Anxieties of a big city: “Trees get sick, not like people! Russian Academy of Sciences on how “invisible ecology” is related to oncology Lung diseases due to poor ecology

It is believed that cancer is associated with lifestyle (poor diet, sedentary lifestyle, smoking, alcohol abuse, etc.) and the environment. Now scientists continue to study this issue and conduct a huge amount of research; new facts regarding the development of cancerous tumors appear almost every day. Recently, American researchers stated that the development of malignant tumors has no connection with heredity, ecology or the lifestyle that a person leads, i.e. Cancer in most cases appears spontaneously, without specific causes. A group of specialists have already reported their discovery to a number of scientific publications.

As the researchers reported, the formation of a malignant tumor in the body occurs when cells divide incorrectly, which in most cases begins accidentally. During their work, scientists studied more than 30 types of tumors, as a result it was found that the process of cell division was not influenced by external or genetic factors. Heredity was identified only in 1/3 of all cases; in the rest, the tumor began to develop spontaneously, without any particular reason. In addition, in medicine there are a sufficient number of cases where cancer was diagnosed in healthy people without bad habits.

Also, the claim that frequent stress can provoke the growth of a cancerous tumor has not been confirmed. Previously, it was believed that constant nervous tension and stress were one of the main causes of cancer, but a new study has refuted this opinion.

But despite their findings, scientists continue to argue that improved quality of life and well-being environment will reduce the incidence rate among the population.

Also, many scientists named radiation as one of the causes of cancer. In particular, the source of harmful radiation can be radon, which is present in bricks and concrete used in the construction of buildings; when staying in such buildings, a person is exposed to constant radiation, and this in turn leads to disruption of the process of cell division.

Swedish experts in their new research have established that there is a connection between human height and the development of cancer - tall people are more susceptible to the development of malignant neoplasms, compared to their short peers.

According to the Swedish theory, the risk of developing cancer increases by almost 20% with every 10 cm of height.

According to the experts themselves, this phenomenon can be explained by the fact that tall people have more cells in the body, in addition, it is extremely rare that cancer is diagnosed in people with genetic dwarfism.

In fact: specialists were unable to discover a 100% pattern. She simply doesn't exist. Yes, there are scientific studies confirming the role of soy products in the prevention of malignant tumors. About 20-30 years ago, when a traditional diet rich in soy products prevailed in Japan, the incidence of so-called “Western” forms of cancer (colon, pancreas, prostate) was very low in this country. However, this observation can also be explained by the fact that the Japanese, who were prone to eating national dishes, ate less animal products and more fish.

Improved cigarettes reduce cancer risk

In fact: This is not entirely true in general, and even more so in our country. In accordance with WHO recommendations, Russia introduced standards for the content of tar and nicotine in cigarettes, which are now equal to: 1.2 mg (for nicotine) and 14 mg (for tar) per cigarette. This is higher than European standards. In addition, with a decrease in the nicotine content in tobacco products, smokers still strive to get their dose of this soft drug and get it, proportionally increasing the number of light cigarettes they smoke. Reducing the content of nicotine and tar does not reduce the content of nitroso compounds in tobacco smoke - the group of the most carcinogenic chemical substances, which are not formed during the smoking process, but are initially contained in tobacco. Light cigarettes with a low tar concentration may contain more of these toxic substances and therefore be more carcinogenic than cigarettes with a higher tar content.

There is a cancer virus that you can catch

In fact: Scientists have long established that no viruses cause the development of cancer and it is absolutely impossible to become infected with cancer through contact with a patient. But, nevertheless, some viruses still take part in carcinogenesis - that is, they cause diseases that subsequently provoke the development of all kinds of cancer. For example, the papilloma virus is one of the causes of cervical cancer, hepatitis B and C viruses – liver cancer, Epstein-Barr virus – nasopharynx, etc. It was found that 3% of people who are carriers of herpes virus DNA developed cancer diseases.

The main cause of cancer is poor environmental conditions

In fact: This is one of the most harmful myths. It distracts a person from more important reasons - poor nutrition and lifestyle - and plunges him into passive doom, because the solution environmental problems depends little on our habits. It’s easier to lament the bad environment than to quit smoking.

ONKO - geography

  • Developed countries, including Russia: most often found: cancer of the breast, colon, uterus, ovaries, prostate, lungs.
  • Russia: Unlike the USA and other developed countries, there are many cases of stomach cancer. This is due not only to a lack of consumption of vegetables and fruits, but also to poor living conditions. Due to crowding in small apartments, the entire family immediately becomes infected with Helicobacter pillory, a bacterium that serves as a “trigger” of the oncological process. Therefore, if one family member is found to have this bacterium as the cause of, say, gastritis, the whole family must be treated.
  • Southeast Asia (China, Korea, etc.): Liver cancer is the most common, since 50% of the population there are carriers of the hepatitis B and C viruses, which provoke its occurrence.

Added 1 year ago

It is common to complain that all illnesses are caused by nerves. This is not entirely true. Recently, scientists have proven that every fourth disease in the world is caused by problems with the environmental situation. Residents of megacities suffer especially. For example, in Moscow, about 75% of the population lives in unfavorable environmental conditions.

