runny nose? A sort of boring pseudo-doctor who constantly talks about diseases. So, this is not just like that.

Reasons for this behavior:

      desire to demonstrate one's sacrifice; the need for empathy; a person allows his illness to control his life so much that it becomes the purpose of existence.

What to do:

    if this is a temporary phenomenon, treat it with understanding and support, distract the person with some pleasant activity; if permanent, refer to a doctor.

Everyone has that friend who seems to have chosen an option in their brain. “talk only about work” and saved without the right to change settings. And even at a friends’ wedding, on a romantic trip, at a dentist’s appointment, he doesn’t stop talking about the problems of the corporation and even about how annoyed he is when the deputy courier’s assistant bites nuts.

Reasons for this behavior:

      lack of life hobbies; lack of something or someone worthwhile in life; demonstration of sacrifice.

What to do:

    show a person that life does not end at work (for example, help him find a passion, a hobby).

We all do this to some extent. when we remember a specific time, person or place. Those who are literally fixated on the past continue to be selflessly nostalgic, even despite a good current life.

Reasons for this behavior:

      severe psychological trauma in the past; regret about the choice made; lack of achievements in the present.

What to do:

    convincing a person to go to a psychotherapist is not just nostalgia, it requires the help of a specialist.