Gas tank trucks. Milk tanker-Bogatyr. Brief historical background. Milk tanker gas 53

Fuel trucks based on the GAZ-53 are vehicles that earned a certain popularity among domestic consumers in Soviet times, having a tank (barrel) based on a GAZ truck for short-term storage and long-distance transportation of light petroleum products (gasoline, etc.).

The main feature of these tank trucks is the chassis produced by the Gorky Automobile Plant labeled GAZ-53, which was produced in serial form from 1961 to 1993. They are third-generation medium-duty vehicles with a similar payload capacity, which over the years of production have exceeded a total number of more than 4 million units. Having become the most popular Soviet truck, this vehicle had many modifications - dump trucks, truck tractors, fire trucks, milk tankers, fuel tankers, etc.

The advantages of using the GAS base for transporting gasoline products come from the following factors:

  • Reliability of the machine itself;
  • Simplicity of the device and, as a result, availability of routine repairs;
  • Long engine life - up to 400 thousand kilometers;
  • Possibility of accommodating up to 3 people in the cabin, which allows personnel to change control and participate in joint actions in the event of an emergency;
  • All-metal structures ensuring safe maintenance;
  • Cheapness of spare parts used in repair work.

An elliptical cross-section tank is installed on the base chassis, giving the vehicle the greatest compactness and maneuverability when moving through urban areas. At the same time, the vehicle is adapted to the conditions of the Russian climate and roads, both in terms of the cargo base and the tank tank.

Photo of a fuel truck based on GAZ 53


Externally, fuel tankers based on the GAZ-53 are distinguished by features characteristic of the brand and specific model - a small cabin with a long hood and protruding fenders, as well as an oval barrel with a pump. These units offer the user a number of possibilities, completely dependent on the technical configuration of the device:

  • The installed ZMZ-53 engine (carburetor, 4-stroke, with 8 working cylinders) provides relatively high power for a medium-tonnage truck - 125 hp.
  • The gearbox is designed for 5 speeds - 4 forward gears and one reverse.
  • The chassis is represented by 2 axles with a 4*2 wheel formula and a dependent leaf spring suspension, equipped with telescopic shock absorbers to give the vehicle a smoother ride.
  • Transmission mechanism – mechanical 4-speed.
  • The steering is without power steering, which somewhat complicates control, but greatly simplifies the design.
  • The brake system is drum type.
  • The tank (barrel) is oval-shaped, welded from high-strength sheet steel, horizontally located, having internal stiffeners to increase its strength and safety of use (breakwaters prevent damage to the barrel due to both external mechanical influences and internal water hammer).
  • The pump with which the tank is equipped is of a vane centrifugal type and is driven to the truck engine through the PTO.

Dimensions of the GAZ-53 fuel truck

ATTENTION! The carburetor engine of the “hard worker” requires a decent amount of fuel, so in order to save money, some models are equipped with MMZ D-245 diesel units.

The GAZ-53 truck was destined to become the most popular “workhorse” in the Soviet Union. The signature “smile” of the radiator of this hard worker is one of the most recognizable “brands” of the Soviet era. Which is not at all surprising: after all, over the years of its mass production, from 1961 to 1993, the fifty-third LAWN was replicated in more than four million units. And he traveled all over the world, from Cuba to Kamchatka, from the Far North to the jungles of Laos and Vietnam. Next, we’ll talk about the technical characteristics of this truck, and listen to the live opinions of drivers who have worked on the GAZ-53 for many years.

About the areas of application and modifications of the GAZ-53

On its not particularly powerful shoulders, the GAZ-53 nevertheless “rolled” at least half of the entire economy of the Country of Soviets. It's hard to find where this ubiquitous truck has NOT been used. From the “gait” for emergency crews and the “paddy wagon” for criminals to mobile fuel tankers and truck tractors that hauled containers - everything that was not installed on the GAZ-53 chassis!

These cheap, simple and unpretentious trucks have become widespread in agriculture. In the 70s/early 80s of the 20th century, on the average Soviet collective farm, 80% of the truck fleet consisted of GAZ-53. Only in the second half of the 80s did this ratio begin to change towards an increase in the share which, by the way, in Soviet times was not much more expensive than a GAZon.

