My student business card. "a business card for the "student of the year" competition. All More action - less words

I am sincerely glad to see you all! My school friends here painted me so colorfully that I barely recognize myself, and my face is still burning. I am not an Easter egg - One of those who are many, They don’t like if they judge strictly, They don’t tolerate if against their will, They prefer sugar to salt; Who can hang out together and work hard when necessary, and, if possible, be lazy. One of those who have fun and who are sad during leisure hours, who appreciates a devoted friend and does not accept lies, deceit, who is ready to give half a kingdom for love without regret. I love to read novels, I write a little, I draw a little, I am friends with sports and dance, I don’t stand out among others. But for the sake of school, I will try to show myself well and become a strong competitor to other worthy competitors, shining with knowledge, talent for speaking sweetly. I will try to win! After all, the school is nice - the eighth in the region - the best, I think, It should be the best in Crimea. TNU takes care of us, teaches us in its faculties, and helps us with everything it can, so that everyone can become a student. I also want to tell you that the teachers of our school are smart, diligent and strict, without looking at the ranks and titles of their parents, they give knowledge to all children and do not lie - they give grades based on knowledge. The director is also the best! If you don’t believe me, talk to any mother and in response you will hear that there is nothing better. She brought order here, eradicated the shortcomings. Therefore, students do not languish in melancholy, but study as best they can. No one dares to beat or scold a student, but even to call him a fool (or an ignoramus). Here our opinion is respected, We have self-government - There is a student council, And it has authority. And finally, I will introduce the class! Our guys are friendly. There are no problems with studying. We play KVN together. A very interesting game. We organize evenings of Satire, humor, and variety shows. We are happy about any holiday, And even more so with a disco, We regularly congratulate all birthday people on their birthday, We wish them happiness and joy. All the advantages of bright colors have a gamma. Every girl is a lady, a lady, And the guy is a superman and ace. Such an incomparable class. That's where I end, goodbye, thank you all for your attention! *** Viewer today, support me! And just shout loudly for me! The jury today is strict, they will have to judge a lot! But you don’t take your eyes off me. I’m just a great girl! I know how to sew, weave, knit, but I also love to study science! Play with friends in the yard, write poetry while sitting on the window, inspired by the spring view! And I know many songs very well, I often invite friends somewhere! I go to the cinema with the boys! And I love taking baths! I'm only studying for 5! I also want to become a model! I like to take videos of Animals, people and buildings. I gain knowledge into my baggage! And in general I love the whole world! I love fate and my life!! I wish everyone good luck! (I wish you victory) *** An ordinary 8th grade schoolgirl, I came to amaze you all with the beauty. But only in this case I mean, I must confess to you - the beauty of the soul! I want to tell you a little about myself: I believe in success - I won’t accept anything else! My success, friends, lies in making faces all around glow with happiness! To the roar of applause, with a sweet smile, (Last Name, First Name) appears on stage!!! *** It will probably be difficult for me to tell the truth about myself, but I will try to tell you everything without concealing it. Don’t try to offend me, Don’t try to offend me and don’t try to use words, I will hide my emotions, I know how to control myself. My story is simple, There lives a young girl, A little bit of a bully and a flirt. Beautiful Zhenya is a brunette. I value intelligence and knowledge, I love everyone’s attention, I know how to value friendship, After all, it’s so bad to live without friends. I consider my knowledge in the field of science to be my virtue, and I often spend my leisure time at school Olympiads! I'm good at using a computer, my assistant is skilled! “Contact” has its own page, Write - I will answer everyone personally! I strive to achieve everything myself, I try to always be on the job, I can be proud of my successes when I achieve my goal! This is my image, don’t be strict! After all, it’s impossible to convey in a nutshell, But still, along the road of life, I’m trying to walk wisely! *** Good afternoon teachers! Parents and children! I came to you