Duncan the gray guard. Dragon age: origins: how to win friends - game tactics and tips from the masters. Dog: the most faithful companion

This mod adds a short cutscene to the final conversation between the Guardian, Alistair and Duncan, in which Alistair says goodbye to Duncan with a handshake before the final battle.

The mod doesn't need any requirements to make it work. No conditions or features. If the mod is installed, it will work.
The mod works for all races, genders and origins of the Guardian.

Update 2.0:
- Added music to the cutscene.
- Minor edits.

The mod must be compatible with all mods, except mods that affect/change the following files:

These files are associated with all conversations with Duncan in Ostagar.

Before installing a new version of the mod, you must(!) uninstall the old version. How to do it:

  1. Delete the folder " Duncan_Farewell" by the address: ...Documents\BioWare\ Dragon Age\AddIns.
  2. Delete the file " Duncan_Farewell_packages.erf " by the address: ...Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\packages\core\data.
  3. If a warning about missing content appears when loading a save, ignore it.

Now installing version 2.0:

  1. Download and extract the archive using the program WinRar .
  2. Unpacked folder " Farewell Duncan "move to: ...Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\packages\core\override.

To remove a mod - simply delete the previously moved folder.

The mod must be installed before first arriving in Ostagar and before speaking with Kaylan.
From the translator: When testing the translation, I loaded a save with this mod immediately before the last conversation with Duncan, the mod worked perfectly. So it's up to you to decide when to install the mod.

Original Mod's Page
Thanks a lot Kajana for creating the mod and providing permission for translation and publication!
Thanks to the sites website And nexusmods.com for what they are!

Credit and thanks to rosvitacousland for the idea.
Thanks to Bergamont29 for testing the mod.

From my personal experience, I am convinced that you can gain attention and time and attract even the most popular people in America to cooperation, if only you show genuine interest in them.

Dale Carnegie, How to Win Friends and Influence People

So, have you decided to take a trip to Ferelden? "Gray Guardians" is the oldest company in this market, and we are glad to offer you our services! We have several more applications from all over the country, so we'll pick up other excursionists along the way. I am sure you will like the company we have selected! They are, of course, different people, but that’s okay - the training included in your package will help you become a real team. How exactly? Now you'll find out.

  • Assembling a group
  • Alistair: penultimate Guardian
  • Morrigan: witchcraft beauty
  • Dog: the most faithful companion
  • Leliana: Enlightened Assassin
  • Sten: Qunari don't give up!
  • Zevran: death is funny
  • Oghren: child of the mountains
  • Loghain: An Unexpected Ally

Assembling a group

To maximize your squad's effectiveness, gather all your companions as quickly as possible. This way you can start managing their development earlier as you move up in levels. Your first companions will be warriors Alistair(specialization - weapons and shields) and sorceress Morrigan. On the road to Lothering he will find you dog, and in the town itself the robber bard will join Leliana and another warrior - Stan(prefers two-handed weapons). After this, I advise you to head to Redcliffe - the first part of this task can be completed without encountering particularly strong enemies. Next you will have to take a break (we'll talk about the reasons for this later) and clear the tower of the Circle of Mages - this is a more difficult task, but a sorceress will join you Wynn. Elf killer Zevrana you can be accepted into the squad by freeing Redcliffe from the undead or completing any of the main missions. Finally, the gnome warrior Ogren(also prefers two-handed weapons) you will find, of course, in Orzammar. In fact, clearing dwarf dungeons is more difficult than reaching an agreement with the elves, but here you can cheat: having replenished your ranks with this fighter, go to Brecilian and only then return to the abandoned dwarf tags.

Of course, companions may not only join the squad, but also want to leave it if your relationship is very bad or you have committed an act contrary to their beliefs. But achieving 25, 50, 75 and 90 relationship points inspires your companions, which will lead to an increase in one of the basic characteristics by one. For Morrigan it is magic, for Wynn it is willpower, for Alistair and Ogren it is physique, for Sten and Loghain it is strength, for Leliana it is cunning, and for Zevran it is dexterity.

Three ways to improve relationships

You can win the respect of your comrades in arms through conversations, gifts, and completing special tasks. You will almost always have to start the conversation: if someone overcame shyness and turned himself in, most often things will go badly. Either some kind of misfortune has happened, or you are doing something that your companion does not like at all. In the second case, the skill of persuasion helps - your character needs to develop it first. If there is an option with such a mark in the dialogue, most often it should be selected. The result will depend on the skill level and complexity of the situation.

“A sad rural cemetery,” you say? What's in the Vault is a collection of Easter eggs. Gary Gygax, depicted, was also honored.
reteller of the AD&D system, traces of which can be seen and
in Dragon Age.

On a note: You can only start many important conversations at camp - check there often.

Often in dialogues you are asked to express the same idea in different words. You will achieve the best results by speaking in the same style as your interlocutor. Talk to Winn seriously, talk to Stan directly and without equivocation; Trying to joke with them like you did with Zevran will lead to a deterioration in the relationship. You may not notice this - the result of the dialogue will be, say, +2 - but instead of +6 when making the right choice tones.

If you run out of topics to talk about, please your companions with gifts - items that, from a gaming point of view, are almost always useless. The effect is calculated as follows. Basic value - 5; it decreases by one for each gift previously given to this character, but never falls below 1. If the souvenir falls into his area of ​​interest, then another 5 is added. For special plot gifts (they can only be given to those for whom they are important) - an increase 10. However, if the relationship with a companion has fallen below zero, then buying his trust will not be so easy - the effect drops by half.

On a note: Please note that the effect of all gifts drops by -1 for each gift given.

Well, if the first two methods brought success, then one day friends will make some small request. For example: “I recently left a family ruby ​​in the compost heap, very expensive, can you help me find it?” But that is another story.

Alistair: penultimate guard

Alistair is honest, kind and simple-minded. He is a loyal friend and is ready to follow you - although, it would seem, as a more experienced Guardian, he should have taken command. Alas, leadership is a burden for him, although logically it should be in his blood. He is the illegitimate son of the previous king, Maric, but together with his tutor, Earl Eamon, he did everything to ensure that this remained a secret. Alistair is nothing like Macbeth, and the words “A King to Come!” they only scare him, so don't expect gratitude if you help him climb onto that stupid seat called a throne.

Of course, a visit to Redcliffe, where he spent his childhood, will be especially important here. Having cleared the castle of the undead, you will be faced with the problem of what to do with the possessed Connor. The correct (and in fact the easiest) solution is to go to the Circle of Mages for help, and then defeat the demon in the Shadow. In this case, Alistair will be grateful to you for saving his teacher’s family (+7). Killing Connor or his mother will cause the relationship to deteriorate greatly (-10). Be sure to look in Earl's office Alistair's mother's necklace.

Gifts for Alistair
Present Where to look
Alistair's Mother's Amulet Eamon's office
Duncan's Shield Guardian Warehouse, Trade District
White Runestone Circle Tower, 3rd floor
Stone figurine of a warrior Asylum
Stone dragon figurine Redcliffe Castle, top floor
Small carved figurine Lothering
Onyx demon figurine East Brecilian
Black Runestone Taig Educan

After talking with your brother in the order before visiting Denerim, you can find out that his sister lives there, next to Wade’s store Goldanna. Alas, she will not be happy with her brother. If you try to console Alistair, who is upset by the meeting, he will thank you later. If you explain about the harshness of life, he will draw conclusions: he will become tougher and more pragmatic. On the one hand, a less pleasant companion. On the other hand, if you plan to make him a king, then naivety and spontaneity will not best features for the ruler. In addition, the “new” Alistair will agree to marry Queen Anora if you decide to pardon her father, although he will leave the party. So this option has its advantages.

Thanks to Flemeth's magic, Alistair suddenly learned to fly. But how to wave a shield?

Alistair knows that the gray guards had a base in Denerim. However, you can find the secret entrance only by freeing another brother in the order, Riordan, from prison. Be sure to check it out - a lot of equipment for sale goes missing there, and most importantly - it has been preserved Duncan's shield, not taken by him at Ostagar. As you probably understood from the conversations, this would be the best gift for Alistair. Moreover, in the hands of your companion it turns into, perhaps, the best shield in the game, with which you are not ashamed to go into the last battle.

The main test of your friendship is the decisions regarding the Loghain case and the vacant throne. Alistair will leave the squad if you decide to spare the renegade regent, and Anora will refuse to marry the one who killed her father. And having become the queen alone, she will try to get rid of her rival and order his execution if you do not intercede. The best option is for you to deal with Loghain and then arrange a royal wedding. However, if you, madam, are not a dwarf or an elf and, moreover, of noble birth, then you yourself may well turn out to be a good queen! Well, if you, good sir, are a nobleman, then you can easily rule together with Anora, relieving Alistair of the difficult burden of the crown (and leaving him to get even with the saboteur ruler).

Morrigan: witchcraft beauty

The sorceress Morrigan is sarcastic, cold and calculating. The other members of the squad will not win her sympathy - their conversations will be, at best, sparring, if not squabbles. However, you can try to melt the ice with which she fences herself off. After all, deep down she is the same girl who once risked her life to get a beautiful golden mirror! Except her mother is a witch Flemeth— I didn’t appreciate the impulse and broke the mirror I had obtained. Don't miss your chance - Garin (a gnome jeweler, not an engineer) sells exactly the same thing in Orzammar. In addition, the witch will be pleased with some jewelry.

Morrigan's Gifts
Present Where to look
Black Grimoire Circle Tower, Irving's chambers
Grimoire of Flemeth Flemeth's Hut
Golden mirror Orzammar, Garin's store
Gold rope necklace Lothering
Golden amulet Orzammar, Garin's store
Gold Demon Pendant Room with an urn containing Andraste's ashes
Medallion Shelter, shop
Silver brooch Dalish camp, shop
Silver chain Circle Tower, 2nd floor
Silver medallion Elven ruins, upper level

The only copy of the Frozen Dragon sculpture is exhibited in the Frosty Mountains. Tourists should take into account that it Very often thaws, getting into a bad mood.

On a note: Some gifts not included in the lists above seem to be in the characters' area of ​​interest, but in fact do not arouse their enthusiasm. So, a thief can steal a tiara from Lady Hybren in the Trade Quarter of Denerim. It would seem like a decoration! But Morrigan probably thinks it doesn't suit her.

In the Circle Tower in the office of the senior sorcerer Irving, grab the mysterious Black Grimoire. The sorceress will be very happy at first, but at the next stop at the camp she will report that Flemeth lived for many centuries thanks to the fact that she inhabited the bodies of her daughters. Morrigan does not love her mother enough to become another victim, and will ask you to kill the old witch.

You will have to go to Flemeth's hut without Morrigan - otherwise you will not find anyone there. You have two ways to complete the task. If you want, just take it grimoire of Flemeth, letting its owner go in peace, and deceive your companion by saying that the job is done (note that Wynn will not approve of this). If you don't want to, get ready for a serious fight. Maybe you thought your witch was a cool werewolf? One way or another, Morrigan, having received her mother’s notes, will be happy, and you can also offer her a fashionable raincoat + 20% to ice magic, among other things.

How to go after a dragon?

