Flag "16 OBRSpN. Chuchkovo special forces brigade." Formation and development of the brigade

From Kozlov’s book “Special Forces GRU-2”:

“In fact, to this day no one can say for sure what exploded then. Many high-ranking bosses and the press tried to blame me personally and my subordinates for everything. Allegedly, we did not check the building, but it was mined. Allegedly, we even found wires that led from the ruins of the house to the fence. However, this is nonsense. Firstly, having been at war for many years, I understood perfectly well that there could be surprises in the buildings in a captured city. We were brought up on the books and experience of I.G. Starinov. Therefore, I still Once again I confirm that the building was checked by us for mining. But still, if we assume that we could not find a landmine controlled by wires, which were allegedly found later, then I can object to this. The courtyard of the building was paved in order to to lay the cable, it was necessary to remove the asphalt in the place where the cable passed. And this would certainly have caught the eye. If we assume that the building was mined in advance and the wire was laid a long time ago, and the place where it was located was paved with the expectation that Grozny troops would occupy it, and military personnel would settle in a building suitable for the location, then one must assume that the house would have been mined so that not only one corner of it would collapse. I think that in this case, professionals would have worked and made a bookmark that would have brought down the entire building. Otherwise, there is no need to fence the garden. Therefore, this version does not stand up to criticism.
The second version is that I kept explosives in my room next to the headquarters that we needed for our work. Allegedly, the officer whose fate we were deciding, unable to bear the shame, entered there and blew himself up and everyone else with a grenade. But this does not seem to be true, because a minute before the explosion, I saw him lying face down on the bed.
The most likely cause of the explosion is a hit from our own artillery shell. The fact that during that war the artillery fired into the white light and often hit friendly forces is no secret to anyone. Afterwards I heard about a similar case with the unit Marine Corps. The nature of the destruction of the house indicates that this is the most likely version. In any case, it was confirmed by the artillerymen who were with me in the hospital. And who, if not them, should know what happens when their shells hit a building.
This version is indirectly confirmed by how quickly high-ranking bosses supported it. It is quite difficult to find out whose shell it was. The investigation will testify to the chaos going on in Grozny. The press will begin to shout that if the army indiscriminately attacks its own people, then it is impossible to even imagine what is happening to the population. Which, in essence, would be true, but very unnecessary for the command. And so, it’s your own fault.”

Sergeev’s entire story will be in the previous post, when his respected botter unblocks him due to the link.

Original taken from onepamop in About the special forces anniversary. Part one

On December 28 last year, he arrived for several hours at the location of the 16th separate special forces brigade. The arrival was timed to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the brigade and the New Year holidays too. During the time allotted for the visit, I was able to talk with privates, sergeants, warrant officers and officers serving in the brigade, visit the training ground and watch demonstration performances of special forces.

As New Year's gifts handed over to the brigade commander several sets of gloves, knee pads, elbow pads and glasses from combatshop.ru for subsequent delivery to the fighters. In the summer, there is a chance to repeat the race in order to video record the combat work of special forces in the field camp. Tentative deadline: July 2013.

Excerpts from historical background
16th OBRSpN ( Military Unit 54607, Tambov)

A separate special forces brigade of the Moscow Military District began to be formed on the basis of General Staff Directive No. M/269721 of July 19, 1962. To form a brigade in the Ryazan region, the headquarters of the Moscow Military District sends a number of officers to the village of Chuchkovo. Colonel A.V. Shipka was appointed the first commander of the brigade. On January 1, 1963, the command of the unit reported that the brigade had been formed and had begun planned combat training at the permanent deployment point of the settlement. Chuchkovo, Ryazan region. By order of the USSR Minister of Defense dated January 29, 1963, to commemorate the day of formation, the brigade's annual holiday was established - January 1. On April 29, 1969, the brigade was presented with the unit’s Battle Banner, a symbol of military honor, valor and glory.

In August - September 1972, personnel carried out a government task to eliminate fires in the Central Black Earth Zone, in the Moscow, Ryazan, Vladimir and Gorky regions. For valiant and decisive actions when extinguishing fires, 158 servicemen of the unit were awarded the medal “For Courage in a Fire”, more than two hundred people received letters of gratitude.

Not a single armed conflict in which she took part Soviet army and the Armed Forces of Russia, could not and will not do without the participation of special forces units and units. The brigade's personnel took part in hostilities for the first time in 1984 in Afghanistan and, with short interruptions, took part in all local wars of the late 20th century. In December 1984, on the basis of the brigade, the 370th was formed to carry out international tasks in Afghanistan. separate detachment special purpose. The detachment was commanded by Major I.M. Krot. In March 1985, the detachment crossed the border of the USSR and the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan. A detachment was stationed on the outskirts settlement Lashkargah.

The main targets against which special forces were used were caravans with weapons and ammunition, warehouses, and Mujahideen transshipment bases. In 1986 Soviet intelligence officers received an order: to obtain a sample of the newest American portable anti-aircraft missile system (MANPADS) “Stinger”. Dushmans began to actively use this effective weapon against helicopters and airplanes. Our aviation suffered serious losses. The telegram from the USSR Minister of Defense said that the one who captured the first Stinger was waiting high reward - Golden Star Hero Soviet Union. This task was entrusted to special forces, for which, as we know, there are no impossible tasks.

On January 5, 1987, a group under the command of Major E.G. Sergeev, who later served in the 16th brigade, flew out to reconnoiter the area of ​​the upcoming ambush operations. Having entered the Meltanai Gorge at an extremely low altitude, she encountered a group of Mujahideen who began to flee into the green area. Sergeev opened fire, and the helicopter commander launched missiles and began to land. Strange pipes and a diplomat were discovered on the ground, which, as it turned out later, contained instructions for using the Stinger. American MANPADS, which were hunted by various departments, were first taken by Soviet special forces and personally by Major Sergeev and his subordinates. Only 25 years after the accomplished feat, on May 6, 2012, Sergeev E.G. was awarded the title of Hero of Russia. Lieutenant Colonel Sergeev E.G. died in 2008.