GAZ-53 of the 60s and 80s both look noticeably different from each other, and in a technological sense these are two quite different trucks. Not only are their engines completely different, but also many other design elements.

After all, over the years of production, the GAZ-53 has experienced three major and many minor upgrades and improvements. The Gorky Automobile Plant tried to promptly respond to “signals from the field” and eliminate problems identified during operation.

Thus, already in the first years of the distribution of the new truck model across the country, it became obvious that the axles from the previous generation - , on the 53rd are no longer suitable, and the 82-horsepower engine from the 51st LAWN, although forced, does not meet the increased needs of the new cars. During 1964/65, serial production of the GAZ-53 was launched, equipped, instead of an in-line six-cylinder engine, with a V-shaped eight (115-horsepower ZMZ-53 engine), as well as modified and reinforced axles.

An interesting, half-forgotten fact: the cladding and, accordingly, the appearance of the GAZ-53 of the first releases were very noticeably different from the appearance of the car we are accustomed to. For example, the headlights were located above the direction indicators. However, unfortunately, not a single original LAWN of that very first generation has survived to this day. But he remained captured on film in some famous films of that time, in particular “Happy Troubles” (1964), “Foreigner” (1965), “Beware of the Car” (1966), “Three Poplars on Plyushchikha” (1967).

GAZ-53F (1961-1967)

By the way, a curious film curiosity is associated with the GAZ-53, which has already become familiar to everyone. In the famous film “The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed,” in the episode when gang members are driving Volodya Sharapov in a bread van through Moscow at night, a green GAZ-53 was inappropriately included in some shots. (The film takes place in 1946).

"GAZ-53A" (1965–1983)

Three main, basic modifications of the truck rolled off the assembly line under the following factory indices:

  • GAZ-53F(1961-1967) - flatbed truck and universal chassis with a forced in-line 6-cylinder GAZ-51 engine with 82 hp.
  • GAZ-53A(from June 1965 to 1983) - flatbed truck, dump truck and universal chassis with a ZMZ-53 engine - V-shaped 8-cylinder, 115 hp.
  • GAZ-53-12(from 1983 to January 1993) - a flatbed truck, a dump truck and a universal chassis with an eight-cylinder V-shaped engine ZMZ-53-11 with a power of 120 hp.

According to the power, the load capacity of the three generations of the 53rd LAWN also differs. The GAZ-53F was declared to have a 4-ton capacity, although in fact it only carried 3 tons on board, and 4 tons was an almost unbearable load for it. The GAZ-53A became a real four-ton truck. The power of the GAZ-53-12 engine already allowed it to freely carry not only the 4.5 tons declared by the manufacturer, but also 5 tons “with kopecks”.

GAZ-53-12 (1983-1993)

In addition to the basic ones, there are dozens of modifications and versions of the GAZ-53 made on their basis, intended for use for specialized purposes. Among them -

  • Army modification GAZ-53N with an additional 105 liter fuel tank, a pre-heater and a set of additional equipment.
  • Popular buses KAvZ-685 And "Kuban" based on GAZ-53. They were produced on the GAZ-53-40 chassis, equipped with softer springs and telescopic shock absorbers, a fuel tank from, a modified brake system and electrical equipment.
  • GAZ-53-02- dump truck.
  • A special chassis designed for the GAZ-SAZ dump truck (SAZ-3503).
  • GAZ-53-05– a truck tractor (it was not widely used, because any of the three engines of the 53rd GAZON was too weak for such “exercises”).
  • GAZ-53-19 And GAZ-53-27– versions developed in 1984, running on liquefied gas; with engines of 105 and 100 hp. respectively.

GAZ-53 trucks were exported to almost all socialist countries, and from capitalist countries to Finland and Belgium.

Serious assembly production of these trucks, from Soviet vehicle kits, was organized in Bulgaria and Cuba. Moreover, the Bulgarian enterprise Madara produced the GAZ-53 from 1967 to 1991, increasing production volume to 3,000 cars per year in the 80s. And already from the beginning of the 70s, it equipped them with Bulgarian-made engines.

Export versions of the truck were produced with the factory designations GAZ-53-70 and GAZ-53-50 (especially for the tropics). As already noted, the number of specialized versions based on the GAZ-53 chassis is difficult to calculate. These include mobile repair shops, fire trucks, truck cranes, ladder trucks, garbage trucks, loader cranes, fuel tankers, etc. and so on.