They brought in more recruits, right? Eh, young and green... Well, listen. Our greatest strength is the magicians with “ Cone of cold" And " Force field" Not only will you hit the beast first, but you’ll also freeze it for a couple of seconds, allowing him to be hacked to his heart’s content. The second is trickier: if you put a worm in the “jar”, ​​the squad will be able to use poultices or lyrium. But they win battles differently: when the scoundrel gets pretty angry, cover the comrade who came under attack. The eye sees, but the tooth is numb, the tail does not thrash, the fire does not burn: the enemy will continue to beat the invulnerable victim for a good half a minute. By the way, at this time you can treat your friend.

When going to fight a dragon, you cannot do without a healer. Before starting to heal, he will even have about five seconds and be able to throw a couple of lightning bolts. But the most important thing is that he must help the squad." Mass cleansing": magicians can drink lyrium, but what about warriors? That's it. If there are no other magicians, they will come in handy " Acceleration" And " Ice weapon" You can’t really kill lizards with fire, so those who have fiery runes applied should replace them.

If you decide to fight Flemeth, set up a couple of traps before the conversation. Yes and
the rune of paralysis will help you gain a few seconds

It’s a good idea to take an archer with you: most often the dragon won’t chase him. Just let them aim better, the creatures have strong scales. For weapon fighters, swords or axes are best. The heaviest armor is needed, the beast hits very hard. The best thing is made from dragon scales, they protect from fire, but where can you find them? It is true that they say that in Denerim there is a master Wade knows how to do things like that. If you put on some glitter with fire protection, that’s also useful. But all sorts of balms... well, them. If only you could keep track of where the bastard is pointing his tail - and then, that means, find a bottle, but lift your head - and at this time you will be so smacked that you will stutter until lunch! It's good if it's your own.

When the brat arrives, run away from each other so that he doesn’t kill everyone with one spit. And don't skimp on potions. If the reptile takes away half of your health, then warriors can get by with a large poultice, and magicians and robbers can get by with a regular poultice. But if there isn’t even a quarter left, then it’s better for the fighters to take the strongest one, but for the rest, even a big one is enough - they didn’t come out healthy.

Well, did you get it? Okay, go, the dragon is around the corner. Don't be afraid, it's still wooden.

You are not expected to have any problems with Morrigan until the very end of the game. But on the eve of the final battle, it turns out that she has a special personal offer for you. However, it is quite possible to convey it, for example, to Alistair - this thought will not cause a protest from him, although their relationship with the sorceress cannot be called excellent. The offer looks profitable for everyone, but for some reason it seems that there is a catch somewhere...

On a note: there is one great option for especially lovers: agree to the proposal, but don't take her to the squad after that. She, of course, will be offended, but you will get a normal, not a demonic heir.

However, keep in mind: if you refuse, the sorceress will leave the party, and she would be very useful in the battle with the archdemon. If you agree, she will leave without saying goodbye immediately after the battle, and the search for her will have to be postponed until the next part of the game...

Dog: the most faithful companion

Who taught you to launch Force lightning, Darth Wynn?

The dog never argues with your decisions, is always in a good mood, and your relationship with him is 100% perfect, so it’s simply impossible to improve it. You will not confuse the gifts intended for him with anything: it seems that the Blight has caused a food crisis in Ferelden. Otherwise, why can only a few bones with pieces of meat be found throughout the country?

But the mabari will bring some gifts himself, if you ask if there is anything interesting around. Some of them can only be obtained in this way - for example, torn silk pants or a skein of yarn (I don’t know where he found it on the Deep Roads, but Wynne just promised to knit something warm for Wall if he found the material). But sometimes he brings something that you yourself missed in this location. He often finds equipment, and very good ones at that. In general, even if the dog is not included in your main squad, it’s a good idea to take him for a walk after you’ve already cleared the territory of the enemy - the dog really needs to run around.

Gifts for the dog
Present Where to look
Lamb bone Redcliffe Castle, ground floor
Big bone Hideout, in the store
Ox bone Western Brecilian
Beef bone Ostagar, Circle Tower
Cake Finds it himself
Tangled ball of yarn Finds it himself
Veal bone Elfinage

Leliana: Enlightened Assassin

When you first meet her, you may think that Leliana is a very unusual character: a robber nun. However, everything is even more confusing: she is also a bard spy. Despite all this, she is a kind and sympathetic girl.

Barrage fire, as well as storm, blizzard and earthquake

Her past is another story, which she will not tell everyone. Surprisingly, he won’t tell his friends either. To receive the task later " Leliana's Past", you should talk to her before that when your relationship reaches +25 (however, if this has already happened, you can always say nasty things to the girl). Ask how she got to the monastery, and you will find out that Leliana used to be a bard in Orlais. When you become friends, talk about how bards in Orlais are supposed to be spies, and you will learn about the difference between bards and minstrels. True, you won’t have to cast the net a third time: at the next stop at the camp, she will talk to you herself and admit that she has hidden something. She was indeed engaged in espionage, but Marjolaine, her mentor, set her up, which is why she had to flee to neighboring Ferelden.

Well, Marjoline will take the next step. The next random encounter will be with a weak squad of killers, whose leader, in order to save life, will tell you where to look for the customer. And Leliana, following Alistair, will ask for five minutes in Denerim for a social visit. The Orlesian is a serious opponent (and a couple of magicians and warriors will unexpectedly come to her aid), but you can solve the matter without a fight if you convince her that Leliana has left her past behind. One way or another, don’t forget to look into the side room: the chest contains not dresses for the Orlesian fashion show, but much more practical things. Including excellent " Bow Marjolaine"from the dragon's thorn.

On a note: if in the next conversation you tell Leliana that in fact she loves the hectic life of special agents and in vain hides this from herself, then her character will change. Like Alistair, she will get rid of idealism, become less “correct” and more practical. So, the thought of desecrating Andraste’s ashes will no longer cause any objections to her. Really, why would you need this?

Gifts for Leliana
Present Where to look
Grace of Andraste Redcliffe Village; West Brecilian; Elfinage
Adorable naked Orzammar, Dusty City
Amulet of the Church Circle Tower, 2nd floor
Bronze symbol of Andraste Lothering, church
Golden symbol of Andraste Orzammar, Legnar's shop
Silver Sword of Mercy Merchant Old Tegrin
Steel symbol of Andraste Denerim, home of Genitivi
Etched silver symbol Taig Ortan

On a note: Even if the character has not yet told you a story from which you understand that some gift is valuable to him, the effect of the gift will not decrease.

As you can see, most of the gifts for Leliana are related to religion. However " Grace of Andraste"- this is not a boring treatise or some kind of amulet, but a flower. Of course, any girl will be pleased to receive flowers as a gift, but Leliana will especially like these. Their smell reminds me of home - my mother used these petals to rearrange the things stacked in the closets. She’s probably not the only one: it’s clearly time to include the flower in the Red Book, because over the many months of your journey through protected areas you will find only three of these. And you will probably pick it, putting a rare plant on the brink of complete destruction!

This is interesting: Leliana's appearance is copied from the model's appearance Alexandra Stein(Alexandra "Alleykatze" Stein), and Morrigan - with Victoria Johnson(Victoria Johnson).

Nice dog, let me scratch you behind the ear!

It turns out that Leliana named her animal Shmooples.

But I don’t know how Leliana will carry another gift with her. At the entrance to the Diamond Halls of Orzammar stands an unlucky merchant of nagas - not the ones that Riki-Tiki-Tavi fought, but these pigmoles. It seems that he is a rare bungler, since the not-so-nimble animals managed to run away, and he is ready to pay a reward for the fugitives. They are easy to find in the nooks and crannies of the Commons, and you can catch them with your bare hands. If Leliana goes to work with you, then after talking with her, you will understand: here it is, her girlish happiness on legs: these animals such sweethearts...

When you arrive in Dusty Town, a neighborhood of the poor, spend a couple of minutes talking with the dwarf loafer who stands on the mini-forum of this area. Since the main professions here are beggar and bandit, he will be happy to catch a well-fed grunt for you - even five silver coins will pass for wealth to him. Unfortunately, you won’t see happy Leliana walking with her pet on a leash.

Sten: Qunari don't give up!

Stan calls himself an “evil giant” and, let’s be honest, he’s much better suited for a sword fight than some kindly dwarf. He has a brave heart and a noble soul - but you better not be the one whose hearts he decided to break with all his heart. Some of his comrades did not have time to quickly and convincingly explain where his sword had gone - and what did it lead to? The Wall means that he was put in a cage for murder, and now, instead of a quiet business trip to collect information about the Blight, he has to fight this Blight.

Stan, bend down, I'm throwing lightning!

It was hot!

This is interesting: in fact, Stan is not a name, but a title. But it is hardly coincidental that it coincides with the Swedish and Danish words for “stone.”

Yes, about the sword. When you gain Stan's respect, he will ask you to help him find the lost weapon - otherwise the way home is closed to him. Let's be honest: although a two-handed weapon is much bigger than a needle, Ferelden is not a haystack! But the main thing is to believe in success. Although from the battle Lake Kalenhad A lot of time has passed, some guy is still robbing perfectly preserved corpses. He will send you to Farina, a "used equipment" dealer at the market in the Frosty Mountains, and he Dvina to the village of Redcliffe. This is the dwarf whom you almost kicked out to fight during the “night of the living dead”. This time he will not be any more pleased with your visit, but you can convince him to part with the souvenir voluntarily and for free. By the way, like Duncan’s shield, the sword will turn from a gift into a weapon that is quite suitable for use until the appearance of Orzammar analogues made of red steel.

Gifts for Wall
Present Where to look
Sword Wall Redcliffe Village
Still life in a silver frame Redcliffe Castle
Soaked portrait Circle Tower, 2nd floor
Portrait of a girl with geese Frosty Mountains, Farin
Portrait of a Rebel Queen Merchant Old Tegrin
Totem Caridina Crossroads

Stan is determined and despises magic. Child-possessed? Find and destroy. Wasting time calling wizards from the Circle is stupid (-10). We were going to fight the creatures of darkness - so there was no point in running through the mountains in search of mythical urns. With developed persuasion skills, you can persuade the Qunari that you need Eamon’s support, and there is no other hope of curing him. But if the attempt is unsuccessful, then it will be possible to force him to remain in the detachment only by force.

This is a bug: Due to the wrong script, you can easily raise Stan's respect to the maximum. Ask him why he came to Ferelden, then choose any answer. Then ask why the Qunari are worried about the Pestilence. To the counter question, answer that it is your duty as a gray guard to fight the Blight, and ask if he has found the answer to the question. Now you have the option again: “Why is the Qunari worried about the Blight?” Each such cycle increases Stan's respect.

Wynn: Sorceress on the Warpath

If your character is a wizard, then you will meet Winn in the prologue. The rest will be able to exchange a few words in Ostagar, but she will join your squad in the Circle Tower, which will have to be cleared of blood mages and those possessed by demons. She is an excellent support mage, heals and strengthens the rest of the squad, but also knows several attack spells. Wynn is reasonable, calm, self-confident and ready to protect what is dear to her, even at the cost of her life.

If you want to win the fight with Cotrien, try saying "Storm" and "Blizzard" to her unit before entering the room - they will take effect once the battle begins. “Now that’s what I call aggressive negotiations!”

