Work plan for the prevention of delinquency among minors and with dysfunctional families - social teacher page - Regional educational portal of the Pskov region. Activities to prevent delinquency, crime, alcohol

"I affirm"

Director of MKOU "Kursk Secondary School No. 2"

__________Ivanova N.N.

"__" _____________2015

Plan of MKOU "Kursk Secondary School No. 2"

on the prevention of crimes and delinquency among minors for the 2015 – 2016 academic year

Target: systematization of work to prevent neglect, delinquency and crime among minors.


Ensuring the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of minors;

Providing assistance to families in socially dangerous situations;

Identification and suppression of neglect and juvenile delinquency;

Providing legal support to students.

Area of ​​activity:

Working with minors;

Working with parents;

Interaction with services and organizations included in the prevention system.

1. Organizational work



Responsible executors

Drawing up a social passport of an educational institution


Deputy director according to BP

Reconciliation of the list of students, disadvantaged families consisting of different types accounting with PDN, KDN and ZP.


Social teacher

Collecting information about children and families on different forms of registration, updating the data bank.


Social teacher

Monitoring the employment of students in clubs and sections (including minors enrolled in different forms of registration)


Social teacher

Monitoring the employment of students during vacations (students enrolled in different forms of registration)

During the holidays

Social teacher

Organization of legal education work at school. Legal Knowledge Week

Social teacher

Monitoring the attendance of children registered at the High School, PDN, KDN and ZP.


Social teacher

Organizing work to involve students in sections, clubs, checking with additional institutions. education on the employment of students in clubs and sections.

1 time per quarter

Adjustments to the data bank of children and families in socially dangerous situations.

During a year

Social teacher

Participation in interdepartmental complex operations.

During a year

Deputy director in VR, social teacher

Attendance at meetings of the KDN and ZP.

During a year

School administration, social teacher

Drawing up a plan for individual preventive work with children registered in the PDN, KDN and ZP.

Social teacher

Accounting for children who systematically miss classes without a valid excuse causes. Submission of information to the authorities of the district prevention system.

Based on the results of each quarter

Social teacher

2. Preventive work with students

Elementary School:

    individual preventive and explanatory conversations,

    class hours on the education of the individual in a team on the topics: “Rules of behavior”, “Good and evil”, “Mercy”, “What is justice and compassion”, “What is respect and mutual understanding”, etc.

    legal class hours: “Child and the Law”, “Action and Responsibility”, “Child’s Rights”, etc.

During a year

Deputy director for VR, teachers primary school, social teacher

high school:

    individual explanatory and preventive conversations,

    class hours on the education of the individual in a team on the topics: “The laws of life of the school community”, “What is decency”, “Rules of trust”, “Conflicts in the team and ways to resolve them”, etc.

    legal class hours: “I am a citizen of Russia”, “Crime and punishment”, “Action and inaction”, “Children’s rights in modern world. Guarantees of the rights of the child,” etc.

During a year

School administration, deputy director for VR, class leaders, social teacher

High school:

    individual explanatory and preventive conversations;

    class hours about the moral education of the individual on the topics: “What is decency”, “What does it mean to be principled”, “What is the purpose of life”, “Love and friendship”, “Adult life - adult responsibility”, etc.

    legal class hours: “I am

citizen of Russia”, “The Law and the Teenager”, “The Law on Drugs”, “My rights are my responsibilities”, etc.

During a year

"Difficult" teenagers:

    filing a card index;

    selection of documents for students to submit to the commission on juvenile affairs,

    involvement in extracurricular educational and cognitive activities (in extracurricular activities, in the work of clubs, sections),

    individual explanatory and preventive conversations on the prevention of crime, alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction, substance abuse,

    attending classes to monitor the discipline and progress of “difficult” teenagers;

    visiting students at home,

conversations with parents

During a year


during a year

if necessary

if necessary

School administration, deputy director for VR, social teacher, class teachers

3. Preventive work with parents



Studying the interests, needs, financial situation of students’ families

During a year

Deputy director in VR, social teacher

Identification, recording and visiting of disadvantaged families; adjustment of the family data bank

During the whole year

Class teachers, social teacher

Providing advisory social and pedagogical support in overcoming negative phenomena in the family

During the whole year

Social teacher

Participation in the work of the parent committee, school council

During the whole year

School administration

Consideration of issues of prevention of juvenile delinquency at parent meetings.