As a result of the fighting on the territory of Afghanistan, the personnel of the 370th detachment captured and destroyed: up to 2 thousand rebels, one hundred and twenty vehicles, more than five hundred small arms, two hundred and fifty mortars, more than a million pieces of ammunition and many other weapons. The heroic exploits of special forces soldiers who honorably fulfilled the sacred duty of providing international assistance to the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan are inscribed in golden letters in the military chronicle of Russia. For courage and heroism, two hundred and twenty-four internationalist soldiers were awarded military orders and medals.

At the end of September 1992, to carry out combat missions in Tajikistan, two detachments were formed on the basis of the brigade under the command of Lieutenant Colonel G.A. Chekunov. and Lieutenant Colonel S.V. Breslavsky In Tajikistan, detachment personnel performed tasks to protect important military and government facilities. For the first time, it was necessary to conduct diplomatic negotiations with warring factions. For the successful completion of government assignments in Tajikistan, many officers, warrant officers, soldiers and sergeants were awarded military awards.

In the summer of 1993, the brigade's special forces group took first place in the tactical and special training competition for the Armed Forces Championship. At the beginning of October 1993, a combined detachment detached from the brigade carried out tasks to strengthen the security and defense of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff in Moscow. In 1994 and 1996, the brigade group again took first place at the tactical and special training competitions for the Armed Forces Championship, and the competition winner's Cup remains in eternal storage in the brigade, as it took first place three times in a row.

In the first Chechen war 1994-1996 Russian special forces also took an active part. At the beginning of 1995, a separate detachment was coordinated and sent to the North Caucasus region, which participated in the liquidation of illegal armed groups in Chechnya. The detachment was commanded by Major E.G. Sergeev, already known to us. At the initial stage of hostilities, special forces units were used as military reconnaissance units.

Serious miscalculations made by the country's political and military leadership led to unjustified losses. Thus, 1995 can be considered the most tragic year in the entire history of special forces. The morning of January 24, 1995 claimed the lives of two brigade reconnaissance officers performing combat missions. And in the evening of the same day, at 20:45, an explosion occurred at a school on the outskirts of Grozny, where the detachment was located, and 45 people died overnight. Every year on January 24, the brigade celebrates Remembrance Day, dedicated to those killed in the line of military duty.

In September 1999, the second Chechen campaign began. After the militants invaded Dagestan, special forces, together with federal troops, entered Chechnya. According to those who took part in the fighting in Chechnya, no one fought there more valiantly than the special forces. Since August 15, 1999, a separate detachment of our brigade has been directly involved in the counter-terrorism operation in the North Caucasus region. With the outbreak of hostilities, the groups provided the troops with intelligence data, revealing the defensive structures and positions of the militants. Subsequently, the scouts switched to search and ambush tactics and raids on discovered militant bases. This was especially true for the foothills and mountainous regions. The groups' tasks also included the destruction of field commanders.

During the period of two Chechen campaigns, more than one thousand seven hundred servicemen of the brigade were awarded state awards. For their personal courage and heroism, four officers were awarded the high title of Hero of Russia: Major Alexey Ivanovich Tuchin (posthumously); senior lieutenant Rodin Alexey Vasilievich (posthumously); Lieutenant Elistratov Dmitry Viktorovich and Senior Lieutenant Samankov Andrey Vasilievich.

In total, one hundred and forty-nine servicemen died in the brigade while performing military duty: in Afghanistan - 47 people; in the first Chechen war - 50 people; in the second Chechen war - 52 people. The fighting in the North Caucasus had not yet ended, and the brigade command was ordered to prepare personnel for peacekeeping missions in the Balkans. From October 2001 to May 2002, the company, formed on the basis of the brigade, took part in the peacekeeping operation in Yugoslavia.

By Presidential Decree Russian Federation No. 990-C dated August 28, 2003, military unit 54607 was transferred from Chuchkovo to a new permanent location, the city of Tambov.

On July 8, 2007, the brigade unveiled a Monument to reconnaissance soldiers who died in the line of military duty.

From August 2008 to September 2009, our military personnel took part in a peacekeeping mission on the territory of the Republic of Abkhazia. The results of the combat work were the capture and destruction large quantity weapons, ammunition, military equipment enemy, including boats of special operations forces, equipment. For the successful completion of combat missions during the operation to force Georgia to peace, 436 servicemen of the brigade were awarded state awards of the Russian Federation.

On May 9, 2011, the brigade personnel were entrusted with the honorable right to take part in the Victory Parade on Red Square in Moscow. In 2012 Combat vehicles The brigade marched in parade formation on Palace Square in St. Petersburg.

During two months of September-October 2012, a reinforced combined detachment of our brigade took part in the Strategic Command and Staff Exercises “CAUCASUS-2012”. During the exercises, personnel also carried out combat missions on the territory of the Kabardino-Balkarian and Chechen Republics, and in Ingushetia. Basic form combat use The detachment was the participation of reconnaissance groups and reconnaissance detachments in counter-guerrilla operations, search and ambush operations were carried out. The level of training of personnel and the coherence of reconnaissance groups and special-purpose companies made it possible to carry out all assigned tasks efficiently and without losses.

For the successful completion of combat missions in counter-terrorism operations, 142 servicemen of the detachment were presented with state awards.

At the end of the 2012 academic year, the brigade took first place among reconnaissance units and was recognized as the best reconnaissance unit of the Western Military District.

The first thing we did at the training ground was talk to a comrade lieutenant. Alexei. 24 years. Serves since 2006, graduated from Novosibirsk Higher Military command school. Married.

I have 25 parachute jumps under my belt from different heights, from planes and helicopters, including long ones, from 3000 meters (63 seconds of free fall) and night ones. Usually the team jumps 6-10 times a year, sometimes more often. The most difficult jumps are at night.

