Why is it so important to write down your goals, dreams and desires on paper? How long does it take for a wish to come true? Do not include specific persons in the description

Do you also have several wishes?

Then I accept you into the dreamers club.


I, too, like you and like most of my subscribers, among whom I organized a vote for the topic of the next article, dream of several dreams at once.

Yes, yes, I too, like you, are in the process of fulfilling my desires.

It seems to me that I never get out of this process at all. After all, as some desires come true, I have new ones.

But I prefer to call it planning. It works better this way, but we’ll talk about that some other time, but today we’ll talk about this pressing problem: How can you fulfill several desires at once?

One of my blog readers recently wrote me this letter:

The essence of the question is this:

I made affirmations for myself according to all the rules from your article ().

I have many desires: a house, a car, my own business (since I don’t want to work for my uncle and be tied to a workplace all day), success, relaxation, a telephone, a change of wardrobe, etc.

The affirmation turned out to be quite big.

I previously had experience with affirmations combined with visualization. I also wrote many wishes and repeated them with frequency, when I worked on them, when I didn’t.

The ones I'm on focused his attention most of all, were realized (although, let me remind you, there was no consistency, but I devoted enough time to this).

What to do if this moment we don’t have our own house, and we live with our parents, (I want my own house), I have a job, but I don’t like it and I want to work for myself (because of this work, I began to see my wife less often), I also want something else to update my wardrobe and buy almost everything from scratch, because I moved to the Russian Federation recently and left all my things in the past.

Where to start if everything is necessary? This is just a small part of the desires. I really look forward to your answer, and if possible, advice! God bless you!!! Sincerely, Alexander

In this article I would like to give advice to Alexander and at the same time help all those who are trying to fulfill several desires at once.

Do you have enough strength for several desires at once?

You probably know yourself that fulfilling desires can sometimes be very labor-intensive.

Sometimes, in order to really attract the desired event to yourself, you have to recite the desired affirmation a hundred times, visualize it three times a day, make a vision board for a week, and constantly think positively...

At least, this happens with those desires that you really really need.

We collect all desires in one image

Once the goals are clear, and there may be even more of them than at the very beginning, it’s time for us to move on and set sail.

Recently, one of the blog readers, Marat, advised me to read new book(I'll add it to the top soon) called “Instructions for Reality” by lee.

The book is very worthy and I found in it very good exercise which will allow you now release ships to sea.

The most important thing is that you need to do this exercise right now.

[Beginning quote]

First you need to formulate a set of desired events ( we have already done this above).

Putting it in writing will double the focus on your choices ( we doubled! J), that is, already at the start, invest twice the amount of energy into events than if you do it mentally.

You need to imagine all the written desires, visualize them separately, and then bring them into one focus of attention.

For example, Alexander can see his ideal day when he and his wife are having breakfast at home in their apartment, then he puts on his new clothes, takes a new phone and goes to his own office of his company...

After work, he comes home and gives his family a trip to Turkey...

We pay attention to the fact that only the desired events are in focus, the embodiment of which gives you a feeling of joy, delight, and a surge of energy.

Please remove everything that causes you resistance in the form of “but this is unrealistic.” After all, you can easily imagine an entire planet in your mind, so it's up to you to decide what's real in your mind and what's not.

When you have achieved a single joyful image in your mind, allow yourself to hold it.

Take a deep breath, feel how this image spreads warmth throughout your chest.

Inhale and absorb the image through the solar plexus, spreading throughout the body. Another deep breath increases the brightness of the feeling - joy, light, warmth, bliss.

Inhale without tension, freely.

Breathe until a high-quality sensation in the body increases - the spread of bliss throughout all limbs.

Allow yourself to be happy for at least 10-15 breaths. If everything is not running well for you, then it would be good to hold on to this feeling for about five minutes.

What have you done?

You have formed vibrational events that are already real, but have not yet been attracted to you.

If you did this under the supervision of doctors, then the reaction of the cerebral cortex would be recorded in the pleasure areas, which one to one would broadcast the same electronic-magnetic activity, if these events were real. Activity in other parts of the brain would also be observed, followed by the release of corresponding hormones into the blood.