Once every quarter

Social teacher

Conducting a Prevention Council with the involvement of parents.

Once every quarter

School administration

Involving parents in carrying out socially significant events, excursions, hikes and trips for children.

During the whole year

School administration

Prevention of delinquency and crime is becoming more relevant, since there are many teenagers who find themselves in difficult life situation. This category increasingly includes children from families whose budget does not allow for proper rest and nutrition, as a result of which they are usually left to their own devices. All this leads to an increase in crime among teenagers, which is mainly committed in after school hours. In this regard, it is necessary to create conditions at school that do not provoke behavioral deviations, but expand a safe space for the child, where he feels good and is interested. The subject of special attention is the formation of a system additional education children, ensuring their employment during extracurricular and vacation periods.


implement measures provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation to prevent neglect and delinquency among minors,

assist teenagers in the implementation and protection of rights and legitimate interests,

organize control over the conditions of education and training of minors,

take measures to ensure the protection of children from physical, mental and other forms of violence, from all forms of discrimination, as well as from involvement in different kinds antisocial behavior,

identify and analyze the causes and conditions that contribute to neglect, homelessness and crime, take measures to eliminate them,

interaction public organizations and relevant services to create optimal conditions for children’s adaptation in society,

carrying out preventive work with parents (persons replacing them) who maliciously fail to fulfill their duties in raising and educating their minor children.

Operating principles: legality, humanity, confidentiality of information about a minor and his parents (legal representatives).

Regulatory framework:

Federal Law of June 24, 1999 No. 120 “On the basics of preventing neglect and juvenile delinquency”,

Federal Law of October 12, 1996 “On Education”, regional law “On Education”,

Convention on the Rights of the Child,

National doctrine of education in the Russian Federation 2000-2025,

Federal Law dated June 10, 2001 No. 87-03 “On restricting tobacco smoking”,

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated January 29, 2002 No. 237 “On emergency measures to solve the problems of child neglect”,

Regional program for the prevention of crime and homelessness among minors.

Reasons for registering for in-school preventive registration: violation of the school charter, systematic failure to complete homework, refusal to work in class, gross violation of discipline, absences training sessions, constant fights, rudeness and foul language, smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages, disturbing public order.




Study of the regulatory framework. Determination of strategy and tactics of activity.


Deputy dir. according to OVR

Drawing up socio-psychological passports of “at-risk” students, lists of children from disadvantaged, large and single-parent families.


Cl. managers

Monitoring the attendance and progress of these students, examining their living conditions.

during a year

Cl. managers

Individual conversations with students prone to crime.


Deputy dir. according to OVR

Cl. managers

Visiting families at home (students at risk).

1 time per quarter

Cl. managers

Organization of evening raids in populated areas.



Cl. managers

Meeting with the IDN inspector, the local commissioner (with the invitation of parents). Strengthening interdepartmental cooperation.


Deputy dir. according to OVR

Conducting themed communication hours.

during a year

Cl. managers

Career guidance work among high school students.

during a year

Cl. managers

Watching thematic videos.


Deputy dir. according to OVR

Organization of extracurricular activities for teenagers. Ensuring employment during the holidays.

during a year

Cl. managers

Organization of general education.


Deputy dir. according to OVR

Approximate topics for conversations during social hours.

1 class:

- “Rules of behavior and responsibilities of a schoolchild”,

- “What is an order?”

- “Be careful on the street!”;

2nd grade:

- “Discipline and order are our true friends”,

- “What is good, what is bad”

- “Is it difficult to be good?”;

3rd grade:

- “Our class is at recess”

- “About grievances and their causes”,

- “Friend in my life”;

4th grade:

- “Advantages and disadvantages of man”,

- “Taking someone else’s is a shame”

- “Hanging out with stupid people will make you stupid”;

5th grade:

- "ABOUT communication culture»,

- “About bad habits”,

- “Behavior in in public places»;

6th grade:

- “Student behavior at school and at home”,

- “What is an offense?”

- “How to avoid becoming a victim of crime?”;

7th grade:

- “Spirituality”,

- “Life is given only once”,

- "Cigarette Trial"

- “What is tolerance?”;

8th grade:

- “The ABC of Ethics”,

- “Man - it sounds proud”,

- “I choose healthy Lifestyle»,

- “Your rights and obligations”;

9th grade:

- “About the dangers of smoking”,

- "Step into the abyss"

- "Guys let's be friends",

- “On the relationship between boys and girls”;

Grade 10:

- “What is the law?”