Unlike all previously developed trucks of the Country of Soviets, the GAZ-53 was originally created purely for the needs of the national economy. In case of war, it was not planned to mobilize it into troops and use it to transport guns, transport ammunition, wounded, etc. army needs. In this regard, the GAZ-53 can rightfully be called the first domestic “NOT dual-use” truck.

This explains the “cheerful” colors of the legendary car. If previously all trucks of the Soviet Union were painted only in a dark green protective color, then the 53rd from the very beginning was distinguished by a very diverse range of colors: its cabs were painted in blue, gray, blue, beige, red, green, yellow, orange and some others colors.

The direct “relative” and “ancestor” of the GAZ-53 was another all-Union hard worker - the GAZ-51 truck. The development of a new generation truck was led by the chief designer of the Gorky Automobile Plant, Alexander Dmitrievich Prosvirnin (1914-2005). By the way, he was in 1946-1947. participated in the development of the GAZ-51, then still in the role of an ordinary designer.

During the summer/autumn of 1961, a pilot batch of GAZ-53F trucks was subjected to serious tests, the main of which was a motor rally along the route Moscow - Tashkent - Moscow, with a total length of ten thousand kilometers. The trucks were driven intensively along country roads and real deserts, steppe sands, marshy soils and mountainous areas. The culmination of the route in Central Asia was the Shahristan pass, in Tajikistan, located at an altitude of more than 3.2 thousand meters above sea level.

At the same time, 2 GAZ-53Fs were mercilessly exploited in the Moscow region, in off-road rural conditions, and 4 more were driven along the Moscow-Gorky highway back and forth until the figure of 15,000 km was reached on their speedometer, testing reliability on main lines. In total, each of the vehicles performed 18 flights.

By the way, the “brother” of the 53rd LAWN also deserves kind words. Also a bestseller, with a circulation of more than 1 million units. This is practically its “twin”. Since the only reliable difference between these models is the model of the installed engine: on the 52nd there is a six-cylinder in-line, on the 53rd there is a more powerful eight-cylinder V-shaped.

By the way, according to the observations of experienced GAZON drivers, the 52nd was distinguished by slightly better cross-country ability in severe off-road conditions or deep snow. The more powerful and resourceful GAZ-53 was more likely to bury itself in mud, snow or sand where the 52nd was slowly passing on its own.

Externally, it was possible to distinguish the GAZ-52 from the GAZ-53 by the wheel rims: the GAZ-52 and modifications had smaller rims, with 6 ventilation holes and narrower tires. The GAZ-53 has wider (and, accordingly, more “load-bearing”) tires; wheels of a larger diameter, with three holes placed at an angle of 120 degrees. However, the rims on the 52nd and 53rd GAZon are interchangeable.

About the technical characteristics of the GAZ-53

Having looked at photographs of other cars of the late 50s/early 60s, we can rightfully say that for its time the appearance of the cabin and its interior of the GAZ-53 looked very progressive.

A one-piece lining of the radiator grille was made, into which the headlights and sidelights were organically integrated. The driver and passenger seats, according to the canons of those years, were a single “sofa”. However, the ergonomics of the workplace were better thought out than in the GAZ-51.

According to its class, the GAZ-53 belongs to the family of universal medium-duty multi-purpose trucks. The GAZ-53 truck has a frame structure, the wheels are driven to the rear axle.


  • Length – 6.395 m; width – 2,380 m; height (in the cabin, without load) – 2,220 m
  • Chassis base – 3,700 m; front wheel track (on ground) – 1,630 m; rear wheel track – 1,690 m
  • Ground clearance: 265 mm. In this case, the lowest points with full load are: 265 mm (rear axle housing) and 347 mm (front axle).
  • Dimensions of the cargo platform: length – 3,740 m; width – 2,170 m; side height – 0.68 m.
  • The turning radius along the track of the outer front wheel is 8 m.

