How to quickly learn dates from history. How to quickly learn history? How to remember events, dates and heroes? Combined method of remembering historical dates

If history is your core subject, then this information will be very useful to you. However, even if not, it will still be useful, because dates and events will have to be remembered when preparing for any exam. After all, any science has somehow developed, which means you will need to know all the main milestones.

Here we have already looked at. Now let's explore other techniques.

Why do you need to learn to remember dates?

The ability to quickly memorize dates will be useful not only in studying at the Faculty of History, but also in real life. Shopping lists, birthdays of friends and relatives, bus numbers - all this and much more is often found in our Everyday life.

It turns out that many people have a hard time remembering dates and sequences of numbers. But if you practice regularly, you can keep even the most uncontrollable things in your head. And here are some effective ways to remember dates to help you.

Association method

Some people find it much easier to remember dates and other information by associating them with vivid images.

For example, how can you relate the year of Washington's birth and the date 1732?

  1. Imagine a boy with a Washington haircut (or wig) chopping down a cherry tree and shouting “I can’t lie!”
  2. Imagine a man in a Washington wig throwing into the air a wad of 1,732 bills with a portrait of Washington himself.

You will be surprised, but in the association method, your own body is often the best assistant. Help you understand complex information faster:

  • rhythmic steps or swaying,
  • gesticulation,
  • singing using familiar melodies.

Remember number rhymes? Here the principle is the same, only you need to use dates instead of ordinary numbers.

Systematization method

This technique for remembering dates is based on the ability to structure. If you line up all the dates in the correct sequence and in the right order, you won't have any problems remembering them.

Remembering random dates is a real pain. In order not to waste time, try to divide all available information into groups according to some common characteristics.

The “number-picture” method

The essence of this technique for remembering dates in history is to create a detailed picture that pops up in your head when the desired event is mentioned.

Imagine every character, all the little things. Next, divide the entire date into separate numbers, attaching one of the images in your head to each number.

For example, the number 8 may be associated with a female figure, and the number 9 with an approaching wave. Then remembering the date of the first baptism in Rus' (988) is easy to remember by linking it to the picture of the people of Kiev on the Dnieper.

By the way, we currently have restrictions on work on this and other topics.

Letter method

There is nothing complicated here either. Any number is tied to a letter based on the principle of external similarity. Here is an example of creating associations, but you, of course, can make a breakdown according to your characteristics:

You can use funny associations to help you remember. For example, it is difficult to give the date of the battle on Kursk Bulge(1943). Using the table above, we will display the date in letter form – TDCHZ. Using these letters, you can come up with a phrase that will make you think of the desired date. For example, tanks, smoke and black earth are quite colorful, describing what was happening on the Kursk Bulge at that time.

Another way to use this method is to mentally associate each date number with the first letter of the main characters. For example, the date 1812 can be translated into letters (and numbers) TV1B, where they mean the names of the commanders-in-chief (Tormazov, Wittgenstein, Alexander I, Bagration).

This method is especially good because in addition to the date itself, you also automatically remember the names of the main characters or the main event.

Background method

This technique is designed to quickly memorize a specific date or month.

To do this, it is enough to remember what personal events occurred in your life on the day that you need to remember. Or you can tie the date to some natural phenomenon.

For example, on March 21, 1917, the Romanov family was arrested. But this date may be your (or your loved ones) birthday. This day is also easy to remember as the end of the first month of spring, the beginning of snow melting and warming.

Semantic method

It is absolutely not necessary to come up with distant associations. You can simply take a closer look at the numbers and connect them directly with the remembered event.

For example, in 1961, Gagarin was the first to fly into Earth orbit. Remember two units - one means the first flight into space in the USSR, the second means the first flight in the whole world. The number 96, which is between the units, is associated with the southern and north poles, where the flight also took place for the first time. No matter how you turn these two numbers, they remain the same.

Analytical methods

There can be a lot of ways to remember dates, which are based not only on the creation of certain images, but also on a deep understanding of the subject. The main thing here is to remember not the date itself, but to understand the sequence of events.

Let's consider two main approaches:

  1. Cause-and-effect approach. Let's say you know the main events - famine, war, death of the king, the war is lost. It is easy to build a causal relationship here: the country is in chaos, which the king is trying to resolve, but the enemies take advantage of this to start a war, and in the course of it the king eventually dies, and the troops lose heart, which leads to defeat. Understanding this, you will never confuse the dates, and in your head all the events will be sorted and in the correct order.
  2. Method of semantic blocks. Among other ways to remember historical dates this one is one of the most difficult. But if it works out, the date will be remembered forever. A certain period of time is divided into major events and periods (for example, the 20th century can be divided into the following periods - First World War, NEP, collectivization, Great Patriotic War, collapse of the USSR). Knowing the cyclicity and characteristics of each of these periods, it will be easy for you to link the desired date to this part of the century. Breaking a large period into smaller ones makes it much easier to remember dates and retrieve a specific event from memory, even after many years.

