What type of movement has the shortest cycle duration? Calculation of production cycle duration. When calculating the duration of the production cycle Tp.c, only those time costs that do not overlap with time are taken into account. Cycle length formula


Practical work №1

(Option 81)

Goal of the work: consolidate and concretize students’ knowledge in the field of rational organization of the production process, analyze and evaluate the degree of influence of various organizational factors on the production cycle.


Determine the duration of technological and production cycles for all three types of movement of objects of labor; how the duration of the technological cycle will change if the processing batch is doubled; what type of party movement and its size has the most significant impact on reducing the cycle. Construct graphs of technological cycles for parallel and parallel-sequential movement of objects of labor.

The work is carried out in two shifts of 8 hours each. There are no natural processes when processing a batch of parts. The initial data for option 81 are shown in Table 1.

Table 1 Initial data

Operation No.

Standard time t PC, min

Number of machines With, PC

Processing batch size n, PC

Transport package size p, PC

Average interoperative time t mo, min

Advance paynemt

Operation No.

Standard time t PC, min

Number of machines With, PC

Calculation of technological and production cycles of movement of parts

Sequential type of movement

The duration of the production process, that is, the calendar period of time during which the production process is carried out, is called the production cycle. The basis of the production cycle is the technological cycle, which in turn consists of operational cycles.

The operating cycle, i.e. the duration of processing a batch of parts (min) at one (given) process operation is equal to


Where P - batch size of parts, pcs.;

t m - piece-calculation standard time for an operation, min;

With- number of jobs per operation.

The time combination of operational cycles significantly influences the production cycle and determines the order in which parts (batches) are transferred in the process. There are 3 types of combinations of operational cycles (types of movement of objects of labor through process operations): sequential, parallel and parallel-sequential.

A sequential type of movement, when the entire processed batch of parts is completely transferred to the subsequent operation after the complete completion of all work on the previous one. In this case, the duration of the technological process (min) is determined by the sum of operating cycles

Where m - number of operations in the process.

The duration of the production cycle (calendar days) additionally includes interoperational breaks (t mo ) and the time of natural processes ( T eating)

Where S- number of shifts;

q - shift duration, min;

f- coefficient for converting working days into calendar days (with 260 working days per year f = 260/365 = 0.71).

n=150pcs; R=15pcs

Figure 1 - Graph of the technological cycle in sequential form

Parallel type of movement

A parallel type of movement, when small transport batches p or individual pieces (p = 1) of parts are launched into a subsequent operation immediately after processing them in the previous operation, regardless of the entire batch. In this case, the most labor-intensive operation with the longest operating cycle is fully loaded; less labor-intensive operations have breaks.

Number of transport packs N, PC.:


Where R- number of parts in a transport batch (pack), pcs;

- operation cycle with maximum duration, min.

The duration of the production cycle (calendar days) will take the form

With double batch size (2n=300)

n=150pcs; R=15pcs

Figure 2 - Graph of the technological cycle in parallel mode

movement of a batch of parts in production

Parallel-sequential type of movement

Parallel-sequential type of movement, in which the next operation begins before the complete completion of work on the previous operation and is carried out without interruptions manufacturing a batch of parts. In this case, there is a partial overlap of the execution time of adjacent operational cycles. The transfer of manufactured parts from the previous to the subsequent operation is carried out not in whole batches, but in parts, transport batches R(in packs) or individually (p=1).

The duration of the technological cycle (min) will be correspondingly less than with a sequential type of movement by the amount of combining operating cycles.

- the sum of short operating cycles from each pair of adjacent operations.

The duration of the production cycle (calendar days) with a parallel-sequential type of movement will take the form:

With double batch size (2n=300)

Figure 2 - Graph of the technological cycle with a parallel-sequential type of movement of a batch of parts in production

IN conclusions:

Having analyzed the calculations of technological and production cycles for three types of movement of parts, as well as graphs of technological cycles, we can clearly state that the longest is sequential movement (4800 min). This is explained by the fact that the entire batch of parts being processed is completely transferred to the subsequent operation after all work on the previous one has been completed. The fastest is the parallel type of movement (1830 min). This is due to the fact that small transport batches of parts are launched into the subsequent operation immediately after they are processed in the previous operation, regardless of the entire batch. In this case, the most labor-intensive operation with the longest operating cycle is fully loaded; less labor-intensive operations have breaks. The serial-parallel type of movement turned out to be slightly longer than the parallel one (1965 min), because there is a partial overlap of the execution time of adjacent operational cycles, i.e. the next operation begins before the previous operation is completed and is carried out without interruptions manufacturing a batch of parts.

