German kaleidoscope. The best choice for a German football Saturday. My choice is German - German online - Start Deutsch Bilingual German dictionaries

Some matches I take for myself, some I drag in trends, some I think about or just express my opinion. Therefore, I recommend using at your own discretion and being aware that people can make mistakes.

I will give the information quite concisely, i.e. strive for the “Twitter” format to save my and your time. In any case, there are comments where you can ask an additional question about the match you are interested in.

Werder Bremen - Darmstadt

Werder win by 1.71

I “drag” this choice into the trend. In it I play against Darmstadt when they play away. I made this choice not by chance - Darmstadt lost 100% of away matches this season. I admit honestly that in this match the guests can “catch on”, but not with the highest probability.

Darmstadt has the weakest squad in the Bundesliga, the least experienced coach Frings, and also several important losses before the match - Rosenthal and Sam. And the loss of the main goalkeeper Esser is already a control shot in the head. I think that Darmstadt is already expected in the Regional League (the 4th league in Germany)

It’s not that I particularly like Werder under Nuri’s leadership, but if they want to stay in the Bundesliga, then they need to score maximum points. The team will have plenty of chances to do this.

Mainz - Wolfusburg

Wolfsburg TB(1) for 1.77 or Wolfsburg with handicap(0) for 2.45

It may be a bit of a risky choice. Wolfsbrug has a new coach. Personally, I thought that Ismael at the helm of the Greens was a funeral. He was fired. However, even with her, the team looked good and he left an undisassembled team. Wolfsburg has a good squad. Yes, Draxler was sold, but good Ntep and Malli were bought. There is Didavi and Gomez. Remained with the team in Rodriguez. In terms of equipment, Mainz is definitely not superior to Wolfsburg.

As for Mainz, we can say that defense is not their strong point. And this season they are quite unstable. In short, there is a "value" in favor of the guests, in my opinion. You can take a risk or bet carefully on the revival of guests.

Hoffenheim - Ingolstadt

Draw for 3.8

In general, I think this match is a little “murky” in terms of the final outcome.

It seems like the hosts are doing great this season and their coach is doing great. However, no matter how much I tried to think about the Hoffenheim victory, it never came to mind. Ingolstadt is not an easy opponent for anyone, to whose gate you need to find the keys. The guests have already taken points from Eintracht F, now they have a chance to slow down another unexpected leader. From round to round, Ingolstadt coach Walpurgis holds motivational talks with the players. I think the guys will fight.

Perhaps I won't play this match. But I think about the match that it’s possible to catch a draw. It should be noted that Hoffenheim is the most “drawn” club in the Bundesliga. Already 11 draws are quite a lot for the top divisions of Germany. Quite a trend.

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We have been given possession of the richest, most accurate, powerful and truly magical Russian language.

These words belong to the genius of Russian literature K.G. Paustovsky and dedicated to the Russian language. However, I'm sure the same can be said about German.

I began my acquaintance with this wonderful language in the 5th grade. And, if all my friends made their choice back in elementary school, and every single one of them decided to study English, then my choice fell on the language of Goethe and Schiller. At the age of 10, I was only thinking about further studying German: I additionally translated texts, learned words, but I still could not imagine that I would connect my future destiny with foreign languages. And now I’m already in my 1st year, I’m studying German and I’m happy that I made this choice.

And yet, why do you need knowledge of the German language? The whole world is now under the hegemony of English, many people will say, and German is unlikely to help in any way now. However, the same Americans for the most part, when choosing a second foreign language, lean towards German. Yes, yes, to German, not to French, not to Italian. Why? The answer is surprisingly simple: Germany is now on the rise like never before. And in light of the current crisis, it is precisely this that is pulling the entire economy of the Eurozone.

deutscher Wein und deutscher Sang
sollen in der Welt behalten
ihren alten schönen Klang,
uns zu edler Tat begeistern
unser ganzes Leben lang. —
Deutsche Frauen, deutsche Treue,
deutscher Wein und deutscher Sang!

