Quotes about the dead. Dead man - Do you have tobacco, stupid white man? Dead Man Quotes

Look at the moon. The moon looks strange. She is like a woman rising from the grave. She looks like a dead woman. You might think she's looking for the dead.

Oscar Wilde. Salome

The moon is the sun of the dead.

Andrey Vasiliev. Fireroll. Condescension

We go out into the world of the living to celebrate the wedding of the dead.

Corpse Bride

- My boy is so good! He doesn’t drink beer with friends, doesn’t yell at me, doesn’t swear, and isn’t jealous at all! - You... poke him with a stick. He seems to be dead.

Historical truth consists of the silence of the dead.

"Etienne Rey"

Smile while you are alive - because the dead cannot do this.

George R.R. Martin “A Song of Ice and Fire”

We read and write poetry not because it is beautiful. We read and write poetry because we are members of humanity, and humanity is driven by feelings. Medicine, law, business, applied sciences - all these are noble pursuits. And they are necessary to ensure our life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love - this is exactly what we live for.

Dead Poets Society

A cigarette in a woman’s hands is the same as a dead child.”

Konstantin Madei

Man, slowly and gradually freeing himself from the slavery of things, removes the dead veil from nature and recognizes the forces that create it.

Sergei Bulgakov

The stars decorated our sky. They shine in the sky, disturbing peace and sleep. We are expecting thousands of people. The table is set, but it's low season.

No person can become more of a stranger than someone you loved in the past. The mysterious thread that connected him with your imagination breaks. Lightning still flashes between him and you, something else flickers, like fading, ghostly stars. But this is a dead light. It excites, but no longer ignites - the invisible current of feelings has been interrupted.

Erich Maria Remarque. Triumphal Arch

... if a friend invites you to his village fifteen miles away, it means that there are thirty faithful to her.

The long sobs of autumn violins hurt my heart with their sad monotony. Everything shrinks and turns pale when the hour strikes, I remember the old days and cry. And I leave with the autumn wind, which carries me back and forth, like a dead leaf.

Paul Verlaine

A dead enemy always smells good

Aliy Vitelii

Most primitive civilizations have the custom of burying their dead in the fetal position. “He will be born again, in another life, and we must put him in the same position in which he came into this world,” they say. For these civilizations, death was just another step on the universal ladder. Gradually the world lost its quiet acceptance of death. But no matter what we think, or what we do, or what we believe: each of us will die one day. It is better to do as the old Yakwi Indians did: treat death as a consultant. Always ask, “What am I going to do before I die?”

Do not provide children with ready-made formulas; formulas are empty; enrich them with images and pictures in which the connecting threads are visible. Don't burden your children with the dead weight of facts, teach them techniques and methods that will help them achieve.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery. Citadel

My life was good, I had a job, I was strong, resilient and, as they say, in good health; but still it was better not to think too much. Especially alone with yourself. And in the evenings. Otherwise, the past would suddenly appear and stare with dead eyes. But for such cases there was vodka.

There are no pockets in the coffin, and the dead do not take their wallets to the grave.

Just don't talk about the past, Dorian. It died.
- Sometimes what we consider dead remains alive for a long time.

Poking a dead raccoon with a stick is not science!

The Simpsons

Turkey is spoiled a little by the Turks, but otherwise it is a piece of paradise.

Ilya Stogoff. The dead can dance

In St. Petersburg, which has been dead for a long time, no one is in a hurry. At least among the people I communicate with. Everything urgent that could happen here has already happened. And for a long time.
Everything that is valuable in today's St. Petersburg is connected precisely with the fact that it is NOT a capital. That this is a dead and therefore especially beautiful city. Everything valuable that has been born in St. Petersburg over the past decades (from Dovlatov’s prose to Tsoi’s songs, from Mitki paintings to St. Petersburg raves) is just a funeral hymn. In front of you is not a city, but its tombstone.

Take revenge, don't take revenge - you can't bring back the dead, and it won't bring joy.