During the exercise, your body responded absolutely completely to the imagination as reality. Vibrationally, you have created and experienced the actual events of your desires being fulfilled.

Now all that remains is to make sure that the vibrations of the selected events do not become yours for 5 minutes, but completely enter your life.

[End quote]

So what we have:

  1. In our port, we gave each ship instructions where to sail.

For example, we told a ship with wages which port it needed to sail to.

I ask you not to bet a billion dollars if you only have ten thousand so far, move gradually, set a small goal, after you sail to it, give the ship the next task - otherwise it may get lost on such a long voyage.

  1. We showed the Universe, with the help of a general visualization, what our reality should ultimately become and formed a vibrational event.
  1. Now we need to send a fair wind to our ships so that they do not go astray - that's one thing, and so that they sail faster - that's two.

What to do with your wish list?

Now I will tell you about the technology for fulfilling several desires at once, which I myself currently use.

This technology will allow you to send tailwinds to your ships every day.

I, like you, have many desires at once, and this is what I do.

I started a notebook.

Every morning and every evening I write down FROM MEMORY, without looking at the previous formulations, my list of desires.

That is, I rewrite my wishes 2 times a day.

The very process of rewriting desires, like a tailwind, pushes your ships to the desired destination port.

Each new rewritten list is another impetus to the realization of your new reality.

  1. Get a notepad or notebook.
  2. Write down all your desires in it from memory, let it be 2, 5, 10 or 15 points.
  3. In the evening, sitting in bed, open the notebook again, and, without looking at the previous formulations, write again everything you want.
  4. In the morning, do the same.
  5. And so every day.

For me, this wonderful technology of fulfilling several desires at once has already begun to work, one wish has come true.

I will note that when I rewrite desires, images automatically pop up in my mind, that is, I write and visualize at the same time. It happens naturally.

And my visualization includes all desires at once, just like in the exercise above.

Dear friends, I have given you effective, simple and easy to implement tips on how to fulfill several desires at once.

Let me remind you that everything comes gradually and routinely.

Your wishes will come true unnoticed by you, and only then, in the bustle of life, after a few weeks, months or years, will you realize:

Wow, it all came true!

And if you are interested in my experience of materializing desires, come to the master class “How to learn how to quickly materialize desires,” where I share my most secret things.

List of (un)probabilities.

100 goals or what you need to do in life.

I sometimes read books. In one of them, the writer recommended making a list of improbabilities, deeds, desires and goals. You need to write everything that comes to your mind, even if it is unlikely.

I, as a typical user, decided to find a ready-made list on the Internet, because it’s difficult to come up with it on my own. I liked some ideas, but they were few. So I had no choice but to spend a day and write down my ideas and dreams, as well as simply incredible things.

Below you can see the items on my list, maybe you also like something. I will say right away that this list is periodically updated, and imagination develops. I hope some points come true, and I wish the same for you!