for the competition! Show me how better I am! My name is Zhenechka, a wonderful princess! On a bright sunny day, When nature is all in bloom, At the beginning of bright June, I saw a white light! My dear mother’s name is (name, patronymic), she’s always good with numbers, she works as an accountant! And my beloved daddy’s name is (name, patronymic), He turns the steering wheel all day long, He is the driver of a big car! I love to draw, flowers, butterflies and the sun, I love to dance, I study in the Onyx ensemble! The red summer has sung, Autumn is knocking on our window, We have grown up over the summer, The school door has opened for us! With a white fluffy bow, In an elegant dress with lace, On the first bright day of autumn, I was the first to enter class! I promise to be diligent, Learn to be exemplary in everything! Thank you for your attention, good luck, luck and understanding to everyone! ***Good afternoon everyone! Good Hour everyone! I'm glad to see you. What should I tell you about myself? And how to present yourself? I was born 7 years ago, I went to kindergarten like everyone else. It's my birthday in the spring. They called it Klyueva Angela. I have lived in Kuznetsk since childhood. Kuznetsk - you are my homeland. And my family lives here: Cat, dad, mom, Me! Here sisters, aunts, uncles, my dear grandmothers, played ok with me. I loved going to kindergarten. I was the leader in everything: Sing, dance, read, play, Blind, embroider, draw, Build a big house with friends, To everyone with an open soul. And because of friends, girlfriends, I always had a large circle. To stay in shape and be active, I took up sports gymnastics. I was looking forward to the classes - I received the 1st category in sports. Preschool time is over. Now I'm a student. I didn’t just go to school, I went to the lyceum to study. I need to be doubly responsible, I need to try so that I can fully master the knowledge of any science. At the Lyceum I like English. I love drawing and reading. And to be on the same page with mathematics, I also need time and patience. Our amulet, mentor, elder friend, And the princess is in charge over objects. Our first-class master teacher is Natalya Nikolaevna Svetlova. Leads us through the steps of school life. Not easy, difficult and restless. But interesting, bright, entertaining, honorable, unusual, exciting. *** I greet you! I wish you all, friends, to enjoy my performance! Your voice, viewers, will come in handy today. I believe that together we will undoubtedly win! Welcome to the jury! I respect your choice! After all, it’s difficult to choose the best of the best! When I speak, I reward everyone with a smile! And now I want to tell you about myself: I came to this school from the very beginning, Once upon a time as a little girl for the first time. Then I studied the alphabet from a book, and then I moved on, studying well, to the seventh grade! I studied excellently in all subjects, but my love for mathematics is stronger! I personally want Irina Alekseevna. I thank and bow down to her! But don’t think that someone you don’t love, because there are so many of you, won’t fit into poetry. Thank you for your hard work, for your care, About our school and about us, the students! I find it easy to learn in this class! Antonina Dmitrievna is like a mother to us! Helps everyone, protects from all misfortunes. Her subject for life is the most important! It is useful to be literate in any profession. I have a goal - I want to be a Landscape Designer. So that I can be literate and kind to clients. I teach my native language and literature. I am seriously studying the English language. And I’m glad to participate in the conference! I consider Olympics or competitions to be a summing up of results and a reward. I graduated from choreography at a music school, having passed fifth grade here. All this developed willpower in me, and I think it will come in handy more than once in life! I am very grateful to my parents for their upbringing and opportunities for growth! Their love, care day and night, They gave me everything! At least it’s not easy for them! I also love traveling with friends, with my parents and my beloved brother. Since childhood I have dreamed of visiting abroad. I would be glad to get to Italy and England! Now I'm here, I'm a student at this school. And you will appreciate my performance! Let life go on, let the planet spin! And the goal is this: Go to study in St. Petersburg! Yes, not today, but when I finish school. I try to realize my goals! And I wish everyone such great and joyful happiness in life! *** Reworking of the song “At least believe it, at least check it out” At least believe it, at least check it out, But yesterday I dreamed that I was standing