Memory training method

This is not so much a technique as a lifestyle, adhering to which it will never be difficult for you to remember a particular date.

During training, it is extremely important to be able to concentrate, since it is this ability that will allow you to remember 20-60% more than usual.

And here are a few effective ways do this:

  • remove everything that may distract you, start studying in a relaxing and calm atmosphere;
  • focus on the date you are studying, scan it with your gaze without taking your eyes off it;
  • Always remember that you need to keep this particular date in your head, write it several times on a piece of paper;
  • at every new meeting given the date, write it down or imagine that you are writing it down.

Don't forget about the magical power of repetition. The more often you repeat all the dates, the deeper they sink into memory.

Regular repetition of important dates will help train your memory. And if you need to learn a large number of information, add one important date per day.

Memory training can also be done in the form of a game. To do this, make training cards. It is important to do them correctly:

  • You can use special computer programs to create cards. The date should be written on one side and the event on the other side;
  • cards need to be shuffled all the time, because human brain quickly remembers the sequence and correlates it with previously spoken answers. It is important to remember what happened that day, not the sequence of cards;
  • look at the date and until the last minute try to remember the event, looking to the side. Peep only if you cannot reproduce it in memory;
  • those cards that you have already learned and mastered well, put them aside. Work with the rest to the same level;
  • Train with cards regularly, after the next reading. Alternate with other types of study (reading notes, watching historical films, etc.).

The most important thing in remembering dates easily is to use them as often as possible. If you repeat what you have learned often, it will stick firmly and for a long time in your memory. Do not hesitate to tell your family and friends what you have learned, and constantly remember it throughout the day, before going to bed.

The events you learn will help you not only pass the exam well, but also show off your erudition in society. And all other types of work and items will be easier to handle with the help of special

Memory in everyday life

In this section of the book, you will no longer be introduced to new methods for effective memorization. She is entirely dedicated to them use for memorization various information that you may encounter in everyday life. That is, you will actually learn how to use various ways remembering how to combine them in accordance with the tasks you face, and you will also be able to practice most of the methods on actual material.

Of course, this section does not cover all areas of application of the methods and techniques of effective memorization that you learned about above; it is simply impossible to cover everything. But I think it won’t be difficult for you (especially after reading this section) to come up with, based on your knowledge of the techniques and options for combining them, a specific way to memorize the material you need that is not included in this book.

> Remembering historical dates

First way.
Memorizing historical dates using alphanumeric codes.

First of all, I hope that you know the CBK table as well as the multiplication table, or a little better. If this is not so, then return to the chapter in which it appears and recall it in memory, it will be useful to us more than once. So, in order to remember a date in this way, you need to translate the numbers that make it up into words according to the Central Bank of Russia, and from the words create a phrase related in some way to the date being remembered.

Let me explain with examples. Let's start by remembering simple dates (those in which you only need to remember the year). In this case we have a four-digit number, for example, 1608 - the invention of the telescope. First, decide for yourself whether you will remember this four-digit number as two two-digit numbers or as one three-digit number (the designation of the millennium is the number " 1 " - in this case can be discarded, since it is clear that this invention occurred in our millennium).

If you settled on the first option, then you need to come up with two words corresponding to the numbers 16 and 08. Thus, in the first word the first consonant should be " G" or " AND", and the second - " Sh" or " L" (see alphanumeric code). The remaining consonants in the word, if they exist, have no meaning in this case. You must firmly remember that only the first two consonants of the keywords are involved in the “game”, this is important so as not to confuse anything during playback. These requirements are met by the words “goal”, “golf”, “rogue”, “eye”, “yolk”, “daw”, “galaxy”, “traffic cop” and many others. In the second word, the first consonant should be " M" or " N", and second " IN" or " F". It is not difficult to find the words “news”, “seine”, “mafia”, “muff”, “dung”, etc.

Now we make up a small plot of three words: two key words and any third directly related to the date, in this case, this is, naturally, the word “telescope”. Of course, if possible, the plot should be fun, unusual, and something that is easy to remember. It is better to choose words for recoding dates that are visual, evoking vivid images and avoid abstract concepts and verbs. For the chosen date - the year the telescope was invented - I would focus on the plot: “The space mafia was observed through the telescope playing golf.”

Or this: “A mafia swindler stole a newly invented telescope.” Or this: “The traffic cop pulled out the telescope with a seine.” Of course, after you select the words and compose the plot, you must spare a few more seconds in order to “revive” it, try to present it as vividly as possible. As you know, this simple operation contributes to significantly longer storage of the plot in memory.

If you decide to remember the date as a three-digit number, then it will be enough to come up with only one word to remember it, in which the first three consonants will correspond to the numbers of the memorized date. In the future, you will need to combine this word into a plot with any word related directly to the date (event). However, firstly, if you decide to use this method, then you will have to firmly remember that in the selected word three, and not two, consonant letters are significant. Secondly, as you know, to match some three-digit numbers the right words quite difficult, for example, to the number 771 or 891 and a lot of time is spent searching for such a word, often the word found is not bright enough.