As for doubling the batch size, the parallel type of movement also turns out to be the most effective, because the technological cycle will end at 330 minutes. faster (3330 min) than if we repeated it twice (3660 min). The same situation is observed in series-parallel motion. Here the time gain would be 105 minutes. (3825 min. vs. 3930 min.). With sequential movement, the technological process time will not be reduced, and the duration of the production cycle will decrease by only 0.26 calendar days (versus 0.52 days with parallel and 0.19 calendar days with parallel-sequential movement of a batch of parts in production).

From different angles. This allows you to get a real picture of the processes taking place at the facility. Based on the analysis data, we can draw a conclusion about the feasibility of the company’s activities. Also, the information obtained during the study makes it possible to predict development in the future.

When conducting such an analysis, the production cycle is considered. The duration of the production cycle is an important economic category. It allows you to draw conclusions about the company’s economic activities and develop measures to improve the indicator in the planning period. Therefore, the presented category of economic analysis deserves detailed consideration.

General concept of the production cycle

One of the most important indicators of a company’s performance is the production cycle. Production cycle time is considered the basis for calculating many other categories of the organization. This way you can improve the entire system of technical and economic indicators in the future.

The production cycle is a period of time, calculated in calendar days, during which a batch or type of product goes through all stages of its creation. The production of parts ends with a stage at which their entire set can be sent for sale. This is a finished product.

Quite a lot of planning and technological assessments are made taking into account the duration of the production cycle. Therefore, it is necessary to master the methodology for its definition and interpretation.

Components of the cycle

The production process is a sequence of certain technological operations, as a result of which objects of labor are moved. In this case, their shape, properties, and sizes change.

The production cycle consists of several parts. These include working hours, periods of natural processes (for example, paint drying), and breaks. Each element is taken into account when calculating the cycle duration. Working time consists of technological and non-technological operations. Breaks can be between shifts, as well as during periods when equipment is busy. This includes party expectations. There are also pauses caused by irrational organization of the production process. Equipment may temporarily stop, among other things, due to unforeseen circumstances. When calculating the cycle duration, all interruptions are taken into account, except those caused by unsatisfactory organization of production and accidents.

What affects the cycle?

Production cycle time is influenced by many factors. Having influence on them, you can control the effectiveness of the organization. First of all, labor intensity affects the cycle duration. Standards that are justified from a technical point of view are being developed. They determine the time it takes to receive the finished product.

Batch size also affects cycle time. Time spent on non-technological operations and breaks are also important. One of the important indicators that influences the cycle time is the type of movement of the processed object during the process of its creation.

Managers, economists, and enterprise leaders in the process of analyzing the duration of production of finished products should pay attention to limiting factors. Their elimination increases the efficiency of the company.

Promotion of parts

Depending on the principle of movement of parts and elements in the process of manufacturing the final product, several types of cycles are distinguished. This is taken into account when analyzing and planning the future activities of the company.

Types of production cycles, depending on the conditions of movement of parts, are conventionally divided into parallel, sequential and mixed. This is an important characteristic of the organization of the entire technological process.

With sequential movement, the entire batch of objects of labor enters the next stage of production only after the completion of the previous processing. Each product is autonomous, fully completed.

With parallel processing, each part is immediately transferred to the next processing stage. In this case, production time is significantly reduced. With mixed movement of objects of labor, parts are partially processed at one technological stage and are transferred to the next stage in batches. There is no downtime or interruption.

Sequential cycle calculation

The production process is a standardized category. Based on this, you can calculate the size of each cycle. This will allow you to compare the duration of several processes. With the sequential movement of objects of labor to their final form, the cycle can be calculated quite simply.

