Introvert, extrovert and ambivert - who are they and why is it so important for a person to take a psychotype test. Personality types: introvert, extrovert, ambivert Introverts, extroverts and mixed type

And these are not just big words - we really are all different and completely unique. But there is still something that unites us. We can talk about the similarity of temperamental traits, characteristics of the emotional sphere, level of intelligence or attitude to the surrounding reality. This allows psychologists to group people according to the characteristics of their mental activity. Two such large groups include extroverts and introverts. Can absolutely any person be classified into one of these groups? What are the differences between extroverted and introverted personality types?

Being a social being, a person from the moment of his birth to a very old age experiences communication with his own kind. - this is one of the most difficult tests for a person, and any hardships and adversities are easier to endure if there are close relatives, friends, people ready to support and help. Everyone has a need for social contacts, but it manifests itself in different ways, and the level of this need varies.

The desire to interact with other people is most noticeable among extroverts; they are literally socially oriented. It is not for nothing that the term “extrovert” itself is associated with the Latin prefix extra - “outside”. This concept, like the term introvert, was first proposed by C. Jung in his book “Psychological Types.” To date, a huge amount has been carried out psychological research, confirming the theory of K. Jung and complementing the characteristics of these types.

  • Extroverts are always in the midst of people, they draw energy from the crowd and readily splash it back in the form of sociability, demonstrativeness and the desire for popularity. The best job for an extrovert is in a team, and best vacation in a noisy, cheerful company.
  • When faced with problems, an extrovert immediately runs to friends for help and support, and he usually has a lot of them. But he also willingly and often noisily shares any of his success with others. Therefore, an extrovert is often “too much” - he is tired with his assertiveness, excessive sociability, talkativeness and increased emotionality. In addition, these people are often intrusive or aggressive, and they have serious problems with a sense of tact.
  • An extrovert not only likes a large number of people nearby, it excites him and has an intoxicating effect. Therefore, once in the center of attention, the extrovert completely loses his brakes, which he already doesn’t have very good.

People of this type absorb the world with all their senses, they grab onto a lot of things, get carried away by a bunch of different things, but rarely know anything deeply and thoroughly.

Summarizing all of the above, we can highlight the following personality traits inherent in extroverts:

  • social orientation;
  • sociability and sociability to the point of obsession;
  • openness and interest in people;
  • activity and assertiveness;
  • increased excitability, especially among people;
  • a tendency towards dominance and often aggression.

However, these traits manifest themselves differently in people, which is why in psychology it is customary to talk about the level of extraversion. There are also special tests that allow you to determine the degree of expression of these personal characteristics. That is, some are more extroverted, while others are less so. The same applies to another personality type - an introvert.

Introverts - who are they?

As the name suggests, introverts are inward-looking, self-focused. inner world and are in no hurry to open their souls to the first person they meet and to the second one too. Unlike open, sociable and hyperactive extroverts, introverts are withdrawn, self-absorbed and seem to be slow-moving slow-witted people.

But it is not so. It’s just that introverted individuals spend their energy sparingly and within themselves, and do not splash it outward, like extroverts.

  • They tend to be absorbed in their thoughts and feelings.
  • Very often these are people of a creative type, although their isolation and unsociability do not allow them to openly demonstrate the results of their work, they do not like to brag and avoid all publicity.
  • Introverts are less noticeable than extroverts, but no less, and often much more productive, than people with an extroverted personality type, who do not so much do as demonstrate the results they have achieved.

Introverts are called unsociable hermits. This is also not entirely true. Of course, a crowd, a noisy party and the bustle of people disgusts them, and often frightens them. But an introvert will always be faithful to his only friend, his closest person, although he will not shout about this loyalty at every step.

An introvert is unobtrusive; he prefers to deal with his troubles and problems on his own, but will not refuse to help his neighbor. True, he tries to avoid overly persistent and intrusive types; their pressure forces him to withdraw into himself, to hide in his shell. This often makes others consider the introvert a callous, selfish egoist. Among this type, such people also occur - if a person is only interested in his own, it is difficult to love other people.

Summarizing the analysis of the characteristics of an introvert, we can highlight a number of inherent traits:

  • calmness and equanimity;
  • isolation and unsociability;
  • taciturnity, inexpressiveness of facial expressions and gestures;
  • lack of communication and unwillingness to work in a team;
  • low level of emotionality or experiencing emotions within oneself;
  • tendency to think;
  • things and theories interest him more than living people;
  • he is never bored alone with himself.