- “My dreams and my desires”,

- “Conscience as civic responsibility”;

Grade 11:

- “Spirituality and soullessness”,

- “A dangerous situation and a way out of it”,

- “I and the law.”

Event plan

on the prevention of crime, drug addiction, substance abuse, alcoholism and smoking among students

for the 2019/2020 academic year

V Government institution education

"Secondary school No. 1 in Chashniki"

Information and analytical work:

2. Organizing a study of the interests and motives of behavior of adolescents who do not receive sufficient parental attention to ensure their useful employment

3. Systematic replenishment library collections literature on legal education, prevention of drug addiction, alcoholism

Preventative work:

1. Organizing preventive visits to families of registered teenagers (regularly, according to plan)

2. Conducting Weeks of Legal Knowledge

3. Conducting poster competitions on the problems of combating delinquency and crime, exhibitions of drawings on anti-alcohol and anti-drug themes “Sad Opening Day”, quiz “The Law and You” (once every quarter)

4. Conducting legal seminars for teachers (once every six months)

5. Organization of the work of the Council for the Prevention of Neglect and Juvenile Delinquency (monthly)

6. Organization of joint work with the IDN (ongoing)

Organization of socially useful activities for students:

1. Preservation and development of a network of hobby classes and sports sections (September)

2. Organization of leisure youth activities (according to the plan of ideological and educational work for the 2019/2020 academic year.)

3. Creation of repair teams from among students with the involvement of teenagers (May).

4. Assistance in employment and employment during the holidays (May)

Name of events



Organizational measures to counter the use of alcohol, tobacco, and drugs

Conducting regular monitoring of alcohol consumption, narcotic drugs and smoking among students

During a year

Social teacher

Regularly carrying out activities to identify dysfunctional families in order to establish control over them, organizing individual work

During a year

Social teacher

Diagnosis of a school neighborhood in order to identify microareas that have a negative impact on children.

September October

SPPS specialists

Carrying out diagnostics:

*identification of children in need of social and pedagogical assistance,

*studying value orientations students,

*study of intra-family relationships

According to the plan of the educational psychologist

SPPS specialists

Conducting meetings of the Crime Prevention Council.


Deputy Director for Educational Work

Individual conversations with students registered with the IDN, with students whose families are in a socially dangerous situation

During the school year

SPPS specialists

IDN inspector

Meetings of students with a juvenile affairs inspector: “Administrative and criminal liability.”

During the school year

Deputy Director for Educational Work, IDN Inspector

Lectures by healthcare professionals on the harmful effects of drug addiction, alcohol and smoking

Unified prevention days

Deputy Director for VR

Posting information about existing hotlines and hotlines to ensure the legal protection of students

During the school year

Deputy Director for VR

Organization of a set of measures to prevent alcoholism, drug addiction, substance abuse, and tobacco smoking among minors

Involving students in interest associations and sections


Class teachers

Conducting classes and parent meetings with the involvement of narrow specialists in the problems of drug addiction, smoking, alcoholism, substance abuse

During the school year

Deputy Director for VR

Individual conversations with students on preventive registration, with students whose families are in a socially dangerous situation

During the school year

SPPS specialists,

class teachers

Monitoring the summer employment of students from SOP families

June August

Conducting a series of conversations on healthy lifestyle and prevention of bad habits

During the school year

SPPS specialists, class teachers


Design of exhibitions of methodological and popular scientific literature on healthy lifestyle, prevention of addictions

During the school year


Organization of preventive and educational events:

World Drug Abuse Day.

- “The new generation chooses a healthy lifestyle.”

World AIDS Day "Red Tulips of Hope".

- “Sobriety and health for children and society.”

“Be Healthy” campaign.

World No Smoking Day.

During the school year

Deputy Director for VR,

SPPS specialists

Organization of thematic competitions, drawings, presentations, essays on healthy lifestyle prevention

1 time per academic year

Deputy Director for VR

Preparation of information stands on anti-alcohol and anti-drug topics, as well as handouts

During the school year

April 2020

Deputy Director for VR, SPPS specialists,

Organization and holding of the “Week of Sports and Health”

1 quarter

Deputy Director for VR, SPPS specialists

Participation in regional events to promote a healthy lifestyle

During the school year

Deputy Director for VR

Lecture and educational work with students

Publishing newspapers, dedicated to the Day fight against smoking.