Let's say an enterprise manufactures products, the batch of which consists of 3 products. In this case, 4 sequential processes are performed. The first stage takes 10 minutes, the second - 30 minutes, the third - 20 minutes, and the fourth - 10 minutes. The time in this case is specified as standard (calculated by technical specialists). The planned cycle duration will be:

T = 3(10 + 30 + 20 + 10) = 210 min.

The actual production time is then compared to this figure. If necessary, limiting factors are identified and eliminated.

Calculation of parallel loop duration

Manufacturing parts in parallel takes less time. If technology allows the use of such movement of objects of labor, it turns out to be much more profitable. The formula for calculating the cycle duration in this case will be as follows:

T = t/C + (n-p)tmax/Cmax, where p is the batch size, t is the duration of each operation, C is the number of jobs, tmax is the longest operation, Cmax is the maximum number of jobs in the shift.

If we take the data from the previous calculation example and take the batch size as 1, the cycle will be like this:

T = (10 + 20 + 30 + 10) + (3 - 1)30 = 130 min.

This is for 80 minutes. faster than a sequential cycle.

Impact on profit

The faster a batch of products is produced, the better. At the same time, its quality should not deteriorate. Reducing the production cycle leads to an increase in sales profits. This indicator is part of the working capital flow cycle. This coefficient determines how many times a year the enterprise will be able to sell a batch of finished products.

If turnover increases, the same will happen with sales revenue. That is why it is important to reduce the time it takes to produce products. If the working capital cycle accelerates, resources are freed up for expansion and modernization.

The volume of work in progress is also being reduced. The company releases liquid material resources. Therefore, it is extremely important to fully utilize production capacity.

Features of the indicator in different industries

The duration and components of the production cycle depend on many factors. These include the type of sector of the national economy, the level of mechanization, the organization of the manufacturing process, etc.

For industries with a high degree of mechanization (mechanical engineering, mining, chemical industry, etc.), speeding up the cycle is very important. With a reduction in the number of technological operations, a stable positive effect is observed.

However, all measures aimed at increasing the volume of production of products are developed taking into account the technological requirements for organizing the process. Reducing operations and accelerating the promotion of labor items will not be feasible without maintaining a high level of quality. Only deliberate, calculated actions to compress the production cycle can be implemented in practice.

Actions to speed up the cycle

The production cycle is organized in accordance with the laws and requirements of approved technologies. However, there are 3 possible directions to increase the turnover rate. They are carried out simultaneously.

At the same time, the time of labor and natural processes is reduced, and all breaks are completely eliminated or reduced to a minimum duration. This is possible by modernizing production technology and equipment.

Product design may also be subject to change. This will reduce the number and duration of technological operations. Thanks to modern scientific developments, some processing processes can be significantly accelerated. This requires capital investment. Without this, it is extremely difficult to create a competitive product today. A properly thought-out design of the finished product allows you to introduce parallel promotion instead of sequential ones.

Accelerate additional operations

To improve the performance of an enterprise in the planning period, it is initially necessary to determine the production cycle in the reporting year. After analyzing it, measures are developed to accelerate turnover.

In addition to improving core operations, additional processes should be addressed. These include control and transportation. To speed up the supply of product elements for processing items, new technological equipment is used. These can be modern conveyors, elevators, loaders, etc. This allows the principle of direct flow and continuity of transportation to be applied.

The control stage can also be accelerated with the help of automation and mechanization. Moreover, this is possible by combining this operation with the technical stage of processing.

Production intensification

The efficiency of the company is influenced by a well-organized production cycle. The duration of the production cycle accelerates with the intensification of product manufacturing. This allows maximum capacity utilization. At the same time, the share of intra-shop and inter-plant costs is reduced. The cost of finished products is also reduced.

Therefore, the management of the organization must find reserves to reduce the cycle time. This is possible through the improvement of equipment and technology, deepening cooperation and specialization, and the introduction of the latest scientific developments. Only reasonable organization of the entire production process gives a positive result and leads to increased profits.

Having become familiar with the calculation methodology and the peculiarities of interpretation, control services can correctly determine the standard and actual production cycle. Production cycle times are reduced in various ways. By correctly developing measures to reduce it, the company can make greater profits in the current period than in the previous year.