Black Butler

Concerns about the burial, the arrangement of the tomb, the pomp of the funeral - all this is more of a consolation to the living than a help to the dead.


Hey citizen! Don't go there, go here. Otherwise the snow will get into your head. You'll be completely dead!

Gentlemen of Fortune (1971)

Secret materials

I like to be busy, focused and creative. If I stop creating, I will become dead.

"Jeremy Lee Renner"

A living failure is better than a dead masterpiece.

George Bernard Shaw

The dead do not fly to heaven, they are taken to a special room and burned.

“It’s either good or nothing about the dead.”

“The crime of a dead person is beyond jurisdiction.”

Every evening I died... and every evening I was reborn again... from the dead.

Fat people cannot run as fast as thin people, and we make most of our transport vehicles so bulky, as if dead weight and bulk increase speed!

Let us bow to those great years. To the same commanders and soldiers. We bow to both the marshals of the country and the privates, both the dead and the living. To all those who must not be forgotten, Let us bow, bow, friends! The whole world, all the people, the whole earth, Let us bow for that great battle...

Character is not sugar, because of it I am sentenced to lifelong hard labor: to constantly control myself.

Max Fry. Dead zero

Let them say whatever they want, but words and ideas can change the world!

Dead Poets Society

People are not frivolously insightful, and a person in a different caftan seems to them to be a different person.

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. Dead Souls

It is better to fall to vultures than to fall to flatterers. Those devour the dead, and these devour the living.


Pick your roses before it's too late. In Latin this phrase sounds like carpe diem. Literal translation - seize the moment.

Dead Poets Society

When you read, don't try to guess what the author is thinking. Think for yourself.

Dead Poets Society

- Cas? We thought you were dead... Dude, where are you?
- In the hospital..
- Are you okay?
- No. I just woke up, which surprised the doctors; they considered me brain dead.


It is useless to repent before the dead; it is not in their power to give remission.

Lois McMaster Bujold. Memory

Perfection is the virtue of the dead.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

We all have an inextinguishable need to be accepted. But you need to trust your own uniqueness. Even if your beliefs seem stupid or strange to others. Even if the whole herd is bleating, that’s nonsense.

Dead Poets Society

This cheese is made from unpasteurized milk. He is alive and very useful. Your cheese in America is pasteurized. It's dead, it falls into your stomach like a lump of fat.
- Is that why the French can eat so much butter and cheese and never get fat?
- Yes. And we drink a lot of red wine. And, of course, we are more romantic.

The night spreads out over me And responds with a dead gaze To the dull gaze of the sick soul, Doused with a sharp, sweet poison. And in vain, hidden passions, In the cold darkness before dawn I wander among the crowd With only one cherished thought: Let the month shine - the night is dark. Let life bring happiness to people, - In my soul of love, spring will not replace stormy bad weather.

For God there are no dead people.

or not even God, but some of his deputy
will bring you to his myopic eyes
naked pebble, dead hornet
and shed her breath on you like a balm,
real Riga thick balm,
and congratulate you on the past
– with what past?
- with everything that has happened.

The bell is hoarse - a tram bell.
I'm on the bandwagon. The pavements are flying.
Alone again. Nothing. Not for the first time.
I'd rather be all alone
with which living souls warm themselves
burn like dead leaves at your feet.
It's all over. I couldn't do it any other way.

Evgeniy Aleksandrovich Yevtushenko

This is the type of Patronymic name, engraving.
On the sun lounger are the Soldier and the Fool.
The old woman scratches her dead side.
This is the view of the Fatherland, popular print.

Leaves fell over your grave,
And it smells like winter.
Listen, dead man, listen, dear:
You are still mine.

Do you want to be stupid but alive, or know-it-all but dead?

Ears from a dead donkey.

Dead regrets are like sea stars thrown out by the surf.

Charles Bukowski

Our dead will not leave us in trouble,
Our fallen are like sentries...

When there is no more room in hell, the dead will be among us.