And yet this method has a great advantage - the brevity of the plot, so there is often a temptation to use it. Personally, I do the following. First, I set myself the task of choosing a “three-digit” word, but if within 15-30 seconds (!), a bright word that meets the requirements does not come to mind, then I move on to memorizing the date using two auxiliary words or (more often) I remember historical date using any other method, which I advise you to do.

Let's return to the example of the invention of the telescope. Number 608 correspond to the alphanumeric code of the words “lymph”, “skimmer”. These, of course, are not the brightest words, but they are quite suitable for drawing up a plot. For example: “Through a telescope we looked at the lymph of other planets” or “Through the holes of a slotted spoon you can look like through a telescope.” Another option for remembering the date as a three-digit number.

When using this method, just as in the first case, you will need two keywords corresponding to the date. However, often it is really not necessary to remember the first digit, and, accordingly, the first of the keywords can not be specially invented each time, but used always with the same words, corresponding to the first ten single-digit numbers in the verbal-numeric list.

Let me remind you that these words have only one consonant letter and it corresponds to numbers (from 0 before 9 ) according to the pulp and paper mill. Note these words: 1 - hedgehog (so, yogi), 2 - poison (iodine), 3 -ear (ear, yak), 4 - cabbage soup, 5 - boa (wallpaper), 6 - neck (spruce), 7 - mustache (wasp), 8 - Eva (Java), 9 - aria (paradise, swarm), 0 - Noah, frost. As you may have guessed, these words included in the plot will mean serial number of the century. For example, to remember the same date of invention of the telescope, we compose a plot from the words: telescope, neck (spruce) and any word corresponding to the number 08 (see above). “A mafioso was hit in the neck with a telescope” or “Through a telescope I saw a mafioso sleeping under a fir tree.”

Let me remind you that the words corresponding to the number denoting a century must be memorized as well as the multiplication table, so as not to waste time on remembering (although those of you who use a verbal-numeric list of 100 words to memorize probably remember the first ten very well ). So, in order to use this method, you will only need to come up with one ("two-digit") word for the last two digits of the date.

Well, perhaps the last (and, in my opinion, least successful) method of remembering historical dates, based on knowledge of the alphanumeric code, is that you can come up with a word for each digit of the date. These words must begin with letters corresponding to these numbers according to the pulp and paper book. These words, as usual, need to be combined into a plot.

For example, in order to remember the date of invention of the telescope, you need to come up with three words starting with the letters respectively "SH" ("l"), "M" ("n"), "V" ("f") and consistently combine them into a plot along with the word “telescope”. One of the biggest disadvantages of this method is that there are so many words that satisfy the requirement to begin with a particular letter that it is difficult to choose, and a lot of time is spent making the final choice. But if for some reason the words are found immediately (for example, you notice that the letters represent a well-known abbreviation, initials or slogan), and the phrase is also born quickly, then this method is also very effective.

Please note that when using any of the methods described above for remembering historical dates, you can include any other information related to the date in the plot. For example, when remembering the date of invention of the telescope, you can include the author of the invention, namely Galileo, in the plot. In this case, the plot will take the following form: “Galileo hit a mafioso in the neck with a telescope.”

If you find it difficult to remember the fact that it was Galileo who invented the telescope and you are afraid that you might confuse him with Copernicus, for example, then pay attention to the chapter on how to remember famous people and what they are famous for. (Note that in this case, by coincidence, for the first two digits of the date - 1 And 6 According to the Central Bank of Russia, the surname Galileo itself is suitable, which means the plot could be like this: “Galileo caught the telescope with a net.”

Consider a few more detailed examples remembering historical dates using alphanumeric codes. 1791 year - The Louvre was opened as an art museum (before that it was royal palace). I will remember only three numbers, since it is clear that this happened in Our Millennium. " 7 "is a mustache for a number" 91 "we need to come up with a word in which the first consonant will be " R" or " C", and the second consonant will be " G" or " AND". These requirements are satisfied, for example, by the words “horns”, “gun”, “face”. I choose the word “face”. All that remains is to compose, if possible, an original plot from the words “Louvre”, “mustache”, “face”.

I imagine going into the Louvre and seeing a very strange picture there: a huge, long mustache, and behind them a small funny face is barely visible. In order to better remember my plot, I imagine the Louvre building, I see how I open the door and literally step on this mustache, because they are glued to the picture like an applique and are very, very long (here, as you guessed, I also use elements of the method of co-sensations). However, for the number " 791 "you can also choose a "three-digit" word - WITH e R e AND ki, you can easily create the corresponding plot yourself.

1 8 0 3 year

The first steam locomotives were created (in Great Britain).