However, these two types are quite rare in their pure form. Therefore, they are so noticeable that no testing is needed to determine who is in front of you - an introvert or an extrovert. But there is also a third type.


If we translate this term from Latin, then an ambivert will be something like “two-sided” or “inverted”. Sometimes this type includes people with weakly expressed extrovert and introvert traits. This is not entirely correct - character traits Both types appear quite clearly.

An ambivert may behave like an introvert in one situation, and like an extrovert in another. This is a kind of chameleon with a changing type of behavior, emotionality and sociability. Despite this changeability (or maybe because of it), people of this type get along well and adapt in any social environment or alone.

In pleasant company and in the mood, ambiverts can be sociable, energetic, and cheerful. However, even in solitude they will always find something to do. They love to engage in self-education and creativity and are not averse to publicly demonstrating their talents.

Ambivert is:

  • a successful writer organizing a presentation of his book and surrounded by a crowd of fans;
  • a scientist giving a brilliant report on the results of many years of research;
  • a teacher who lectures emotionally and artistically and demonstrates deep knowledge in various fields of science.

Yes, an ambivert is able to enjoy success and willingly works in a team, but he is never eager to lead it, and success is his personal achievement. A person of this type can become the “soul” of the party (or can simply sit in the corner as an observer), but will never be its initiator. Different people representatives of this type are perceived completely differently, sometimes it seems that we're talking about about completely different personalities.

Thus, an ambivert has the following personality characteristics:

  • versatility, complexity of personality;
  • rapid transitions from activity to thoughtful passivity;
  • equally comfortable perception of crowds and loneliness;
  • flexibility of psyche and behavior;
  • ability to adapt to changing conditions.

That is, although an ambivert combines the traits of an introvert and an extrovert, it is not something in between. These people do not fit the definition of “average” at all; most likely, they are truly bilateral, or rather, even multilateral.

Reasons for Type Differences

Each of the described psychological types (especially extroverts and introverts) has not only positive, but also negative sides that I would like to get rid of. For example, gloominess, isolation and selfishness of introverts and excessive sociability, intrusiveness and aggressiveness of extroverts. How are these types formed? Or is it all upbringing, and with the right approach, all children can be raised to be ambiverts?

C. Jung also wrote that the traits of introverts and extroverts are innate. Later, psychophysiologists and psychologists proved that the behavioral characteristics of these types are associated with the uniqueness of the higher nervous activity, primarily with such an indicator as the ratio of excitation and inhibition processes in the central nervous system.

  • Extroverts have strong and stable processes of excitation of nerve cells. This allows them to remain highly active and emotional for a long time. To feed their nervous system, they need a constant influx of information from the outside, primarily emotional and sensory.
  • Introverts have more pronounced inhibition processes. Suppression of arousal leads to lethargy, detachment, and coldness. An excess of external information that their brain is not able to quickly process causes irritation and fatigue.
  • But in ambiverts, the processes of excitation and inhibition are not only equally strong, but also in balance. And thanks to the mobile nervous system high level excitation can quickly give way to equally strong inhibition.

Excitation strength and flow rate nervous processes affect the speed of reactions, the level of sociability, and the brightness of emotions. That is, proper education can smooth out the extreme manifestations of types that interfere with living in society, but it is impossible to completely “re-educate” an introvert and an extrovert. Yes, and it is undesirable, since this can lead to disruption of mental functioning.

Yes, the grounds for the formation of these mental types are of an innate neurophysiological nature, but if you have discovered the traits of an extrovert or an introvert, then there is nothing scary or unpleasant about it - the world is rich in its diversity. Success in our lives, as well as happiness, is available to both introverts and extroverts. They just go to them in different ways.

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Conventionally, people can be divided into two main psychological types:

  1. Extrovert;
  2. Introvert.

Their life, profession and social circle largely depend on this. But how do you understand what personality type you or others have?


In 1920, Swiss scientist Carl Jung proposed a theory about human psychological types. Before that, he worked a lot with Sigmund Freud, spent a long time in psychiatric hospitals and came to the conclusion that all personalities are divided into introverts and extroverts.

This was published in the book “Psychological Types” and since that time it is two psychotypes that are considered the most correct and widespread.

Later, other scientists copied and supplemented Jung's theory, but to this day it remains relevant and the most accurate.