on stage, In the light of bright lanterns... And in the dream I told, Everything I know about myself: How I study in the fourth grade, I easily and without problems. At the music school, too, I am friends with the piano, and I go to dances at the House of Culture with pleasure. I also love animals: puppies and hamsters, and I dream after school of becoming a good veterinarian. At least believe me, at least check, But today, as in a dream, I stand on this stage, And the ramp flashes at me. My dream turned out to be prophetic - I am in front of you now, And hope lives in me, That my finest hour has come. Lyudmila Perevodchikova *** Let's introduce ourselves, I'm Alexandra Volkova. I'm an ordinary girl, I'm your countrywoman. I dreamed of going to the ball and a miracle happened. I suddenly found myself on the stage under the ramps. There is great excitement... at my mother’s in the hall. And I’m not at all afraid, because I’m with friends, (gesture to the audience) Oh yes, about myself, I’m a student. I am in 4th grade. I love my school. As soon as I arrive, I immediately say “hello” to everyone, I say to the whole class. I always study lessons, and I still go to clubs. Guys, I find my school very nice. And I love studying here, And getting straight A’s. And after the holidays, back to school again. Business card script for the competition
Voice behind the scene. It was evening, there was nothing. Everything in the lyceum is as usual, Everything is beautiful, Dima was singing nicely, Sanya was silent, Nikita was playing on the phone, Kristina and Dasha were doing embroidery, and they were discussing Anyuta. Sasha: What kind of news do you have, you’ve been chattering for an hour.
Tolya: They have a lot of news, Nikita, do you have bluetooth?
Rita runs in: there is one news for everyone. Hear, Anya is crying there.
Anyuta will perform and must tell everything about herself!
Nikita: Will Anyuta perform?
Rita: She needs to introduce herself
All: We need to rescue her!
Dasha: We are always happy to talk about her.
Let's write her a speech
Let's help her and everything is ready.
Sasha: Will she stop crying?!
TO: Who knows her the most?
Nikita: I've known Anya for 7 years
The acquaintance started from kindergarten,
Loves dancing, music, cinema,
And I’m not indifferent to sweets,
And she's doing almost great at school.
Christina: interested in science
excuse me, this is not out of boredom.
Sasha: has been speaking at conferences for two years now
And he receives certificates in the region.
Rita: And with experiments at school
we have been awarded in the region,
simply loves nature,
protects from all enemies.
Sasha: He also loves to draw
Read different books,
visits the music room,
And the gym doesn't forget.
Nikita: And the craftswoman is no matter where,
Sculpts from dough, embroiders,
He weaves from beads and loves to burn,
And greet us with pies.
Dasha: Performs in a class theater,
plays different roles there,
and helps the woman at home,
and doesn’t forget about friends!
Anya appears
Dasha: Why are you sad? And what are the problems?
Anya: I have to perform at the competition,
I need to introduce myself
I need to tell about myself on my business card,
But what should I do, since I’m modest?
Nikita: Yes, with your beauty, why should you worry!
Girls: We know you like her
You've been in love with her for a long time,
Better play on your phone.
Anya: What is it about me?
How can I surprise you?
You can't slay with beauty, can you?
Sasha: Well, we will help you,
Friends are tested in trouble.
Sasha: you can sing it all to yourself right here from a sheet of paper!
A song is played, a presentation is shown (a motif from the movie “Goodbye Mary Poppins”)
I greet you all, friends, My name is Anyuta, I’m only 11 years old, I don’t suffer from idleness, I do handicrafts, I sew, sing and embroider, I never lose heart. I am not a simple Cossack girl, I am a mischievous lyceum student, I try to keep up with everything everywhere, and combine interests. Here at the stand, friends, my work is presented, I put a lot of effort into this, so that the jury will properly appreciate it. I’m not a guest in the village club, I sing “Ring” in the ensemble, I have a lot of friends, They will now support me with a song. Excerpt from a song with an ensemble. I love skating, and playing volleyball, of course, I love treating my friends to pancakes, buns and pies. Taste it and help yourself. You know, friends, my granny is a cook, she is ready to pass on her secrets of skill to me.. Anya: The Lyceum is my home!
I find joy and happiness in him.
I love my teachers very much
And I take the class as my own family.
If there is difficulty, I don’t whine,
If there is joy, I laugh.
Become a winner -
This is what I strive for!