V n To
f m X

I sign the letters corresponding to them according to the pulp and paper code under the numbers and try to make a word out of them. I easily came up with one word for all three numbers. So, the word “broom” or “wreath” is suitable (as well as “date”, “function”, “finca”). The plot could be like this: a steam locomotive is being cleaned with a (huge) broom.

I will repeat again, but it seems to me that this option for remembering historical dates using the pulp and paper book is the most successful of all. I'll say more. If you decide to seriously study historical dates, I would advise you to conditionally divide all the dates into two groups: those for which you were able to find one word for three digits (trust my experience, there will be a majority of them) and those where you were forced to use a different method .

I will remember the following date as an example, transcoding numbers into words with only one significant consonant - the first letter of the words: 1866 year - the Moscow Conservatory was opened. The first word must begin with " IN" or " F", and the other two with " Sh" or " L"(we don’t remember one). When composing a plot, we try to use as little as possible unnecessary words(in this type of pulp and paper mill application this is especially important!). Plot: "Moscow Conservatory - Great and Best of the Best." (When using this type of method, it is better to create stories that are similar to slogans, statements, rules, etc., they are remembered best.)

1 6 8 7 year

Isaac Newton discovered his famous laws.

w V With
l f h

Number " 1 "it's not necessary to remember, but the number" 687 "I'll remember how" 6 " And " 87 ". For " 6 "I choose the word "spruce", and for " 87 “The word “physicist” would be perfect. The plot: “A physicist would not have discovered his laws under a spruce tree (after all, apples don’t grow on it).” For this date, you can also pick up the three-valued word “patronage”; the plot, if you want, come up with it yourself.

Here's a more complicated example. You need to remember four dates in one plot at once. The date of birth and death of the great Russian composer and the years in which he wrote his most famous works.

Glinka M.I. 1804-1857 gg. Opera "Ivan Susanin - 1836 year, opera "Ruslan and Lyudmila" - 1842 year. First, we write down all the numbers and make words from them.

1 8 0 4 5 7
V n h


P With

demon (barefoot, sand, etc.)

f m sch

or whisk, bauble, etc.

b h

I will choose a specific word when composing the plot.

3 6 4 2
To w

cat, wheel (there are also many options, I’ll choose later)

h d

miracle, shield, etc.

X l sch T

For those who have little knowledge of music, it would be good to remember that this is Glinka, and not some other composer, so I will include the word “clay” in the plot, which is a sound association to the name Glinka. I imagine a man sitting under and IN oh deep N O H yu, he has B O WITH your feet are dirty GLIN oh, it rubs against them TO O Sh ka (one can also imagine that its owner is Ivan Susanin). The cat purrs to the composer: “Your opera Ruslan and Lyudmila is H at D O!"

07/04/1776 -
Declaration of Independence.
The USA began to exist independently.

Compiling keywords for all numbers.
04 - first consonant - " N" or " M", second - " H" or " SCH": night, sword, ball, revenge, etc.
07 - first consonant - " N" or " M", second - " WITH" or " 3 ": nose, bridge, meat, garbage, etc.

1776 can be remembered as 776 (the fact that this was in our millennium is already clear) and try to come up with one word for three numbers at once, with three significant consonants - S(3), S(3), Sh(Y), for example, the words “icicle”, “sucker”, “flap”, etc. are suitable. Plot: At night an icicle, wrapped in a new declaration, fell on the bridge. (And you can break the number " 1776 "by two" 17 " And " 76 " and come up with two words with two significant consonants. 17 - goose, gas, jasmine; 76 - elephant, salt, donkey, etc.

Now all that remains is to create a general plot and connect it with the theme. For example: “At night a goose was walking across the bridge and met an elephant, who told him about the US Declaration of Independence.” Or: “Geese walked across the bridge with swords, and a donkey trailed behind them, they all went to defend the independence of the United States.”) As you can see, there can be many options for the plot. It all depends on your desire, imagination, as well as knowledge of the peculiarities of your memory; only you yourself can understand or feel which plot you will remember better. But in any case, it then needs to be presented as vividly as possible, to take a “memory photo” or to see it as a fragment of a film.

Practice yourself and you will understand that remembering historical dates with the help of CBC and plotting is much easier than memorizing them mechanically. Remember to use the method of animation and co-feeling after you have written the plot. The next day, try to remember the dates you remembered the day before. If difficulties arise, repeat them again, work out the plots better, bring your emotional attitude to them, place emphasis on key words, etc.

In this case, repetition will be rational and beneficial. Repeat the stories, not the numbers, as if you needed to memorize text related to a date. You can restore numbers at any time by recoding them from words using the CBC. As a rule, dates memorized only through repetition or even cramming are stored in memory for only a short time (before the exam) or for as long as you are interested or need them, and if you stop referring to them, they are safely forgotten.

