Presentation on the topic "Orthoepic norms of the modern Russian language" presentation for a lesson in the Russian language (class) on the topic. Presentation on the topic “violations of literary language norms” MPS: Russian language and literature

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Violations of language norms as an artistic device

The custom of customs is honor by honor, But here everyone is our own, here you don’t have to lie, Here is an evening for those who were once together, Here you wash your hands - and you can take it. And there - be it in the sewer trucks or in the general secretaries - Multiply life by fate and divide it in half. We will all be there - yes, but in different compartments! Looks like it will come back to bite everyone. You, what do you know about me? My rock and roll is myself. Everything else is nonsense behind the scenes, Everything else is outside: Beyond the understanding of you and me, Beyond the competence of me and you, Everything else is just bullshit Without the right to retell, Everything else is jumping and antics, Everything else is mutual shooting, Everything else is life's belongings, But... Such is ZhZL!

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Lexical errors

Using words in an unusual meaning I borrowed money from him. All this was almost disrupted by the severe frost. At my new place of work I was given an insurance policy.

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Lend – lend. Correct: I borrowed money from him. The meaning of the conjunction “thanks to” includes the element “desired result.” Correct: All this was almost disrupted due to severe frost. Pole – limit, boundary, extreme point of something; something diametrically opposed to the other (two poles). Policy is a document certifying the conclusion of certain Contracts (for example, insurance). Polis is a city-state, a special form of socio-economic and political organization of society, typical of Ancient Greece and Ancient Italy. Correct: I was given an insurance policy.

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Violation of lexical compatibility A good leader must set an example for his subordinates in everything. Our museum fulfills all the features that other museums have.

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Place of error: show sample; fulfills the features. Correct: set an example or serve as a model; performs duties or has special features Examples of incompatibility: play a role, have a role

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Semantic redundancy (pleonasm) Price list Take a full-face photograph My autobiography Customer service Mixing of paronymous words (words that are similar in sound or spelling, but different in meaning) For example: dress-put on, spectacular-effective, businessman-travelling, addressee-addressee I put on a coat A man leads a festive life. The more chances you have to win our prize, which is a T-shirt with the Radio 7 logo.

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Correct options: Price list, take a frontal photograph, autobiography, service I put on my coat. A man leads an idle life. The more chances you have to win our prize, which is a T-shirt with the Radio 7 logo.

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Grammatical errors

Incorrect formation of the comparative form of an adjective He was considered the most capable student. This book is more interesting. I will note the most recent one.

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Correct options: He was considered the most capable student. Or: He was considered the most capable student. This book is more interesting. Or: This book is more interesting. I will note from the most recent one.

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Syntax errors

Violation of the order of words Cossack horses rushed ahead, which were covered with foam. The house that had been built on the outskirts of the city collapsed.

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Place of error: the pronoun “which” refers to the noun it follows (in this case, “Cossacks”). Correct: Cossacks rushed ahead on horses covered with foam. Place of error: A house built on the outskirts. Correct: A house built on the outskirts of the city fell apart.

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Displacement of the structure Citizens entering the premises must take off their outer clothing.

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Place of error: Citizens,... . must take off Correctly: Citizens entering the premises must take off their outer clothing.

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Errors in management A response to the application was received immediately. I doubt that everything will end well. We want to draw public attention to this problem. discussed that; claim that; understood that; during the period of time you indicate; means that; don't believe about that; expected that; talking about what I noticed.

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Correct options: The response to the application was received immediately. I doubt that everything will end well. We want to draw public attention to this problem. discussed the question of what (or: discussed what); claim that; realized that; during the period of time you are talking about; means that; don't believe that; expected that; talking about what I mentioned.

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Incorrect use of conjunctions In the darkness, it seemed to him that someone was following in his footsteps. He not only loved prose, but also poetry. Archaeologists have found not only manuscripts, but also household items of ancient people.

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Place of error: the conjunction “as if” is redundant in this case. Correct: In the darkness, it seemed to him that someone was following in his footsteps. Place of error: Both parts of the compound conjunction “not only, but also” must always appear before homogeneous members of the sentence. Correct: He loved not only prose, but also poetry. Place of error: not only ...and also (such a complex union does not exist; there is a complex union not only, but also) Correct: Archaeologists have found not only manuscripts, but also household items of ancient people.