1. Go on vacation in winter 2018(winter 2018)

2. Stop jumping from job to job, find something you like

3. Jump on trampolines

4. Fly in a wind tunnel

5. Fly a fighter jet

6. Fly a helicopter

7. Explore the world

8. Live abroad for a year

9. Meet a Hollywood “star” in real life

10. Fly on hang gliding

11. Skydive

12. Scuba dive

13. Swim with dolphins

14. See the Northern Lights

15. Ride a dog sled

16. Take part in archaeological excavations

17. Dive to the site where the Titanic sank

18. Create

19. Love yourself

20. To keep my shares from increased in price

21. Buy an apartment and a house

22. Sit on the roof of the tallest building

24. Earn your first million at once

25. Visit Canada

26. Visit a carnival in Brazil

27. Climb Everest

28. Visit Austria, feed the kangaroos

29. Steer a yacht

30. Visit Japan

31. Be healthy and happy

32. So that my family is close, my parents don’t get sick

33. Stop being shy

34. Learn to do pull-ups

35. Get your body in order, figure the way I like it

36. Write and publish a book

37. Learn to play the guitar

38. Celebrate Halloween in America

39. Live in the forest for a month, eat what nature provides (with friends, not alone)

40. Learn English and Spanish perfectly.

41. View the earth from a hot air balloon

42. Perform in front of an audience of more than 100 people

43. Swim on Lake Baikal, live in Siberia for a week or two

44. Plant trees

45. Fly a kite

46. ​​Cross desert on camel

47. Visit the castles of the world

48. Learn sign language to better understand people

49. Star in a movie

50. Visit Jerusalem

51. Help people and animals

52. Visit Disneyland in the USA (I’ve already been to Paris)

53. Go on a Eurotrip

55. Take a photo with a smiling sloth

56. To make my parents proud of me

57. Spend a weekend at the spa(January 2018)

58. See 7 wonders of the world live

59. Learn to snowboard(winter 2018)

60. Learn to surf

61. Ride a horse along the coast

62. Rent a fast car and drive all day.

63. Start a family and children (when the time comes)

64. Get a tattoo (from July to December 2018)

65. Write a 100 list of achievements (just started, just a few points)

66. Go to some training

67. Visit the Grand Canyon

68. Take a photo with Big Ben in the background

69. Visit " Scarlet Sails" In St. Petersburg

70. Visit Oktoberfest in Munich

71. Learn 30 signature dishes

72. Learn to become a veterinarian

73. Volunteer to go to foreign reserves and help animals

74. Travel around Russia. See cities, architecture and nature.

75. Learn to dance (3 styles)

76. Make repairs, change furniture(autumn 2017)

77. Launch sky lanterns

78. Ride a Ferris wheel at night (August 2018)

79. Watch horror in the cinema

80. Walk along the Great Wall

81. Ride a motorcycle on the highway

82. Ride a jet ski

83. Find good people who will help, support and keep company

84. Leave a handprint on a building

85. Become an example for others

86. Become a mentor and find a mentor

87. Play paintball

88. Work out at the climbing wall

89. Watch the stars through a telescope

90. Visit Hollywood

91. Walk in the footsteps of Bulgakov, incl. "bad apartment"

92. Do a complete examination of the body

93. Donate blood (you need to improve your health for this)

94. Learn not to bother yourself over trifles and not to take everything to heart

95. Walk on a rope bridge

96. Walk across a glass bridge in China

97. Ride a mechanical bull

98. Travel 2 times a year

99. Take a photo 4 generations

100. Constantly add to this list (already 400 points and growing :)

05/24/2016 at 01:18

In the article you will learn:

Hello, my darlings.

June is with you and I’m in a great mood right now, because today I’ll tell you how to make a bucket list (or in other words, a dream list), as well as I'll give you 100 wishes on my list, of course, it was possible to make a list of 10 wishes, but I’m used to thinking on a huge scale! If you want to achieve a lot in this life then think and dream big, Stretch your brains! I advise you to start by learning how to correctly formulate your desires, because this information will be useful for you to make a better list.

Make a wish list

People's dreams are very diverse. It depends on individuality, fleeting moods and other factors. Therefore, everyone has different ways of making a wish list, I will tell you about my method. I like to divide my dream and wish list into several categories:

You can also divide your wish list into expensive dreams, moderately expensive and relatively cheap. This will make it easier to plan their execution.

Don't forget, dreams don't come true, they are made true!

You don’t just have to wait for them to be fulfilled, you need to plan who, how and when can execute them and how much money it will all cost.

Share your dreams

Before you start making a wish list, you need to understand what are my dreams, and what dreams are not mine. Simply put, you need to get rid of all the dreams imposed by society/friends/family that you have warmed up in your head, but which are not your dreams.

I very clearly separate my dreams from those of others. My dream is to work all day without wasting energy, my boss’s dream is for me to do my best for three people :) Guess whose dream is more feasible. So throw away all dreams that are not yours and think, think, think, what YOU want!

My dreams - a list of 100 wishes

In the list I will give 100 wishes that belong to me and no one else. As time goes forward, I will add to these wishes, so that in one day there will be more than 100 of them :) I will also sign which of these dreams have already come true. Some of them are professional, others are just interesting— they cover different areas. So feel free to take ideas for your list from this article!

So, dear ones, my dreams:

  1. Read 7 Game of Thrones books - all purchased and read by May 2016
  2. Having passed the driving test, the only thing left to pass is winter driving.
  3. Ride a camel.
  4. Ride a horse.
  5. Go diving.
  6. Visit a glass igloo in Lapland — went with a friend in 2012.
  7. Machu Picchu.
  8. Stonehenge.
  9. Drink sake.