Introverts are people who are immersed in their inner world, they do not like to communicate with others, public speaking and crowded holidays.

Introverts spend most of their time alone, thinking about life and actions. They tend to work with papers, research, and silence.

In order to “fit in” with society, introverts can be cheerful, sociable, friendly, and go to parties and concerts. But as soon as they cross the threshold of the house, they again become withdrawn and calm. They are most comfortable at home or where there are few people.


Extroverts are active, cheerful, cannot live a day without communicating with people, they “dry up” without friendship and activity.

These are meteor people, very fast, capable, finding a way out of any situation.

They are organizers, public figures, artists, singers, they constantly demand attention, without recognition and being in the center it is difficult for them, it seems that no one needs them.

Communication with people is like food and air for extroverts. It is vital for them to always be needed.

By what signs can you distinguish them?

Determining a person’s psychotype is not difficult. An introvert is characterized by:

  • Slow speech, quiet voice, stiffness.
  • Slowness, calmness.
  • Pedantry, neatness, he puts all things in their place, does not tolerate dirt, loves cleanliness.
  • Likes to read, watch movies alone, drink tea, wrapped in a blanket.
  • He may have a pet with whom he will spend the evenings.
  • He will choose a job that is not related to communicating with people; he will be an accountant, a scientist, or a person who does paperwork all day.
  • He doesn’t like noisy companies, doesn’t go on visits, doesn’t share his experiences with anyone, keeps everything to himself.
  • His home has more gray, pastel, calm tones. He drives his car slowly, carefully, always pays his bills on time, and has no debts.
  • He never makes hasty conclusions and thinks long before deciding something. When buying an item, you can spend several hours weighing all the pros and cons.
  • Never makes spontaneous purchases.
  • Everything is thought out and calculated for him.
  • Friends and relatives do not play a primary role; a person’s personal perception of the world is important.
  • Loves spending time at home in her comfort zone.
  • He chooses vacations on quiet beaches, wild islands, away from the hustle and bustle.
  • Marriage happens once, family life is calm.

Extroverts have the following characteristics:

  • People with a loud voice, bright appearance, always running and in a hurry.
  • They love communication, meet with friends and acquaintances every day, and have a lot of plans.
  • They commit rash, abrupt, quick actions.
  • There are a lot of unnecessary purchases, an item is chosen in a few seconds, this person never has time.
  • He says everything he thinks, he doesn’t know how to pretend. All emotions are “on the face.”
  • Loves speed, extreme sports, relaxation big cities and nightclubs.
  • These are sellers, secretaries, teachers, artists, preachers, people who are able to convince others that they are right.
  • Without communicating with people, an extrovert becomes ill, he becomes depressed, and he urgently needs to “refuel.”
  • Many friends and acquaintances. They are never alone.

People are bright and cheerful. Unsurpassed. Full fresh ideas, they have a lot of interesting things, bright colors, creative chaos. But it doesn't bother them one bit.

  • They constantly talk on the phone.
  • There may be many marriages and love affairs. IN family life There are quarrels, breaking of dishes, stormy reconciliations.

Good day, dear readers!

Today we will start a conversation about the characteristics of our personality. You have probably come across such concepts as “introversion” and “extroversion”. Usually, psychological tests on this topic begin to be given at school. Then, they meet at the institute (if you had a subject such as psychology).

However, it is not always clear and intelligible to us what the difference between these two concepts is. Therefore, today we are talking about who is an introvert and an extrovert.

  • How to determine your type?

Introvert and extrovert: who is it, the meaning of the words

It’s worth starting with the fact that these are two fundamentally opposite personality types. The word "introvert" comes from the German "introvertiert", which means "inward-turned".

Concerning psychological characteristics, then introverts are people more inclined to immerse themselves in themselves, their inner world. Such a person is of little interest in what is happening in the society around him. But inner experiences, emotions, and fantasies are of much greater interest. It is sometimes said about introverts that they live in their own world.

Now regarding extroverts. The word itself comes from the Latin “extra”, which means “outside” or “outside”. Thus, extroverts are people who are more focused on what is happening around them.

It is very easy to recognize them in a company: they are active, take initiative, and gather other people around them. Extroverts are often called the “life of the party” because not a single celebration or party takes place without them.

It is worth noting that since introversion and extroversion are basic personality traits (peculiar character traits), the way a person adapts to changes in the environment, his behavior in the family, at work, and among friends will depend on them.