Surely at school you memorized the years of the life of Dostoevsky or Nekrasov, but now you are unlikely to be able to remember them (unless, of course, their work was the topic of your diploma or dissertation). After all, you have nothing to cling to. In contrast, dates memorized through plotting and rational repetition (if necessary) will remain in your memory much longer, regardless of whether you refer to them often.

Before giving you plenty of practice in memorizing historical dates using the method described above, I will say a few more words about such a variety of historical dates as dates of life of prominent people. The principle of operation is the same here. First, using the CBC, create keywords to remember the date of life and, if necessary, the date of death. Then, in order to remember that these are the dates of this particular person’s life, depending on your knowledge of his work or merits (or appearance), you can do it in two different ways.

If the person is familiar to you, then you will have enough associations to associate keywords with a specific person. If the person you remember is little known to you, you have little idea about whom we're talking about, or are afraid of being confused with someone else, then it makes sense to include a sound association for the surname in the plot in order to know who exactly belongs to certain years of life (or other digital information).

So, for example, the musician in the above example with the composer Glinka does not need associations for the surname at all; he will determine whose years of life these are based on the works included in the plot or (if the dates of their creation are not included) will connect key words with the person’s appearance, make up a plot with using any of the author’s characters, any detail known to him.

For a person who is far from music, but who for some reason needs to memorize the years of life of, for example, Glinka and Mussorgsky (and who does not see much difference between them), it is better to connect their years of life with sound associations to their surnames, so that in the future don't get confused. But if we remembered the dates of Newton’s life, then we would not need to come up with an association for his last name: after all, just mentioning an apple falling on his head, and it is already clear that these are the dates of the life of this particular scientist.

*** Exercise 53.

Remember the following dates by inventing a story from words made up using the alphanumeric code. Use any of the above types of recoding historical dates using the pulp and paper code. Find out which one you like best.

1735 year - the Tsar Bell was cast (by masters Motorins).
1725 year - opening of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
1820 year - discovery of Antarctica.
1876 year - invention of the telephone set by A.G. Bell (USA).
1672-1725 years - years of life of Peter I.
1419-1437 years - Hussite wars.
1821-1881 years - years of life of F. M. Dostoevsky.
14.07.1789 year - the storming of the Bastille (the beginning of the Great French bourgeois revolution).
24.08.1572 year - St. Bartholomew's Night (Catholics attacked the Huguenots).

Test yourself by covering first the right and then the left part of the task in Exercise No. 53. Be sure to try to reproduce these dates the next day. Troubleshoot errors. If for some reason you found it difficult to complete this exercise, see what keywords could be matched to dates using the CBC. The skill of selecting keywords comes with experience and takes a matter of seconds.

Make up stories from these words yourself. (Almost all numbers have several word options, and in some cases you can choose which method of recoding the number you will use - split a four-digit number into two two-digit ones, remember it as a three-digit number (with three significant consonants in the word) or split the number into single and double digit numbers. You can also use the method with only one (first) significant letter.)

1 7 3 5 year

The Tsar Bell was cast.

G With To P
and h and b

735 - staple, bury
17 - goose, guest, state
35 - drop, penny, cap

1 7 2 5 year

The Russian Academy of Sciences was opened.

G With d P
and h T b

725 - steppe, stupa, step, degree
17 - goose, gas, lawn, state
25 - diploma, oak, depot, slippers

1 8 2 0 year

Discovery of Antarctica.

G V d n
and f T m

820 - aquatic, Watery, visible
18 - nail, carnation, Guidon, belly
20 - bottom, day, house, ton

1 8 7 6 year

Invention of the telephone.

G V With w
and f h l

876 - fun, universe, beans, takeoff
18 - see above
76 - elephant, plum, salt, lard

1 6 7 2 - 1 7 2 5 years

Years of life of Peter I.

w With d With d P
l h T h T b

672 - flippers, swallow, nimble
725 - baking, steppe, stupa

1 4 1 9 - 1 4 3 7 years

Hussite wars.

h G R To With
w and ts X h

4 - cabbage soup, eyes ( 14 - thick, bug)
19 - mountain, weight, heat
37 - braid, goat, brush

1 8 2 1 - 1 8 8 1 years

Years of life of F.M. Dostoevsky.

G V d G V G
and f T and f and

821 - hood
18 - see above
21 - dog, tar
81 - carriage, bassoon, wine glass

1 4. 0 7. 1 7 8 9 of the year

Taking of the Bastille.

G h n With G With V R
and sch m h and h f ts

14 - thick, bug
07 - nose, bridge, music
17 - goose, guest
89 - thief, headlights, fireworks
789 - pack, tea leaves, north, bundle

h n V G P With d
T sch m f and b h T

24 - cloud, daughter, game
08 - mafia, news
15 - toad, lip, cheetah
72 - garden, saddle, herd
572 - conversation, bed, pasta, wasteland

You can also practice remembering historical dates. In the application you will find many more dates.