    Find out what ways can help you materialize your dreams (of any complexity).

  10. Watch the sakura blossom.
  11. See a kangaroo live — I was in a zoo in Hungary and there you are allowed to get close to the kangaroos :) Just half a meter away there were kangaroos with baby kangaroos in their bellies.
  12. Visit the carnival in Rio.
  13. Climb onto the bridge near the pier in Sydney.
  14. A trip to the voyage.
  15. Visit the Great Wall of China.
  16. Walk under Madagascar's ancient baobab trees.
  17. Professional PRO 183 cm Super Strong Tripod With Deluxe Soft Tripod Carrying Case For The Canon EOS REBEL 70D, T5i (EOS 700D), G16 Digital SLR Camera - £30 - bought
  18. Buy Canon EOS 700D Digital SLR Camera (EF-S 18-55 mm f/3.5-5.6 IS STM Lens, 18 MP, CMOS Sensor, 3 inch LCD) - just £420. — bought
  19. Buy a Jacuzzi - somewhere around 4-6 thousand pounds.
  20. Virgin Media gym subscription - £80 / first month + £50 per month - changed my mind

    The secret is to write prices where possible. For a more realistic feeling that your desires can come true! After all, you can buy most of them, so find out in advance how much your desires will cost you!

  21. Visit the Blue Lagoon in Iceland.
  22. Massage Chair - £6,000
  23. Develop a blog to reach 10,000 readers - I hope you will help me with this!
  24. Find suitable housing to move to within 2-3 years— we found suitable areas, and we’ll find housing itself when we move.
  25. Finish university in category 1 or 2:1
  26. Visit Hungary — flew to visit a friend
  27. Netbook or tablet bought HP Blue Stream netbook 11.6 inches
  28. Change my job to one where I’m not a salesperson - otherwise I’m tired of working in stores:
  29. Get a pet snake
  30. Visit the super show "The Lion King" in London
  31. Go to karaoke with friends
  32. Master good Photoshop skills
  33. Sweet Garden Pea eau de toilette— I bought a very similar one, but better. It's called Falling Star.
  34. Ride an elephant
  35. Beautiful spacious house by the sea in a warm climate
  36. Have your own large dressing room full of beautiful things and decorations
  37. Sauna - 8000 pounds
  38. Different hair color already! dyed her hair from platinum blonde to light brown.
  39. silver ring- gave
  40. Good reliable computer - £2000

    For those interested, 1 pound is an average of 100 rubles.

  41. Buy more puzzles done, but they basically gave them to me, which is even better :)
  42. Traveling by car
  43. Write and publish a book
  44. Create a complete family tree- done, it is, of course, not the most complete. I'll add details there as I learn something new.
  45. Visit Tibet
  46. Draw 5 pictures -2 available!
  47. Get into serving
  48. Visit Australia

    What you need to do to make your wish come true:

    Read the article on what you need to do to make your wish come true. It tells you how to make collage of wishes. You can make such a collage for travel, for example. Look what I made for myself a few years ago!

  49. Session with an astrologer- as many as two. I told you about one.
  50. Work in a team with like-minded people
  51. Self defense course — 06/10/2016 You can read about the self-defense course to understand what kind of drive I experienced.
  52. Win more than £50 in the lottery
  53. Appear on TV
  54. Give a lecture— spent at the university on my stream in December 2016.
  55. Pay for parents to come to London
  56. Have a lot of peacock stuff - There’s a lot of stuff now: pens, notepads, stickers, 2 boxes, and so on.
  57. Ride on a yacht
  58. Go fishing with dad
  59. Go skiing in the mountains
    ….the main thing is that you don’t hesitate to read and understand - here you can find good ideas for a birthday gift, for example, to ME:) my birthday is on June 17th, so... well, okay, you can give it to other people, I I'll survive :)
  60. Skydiving
  61. Meet the sunset - with grandma in Estonia
  62. To plant a tree
  63. Dance lessons
  64. Swim with dolphins
  65. Read 5 motivational books for 2016— “48 laws of power”, “Magic”, “Four-hour work week”, “Overwhelmed”, “Shantaram”
  66. Have a picnic - Matt and I had a little picnic on one of the hot days in England.
  67. Fly business or first class somewhere
  68. Fly a helicopter
  69. Loch Ness Lake
  70. Participate in a masquerade
  71. Write a poem, for example, like

    “My dreams” Sergei Yesenin
    My dreams rush into the distance, where screams and sobs are heard,
    To share someone else's sorrow and the torment of severe suffering.
    There I can find joy in life, rapture,
    And there, in spite of fate, I will look for inspiration.

