Social - pedagogical or managerial function. Integrative function of the nervous system Integrative function

Atlas: human anatomy and physiology. Complete practical guide Elena Yuryevna Zigalova

Integrative function of the nervous system

Integrative functions underlie brain rhythms, including the sleep-wake cycle, consciousness and thinking, articulate speech, learning and memory, motivation and emotions, intelligence and creativity. The morphological substrate of integrative functions is the cerebral cortex, namely the neocortex and limbic system. The integrative functions of the central nervous system are not associated with the control of movements and autonomic functions, as well as with the processing of signals coming from the sensory organs.

From the book Treatment with Healing Oils author Ilya Roshchin

Diseases of the nervous system In addition to many beneficial properties that can cure diseases of various etiologies, oils have the ability to fight diseases of the nervous system and the effects of stress. With their help, you can influence the body when

From the book Plants - Your Friends and Foes author Rim Bilalovich Akhmedov

DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM Nervous diseases (general) – 49, 73, 214, 232 Atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels – 31, 165, 178, 297 Cerebral ischemia – 187 Predisposition to stroke, paralysis – 112 Prevention of stroke – 267 Threat of cerebral hemorrhage – 169 “Mosis go blow" – 314 Stroke - 9,

From the book Lemon Treatment author Yulia Savelyeva

Diseases of the nervous system Diseases associated with the nerves and the nervous system, such as neurosis, neurasthenia, neuralgia, migraine and others, affect many people in our difficult times. Of course, there are many medications designed to help people suffering from

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From the book We are treated with leeches author Nina Anatolyevna Bashkirtseva

Diseases of the nervous system The effectiveness of treatment of leeches on the nervous system has been proven by the experience of thousands of years. Leeches were used by village doctors and healers against damage and the evil eye. And today hirudotherapy helps to cope with sleep disorders, migraines, radiculitis,

From the book Normal Physiology: Lecture Notes author Svetlana Sergeevna Firsova

3. Secretory function of the digestive system The secretory function of the digestive glands is to release secretions into the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract that take part in the processing of food. For their formation, cells must receive certain amounts of blood,

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Diseases of the nervous system - For increased nervousness and irritability, leave a third of a glass of red beet juice in a cool place for 3 hours, mix with an equal amount of honey. Take in 2-3 doses 30 minutes before meals. – For nervous excitability and insomnia in a glass

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Nervous system diseases

From the book Atlas: human anatomy and physiology. Complete practical guide author Elena Yurievna Zigalova

Diseases of the nervous system Insomnia 523. Write me some spell for insomnia. “Mother Mary of the morning and Maremyana of the evening, come to him, to the servant of God, to the baby, take from him the midnight office and the tickler from his white body, from his hot blood, from his zealous heart, from

From the book The Adventures of Another Boy. Autism and more author Elizaveta Zavarzina-Mammy

Function of the respiratory system The respiratory system absorbs oxygen and removes carbon dioxide - gas exchange, without which life is impossible, because the conversion of energy in the body occurs as a result of the oxidative breakdown of nutrients from

From the book Treating with Spices author Sergey Pavlovich Kashin

Function of the cardiovascular system Blood continuously moves through a closed vascular system in a certain direction due to the rhythmic contractions of the heart of the muscular pump that pumps blood from the veins to the arteries. In a healthy person, the amount of fluid flowing into

From the book A Healthy Man in Your Home author Elena Yurievna Zigalova

From the author's book

Diseases of the nervous system Recipe: Take 10 g of coriander seeds, 100 g of vodka. Pour the raw materials into a container and pour in vodka. Close tightly and place in a cool, dark place for 15 days. Shake the contents periodically without opening the container. After 15 days, strain the solution

From the author's book

Function of the respiratory system In the process of pulmonary breathing, inhalation alternates, during which atmospheric air saturated with oxygen enters the alveoli, and exhalation, during which air enriched with carbon dioxide is removed into the environment. Inhalation is carried out

From the author's book

Function of the cardiovascular system The myocardium is striated muscle tissue. Like all muscle tissues, the myocardium has three important properties: irritability, excitability and contractility. The basis of all physiological reactions is irritability - the ability

From the author's book

Functions of the nervous system All structures of the brain function together, thanks to this the integrity of the nervous system and the whole organism is possible. Let us repeat: the nervous system unites (integrates) cells, tissues, organs, systems and apparatuses into a single organism and coordinates

Integrative The function of philosophy is closely related to science. The constant involvement of more and more new objects and phenomena of reality in the sphere of theoretical human research, as well as the need for a more in-depth study of various aspects of what is already known to a certain extent, gives rise to differentiation scientific knowledge already at the earliest stages of its development, which is accompanied by the emergence of individual sciences that highlight not only the object and subject of their research, but also create their own language, categorical apparatus, etc., characteristic only for this science. However, there is a serious problem on this path the danger that lies in the fact that the demarcation of sciences is accompanied by a weakening of connections between them, a loss of the ability to actively influence the solution of complex complex problems, unless the reverse process occurs - the process integration scientific knowledge and efforts to overcome certain problems.

One of the most famous biblical myths, which talks about people’s loss of mutual understanding, eloquently talks about this danger. Wanting to prevent the construction of the Tower of Babel, which was objectionable to him, the Almighty deprived people of the opportunity to understand each other, and, consequently, to act together. The Bible says this about it: “And the Lord said: Behold, there is one people, and they all have one language; and this is what they began to do, and they will not deviate from what they planned to do; Let us go down and confuse their language there so that one does not understand the speech of the other.”