Dawn of the Dead

Tomorrow will be a new day. The sun will rise tomorrow. Big, bright, for everyone. And everything will be fine, and we will finally understand that happiness has always been with us, we just loved pain more, we noticed it more often. And that those people whom we were so desperately looking for, losing ourselves, stood next to us and hugged our shoulders, silently and understandingly smiling at all the metamorphoses of the soul. And that any poetry is beautiful only when your soul is alive and your heart breathes love into essentially dead words. And that the sun rises every day and this is the greatest miracle given to us. And I love you. And I'm with you.

Al Quotion

I was 27 when I died the first time. I remember there was light everywhere. There was a war, I survived. In fact, I was already dead. Sometimes it seems to me that we live through certain events only to say: “This happened to me, and not to someone else.” Sometimes we live to overcome obstacles. I'm not crazy, although everyone thought so. I live in the same world as everyone else; I just saw more than many, and I think you too. Tomorrow I will be found dead. You can make inquiries if you don't believe me. I saw life after my death. I'm telling you about this because it's the only way to achieve it. better life for you and your daughter. Jean, one day you will die falling asleep with a cigarette in your hands. Your daughter will grow up and live the same dull life that you live, and will miss you very much. Sometimes real life begins only after you learn about death. When you realize that everything can end at the most inopportune moment. It is very important to understand that while you are alive, it is never too late to change everything. Believe me, Jean, no matter how bad life seems, it will not get better if you close your eyes and hide. When you die, you only want one thing - to go back.

life death

Since a dead person acquires weight in your eyes only if you have seen him dead, then the hundred million corpses scattered throughout the history of mankind are, in essence, a haze that obscures the imagination.

death, man, people

I was born a monster, I was born through technology, I was a trump card, I was a threat, I was dangerous! I am a shadow of the past that they want to get rid of... Why do I exist and live? I asked myself repeatedly, but could not find an answer. After all, to live, you need a reason, otherwise it is the same as being dead. And that's what I decided. I live to kill others. I was able to understand the reasons why I live. I fight only for myself and love only myself. As long as I believe that all other people exist for this reason, the world is beautiful. While I kill others, enjoying my existence, I continue to live...


And in the eyes of the dead there is an interweaving of pain and anger...


How can you, Lobanov, the dumbest doctor in the clinic, deceive Bykov, the smartest doctor in the clinic?
- Now you will become the deadest doctor in the clinic!

It's stupid to love the dead. After all, we fight to protect those who are still alive.

Olivia Mila Armstrong

Those who feel sorry to give a penny to a legless cripple will willingly pay ten times more to gaze at a dead Indian...


The house smelled of dust and dampness and something vaguely sweet, as if the ghosts of long-dead cookies lived here.

house, smell

When someone close to you dies, you feel sorry not only for him: you feel sorry for your entire old world, which changes very much without this person. The dead go to the next world, but the living also find themselves in a new world where he no longer exists, and they also must learn to live differently.

Olga: Forest Princess

There were runes of mourning, but they were used to honor the dead. In the same way, there were wedding runes, which, like wedding rings, symbolized the bonds of love. You cannot use a rune to make someone fall in love with you, just as it is impossible to relieve someone’s grief with its help. There is so much magic and there is nothing that can heal a broken heart.

Cassandra Clare

Plastic life

When I was a child, I once asked my grandfather if he killed Germans in the war. He didn't answer. He said that this was adult talk. And then I asked if the Germans tried to kill him. He was silent for a very long time. And he said that he died as soon as he stepped into enemy territory. Every day, when he woke up, he said to himself: “Rest in peace. Now get up and go fight." He went through the war thinking he was dead and came out alive. That's what I think the trick is. We do what we have to do. There will be a day - we will live. And no matter what awaits us in the capital, I know we will not be lost, because this is how we survive. We tell ourselves that we are the walking dead.

The Walking Dead

O captain! My captain! The difficult flight is over,
The ship withstood all the storms and is crowned with glory.
The port is already close, I hear the ringing, the people look, rejoicing,
How steadily our ship cuts the keel of the jet.
But the heart! Heart! Heart!
Like blood flows like a stream
On deck where the captain
I fell asleep in my last sleep!