Second way.
Graphic method of remembering historical dates

This method consists of drawing the date. As you remember, the shape of the numbers may resemble various items. On the other hand, if you show imagination and ingenuity, then you can find the required number in almost any object by changing it in one way or another, as a result, for each number you can find many more images in the world around us than it seems at first glance. When memorizing historical dates, it is advisable to look for objects similar to numbers, as if in the topic, in the event that the date describes.

In other words, imagine that you need to draw a postcard depicting the contents of a date, but draw it in such a way that the numbers corresponding to the date can be easily seen on the card. Of course, it is better if the picture is drawn with humor. The numbers encoded in the picture should be placed from left to right or from top to bottom (so as not to confuse their sequence in the future).

In order to subsequently reproduce the date, you just need to remember the drawing that you came up with for it. Unlike numbers, which, as you know, are abstract material, remembering a picture, and especially one that you drew yourself, is much easier.

Consider an example: 1586 year - the Tsar Cannon was cast. I will only remember the last three digits, since I will not mix up the millennium. I draw the cannon so that it resembles the shape of a number" 5 ". To digital " 8 "Two nuclei lying next to each other may be similar. And the number " 6 " - this is a pot-bellied king running away from her in fear.

Number " 6 "I always associate with a pot-bellied man, and I included the Tsar in my drawing also in order to remember that this is the Tsar Cannon, and not some other, and the date refers specifically to it, and not to some other " 5 ".

The main thing is that you see this similarity and, when recalling the picture, correctly reproduce the number. This method is convenient to use primarily when there are not very many numbers to remember, and the topic with which the date is associated can become the theme of the drawing. Sometimes this method is even easier to remember the date than using the alphanumeric code.

Because, as you probably noticed, the plot when using CBK sometimes turns out to be quite awkward, and the words just don’t fit in with each other. In each specific case, the choice of method is yours, the result in any case will be better than with memorization, and most importantly, you save time. Consider some more examples of remembering historical dates using the graphical method.

1807 year - the first steamship was built. First I drew a figure eight and thought about what it might look like related to a steamship. It occurred to me that these could be two pipes standing next to each other, if you look at them from above. I followed this path, that is, I began to look at the ship from above. The image for the zero was immediately found - this is the hull of the steamer (when viewed from above). And the number " 7 "resembles the pattern of waves that diverge at the bow of a steamship as it moves.

Undoubtedly, memorization will be more effective if you apply methods of animation and co-feeling in relation to the finished drawing. For example, you can imagine how you touch the Tsar Cannon, feel the roughness of its surface, the temperature of the metal. Imagine that you are trying to lift the cannonballs, feel their heaviness, take a closer look at the king’s face. In the second case, you can imagine that you are really flying over this ship, see the people on it, hear its trumpet, or the music that comes from it, or the cry of seagulls, feel the spray of the waves, the smell of water.

1669 year - the Grand Opera opened, the famous Opera theatre in Paris. The choice of the theme of the drawing depends on what you associate with the theme of the date to be remembered. For example, I associate the opera house with an opera singer. Therefore, to remember this date, I draw an opera singer preparing for a performance. The two sixes are the curls of her wig, and the number " 9 " - this is a mirror with a handle in which she looks.

To remember that this is the Paris Opera House, I complete the window from which the Eiffel Tower (the symbol of Paris) is visible. Another drawing option for remembering the same date could be an image of a theater stage. The two sixes are the orchestra players, and the nine is the bowing performer. Again, some symbol of Paris may be depicted in the background.

So, you can draw whatever you want. The main thing is that your drawing can remind you of the date you are studying. By the way, sometimes, when you need to remember a date that was memorized using the graphic method, people remember not the final drawing, but the process of inventing or executing it, that is, they remember their work on the material (here motor memory is also involved in recall).

*** Exercise 54.

In this exercise, try to remember historical dates by creating pictures for them. Do not forget that objects depicting numbers should be placed from left to right and from top to bottom. After the drawing is ready, use methods of animation and co-feeling. Then, looking at the pictures, reproduce the dates encoded in them.

1853 year - the first stationary wooden circus was built in Moscow.
1832 year - the first telegraph communication in Russia.
1957 year - the first artificial Earth satellite was launched.
988 year - adoption of Christianity in Rus'.
1895 year - invention of radio by Popov.
1519 year - Magellan's first circumnavigation of the world.
1773 year - peasant war led by E. Pugachev.
1675 year - execution of Stepan Razin.
27.01.1944 year - the final lifting of the blockade of Leningrad.
07.1942 year - the beginning of the Battle of Stalingrad.

Test yourself by recalling your drawings from memory. (To do this, write down the events whose dates you memorized in this exercise on a separate sheet and write the corresponding dates opposite them.) Repeat the test the next day and work through the errors. You may need to replace some of the drawings with more memorable ones, show more imagination and a sense of humor. You can also practice by remembering graphically some of the dates given. in the application.