This section is devoted to determining the duration of the technological cycle, processing a batch of parts in the production process with various methods of movement of parts.

The production cycle is the calendar period of time that objects of labor (raw materials, materials, semi-finished products) remain in the production process from the moment they are put into production until the finished product is fully manufactured. It includes the working period (i.e. the time of actual production) and the duration of breaks in the production process due to inter-operational and inter-batch expectations, as well as lunch breaks, inter-shift breaks, weekends and holidays.

The production cycle for manufacturing products at a machine-building enterprise is determined based on the summation of the durations of its components: the time of technological operations, natural processes, transport, control operations, inter-operational holding of parts awaiting processing and inter-shift holding of parts and assemblies.

The main component of the production cycle is the duration of technological operations, which constitutes the technological cycle. The technological cycle for processing a batch of items in one operation is:

where Tmi; - technological cycle of batch processing in one 1st operation, time unit (min);

n - number of items in the batch;

tshti - duration of processing of one item (piece time norm) at the i-th operation, min;

Сi is the number of workstations that ensure the execution of the i-th operation (the number of machines on which this operation is simultaneously performed).

A batch is the number of parts that are continuously processed at each operation of the technological cycle with one preparatory and final operation for the entire batch. Work in batches is organized in serial and large-scale production.

The technological cycle for processing a batch of items in several operations also depends on how the combination of sequential operations on the batch into a single processing cycle is organized. There are three ways to combine technological process operations (three ways to move objects and transfer them from operation to operation): sequential, parallel and parallel-sequential.

Sequential movement. With sequential movement, the next operation begins only after the processing time for all items in the batch in the previous operation has ended. A batch of items is transferred from operation to operation in its entirety.

The duration of the technological cycle with such a combination of operations is calculated by the formula:

, (2.2)

where n is the number of parts in the batch;

m - number of operations;

tшti - duration of processing on one i-th operation, (piece time), min;

Сi is the number of jobs ensuring the execution of the i-th operation.


The sequential movement schedule is presented in Appendix 1.

Parallel movement. The parallel organization of processing a batch of parts in several operations is characterized by the fact that each item of labor, after the completion of the previous operation, is immediately transferred to the next operation and processed. Therefore, items from one batch are produced in parallel in all operations. Small, labor-intensive items (parts) can be transferred not individually, but in transport (transfer) batches (p).

Task. Determine the duration of the technological cycle for processing a part

Determine the duration of the technological cycle of processing a part using different types of transfer of objects of labor. The planned batch is 30 pieces. The operations per unit and the number of machines per operation are given below:


In order to find the cycle duration using the sequential method of transferring parts, you need to use the formula:

n– number of parts in the batch being processed pcs.

i- operation

m– number of operations in the technological process

WITH і – the number of machines on which the part is processed in the i-th operation.

t i – unit time to perform the i-th operation, minutes

t eats - the duration of natural processes (we do not have them and are taken equal to zero)

Let's substitute the values ​​into the formula

T c. last= 30*(5/1 + 9/1 + 18/1 + 6/2 + 5/1 + 3/2) = 30*(5 + 9 + 18 + 3 + 5 + 1.5)=1245 minutes

T cycle.– total processing time of the technological process

R– size of the transfer lot pcs.

(t/c) core. – duration of execution of the shorter of two adjacent operations.

Let's substitute the values ​​into the formulas.

τ = (30-5) * (5/1 + 9/1 + 6/2 + 6/2 + 3/2) = 25*(5 + 9 + 3 + 3 + 1.5) = 25 * 41, 5 = 537.5 min.

Now let's find the duration of the parallel-sequential cycle.

T cycle = 1245 - 537.5 = 707.5 minutes

The task of a parallel sequential cycle is to pass the products of labor through all stages of production as quickly as possible while the machines are continuously operating.

In order to find the duration of the parallel cycle of parts transfer, we use the formula:

Let's substitute the values ​​into the formula.

T c pairs = 5*(5/1+9/1+18/1+6/2+5/1+3/2)+(30-5)*(18/1)=5*(5+9 +18+3+5+1.5)+

25*18=5*41.5+25*18=207.5+450=657.5 minutes

The task of the parallel cycle of movement of parts is to pass the products of labor through all stages of production as quickly as possible.