He is seriously involved in mountain training, represented the team at mountaineering competitions, and took a prize. He took part in Russian-Belarusian exercises, during which special forces could act at their discretion, using any techniques except shooting with live ammunition: capture, interrogation. The skills demonstrated in Belarus are trained at least once a month on field trips: a day or two is spent “in the field” or in the forest. Of course, with shooting, planting and searching for hiding places, ambushes, raids and other sabotage activities.

Knows two foreign languages: English and Arabic, studying the second on his own initiative.

I tuned my machine myself. First of all, I installed a non-standard DTK, which corrected the recoil, corrected its vector and reduced the flash of flame when firing. If necessary, instead of the DTK, you can install a tactical silencer that reduces the sound level from 160 to 120 dB. Moreover, with such silencers you can shoot with ordinary, not special, cartridges.

Pistols: PM, PB, APSB and PSS. Yarygin - no, there are too many delays and misfires. Given the opportunity to choose from domestic samples, I would give preference to APSB or GSh-18.

Of the collimators, I liked the devices made by Aimpoint and Eotech. They are good, the only “but” is that the battery runs out quickly in the cold. I tried in action the domestic oil refinery PK-1 and oil refinery PK-3. They seemed inconvenient, although in principle they do not have problems with the battery.

The soldiers lined up and listened to the combat training mission.

I looked at the nameplate of the developer of unloading vests - TSNIITOCHMASH.

The fighters in the ranks had many 7.62 caliber machine guns, equipped with a silent and flameless firing device. The 7.62mm assault rifle with PBS is designed to solve special problems at a limited distance. Needed for shooting special cartridge US, the effectiveness of which drops significantly at a range of 400+ meters, and the bullet flies for quite a long time.

Before leaving for the training points, everyone jumped and adjusted their equipment properly. Special attention was paid to the camouflage suits: everything was tightened, tied up and straightened.

The first group went towards the shooting range.

Everyone put special camouflage covers on their patrol backpacks.

Other groups were given their own tasks.

The current task of this group is to bring their machine gun to normal combat.

As for the frequency of shooting and shooting training in the brigade, Comrade Lieutenant assured that the special forces shoot at least once a week, they do not lack ammunition, and in general he described the situation as follows: the soldiers shoot to their heart’s content.

It would be interesting to understand how the holes were formed in the plank?

The officers in the “unloading”, among other things, had these radios.

The machine gunners also took an active part in the training.

The machine gunners arrived with their 7.62mm Pecheneg PKP.

The next interlocutor, Maxim, was very laconic. He comes from the Bryansk region. Serves in the brigade under contract as a senior reconnaissance machine gunner. Before special forces, he served on the border in the north. I managed to go on a combat mission.

Everyone I talked to said a lot of good things about the PKP Pecheneg machine gun. Among the shortcomings - the carrying handle is not welded very well, it is unbalanced. The machine gun is not very convenient for long journeys, in particular because of this handle. But otherwise, it’s a big step forward relative to PC and PKM. The barrel life is excellent, the tide is already factory. I would also like to install the front tactical grip on it at the factory, a necessary thing, useful.

The company commander, lieutenant, said something about the life and combat training of conscript soldiers serving in special forces:

Conscripts do not experience a shortage of ammunition or shooting. Cartridges are issued depending on the exercise, and exercises are performed at least once a week. They load the cartridges into the magazines themselves, and at the same time comply with loading standards.

Conscripts are constantly trained in hand-to-hand combat. They are unlikely to go into hand-to-hand combat, but in personal life might come in handy. At the same time, they train in handling the MPL as a weapon. Fighters are taught to defend, attack, and escort with a spatula. And, of course, they use it for its intended purpose.

They switched from foot wraps to socks, although many soldiers say that foot wraps were more comfortable.

Conscripts fire from grenade launchers. The RPG-7V has now been removed from the staff, and the RPG-18 has been introduced. There are corresponding exercises for grenade launchers: “shooting in an ambush”, “shooting in a raid” and others. Those who are required to do so are given 2-3 shots per exercise. They shoot both at the training stage and at the control stage.

The ratio of conscripts to contract workers is approximately the same, almost 50%. There are already two detachments (battalions) of contract soldiers in the brigade.

According to the state, a soldier is entitled to different weapons. Minimum - automatic. The scouts have a second VAL assault rifle, a silent pistol, an HP or NRS knife, the SVD and VSS or SVD sniper and an Austrian sniper rifle.

Physical training standards for soldiers are quite strict. General principle— you need to score a certain total number of points in several exercises and the required minimum points in each exercise. Those. You can’t pass the standard by running fast but not doing a single pull-up. As a standard, 4 standards are taken: strength (pull-ups, inversion lifts, kettlebell lifting, push-ups), endurance (cross), speed (running) and military-applied skill (throwing a grenade, forced march).

Officers for knowledge foreign language an additional percentage of the salary is paid: European language - 10%, Eastern language - 20%. They take the language test every year. If you are a graduate of a specialized military school and confidently pass the language five times in a row (every two years), you will receive an allowance automatically, without the need for exams.

Monetary allowance is assessed as satisfactory. A contract sergeant receives 25,000 without allowances. If he has passed the jumping program, has security clearance, class, and a qualification level in physical training, then his salary could easily be around 40,000. Snipers under the same conditions will receive about 50,000. Senior lieutenant in a major position - 65,000, lieutenant colonel, deputy brigade commander - a little more than 80,000. Conscript - about 2,000.

The brigade has foreign weapons for familiarization with personnel. Shooting from such weapons is problematic due to the shortage of ammunition.

Non-standard clothing and thermal underwear are not allowed for conscript soldiers. But statutory thermal underwear is available and issued for field trips in winter.

According to the company commander, approximately one or two people in the company serve “through force,” i.e. they don’t want to serve at all. On the other hand, many conscripts want to serve in the 16th brigade. It's not that simple. First of all, impeccable health and the presence of a unit representative at the recruiting station are needed. Tambov residents willingly serve in the brigade. Close work is being carried out with military-patriotic clubs.