O captain! My captain! Stand up and take the parade
The flag flutters like a salute to you and the trumpeters thunder;
Bouquets and wreaths for you, people are crowding towards you,
Enthusiastic faces are turned to you everywhere.
Wake up, father! My hand
Lies on your forehead
And you fell asleep on the deck
Like a dead dream.

The captain did not answer and, turning pale, froze,
He doesn’t feel my hand, the ardor in his heart has faded.
They are already dropping anchor, and our voyage is completed,
The ship is in a safe harbor and it has sailed in victory.
Rejoice, people, on the shore!
I'll stay alone
On deck where the captain
I fell asleep in my last sleep.

Walt Whitman

Everyone knows how quiet cemeteries are. The library is the most fun of them all. Here the dead are in full force: they did nothing wrong, they just wrote... The aroma of a crypt emanates from the book. This is where a strange process begins, which he calls reading. On the one hand, this is a gain: he gives his body to the dead so that they can come to life. On the other hand, it is communication with the other world.

Jean-Paul Sartre

There are also sleeves from a vest, a circle from a donkey and ears from a dead donkey.

Ostap Bender

Max Fry

The dead are not offended.

dead, corpses

The essence of oligarchic rule is not in the hereditary transmission from father to son, but in the persistence of a certain worldview and way of life dictated by the dead to the living. The ruling group is the ruling group as long as it is able to appoint heirs. The Party is concerned not with perpetuating its blood, but with perpetuating itself. It doesn’t matter who is in power, as long as the hierarchical structure remains unchanged.

George Orwell

-... rose from the dead. Rose from the grave.
- New Jewish focus.
- This Jewish trick is already two thousand years old.

Jews, life after death

Everyone has their own hidden inside reserved forest. There, new, tender shoots of feelings and expectations stretch to the sky, there is an unshakable maturity of trunks and crowns, but there are always dead trees covered with moss - and it is not known when the winds and rains will scatter and dissolve them. Elves live there, ghostly and beautiful, and at the same time there are monsters that crawl out of their holes from time to time. And people, other people, like no one else, change this forest.

Nadeya Yasminska

Someone broke into the safe at the Beijing Hotel last night. Money and diamonds were stolen. An anonymous signal was received that it was you...
- This is Max.
- He claims that - You...
- You said that the signal was anonymous!..

DOA: Dead or Alive

Do you know how the dead differ from us? Because they have nothing to lose.

American Horror Story

A dead rocker is more valuable than a living one. Stupid world, huh?


Why should I pretend?
- Because you are a liar, you lie all the time and to everyone.
- I've done a lot of things, John, but I've never been a malingerer.
- You pretended to be dead for two years!
- Well... except for this!


Sometimes what we consider dead does not want to die for a long time.

Oscar Wilde

Only the dead are not afraid of death.

death, fear

To fall like a dead stone from powerlessness,
In order to be reborn again.


I don’t really understand what it means today – “majority”, “minority”. As the late Bernard-Henri wrote in Dead Leaves, if there are ten sheep and two wolves in an Orc barn, where is the majority and where is the minority? But what about forty prisoners and three machine gunners?

Victor Pelevin

This is terrible, Smoker. When your questions are dumber than you. And when they are much stupider, it is even more terrible. They are like the contents of this urn. You don't like the smell of her, and I don't like the smell of dead words. You wouldn't shake all those stinking cigarette butts and spit on me, would you? But you bombard me with rotten empty words, without thinking for a second whether I like it or not.

Mariam Petrosyan

There are such bureaucratic formulations: “recognized blind” or “recognized dead.” What about "recognized as tired"? In my opinion, a person should be able to declare themselves “officially tired” in order to stop doing what they don’t want to do.

George Carlin

Daisy Faye and the Miracles

Only in dreams are people free! It has always been this way and will always be so.

Seize the moment while time sleeps, old man.

Dead Poets Society

Swimming against the current is the most important thing.