We can find the parallelism factor using the formula:

T c steam - cycle duration using parallel movement of parts

T ts last – cycle duration in a sequential way of moving parts.

Let's substitute the values ​​into the formula.

K pairs = 657.5/1245 = 0.528

Answer: T c. last =1245 min. , T c p-p = 707.5 min. , Tc steam =657.5 min.

Task. Determine the change in the duration of the parts processing cycle

A batch of parts consists of 10 parts, which are processed using a parallel sequential type of motion. The technological process of processing parts consists of 6 operations t 1 = 2, t 2 = 9, t 3 = 6, t 4 = 2, t 5 = 3, t 6 = 4 min. It is possible to combine the fifth and sixth operations into one without changing the duration of each. The size of the transport batch is 1. Determine how the duration of the technological cycle for processing parts will change.

In order to find the time of a parallel sequential cycle of movement of parts, we use the formula.

It is necessary to construct movement graphs for a batch of parts and calculate the duration of the technological cycle for various types of movements, if it is known that a batch of parts consists of 5 pieces, the processing technological process includes 5 operations: t 1= 2; t 2 = 9; t 3= 5; t 4 = 8; t 5= 3. Size of transport lot R= 1 piece Each operation is performed on one machine.


1. The duration of the technological cycle for processing a batch of parts with sequential movement of objects of labor is calculated using formula (1)

Where P– number of parts in the batch, pcs.;

t i– standard piece time for i- operations, min;

C i – number of jobs per i th operation;

T– number of operations in the technological process.

T c last = 5 x (2 + 9 + 5 + 8 + 3) = 135 min = 2.25 hours (2)

The calculation is shown in Figure 19.

Figure 19 – Graph of the duration of the technological cycle for the sequential movement of a batch of parts

2. The duration of the technological cycle for processing a batch of parts with parallel-sequential movement of objects of labor is determined by formula (3)

Where R - transport lot size, pcs.;

tki – the least amount of time between i th pair of adjacent operations, taking into account the number of equipment units, min.

T c pp = 5 x (2 + 9 + 5 + 8 + 3) - (5 - 1) x (2 + 5 + 5 + 3) = 75 min = 1.25 hours (4)

The calculation is shown in Figure 5.

Figure 20 – Graph of the duration of the technological cycle with parallel-sequential movement of parts

3. The duration of the technological cycle for processing a batch of parts with parallel movement of objects of labor is determined by the formula

Where t i max– standard time of maximum duration i-operations taking into account the number of jobs, min;

T ts pars = (5 - 1) x 9 + 1 x (2 + 9 + 5 + 8 + 3) = 63 min. (6)

The calculation is shown in Figure 21.

Figure 21 – Graph of the duration of the technological cycle with parallel movement of a batch of parts


As a result of completing the test in the discipline “Technology and organization of products and services”, the student examines the main theoretical and applied aspects of organizing the production of products and services, as well as masters basic approaches to organizing production processes and acquires skills in optimizing them.

Undoubtedly, the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired during this test will allow students to successfully apply what they have acquired in solving the following problems:

Studying the basics of organization theory;

Studying methods for complex diagnostics of industrial socio-economic systems;

Studying methods of making organizational decisions;

Mastering methods for organizing comprehensive preparation for the production of new products;

Mastering methods for choosing a rational type and form of production organization;

Implementation of the principles of forming an organizational culture of production;

Implementation of the principles of rationalization and design of the structure of production systems;

Mastering the methods of operational calendar planning of socio-economic production organizations;

Mastering methods for organizing main, auxiliary and service industries;

Studying the functions of operational production management;

Mastering methods for assessing the efficiency of production organization.

Studying the fundamentals of the discipline “Technology and organization of products and services” is the initial stage in the development of general cultural and professional competencies and is logically connected with the study in senior courses of such disciplines as “Woodworking Technology”, “Fundamentals of Wood Chemical and Petrochemical Production Technologies”, “Development and Implementation of Systems quality", "Quality audit", "Service provision technology", "Models and tools for improving the organization's activities", "Means and methods of quality management", "Competitiveness management".


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