Well, a little specificity. The officer shared details of the service of soldiers specializing in unmanned aerial reconnaissance. UAVs, or more precisely the Grusha reconnaissance complex, currently in service, can be considered obsolete, but still cope with their tasks. The task is reconnaissance and monitoring of the area, providing photos and videos to the control point or the commander of the group performing a special mission. The use of UAVs can greatly reduce the work time of a special forces group; for example, a search area of ​​100 square kilometers instead of 6 hours on foot can be flown over by a UAV in a few minutes.

There is no need to decrypt the data from the drone; anyone can view the results. You can immediately broadcast data from new UAVs, but the Pear must first be landed and the flash drive removed - a regular SD card.

Typically, the UAV flies at an altitude of about 300 meters. From a height of no more than 150 meters, you can use it to find separately standing man In the woods.

UAVs are constantly used for training purposes to monitor groups at field exits - they do not allow them to relax, they check how vigorously they are moving or whether they are well camouflaged. This is very useful for both the observed and the observer.

The UAV can be disabled using electronic warfare. For example, clog the control purity with interference. Any kind of shooting at BP is unpromising, the target is too micro-sized. The “drone” itself can also carry a special jamming module. I would like to equip the UAV with thermal imagers; they just offered to install foreign devices on the Grusha, but at 400,000 per unit, which is more expensive than the UAV itself.

Preparing the UAV for launch by two people takes approximately 5 minutes. It’s not difficult to fly a UAV; you can teach almost anyone in six months. UAVs do not perform aerobatics; turns are quite smooth.

Regarding the training of reconnaissance operators: in the troops they master the wisdom of aerial reconnaissance themselves. Representatives of the manufacturing plant come to the unit, or officers go to the plant and train there. Then the officers train the soldiers. At the same time, near Kolomna there is a special The educational center, which trains soldier-UAV operators, but it is so “secret” that the troops don’t really know about it. So they are “reinventing wheels” together with manufacturers.

The soldier’s desire to master such a specialty is taken into account, but is not decisive. This requires people with higher education capable of working with computers. By the way, in addition to controlling a UAV, the soldier is trained in everything else required for training in special forces. No one will be able to escape the hardships and deprivations of service under the cover of a UAV.

Meanwhile, a group of special forces soldiers practiced their skills in moving covertly through a wooded area.

Having broken up into micro groups, the fighters walked along a given route.

In addition to the approach to given point They trained the withdrawal no less carefully.

While some were working in the forest, others were preparing a meeting with Santa Claus in the area of ​​the training ground.

The ensign and the soldiers lit a fire, brought tea in thermoses, and took out Tula gingerbread cookies.

Grandfather Frost came out of the forest to see the light.

While Grandfather was keeping track of the gifts in his duffel bag, “12 months” flocked to the clearing.

After talking with Santa Claus, the fighters took part in a small quiz with prizes (Snickers and other gingerbread) and started drinking tea. We also sang a few songs with a guitar.

song sung with a guitar by the fire

When asked about the color of the camouflage robes, I received the following answer: the groups are constantly engaged in combat training, which is why the robes are so “working.”

We moved from the training ground to the brigade's territory. The event plan included demonstration performances. The topic of the speeches is anti-terrorism.

The introductory story is simple: armed criminals burst into the brigade’s territory, took hostages and weapons, and made various demands.

To neutralize the terrorist threat, two Tiger light armored vehicles arrived with troops on board.

The terrorists immediately opened fire with automatic weapons.

Special forces landed from armored vehicles, machine gunners crushed the terrorists with fire, giving the assault groups the opportunity to get closer to the enemy.

Light army armored car GAZ-233014 STS "Tiger". The side and rear projections are protected by heat-treated armor plates of the 3rd class, the front - by the 5th class. Since 2014, the Russian Defense Ministry has been refusing to purchase Tigers and plans to “flood” the troops with the Italian IVECO LVM-M65 Lynx armored vehicle.

The assault group, under the cover of machine gunners, advanced to the distance of one throw.

The blocked “terrorists” were partly destroyed by well-aimed fire, partly captured, and a special forces group seized a briefcase with documents.

After completing all the assigned tasks, the group also harmoniously retreated under the cover of armored vehicles, plunged into the landing compartments and then departed.

Pay attention to the mailboxes: one of them is used so that any fighter in the brigade can write a message to the brigade commander or one of his deputies. This is in addition to some of the hotline numbers posted. It has been found effective as a means of combating the remnants of hazing.

For the 50th anniversary, the brigade specially prepared a demonstration program, which included elements of hand-to-hand combat and techniques with weapons.

And finally, it’s time to eat.

Military unit - 54607.


Department (military unit 54607)

273rd ooSpN;

370th ooSpN;

379th ooSpN;

664th ooSpN;

669th special forces unit.

Number of people - 1800 people.

Tambov, Moscow Military District. Transferred from Chuchkovo village, Ryazan region., MVO.

1st, 2nd, 3rd bases - Tambov, territory of the former chemical defense school.

The 4th battalion stands separately near Tambov.


In 1972, the brigade carried out a government task to eliminate fires in the Moscow, Ryazan, Vladimir and Gorky regions. Awarded for completing this task Certificate of honor Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR.

From 1985 to 1988, the 370th special forces unit of the 16th special forces unit performed international duty in the Republic of Armenia.

In 1992, the 370th ooSpN and 669th ooSpN (Chekunov and Breslavsky) numbering 402 people carried out tasks to strengthen the security and defense of military and government facilities in the Republic of Tajikistan.

In 1995, two combined detachments carried out combat missions in Chechnya.

In 1999, the 664th special forces unit, numbering 250 people, was introduced into the temporary operational group Russian troops in the North Caucasus.

176 servicemen of the brigade were awarded combat awards for their courage.

Participation in the battles of the 370th separate special forces detachment of this brigade (1Ch) was noted.


1H (48):

1. Zernov. Died in an ambush on a bridge.

2. Litvinov. Died in an ambush on a bridge.

3. district Shkarin S. A.

4. district Yatskiv B.S.

5. district Lavrenchuk O. I.