You will see this soon after the meeting: if you agree with the exhausted templar and decide to kill all the magicians in the tower, you will have to go through the corpse of the sorceress. Better promise to save everyone - train, you won’t do anything like this yet. An attempt to desecrate the urn with Andraste’s ashes will also cause categorical disagreement: if Wynn is part of the squad, she will attack you, otherwise she will leave after the first stop in the camp. She also doesn't like blood mages. But he loves books, but since the book trade in Ferelden is poorly developed (as you will see, some gnomes are even forced to steal literature), you will often have to fight to get them.

To get a special task from a sorceress, talk about her needing rest. Next time she will feel better, but after the first collision on the roads she will fall unconscious. And when stopping at the camp, he admits that Remarque was inspired to write the novel “Life on Borrow.” Wynn is alive only thanks to a certain spirit that supports her existence - alas, gradually weakening. And in the next skirmish, she will save everyone thanks to the “Vessel of the Spirit” - an ability that restores her mana and health, and at the same time stuns enemies who approach carelessly. True, there are also unpleasant consequences that will help you get rid of Amulet of Aneirin. You will receive it by completing a special task.

After making friends with Winn, you can find out that she blames herself for the death of her first student. Almost certainly death - but what if a miracle happened? The Dalish elves he wanted to reach would be happy to confirm that they knew only one Aneirin - a famous healer. You can find him in East Brecilian, next to the hermit's hole. The conversation will literally remove a stone from the sorceress’s soul. Let us hope that the spirit in the Shadow also feels better.

Winn Gifts
Present Where to look
Wine Lake Calenhad, Lothering
Gerrins of Ferelden Redcliffe Castle
Exquisite Scroll
The search for a true prophet Orzammar, Hall of Chroniclers
Rose of Orlais Circle Tower, 2nd floor
Secrets of Dragon Blood Destroyed Temple

Zevran: death is funny

Somehow this sylvan is both frozen and on fire.

Elf Zevran is a hired killer, and his next victim is you. True, his frivolity and self-confidence backfired this time: he chose insufficiently skilled assistants. The ambush is planned well, but area spells will help you deal with the archers hidden on the flanks. Realizing that the contract could not be fulfilled, this insolent person will find nothing better than to ask to join your squad - they say, now the former owners will still be hunting for the loser... Leliana will approve this plan, Winn doesn’t care, but here’s the opinion of the rest of you satellites will deteriorate by 3-5 points. Meanwhile, Zevran will be useful: high agility allows him to evade melee attacks even from strong fighters, and stealth will serve as a “fire spotter” for magicians.

As you understand, he cannot be classified as a moralist. The proposal to slaughter all the elves or destroy the Anvil of the Void will cause him to protest, but he can be convinced that this is necessary. He can leave your squad when his friend Taliesin calls, who continues to hunt you, but friendly relations will keep Zevran from betraying him again.

There will be ingots in the elf's taste precious metals and two pairs of objects reminiscent of the past - Dalish gloves And antivan boots(both of them turn into good equipment). You can find the gloves in Western Brecilian, in a chest at the site of an abandoned camp behind the Rhymer Oak. The boots are in the Vault, in a chest in the shop there.

This is interesting: one of the prototypes of Zevran is called Puss-in-Boots from “Shrek 2”: he is also a killer sent by the king, and the elf’s gift boots in this case are also not accidental. The original game is said to have a similar accent.

Gifts for Zevran
Present Where to look
Antivan leather boots Shelter, shop
Dalish Gloves Western Brecilian
Small gold bar Circle Tower, 3rd floor
Small silver bar Church of Refuge
Medium gold bar Earl of Denerim's estate
Medium Silver Bar Anvil of the Void

Oghren: child of the mountains

Ogren’s manners are straightforward, like a two-handed sword, and the word “gallantry” does not describe him at all, but he is not short of courage. He is a berserker fighter who will be useful to you not only in the Deep Roads. He has his own reason for joining the detachment: if for you the search for the Perfect Branca is a way to achieve the crown for your protege, then for him it is to return his wife and clear his reputation. After all, two years ago Branka went to look for the secret of making golems and took with her all the members of her house - except for her husband. These two years turned out to be a difficult test, including for Ogren’s liver. And now, if you want to please this bearded man, offer him a bottle of something stronger.

He said “I won’t be back”, and this abyss swallowed him up without a trace

Getting to the places where Branka now lives is not easy, and meeting her will not go at all as Ogren dreamed. As a result, you will have to once again choose one of the sides in a fundamental conflict. And although your companion understands that his wife has committed terrible crimes, her death if you support Karidin will greatly upset the gnome. You can partially make amends: when Karidin asks what you want as a reward for your help, find out if Ogren wants something - the main result of the mission will not change, but you will gain well-deserved respect.

When Ogren becomes your friend, he will ask for your help in a delicate matter: to help restore relations with his former passion. Felsy. To do this, go to the inn near Lake Kalenhad and help Ogren in a conversation with a quick-tongued gnome. It depends on you whether your friend will look like a hero or a drunkard loser in her eyes. You won't let good old Ogren down, will you? True, not every landman will understand that things have gone well, but rest assured - two brave warriors can easily talk one girl out.

This is interesting: The developers' special sympathy for Ogren was manifested in the creation of a unique hairstyle. Apart from him, only Morrigan received such an honor.

Gifts for Oghren
Present Where to look
"White cut" Elven Ruins, Ground Floor
"Blonde in the Sun" Circle Tower, Templar Rooms
"Golden Braid" Lothering
Jug of the king of the backyard Orzammar, Legnar's shop
Mead from a Hasindian bag Destroyed Temple
"Garbolt's Rural Reserve" Can the Dog find it?

Loghain: An Unexpected Ally

Could you have imagined after the Battle of Ostagar that in last Stand former hero will the battle of Dane go with you? So Alistair couldn’t: you will have to choose who you want to see in your squad. Loghain has learned the same weapon style and shield as Alistair, but will it be a worthy replacement? Most likely not: a templar who has matured under your strict guidance will certainly be more useful in the last battle, at least because of his class, than the knight Loghain. But what if you want to show mercy to the fallen?

The acquaintance will be short-lived, and the former regent will not have any special assignments. Really, what can you wish for: your daughter is settled in, you don’t have a headache about the state, the environment is simple and pleasant, there are no court scoundrels like Howe there. Of course, there may be problems with mutual trust, but in the coming battle you will have to fight shoulder to shoulder - so it is worth improving the relationship.

Gifts for Loghain
Present Where to look
Ancient map of the Empire Denerim, "Wonders of Thedas"
Botanical map of Tedes Redcliffe Castle
Anderfels Map Denerim, Gorim's store
Map of occupied Ferelden Redcliffe Castle, 2nd floor
Map of modern Ferelden Elfinage

Well, are you happy with your companions? I'm sure the trip will also be memorable. Last shots as a souvenir next to the defeated archdemon, soon a solemn banquet - with this I leave you. I'm sure we'll meet again in Ferelden!

When the Blight began, it was a truly difficult time for Duncan. There are too few Gray Wardens in Ferelden, and too many darkspawn. Duncan knew that to win he needed extraordinary individuals, talented fighters, the best of the best. Which means it was time for him to get ready to go. 1. Cousland. If there was anyone the guardian commander had high hopes for, it was youngest daughter Bryce Cousland Elissa. She was a noble person, an excellent fighter and knew the rules of war. Duncan drew up a rough plan of action for himself and figured out what he could put pressure on if Elissa didn’t agree right away. But his plans were not destined to come true. In the throne room, where he was invited by nervously exchanging servants, drunk Bryce Cousland and Randon Howe were sitting in an embrace. - Good afternoon? – Duncan greeted, trying to understand what it all meant. By the way, the soldiers of Cousland and Howe are supposed to go to Ostagar tomorrow, and how, one wonders, will two drunken commanders lead them? “Welcome, Duncan,” Bryce exclaimed cheerfully, waving his glass, “join us.” An equally drunk Howe nodded, pouring Duncan ale. - Why are we drinking? – the guard sat down next to them. “We were related,” Randon said syllable by syllable and giggled drunkenly, “and I always said “Thomas, Thomas,” but it turns out I should have said “Nat.” Duncan looked questioningly at Cousland, realizing that Howe would not explain anything to him properly. “My daughter ran away to the Free March,” Bryce responded, “to Nathaniel.” The letter has been sent. The guard ran his eyes over the letter that Teyrn Highever handed him and almost howled. Elissa Cousland, for all her qualities as a warrior, behaved like an ordinary young lady in love, and hearing out of the corner of her ear that her father was going to marry her son to one of the banns, she ran away to her lover. In the letter, Elissa and Nathaniel Howe reported that they had already gotten married in the Kirkwall church and were not going to return to Ferelden in the near future. “Well, maybe it’s for the best,” Randon groaned. “I’ll send Thomas and Delilah there too, away from Mora.” Bryce mumbled something about his grandson and daughter-in-law before passing out in agreement. Duncan sighed in frustration. 2. Tabris. Darrian Tabris was an excellent candidate, as was his late mother Adaya. Perhaps the guy himself would not mind becoming a Gray Warden, however, Valendrian was against it. Just like with Adaya all those years ago, Duncan was only a couple of days late. Darrian, being already a married elf, politely listened to Duncan, and just as politely refused. - I would like to, really. But I have Nesiara now. “Where is she without me,” the elf said with obvious regret. Duncan had to leave the elfage with nothing. 3. Amell and Surana. The magicians from the Circle certainly won’t refuse, Duncan decided, knowing how they wanted to get out of the tower. He found two candidates. Blue-eyed Daylen Amell, the main source of trouble, according to the knight-commander of the templars Gregor, and the fragile elf Neria Surana, who only today passed the Torment. This couple, as Duncan managed to notice, constantly stayed together, and it would be blasphemy to separate them. But a couple of hours later something happened that no one could have expected. Amell, Surana, their dark-haired friend and the priestess of the church were caught leaving the basement, where, as Duncan understood from the conversation, the phylacteries were kept. This was a serious crime, giving rise to the application of the Right of Conscription. Finally, luck smiled on the guard commander. At that moment, the dark-haired friend of the magicians lashed his hand with a dagger and used blood magic. Duncan woke up on the floor some time later. My head was buzzing and my eyes hurt. The guard stood up and looked around. Nearby lay Knight Commander Gregor and the First Sorcerer Irving. There was no company of magicians and priestess. They escaped. Gregor understood the same thing, waking up a minute later and swearing dirty. Duncan barely restrained the urge to spit out of frustration. 4. Educan and Brosca. Many famous Gray Wardens emerged from Orzammar, and the dwarves understood better than others the danger of the creatures of darkness. The second son of King Endrin, as far as Duncan remembered, was an excellent warrior, and was well suited to join the Gray Wardens. And here the guard commander was met with severe disappointment. Uninterested in politics, especially dwarven politics, Duncan missed important news. About a year ago, the detachments of Trian and Belen Aeducan, along with their leaders, were torn to pieces by the creatures of darkness on the Deep Paths. After the death of his two sons, King Endrin fell seriously ill and died a few months ago. Prince Durand was loved and respected by the people, so there were no questions about who would rule Orzammar, and the deshirs unanimously voted for Prince Educan. So, planning to meet with a candidate for the Gray Wardens, Duncan had an audience with the King. “If you had come a year ago, I would have been glad,” said Duran, “I never wanted to be king, who knew that everything would turn out this way.” Now it’s impossible, and I recently got married. Duncan met the wife of Prince Educan, Natia Broska, a little later, when he went on reconnaissance to Deep Paths. Judging by her tattoos, the gnome was casteless. The woman chopped down the creatures of darkness with a huge axe, without showing the slightest sign of fatigue. Duncan couldn't help but admire it. - There was a lot of gossip when he got married. “He practically took her down the aisle,” said Duncan’s accompanying Gorim, a friend of Educan from the warrior caste, “she secretly participated in the battles in the Arena and won. Those deprived of caste are not allowed to appear near the Arena, and when everything was revealed, she was almost executed. This is where Durant intervened. In general, he was watching her with his mouth open. Duncan was ready to climb the walls of Orzammar and howl. He could use the Right of Summoning, however, to forcibly take the King of Orzammar or his wife would mean destroying the friendly attitude of the dwarves towards the Gray Wardens. Duncan was catastrophically unlucky. 5. Mahariel. Duncan's last hope of finding a suitable candidate was the Dalish clan Sabre. Duncan had known the guardian Maretari for many years, and so he visited the Brecilian forest to talk with her. Huntress Lina Mahariel was perfect for the role of the Gray Warden, exactly until Duncan found out that she was expecting a child. Her husband Tamlen, who would also have made a good Gray Warden, refused to talk to the shemlen at all, and tried to keep Duncan away from his wife. Therefore, having cleared the nearby ruins and destroyed the desecrated artifact, Duncan went to Ostagar, trying not to think about what he would do next. Ostagar. In Ostagar, Kaylan, who ran out to meet him, sympathetically asked: “Really there wasn’t a single candidate?” - There were a bunch of candidates, but they were all immediately concerned with their personal life and procreation problems,” Duncan answered gloomily. “Ah,” Kaylan said understandingly. - Bryce Cousland and Randon Howe brought their troops last night, and instead of thinking about the formation of troops, they are arguing about what they will name their grandson or granddaughter. “Creator save,” Duncan grumbled. In the evening, at the Military Council, Duncan once again thought about the number of creatures of darkness, about the fact that there are not enough Guardians, about the fact that if he, Duncan, dies, Alistair alone will not cope, about the fact that the damned Howe and Cousland even they didn’t listen, and took Loghain’s side, saying that it was worth changing tactics. Teyrn McTeer looked at Duncan dumbfounded, Kaylan offended. And the guard commander himself looked at Alistair, who was huddled in the corner, eating a cheese sandwich, and thought that he could not possibly die here.

