Automation systems in mechanical engineering. Introduction. The role of mechanical engineering automation in the development of modern production Automation of production in mechanical engineering

This scientific discipline arose in our country in the twenties of the last century in connection with the rapid growth of domestic mechanical engineering. Its development was facilitated by a wide range of Soviet scientists and engineers and production innovators. Its emergence was based on the works of P.L. Chebysheva, I.A. Thieme and other scientists, as well as in Soviet times, scientists and technologists: Sokolovsky, Kovan, Matalin, Balakshin, Novikov. The further formation and development of this subject is reflected in the works of I.I. Artobolevsky, V.I. Dikushin, A.P. Vladzievsky, L.N. Koshkina, G.A. Shaumyan and other domestic scientists.

Automation of production processes is one of the areas of development of the national economy. This is due to the fact that production automation opens up unlimited possibilities for the productivity of social labor. In addition to increasing labor productivity, it facilitates and radically changes the nature of work, makes it creative, and erases the difference between mental and physical labor.

Mechanization and automation makes it possible to improve product quality, safety and equipment utilization, and in some cases, intensify the operating mode of equipment.

The problem of production automation also raises socio-economic issues. In modern society, production automation is a means of obtaining maximum profits and a weapon in the fight against competitors. These and a number of other positive factors force us to pay serious attention to mechanization and automation.

The real economic effect obtained as a result of mechanization and automation largely depends on the specific conditions under which and to solve what production problems the means and methods of mechanization and automation are used. Mechanization and, especially, automation of machine-building production requires significant capital expenditures. If the automation object is chosen successfully, these costs are quickly recouped. High economic efficiency is achieved in a short time, and if you follow the path of “complete” automation, then instead of savings you can get losses. Therefore, every mechanical engineering specialist must have a clear understanding of the technical capabilities of mechanization and automation means and be able to choose them correctly in each specific case with the greatest efficiency.

2. Basic concepts and definitions: mechanization, automation, single and complex mechanization and automation. Automation stages

Mechanization is the direction of development of production in which the physical labor of the worker associated with the implementation of the production process or its components is transferred to the machine. Examples of mechanization are: the use of pneumatically and hydraulically driven chucks, instead of the usual screw movement of the jaws manually using a wrench; moving the tailstock quills of lathes, quickly moving the support or machine table using electric, pneumatic or hydraulic supports. Mechanization makes the worker's work easier. At the same time, actions aimed mainly at managing the production process remain with the worker. They are included in the machine's operating cycle. Mechanization can be either partial or complete or, as it is called, complex.

Partial mechanization- this is the mechanization of part of the movements necessary to carry out the production process: either the main movement, or auxiliary and installation movements, or movements associated with the movement of products from one position to another.

Complete or complex mechanization- mechanization of all main, auxiliary, installation and transport movements that are performed during the production process. With complex mechanization, service personnel only carry out operational control of the production process, turning on and off the required mechanisms at the right moments and controlling the mode and nature of their work.

Further development of mechanization leads to automation of production. Those. automation is a direction of production development in which a person is freed not only from hard physical labor, but also from the operational control of mechanisms or machines.

There is a distinction between partial and complex automation. Concept "partial automation" is associated with the automation of only one structural component of all systems. For example, automation of individual elements of the overall cycle of machine operation. Examples of this type of automation: equipping machines with loading devices, automation of supply and removal of supports, tables, storage, as well as chip removal, etc., i.e. equipping with devices that partially automate the control and maintenance of machine tools. If we talk about the technological process in general, then, for example, one out of ten operations is automated. Complex automation is characterized by the transfer of parts processing, for example, from general-purpose machines to automatic lines, bays, workshops, and automatic factories. This direction is characterized by continuous processing, and the processing of parts, their control, transportation, accounting, storage, as well as chip removal, etc. are automated.

An example of complex automated production is the production of rolling bearings, where the production of bearings, from blanks to inspection and packaging, is carried out by a complex of automated equipment.