And indeed, how can one not agree with the good old German song “Deutschland über alles”. Wonderful people, wonderful women live in Germany! What about German cuisine? These include fish dishes with various sauces, meat salads, and a sea of ​​vegetables prepared in a simple but at the same time magnificent way. And of course German beer, a beer that no other can compare with. Well, who wouldn’t want to visit the German national holiday Oktoberfest and personally experience the whole atmosphere of the beer extravaganza and communicate with true lovers of the foamy drink?!

Of course, one cannot help but pay attention to German literature and music. The German literary fund contains many works, after reading which you feel deep appreciation for the authors. This is Goethe’s Faust, which is included in the collection of world literature as one of the brightest works; these are the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm, which truly evoke great admiration.

Germany has long been famous as a country of poets and thinkers. And indeed, who does not know the names of Nietzsche, Leibniz, Kant, Schopenhauer, Freud, Einstein and Heidegger.

We often hear the music of such composers as Johann Sebastian Bach, Ludwig van Beethoven, Franz Schubert, Richard Wagner in various films and on mobile phone calls. And such German composers as Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Johann Strauss, who lived in Austria, made an incredible contribution to the treasury of not only German but also world music.

Millions of rock music fans are grateful to Germany for its contribution to this genre. Germany gave the world such bands as Gamma Ray, Tokio Hotel, and of course, Rammstein).

Germany has long been famous for its cinema. And along with France, it was she who gave impetus to the further development of cinema. And a film like Metropolis, directed by Frinz Lang in 1927, is amazing. This film represents a great aesthetic foundation that is still used by modern artists to this day. In 2011, Metropolis was deservedly included by UNESCO in the “Memory of the World” list - a collection of standards of spiritual and material culture of humanity.

Since 1951, the Berlin International Film Festival has been held annually in Germany, attracting the attention of many lovers of good cinema.

And finally, the amazing and unique beauty of Germany... This includes magnificent nature, these are cities that simultaneously combine Gothic and modern styles and are filled with various attractions and architectural values.

However, it is not only in Germany that the beautiful German language is spoken. This is the mysterious Austria, a country with its endless green alpine meadows. This is also the country of banks, chocolate, cheese and watches, Switzerland with its indescribable beauty, numerous lakes and magnificent architecture. These are, finally, the principalities of Luxembourg and Liechtenstein, located in a picturesque alpine area and possessing magnificent ancient castles. This is Belgium, which has preserved its culture and mentality and has practically not been influenced by neighboring countries and peoples. In addition, there are many countries whose residents speak or understand German.

Of course, each language has its own beauty and attractiveness. But in order to understand the people with their mentality and age-old way of life, you must first delve into the structure of the language.

Since I started learning German, I have discovered all its uniqueness and delightfulness. And if you are still thinking about choosing a language to study, then I boldly tell you: “Choose German, learn it and enjoy it!”

Changed change, subject choice stopped action, subject choice remains existence / creation, subject, continuation choice fell action, subject choice make action make choice action depends choice subject,... ... Verbal compatibility of non-objective names

CHOICE- see Freedom, Free will. Philosophical encyclopedic dictionary. M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. Ch. editor: L. F. Ilyichev, P. N. Fedoseev, S. M. Kovalev, V. G. Panov. 1983. CHOICE... Philosophical Encyclopedia

CHOICE- CHOICE, choice, husband. 1. units only Action under Ch. select in 1 value choose. Make good choices. Choosing an assistant. The choice fell on him. The right to choose. || What is selected. Your choice is bad. || Possibility to choose. I have no choice. I have no… … Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

choice- Election, selection, selection, sorting. Sexual selection (selection). Provide a choice, provide one of two. Hesitate between two alternatives. He had to do one of two things: either renounce his property or recognize his previous... ... Synonym dictionary

choice- CHOICE resolution of uncertainty in human activity in the face of multiple alternatives by taking responsibility for the implementation of one of the available opportunities. Historically, the problems of V. were developed... ... Encyclopedia of Epistemology and Philosophy of Science