So now let's take a closer look at the characteristics of each personality type.

How does an extrovert differ from an introvert: characteristics

Now let's talk about how these two types are fundamentally different. So:

  • Perceptions of friendship and intimacy. As we already said, extroverts love to be the center of attention. That is, in a team, among friends or in a couple, they are more likely to play a leading role.

They are also characterized by a love for a large number people. As for introverts, they can be leaders (especially informal ones), but they have few truly close people - one, or at most two.

  • Search for inspiration. An extrovert gets his ideas from communication and participation in various activities. But with introversion, it is important for a person to be on his own in moments of creation, to analyze what is happening in his inner world, maybe think about the beautiful in complete silence, or even sleep. The main thing is that no one interferes during the moments of creation.
  • Attention to detail. If an extrovert lives quickly, then all information passes by him very quickly too. Due to the fact that there are always a lot of people around extroverts, it is difficult for them to concentrate on any details.

Either way, introverts. With all their thoughtfulness and deliberation, they can read the same text (or look at the same thing) until they analyze all the important points.

  • Communication with strangers. In an unfamiliar environment or in a new team, extroverts feel more comfortable than introverts. It costs them nothing to be the first to approach a stranger and start a conversation.

But most introverts need time to adapt. That is, it is better for them to walk around the room, study it, observe people, their behavior, and draw certain conclusions regarding which of those present they would like to communicate with.

By the way, this does not mean that introverts are not able to quickly get used to a new environment. It's just more difficult for them.

  • Lack of attention. If no attention was paid to the introvert, then this is not a problem for him. But with extroversion, such an attitude towards a person can cause depressive moods.
  • Attitude to problems. Introverts decide everything for themselves. Moreover, the opportunity to involve others in solving a problem seems strange and uncomfortable to them. But extroverts, on the contrary, tell everyone around them about their problems.

Ambivert: average between introvert and extrovert

The scientific and popular psychological literature indicates that a “pure” version of an extrovert or introvert is rare. And those who combine qualities of both types are called ambiverts. What does this mean?

So, an ambivert is the owner of one of the most flexible personality types. It combines the traits of both an extrovert and an introvert.

Main characteristics of this type:

  1. Ability to find easily mutual language with unfamiliar people. But at the same time, from time to time there is a desire to be alone, to take a break from the hustle and bustle;
  2. Equal love for participating in activities and observing them from the side. At the same time, an ambivert feels equally comfortable in both situations;
  3. Ambiverts can get tired both from being in a large company for too long, and from prolonged loneliness.

In general, ambiverts are able to adapt to any situation and feel comfortable no matter what is happening around them. You could even say that an ambivert is the golden mean, the perfect combination of introversion and sociability.

How to determine your type?

Each of us is interested in determining what type we belong to. At the same time, I think that many of you have already recognized yourself in the description of one or another personality type.

However, if you have the desire, time and energy, you can undergo special testing by following this link:

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“Who are extroverts and what are they like?”

So, today we talked about what it is: extroversion and introversion. We also touched upon the concept of “ambivert” a little. I hope that the material was interesting and useful for you.

We will continue this topic in the future, so don’t forget to subscribe to blog updates and share interesting things with your friends on social networks.

Activity, giving way to outside contemplation of what is happening, the ease of transformation from a ringleader into an ordinary visitor or vice versa, the ability to work alone or in collaboration with colleagues. Almost everyone has met people with the listed traits.

An ambivert is a person who has both and both personality traits. This is a personality characterized by the ability to adapt to any conditions in society. An ambivert combines the qualities of an introvert and an extrovert, feeling great both among close friends and in a completely unfamiliar company.

Let's understand who an ambivert is in more detail.

Always be yourself, be confident, express yourself, and don't just imitate some successful person.

Bruce Lee


An ambivert is a person who cannot be in society for a long time, and therefore strives to periodically change the environment. After all, due to increased sensitivity to stressful situations, noisy companies quickly tire him, and prolonged stay alone provokes depression, dissatisfaction with himself, and causes a depressed state.