Class teachers 5-11 grades.

“Offences and responsibility”, (grades 5-7),
« Criminal liability minors" (grades 8-11).

November, April

Class teachers 5-11 grades.

Round table “The Abyss You Must Look Into” (9th grade)

Class teachers

Conversations with boys and girls on the formation of gender culture (grades 8-11).

1 time per quarter

Class teachers

Watching videos “For a healthy lifestyle”, (grades 5-11).

On schedule

Class teachers

Conversations about the dangers of smoking.

1 time per quarter

Class teachers

Conversations about HIV prevention.

Class teachers

Sports and recreational activities

Days of health, sports and tourism

Every second Saturday of the month

Teachers physical culture

Sport competitions as part of the school sports competition

according to schedule

Physical education teachers

Sports competitions “Dad, Mom, I - a sports family”

Physical education teachers

Working with parents

Classroom parent meetings Conducting comprehensive parent education on the following topics:
“A child learns from what he sees in his home”;

- “Health and bad habits”;

- “Is passive smoking dangerous?”;

- “Prevention of tobacco smoking”;

- “Why do teenagers smoke?”;

- “You can help your child”;

- “The step from cigarettes to drugs”;

- “The consequences are irreversible”;

- “Smoking ban legislation”;

- “Image, lifestyle and... CIGARETTE”

According to the plan for holding class parent meetings

Class teachers

Consultations with parents on the prevention of alcoholism, drug addiction and treatment of their consequences.

During a year
(as needed)

SPPS specialists

during a year

Working with class teachers

Meeting of the class teachers' education department on the topic "The role of school and family in introducing children and adolescents to a healthy lifestyle."

Deputy Director for VR

During a year

Deputy Director for VR

Deputy Director for Educational Work A.N. Latygolets


work to prevent neglect and crime

among minors at the Ivanishchevskaya Secondary School NMR

in the 2019-2020 academic year


  1. Creating an effective system social support children and adolescents at risk, aimed at solving the problems of child and adolescent neglect and crime;
  2. Organization of preventive work to prevent schoolchildren from committing crimes;
  3. Promotion legal culture and social and pedagogical competence of students’ parents;
  4. Cooperation with social services (KDN, PDN, guardianship and trusteeship NMR) interested in solving the problems of neglect and delinquency in children and adolescents
  5. Implementation of measures to provide comprehensive psychological, pedagogical, medical, social, socio-legal, career guidance and legal support, providing leisure and recreation for children and adolescents in a socially dangerous situation.

6. creating conditions for successful social adaptation minors, the disclosure of their creative potential and life self-determination;


carrying out


Deputy Director for VR


Prophylactic advice

Organizational events

Drawing up a social passport for a class or school


Drawing up characteristics for children at risk


Accounting and control of minors who do not attend or systematically miss classes at school for unexcused reasons


Drawing up registration cards for families, students in a socially dangerous situation, registered at school, in the KDN, social security (updating data)

September October

Organization of leisure, extracurricular and club activities

During a year

Drawing up administrative letters, petitions and other documents, sending documentation to the ODN, KDN

Within a year in fact

Interaction of the school with ODN, KDN and other social services

During the year, according to the plan of joint work with the PDN, the plan of the Prevention Council

Organization of recreation for teenagers in the summer

June July August

Providing socio-psychological assistance to minors with developmental or behavioral deviations, or learning gaps

During a year

Involving “at-risk” students in school-wide activities and events.

During a year

Visiting students at home to study their living conditions, raids by the Prevention Council.


Introducing students and parents to the Charter of the educational institution and the rules of student conduct.


Maintaining a “Journal of individual work with families and children in socially dangerous situations”

During a year

Interaction with the inspector of the ODN, FAP in the village of Ivanishchevo, and preschool groups on the timely identification of disadvantaged children.

During a year

Timely informing parents, school administration, guardianship authorities, law enforcement agencies about emerging problems

During a year

Drawing up an IPR for families in a socially dangerous situation


Preventive work with students in socially dangerous situations.


carrying out



Prophylactic advice

Exercising strict control over the attendance of children at risk who are under internal school control


Finding out the reasons for students' absence from school


Systematic visits to the families of students who miss classes without a good reason

During a year

Monitoring current progress

During a year

Involving students in clubs and sections, in extracurricular activities

During a year

Conversations with a psychologist, conducting questionnaires.