Performance characteristics

  • Wheel formula: 4x2.
  • Curb weight: 3.2 tons.
  • Load capacity: 4 tons for GAZ-53F and GAZ-53A; 4.5 tons - for GAZ-53-12.
  • Tire size: 8.25-20 inches.
  • Maximum permissible weight of towed trailer: 4 tons.
  • The GAZ-53 cabin is metal, two-seater, two-door.
  • Maximum speed with full load on a horizontal highway: 90 km/h.
  • Fuel tank capacity: 90 l (in the army modification GAZ-53N - 105 l).
  • Fuel consumption from 24 liters of gasoline per 100 km.

A few words about the characteristics of the GAZ-53-02 version (dump truck). The LAWN dump truck was produced with a frame shortened by 27 cm at the rear. The wheelbase remained the same. Was equipped with a power take-off shaft.

The platform was equipped with a gear-type hydraulic pump, which, through a system of control valves, ensured the operation of a three-link hydraulic cylinder for lifting the body. The capacity of the all-metal body platform is 5 cubic meters; body lifting and unloading are provided both backwards and sideways.

GAZ-53 engines

8-cylinder 4-stroke gasoline carburetor engines ZMZ-53 and ZMZ-53-11 have a V-shaped cylinder arrangement. The working volume is 4,254 cubic centimeters. Power, at 3200 rpm per minute is: 115 (ZMZ-53) and 120 (ZMZ-511) horsepower. Cylinder diameter – 92 mm; piston stroke – 80 mm. The average compression ratio is 6.7. The maximum torque at 2000-2500 rpm is 29 kg/cm. The cylinders operate in the following order: 1-5-4-2-6-3-7-8.

The engine cylinder block is made of casting from Al-4 alloy, and after casting it is sealed by heat treatment and impregnation with synthetic resin. This is a classic monoblock V-shaped design with an angle along the cylinder axes of 90 degrees.

The cavities of the block and cast iron liners for the pistons form the water cooling jacket of the engine. The possibility of repair replacement of sleeves is provided (5 groups with letter designations). The clutch housing is secured to the end of the block with threaded rods.

Pistons are also divided into five repair groups according to their diameter (letter marking), and into four groups according to the diameter of the piston pin holes (color marking). The piston group is cast from aluminum alloy “Al-30”. The piston has a classic round shape with a flat bottom; three grooves are cut along its diameter for oil scraper and compression rings.

The block heads are made of Al-4 alloy. The valve seats are made of cast iron, and the guide bushings are made of copper-graphite ceramics. The block and cylinder heads are connected by threaded rods through gaskets made of asbestos cardboard reinforced with steel. The crankshaft is cast from cast iron, on which the connecting rod journals, bearings and counterweights are formed.

The crankshaft went through a series of mandatory dynamic and static balancing. Axial movement of the crankshaft is eliminated by two washers installed on either side of the first journal support. It is sealed in the block using oil-squeezing grooves, oil seals and asbestos packing.

The gas distribution mechanism, with overhead valve installation, ensures the intake of the fuel-air working mixture into the cylinders and the exhaust of exhaust gases.

This device consists of: camshafts and gears, pushers, rocker arms, rods, valves, guide bushings and springs. The camshaft is forged from steel. It has 5 bearing journals, cams, a gear drive for an oil pump and an ignition distributor.

The device for preparing the gasoline-air mixture is a K-126 carburetor. The ignition system is contact. Spark plugs – A11-U.

The lubrication system supplies oil to the contacting parts of the engine both under pressure and by gravity. The oil pump is gear-type, driven by a camshaft, the oil filter is full-flow, serviceable.

The air preparation filter is also serviceable, inertial, with the settling of polluting particles in an oil bath. Cooling system – with a water pump, closed type, liquid. It consists of a water jacket of the cylinder block, radiator, pump, thermostat, shutters, fan, fan casing, radiator cap and connecting hoses. Capacity – 22 liters.

The engine of the third modification of the 53rd GAZon - ZMZ-53-11 differs from its predecessor in new cylinder heads with increased compression parameters; a sectional oil pump, a full-flow filter device, and crankcase ventilation switched to a closed circuit.

The gearbox consists of four forward “speeds” and one rear. By its design, the GAZ-53 gearbox is a three-way gearbox, with synchronizers in third and fourth gears. The clutch is single-disc, dry.

The cardan transmission is open type, has cardan shafts with needle bearings. The main gear of the drive axles is a conical, hypoid type, with a gear ratio of 6.83. Differential - gear, cam, bevel, limited slip. Rotating axles are flanged, with CV joints.