A note addressed specifically to schoolchildren and students into whose hands this book fell. Your drawings of dates can become excellent cheat sheets for you if you are still not sure that you will remember the dates on a test or exam (Many people make and take cheat sheets with them solely for their own peace of mind, remembering the material without them.) Being Once found, your cheat sheet drawings are unlikely to arouse suspicion from the teacher, but I still think that by memorizing dates in this way, you can do without them. (By the way, phrases composed for dates based on the TsBK are also unlikely to arouse suspicion from the teacher.)

Exists another type of graphical method. It consists in the fact that one should not draw pictures of historical dates and encode numbers in them, but that the date numbers should be found in already given pictures (illustrations). Naturally, this method is suitable only for those dates for which an illustration or photograph is given in the textbook. But this method is simply irreplaceable for remembering the dates of famous paintings.

Unlike the previous method, here you don’t need to invent anything or fantasize. You need to begin to carefully examine the illustration (painting, photograph) and consistently find in it the numbers of the date to be remembered. Illustrations of dates are very often found in textbooks and history books. Of course, the search must be carried out strictly from left to right and from top to bottom, so as not to confuse anything later. The whole difficulty is that the objects are already given and cannot be changed.

Therefore, it is often necessary to use the similarity with the number of only one part of the object. Now let's assume that you have found all the numbers you are interested in sequentially. What should we do now so as not to forget them? Well, firstly, we need to dwell on them in more detail, mentally, as it were, outline their outline of the found numbers (sometimes it is possible to actually outline them). Often this is already enough to remember the historical date for which the illustration was given (or the date of painting or the creation of a sculptural group).

All the rest of the work is done by your natural memory without any mnemonic means. And when recalling an illustration (painting), you will easily remember the date related to it. Try to remember a couple of dates this way. If your natural memory was not enough, help it by creating a small mnemonic plot from the key moments of the picture (that is, those parts in which the numbers are encoded). Train yourself. Try to remember the years of creation of 8-10 paintings, reproductions of which you have at home, or 8-10 historical dates for which illustrations are given in the textbook.

Combined method remembering historical dates

The three methods of remembering historical dates described above can be combined with each other to achieve even better results. For example, you can “place” keywords for dates created using the CBC in the existing illustration (third method). They can be actually drawn into a picture or imagined mentally. Another option is to combine the second and third methods.

That is, to illustrate the date you remember, you can add objects similar in shape to numbers. Sometimes, if time permits, you can try to remember the date and graphical method, and the method using pulp and paper pulp. In a word, the more creativity and fantasy you show when memorizing dates - the better the result will be. Your memory will thank you for helping itself. And her gratitude will primarily lie in the strength of storage of the information you need.

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While studying at school, we think that most of our knowledge will not be useful to us in adult life, so we often pay little attention to details. But then this lack of knowledge begins to be acutely felt. That’s why questions arise about quickly filling in the gaps in your education, for example, how you can quickly learn dates in history. Of course, to solve this problem you will have to force your brain to work, but don’t be afraid, it won’t require titanic efforts.

How to easily learn dates from history?

The first option that comes to mind is banal cramming, which has set the teeth on edge since school. This method cannot be called simple, moreover, it will help you remember only for one-time use, after which it will successfully evaporate from memory. Therefore, if you are thinking about how to learn dates from history in order to remember them for a long time, you should listen to the following recommendations.

For learning to be successful, set aside a time of highest activity for it - for some it is in the evening hours, for others they begin to work productively at lunch, and for others it is easiest to study immediately after waking up. Having found out the most convenient time, use it regularly so that the body gets used to receiving information at a certain period.

We are often faced with a lack of knowledge on a certain subject. And this may be connected not so much with preparations for exams in educational institution, but with others life situations, encountered both at work and during informal communication in the company of friends. This is especially acute for knowledge in the field of such a vast science as history. There is a lot of information on this subject and the knowledge learned from school lessons, as a rule, turns out to be insufficient even to carry on a conversation, not to mention professional matters.

Simple helpers

In order to learn history quickly, you need stock up on auxiliary materials, which are more convenient to hold in your hands than to view on a computer. By flipping through pages several times and re-reading incomprehensible lines, you will remember information faster than by following endless hyperlinks and snatching scattered information from different sources.

How will he remember dates from history? The easiest way is to use a table of dates, on which dates are distributed in a structured manner. chronological order. By studying a particular topic, you can easily navigate the years and determine its place. The more often you refer to the table, the more firmly the dates will become ingrained in your memory. But dates are one of the most important moments in remembering history.

If the battles that very often took place in our world played big role V historical development events are of paramount importance to you and affect the achievement of your learning goals, then you will also need historical maps, which clearly depict all the movements in the military process. Additionally, historical maps show the division of land during different periods.

As a source of information for a superficial study of history, it is best to take a school textbook. Each paragraph in it is associated with a specific event in history and gives its characteristics and main dates. Having learned the paragraph and extracted the main points from it, you can begin to remember more specific events of a certain period.