During a year

Assistance in employment.

Carrying out career guidance work with students at risk

April, May, summer period

Analysis conflict situations

During a year

Conducting preventive conversations by the ODN inspector, deputy director for VR, and class teachers

in fact, according to plan

Invitation to the Prevention Council in case of violations

In fact, according to the Council's plan

Conducting classes, promotions, competitions, games “Prevention of a healthy lifestyle”, “Health is in our hands”, etc.

According to the plan of the class teachers, the plan of educational work of the school

Working with parents of “at-risk” students


carrying out



Prophylactic advice

Visiting families of “at-risk” students at home, talking with their parents, establishing the causes of deviant behavior, conducting raids

During a year

Preventive conversations with parents who avoid raising teenagers, familiarization with the articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the Code of the Russian Federation

During a year

As needed

Conducting joint raids on families in the students’ SOP (with representatives of the ODN, KDN, paramedic of the FAP Builova E.N.)

As needed according to the work plan

Inviting parents and children “at risk” to advice on prevention

Organizing a series of conversations: on promoting a healthy lifestyle for children, preventing substance abuse, and crime

During the year (according to the plans of class teachers, the Prevention Council)

Conducting preventive medical and social examinations of children from disadvantaged families

Organization of consultations on social and legal issues

According to the Council's plan

Working with the teaching staff

Organizing the exchange of information between subject teachers about “at-risk” children

During a year

Reports from class teachers on working with “difficult” students and their families, providing information on the progress and attendance of students at risk


Carrying out round tables, seminars and workshops with the invitation of various social structures for class teachers.

November, March

Analysis of the work of class teachers with “difficult” students registered in the class and at school

Once every six months

Work of class teachers with children who miss classes without a good reason. Experience exchange

At the end of every quarter

Meetings of the Prevention Council

Discussion and approval of the work plan of the Prevention Council for the 2019-2020 academic year. Updating and adjusting the “data bank” about families and children who are members of the High School, PDN, and KDN. Analysis of the results of the school's registration of children aged 0-18 years living in our neighborhood. Registration or deregistration of disadvantaged families and children.

Information about identified students and families at risk; Registration for various types of accounting. Raid results. Employment of students registered outside of school hours. Analysis of the school's social passport. Invitation of parents if necessary.

Prevention of delinquency among minors. preventive conversations about the dangers of drug addiction and HIV infection. Invitation of parents if necessary. Conducting conversations with students by PDN inspector I.A. Chikova.

Working with students who have absences for unexcused reasons and violate discipline at school. Reports from class teachers on working with “difficult” students and their families. Speeches by subject teachers and class teachers about the progress of students enrolled in the Higher School of Economics. Raid report. Conversations with students who are unsuccessful at the end of the 1st half of the year. Inviting parents, students who miss classes without a good reason, parents who have no control over the child, parents of disadvantaged families. (of necessity)

Working with students who violate discipline at school, underachievers, a report on the work of class teachers with children (in fact). Results of checking the living conditions of children under guardianship. Speech by a psychologist. Invitation of parents if necessary.

Extracurricular employment of adolescents as a way to prevent crime. Report of cool hands. about the employment of students enrolled in the Higher School of Economics during extracurricular hours. Inviting parents, students who missed classes without a good reason, parents who have no control over the child, parents of disadvantaged families. (of necessity)

The role of the family in crime prevention. The tasks of the family in the formation of moral qualities of the individual. Strengthening control on the part of parents over the academic performance, development and upbringing of the child. The work of class teachers on this issue. Invitation of parents if necessary.

Prevention of delinquency among minors. Working with students who violate school rules. missing classes for unexcused reasons and having unsatisfactory grades. Invitation of parents if necessary. Analysis of the results of the school's registration of children aged 0-18 years living in our neighborhood.

Organization of recreation and health improvement for “at-risk” students in the summer. Registration or deregistration of disadvantaged families and children enrolled in the High School. Analysis of the work of the Crime Prevention Council for the 2019-2020 academic year. Drawing up a plan and work schedule for the Council for the 2020-2021 academic year.

Deputy Director for HR Dubicheva S.M.