Springs – 4 pcs., longitudinal semi-elliptical, ends embedded in rubber supports. The rear suspension has additional springs. Shock absorbers – hydraulic, telescopic, double-acting.

Foot brakes - shoe brakes, 4 wheels. The brake drive is foot-operated, hydraulic, with a hydraulic vacuum booster. The hand brake is central, drum type, mounted on the driven shaft of the gearbox. The type of steering mechanism of the GAZ-53 is a globoidal worm with a 3-ridge roller.

Electrical equipment GAZ-53

The GAZ-53 truck uses a single-wire wiring system with a connection between the negative terminal and ground. The mains voltage is 6 Volts. The brand of the “native” battery is 6-ST-68-EM.

Generator brand, power 350 W – G130-G; relay regulator – PP130. The electrical system of the GAZ-53 truck also includes a B13 ignition coil, with additional resistance; breaker-distributor P13-B; single-cylinder air-cooled compressor; electric starter ST130-B with remote activation.

Cabin GAZ-53

“A comfortable 2-seater closed cabin, convenient location of controls and instruments, good visibility, reliable brakes, and the presence of powerful lights ensure ease of driving and safety at high speeds at any time of the day,”- this is how the information album “VneshTorgIzdata” described the GAZ-53 in 1968.

Well, as they say, what to compare with. From the perspective of our time, the cabin of the GAZ-53 is more than ascetic and spartan.

However, compared to the same GAZ-51, which did not have synchronizers in the gearbox, the clutch had to be depressed 2-3 times before engaging, and the cabin was cramped and poorly heated, the 53rd was simply the pinnacle of comfort!

The two-seater shared sofa seat, covered in faux leather, could easily accommodate three people if desired. The only point: the one who got the seat in the middle could interfere a little with the driver by touching the gearshift lever with his feet. There was also ample space in the cabin for the “creativity” of tuning enthusiasts: Soviet-era drivers decorated their GAZ-53 cabs as best they could.

There were also craftsmen who made homemade insulation and soundproofing of the cabin: they filled it with foam plastic, lined it with felt, achieving amazing silence and comfort in their workplace.

Milk tanker-Bogatyr. Brief historical background. March 20th, 2017

The construction of a milk tanker model based on the MAZ-64227 tractor and the MAZ-9389 semi-trailer, the prototype of which was a road train running between the village of Uvarovka (Mozhaisk district of the Moscow region) and Moscow in the early 90s, has come to completion. The story about the tractor has already been in, but I’ll still remind you a little why I decided to make it.

Quite often in the morning, while relaxing in the village in the summer, I took a bicycle, rode to a local small dairy plant and admired the outlandish equipment, along the way taking notes so that I could later sketch this road train.

The dairy itself stopped working in the early 2000s, but the building is still standing. Last summer we managed to take a few shots of what was left of it.
The territory and main building of the dairy plant.

Rear view of the plant. At the site of the white extension, which was not there before, milk tankers stopped to fill the tanks.

Access road (the entrance gate to the territory is visible).

The road is quite narrow. I can’t imagine now how milk tankers could pass each other on it. Trucks filled with milk were moving uphill from the factory, therefore, despite the fact that the Minsk tractor was designed for such loads, it was driving very slowly, which I used to run to catch up with the milk truck and ride on the rear ladder of the semi-trailer for several meters.
In general, different milk tankers came to the plant: GAZ-53 (the most frequent), ZIL-130 with a trailer, KamAZ-5410 with a semi-trailer, KamAZ-53212 with a trailer and SuperMAZs with semi-trailers. I also drew them, but in much less detail.

It was the hero of the story who remained in my memory the most. The MAZ-64227 tractor itself was released in 1987 and was equipped with a Yaroslavl eight-cylinder diesel engine with a power of 320 hp. In general, this modification was produced in a rather narrow period of time: from 1985 to 1988. The model differed externally from early SuperMAZs with a new bumper, running boards and air intake, but the cabin lining remained old.
The semi-trailer was very unusual; it was built by Automotive Plant No. 6 of Glavmosavtotrans on the basis of a MAZ-9389 container truck semi-trailer (manufactured in 1990).