Why is dirty air dangerous?

An international study covering 12 countries that examined the impact of the environment on human health was recently completed. It turned out that climate pollution cause of death of 19 thousand inhabitants Europe annually. But in Russia everything is even worse: more than half of the residents of our cities are in areas exposed to harmful environmental factors. In Moscow there are 75% of them. This is especially dangerous for people with:

  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • allergic reactions.

For example, due to unfavorable environmental conditions the incidence of asthma among Moscow children has increased by 30% in recent years.

According to the World Health Organization, among all environmental factors, the main health risk is associated with air pollution. " This is especially dangerous for children, because their immunity decreases and chronic diseases of the lungs and bronchi develop early. Pathologies caused by genetics are also “triggered”, says the professor of the Department of Childhood Diseases of the 1st Moscow State Medical University named after. Sechenov Igor Volkov. - If the O2 content in the air is reduced, the brain begins to experience oxygen starvation. If this happens regularly, it may cause delays mental development children and memory impairment in adults. The most dangerous thing is the “volley"emissions from industrial enterprises, increased concentrations of automobile exhaust during peak hours, especially in combination with adverse weather conditions."

Save yourself as best you can

According to the capital's doctors, the least unfavorable ecology is for people 20-39 years old. Most of all - for children aged 3 to 6 years and elderly over 60 years old. If you live in an environmentally disadvantaged area, your risk of asthma is up to a third higher. Besides, the risk of developing or worsening the course of allergic reactions and cancer increases.

It has also been proven that people living in contaminated areas suffer from viral diseases more often and more severely. Well, smog (many remember the terrible summer of 2010) affects the cardiovascular and respiratory systems and leads to an increase in the frequency and severity of bronchopulmonary diseases. Therefore, doctors recommend taking care of the prevention of acute respiratory infections in the summer by taking antiviral medications, eating enough vitamin C (lemon, pepper, herbs, etc.) and honey.

What to do to avoid harmful environmental influences:

  • A wet curtain will help reduce the impact of polluted air in the apartment
  • try not to walk along the roads: stay at least 5 meters away from them
  • if you have asthma, carry anti-inflammatories and bronchodilators with you
  • indoor flowers will help to maintain clean air at home; indoor flowers will be very useful
  • use air conditioners with good filters and air purifiers
  • constantly ventilate the apartment (the level of pollution inside residential premises is 1.5-4 times higher than on the dirtiest street in Moscow)
  • use water filters

Well, in the best case scenario, live outside the Moscow Ring Road!

Of course, the most terrible consequence of environmental pollution is human gene mutation. Unfortunately, over the past decades, cases of the birth of unhealthy children have increased significantly.

The cause of this disease is still unknown autism. On average, people are born with this incurable brain disorder. 6 Human out of 1000. The fact that over the past 30 years the frequency of births of autistic children has increased sharply suggests that poor ecology is the main factor in the formation of this terrible disease. In particular, the increase in radiation levels due to the spread of such (now vital) inventions as television, computer and mobile phone Many research scientists consider the main reason for the increasing incidence of autistic births. Yes, changing human genetics is nature’s main retaliatory blow for all its abuses. However, there are other manifestations of revenge...

Man once cut down forests to create pastures and build cities. Then, for the purpose of further evolution and progress, he founded plants and factories in these same cities. To increase his comfort in the 20th century, he also invented such air pollutants as a car, a computer, cellular telephone. In response he received respiratory system diseases. Today, our country ranks sadly second in the world in terms of the frequency of deaths from such a disease as asthma. Here, poor ecology takes legitimate first place in the list of reasons for the development of the disease. Asthma mainly occurs in people who live near plants, factories and other industrial enterprises, near places where toxic waste is stored. Metallurgical enterprises pose the greatest danger to the human respiratory system. But even among adult welders and metallurgists, asthma is not as common as in children born near industrial areas. The incidence of asthma among children is twice as high as among adults. In Russia, according to the latest data, people suffer from asthma every 10th child. Moreover, according to WHO findings, 40% All diseases caused by poor environmental conditions occur in children.

Another disease, one of the main causes of which is also poor ecology, is allergy. According to research results, people suffer from allergies every 5th Russian. Over the past twenty years, the incidence of allergies has increased 4 times. According to WHO forecasts, allergies have a good chance of becoming the most common disease of the 21st century. City residents suffer from allergies three times more often than residents of rural areas. This fact allowed researchers to determine the specific causes of the disease:

  1. sharp deterioration of the environmental situation;
  2. powerful industrial development;
  3. “Western lifestyle” of city dwellers: constantly closed windows, use of air conditioners, etc.

Poor ecology also contributes to the formation and development cardiovascular diseases And mental disorders. In addition, it is the cause of diseases such as AIDS And cancer. No matter how trivial it may sound, in order to eradicate existing “ecological” diseases and prevent the emergence of new ones, we simply must take care of the state of the environment. When we learn to live in harmony with nature, it will stop taking its toll on our health and the health of our children.