  72. Learn basic language deaf and dumb
  73. Unusual wedding (hmm, Scottish style?)
  74. Work at a job that I like
  75. Professional photo shoot
  76. Visit Disneyland
  77. Have a sushi brunch — with Eida in Regent`s park
  78. Buy yourself 5 yankee candles- everything is donated
  79. Start making money blogging
  80. Draw a gift for Eide

    What else to wish for:

    Well, are you tired of reading yet? I hope you like this one 100 wish list helps with ideas for your wishes Same! Travel, books, practical things, entertainment, etc. I wish that everything will be as in the picture for you and that the opportunities for fulfillment of desires will flow like a river!
  81. Live in a 5 star hotel
  82. Live in a tent
  83. A week's train trip around Russia
  84. Visit the outskirts of the planet
  85. Knit something beautiful
  86. Ride in a limousine around the city
  87. Do yoga
  88. and meditation!
  89. Develop the Juno Blog brand
  90. Play paintball
  91. Understand political issues- I understand this whole matter much better now.
  92. I want a new pair of earrings! - and not alone...
  93. ECCO yellow sandals
  94. Take a photo in a fluffy dress
  95. Finish your dissertation
  96. Fly to Holland for a visit — 28.12.16- 04.01.17
  97. Sell ​​your paintings
  98. Live in solitude far from civilization
  99. Understand English system taxation - I've already researched everything
  100. Do floristry again

We all want our desires to be realized, but not everyone or not always succeeds. What can you do to make your wishes come true? One of the tools for this is making a wish list and rereading it daily, or better yet, rewriting it.

However, this tool sometimes seems to work well, and sometimes not so well. in the best possible way. But why? Why do wish lists sometimes work and sometimes not? What you need to increase the impact of this tool.
How many wishes do you need to write on your wish list so that they are the most in the best possible way realized? This question is one of the most important for the successful realization of desires, no less important than visualization techniques and methods of achieving goals, but not much is written about it.
I have read completely different opinions on this matter. Some people think that a wish list needs 7 wishes, some 10, some as many as there are, that is, list and achieve all the wishes. But we don’t just want to write down our wishes, we want them to come true with the greatest probability. We want our wishes to come true with the least amount of effort for us and within a reasonable time frame.

I will also express my opinion based on personal experience.
In total, you have many many desires. And you even write them down in some kind of list of goals. Some people write five wishes, some ten, and some several dozen. In itself, compiling such a list is a good thing, as it helps to better understand these very desires.