6. district Maslenkov I.V.

7. district Nikolenko S. V.

8. district Markitanov S. M.

9. district Rusin N.P.

10. district Rylov V.N.

On January 24, 1995, the SN detachment of this brigade was killed (detachment commander - Evgeniy Georgievich Sergeev, detachment chief of staff - Eldar (Ildar) Akhmetshin (Akhmedshin)). The detachment settled down for the night in a mined building, which was blown up by the Chechens at night. 35 people died (including 13 officers and 1 warrant officer)

  1. ef. Borisov Igor Valentinovich
  2. ef. Denisenkov Kirill Valerievich
  3. ef. Popov Vladimir Viktorovich
  4. Mr. Kozlov Valery Ivanovich
  5. Mr. Kuzmin Viktor Valerievich
  6. Mr. Laptev Vladimir Nikolaevich
  7. Mr. Samsonenko Sergey Alexandrovich
  8. Mr. Filatov Alexey Stepanovich
  9. Mr. Chunkov Andrey Ivanovich
  10. Mr. Shapovalov Oktavian Viktorovich
  11. Litvinov Vyacheslav Vladimirovich
  12. Jr.S-t Illarionov Pavel Vladimirovich
  13. ml.s-t Korablev Alexey Anatolyevich
  14. junior s-t Khokhlov Alexey Alekseevich
  15. Mr. Bobko Alexander Ivanovich
  16. Mr. Peremitin Andrey Ivanovich
  17. Mr. Petryakov Igor Vladimirovich
  18. Mr. Sanin Vitaly Nikolaevich
  19. Mr. Frolov Alexander Vladimirovich
  20. pr-k Komov Ruslan Mikhailovich
  21. R. Abubakrov Roman Abudovich
  22. R. Bakanov Sergey Vasilievich
  23. R. Bobuchenko Eduard Robertovich
  24. R. Bokov Dmitry Gennadievich
  25. R. Volkov Vladimir Alekseevich
  26. R. Voronov Sergey Alekseevich
  27. R. Gomcharov Vladimir Vladimirovich
  28. R. Gornoyashchenko Vladimir Yurievich
  29. R. Grebennikov Nikolay Fedorovich
  30. R. Davydov Vasily Borisovich
  31. R. Demuth Edvin Yanisovich
  32. R. Zavgorodny Andrey Alexandrovich
  33. R. Zernov Alexey Vladimirovich
  34. R. Katunin Andrey Vladimirovich
  35. R. Lukashevich Pavel Vladimirovich
  36. R. Mukovnikov Andrey Viktorovich
  37. R. Mytarev Alexey Nikolaevich
  38. R. Pionkov Alexey Nikolaevich
  39. R. Rybakov Alexey Alexandrovich
  40. R. Skrobotov Alexander Alexandrovich
  41. R. Tsukanov Mikhail Vladimirovich
  42. R. Shapochkin Anatoly Vladimirovich
  43. R. Shestak Nikolay Petrovich
  44. R. Shpachenko Pavel Vasilievich
  45. R. Yablokov Igor Lvovich
  46. R. Yatsuk (Yashchuk) Sergei Vladimirovich

In total, the brigade lost 101 servicemen in the first and second Chechen companies ().


62-67 - Colonel Alexander Vasilievich Shipka

67-71 - Colonel Fadeev G. Ya.

71-73 - Colonel Chuprakov E.F.

73-80 - Colonel Semyon Mikhailovich Tarasov

80-85 - Colonel Ovcharov A. A.

85-89 - Colonel Nedelko A. A.

89-91 - Colonel Dementyev A. M.

1993 - Colonel Korunov V.L.

92-93 - Colonel Tishin Evgeniy Vasilievich

93-97 - Lieutenant Colonel Alexander G. Fomin

from 2003 to 2007 (?) - Colonel Loginov Vadim Ernestovich

November 2008 - Lieutenant Colonel O.N. Marzak, acting (?)

October 2008-present - Colonel Slobodyan Andrey Anatolyevich


Heroes of Russia (4):

2. senior lieutenant Alexey Rodin, posthumously

3. captain Dmitry Elistratov

4. Senior Lieutenant Andrey Samankov

======================================== ===============

He also has various photos on his profile from his military service and his hobby of karate. Judging by the photographs, Anton was the owner of a black belt in karate and often won various competitions. In one of the photographs of diplomas, if you open the original, you can see his real name and surname (link to the original photo): Anton Savelyev.

Also in the profile there is a photo (link to the original) of Anton against the background of the obelisk indicating his military unit: military unit 54607 (16th separate brigade special purpose of the Chief intelligence agency General Staff of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Tambov)

We continue to search for information about the circumstances of Anton’s death. We find the profile of his friend, who studied at the same school as him. In her profile we find a photo with Anton, uploaded on May 10, and the caption “Anton Savelyev 20 years old. Died while performing military duty. A graduate of our school" ( original):

The eye again clings to " while performing military duty" We continue to search for information, we find another message “remember, love, mourn”, only it no longer contains only Anton’s photograph ( original| saved copy):

The details become more and more interesting, it becomes obvious that they died together. We begin to look for the names of two other servicemen who died with Anton. We look at the profiles of Anton’s friends and find a message from which we learn the call signs of all three ( original message| saved copy): Sava, Cardan and Mamai.

At the same time, in a person’s profile there are a lot of all sorts (photos, statuses) of references to special forces, the person clearly shows that he is “one of his own.” We begin to look for the other two by their call signs, we find Mamai and are immediately successful: against the backdrop of two separatist armored personnel carriers ( original message| original photo | saved copy).

The “toothy” armored personnel carrier on the right has already been filmed several times in Lugansk, including on video dated February 15, 2015(saved copy), where he is riding with the LPR flag against the backdrop of a humanitarian convoy of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations. Photo of the same armored personnel carrier in Lugansk, the inscription LPR is visible:

Judging by the beige building, as well as the metal fence, Timur’s photograph was taken here.