I'm a little girl and I love you all. I, a chorus girl, will sing at the competition. I would like to introduce myself to you. My name is Alena. You might like me. Just trust me. I study at Listvenskaya school. Have you heard of her? I confess to you sincerely: she has no relatives. The first class is already behind us, and the second is waiting ahead. But, I’ll tell you all honestly, I wasn’t broke. Here I stand in front of you. Rate me for yourself. I am the envy of everyone when I study. I'm spinning around everything like a spinning top. I can sing and dance and read poetry to everyone. Well, the main thing, of course, is to help mom and dad. I…. A very modest girl. Only I'm not a laugher. But everyone respects me and offers me their friendship. In the class I am an example for everyone. Great success awaits me. Oh, I blabbered too much, but I’m not at all brave. I’d rather sing a song, I’ll win your hearts. I will try my best so that you can enjoy.
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Write me a business card about Yana, 7th grade, 13 years old, born in Kirov, studying at school 22, birthday May 5, 2004 Taurus


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Write me a business card. Nadyusha, 5th grade, draws, sings, plays the piano, dances, athletic, kind, loves animals, dreams of becoming a doctor, astronaut or veterinarian



Vlasenko Anna, 10th grade student

MBOU "Secondary school in the village of Sinegorye"

Yagodninsky district

Magadan Region.

That's how nature intended it,

I don't know if it's a joke or serious.

In the dark blue sky

There are millions of bright stars.

Wonderful gifts to the universe

Sparkle in the depths of existence.

Here's one of the brightest

Probably mine after all.

Yes, yes, mine! I know for sure!

She and I were born together.

When my star shines -

I have fabulous dreams...

I was very lucky: I was born into a friendly family. Looking at my parents, I understand that being successful does not necessarily mean being rich and famous. You can simply give warmth, care, and love to your loved ones. I believe that you can achieve success in every sense by feeling a reliable rear, support and understanding behind you. My parents and older sister always support me and help me in all my creative endeavors. And I am grateful to them for this opportunity.

I dreamed of going to school as soon as possible, I thought

days months, and here I am on the threshold of school! Time flew by: dictations and tests, problems and equations, great historical figures and the wonders of nature - I was interested in absolutely everything! This is probably why I finished 9th grade with excellent marks.

I'll tell you guys honestly:

I'm interested in learning

And I'll tell you a secret

About your favorite subject.

I won’t hide that in my own way I love mathematics and physics, humanities subjects, but chemistry and biology are closer to me than all the others. It is in these subjects that I study a lot extra, because I dream of becoming a doctor. Since 4th grade I have been constantly participating in school competitions By different subjects, has repeatedly been the winner and prize-winner of not only school, but also regional Olympiads. Participated in correspondence All-Russian Olympiads, I have diplomas.

There are many objects in the world

Very, very different.

For me, I know for sure -

School is a holiday!

I have many friends whom I value very much. We study together, we relax together. What I value most in friends is honesty, sincerity, the ability to be there in difficult times and lend a helping hand. I myself always strive to be what I would like my friends to be. My friends always understand me, and I am grateful to them for that.

My friends and I are on the threshold of school.

There is a long life ahead,

Let's not sum it up just yet,

But we dream of looking ahead.

Life is life, not a fairy tale.

But I won’t call trouble

And I’ll paint everything with bright paint,

I will go through thorns to the stars.