But how many wishes need to be written down and, accordingly, then reviewed in order for it to come true with the greatest probability. In other words, how many goals do you need to write down so that the maximum number of dreams can come true with the least amount of effort?
If your desires are very small, such as eating a cake or being alone for a couple of hours, then there can be quite a lot of such desires. It is possible that there may be several dozen of them.
However, if you want to realize large desires, then it is better to focus on one large desire.
So, the life principle of realizing desires. Focus on one desire and you will achieve much more than if you want many things in different directions.
Today this principle seems obvious to me. But I can't say that it has always been like this. Let me give you a little analogy.
Let's say that you have 100 thousand rubles. (maybe a million rubles or dollars, the main thing is that this amount is large enough for you). And let’s say you want to spend this money to achieve your goals. If you concentrate and spend these 100 thousand rubles. (or a million) on one thing, you can make significant progress in some part of your life. Let's assume that you pay for college tuition for a couple of years or go somewhere abroad or something else.
However, if you break 100 thousand rubles. for 20 wishes of 5 thousand rubles each, then most likely nothing will radically change in your life, but just a set of new things or furniture. That is, in fact, nothing qualitatively will change in your life. You will live the same way you lived, but maybe a little better.
Of course, in real life it is almost impossible to spend 100 thousand rubles. for something big, and forget about the rest. After all, things get torn, furniture breaks, etc. But I'm talking about general principle, and not about specifics. This principle is focusing on one goal. And if we're talking about about money, then it could be 80 thousand rubles. 20 thousand rubles will be spent on a major wish. to support something smaller.
Of course, you can object and tell me, isn’t it easier to make it so that you have 10 times more money, in relation to this analogy, rather than think about what to buy. It's usually not easier. As a rule, it is easier to concentrate on one thing than to increase the amount of money or develop your abilities. Although I do not deny the way to increase abilities and it does not contradict this principle.
Now let's move back to goals. If you have some big desire, then to achieve something beyond your usual level, so that not only everything remains the same with minor improvements, but so that there is a qualitative leap in some area, then you need to focus all your efforts on one goal. At some point everything free time and strength must be directed towards it.
What is a big desire (goal)? A large desire has nothing to do with its “largeness” in its ordinary understanding. It doesn't have to be a palace, making a billion dollars or anything like that.
A major desire is a desire that is not ordinary for you, new to you, the desire that will most change your life for the better, where you have no knowledge of achieving this goal, etc. If you want to play sports, have never played sports (or for a long time), then taking up sports is a big desire. If you have never moved up the career ladder, then the most small step forward is a big desire. If you have been an insecure person all your life, and want to be at least at an average level of confidence, then this is also a big step. If you don’t have a home, then buying the smallest room on the outskirts of the city is also a big desire.
Now let's return to the rule, but let's reformulate it in a slightly different form.

If you want to achieve two major desires at the same time, then the probability of your success decreases by at least five times.
Just think. It is enough to desire not just one thing, but to want to fulfill two desires, and you transform yourself from a person who realizes one desire after another (not necessarily, I repeat, this is big goals in the ordinary sense of the word) into a person who has one of the five desires realized.
It's so simple, you might think. That's right, it couldn't be simpler.

If you want to achieve three major desires at the same time, then you are practically doomed to major failure.
In other words, if you have the habit of wanting three major goals, then you immediately or gradually turn into a loser who does not succeed or only manages to fulfill the simplest and smallest desires.
It would seem that things are completely obvious. The number of wishes that can be fulfilled is limited. And the easiest way to increase the likelihood of achieving a goal is to focus only on it, cutting off the rest.

But if this principle of achieving desires is so simple and obvious, then maybe it’s not worth writing an article about it, because all people already follow it? But nothing could be further from the truth. On the contrary, the vast majority of people try to fulfill several of their desires at the same time, and then become disappointed with the result and do nothing.
Then this cycle repeats. The person gets inspired again and tries to do several big things at the same time and again fails.
Don’t think that I’m so smart and always focused on one desire. Not at all. I used to make this mistake quite often, but less often now.
But somehow I sat down and analyzed why some of my desires come true and others don’t? What does my behavior when my dreams come true have in common with those dreams that remain dreams?
General features there were several. But all my significant successes and achievements were associated with the fact that I abandoned (not completely, of course, but almost completely) all my affairs and directed all my free time, energy, the best and most productive hours to one desire.
Such concentration has always given dramatic progress and significant results. If you spend 2-3 hours every day (or maybe 10 hours) every day for several months, at your best time, moving some of your desires, then it is almost impossible not to feel some significant shifts.
During these 2-3 hours you can practice self-hypnosis and visualization. You can also learn and do something naturally, for example, call, meet, train, etc.
And if in reality you spend 2-3 hours every day moving towards some goal, visualizing, acting, analyzing the results, for 3-6 months or more, then I do not believe that there will be no results. Maybe the results will be much more significant than you thought, maybe not so significant, but they will definitely be there.
Naturally, I did not mean that you need to desire only one thing and write one goal on your wish list. You achieve your desire and can start another.
I have now told you about one of the most powerful methods of achieving your goals. If you learn to use it, then you will have several times more wishes come true and of better quality than before. Your whole life can change dramatically if you are only willing and able to adhere to this principle.
At first glance, it may seem that adhering to this principle of wish fulfillment is quite simple. But in reality, concentrating on one desire requires quite a lot of effort. After all, our life is structured in such a way that it constantly switches us from one thing to another.
Something urgent always comes up with your boss or your friends. Maybe you just get tired of doing about the same thing over and over again. In general, maintaining concentration on one desire, if we are talking not about one day, but about several months, is not so easy.
To facilitate this concentration, taking notes is a must. What entries, what to write and how, will be discussed in the next part of the article.