There are several distinct features that make it possible to say that a person is an ambivert:

  • The ability to easily move from one psychological state to another, from , to .
  • Excellent intuitive abilities that allow you to form a circle of friends, among which there are no random people.
  • The ability to adapt to the situation, feeling equally comfortable communicating with others or being completely alone for a long time.
  • A periodic change from activity to complete inaction in the role of an outside observer, especially if there are doubts about the sincerity of the interlocutor.
  • Outsiders perceive an ambivert differently - some consider him quiet, while others, on the contrary, consider him an erudite, ready to discuss any topic.
  • Attention to people, empathy, ability to provide moral support in difficult situations life situations, which encourages trusting relationships.
  • The ability to find a common language with others, as well as skillfully use internal and external energy.

According to research by American psychologist Robert R. McCrae, most people are classified as or. But 38% of the planet’s population does not have a predominance of the qualities of one of these psychotypes, therefore they represent “ golden mean» - ambiverts capable of changing behavior taking into account external circumstances.

How to determine your psychological identity

Even C. G. Jung, who coined the terms “extrovert” and “introvert,” assumed the existence of an intermediate link between them. And already modern psychologists have introduced the concept of “ambivert”, which characterizes a person fueled by energy both from the outside and from the inside. He is characterized by the qualities of different psychological types, and he is able to adapt to the environment depending on the circumstances.

It has long been known that extroverts are fans of active recreation, extreme sports, fun, and frequent changes of activity. Introverts, on the contrary, prefer quiet time alone, caution, and cannot tolerate the intrusiveness of others. If some character traits are mixed up, and according to internal feelings a person cannot classify himself as one type, then he is an Ambivert.

10 signs that you are an ambivert

Sounds familiar? Your friends are heading out for a few drinks after work and invite you over. You want to join, but a pair of comfortable slippers and your favorite TV series are waiting at home. You are torn between two ideas because both seem excellent.

Ambiverts are at a crossroads when it comes to social interaction. They are not as withdrawn as introverts, but they are not too active like extroverts. They are somewhere in the middle.

People try to categorize everything into black and white, but more often than not we end up somewhere in the middle. The amount of social interaction we require can vary depending on our mood or other environmental factors. For example, if you didn't sleep well the previous night, you'll likely choose to stay home this evening.

What's my type?

The concept that all people necessarily fall into one of the categories of introverts or extroverts was proposed by Carl Jung, a Swiss psychiatrist in the 20th century. Jung developed the Theory of Temperament, which defined two mental attitudes: introversion and extroversion.

In general, extroverts enjoy being around people and are not afraid of unfamiliar surroundings. Introverts, on the other hand, are happier when they are at home alone with their thoughts. Jung did not talk about the advantages of one type over another. In fact, he outlined the negative aspects for each type.

Extroverts, according to Jung, try excessively to make a favorable impression, are less self-critical and are not always ready to accept the generally accepted norms of society. Introverts, on the other hand, lack confidence and communication skills.

The golden mean is best

According to a study published in the journal Psychological Science, ambiverts can get the best of both worlds when it comes to business success.

People who scored somewhere between extroverts and introverts on a personality test made more profitable sales over a three-month period.

According to the results, ambiverts can be assertive without being aggressive, and have a unique ability to build harmonious relationships with strangers. At the same time, they may seem sincere, even when they are agitating to buy something.

If you're still undecided on which side you're on, consider the following signs below that indicate you're an ambivert.

10 Signs You're an Ambivert

  1. You are not the first to leave the party, but you are not the last either.
    Ambiverts don't try to sneak out before everyone else, but they also don't try to end the party. They spend a lot of time visiting and attending various events, but are happy to return home when the environment becomes less interesting.
  2. You divide your time between being alone and hanging out with friends.
    You will enjoy spending the evening at home, but you will also find time for friends. Ambiverts thrive in both worlds – both in society and alone.
  3. Going to an unfamiliar place and meeting new people makes you feel quite comfortable.
    Ambiverts are not afraid of new experiences, but can sometimes be a little nervous in new places among strangers. However, ambiverts don't shy away from the opportunity to try something new. This is not their comfort zone, but they feel quite normal under such circumstances.
  4. People laugh at your jokes, but you can't be called the life of the party.
    Ambiverts feel comfortable being the center of attention, but are quite willing to give this role to someone else. Sometimes they sit back and listen, and sometimes they chime in with witty jokes.
  5. You think about your thoughts before voicing them.
    Ambiverts don't get lost in their thoughts; they listen and think before responding. Of course, they can answer impromptu, but they still prefer to express own opinion after reflection.
  6. You don't turn your soul inside out.
    Openness with other people is quite normal for ambiverts, but they still prefer not to talk about some personal things. Ambiverts know that the best conversations are those in which there is a mutual exchange of information. They listen to the other person and share their thoughts when it is their turn. Ambiverts don't monopolize the discussion.
  7. You perceive boredom normally.
    Ambiverts are quite good at having fun both on their own and with friends. Their level of social interaction is a choice they make. Free time can help an ambivert recharge and prepare for the next time out with friends.
  8. You can talk about feelings.
    Because ambiverts spend some time alone alone with their thoughts, they tend to be introspective and know themselves quite well. They do not hide their feelings from others and can quite easily talk about themselves. They speak with sincerity about personal experiences and listen with interest to others.
  9. You are not an overly sensitive person.
    Other people may be vulnerable, but ambiverts don't take things to heart. They know how to empathize, but do not get hung up on human emotions.
  10. You are not easily discouraged or discouraged.
    Ambiverts embrace change easily and are optimistic about their ability to cope with setbacks. They can take on a challenge with complete confidence and work equally well in a group or independently.