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Mistakes when using homogeneous members I offer the skin of a bear, songbirds. If during the warranty period defects are discovered that arose due to the fault of the contractor and which do not allow continued normal operation of the product, the warranty period is extended. Syntax errors

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Syntax errors

Place of error: the skin of a bear... and birds; arisen... and which do not allow Correct options: I offer songbirds and bear skin. If during the warranty period defects are discovered that arose due to the fault of the contractor and do not allow continued normal operation of the product, the warranty period is extended.

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Errors in the use of participial phrases After walking a few steps, an interesting thought struck him. Looking at this situation, I cannot raise my hand to criticize the local authorities. Having read the work, I think that the main ideas in it are expressed correctly. All presentation in the book is made extremely briefly, taking into account the student’s time budget. Having received a wound, the soldier was saved by his comrades. Syntax errors

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Syntax errors

Place of error: having passed... a thought struck; looking, ..... the hand does not rise; after reading... I think; done... considering; having received... was saved. Rule: An adverbial phrase always denotes an action performed by the subject. Consequently: The participial phrase cannot be used if the action expressed by the predicate and the action expressed by the participle refer to different persons. The participial phrase cannot be used in an impersonal sentence that has a logical subject. The participial phrase cannot be used if the sentence is expressed in a passive construction. Correct options: When I walked a few steps, an interesting thought struck me. When I look at this situation, my hand does not rise... After reading the work, I thought that the main ideas in it were expressed correctly. All presentation in the book is made extremely briefly, taking into account the student’s time budget. The wounded soldier was rescued by his comrades.

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Declension of surnames

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    Use of numerals

    In compound numerals, all the words that form them are declined: a book with two thousand four hundred and seventy-five drawings. In ordinal numbers, only the last word is declined: in one thousand nine hundred and eighty-four, in two thousand and seven. The numeral both has case forms: both, both, etc. The numeral one and a half has two case forms: one and a half (im.p., v.p.) and one and a half (r.p., d.p., t.p., pp.) Collective numerals (two, three, etc.) d.) is used: with masculine and general nouns naming male persons (two friends, three orphans) with nouns that have only plural forms (two hours) with nouns children, people, person (meaning person) (two children , three guys) with personal pronouns we, you, they (two of us, three of you) Collective numerals are not combined with nouns denoting females and animals. You can't say: three girls. That's right: three girls, three dogs. With compound numerals ending in two, three, four, the noun is used in the singular form: twenty-three young men. You can’t say: twenty-two days, twenty-three scissors. That's right: twenty-two days, twenty-three scissors. You cannot say: both gates, at both gates. That's right: at both gates.

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    Goal: - develop the ability to evaluate linguistic facts from the point of view of normativity. Objectives: - identifying typical errors in students’ written speech; - developing skills to comply with lexical and grammatical norms of the Russian literary language.

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    Research problem. Why was this topic chosen? Good or excellent knowledge of spelling and punctuation does not allow you to get the desired grade on an essay or presentation. The reason is logical, stylistic, lexical and grammatical errors. We decided to establish which errors are most often found in the creative works of students in our class, and to work to prevent them.

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    Hypothesis: the study of theoretical material and educational and methodological recommendations on this topic will allow us to systematize knowledge about the stylistic, speech and grammatical norms of the Russian literary language and improve speech culture.

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    The methods we followed when conducting the research: activity planning, observation, comparison of individual facts, comparison, classification of facts, generalization.

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    Experiment plan: 1. Study of the theory of the issue in the specialized literature. 2. Determination of typical mistakes in students’ creative works. 3. Classification of errors. 4. Selection of tasks for working on mistakes. 5. Independent preparation of test tasks containing material on the prevention of lexical and grammatical errors.

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    Speech errors: - use of a word or phraseological unit in a meaning that is unusual for them, - confusion of synonyms, - inability to use paronyms, - ignorance of the meaning of a borrowed word, - violation of the lexical compatibility of words in a free phrase, - violation of the components of a phraseological unit, - unjustified use of a number of cognate words (tautology ), - unjustified repetition of the same word, poverty of speech, - use of an extra word (pleonasm), - ambiguity in the use of personal or demonstrative pronouns, - violation of aspect-tense relationships of verb forms, - monotony of syntactic constructions, violation of stylistic unity: - use of the word a different stylistic coloring, - a mixture of vocabulary from different historical eras (archaisms, historicisms, neologisms), - inappropriate use of colloquial or dialect words, - inappropriate use of an expressively colored word.