Best regards, Rashid Kirranov. Article protected by copyright and related rights. When using or reprinting material, an active link to the women's website sun-hands.ru is required!

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Practice 100 wishes (how to make dreams come true)

To feel like a real Sorceress whose dreams come true, you need to make a wish list.

Your list should consist of at least 100 wishes

When you write 100 wishes, you show the Universe how much you want! Especially when your dreams are fantastic and, at first glance, unrealistic, you expand your zone of influence and expand the Universe. After all, it is dreamers and dreamers who move progress!

When you have 100 desires, you don't get stuck on just one. You just take one dream every day and make it come true. You become more confident in yourself, feel your strength, feel like a Sorceress changing your life.

If one wish does not come true, you do not dwell on it, but take the next one from the list and work with it. As a result, you will never feel like a loser.

I know that it’s not easy to sit down and immediately write 100 wishes. I’ll tell you a few secrets on how you can easily cope with this task.

Step 1. Preparatory ritual

Seclude yourself, create a quiet and calm atmosphere for yourself. Turn off your phone, computer, and ask not to be disturbed. Light a candle, prepare a piece of paper and a pen.

Sit comfortably at the table, close your eyes and imagine that now you are preparing to do a very important thing, on which your immediate future directly depends. Your pen is magical, and every word, every desire you write with this pen will instantly go to the Universal Bank of Abundance for implementation.

Remember. Everything you write is correct. You should not have doubts and unbelief. You are a Sorceress, and right now you are starting to create your future.

Take a deep breath and exhale slowly, open your eyes and look at the candle flame. Feel the warmth that comes from it. Think about what is important to you now, what you would like more than anything in the world, what you would like to become, what you would like to have, what you would like to change, how you would like to live, what to do, who to see in your environment.. .

Step 2. Areas of Life

Write a list of the most important areas of life in which you want to develop and improve. For example:

✪ beauty

✪ health

✪ love

✪ family

✪ children

✪ relationships

✪ house

✪ career

✪ finance

✪ rest

✪ travel

✪ hobby

✪ brightness of life

✪ acquisitions

personal growth

✪ spirituality

✪ education

For each area of ​​your life, write at least 5 wishes. Include in your wish list 5-10 minutes (take a bath with rose petals), daily habits (running on a treadmill), global goals (open a business)

Step 3. Answer 4 questions:

- What do I want to have?
- What do I want to be able to do?
- What do I want to do every day?
— What do I want to do at least once in my life?

The more answers you give to these 4 questions, the better.

Step 4. Listen to yourself, what would you like to do with joy and pleasure?

Maybe you have some pending tasks that you can’t get around to, but you know for sure that you would like to do it.

Feel free to add them to your list!

Step 5. Answer 4 more questions:

— What exotic dish would you like to try?
- Where to relax?
- Where to go?
- What to learn?

Step 6. When the list of 100 wishes is ready, pick it up and carefully read it out loud

Step 7. Use your imagination!

Imagine how great and radically your life will change when your wishes come true. Feel the full range of emotions from the fact that your wish has already come true. Joy, a little confusion, trembling knees from excitement, cheeks blazing with happiness, your contented look, a dazzling smile.

Step 8. Say: “All my wishes come true! Let it be so!"

Step 9. Activate a list of 100 wishes

The next day after you've composed it, give yourself a gift. Buy something tasty (fruit, chocolate, cake) or some trinket. Show the Universe that the process of “dreams coming true” has begun!

Step 10. To make the magic work all the time

Cross off fulfilled desires from the list and add new ones to it.

Your 100 wish list should always be visible to you, but hidden from prying eyes. Exactly one year later, sum up the results. Re-read the list, cross out desires that are no longer interesting to you or have lost relevance. Praise yourself for all your dreams come true!

Write in the comments if the article was useful to you? Will you use the tips? I wish you to write the most best list out of 100 wishes!