At complex automation In addition to the previously listed advantages inherent in automation in general, the possibility of continuous work in a single flow is ensured. There is no need for intermediate warehouses, the duration of the production cycle is reduced, production planning and accounting of manufactured products are simplified. Here two principles are most fully and effectively combined - automation and continuity of the production process. Integrated production automation is a radical and decisive means of increasing labor productivity and product quality, reducing its cost.

The degree of automation of production processes can vary. Distinguish three stages of automation.

On first stage automation, the worker is completely freed from physical labor (during the operation of the machine), including work on managing the production process. He carries out the initial adjustment of the machine, monitors the machine and eliminates deviations from its normal operation. The first stage of automation is provided by an open-loop automatic control system (without feedback). An example would be: automatic turret lathes, multi-spindle automatic lathes, and other machines and machines with cam mechanisms. In this case, the cam provides a certain sequence, direction, magnitude and speed of movement of the actuators.

In second stage Automation uses closed automatic control systems with feedback, which not only ensure the execution of a given program, but also automatically, without worker intervention, regulate and maintain normal operating conditions of the machine. The work of the worker in this case is reduced mainly to the initial setup of the machine. Take, for example, turning long shafts. During turning, wear of the cutter leads to an increase in the cutting diameter, and if we measure the cutting diameter with an active control device and, based on the results of these measurements, automatically introduce a correction to the machine settings (move the cutter in the desired direction), then we will have an automatic control system that maintains normal operating conditions.

Distinctive feature third stage Automation is the ability of a control system to perform logical operations to select optimal operating conditions for a machine. In addition to devices with feedback, such control systems have devices for solving logical problems (calculating machines), which make it possible to perform work under optimal conditions, taking into account the variability of the external and internal operating modes of the machine. Such machines are self-driving. For example, machines with a computer connected to it, optimizing processing based on minimum roughness, or ensuring maximum metal removal.

3. Concepts and definitions: automatic, semi-automatic, GPS, automatic line

Automatic called a working machine (system of machines), during the implementation of the technological process on which all elements of the work cycle (working and idling strokes) are performed automatically. The cycle is repeated without human intervention. In the simplest machines, a person adjusts the machine and controls its operation. In more advanced systems, the quantity and quality of the product is automatically controlled, the tool is adjusted and changed, the initial workpieces and material are supplied, chips are removed, etc.

Semi-automatic called a working machine, the work cycle of which is automatically interrupted at the end of the operation being performed. To resume the cycle (starting a semi-automatic machine), human intervention is necessary, who installs and removes the workpieces, starts the machine and controls its operation, changes and adjusts the tool.

Terms and definitions of types of flexible production systems are established by GOST 26228-84.

Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS)- a set or a separate unit of technological equipment and systems for ensuring its functioning in automatic mode, which has the property of automated changeover in the production of products of an arbitrary range within the established limits of their characteristics.

According to the organizational structure, State Fire Service is divided into the following levels:

· flexible production module - first level;

· flexible automated line and flexible automated section - second level;

· flexible automated workshop - third level;

· flexible automated plant - fourth level;

Based on the levels of automation, GPS systems are divided into the following stages:

· flexible production complex - the first stage;

· flexible automated production - the second stage.

If it is not necessary to indicate the level of organizational structure of production or levels of automation, then the general term “flexible production system” is used.

Flexible Manufacturing Module (FMM)- this is a flexible production system consisting of a unit of technological equipment, equipped with an automated program control device and process automation tools; autonomously functioning, performing multiple cycles and having the ability to be integrated into a higher-level system. A special case of a GPM is a robotic technological complex (RTC), provided that it can be integrated into a higher-level system. In general, the GPM includes storage devices, devices, satellites (pallets, loading and unloading devices, including industrial robots (IR), devices for replacing equipment, waste removal, automated control, including diagnostics, readjustment, etc.

Flexible automated line (GAL)- GPS, consisting of several flexible production modules, united by an automated control system, in which technological equipment is located in the accepted sequence of technological operations.