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    Grammatical errors: - erroneous formation of words or grammatical forms, - error in agreement, - error in prepositional or non-prepositional control, - violation of the connection between subject and predicate, - violation of the aspectual or temporal connection of predicates in individual constructions, - omission of a necessary word, - violation of sentence boundaries, - in constructing a sentence with a participial phrase, - in constructing a sentence with an adverbial clause, - in constructing sentences with homogeneous members, - when using constructions with direct and indirect speech, - in constructing a complex sentence.

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    Arriving at Manilov, Chichikov made his first deal. Chichikov came to Manilov and made a deal. I just don’t get around to studying. They can’t even reach the lessons directly. There are many works in literature that tell about the author’s childhood. There are many works in literature that tell about the author’s childhood. In St. Petersburg A.S. Pushkin immediately came to the court, not to the royal court, of course, things didn’t work out right away. In St. Petersburg A.S. Pushkin immediately came to the court, not to the royal court, of course, things didn’t work out right away. Only the dog, delighted with its owner, wagged its tail. Only the dog, as always happy at the sight of his owner, happily wagged his tail. Corrections Examples

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    Grandmother loved her only grandson and was proud of him. Grandmother loved and was proud of her only grandson. Pushkin led his Madonna to the crown - “the purest example of pure beauty.” Pushkin led his Madonna to the crown - “the purest example of pure beauty.” When I opened the latest newspaper, one interview caught my attention. Having opened the latest newspaper, one interview caught my attention. Corrections Examples

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    1. Agreement of the predicate with the subject. Indicate sentences with grammatical errors. 1) The artist’s apartment museum is closed for restoration. 2) A review of the book was published in the magazine. 3) In “The Cherry Orchard” there is sad, funny, and tragic. 4) The club’s board, including the chairman and deputy, did a lot to organize the evening. 2. Constructing a sentence with homogeneous members. Indicate sentences with grammatical errors. 1) This issue was covered in books and lectures, in newspapers and brochures, reports and magazines. 2) The trust organized and manages enterprises. 3) The book not only has educational value, but also educational value. 4) Both the performers of the main roles and all participants in the performance performed successfully.

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    Carrying out further research work, it is necessary to study the development of skills: - the ability to formulate the main problem of the text in accordance with the author's intent, - correctly determine and express the author's position, - clearly and correctly express one's own point of view on the problem raised by the author, subordinate the composition of the essay to the communicative intent , the ability to comply with the stylistic norms of the Russian language.

    2 An integral part of a person’s general culture is the culture of speech, i.e. the ability of a writer or speaker to express his thoughts in accordance with the content, correctly and expressively. The concept of “language norm” is one of the key concepts in the doctrine of correct speech. The norm of a literary language is a socially approved rule, i.e. the generally accepted use of words, phrases, word forms, syntactic structures, enshrined in dictionaries and reference books.

    4 Grammatical norms of a language Morphological norms are norms of inflection when declension of nominal parts of speech, when conjugating verbs, norms of word formation and determination of gender. Syntactic norms are the rules for the use of syntactic constructions, ignorance of which leads to incorrect construction of phrases or sentences

    6 Determine which sentences have NO syntax errors, explain your choice: 1. Several boys looked at each other in surprise. 2. The launch vehicle is delivered into orbit. 3. The train departed according to the schedule. 4. She was young and beautiful. 5. I was traveling with a group of children playing sports. 6. When you look around, you get the impression that you have already been here.

    7 Syntactic errors Violation of agreement between the predicate and the subject Four students participated in the game. Violation of control According to the order Violation of coordination A pair of windows curtained with a curtain is visible. Violation of the way of expressing the predicate in individual constructions. Everyone was happy and cheerful. Errors in the use of aspectual and tense forms of verbs I live in Lermontov and was happy.