This is not quite ordinary passing Dragon games Age Origins. The narration comes from a person's point of view main character female. Elissa Cousland, a character from a noble family. The plot of the game is revealed in a somewhat free form. But it corresponds to the scenarios of installed mods and DLC with erotic content.

CHAPTER 2. Ostagar

Closer to noon, Duncan and I reached Ostagar. King Kailan himself came out to meet Duncan. This is where I met him. He knew my father well, and the news of his death greatly saddened him, he swore that at the end of the battle he would deploy his troops and destroy the treacherous Hou. He also told us that his troops had already won several victories over the Spawns of Darkness, and only one circumstance worries him. Until now, they have not seen the Archdemon, who controls the troops of the Spawn of Darkness. After the conversation, the king left, and Duncan and I went further to the Gray Wardens’ camp.

Duncan suggested that I rest a little and look around the camp, then find Alistair, one of the youngest Gray Wardens, and come to him with him. The first person I met at the location of King Cailan's troops was Wynn. Nice elderly woman. She turned out to be a magician and arrived to participate in the battle with the Spawns of Darkness. We met her and talked a little. I really liked her, she reminded me of my mother in some way. Although now I couldn’t remember my mother without tears.

Then I went further to look around the camp. After walking just a couple of steps, I heard one of the soldiers make an unambiguous proposal to one of the girls who was also in the army. As I got closer, I found out that it was Davet, a Gray Guardians recruit like me. Davet turned out to be that womanizer. Although it didn't bother me at all. Davet admitted that he was afraid of the upcoming initiation, then I, in order to somehow cheer him up, offered him what he wanted from that soldier girl. We quickly found an empty tent and indulged in carnal pleasures. In love pleasures he was not modest and did not experience fear...

As I walked up to the infirmary, I noticed a knight who stood out because he was not dressed like the other soldiers. I understood correctly, it was Sir Jory, another recruit of the Gray Wardens. We met and chatted a little. Sir Jory was clearly worried about the upcoming tests, it was very noticeable. After our conversation, he went to Duncan. And I continued to look around. Suddenly I heard dogs barking. These were mabaris. I thought that my Baby was somewhere nearby and went there. No, the Kid wasn't there. I saw there the Ash Warriors, specially trained warriors to control the mabari.

A pretty young girl stood out among them. I didn't think there were women among the Ash Warriors. I heard the same thing from her, addressed to me, when I approached her to meet her. Her name was Jessie. We got to talking, giggled a little, making fun of the men, and she immediately blew off one of her admirers in front of me. She admitted that she doesn’t give it to him because he’s not her type. Then she invited me to privacy, because before the battle she still wanted to experience affection. I didn't mind. When we wandered into the thickets and disappeared from prying eyes, I used my knowledge that I received from Iona.

Jessie was great! She had clean, soft skin. Firm breasts with hard nipples sticking out in different directions. The smell of her skin excited me. She screamed and squealed with pleasure as I caressed her. I even thought that now the whole camp would come running to find out what was happening. Although she also couldn’t restrain herself when Jesy caressed me. We spent about an hour with Jesse in a mind-blowing, frantic race to orgasm. Then they lay for a long time, with their noses buried in each other, smiling and kissing. Unfortunately, it was time to return to reality, and I said goodbye to Jesse and went to look for Alistair.

I found Alistair arguing with some magician. He had to convey to this magician a message from high priestess church, and the magician clearly didn’t like it. In the end, the excited magician left, calling me names in the process. Although I had nothing to do with it. I approached Alistair. Nice young man. I noted to myself that I would have to get to know him better. A conversation ensued, and when he asked if I was a magician, I reassured him by saying that although I knew some magic, I was not a magician. Then she invited him to go to Duncan together; he was probably already waiting.

Duncan was indeed already waiting for us. Sir Jory and Davet stood nearby. Duncan remarked to Alistair that he should be more careful in conversations with magicians, because they complained about Alistair. Alistair apologized and promised that he would be more careful in the future. Duncan then gave us a task. We had to go out into the Korcari Wilds and obtain three vials of Darkspawn blood, one for each recruit. We also had to find the old tower of the Gray Guardians who once guarded these lands and find scrolls there protected by magical seals.

On the way to the gate blocking the exit to the wild lands, I noticed a girl excitedly pacing back and forth. Her face was tattooed like an elf, but she was not an elf. They approached her and found out that she was an Amazon and was afraid that something had happened to her friend, who had gone with a detachment of soldiers on reconnaissance. I promised her that we would look for him. Then we went out into the Korcari Wilds to complete our first combat mission. The first ones we came across were wolves. A pack of hungry wolves attacked us. We quickly dealt with these brats and moved on.

After running a little along the path among the Korcari swamps, we found a wounded scout. In response to my offer to take him to the camp, he only asked to bandage his wounds, and then he would get to the camp himself. Alistair quickly bandaged him and the scout, staggering, went to the camp. Sir Jory clearly panicked when he heard from the scout that their squad had been killed by the Spawn of Darkness. I had to calm him down and convince him that a possible meeting with the Spawn of Darkness was part of our test as Gray Guardians.

We moved on. We noticed the first Spawns of Darkness immediately behind the ruins that stretched to our left. They stood on a hillock. They entered into battle and, having destroyed them, continued on their way. The next detachment of the Spawn of Darkness was a little more numerous and set many traps. There was also a magician among them. But unfortunately for them, this did not save them. The blood of the Spawn of Darkness we needed had already been obtained; all that remained was to find the old tower in which we must pick up the scrolls. Well then, go ahead!

And here is the tower, or rather what’s left of it. On the approach to it, we had to wave our blades again, since there were Spawns of Darkness here too. When we entered the ruins, we found only a broken chest; there were no scrolls in place. When I was picking through the dust that filled the chest, trying to find something similar to scrolls, I heard a voice. A black-haired, pretty girl approached us. The delicate features of her pretty face were in harmony with her unusual outfit. The staff behind her indicated that she possessed magic.

This is how we met Morrigan. Alistair was very wary of Morrigan's appearance. Sir Jory and Davet were clearly frightened. I introduced myself and told her why we were here. Morrigan smiled back at me and also identified herself. Then she, despite Alistair's obvious hostility, told us that the scrolls we are looking for here were taken by her mother. I asked her if she could take us to her mother, because we really needed these scrolls. Morrigan, her eyes sparkling, smiled at me again and asked me to follow her.

After some time we found ourselves in a tiny clearing where there was a small hut. An elderly woman stood near the hut. Alistair would say she’s an old woman, but I’m a well-mannered girl! Mother Morrigan confirmed that it was she who took the scrolls of the Gray Wardens and preserved them, since the magical seal had long since decayed. Alistair even opened his mouth in surprise when he learned about this. After handing me the scrolls, Mother Morrigan warned us that things were much more serious than the Gray Wardens thought. I thanked her, and then Morrigan led us to the camp.

With Morrigan we quickly returned to the camp. When they came to Duncan, they told him that they had completed his task. Duncan said it was time to begin the ritual then. Which seriously frightened Sir Jory and Davet. We had to drink the blood of the Spawn of Darkness, the very same one that we brought. If we survive this, we will become Gray Wardens, the blood we drink will allow us to sense the Spawn of Darkness at a distance. Davet, who drank the cup first, did not survive. Sir Jory panicked and grabbed his sword, but way back did not have. Duncan finished him off himself. Now I was holding the cup filled with blood with caution.

When I woke up, I saw Alistair and Duncan above me. They sighed in relief when I opened my eyes. I remembered how, choking, I swallowed terribly disgusting blood, then the fog closed my eyes, a dragon appeared spewing magical flames... and that’s all. The next thing I saw was Duncan and Alistair. Alistair handed me a pendant with a drop of the blood of the Spawn of Darkness, this was the completion of the initiation ritual. Duncan told me to get some rest and then head to meet King Cailan for my next assignment.

Rubbing my bruised butt, because after drinking blood I lost consciousness and landed on it, I decided to walk around the camp. While wandering around the camp, I noticed the Amazon Raina, whom I had met before going on a mission to the Korcari Wilds. I approached her. It turned out that the soldier whom we bandaged was her friend, for which Raina thanked me warmly. When asked if she had seen the initiation, Raina replied that in their tribe they undergo a rite of passage, becoming Amazons by fighting very poisonous spiders. Spider bites can kill or drive you insane. Those who undergo such initiation become almost invulnerable.

I said that our rituals are somewhat similar. Raina, in gratitude for saving her friend, called me her sister and since we are now sisters, we must make love. This is part of their ritual. I was very pleased that I would be part of her family. We settled down on the tower and began to caress each other. Raina had amazing abilities. From her touch, warmth spread throughout my body, I completely surrendered to her and her skills. The orgasm came over me in waves and finally, I experienced it. Juices flowed like a fountain from my pussy, spasms continuously ran through my body. Raina, smiling, put her face under my fountain, and gently kissed my swollen pussy.