In order to easily and quickly remember historical dates and events, you can use some of our tips, which you will find below. Please pay special attention to the fact that memory different people has a different volume and “bandwidth”, so don’t be angry with yourself if at first your memorization is worse than you would like.

  1. Divide the paragraph into blocks. Any text has a logical structure, which involves several parts. They can be easily divided, naming each one in accordance with the main thesis - idea, and learned separately.
  2. Don't cram. To memorize texts, you don't need to memorize them word for word. It is important to understand what you are reading down to every word. It often happens that one misunderstood term can disrupt the entire system.
  3. Stimulate yourself. At heart, each of us is a child. And like any child, we need encouragement for a job well done. Come up with a system of rewards and punishments for yourself to learn history quickly and with interest.
  4. Learn the dates. It is very good if, in the process of studying history, the table of dates that you begin to use is preserved in your head by photographic memory. This will help you refer to the clue without picking it up.

Historical notes

It is very useful to quickly remember a large amount of information, keep a notebook and write down brief notes on what you have already learned. It is important that this notebook will not be checked on you, like at school, so in order to remember a fact, you can even sketch it.

It helps a lot to remember dates in history. handwritten diagrams: from one event you use arrows to draw facts associated with it, certain connections are also formed between the next ones, and so on. Any visual information is very well stored in our memory. Such graphic notes make it possible to extremely shorten large texts and remember them due to constant reference to the notebook.

It is very difficult to remember a huge amount of information read in one day, so do not forget that brain overload can lead to disappointment and even some kind of nervous breakdown. Remember about the correct diet and healthy eating. This will help your body cope more easily with the “memorable” marathon.

Author of the article: Svetlana Syumakova

History is included in the list of subjects required to be studied at school. With its help, you can travel to any era without a time machine and “observe” its main characters. There is a lot of information on this subject, it is difficult to systematize and remember it. How to quickly learn history? How to remember dates, events and heroes? The tips below will help with this.

Some people find this subject easy, but others face certain difficulties in the process of studying it. What do you need to know to make your task easier?

  • Stop cramming. How to learn history quickly and easily? You should not try to memorize the texts word for word. The key to success is understanding the material read. Sometimes it only takes one unclear term to disrupt the entire system.
  • Break your paragraph into blocks. The text should be divided into semantic blocks. For memorization purposes, it is also helpful to come up with a title for each passage based on its main idea. Then you need to retell each block in your own words.
  • Stimulate yourself. Every person remains a child at heart. He needs encouragement for a job well done. How to quickly learn history and fall in love with this subject? You need to come up with a reward for yourself for each new achievement. You can also develop a system of punishments.

Tables and maps

How to quickly learn the history of a particular country? A table of dates, where they are distributed in chronological order, will be an invaluable assistant in this matter. This table is worth referring to when studying each topic. The more often you use it, the more firmly the dates will be fixed in memory.

Also, history is not easy to learn without historical maps, which depict movements in the military process. In addition, they will help to understand the division of land in different periods.

Historical notes

How can you learn history quickly? To remember a large amount of information, it is useful to have a special notebook. It is intended for a brief summary of the studied material. In your notebook, you can draw handwritten diagrams that allow you to visualize the connections between events. Graphic notes help shorten large texts and promote memorization. You can also make a drawing dedicated to a particular event.

Historical notes It is advisable to do this for each individual era. You can pay more attention to some events, and less time to others.

Mind games

“Mind games” is a technique that has proven itself well in the study of humanities subjects. Its essence is the creation of stable images and pictures in your head, dedicated to the material being studied. In other words, the technique invites a person to fantasize about a given topic.

How to learn Russian history quickly? For example, a person is trying to remember key moments in the siege of Leningrad. In his imagination, he can take the place of an ordinary warrior surrounded by enemies. He should try to experience the emotions that a soldier might experience at this terrible moment. You can also imagine the orders given to the hero by the command, his possible exploits. The technique allows you to link your own false memories to real numbers and dates.


Unfortunately, not all people have sufficiently developed imagination. How to quickly learn the history of Ukraine? For example, a person studies the reign of Princess Olga, who became the first ruler to convert to Christianity of the Byzantine rite. He needs to find documentaries and drawings dedicated to this topic.

Fantasies that already exist in the real world will help people who do not have a developed imagination. On almost any topic you can now find documentaries, drawings, archival photos And so on.


History is a complex subject. The success of its study largely depends on whether the student studies regularly. You need to make it a rule to refer to the textbook every day and study new material at least 30 minutes a day. However, you should not study for several hours, as the brain simply will not have the opportunity to fully process information.

How to force yourself to learn history if you have no desire to do it at all? It is not at all necessary to start from ancient times. You can choose the most interesting historical period for yourself and start studying it. There will definitely be a desire to learn more about events that are directly or indirectly related to him.