    8 Syntactic errors Errors in sentences with participle phrases The path is covered with melting snow underfoot Errors in sentences with participial phrases When you started studying, you had little time. Errors in constructionThe book teaches me to think, which I read as a child. Mixing direct and indirect speech. Petya said that I do not agree with your opinion. Violation of supply boundaries. It was already night when I returned home.

    9 Vocabulary - orthoepic warm-up 1). Determine the lexical meaning of paronyms: well-fed - nourishing, swampy - swampy, come to life - revive, subscriber-subscription, everyday - everyday, act - offense. 2).In what sentence should the word WATER be used instead of the word WATER? 1. Reclamation of swamps has disrupted the water balance. 2. There are a lot of water beetles in an overgrown pond. 3.Water canals have become very popular, especially among young people. 4. When it rains, plants store up moisture and can survive on their water reserves for a long time.

    10 3.Solve spelling problems: 1. Which word has the stress on the 2nd syllable? a/ beets b/ blinds c/ wholesale d/ glimpse 2. Which word has the stress on the 1st syllable? a/ otherwise b/ expert c/ drowsiness d/ sign 3. Which word has the stress on the 3rd syllable? a/ instrument b/ yawning c/ outright d/ accepted 4. Which word has more sounds than letters? a/ south b/ explained c/ hatch d/ shooting 5. In which word is the sound Y pronounced? a/ nanny b/ village c/ entrance d/ wheels

    11 Write down the nouns in the nominative plural: Address, director, doctor, master, professor, silk. Contract, engineer, officer, coach, driver, month, cake, hospital. Rewrite, opening the brackets: a pair (felt boots, shoes, boots, stockings, socks); a lot (things, places, apples, tangerines); kilogram (oranges, tangerines, tomatoes, tomatoes); group (engineers, trainers, drivers). Decline the numerals 749, one and a half, both. Form all possible forms of degrees of comparison from the following adjectives: beautiful, bitter, sweet, deep, small. Form the imperative mood of the verbs: go, kindle, lie down, erase.

    12 TEST YOURSELF Find a grammatical error in the formation of the word form, write this word correctly: School directors, a container being loaded, five kilograms, in the snow, thousands of Bashkirs, a lot of people, a lot of Georgians, all the drivers, two pairs of socks, my shoe, several tangerines , a lot of apples, 5 kilobytes, delicious coffee, a batch of cadets, the prettiest of all, I manage a warehouse, put it aside for later, six hundred meters away, an hour and a half away, a glass of juice, a lot of snow.

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    Slide captions:

    GORBUNOVA Elena Viktorovna, teacher of the Russian language NORMS OF THE RUSSIAN LITERARY LANGUAGE Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 48 of the Voroshilovsky district of Volgograd

    The concept of speech culture What is “speech culture”? the ability to clearly, clearly, competently express one’s thoughts, the ability to influence listeners; as a special linguistic discipline, this is the quality of speech that ensures the most effective communication while observing linguistic, communicative and ethical standards.

    The concept of speech culture CULTURE OF SPEECH Language component Communicative component Ethical component Language norms (spelling, etc.) Communication norms (compliance with the requirements of accuracy, clarity, purity of speech, mastery of speech styles) Etiquette of business writing, etiquette of oral communication

    The concept of a language norm A language norm is the main feature of a literary language. The norm is understood as a set of rules for the use of words, their grammatical forms, rules of pronunciation, word formation, valid in a given period of the literary language; rules of word usage.

    Types of language norms Accentological (stress) Orthoepic (pronunciation of sounds and their combinations) Lexical (correct choice of words taking into account their meanings) Phraseological (correct use of stable combinations) Derivational (formation of words and their structure)

    Types of language norms Orthographic Punctuation Grammar (rules for using morphological forms of different parts of speech) Syntactic (rules for connecting words in a sentence and phrase) Stylistic (style affiliation of linguistic elements)

    Orthoepic norms In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound correctly highlighted? 1) sent to the store 2) old 3) flint 4) feeding 1) illness 2) bent 3) will present a medal 4) plum 1) white 2) heretic 3) uncorked 4) begun 1) begun 2) invited guests 3) gas pipeline 4 ) to the top

    Lexical norms The lexical meaning of which word is formulated incorrectly? A navigator is a specialist in driving ships and airplanes. 2) Souvenir - a birthday gift. 3) Current – ​​very important, topical. 4) Misinform – provide distorted or false information.