How I didn’t want to leave her, to leave these tender hands, these bright sweet lips…. O creator! But I remembered that the king was waiting for me. Raina gently hugged me goodbye, kissed me with a long kiss on the lips and said that we would definitely meet again. I went to meet the king.

At the meeting where I arrived, King Cailan was arguing with his commander Loghain. Duncan stood and waited for the argument to end. Seeing me, the king congratulated me on my initiation into the Gray Wardens, while Loghain winced with disgust and reproached the king for relying too much on the Gray Wardens. Then, having nevertheless come to a common opinion in his dispute, the king instructed me and Alistair to light a signal fire on the tower of Ishal. This will be a signal for Loghain, who will be in ambush with his army. At this point the meeting ended.

Alistair was very upset when he found out that instead of attacking the Spawn of Darkness, we would have to hang around on the tower with a torch in our hands. But I understood that if the king himself asked for this, then this was a serious matter. Duncan gave us a few more parting words and said goodbye to us. When Duncan left, I, left alone with Alistair, examined my weapons and ammunition and, sighing, said that I was ready to move out. Alistair confirmed that he was ready too. My Baby immediately barked joyfully. Now that Duncan is gone, he's back with me.

From the king's camp to the Ishal tower it was necessary to cross the bridge. Under a hail of arrows and fireballs from catapults, Alistair, my mabari and I broke through to Ishal's tower. A magician and one of Loghain's soldiers ran towards us from the tower. The soldier reported that the Spawn of Darkness broke into the tower from the inside and captured the tower. It's not getting any easier hour by hour! The four of us, followed by the same magician whom we met on the approach to the tower, rushed to attack the Ishal tower. The tower was indeed captured. The creatures of Darkness, like cockroaches, crawled throughout the tower. Having killed a fair number of fiends, we finally reached the top floor.

Having burst into the top floor, where we were supposed to light the signal fire, we were dumbfounded. There, spitting saliva, a giant Ogre gutted the soldier. Having abandoned his prey, the Ogre moved towards us. But you won’t take us that easily! The three of us rushed at the Ogre, the magician fired his magic missiles from the doors. I had to sweat a lot before I jumped and stuck both swords into his chest. The ogre fell to the ground, I finished him off by making a hole in his huge head. And here is a fireplace full of flammable materials that we must light. The flames soared high into the sky. We managed to give a signal. But what is this?! Countless Spawn of Darkness burst through the doors.

Several arrows pierce me and Alistair. We fall to the floor dead. The light in the eyes becomes cloudy and the light goes out... This is the end?!

Alistair is the youngest Gray Warden in the order. He is an optimist, a joker. This Gray Warden also has royal blood in his veins, as Alistair is illegitimate son the late King Maric. But even knowing this, the joker does not want to become king. As a child, he was sent to the temple, after which he became a templar, but Duncan took the prince in time, right before Alistair pronounced the vow of a templar, seeing his grief and reluctance to become a servant of the church. Nevertheless, the former templar still had prejudices against magicians. At the same time, Alistair loves all kinds of amulets, talismans and other “magical” objects.

Alistair is kind, appreciates good human actions, but does not tolerate evil. He is a cheerful fellow, but at the same time he often “dismisses the nagging”, remembering the death of Duncan and so on.

Alistair has a sister, Goldanna. She lives in the Denerim trading district, next to the blacksmith Wade's workshop. When Alistair and the Gray Warden come to her, she does not receive them very warmly, after which the upset Alistair, along with the Gray Warden, go out into the street. Theirin will once again complain to the Gray Warden. If you reproach Alistair and tell him that life is not a fairy tale, Alistair's character will become stronger. He will become more decisive, cruel, and will not treat the idea of ​​​​his coronation with great contempt.

He is accepted into your squad already under Ostagar. He will leave you if you save the life of Loghain Mac Tier.

The prequel book The Call introduces the theory that Alistair is the son of an elf mage who was a Gray Warden and whom King Maric slept with during the events of the book. At the end of the book, she presents him with a human baby, claiming that the child of a human and an elf is always a full-blooded human. Perhaps this is Alistair.

In the second part, Alistair will appear if he remained alive after the events of the first part. Appearances also depend on the events of the first game. He may appear as a king, a Gray Warden, or a drunkard in the Hangman Tavern.


Wynn is one of the greatest healer mages who could have become the First Sorcerer, but refused. This sorceress chose to help the Gray Wardens, therefore, she was also present at Ostagar and saw Loghain's betrayal. She may leave you, but after attacking, if she finds out that you are a blood mage (if you are one). If you desecrate Andraste's ashes, she will also leave.

Wynn had an apprentice, an elf named Aneirin. Wynn will mention him in conversation, after which the Gray Warden can promise her to look for him. Aneirin became a healer and went to the Dalish. However, he does not live in their camp, but prefers to wander through the forest. If you find Aneirin and bring Wynne to him, she will be immensely grateful to the Gray Warden.

“Inside” Wynn, so to speak, there is a good spirit from the Shadow. He possessed her during a battle with a demon, when she was protecting children and students. Wynn lost the battle and died, but was later resurrected and destroyed the demon. As you travel, the spirit's abilities will increase. However, Winn admits that the spirit is weakening and will soon leave her, and then she will die.

Winn values ​​good, correct deeds, but despises freedom-loving renegade magicians and does not tolerate maleficars (blood magicians), because he considers them magicians who do evil, not good.

Mrs. Cauthren

He is the commander of the detachment, despite his peasant origin. Teyrn Loghain's right hand. From her body you can remove the sword from the codex - the Summer Sword or the Sword of Summer. Lady Cauthren is fiercely loyal to Loghain. During the Battle of Ostagar, it was she, along with Loghain, who commanded MacTeer's soldiers. However, she does not always approve of his actions and decisions: for example, when Loghain gives the order to retreat during the assault on Ostagar, Cauthren will ask about the king, dumbfounded, but then, angrily pulling back the hand that Loghain grabbed, he will still withdraw the troops. Queen Anora's maid will come running to Earl Eamon and you will be sent to rescue her. You will fight Earl Howe, after which you will be attacked by Cauthren. If your companions are strong, you can defeat her. Before the Landsmeet, Cauthren will try to stop the Gray Warden by force. However, if the Gray Warden is eloquent enough, he (or she) can persuade Lady Cauthren to leave. Couthren, sighing sadly, will finally understand what McTeer has become and will let the Gray Guardian through.


Leader of the Gray Wardens in Ferelden. He appears in all backstories of the game, regardless of which one you choose. He was wounded by an ogre at Ostagar, then was cut in two by the ax of the garlock leader. However, the ogre is killed by Duncan.

Duncan's body, like those of the other soldiers, was never found. Most likely, the creatures of darkness simply devoured him or, due to the fact that he is a Gray Warden, burned him.

It seems that Duncan was fluent in two types of combat: with a sword and dagger, and with a sword and shield. At the Battle of Ostagar, he fought with an enchanted sword and dagger, however, his shield can also be found in the Gray Wardens' cache.

The book "The Call" reveals Duncan's origins. In his youth, he was a pickpocket in the Orlesian slums (though he was originally from Rivain), but was caught and sentenced before being freed by the Gray Warden and accepted into the order (most likely because of this, he recruited Daveth) . Even after this, Duncan did not immediately get rid of the habit of grabbing everything that was bad. At the end of the book, the Guardian command appoints him as the chief Guardian in Ferelden.


Zevran is an elf, the son of a whore and a lumberjack. He grew up in a brothel, and then he was bought by the Antivan Ravens - the best killers in Antiva, and, possibly, in all of Thedas. Zevran's past is quite vague, and he doesn't really want to talk about it. The only thing that is initially known about him is that he grew up in Antiva, was raised first by prostitutes and then by the Crows, and became one of the best killers, and was hired by Loghain to kill the Gray Warden.

Zevran has a very ambiguous character. On the one hand, he mocks himself and the entire public, but on the other hand, he is offended when he is reproached for something. Zevran is cool in battle. Trained in the guild of Antivan assassins "Antivan Ravens", Zevran suffered a lot of bullying, passed " natural selection"and became the best of the best. He realized that to achieve the main goal - killing - everything is good, so in battle he uses “dirty” techniques, poisons and even bombs.

Zevran is very ironic, although his irony often turns into malicious black humor. Zevran's mother was a Dalish, so he speaks quite well of these people and will be very upset if the Gray Warden destroys the elves in the Brecilian Forest.

Zevran is very nostalgic for his homeland - Antiva. He often remembers the brothel he grew up in and the smell of Antivan leather. In Dragon age II, Isabella remembers him because he killed her husband with a dagger to the head.


Maleficar. In the Tower of the Circle, he fell in love with one of the priests, who told him that the templars intended to make him pacified for allegedly “studying blood magic.” He asked an unknown magician of the circle, or your protagonist, to help him, but in the end, his escape with his beloved failed, the templars tried to grab him, but he was able to escape, causing them great physical harm. His beloved was imprisoned by her own will. She could not forgive Jovan for lying about his non-involvement in blood magic, and also forgiving herself for believing him and becoming an accomplice to the crime.

Having become an apostate, Jovan looked for a way to save his life. Then Teyrn Loghain hired him to poison Earl Eamon “for betraying Ferelden.” Jovan was promised Teyrn's protection in the event of the Earl's death. To get closer to the earl, Jovan, at the request of Lady Isolde, the earl’s wife, hired out to work as a teacher for Eamon’s son, Connor, who turned out to be a magician. Jovan fulfilled his part of the agreement with Teyrn and poisoned the earl, but due to the intervention of the demon of Desire, who took possession of Connor, Eamon was able to survive. Jovan was captured and put in the dungeon of the Earl's castle on the orders of Lady Isolde, who was sure that Jovan had summoned the demon, and Teyrn Loghain, of course, quickly forgot about the maleficar.

Jovan's fate is completely in the hands of the Gray Guardian - he can kill him, drive him away, or with his help destroy the demon Connor through the Shadow. Further fate Jovana depends on his actions - if he escapes, he can be found on the road, fighting the creatures of darkness. Otherwise, he will either be executed or turned into a Subdued One.

According to the game's creators, Jovan was originally intended to be the player's companion, but time constraints forced them to cut that part of the game.

King Cailan Theirin

The son of King Maric, after the death of his father, became the new King. Two months after the coronation, he married Anora, the daughter of Teyrn Loghain, Maric's advisor and best friend. He died at the Battle of Ostagar: he was literally crushed by an Ogre, who was later killed by Duncan. In the Return to Ostagar DLC, you can give Kaylan a proper burial by setting his body on fire, leaving him hanging on a crucifix built by the darkspawn, or throwing him to the wolves. Also there you can collect his armor and get his father's weapon - Marik's Blade.

Despite his royal origins, Kailan is essentially a simple man, he likes to shirk his duties and spend time with ordinary soldiers or messing around with the mabari. In this he is very similar to Alistair, his half-brother, who also prefers simple life crown Anora subsequently hopes to take advantage of this, who, even as Kaylan’s wife, practically ruled the state herself without his help.

Kaylan Theirin is a arrogant and impatient person, and in many ways this is what ruined him. He spoke contemptuously about the creatures of darkness, thinking that the horde was just several large gangs united into one army, but not Pestilence. Kaylan admired the Gray Wardens, raising their skill almost to the level of heaven, dreaming that the Battle of Ostagar would glorify him, like the ancient kings who also fought side by side with the Gray Wardens. Then he did not take into account the possibility of Loghain’s betrayal, however, no one could have foreseen this except Loghain himself.