Dead Poets Society

We don't laugh at you, we laugh next to you.

Dead Poets Society

At that time I was not the giant of mind that you see before you now. I was a pygmy. When I went to the beach, people threw Byron books at me.

Dead Poets Society

Thanks for the walk through the recesses of amnesia. Please burn this. My photo first of all.

Dead Poets Society

We are food for worms, young man. No matter how incredible it may seem, each of us will one day stop breathing, get cold and die.

Dead Poets Society

I voluntarily became dead because being alive is too painful.

It’s stupid to be upset about this, and anyway, imagining a coffin, you think of yourself as alive, although in fact you are dead. That's the difference. You won't know that you are in a coffin. It will be like sleeping in a box. Of course, I wouldn’t want to sleep there, especially without air, and then you wake up dead - what to do then? In a coffin. This is what I don’t like, that’s why I don’t think about it.
You're helpless there. They nailed you into a box, and forever. Even if you're dead, it's still not pleasant. Especially since you're dead. Judge for yourself. Suppose I nailed you there. What would you like to be - alive or dead? Of course, alive, still not dead, although in a coffin, some chance remains. You lie there and think: “But I’m still alive. Now someone will knock on the lid and tell you to get out - “hey, what’s your name, get out!”
What is it like, this moment when you first realize the inevitability of death? It happens... somewhere in childhood, when you suddenly realize that you won't live forever. Such a shock must surely be etched in my memory, but I don’t remember it. That means he didn't exist. We are probably born with a premonition of death, not yet knowing this word, not yet knowing that words exist at all. We are born, bloodied and screaming, with the firm knowledge that all directions of the world are led by one single road and its length is measured by time.

Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead

You speak - language. In dreams we understand all languages. Sleep is our homeland from the time of the Tower of Babel. In a dream, we speak in one, single and great proto-language, common to all of us, living and dead... Why then war? Why is it necessary to move backward in history? Every murder is partly a suicide.

Erisena Tenetskaya

In my opinion, there is nothing sadder in the world than dead animals on the side of the road.

Sad Quotes

It’s banal, but the point is this: you will feel good when you yourself are good. Good? Or rather, honest. Not according to the criminal code, honest - I can rob a grave, take coppers from the eyes of a dead person, if money is needed to brighten up life - you need to be honest with yourself. You can be anyone, just not a coward, not a pretender, not a hypocrite, not a whore - better cancer than a dishonest heart. And this is not hypocrisy. Simple practicality. You can die from cancer, but you can’t live with it at all.

"Are you William Blake?
- Yes... Have you read my poems?"...

Just a heads up, this is another article about a Jim Jarmusch film. I think it would not be superfluous to repeat myself and say that he is the king of American independent cinema. Only he, as a director of experimental, unusual, low-budget films, decides to star such stars as Iggy Pop, Bill Murray, Johnny Depp, Alfred Molina and many others. So... "Dead Man"...

A philosophical Western, a mystical Western, a parable, ... whatever they call this picture. Some consider this film to be complete incoherent nonsense of a “touched Jarmusch”, while others include this picture in the hundred most cult films ever made, along with the works of Fellini, Kubrick, Michelangelo Antonioni, Hitchcock... Jim is no stranger to such controversy regarding his work.
Throughout the film there are two storylines, defining a certain movement. Journey. The first: the peculiar wanderings of a young, effeminate accountant William Blake, who, after an unpleasant acquaintance in a small town in the wild West, receives a bullet in the chest (and she (stuck in his body) slowly exhales from him throughout the entire journey), and then he also meets an Indian hermit (a fan of creativity, poet William Blake, the namesake of the main character). Second: chasing this most cowardly poor guy with a bullet in his chest. Everyone is hunting for him: from local sheriffs to legendary killers. But experienced killers find themselves powerless in front of the once helpless accountant: you cannot kill someone who is already dead to the passions of this cruel world...