Flexible automated section (GAU)- GPS, consisting of several flexible production modules, united by an automated control system, operating along a technological route, which provides for the possibility of changing the sequence of use of technological equipment.

Flexible automated workshop (GAS)– GPS, which is a set of flexible automated lines and (or) flexible automated sections, intended for the manufacture of products of a given range.

Flexible automated plant (GAZ)– GPS, which is a set of flexible automated workshops designed to produce finished products in accordance with the main production plan.

The given definitions do not cover such terms as: automatic line, automatic section, workshop, plant. ENIMS offers the following definitions:

Automatic line (LA)– a set of technological equipment installed in the sequence of the processing technical process, connected by automatic transport and equipped with automatic loading and unloading devices and a common control system or several interconnected control systems.

According to the stages of automation there are distinguished two types of GPS:

Flexible Manufacturing Complex (FPC) is a flexible production system consisting of several flexible production modules, united by an automated control system and an automated transport and warehouse system, operating autonomously for a given time interval and having the ability to be integrated into a system of a higher level of automation.

Flexible Automated Manufacturing (FAP)– GPS, consisting of one or more production complexes, united by an automated production management system and an automated transport and warehouse system, and carrying out an automated transition to the manufacture of new products.

The current state and immediate prospects of automation in mechanical engineering are associated, first of all, with the transition from the creation of individual machines and units to the development of systems of automatic machines, covering various stages of the production process - from procurement to assembly, with the optimization of technical solutions.

The center of gravity of developments is shifting from mass production to serial production with the widespread development of automation and mechanization of auxiliary processes, and automation of not only technological operations, but also control functions.

Complex automation is based on the continuous improvement of technical means (from the simplest mechanisms to complex electronic systems; control systems, electronic computing and control machines, etc.); on the widespread use of common methods and automation tools at various stages of the production process, on the use of unification methods.

The development of automation at the present stage is characterized by a shift in the center of gravity of developments from mass production to serial production, which constitutes the main part of the engineering industry (about 80% of all engineering products are produced in serial and individual production plants).

Another characteristic feature of modern automation is the expansion of the arsenal of technical means and, as a consequence, the multi-variance of solving problems of automation of production processes.

The strategy for integrated automation of mechanical engineering production as the basis of technical policy is determined by a number of aspects, including:

1) correct understanding of the content and main focus of automation work;

2) an objective assessment over time of the prospects and feasibility of the application of new methods and means of automation, their condition and relationship with known, traditional ones.

Let's look at these aspects in more detail. Production automation is often interpreted as the process of replacing human functions with control and monitoring devices and systems, i.e. identified with the introduction of automation. It is assumed that the technological processes, designs and machines remain essentially the same. This is not true. The content of production is made up of technological processes; it is in them that all the potential possibilities for the quality and quantity of products produced, production efficiency are laid down, and the management system is only a form of realizing these possibilities. Therefore, production automation in mechanical engineering is a complex design and technological task of creating new equipment, such high-intensity technological processes and high-production means of production that are inaccessible for direct execution by humans.

A modern automatic lathe is a complex of technological, design and layout solutions, characterized by multi-position, simultaneous operation of dozens, and in automatic lines - hundreds of mechanisms and tools. The creation of such systems requires solving many problems, including automating the transportation and loading of parts, changing their orientation, accumulating backlogs, rotating and fixing parts, waste removal, etc. And only under these conditions can the use of automatic control be effective.

Automatic means of production are only promising when they perform production functions faster and better than humans.

The above does not reduce the importance of “small” automation, i.e. equipping non-automated equipment with mechanisms for loading and clamping parts, devices for cycle control, etc., especially when such means are standard. However, the process of automation is not limited to this particularity.

The problem of correct, objective assessment and reasonable implementation of the latest methods and means of automation is becoming extremely relevant in automation. Any technical innovation, no matter how promising it may be, goes through a number of stages: idea - experimental design (capable of only functioning) - reliably working design - cost-effective design. Each stage is characterized by the improvement of parameters, which can be reduced to the formula “speed - reliability - cost”. And only when these parameters fit within the technical and economic tolerances does this innovation become ripe for production implementation. Therefore, in technical policy, it is unacceptable to delay both the development of the primary idea and the implementation of insufficiently mature solutions.