Choice- Choice ♦ Choix An act of will aimed at one or another object to the detriment of other objects. Is choice free? Yes, it is - to the extent that it depends on us. No, it is not – precisely because it depends on us. Any choice... ... Sponville's Philosophical Dictionary

Choice- Without taking their eyes off, as if expecting a new miracle, the Pandavas silently looked at where the great god had just stood. Yuthishthira was the first to speak: Now we can change our appearance at will. But which path should we choose? Which of... ... Encyclopedia of Mythology

CHOICE- CHOICE, huh, husband. 1. see select. 2. Something to choose from. Big in. goods. 3. About who (or what) is chosen (chosen). Approve someone's name V. To choose from with the ability to choose according to your taste and discretion. Sell ​​apples to choose from. Optionally… … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

choice- selection selection - [E.S. Alekseev, A.A. Myachev. English-Russian explanatory dictionary on computer systems engineering. Moscow 1993] choice 1. In consumption theory - the real action of the consumer, based on the preference for one set of goods (goods,... ... Technical Translator's Guide

Choice- . 1. In the theory of consumption, the real action of the consumer, based on the preference for one set of goods (goods, services, etc.) to another set of goods. See Consumer Choice. 2. For a more general meaning, see Alternative. 3. See also... ... Economic and mathematical dictionary

Choice- the main stage of the decision-making process, consisting of selecting one option from several possible ones. Dictionary of business terms. 2001... Dictionary of business terms


  • Choice, Gnitieva Elena Valerievna. Choice. What do we feel when we think about him? What emotions? It is generally accepted that it is good to have a choice. You can choose what you like best, what you like. But is this always the case? Always…

- ▲ prefer from, the option to choose between what and what. | to choose from (suggest #). choice giving preference to one of the options (have #. rich #). choose according to your taste. | optional (offer job #). choose to taste. | on your own (take a job... ...

make a choice- Syn: decide, make a decision, make a decision... Thesaurus of Russian business vocabulary

choice- changed change, subject choice stopped action, subject choice remains existence / creation, subject, continuation choice fell action, subject choice make action make choice action depends choice subject,... ...

DO- DO, I’m doing, you’re doing, I’m not sure. (to do). 1. As without additional. To act, to be active, to engage, to be busy with something. Enough talk, we must do (or do the deed). Nothing to do. All he does is swear. 2. what...... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

choice- Election, selection, selection, sorting. Sexual selection (selection). Provide a choice, provide one of two. Hesitate between two alternatives. He had to do one of two things: either renounce his property or recognize his previous... ... Synonym dictionary

CHOICE, COMPROMISE- (trade off) The process of deciding whether to give up some good or the achievement of some goal in order to obtain more of another good. The need to make a choice between goods or goals is an expression... ... Economic dictionary

choice- ▲ implementation of the most suitable option; selection of implementation of the most suitable, best, necessary option; procedure for sifting out options in accordance with what l. criterion (do, make #. successful #. hesitate in choice). the choice fell on who... Ideographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

do- (not) make unnecessary movements action (not) make mistakes action (not) make hasty conclusions action (not) make distinctions action (not) make sudden movements action (not) do honor promoting abortion do action, object... ... Verbal compatibility of non-objective names

Model selection- 8.2. Model selection 8.2.1. Three models for quality assurance As stated in 7.6 7.8, in the three relevant international standards, certain elements of the quality system have been grouped to form three clearly distinguishable models suitable ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

Choice- the problem of choice arises for individuals, groups of people and valuable communities because in any economy productive resources are limited in comparison with human needs. Such limitations lead people to... ... Dictionary of Economic Theory


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