An amorphous, melancholic, cowardly “white collar”, by the evil will of fate, becomes a ruthless killer of everyone who gets in his way. Led by his Indian friend named Nobody, he learns wisdom... but not the wisdom to live, but the wisdom to die. No one promises to send him to another world, but to do this they need to reach a certain place... a place where he will let him go freely, “where the water meets the sun, where the soul meets peace.” William does not dare to tell him that he is just the poet’s namesake, and the Indian firmly believes that he is traveling with his idol, who is exhausted and unable to even remember his poems. Throughout the film there are several phrases that have become literally catchphrases in the world of cinema and beyond: “Do you have any tobacco, stupid white man?” (this phrase is repeated many times throughout the film), “Who are the Philistines? - Oh, they are such real scoundrels!”, “Did you kill the man who killed you?”, “Get up, put on your cloak, and walk over the bones of the dead !”, “An eagle loses the most time when it has to learn from a crow”... and many others.
The film is built on comparisons, grotesque... it is allegorical, multi-textured. Black and white photography does not distract attention to color, focusing, on the contrary, on the dialogues and meditative music of Neil Young. It is worth adding that the director allocated funds for this film from his own pocket (about 9 million), this film became his most expensive film.

Who is born into the world only for sorrows and troubles.
Who is born for eternity, only for carefree joy.
Some for carefree joy, some for endless night...

in the last photo Jim Jarmusch Johnny Depp and someone else))) during the filming of the film)

* Johnny Depp - William Blake
* Crispin Glover - Train Fireman (stoker)
* Robert Mitchum - John Dickinson (metal mine owner)
* Mili Avital - Thel Russell (the girl who made paper roses)
* Gabriel Byrne - Charlie Dickinson (son of John Dickinson)
* Lance Henriksen - Cole Wilson (silent cannibal bounty hunter)
* Michael Wincott - Conway Twill (chatty bounty hunter)
* Eugene Byrd - Johnny "The Kid" Pickett (Younger Bounty Hunter)
* Gary Farmer - Nobody
* Iggy Pop - Salvatore "Sally" Jenko (second nomad - cook, preacher)
* Billy Bob Thornton - Big George Drakoulious (Senior Nomad)
* Jared Harris - Benmont Tench (third nomad, with British accent)
* Mike Dawson - Old Man with Wanted Posters
* Mark Bringleson - Lee (Undersheriff)
* Jimmy Ray Weeks - Marvin (High Sheriff)
* Michelle Thrush - Nobody girl
* Alfred Molina - Trading Post Missionary
* John Hurt - Assistant to John Dickinson

If you always set yourself limits on what you can do, physical or otherwise, you might as well be dead man. This will extend to work, to morals, to life. There are no boundaries, only horizontal areas of stabilization. But you can’t stay on them, you need to go beyond them. If it kills, it means it will kill.

Nobody dies voluntarily. We are always pushed to this by someone alive and someone dead. That's why we need the dead and keep them in boxes.

Only one thing was strange: to continue to think as before, to know. To understand meant at the first moment to feel the chilling horror of a person who wakes up and sees that he is buried alive.

Memory is like a house inhabited by evil spirits, within the walls of which there is a constant echo of invisible footsteps. The shadows of the dead flicker in the broken windows, and next to them are the sad ghosts of our former selves.

Life is harsh, savagery is simple. Lift the lid of the coffin with a withered hand, sit there, gasping for breath. No old age, no danger: horror is not French.

Faced with the abyss of German history and under the weight of the memory of millions killed, I did what people do when they are at a loss for words. (Kneeling in front of the memorial to those killed in the Warsaw Ghetto)

Am I really capable of dying and being resurrected, not just once, but countless times? ...The resurrected one remains the same person and with each rebirth he approaches his essence.

Victims of legendary shipwrecks who died prematurely, I know: it was not the sea that killed you, it was not hunger that killed you, it was not thirst that killed you! Rocking on the waves to the plaintive cries of the seagulls, you died of fear.

Uncle Styopa: Filling with mud pays his last respects to the drowned woman Liza, who died in the Bose, and not in a hefty prisoner of war train, like the Viennese forest, teeming with lesbians.