    Lexical norms What word means “unconditional, not dependent on anything, taken without comparison with anything”? Exemplary 2) Absolute 3) Ideal 4) Impeccable

    Phraseological norms What phraseological phrase means “on your own, without anyone’s help”? Your head on your shoulders 2) Convey in your own words 3) See with your own eyes 4) Do with your own hands

    Word-formation norms In which row is the prefix for- highlighted in all words? Stalled, fallow, legal 2) Suburban, sincerity, roll up 3) Grounded, suede, stutter 4) Leaven, splinter, bosom

    Spelling norms In which row is the letter A written in all words? K_leidoscope, met_morphosis, euc_lipt, am_ral St_tistics, et_zherka, litr_marinovy, p_stament K_ravan, k_ntsert, p_ntomime, f_milia P_radox, trumplin, harmony, sh_mpignon

    Spelling norms In what row is NN written in all words? Liberated __ village, defective goods, loaded gun Linova__ notebook, powerful__ road, snakes__ poison Trained __ dogs, clay __ pot, scattered toys Armored __ car, risk __ act, straw __ hat

    Punctuation norms Which sentence should not have a dash? Reading is the best teaching. Genius is patience. His life is like a legend. To live and serve the Motherland.

    Punctuation norms Which sentence does not have introductory constructions? A person probably needs to know all the delights of civilization in order to come to such an understanding of happiness. However, our meeting took place under very strange circumstances. The earth seemed to increase its gravitational force many times over. On one side the mountains were silent, on the other side the sea was noisy.

    Grammatical norms Give an example with an error in the formation of the word form 1) lie on the ground 2) a kilogram of waffles 3) five hundred and seventy-six reviews 4) the strangest case 1) the most fun of all 2) five saucers 3) go to the prince 4) fifty-five ways 1) two hundred kilograms 2) name day 3) more firmly 4) with fifty soldiers 1) burning wood 2) three hundred paces 3) more beautiful presentation 4) kilogram of pasta

    Grammar rules Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence After reading the professor’s article, 1) we had many questions regarding the premises of the theory. 2) the originality and simplicity of the concept delighted Stanislav. 3) Natalya had a desire to personally discuss with the author some aspects of his work. 4) I was struck to the core by the courage of the idea expressed.

    Grammar rules Find a sentence with a grammatical error (violation of a syntactic norm) 1) There are many battle scenes in the epic novel “War and Peace”. 2) Those of us who were skiing on this cold winter day got frostbite on our faces and hands. 3) According to established traditions in the fleet, crossing the equator is a significant event for the team. 4) Heinrich Mann is rightfully considered one of the greatest realist prose writers who lived in the twentieth century.

    Stylistic norms Determine the style of the text, name words that can be replaced more appropriate to this style. There are about 200 types of cells in the human body. Since its inception, microscopy has remained the leading method for studying cells. Most cell components are transparent and therefore not visible under a microscope. To make them visible, cells are stained by first treating them with special solutions, which, while preserving the structure of the cell, make it permeable to the dye.

    Functions of norms: language protection function (norms help the literary language maintain its integrity and general intelligibility, protect the literary language from the flow of dialect speech, social and professional jargon, vernacular) function of reflecting the history of the language (norms reflect what has developed historically in the language)

    The concept of speech culture

    What is “speech culture”?

    • the ability to clearly, clearly, competently express one’s thoughts, the ability to influence listeners;
    • as a special linguistic discipline, this is the quality of speech that ensures the most effective communication while observing linguistic, communicative and ethical standards.

    The concept of speech culture


    Language component

    Communication component

    Language standards (spelling, etc.)

    Ethical component

    Communication norms (compliance with the requirements of accuracy, clarity, purity of speech, mastery of speech styles)

    Business letter etiquette, oral communication etiquette

    The concept of language norms

    A linguistic norm is the main feature of a literary language.

    The norm is understood as a set of rules for the use of words, their grammatical forms, rules of pronunciation, word formation, valid in a given period of the literary language; rules of word usage.