One of the fundamental issues of complex automation is the optimal combination of the latest methods and tools with traditional ones. Automatic machines and systems for mass production widely use the principles of differentiation and concentration of operations, combining them in time, which forms the basis for high productivity and efficiency. The vast majority of modern CNC machines are single-spindle. Therefore, under conditions of stable operation, without readjustments, the productivity of multi-spindle semi-automatic machine tools is tens of times higher than multi-operational semi-automatic machines, and the cost is lower. In pilot production, where the product range is not repeated, a wide range of readjustments of process equipment is required, which can only be achieved using a computer. In stable production, with a constant range of products, serial processing is carried out only because the scale of production does not allow loading each piece of equipment with the same products. Here, sections of universal semi-automatic CNC machines or technological complexes with computer control can be replaced by one reconfigurable multi-spindle unit semi-automatic machine, on which several parts are processed simultaneously with dozens of tools, its productivity is disproportionately higher than single-tool machines, and the retooling is much shorter.

Therefore, the production of single-spindle CNC machines with technological and layout schemes inherited from non-automated production should be considered legitimate only in the early stages of their development. A massive transition to the use of multi-spindle and multi-position CNC machines is inevitable, starting with the simplest ones, which perform parallel processing of several parts using one program. Systems with camshafts, cams and tracers are likely to dominate control automation in mass production for a long time, despite the fact that there is little electronics and no adaptation in their design. Systems with a state of emergency, direct control from a computer, etc. are mobile, and therefore effective in automating serial, and in the future, individual production. Their significance for mass production does not lie in replacing existing technical solutions, but in their addition, in the implementation of previously impossible management functions. Thus, the use of automated process control systems with functions of technical and statistical diagnostics of the operation of automatic lines should become the basis for high-performance operation of lines, reducing their downtime for technical and organizational reasons.

Fundamentally new technological processes require the creation of new technological equipment. Therefore, for their rapid implementation, comprehensive development of technology and technological equipment is necessary.

The most important problem in the development of any modern production- automation of technological processes.

It is especially relevant for mechanical engineering, and here’s why. Firstly, the labor intensity of production here is very high. Let us give just two examples: the production of a steam turbine with a capacity of 500 thousand kilowatts according to the standards takes 300 thousand hours, the creation of a sheet rolling mill “2000” takes 5.2 million hours. Secondly, of the 10 million machine-building workers, about half are engaged in manual labor.

Automation of mechanical engineering not only increases labor productivity, eliminates manual heavy and monotonous labor, but also improves the quality and reliability of manufactured products, improves equipment utilization, and shortens the production cycle.

What is the essence of automation of any technological process? Automation must provide, without human intervention, the specified kinematics and parameters of the work process with the required consistency and accuracy.

Complexity of mechanical engineering automation is that the technology here is not continuous, but discrete and, moreover, extremely diverse. Mechanical engineering produces millions of different parts, and the production of each part involves performing a large number of technological operations. Casting, forging, welding, heat treatment, machining, hardening, coating, non-destructive testing, assembly, testing... And each of these and many other technological processes not mentioned here also has different options depending on the materials used, shape, sizes and series of parts, requirements for accuracy, performance properties, etc.

In mechanical engineering, mass production accounts for only 12%, and even together with large-scale production - only 29%, and the share of serial and individual production accounts for 71%. This complicates the solution to the automation problem, since small-scale production requires a flexible, quickly reconfigurable system for automatic control of technological processes. The most appropriate here is a two-hierarchical control system: each technological process is directly controlled by its own small computer, and the management of the entire production, taking into account the information received from them, is carried out by ordinary computers.

This path is very promising for the automation of mechanical engineering. But, of course, to implement it it is necessary to improve technological equipment and technological processes.