Suitable professions for an ambivert

The sphere of activity of an ambivert is determined taking into account his psychological characteristics. Professions that involve minimal interaction with people are most suitable here.

Such a subject will fully demonstrate his abilities as a freelancer, organizer of business meetings or festivals. Creative individuals can organize exhibitions, concerts, and meetings of interests.

A good way to reveal the potential of an ambivert is to work in the service sector, which involves short contacts with clients - recruiting managers, managers of small enterprises, deal brokers, social workers.

Everyone is accustomed to believing that the rhythm of modern life is a fertile field of activity for charismatic extroverts. However, psychology professor at the University of Pennsylvania Adam Grant found that such people do not shine with special achievements in trading, like their introverted counterparts.

Having tested employees of a trading company involved in the sale software, the psychologist found that it was ambiverts who demonstrated the best results. These figures are made possible by the ability of these people to analyze and sensitively coordinate their actions with potential buyers.

Ambivert Personality Flaws

An ambivert is the most flexible and balanced psychological type, but he, along with other people, has some weaknesses that manifest themselves at different periods.

The most dangerous among them is excessive sacrifice, leveling personal qualities, forcing you to devote your life to others. Another negative characteristic of an ambivert is excessive self-confidence, acquired as a result of any success in any field.

Chances of success in society

As we have already found out, ambiversion is an organic combination of the best characteristics of other psychotypes. Therefore, when choosing a path in life, such a person always considers the possibility of separating career and personal space, which will help in the future to avoid stressful situations at home and at work. After all, where it is difficult for an introvert and an extrovert to find a common language, an ambivert will certainly help out, who perfectly understands everyone on a subconscious level and knows how to smooth out conflicts that arise in a team.

Positive and negative qualities inherent in absolutely everyone. However, those who often communicate with ambiverts are sincerely surprised at the ability of people of this type to withstand any ups and downs of life. Pleasant interlocutors who know how to not only defend their point of view, but also listen to the opposite opinion, they easily move from a state of internal contemplation to active action or, conversely, after an exciting discussion they calmly move into the rank of an outside observer, which makes it possible to replenish wasted energy.

Public people - politicians, actors, singers, world-famous inventors usually appear before us in a good mood to maintain their image. I wonder which of them consider themselves ambiverts?

IN Lately You can find a huge variety on the Internet psychological tests aimed at determining your psychotype. By answering simple questions, you get a result that classifies you as an introvert or extrovert.

The concepts of "extrovert" and "introvert"

Many people are familiar with these terms and their characteristics. Introverts are people focused on their inner world, quite secretive and not sociable, hardworking silent people.

Accordingly, extroverts are the complete opposite of the first type. They are open and sociable, love fun, people under whom “the earth burns.” All the energy of extroverts is directed towards their external activities, and being alone for a long time negatively affects the well-being of these people.

Ambiverts - the middle version or the third psychotype

Everything is clear with these two personality types. But what about people who get lost when answering questions and cannot choose the most suitable option? At different times of the day and depending on the circumstances, the answers may change to the extreme opposite.

We can say that these people are in the middle, combining certain features of the first two psychological types. Not everyone knows, but there is also a third type, which is called “ambivert” - with Latin language The prefix ambi translates as “on both sides.” In other words, an ambivert is a kind of hybrid of an introvert and an extrovert in psychology.