Among those who reposted the same message we find another account, which hints that Mamai, and his full name is Timur Mamayusupov, was a special forces soldier ( original message| saved copy):

At the same time, in this person’s profile you can find a post dated May 9, 2015, with a video from the 16th ObrSpN GRU, and the person emphasizes that he is from this unit ( original message| saved copy):

So as not to get confused, let's summarize what we have this moment : Anton Savelyev, a soldier of the 16th GRU special forces brigade, died in early May (first message from relatives on May 6), “defending the fatherland,” “while on duty.” A number of profiles of servicemen from the same GRU special forces brigade post messages on social networks that two more died along with Anton, one’s name is Timur Mamayusupov, call sign “Mamai,” the third’s call sign is “Kardan.”

By the way, in the “ceremonial video” of the 16th GRU special forces brigade, you can notice another important point: a GRU special forces soldier does not necessarily have to look like a pumped-up bodybuilder, and all three dead, in terms of their physique, look exactly the same as the guys in the video.

Go ahead. Then we find on the website of another project, which is also involved in war investigations, information about Timur “Mamai” Mamayusupov, it turns out they found information about him before us and published it a long time ago. The cargo200.org project managed to record several key points about Timur from messages from his loved ones: Timur was a military man, he was a GRU special forces soldier and he died in the war:

Immediately after this, on Albina’s wall there is a whole series of memorial posts about Timur, which simultaneously mention both the context of the GRU special forces and the context of the war:

On the social network Odnoklassniki we find a serviceman of the same 16th GRU special forces brigade, who posts joint photos of “Sava”, “Mamai” and “Kardan” on his profile, which directly indicates that all three were good friends, served in the same unit, where this soldier himself is from.

Checking in a row all the profiles of friends of each of the deceased, as well as friends of friends, we establish the name “Kardan” - Ivan (saved copy of the profile | original photo of Kardan on the girl’s avatar).

In the process of viewing the accounts of friends of dead special forces soldiers, we set up a number of profiles that have joint photos with “Kardan”, and at the same time the same person is listed as their best friend: profile of “Alexey Butyugin”(there is not a single photo with appearance in the profile). We also find additional confirmation that "Kardan"'s name is Ivan ( original post| saved copy):

Also in the profile of “Kardan’s” girlfriend we find a joint photograph of Timur “Mamaia” and Ivan “Kardan” with the geotag “Matveevo-Kurgan region” (direct border with Ukraine, original post| saved copy | original photo):

We feel that there is already “something”, but so far everything is around the bush, we need more evidence. Since the city of Tambov was indicated in the profiles of Anton and Timur, and their military unit was also located in Tambov, they decided that both of them were buried there. We quickly pack our things, get on the bus, and travel to Tambov for the day. Upon arrival, we are faced with a difficult task: we don’t know in which Tambov cemetery Anton and Timur are buried, but in Tambov alone there are three cemeteries, plus there are also cemeteries in regional villages. We talk with local taxi drivers, explain the task to them without much detail, they suggest going to the main city cemetery and asking the caretaker there where such and such is buried, because the caretakers have such information.

Meanwhile, people from our team continue to search for information on social networks and local forums about where exactly Anton and Timur were buried. They find the profile of an account in the ask.me service of a girl who studied with Anton in the same school, and when we were already on the way to one of the city cemeteries in Tambov, our team manages to get an answer where exactly Anton is buried (saved copy of questions and answers):

Talinka is a village in the Tambov region. I immediately remember that Anton’s profile on Odnoklassniki indicated that he graduated from the Novolyadinskaya school (the village of Novaya Lyada, neighboring Talinka). Again we consult with the taxi driver, he says that he knows where the cemetery is, we rush there. Having arrived, we begin to look for Anton’s grave and find it almost immediately:

Clicking this will open an album with the original photos in high resolution. The album also contains photographs of wreaths with ribbons on which the names of relatives are indicated - we found profiles in in social networks some of these relatives, and they have information about grief, etc. in their profiles. (screenshots later in the post).

There is also a wreath “To the Defender of the Fatherland from the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation”:

It was 7 am, that's when we recorded later published video, at which they said that “they haven’t contacted their relatives yet” (at that time we really hadn’t talked to them yet).

After that, we approached the caretakers of the cemetery and asked about Anton - they told us that yes, he was a military man, yes, he was buried the other day, they don’t know how he died, the second military man was not buried these days (we asked about Timur). When asked how to contact Anton’s relatives, they answered and told me where Anton’s mother lived and how to find her house.

Meanwhile, our team’s volunteers found information in the comments of relatives of the victims that they died because they “came under fire”:

To the question “where?” They answer “I don’t know for sure, I heard that it’s at the border”:

But if you try to find media reports about any shelling of the border in those days, and even more so about the death of three people as a result of these shellings, then you will not succeed. And this is strange, because if people died as a result of shelling of the state border, and even more so if they were military personnel, then a huge trump card in the hands of the Russian Ministry of Defense, this would be a powerful argument in favor of arguments about the violation of peace agreements. If these are not military personnel at all, but volunteer militias, then why suddenly a “military secret”? Russia does not deny the presence of militia volunteers from Russia. Why suddenly such honors in the form of a funeral with the support of the local military unit, in the form of a wreath from the Ministry of Defense?

Other relatives answer the questions “how Anton died” “this is a military secret”:

The time is approaching 8 am, we are planning how to further search for Timur’s grave and how to talk with Anton’s relatives. The taxi driver says that “she (Anton’s mother) probably works in Tambov and should just leave the house at this time to go to Tambov.” We decide to go to her and try to talk to her. Still frame from our video shooting:

Having arrived at Anton’s mother’s house, we discover that it seems to be the same house that we saw in the photographs of Anton and his sister and tried to determine through the locals where it was filmed:

Anton's mother was not at home. We talked to our neighbors and got a number mobile phone Anton's mother. Vadim Korovin called her, introduced himself as an assistant to a State Duma deputy, and said that he wanted to help her in relations with the Ministry of Defense, because she would need to demand compensation from the Ministry of Defense. Natalya (Anton’s mother) replied that she was now in a military unit, could not talk, and offered to call back later.