Kylan refused to wait for reinforcements from the Orlesians and Redcliffe's army. Subsequently, it turns out that Kaylan may have had some feelings for the Empress of Orlais, and mutual ones.

Kaylan is a fairly experienced warrior; he participated in the battle along with his soldiers. At the Battle of Ostagar, he fought with a two-handed blade, leaving his main weapon - the blade of Maric - in a chest in the royal enclave, leaving the key to a trusted soldier.

Queen Anora

Widow of Cailan Therin. After the death of her husband, she formally remains the ruler of Ferelden, although, in fact, power was seized by her father Loghain MacTeer, who declared himself the queen's regent.

Anora is very smart and calculating; it was she who ruled the kingdom under King Kaylan, who almost completely retired from business in favor of his hobbies. According to Kaylan's correspondence, we can say that he did not have or lost feelings for Anora, and started an affair with the Empress of Orlais. Anora herself was criticized more than once, mainly for the fact that she never gave birth to an heir, despite her no longer a girl’s age. Many believe that she is barren, some even spread rumors that she is cursed for placing a commoner on the throne.

After her husband's death, Anora does not support her father in many ways, although there is a possibility that it is not only because she does not like Loghain's policies, but also because he tried to take the throne from her. Ultimately, if the Gray Warden does not support her candidacy as the sovereign queen or at least Alistair's future wife, she will again stand up for her father, believing that it is better to share the throne with him than to give it completely to Alistair. Also, if the Gray Warden is a man and the heir of the Cousland family, then he can invite Anora to marry him. This way, the Gray Warden will become Prince Consort, and Alistair will no longer need to be installed as King. But Anora will refuse to marry Alistair or the Gray Warden if she kills Loghain without allowing him to become a Gray Warden.

Loghain Mac Tir

Advisor and father-in-law to King Cailan. Also Tairn of Gwaren. Tairn - very clever man and an excellent tactician. By origin he was a commoner, but for the victory over Orlais and the expulsion of the Orlesian troops from Ferelden, he received an honorary title from the previous king of Ferelden, Maric. At the Battle of Ostagar, his task was to remain with a small army in ambush in order to surprise the Spawn of Darkness in the flank. The signal for the attack was to be a signal fire lit on the Tower of Ishal. However, when this happened, Loghain ordered a retreat, thus leaving King Cailan and the Gray Wardens to be torn to pieces by the creatures of darkness. Despite the fact that many - including the protagonist's closest associate, Gray Warden Alistair - consider Loghain's act a betrayal, Teyrn himself claims to the last that this was a forced measure to preserve the army. This is confirmed by the Bioware writers, but, nevertheless, there is no evidence in the game that Loghain did not intentionally leave the king to die. Returning to Denerim, he declared himself regent under Queen Anora, his daughter, which caused discontent among the banns and earls, who demanded that Loghain abdicate the throne. However, Teyrn refused to do this, thereby plunging Ferelden into civil war in the face of the impending Pestilence. He blamed the Gray Guardians for the death of the king (and perhaps even sincerely believed so) and declared a hunt for those of them that survived, including the heroes of the game. When the Gray Wardens began to make progress in gathering united troops to fight the Blight, Earl Howe, with Loghain's permission, hired the Antivan Ravens - world-famous killers from Antiva - to get rid of the hero.

The exact reason for Loghain's betrayal is not entirely clear; many factors could have contributed to it. But at the head of all is his love for Ferelden, which ruined him. Loghain considers Cailan a king unworthy of his kingdom. King Cailan appears as a young, glory-seeking youth who dreams of epic battles “like in the old days.” He constantly argues with Loghain on matters of strategy and tactics, and also rejects reasonable tactical combinations in favor of spectacular and pathetic ones. This jeopardizes not only the king himself, but also the success of the war as a whole. Another reason for the conflict is Kaylan's desire to unite for war with Orlais, and this is only a few decades after the de-occupation of Ferelden. Orlais is a powerful state with a good army, ready to provide its troops to Ferelden in the fight against the Blight. Kylan believes that an alliance with Orlais is necessary, while Loghain, who is a hero of Ferelden's War of Independence, considers an alliance with Orlais a betrayal of the country. In many ways, this hatred of Orlais blinded Loghain; Teyrn was ready to destroy the people of his state and give everyone up to the creatures of darkness, just to not let the Orlesians into his lands. After the death of Cailan, Loghain immediately declared himself regent of his daughter, Queen Anora, and closed the way to the Orlesian troops, including the Gray Wardens.

In the Return to Ostagar add-on, in Kaylan's chest you can find his correspondence with the Empress of Orlais, from which it is concluded that Kaylan had a mutual attraction with her. Adding fuel to the fire is the fact that, according to rumors, Queen Anora suffers from infertility, which is pointed out to the king by his advisor and uncle, Earl Eamon. He advises you to break up with her.

Loghain can be called not only a nationalist, but also a racist. He gave permission to the people of the Tevinter Empire to take the elves away from the Elvenage of Denerim, thus allowing the slave trade in the territory of free Ferelden. He himself justified this by the fact that Elfinage would still not be able to be saved from the Blight, and the money from the slave trade would benefit the army.

Thus, Loghain himself believes that he is doing the right thing and his only desire is to save the country. Comments on this matter are also given by the game scriptwriters. In addition, in the game resource editor you can read comments from developers in dialogues and videos from the game.

Towards the end of the game, you can take Loghain into the squad, make him a Gray Warden, but then Alistair will leave the group, not wanting to forgive “the killer of Duncan and all the other Gray Wardens of Ferelden.”

In The Stolen Throne we learn that Loghain used to be a bandit and his father was a farmer from Lottering who lost his lands. Loghain also had an affair with Rowan, Maric's future wife, but he himself insisted that Rowan return to Maric for the good of the country.


She used to be a bard in Orlais and, part-time, assassin, but after the betrayal of her close friend and mentor (perhaps even mistress), Marjoline moved to the Lothering Church. Helps you, motivating her actions by the fact that “the Creator himself gave her a sign.” With Leliana on the team, you will always have an excellent relationship with the church, for example, after seeing Leliana, the Reverend Mother can immediately, without any questions, give you Stan.

Leliana's mother is from Ferelden, so despite her life spent in Orlais, she considers herself a Fereldan. Her mother was a servant for a rich lady named Cecile, who brought them to Orlais. Leliana became an orphan at an early age, but remained under the care of Lady Cecil, who raised her and gave her an education, mainly consisting of singing and dancing. As an older woman, she came under the influence of Marjolaine, a bard, spy and assassin. This is how Leliana learned her art and mastery of combat. During one of her missions, she learned that Marjolaine was selling information about Orlais to Tevinter and Antiva. Fearing for her friend’s life, Leliana gave her documents discrediting her. But soon the guards came for Leliana herself and accused her of treason, referring to the very documents that Marjoline had altered, writing Leliana’s name instead of her own. Leliana was imprisoned and tortured. But she was able to escape and escape to Ferelden. There she became a novice of the Lothering Church. Having seen a dream about the approaching darkness and the flowering of an already withered rose bush, she took this as a sign from above and offered her services to the Gray Wardens. The Church made her softer, but did not deprive her of her fighting skills. Subsequently, she again had to face Marjoline and forever resolve their conflict.

In the second part of the game, she returns to Orlais and becomes an inquisitor, answering only to the Most Holy One herself (a person similar to the Pope). Hawke can meet her in Kirkwall, where she arrives to warn Reverend Mother Elphine of the possible danger due to the upcoming conflict between the mages and the templars. At the end of the game, it turns out that she is Cassandra Pendegast's partner and is looking for where the Defender of Kirkwall and the Hero of Ferelden (if the Guardian survived) disappeared.


Morrigan has a rather complex character. She values ​​actions that lead to gain and power regardless of the consequences, such as in a mission where the player has to choose between an army of golems and huge losses human lives, or the destruction of the forge, she takes the side of Branka, or rather supports her, but fights side by side with you. Morrigan is a tough and purposeful person, her life credo is “survival of the fittest,” but she is not a supporter of senseless killings.

Morrigan is very poor at understanding human psychology. So, she does not understand such a phenomenon as “love”, she is very surprised that she has a friend - the Gray Guardian. She also warmly accepts gifts and says that she has never been given any presents.

Morrigan is the daughter of Flemeth, a legendary witch from the wild lands of Korcari. She is alien to the world, and only occasionally gets out of the forest, therefore, she never had friends, and the company of only her mother gave her a complex character.

If the Gray Warden befriended Morrigan and brought her Flemeth's grimoires, she will offer the Warden a way to defeat the Archdemon and still survive. You just need to sleep with her the night before the battle with the Archdemon. If the Guardian is a woman, you will need to persuade Alistair to sleep with Morrigan.


A red-haired and red-bearded berserker dwarf who used to be in the warrior caste. After the departure of his wife, Branka, who went in search of the Forge of the Void, got drunk and kills another warrior. Teig Orzamar, as well as the Diamond Halls, prohibit him from carrying weapons. But this punishment is the greatest shame for a skilled warrior.

Ogren tries to maintain the image of a “rock warrior”, emotionless and unemotional. However, he doesn’t succeed very well: for example, he explains the stingy tear by saying that “a bee stung,” and when he wanted to ask the Guardian for help, he couldn’t find the words for a long time. Oghren is always happy to have a drink in company, but simply caring and worrying about him makes him feel joy and sympathy for the Guardian. However, he never expresses this in direct words.

Ogren is a skilled warrior, a berserker. As he himself explained, berserkers are warriors who accumulate rage and release it during battle to shred nearby enemies. He can teach this to the Guardian (if he is a warrior), Alistair or Stan.

After the battle with the Archdemon, Ogren will be offered a position as a general in the human army. However, Ogren remained himself and argued with Bann Tegann that he would drink a keg of pickle.

In Dragon Age Origins: Awakening, Oghren appears during the defense of the Vigil Tower against the darkspawn. If the Gray Warden is imported from the original game, then Oghren will happily greet his old friend. Later, he easily endures the initiation rite and becomes a Gray Warden. He helps the player throughout the game.

Ogren has a wife and child, from whom he ran away to become a Gray Warden.

Subsequently, Ogren can become one of the best Gray Wardens in Ferelden.


A warrior from the Qunari race who sailed on ships with his squad with a special mission. Later, stopping at Lake Kalenhad, his entire squad is killed by creatures of darkness, and his sword, which was made specifically for his hand in Beresad itself, is stolen by a marauder. He is later found by farmers from Lothering, but he, maddened by the news that his sword is missing, kills his family. The reverend mother imprisoned him in a cage on the street without food or water, leaving him to his fate.

The Gray Warden releases Stan (by the way, this is not a name, but a title), and he joins him (although he can simply be kicked out). Stan wields a two-handed blade, although he lost his “native” sword - a weapon forged from rare blue steel just for his hand - during the battle on Lake Calenhad. If the Gray Warden finds the sword, Stan will be forever grateful.

From time to time Stan will share his own observations about Ferelden, as well as talk about the Qunari people.