Until now, the laws of many technological processes in mechanical engineering have not been sufficiently disclosed, and operating parameters are regulated by empirical methods. In factories, due to the influence of the scale factor and other production conditions, an insufficiently studied technology has to be developed anew.

These problems are becoming more and more urgent, since the creation of new equipment is associated with more complex structures, the use of difficult-to-process materials, and increased requirements for quality, reliability, and performance characteristics.

In procurement production The most effective are continuous technological processes, for example, continuous casting of steel, rolling of blanks, bending of spatial hollow blanks from sheets and coil tape. Continuous processes that are most favorable to automation provide the greatest productivity and metal savings.

To improve the conditions for automation and mechanization of assembly work, which is very labor-intensive and in mass production is mainly performed manually, it is necessary to improve the designs of parts and the layout of machines, increase the accuracy of dimensional processing, and optimize tolerances and dimensional chains of machines.

Automation of individual technological operations, of course, increases productivity and product quality. But the most effective is complex automation of sequentially related technological operations. This eliminates the inaccuracies of previous operations, which can disrupt the operation of the machine in the subsequent operation, and ensures synchronization of the flow of technological operations, eliminating machine downtime.

In small-scale production, production preparation, design and manufacture of equipment, equipment adjustment, installation, product alignment, control, transportation and warehousing are associated with large costs of labor and time. Therefore, integrated automation gives the greatest effect in mechanical engineering: the main technological operations are automated together with auxiliary, control and transport work.

The experience of using integrally automated production lines in production shows that labor productivity increases up to four times.

To complex automatic systems ensured high efficiency and eliminated the work of adjusters, management should be based on the principles of adaptation and adjustment of work processes. In this case, the parameters of the technological process, the condition of the tool, the workpiece, its installation, coordination, processing accuracy must be monitored by sensors that transmit the necessary information, based on the processing of which the parameters of work processes are adjusted, tools are moved or replaced, etc.

Automatic production lines must be equipped with automatically controlled technological equipment, vehicles, control devices, turning, installation, and filming manipulators. In some cases, precise manipulators with large kinematic capabilities are required, and sometimes with tracking and automatic adjustment of operations. Such complex and automated manipulators, which replace far from simple manual labor, are usually called robots.

Practice shows that robots should be used not only for auxiliary operations, but also to automate complex, diverse technological operations, for example, spatial welding, assembly, trimming, stripping, packaging. Such operations require automatic tracking and spatial orientation, and robots must have adaptive control to automate them.

It is also of great importance automation of technological preparation systems for production, which should provide automatic design of technological processes, analysis of manufacturability of structures, determination of the range of equipment, tools, development of control programs, etc.

Automatic technology control not only eliminates subjective errors inherent in manual labor, but also ensures high stabilization of technological processes, adjustment of their parameters due to fluctuations in the size and properties of raw material blanks, changes in the condition of equipment and tools.

Even in cases where the technological process is fully automated and its stability is ensured, the problem of automation of control is not completely eliminated. Therefore, it is necessary to develop automatic methods and means for analyzing the chemical composition of materials, non-destructive and metrological testing, and mechanical tests.

And in conclusion, I note that production automation is significantly simplified and provides the greatest economic effect with increased serial production. That is why the most important condition for expanding automation is specialization of production and maximum unification of products. This principle of technical policy must be given great attention.

Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences N. Zorev, Director of the Central Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering Technology (TsNIITMASH).

Information is provided on various aspects and types of mechanical engineering automation, including complex automation of the design and manufacture of products, automation of assembly processes. Significant

attention is paid to the features of designing technological processes in conditions of automated production, mathematical modeling in technological systems, automation of technological design
processes and management of technical objects and processes. The issues of forming virtual production systems based on distributed production systems, the use of CALS technologies and information technologies in the design and maintenance of products at the stages of their life cycle are considered.
For students studying in the areas of training “Technology, equipment and automation of machine-building production”, “Design and technological support of machine-building production”, “Automated
technology and production." May be useful to specialists working in the field of mechanical engineering technologies.


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