How does the third personality type differ from the previous two?

An ambivert is a person who acts and displays certain character traits according to circumstances. They feel the situation and intuitively choose the model of behavior that will be most appropriate in this case and when communicating with specific people. They are, in their own way, some kind of “chameleons”, easily adapting to the constant changes in the world around them.

What's the difference?

IN real life Most people take a middle position. The division into introverts and extroverts is very arbitrary. The whole difference is in the method of replenishing energy. The former draw strength from peace and solitude, the latter from communication and active activity. But probably many of you periodically need both. And that's absolutely normal.

If we imagine extroverts and introverts as two opposite ends of the same stick with a wide range of colors, where the extreme degree of self-absorption corresponds to blue, and openness corresponds to yellow, then an ambivert is the light green color and the shades closest to it, which will be more or less different from colors around the edges.

Main characteristics of ambiversion

Ambivert, psychotype characteristics:

  1. Sometimes you really want to be alone with yourself, and sometimes you want to meet with friends and have a nice walk.
  2. You easily adapt to the situation, feeling the needs of your interlocutor, and can provide him with moral support if necessary. The person, for his part, feels comfortable around you and trusts you.
  3. You are familiar with the characteristics of both types, but find in yourself the characteristics of both extroverts and introverts.
  4. You like to observe the people and events around you from a distance, but you also know exactly when to show yourself.
  5. Participating in a group discussion is not difficult for you, but sometimes it seems quite tedious.
  6. You are able to solve problems assigned to you both alone and in a team.
  7. For some people, you are a quiet person who does not show any special signs of individuality, while for others, on the contrary, you are a daredevil and the life of the party.
  8. Prolonged communication, especially in a large and noisy company, can become tiring for you, but prolonged loneliness is also not happy.

Introvert, ambivert, extrovert - these are rather vague concepts. What you need to understand is that you need to remain yourself and love yourself as you are.

Adam Grant experiment

IN modern society The opinion has become established that only extroverts achieve great success in life thanks to their openness and friendliness. This statement is far from reality.

Psychologists conducted an interesting experiment with the participation of representatives of all three types. Renowned psychologist Adam Grant used this experiment to try to determine which people would achieve the highest sales results. The participants were tested, assigning each a corresponding number of points: 1 - a strong introvert, and 7 - a strong extrovert. All subjects were engaged in selling software.

Sales performance was monitored for 3 months. Introverts fared the worst, as many guessed, earning an average of $110 per hour. But what's most surprising is that extroverts weren't far ahead of their peers, rising to just $115. But ambiverts have undoubtedly become the top sellers. Their initial Cs, Bs and A's on the test earned them $145 an hour.

Ambivert people, what makes them special?

Why is that? Another famous psychologist, Daniel Pink, conducted and published in his book “Selling Comes Natural” a survey of buyers, which showed that the most repulsive feature of a salesperson is his intrusiveness and failure to maintain “distance,” which is very characteristic of extroverts. But people who put themselves in the position of a buyer and try to sincerely help him inspire trust and a desire to cooperate.

So being an ambivert is quite beneficial, especially if your specialty is related to sales, marketing and promotion of any product or idea. An ambivert, whose characteristic traits are flexibility and adaptability, can easily as soon as possible make friends in a new place, which will be an almost impossible task for introverts, and also not bother new acquaintances, which an extrovert cannot cope with.

Most likely, this type of personality will not have many friends and acquaintances, but this is exactly the case when quality will prevail over quantity. A person understands that in order to maintain balance, he must not only take from those around him everything he needs, but also give in return what they need.

What about everyone else?

Ambiversion is perhaps the most effective trait for many in humanity on the path to achieving success and appreciation, which has been repeatedly confirmed by research in this area. They are independent, easily cope with difficulties, and balanced. In general, they are such “universal creatures”.

However, people with two other psychotypes should not be upset. And if for some reason you are not satisfied with certain character traits, you can change them by developing the desired behavioral reaction in yourself. Introversion, like expressiveness, can be easily corrected with the help of an experienced psychologist and strong willpower.

Weak points of ambiverts

Manifestation of weakness is common to absolutely all people at one time or another. And they are different for everyone. In the case of ambiverts, it can be expressed either in excessive self-sacrifice, as a result of which a person begins to live only for others, or in self-confidence acquired due to his successes.

An ambivert is the most balanced psychotype, always trying to foresee the consequences of their actions.