We are going to the military unit where all three victims served. Near the military unit we stopped next to a car near which a GRU special forces soldier was standing. military uniform, Sgt. The taxi driver says that this is an acquaintance of his (since the city is small, and the taxi driver has been driving for many years, he already knows many people), now he will approach him and ask about the second deceased. When asked about the two recently killed special forces soldiers, the sergeant replied that no, they recently buried only one of their own, in Novaya Lyada (the sergeant himself correctly named the name of the village, we did not prompt it). After that, a senior-ranking special forces soldier, a senior lieutenant, got out of a car parked nearby and walked towards us, looking at us very disapprovingly. “To avoid anything,” we immediately returned to the car and left.

We decide to try to determine from the available photographs of Timur which region he is from. We cling to the photo with cars in Timur’s profile, or more precisely to the moment that both cars have license plates of the 36th region ( link to photo in profile):

The 36th region on car license plates is Voronezh region. Voronezh is relatively close to Tambov, we decide to go there, because in Tambov we more or less recorded everything (we talked to my mother first, she told me to call back later; we talked briefly with local special forces, they confirmed that this was their fighter; Anton’s other relatives did not answer the phone) . We are going to the station, are about to buy a bus ticket, but then information comes from our team: our volunteers find information on VKontakte about the death of Timur, with the geographical context of “Almetyevsk”, and with a direct indication that he died in the Donbass ( post in one community| saved copy, post in another community| saved copy):

It becomes clear why in Tambov they know nothing about his funeral (apparently his relatives immediately took the body from the Rostov military medical center and buried it at home). We set a new task for the team: to find contacts of Timur’s relatives and friends, whom they can write or call in order to determine the exact burial place.

We find several numbers, call, say that we are close to the Savelyev family, that we know that Anton and Timur died together, we want to remember Timur, but we don’t know where he is buried, the military unit doesn’t tell us either. Some say that they don’t know where he is buried, but after a number of calls, luck smiles on us again: the guy who knew Timur says that yes, he knows where he is buried, he is buried in the village, but now he doesn’t remember its correct name, in the evening If you clarify, you can call back. In the meantime, we look at where Timur’s friends are from, thus trying to determine the homeland of Timur himself: Izhevsk, Kazan, Aznakaevo, Mamadysh. After some time, we again call Timur’s friend and he tells us the correct name of the village where Timur is buried: the village of Kuk-Tyaka, Aznakaevsky district, Republic of Tatarstan.

This is far enough to travel, so we decide to do it easier, we set the team the next task: find some young (16-20 years old) boy on social networks, get in touch with him, under a fictitious legend (“we are close to his deceased colleague ") gain confidence and ask for help, say it’s urgent and even offer money for help. Why “a boy of 16-20 years old”? Because these are the easiest people to persuade into such a petty “scavenger hunt.” A few minutes of searching, a few minutes of conversation, and now we have in our hands photographs of Timur’s grave, which is located 950 km away. from Tambov (lots of time and money saved on travel):

It was based on this photo that we established that Timur’s surname “according to his passport” is not Yusupov (as indicated on social networks), but Mamayusupov. It also becomes clear where the call sign “Mamai” comes from. The date of death on Timur’s tablet is the same as Anton’s: May 5, 2015 (let me remind you that there are just a bunch of messages that Timur died in the Donbass; about Anton there are no direct words about the war, but there are a bunch of messages like “died in under fire at the border" and "this is a military secret"). The eye also catches two more points: the exact same wreath “To the Defender of the Fatherland from the Ministry of Defense” as on Anton’s grave, plus a wreath with a ribbon on which the inscription “From the command of the unit” is written:

So as not to get confused again in the abundance of information, Let's summarize again: Everyone directly writes about Timur that he died in the Donbass, in the war; Timur apparently served in the 16th GRU special forces brigade - those mourning him constantly mention the context of the GRU special forces, other servicemen of this brigade know him, call him by his call sign, publish photographs of him together with “Sava” and “Kardan”; there are photographs of Timur in Lugansk, near the rebel armored personnel carriers, with weapons in his hands, there are photo by Timur in a certain room a la “Lugansk administration” with the flag of the LPR (original photo); Anton “Sava” died on the same day as Timur - May 5, 2015; his relatives, when asked “how he died,” answer either “he came under fire at the border” or “it’s a military secret”; active servicemen of the 16th GRU special forces brigade confirmed in a personal conversation with us that this is their fighter (Sava), they buried him the other day; on the graves of Timur and Anton there are identical wreaths from the Ministry of Defense; on Timur’s grave there is additionally a wreath “From the command of the unit”; Timur and Anton have a close friend Ivan “Kardan”, with whom they served together, who also died at the same time as them, who is also mentioned and called by his call sign by other servicemen of this GRU special forces brigade.

The time is approaching lunch, we call Anton Savelyev’s mother again, but this time she cuts off mid-sentence and directly states that she will not meet with us, answer questions (although we did not even hint at this), asks not to call her again. It becomes clear that in the military unit where she was when we called for the first time, she had already been briefed.

In the meantime, our team volunteers are searching for phone numbers of close friends of Ivan “Kardan” so that we can call and somehow find out where he is buried and what his last name is (we didn’t know it at that time). After an hour of searching, we find the phone number of a guy who is the best friend of Ivan’s best friend. We call, again act under the legend that we are close to the Savelyev family, we know that Vanya “Kardan” died along with Anton “Sava”, we want to remember Vanya, but we don’t know where he is buried.

It is worth noting that the negotiations, the attempt to gain confidence, to convince Ivan’s friends of his legend, was the longest process during the entire duration of this investigation. Let me remind you that Ivan created a profile on the social network VKontakte under a fictitious name, and never uploaded photos there where he could be seen (a real intelligence officer). His friends turned out to be a match for him: they were very suspicious, they were very reluctant to make contact (it took a long time to persuade them, to convince them), they constantly asked who we were, where we were from, how we knew Vanya.