Thanks to information from former employees of the company and colleagues on forums, we were able to find out some facts.
The outer skin of the semi-trailer superstructure hid seven tanks from standard milk tankers based on MAZ 500 series (ATsPT-11). One container held approximately 3.8 tons of milk, i.e. this semi-trailer transported approximately 26-27 tons of milk per trip. The containers were arranged transversely on the base of two standard 20-foot containers, which were combined together.
In the 80-90s in our country there were no large-capacity milk tankers for long-distance transportation, but there was a need for them. The plant's employees produced approximately three dozen semi-trailers with a carrying capacity from 19 (5 sections) to 27 tons (7 sections). They were made from several old semi-trailers of lower carrying capacity. All semi-trailers and trailers purchased by the plant arrived at the enterprise yellow and were repainted on site in the company’s white color. A specially invited artist was at the plant to paint the equipment in an unusual way.

General views of the automobile plant (stills from the 1984 feature film “The Right to Choose,” the main location of which is the 6th Automobile Plant), located on the street. Dobrolyubova in Moscow.

Below are photos of milk tankers with 5th and 6th sections.

The company even has an author's certificate for the 6-section semi-trailer.

A small story “23 tons per trip” about one of the enterprise’s milk tankers is in the film magazine “Agriculture”, No. 11 for 1983.

More milk tankers of the plant can be seen in the film “Twenty Emblems on Glass...” (1981), telling about the driver competition “For Traffic Safety” held in Moscow.

In general, these milk tankers often visited various industrial exhibitions of the USSR in the first half of the 1980s, and there were several articles in the press.
For example, .

To accommodate the 7th section, the semi-trailer superstructure protruded slightly beyond the frame dimensions.
Unfortunately, I couldn’t find any photographs of the road train I sketched, and in general there is quite a bit of information about these milk tankers.
Here are a few photos that we were able to find of an almost similar, but earlier milk tanker with a MAZ-6422 tractor.
Photo from Smena magazine, No. 10, 1983

Photo from the TASS agency archive (exhibition “Scientific and Technical Progress” 1985).

Photo from the personal archive of S. Butranov (photo by A. Khvatov).

Photo from the book “Specialized rolling stock for road freight transportation.”

Photo presented by M. Shelepenkov on

Actually, based on these photos and information about the standard container ship MAZ-9389, I made my model.
In the early 90s, the automobile plant was privatized and transformed into JSC Molavto.
And after about 10 years, the management of the enterprise changed and the rolling stock was sold out (the enterprise had more than four hundred vehicles on its balance sheet). Later, it became possible to purchase heavy-duty semi-trailers abroad, and the Vologda Machine-Building Plant began producing large tank trucks made of stainless steel. So gradually, snow-white cars faded away.

It’s a pity that information about the unique rolling stock, which was not only made by the enterprise, but actually worked on the country’s roads, is now very difficult to find.

There are equipment, cars that become a symbol of the times. When people of the older generation remember the late Soviet era, they also remember this car, Gaz 53. It was produced at the Gorky Automobile Plant.

Production of this car began in the 60s. There were several modifications of this 3rd generation technique. The car was produced until 1993. Over 30 years, more than 4 million cars were produced. A medium-tonnage truck with a capacity of 3 to 4.5 tons became the most popular truck in Soviet times.
History Gas 53 rich. This machine served the entire national economy of the USSR for a long time and reliably. The surviving working machines are still used in agriculture, construction sites, and public utilities.

Modifications of Gas 53 were produced in a certain order. From the start of production of the car until 1967, it was branded F. Then a truck with the letter A began to be produced - a more load-bearing vehicle and stronger. Then, in 1984, the Gas 53-19 and 53-27 models were launched. The latter has a propane-powered engine. All cars were produced in parallel, for different needs. Here is a photo of the onboard Gas 53:

This truck became the pride of the Soviet automobile industry. It was also exported abroad. Many countries bought the car. Comfortable, durable. Another modification began to take a load of up to 4.5 tons. Photo Gas 53:


Gas 53 weighs 3 tons 250 kg. and has the following parameters:

  • from the front bumper to the rear side - 6 m. 40 cm;
  • from the left side to the starboard side - 2 m. 38 cm;
  • height – 2 m. 22 cm;
  • can carry a load of 4 tons;
  • clearance from bottom to soil – 26.5 cm;
  • the distance between the front and rear wheels is 3.7 meters;
  • steel wheel rims;
  • the distance between the front wheels is 1 meter 63 cm;
  • the tank holds 90 liters of gasoline;
  • dry disc clutch, driven by a lever.