A witch from the Korcari Wilds, about whom legends are made both by the inhabitants of Ferelden and by the barbarian tribes, the Hasind. There are so many legends and myths about her that no one even knows what is true and what is fiction and a fairy tale. Helps the Gray Wardens, explaining his help with his own fear of the Blight. As payment for the rescue, he sends his daughter Morrigan with the Guardians. One of Leliana's tales tells how Flemeth became a witch from the Wild Lands: she took revenge on her husband Connabar for the murder of her lover. In her rage, she became possessed by a powerful demon who destroyed Connabar and all his people. The legend mentions Highever Castle, which now belongs to the Cousland family (it could be the Gray Warden - a noble person). Morrigan will tell this story differently, and later, in the Witch Hunt DLC, she will state that Flemeth is not possessed at all and is not even human. If you find a book with the secrets of Flemeth in the Circle Tower and give it to Morrigan, then she will tell you what was written in the tome: the secret of Flemeth's immortality. It turns out that the legendary witch carried her daughters, raised them, raised them, and then killed them in order to inhabit their bodies using magic. Having learned about this, Morrigan will ask you to kill her mother. However, the protagonist can release the witch, who promised never to appear in Ferelden.

In the second part, Flemeth (by changing his appearance) saves the Hawk family during their escape from Lottering. In exchange, she asks Hawk to deliver her amulet to the Dollian elves near Kirkwall, which he does a year later. The elves perform a ritual that Flemeth recreates. Apparently, Flemeth guessed that Morrigan would try to eliminate her and set in motion a plan to return. From her words it can be judged that Flemeth can exist in several bodies at the same time. The Dalish elves know Flemeth under the name Asha "bellanar - "Woman of Many Years", but the Dalish Gray Guardian will not remember this when meeting Flemeth.

Rendon Howe

Aristocrat, ward and main henchman of Loghain. He slaughters the entire Cousland family to take over their lands. If you play as the last Cousland, you are the last one standing (with the exception of your older brother, who appears at the end of the game). Howe soon takes possession of Denerim, becoming its earl too. Characterized by cruelty, love of torture and confidence in his own rightness (his last words, when he dies at the hand of a hero, they become: “The Creator sees, I did not deserve this!”).

Eamon Guerrin

Earl of Redcliffe, who is poisoned by Jovan, but soon finds the Urn of Sacred Ashes, with which he is cured. He is married to Lady Isolde, an Orlesian, with whom he has a son, Connor, who knows magic, and a brother, Tegan. The earl also had a sister who married Maric. After healing, he helps the Gray Guardians, as well as his nephew Alistair, whom he wants to place on the throne of Ferelden.


Golem from the Stone Prisoner downloadable content. Previously, she was a dwarf from the warrior caste, but during the time of Karidin she sacrificed her soul so that he would create a golem from her.

Sheila is strong, she has special abilities, and she also calls the protagonist by the name “it”. If you kill Karidin in the Anvil of the Void mission, she may leave your squad.

After spending for a long time motionless in the role of a statue, Sheila deeply began to hate pigeons and birds in general, because everyone knows what pigeons do to statues.

In the English version of the game, Shale is a neutral name, and the golem's deep voice makes everyone assume he is a man.


A historical figure who, for the Dragon Age setting, is an analogue of both Christ and Joan of Arc. In ancient times, all of Thedas was ruled by masters - sorcerers of the Tevinter Empire. The runaway slave Andraste received a vision from the Creator and united the wild tribes of southern Thedas (this territory would later be called Ferelden) to lead them on a Holy Crusade against the Empire. The campaign was successful, and southern Thedas was freed from oppression. But Andraste herself was betrayed by her own husband, jealous of her power and honor, and handed over to the masters, who betrayed her to the stake. At the last moment, the Tevinter archon Hessarian could not stand Andraste's torment and pierced her with a sword, granting her a quick death. Andraste's ashes fell into the hands of some of the founders of the Church and were hidden in the mountains. Subsequently, Andraste became a great martyr, to whom almost all the prayers of the followers of the Church are addressed. Just like Christians in the real world, followers of the cult of Andraste have long been persecuted and small in number.

Dragon Age: Origins – Awakening

Unlike the first part of the game, the add-on does not have romantic lines as such, and it is almost pointless to drag out any relationships, since much of the time was devoted to battles and not to storylines.


A renegade mage who main character meets during the attack on the Vigil Tower. He joins the battle against the creatures of darkness, and after victory he can be protected from the templars by being accepted into the Order of the Gray Wardens. He will survive the Initiation and join the squad. Anders is not his real name, but only a pseudonym indicating his origin - a magician originally from Anderfels. He came to the Circle as a teenager, and therefore was never able to get used to the rules prevailing there and set a record of successful escapes from the Tower - seven times. Fortunately, he was never accused of using blood magic, and in general he is considered, albeit capricious, but useful - Anders' talents lie in the field of spiritual healing and elemental magic. This mage is wary of maleficars and blood magic. He doesn’t want to study it, although if you teach him it, or you yourself turn out to be one, then it’s okay - Anders’ attitude towards you will not worsen. Anders does not approve of the rebellious sentiments of many magicians and their ideas to rebel against the Church, but he himself hates the templars and mocks the tenets of the Church and Andraste herself.

Anders has several interests: jewelry, gold earrings, and cats, which Anders loves. He will tell you that in the Circle of Magicians he already had a cat named "Mr. Fluffy." The Templars and the First Sorcerer allowed him to care for the cat, but soon a demon possessed him, and the Templars had to kill the little animal. Also, as a child, the magician dreamed of a tiger knight named Sir Lancepaw, who would tear apart the hated templars and pull Anders out of the tower (you can find drawings of little Anders in Witch Hunt). Subsequently, Anders will name a kitten after the knight from his dreams.

In Dragon Age: Origins – Awakening, if you leave him in the Vigil Tower before going to Amaranthine, which is about to be attacked, and then do not return to save the Tower, he will die from a darkspawn arrow in his throat, but not before killing about a hundred enemies with magic.

He escapes from the order to Kirkwall, where he joins Hawke's squad. By default, he is considered accepted into the Order of the Gray Guardians, and a deserter. Even if he is declared dead in the epilogue of Awakening, this will only affect a couple of dialogues with cameo characters. Anders' character also changes a lot - he is not nearly as cheerful and selfish, although he still loves cats and yearns for Sir Lancepaw, who was taken by the Guardians. This is explained by the fact that Anders became a vessel for the spirit of Justice, which, under the influence of his anger, was transformed into Revenge. Even if you taught Anders blood magic in Awakening, in the second part of the game he will not know it, and will also disapprove of deals with demons and blood mages in general. As the game progresses, Anders turns out to be the main culprit in the ensuing uprising of the magicians.


Like Anders, Velanna is a renegade mage, but this is explained by the fact that she is one of the Dalish elf clan. Velanna was a student of the Clan Guardian, and it is known that elf guardians are able to control plants and tree roots, and the trees themselves in principle. One day, she did not want to follow her clan, opposing her teacher, then some of the elves followed her. Leading them to their goal, the renegade did not suspect that the creatures of darkness would kidnap her sister, and then slaughter the rest, scattering human weapons.

That's when Velanna went berserk, starting to animate the trees in anger. She attacked the barbarian tribes, but soon a hero (heroine) arrives and stops the guardian's apprentice.

Despite everything, Velanna is very kind and sincere at her core (for an elf character). She loves various memoirs, things belonging to the Dalish elf clans. She can also teach you the art of Guardian Magic by passing on her knowledge.

Mhairi (originally Mhairi)

Her character remains unclear, since she dies almost at the very beginning of the game. We only learn about Mhairi that she used to be in the service of the king (queen), is good with a sword and shield, and also admires the Gray Wardens.

This warrior dies during the Initiation Rite.

Nathaniel Howe

Son of Earl Rendon Howe. When the hero becomes commander of the Gray Wardens and Earl of Amaranthine, Howe Jr. secretly enters the fortress. Initially, he wants to kill the Guardian, thus avenging the death of his father and the expulsion of his family, but on the spot - perhaps because the Guardian has not yet arrived at the castle - he decides to make do with the theft (from his point of view, the return to the hands of the rightful owners) of family valuables. But he is grabbed by the castle guards and, despite desperate resistance (according to the guards, it took four people to tie up Nathaniel) he is put in prison. The hero, as the new owner of the castle, needs to decide his fate: execute him, let him go in peace, or call him to the Gray Wardens. In the latter case, he joins the squad.

If you have a chance to travel through the castle's dungeons, you will find many things that belonged to his family. Of course he will like them.


In this part you will meet Ogren. Nothing happened to him, of course, except that he wanted to become a Gray Warden. After completing the beginning, you are faced with a choice: should you leave Ogren?

If the player imports his character from Inception into the module, Ogren behaves in accordance with the story outlined in the module. However, his attitude towards the GG will remain at the “neutral” level.

By the way, after the initiation, this merry fellow began to see dreams, and therefore it was even more fun to talk to him! As already mentioned, nothing really has changed in him.


Dwarf girl from the Legion of the Dead. She and her squad have found a passage to one of the dwarf thaigs, which you will have to explore with her. As the plot progresses, we learn that Sigrun was a legionnaire scout that can survive the most powerful opponents and blows. Sigrun is rude, strong, but very kind, and she has a well-developed sense of humor.


When you go on a journey to the Dark Swamps, you will come across an abandoned village. During the mission, you will be thrown into the Shadow, where this place is not touched at all: neither by time nor by creatures. As you explore, you will soon make your way to the village, and there the Spirit of Justice awaits you. After you defeat the witch in the Shadow, Justice will end up in the body of the dead gray guard, because of whom you actually went to the swamps. Having defeated the demon witch again, he will try to find his meaning in life, and then he can join you.

Kristoff, or rather Justice, has Spirit Magic, which you can actually learn, but only as a warrior. To establish relations with Justice, you need to find things that belonged to Kristoff - he will gradually remember fragments of the past experienced by the dead gray guard.

Dragon Age 2

Hawk family

Protagonist (last name Hawk)

The protagonist of Dragon Age 2 is a human refugee from Lothering, a village completely destroyed by darkspawn during the Blight in Ferelden. After escaping from his home village, where his (her) father died, he migrates with his family to Kirkvol, the City of Chains, part of the Free March, to the homeland of his mother Liandra. To earn the fee for “entrance to Kirkwall”, he is hired as a mercenary or smuggler. Within a year he becomes a remarkable person in criminal circles, thanks to which he (she) is noticed by Varrick, whose brother is organizing an expedition to the Deep Paths. After this expedition, Hawk turns out to be a rich man, thanks to money and the aristocratic pedigree of his mother, he makes his way to the Upper City. Three years later, he takes an active part in the defense of Kirkwall from the attacks of the Qunari and elf defectors, which earns him the title of Defender. After this, he becomes a respected person, second in power after Knight Commander Meredith. Three years later, the Defender finds himself involved in a conflict between the magicians and templars of Kirkwall, which flared up with unprecedented force due to the fault of Anders. The Defender has to support Meredith's Right of Destruction and destroy all the magicians, or help the magicians and fight the templars. In the first case, the Defender will eventually be asked to become the governor of Kirkwall, otherwise he will have to flee the city. In any case, after these events, Circles of Mages will begin to rise up throughout Thedas, and the Defender himself will disappear for a reason known only to him.

She is the son (daughter) of Liandra Hawke (Amell), the older brother (sister) of Bethany and Carver.