This often happens in modern science, which studies the most complex complex problems, when representatives of some scientific disciplines do not understand others only because they speak different languages, that is, each in the language of their own science. In this regard, philosophy objectively becomes for them a connecting link, a unifying principle, since its analysis is focused on interdisciplinary communication and the development of fundamental concepts, the content of which is accepted and used in the same context by various sciences.

In addition, in the complex study of complex objects, each specific science proceeds from its own subject, the framework of which does not give it the opportunity to see the object being studied in its entirety, systematically. Such a task, again, is only within the power of philosophy, which gives a vision of the entire situation as a whole and in this regard is a connecting link not only between the sciences, but also individual spheres of human activity, for example legal, political, moral, with which directly or indirectly there can be related research.

Cultural function

Philosophy also fulfills cultural function in that it broadens people’s horizons, awakens their interest in knowledge, educates, and develops a culture of theoretical thinking. Being a universal form of exploration and knowledge of the world, it absorbs the best achievements of mankind and makes them the property of all mankind. In addition, studying the history and philosophy of different countries and peoples allows us to better understand their past and present culture, promotes the exchange of ideas and the mutual influence of cultural traditions, which, undoubtedly, is important in solving many problems closely related to cultural heritage.

All means of mass communication, primarily television, by their nature are capable of maintaining the normal functioning of the society to which their influence extends. The very fact that different people regularly watch a program already indicates a certain commonality between them, but the broadcaster must consciously work to strengthen this sense of belonging from everyone to everyone. The dominant feature of broadcasting is identifying common values ​​for the audience (universal, national, pan-European, city-wide, etc.), discussing ways to solve common problems and counteracting destructive trends that are dangerous to society.

The larger and more diverse the community targeted, the more carefully programming must be designed to ensure that no part of the audience is discriminated against. In addition to national and religious characteristics, attention is paid to social (including class), socio-psychological, and age differences of people. Television channels, in addition, satisfy the need of each viewer to identify themselves both with the world community as a whole, and with a certain group of people, with their specific interests.

The integrative (consolidating, unifying) function of television is solved by all sections of broadcasting (journalism, art, sports, entertainment). It seems to be superimposed on other functions, partially coinciding with informational, cultural and educational, organizational, educational, etc. For a journalist who consciously implements the integrative function of television, the first quality can be called the ability to combine the needs of society with the concerns of an individual in front of the TV in his approach to the material .

Gone are the previously used methods of consolidation, rallying the domestic audience by contrasting it with the rest of the world: “us” and “them”, with “us” being assigned all conceivable virtues, and “them” being left with exclusively negative qualities. The teleconferences of 1986–1987 were a breakthrough towards civilized thinking. with the participation of ordinary citizens of our country and the USA, Great Britain, Japan, as a result of which “we” and “they” felt themselves to be partners in dialogue and neighbors on the planet.

The task of interethnic consolidation within the Commonwealth of former Soviet republics remains the most important. A single state in its former form does not exist, but information-consolidating ties remain: they are determined by the commonality of historically established realities - in the economy, culture, in the very mentality of people who went through the communist experiment, in interpersonal and intra-family relationships that suddenly became “cross-border”. Explaining to people their fundamental, not always realized interests (for example, such as the paramount importance of conflict prevention, the need to abandon outdated dogmas, etc.) requires political balance and high skill from the journalist. In the early nineties, rash value judgments in television programs called information (“Time”, “Vesti”, “600 seconds”, etc.) caused many protests from the Baltic states, Transcaucasia and Ukraine. Instead of consolidating peoples, disunity was aggravated by inept and inappropriate propaganda. The disrespectful, unethical behavior of journalists from the former Central Television in dialogues with the popularly elected leaders of the newly independent states offended not only the leaders, but also their voters. Exaggerated attention to the Orthodox Church aroused the jealousy of adherents of other faiths. Journalists had difficulty getting rid of the mentoring, teaching tone and other stereotypes associated with the “leading role of the Center,” to which they considered themselves.

The integrative function of culture is that culture is an important factor ensuring the stability and integrity of society. Culture unites peoples, social groups, and states. Any social community that develops its own culture is held together by this culture. Because a single set of views, beliefs, values, and ideals characteristic of a given culture spreads among members of a community. These phenomena determine the consciousness and behavior of people, they develop a sense of belonging to one culture. Preservation of cultural heritage, national traditions, historical memory creates a connection between generations. The historical unity of the nation and the self-awareness of the people as a community of people that has existed for a long time are built on this. A broad framework of cultural community is created by world religions. A single faith closely binds representatives of various nations that make up the world of Islam or the Christian world.

Thus, culture can act as a factor of differentiation and delimitation between relatively small and sometimes very significant human groups, which, however, does not exclude the processes of their mutual enrichment. In addition, it is these processes of international exchange that provide interconnection between cultures of different eras and peoples, contributing to their fusion into world civilization.

Any social community in which its own culture develops is held together by this culture, because a single set of views, beliefs, values, and ideals that are characteristic of a given culture and determine the consciousness and behavior of people spreads among the members of the community. They develop a sense of belonging to the same cultural group.

Preservation of cultural heritage, national traditions, historical memory creates a connection between generations. This is what builds the historical unity of the nation and the self-awareness of the people as a community of people that has existed for centuries. The unity of culture is an important condition for the strength of the state.

Cultural differences make it difficult for people to communicate and interfere with their mutual understanding. These differences act as barriers that separate social groups and communities.

The relationships between these groups are ambiguous and complex. History shows that cultural differences between communities have often become the cause of their confrontation and enmity, although the difference in cultures itself does not necessarily give rise to tension and conflict in relations between them.

The integrative function of culture is now aimed not at erasing cultural differences, but at uniting people both within one culture and beyond, and at realizing the unity of all humanity.