    • Accentological (stress)
    • Orthoepic (pronunciation of sounds and their combinations)
    • Lexical (correct choice of words taking into account their meanings)
    • Phraseological (correct use of stable combinations)
    • Derivational (formation of words and their structure)

    • Orthographic
    • Punctuation
    • Grammatical (rules for using morphological forms of different parts of speech)
    • Syntactic (rules for connecting words in sentences and phrases)
    • Stylistic (style affiliation of linguistic elements)

    1) sent A to the store

    2) long-standing

    1) illness

    3) flint

    2) bent

    1) until white

    3) will present a medal

    4) nursing

    2) heretic

    1) started

    2) invited guests

    4) plum

    3) bought it off

    3) gas pipeline

    4) started

    4) to the top

    Orthoepic norms

    In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound correctly highlighted?

    2) Souvenir - a birthday gift.

    3) Current – ​​very important, topical.

    4) Misinform – provide distorted or false information.

    Lexical norms

    The lexical meaning of which word is formulated incorrectly?

    2) Absolute

    3) Perfect

    4) Flawless

    Lexical norms

    What word means “unconditional, not dependent on anything, taken without comparison with anything”?

    2) Convey in your own words

    3) See with your own eyes

    4) Do it yourself

    Phraseological norms

    What phraseological phrase means “on your own, without anyone’s help”?

    2) Country, sincerity, sunset

    3) Grounded, Suede, Stutter

    4) Leaven, splinter, bosom

    Word formation norms

    In which row is the prefix highlighted in all words? behind- ?

    • K_leidoscope, met_morphosis, euc_lipt, am_ral
    • St_tistics, et_zherka, ltr_marinovy, p_stament
    • K_ravan, k_cert, p_ntomime, f_milia
    • P_radox, tr_mplin, harmony, ch_mpignon

    Spelling standards

    In which row is the letter written in all words? A ?

    • Liberated village, defective goods, loaded gun
    • Linen notebook, powerful road, snake poison
    • Trained dogs, clay pot, scattered toys
    • Armored car, risky act, straw hat

    Spelling standards

    In what row is NN written in all words?

    • Reading is the best teaching.
    • Genius is patience.
    • His life is like a legend.
    • To live and serve the Motherland.

    Punctuation norms

    In which sentence should you not put a dash?

    • A person probably needs to know all the delights of civilization in order to come to such an understanding of happiness.
    • However, our meeting took place under very strange circumstances.
    • The earth seemed to increase its gravitational force many times over.
    • On one side the mountains were silent, on the other side the sea was noisy.

    Punctuation norms

    Which sentence does not have introductory constructions?

    1)lie down on the ground

    2) kilogram of waffles

    1) the most fun of all

    3) five hundred seventy-six reviews

    2) five saucers

    1) two hundred kilograms

    3) go to the prince

    4) the strangest case

    2) name day

    1) burns wood

    2) three hundred paces

    4) fifty-five ways

    3) more firmly

    4) with fifty soldiers

    3) more beautiful presentation

    4) kilogram of pasta

    Grammar rules

    Provide an example with an error

    in the formation of word forms

    After reading the professor's article,

    1) we had many questions regarding the premises of the theory.

    2) the originality and simplicity of the concept delighted Stanislav.

    3) Natalya had a desire to personally discuss with the author some aspects of his work.

    4) I was struck to the core by the courage of the idea expressed.

    Grammar rules

    Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence

    1) In the epic novel “War and Peace” there are many battle scenes.

    2) Those of us who were skiing on this cold winter day got frostbite on our faces and hands.

    3) According to established traditions in the fleet, crossing the equator is a significant event for the team.

    4) Heinrich Mann is rightfully considered one of the greatest realist prose writers who lived in the twentieth century.

    Grammar rules

    Find a sentence with a grammatical error (violation of syntactic norms)

    There are about 200 types of cells in the human body. Since its inception, microscopy has remained the leading method for studying cells. Most cell components are transparent and therefore not visible under a microscope. To make them visible, cells are stained by first treating them with special solutions, which, while preserving the structure of the cell, make it permeable to the dye.

    Stylistic norms

    Determine the text style, name the words,

    which can be replaced with something more appropriate to the given style

    • language protection function (norms help the literary language maintain its integrity and general intelligibility, protect the literary language from the flow of dialect speech, social and professional jargon, and vernacular)
    • function of reflecting the history of the language (norms reflect what has developed historically in the language)
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