Bethany Hawk

Renegade mage, twin sister of Carver Hawke, younger sister of Garrett/Marianne Hawke. Specializes in fire magic. If you choose the "Mage" specialization, she dies at the beginning of the game. Spends his free time at Uncle Gamlen's house. A kind girl who prides herself on being a renegade. He loves his older brother (sister) very much.

She can become a Gray Warden in an expedition to the Deep Roads (if Anders is in the party, otherwise she will die), but if you did not take her with you on the expedition, she will be taken to the Circle of Mages.

Carver Hawk

Warrior, twin brother of Bethany Hawke, younger brother of Garrett/Marianne Hawke. Prefers two-handed swords. If you choose the "Warrior" or "Rogue" specialization, he dies at the beginning of the game. Spends his free time at Uncle Gamlen's house. Carver has a bad character, he often whines for one reason or another, and is rarely satisfied. He envies the talent of his brother (sister) and argues with him (her) in everything. In this regard, he has become a little closer to Varric, also a younger brother who has to obey his older brother, although Varric prefers to perceive his situation with irony.

He can become a Gray Guardian in an expedition to the Deep Roads (if Anders is in the party, otherwise he will die), but if you did not take him with you on the expedition, he will run away from home and become a templar.

Liandra Amell

Mother of Hawk, Bethany and Carver. She is a noblewoman of Kirkwall and the main heir of the House of Amell, but left the house and fled to Ferelden to marry the renegade magician Malcolm Hawke. The Amell family also had magicians.

He dies in the fourth year of his new life in Kirkwall at the hands of a crazy blood mage, who collected zombies from the body parts of various women, reminiscent of his deceased beloved.


Varric Tetras

A surface gnome from the Orzammar blacksmith caste. Hawk's friend or rival. Rogue, specialization: crossbowman. It is from Varric’s perspective that the second part of Dragon Age is narrated. He rents a room in the Hangman Tavern. She considers the latter her home and cannot imagine her life without her.

He has a brother, Bartrand, with whom Varric and Hawk go on an expedition to the Deep Roads. As a result, Bartrand is possessed by a demon and forces him to lock his brother and his friends in a forgotten thaige. They manage to get out, but Varrick forever loses trust in his brother.

He has a fanatical love for his crossbow, which he calls “Bianca” (a clear allusion to the game “Assassin`s Creed II” - there was also a character who called his weapon “Bianca”). Later it is revealed that this crossbow is unique. It was designed by Varric's former comrade in an attempt to create an automatic crossbow. "Bianca" is the only working copy.

Aveline Wallen

A warrior girl specializing in sword and shield, she was among the ranks of Kaylan's troops destroyed at Ostagar. Templar Wesley's widow. It is possible that Aveline’s prototype was the legend about the first warrior girl Aveline, told in Dragon Age by Leliana, or read in the Codex. Lives in the city guard barracks.

At the beginning of the game, her templar husband Wesley Wallen becomes infected with corruption and asks to be killed before turning into a screamer. The player can do this himself or allow Aveline, but if he does it himself, then Aveline may be offended by him, but if he chooses the phrase: “...It’s up to you to decide...”, then she will be grateful. In similar cases, also let relatives or friends decide (with the exception of when Anders asks about Karl, advise him to kill him).

In Kirvol, Aveline quickly makes his way among the people, joining the city guard. With Hawke's support, she is able to find evidence of the city guard captain's betrayal and subsequently take his place. Also, not without the help of Hawk, Aveline clumsily, but achieves the favor of the guard Donnik and marries him.

Aveline has a very strong character, she does not like illegal actions of any kind and tries to strictly suppress them. But, on the other hand, she showed herself to be very shy and rather clumsy while courting Donnik, if Hawk had not directly expressed her feelings to him, perhaps Aveline would have remained lonely.


Rogue duelist from Rivain, pirate, former captain of a pirate ship. It is also found in the first part, where it can teach the protagonist the duelist specialization. In battle he prefers two daggers. Spends his free time drinking alcohol at the Gallows.

Isabella is a freedom-loving and dissolute person. She has a weakness for handsome and strong men, who do not have to persuade her for a long time to have a “close relationship.” She ended up in Kirkwall by an unfortunate accident. She was ordered to steal the sacred book of the Qunari, the same ones chased after her ship, but the battle and an untimely storm destroyed the ships of both Isabella and the Qunari. As a result, it was Isabella who became responsible for the appearance of the Qunari in the city. He is one of the possible love interests for both men and women.


An elf slave of the Tevinter Master and mage Danarius, who lost his memory and was physically changed due to exposure to lyrium. A warrior who specializes in two-handed weapons.

Fenris's real name is Leto. He willingly agreed to become part of Danarius's experiment with lyrium, in return receiving freedom from slavery for his mother and sister Varanya. Danarius implanted lyrium into Fenris's skin, creating something like vein-tattoos through which lyrium flows instead of blood. Fenris claims that due to the unbearable pain that accompanied the ritual, he lost the memory of his former life; however, it is possible that his memory was erased on purpose to prevent possible rebellion on the part of the slave. Lyrium enhanced his physical abilities, at the same time giving him new, magical ones - Fenris can make his body partially intangible, which allows him to dodge blows in battle and kill people with his bare hands (which he demonstrates several times during the game, tearing out the hearts of his opponents). So the elf became Danarius’s slave-bodyguard. One day, due to the fact that there was not enough space on the ship, Danarius had to leave Fenris to die on an island captured by the Qunari. There the elf was found by warriors of the fog, free people who did not obey anyone’s orders. With them, Fenris first learned what freedom is, but soon Danarius found him and ordered to kill all the warriors, which Fenris did, unable to purely psychologically resist his master’s order. But it was at that moment that his life turned upside down: he realized that he no longer wanted to be a slave, and he ran away. The escape was successful primarily because Danarius did not expect such an act from a previously absolutely obedient slave. Time after time, he sent assassins who were supposed to return the “escaped property” to him, but Fenris dealt with them each time and fled to another city to hide from his pursuers. During one of these battles, Fenris meets Hawk and finds his first friend in all his freedom. With Hawk's help, he deals with Danarius' servants, and then with himself. However, Hawke can also deny Fenris protection and give it to Danarius. The elf, broken by such a betrayal, will surrender without resistance, and later Hawk will receive a letter from Danarius with gratitude for the return of the slave and a message that Fenris’ memory has been erased again and he has again become subjugated.

Due to memory loss, Fenris is psychologically at the age of a teenager. He is withdrawn, brooding, and has difficulty controlling his rage. He hates magicians, believing that their gift is a curse, and there is no sacrifice that a magician would not make for the sake of power. Most of all, Fenris wants to be free, however, even having escaped from his master, he remains a slave to his own hatred, and involuntarily looks for someone whose orders he can carry out.

Lives in the Upper City in the former mansion of Danarius. Is a possible love interest for a woman and a man.


A renegade mage, as well as a Gray Warden from the first official add-on for Dragon Age. Specializes in healing magic. Fled from Ferelden, not wanting to deal with the Guardians anymore. He made a deal with Justice and became his container. He explains this by saying that he wanted the good spirit to have a normal body, not a corpse and not captured by force, but a body that voluntarily accepted it. Unfortunately, Anders did not notice that Justice, already from the time of working with the Hero of Ferelden, began to show a desire for revenge. Mixed with the feelings of Anders himself, Justice absorbed all of Anders’ hatred for the templars and, in general, for the position of magicians, and turned into a demon of Vengeance (in some ways this is reminiscent of the story of Zarathos from the “Spirit of Vengeance”).

He lives in the slums of Kirkwall, where he runs an underground clinic and does not hide the fact that he is a magician. Shows great dissatisfaction with Meredith's policies, wanting to change the lives of magicians. As a result, it was he who started the war between the magicians and the templars, destroying the Church and killing the Reverend Mother Kirkwall.

Anders has changed quite a bit since his adventures with the Hero of Ferelden. Instead of a frivolous and sarcastic magician who had his eye on girls, he became a vengeful killer. Perhaps this is due to Revenge, because of which Anders sometimes cannot control himself and is even ready to commit inexplicable murders. Anders really misses Sir Lancepaw, his kitten, which the Hero gave him, but which, by order of the Guardians, he had to give to a friend.

Anders is one of the possible love interests for both the man and the woman.


An exiled Dalish, a blood mage who is a temporary companion of the Dalish elf Guardian from the first part of the game. He uses blood magic and sees nothing wrong with it. But it was blood magic that made her an outcast in her own clan. She was to become the next guardian of her clan, inheriting the title from Maretari. But Merrill took a path that her fellow tribesmen did not like. She herself considers herself a faithful follower of the heritage of her ancestors. She dreams of regaining the lost knowledge of the elves, first of all, by restoring the mirror, which was used for long-distance negotiations. To cleanse it, she became a blood mage and asked the demon for help. As a result, this demon will try to take over her body, but Maretari will manage to seal it in her own body so that Merril had to kill her. This could lead to the complete destruction of Merril's clan or her eternal exile.

Merrill is a little frivolous, does not take hints at all and takes all jokes seriously. She lives in the elf-house of Kirkwall, where she has shown herself to be a very bad housewife. She is a possible love interest for both men and women.

Sebastian Val

Sebastian Val(DLC “The Exiled Prince”) - the future ruler of the neighboring principality of Starkhaven. Rogue, bow master.

Sebastian is at first the youngest son of the ruling clan, whose hopes for the throne were minimal. He did not fight for the impossible and took a vow in the Church. But he soon learned that his entire family had been brutally murdered by order of unknown people. He asks the mercenaries to kill the clan that committed the murder, and Hawk takes up the matter. Subsequently, Hawk continues to help Val find the family who hired the killers, and also find out that they became victims of the ambitious desires of the mother of the noble family and the demon of Desire.

Spends free time in Church. Is a romantic interest for a female Hawk.

If you refuse to execute Anders for destroying the church and killing innocents, he leaves for Starkhaven, promising to gather an army and return to show Anders “true justice.”

Other characters

Knight Commander Meredith- the head of the templars of Kirkwall, fiercely hates magic and tries with all his might to oppress magicians. As a result, she finds herself captured by the same demon as Bartrand, which drives her crazy.

Orsino- The first sorcerer of the Circle of Magicians of the city of Kirkwall. Elf. He is not afraid to speak out against Meredith, he is not confrontational, but due to oppression, Meredith begins to rebel. In the end, he forces himself to use blood magic to resurrect his beloved students.

Flemeth- a powerful witch from the first part. The second part explains how she was able to escape, although the Hero killed her in the first part at the request of Morrigan.

Cassandra Pendegast- female inquisitor, plays a narrative role, like Varric.

Arishok- leader of the Qunari who were shipwrecked near Kirkwall and founded their own ghetto. Considers the entire city and its inhabitants unworthy and rotten due to base desires, in need of cleansing. He religiously follows the teachings of Kun, the central philosophy of the Qunari. "Arishok" is a military title, not a name, but for the Qunari it is the same thing. One of the game's trailers shows a battle between the Arishok and Hawk.

Bartrand Tetras- Varric's older brother, organizing an expedition to the Deep Roads. Goes crazy because of the demon in the lyrium idol. As a result, he may be killed by his brother.

Hamelin Amell- Hawk's maternal uncle. Sold the Amell estate in Kirkwall, losing everything at cards. Spends a lot of time in the Blooming Rose brothel.

Dragon Age