In the end, it turned out that the guy we reached on the phone is the brother of Ivan’s best friend (and not just a friend of a friend). He knows many of his colleagues by sight, but he can’t remember anyone by name, Ivan, so he asked to send him a photo of Ivan. We sent him a photo, he replied that yes, he saw this Vanya and that he should be buried in the city of Shumikha, Kurgan region. But it’s better to turn to his brother (who is Ivan’s best friend).

While we were ingratiating ourselves with Ivan’s friends over the phone, another part of our team found additional evidence that all three special forces soldiers died in the war (original message | saved copy), from the profile of Ivan’s friend:

as well as confirmation that Ivan comes from somewhere in the Kurgan region (

The tabletop flag "16 OBRSpN. Chuchkovo Special Forces Brigade of the GRU" will be an unexpected but joyful gift for the guys from the 16 Special Forces Brigade.


  • 16 OBRSpN

Flag "16 OBRSpN. Chuchkovo GRU special forces brigade"

The Chuchkovo GRU special forces brigade in the history of special forces is not just the 16th ObrSpN from the Ryazan region, it is a full-fledged legend. Below maximum summary history and, of course, we will try to focus attention on its particularly striking pages.

Chuchkovo GRU special forces brigade to Afghanistan

In accordance with the directive of the USSR Ministry of Defense dated July 19, 1962 in the village. A number of officers of the GRU General Staff are sent to Chuchkovo, Ryazan Region, with the aim of forming a new part of the GRU Special Forces troops here. The completion of work on the creation of the Chuchkovo special forces brigade was reported on January 1, 1963. This date is considered the starting point, the beginning battle path the famous GRU special forces brigade from Chuchkovo. The 1960s were a period of training and endless exercises, but the first major operation The Chuchkovo special forces brigade fell in 1972 - the special forces were engaged in extinguishing and eliminating the consequences in the Moscow region. Let us note that this was a very difficult combat mission and the GRU special forces from Chuchkovo were used primarily because of the intelligence officers’ ability to operate in the forest.

The Chuchkovo special forces brigade for the first time had the opportunity to prove itself and took full advantage of it - 158 soldiers were awarded medals “For Courage in a Fire.” By the beginning of the 70s, it began to consolidate its status as the best formation in the Moscow Military District; this status remained for 16 OBRSpN until the end. Included in the book of honor, in the period from 1976 to 1986 she was awarded the challenge pennant of the Military Council of the Moscow Military District five times. Since 1975, he has been a participant in the annual special forces “races”, a multiple winner and winner.

Chuchkovo GRU special forces brigade in the DRA and local conflicts of the late 20th century

At the end of 1984, the 370th separate Special Forces detachment was formed to be sent to the territory of Afghanistan on the basis of the GRU special forces brigade from Chuchkovo; by March 1985, the detachment was already in the vicinity of the village. Lashkrgah. Chuchkovsky GRU special forces brigade, or rather its 2nd battalion (370 ooSpN) is a formation for which Afghan war became a kind of “benefit performance”. More than 200 fighters were awarded orders and medals, about 2,000 Mujahideen, more than a hundred pieces of military equipment and vehicles were destroyed, the number of captured small arms, mortars, and large-caliber shells is in the thousands. The detachment of the Chuchkovskaya GRU special forces brigade at times truly worked miracles - 370 ooSpN in the memories of the participants in those events will be remembered forever. They say that it was thanks to the efforts of the GRU special forces from Chuchkovo that the ominous word “specnaz” appeared in the vocabulary of the American military.

The transitional 80s in the life of the Earth are generally quite difficult period- revolutions, uprisings, coups are breaking out everywhere, there are no details in the public domain, but it is known for certain that representatives of the Chuchkovsky GRU special forces brigade took the most effective part in many liberation movements. Well, in the early 90s, liberation and self-determination began right next door - Special Forces troops were then constantly putting out the fires of interethnic conflicts on the outskirts of the collapsed Union, the Chuchkovsky GRU special forces brigade had to go to Tajikistan. A combined detachment of GRU special forces soldiers 379 and 669 ooSpN returned to Chuchkovo in November 1992, here a new life was already taking its course.

Chuchkovo GRU special forces brigade in the wars of New Russia

In the early and mid-90s, the Chuchkovskaya GRU special forces brigade was by far the best unit military intelligence, and perhaps in principle armed forces. In confirmation of the above, an incredible achievement - from 1993 to 1996, the GRU special forces team from Chuchkovo won the All-Russian competition in tactical and special training, the cup is still in the unit today, the only case when the challenge trophy remained in the unit forever. We have already written about the training of fighters in the Chuchkovo special forces brigade of the GRU - no one is trying to challenge the laurels of the toughest unit of the Russian Armed Forces.

During the First Chechen Campaign, the Chuchkovsky GRU special forces brigade was once again given the opportunity to demonstrate its level of training in real combat conditions. From January to May 1995, the combined special forces detachment of the GRU Chuchkovo, based on 370 special forces, was in the North Caucasus, successfully fulfilling the command’s tasks, which were not always adequately assigned. During the second Chechnya, detachments of the Chuchkovsky GRU special forces brigade were on the territory of the republic from August 1999 to September 2006. The brigade's fighters were doing their usual things - conducting operational reconnaissance, carrying out sabotage, and destroying field commanders. During this period, four servicemen of the Chuchkovsky GRU special forces brigade were awarded the title “Hero of the Russian Federation”, 176 received military awards for their courage. For both campaigns in the North Caucasus, about 2,000 fighters of the brigade were awarded state awards.

In 2001, a GRU special forces detachment from Chuchkovo was sent to Kosovo to participate in a peacekeeping operation; the unit was withdrawn from the Balkan Peninsula in May 2002. The operation “to force Georgia to peace” also did not happen without the participation of the Chuchkovo GRU special forces brigade - the combined detachment of the Special Forces unit was prepared in advance sent on a business trip to the territory of Abkhazia, Kodori Gorge.