The machine has drum brakes with a hydraulic booster.

Characteristics of the Gas 53 engine

Two brands of engines were installed on this car. On later ones, the movers are more powerful. Since 1966, the base vehicle has been equipped with the ZMZ 53 engine, which has the following parameters:

  • gasoline, carburetor type;
  • six-cylinder, four-stroke;
  • engine capacity Gas 53 – 4.25 l.;
  • weight – 265 kg;
  • A-76 gasoline is used;
  • compression ratio – 7.6;
  • oil reserve – 10 liters;
  • engine power Gas 53 – 115 hp;

Technical characteristics of the ZMZ 53 engine may vary slightly between models. The difference is insignificant. The Gas 53 engine brand could only affect cargo transportation and a little on speed. The valves are located at the top. The cylinder block and cylinder head are made of aluminum alloys. Photo of the Gas 53 engine:


The cabin is spacious. In addition to the driver, 2 more people can fit. The one-piece seat spans the entire width of the cabin and has a soft backrest. Metal frame of the cabin with two doors - left and right.

Fuel consumption

At 100 km. On the way, approximately 27 to 30 liters of gasoline are consumed, depending on the load.


The frame on which the body is attached has 6 or 7 transverse beams (here an additional one was welded on, due to necessity). A front axle made of steel is fixed in front of the frame on two springs. At the ends of the front axle there are steering knuckles, where the wheels are attached using axles. The front wheels are single, with telescopic shock absorbers. The rigid frame of the truck is reinforced at the rear with a drive axle beam. There are springs on both sides. They are semi-elliptical and connected to the frame.

Between the frame and the springs there is a so-called rubber cushion. In addition, the rear suspension has additional springs. The rear wheels of this vehicle are double (two wheels on each side), for better maneuverability and stability. A well-thought-out shock absorption system allows the car to drive at a decent speed over all sorts of bumps on a dirt road without any consequences for the car.

A tug is attached to the back of the car, at the end of the frame. The spare wheel is mounted on the left. It was for its forethought in all cases that people in rural areas fell in love with this car. Cranes were even made on the basis of this machine: the body was removed, the rigid frame was strengthened with cross members, and the Gas 53 crane was bolted onto the chassis frame. In villages you can see these rarities of technology. They are still working.

Gas 53 – dump truck


The transmission, control and running gears are connected in series. Cheap, economical parts were used. At the same time, these parts are of good quality, made of high-quality metal. The clutch is designed for changing gears, braking, and for different driving modes. The connection of the clutch assembly elements is made in such a way that when the pedal is pressed, a rod is activated, which is connected by a lever to the release fork. The four-speed gearbox transmits movement through meshing gears in second and third gears. The third and fourth gears are engaged using a synchronizer. Engaging second gear is assisted by a gear clutch. The gearbox allows you to change the speed, makes it possible to move in reverse, and allow the engine to idle. Then the engine runs and the car stops.

Gear shifting is done in two steps. The cardan transmission has two shafts with hinges at the end. Torque is transmitted to the main gear. It transmits movement through the differential to the axle shafts of the driving rear wheels. The differential is also designed to level out the ride on uneven roads and when cornering. This prevents the wheels from slipping, which means the tires wear out less. In the rear axle there is a crankcase into which oil is poured with a volume of up to 8.2 liters. Oil makes the gears work easier. The crankcase is made of cast ductile iron. To cool the engine, there is a radiator in front of the car behind the bumper. Water, 21 liters, is poured into it to cool the engine while it is running. After work, if the car is left outside in winter, the water is drained so that the water in the radiator does not freeze.

Advantages and disadvantages

The truck has many positive characteristics. Easy to drive and reliable car. Repairs can be made under any conditions. Spare parts for the car are available. The truck can run up to 400 thousand km. without major repairs. There are also disadvantages. The weak point is the brakes, clutch assembly. They fail more often than other components. Distributor, cardan, shaft - their connection points may fail. In the engine, the main bearing may have a leaking seal.