Let the light of the stars not melt in the darkness,

Let it shine at all times,

I am proud of Russia, and I dream

To make her proud of me!

In conclusion, I would like to say that the story of my life continues. I am sure that it will contain new discoveries, victories, joyful moments, because I am only 16, my whole life is ahead of me!

I look at my future with optimism and adhere to my motto: “Forward, daring and guessing!”

Ask anyone now:

“What should a student of the 21st century be like?”

Eat different people, there are different opinions,

But boldly, we can say without a doubt

That his mind is valued above all,

We won't find anything more important!

After all, everything in the world doesn’t matter

To those who are literate!

And the right exit, the right entrance

He will always find literate people.

And about courage and about honor

Maybe he can read it in a book.

And, of course, literate

Will always protect his friends.

Very brave and skillful,

Energetic, kind, brave.

He is not afraid of sadness and grief.

He should be a support everywhere.

Moves forward through life boldly,

Ready to achieve your goal

Through honesty and hard work.

After all, this is a person’s responsibility.

This is the student of the 21st century!

, Cool tutorial

/Music sounds. In front of her, Marina comes out with suitcases and a voice behind the stage says:/

“My dear Lizaveta Andreevna!

Come quickly, otherwise a new resident has appeared on our site No. 12: smart, with suitcases. Come, otherwise this will start here...”

/Grandmothers come out from the opposite end of the stage:/

Grandma 1: Whose will you be?

Marina: I'm Marina. Korotkova Marina Vladimirovna.

Grandma 2: Are you coming to us by train or something?

Grandma 1: Oooh! Our site is not easy, it’s not urban. We need to be able to do a lot, to be competent.

Marina: And I’m literate.

Grandma 2: But we need not just a competent one, but the best one.

The best is only the one who helps in trouble,
Whoever is not sad will give hand to you,
The one who knows how not to let himself down,
To be above everyone, but not to humiliate them.
It’s hard to be the best: it’s a lot of soul work,
But don’t rush to get lost in the crowd.
The best comrade and the best neighbor,
The best part is who doesn't have it?
Listen and hear, see and know,
To say a word in reproach and in defense,
To be ahead, to help those who follow -
This is just part of being the best with honor.

Grandma 1: Do you know the village news? We recently elected a president. They also chose the best.

Marina: I am also the president!

Grandma 2: How are you the president?

Kravtsov: Senior Lieutenant Kravtsov. Your documents, please. So why are you misleading the people about what kind of president you are?

Marina: Yes, I am the president of the Youth Youth Children's Organization of our school.

/Song to the tune of “Light Up”/

It caught fire, sparkled like the brightest star,
The entire “Youth” has now become president with me.
So that the children do not get bored, it is fun to live
I made a sacred oath to serve the school for a year.
This is not fun, this is not a game, you have the right and it's time to go

Light up smiles on your lips!
Rock it without fear of mistakes!
Light up, stars in the blue sky!
Rock it, made in Russia!

Since early autumn, my friends and I have been going hiking,
We are all doing well at school, we will reap the harvest.
And I can’t get bored in the snow-white winter:
At school, a lot of fun things need to be done in five.

Kravtsov: Excuse me, please.

Grandma 1: Just wait... We’ll find out about her now, and you’ll fill out the protocol.

Grandma 2: Oh, well done. And a smart girl, and a president...

Marina: And I can do a lot more.

/Song to the tune of “Border”/

Today at the gym
Friends played basketball
Learned with balls
We got into the basket.
You understand, coach,
I always want to be first
In the NBA I will be just like everyone else.
Everyone move aside, there's Marina rushing, super student
He wants to study like this.
I was studying potatoes at the site today,
I wrote a lot of very clever work.
I love and treat guests in the house,
I'll surprise you with a cake more than anyone else.
Everyone move aside, there's Marina rushing, super student
He wants to study like this.
I love paper and I will show you origami,
Or maybe you’ll understand and try it yourself.
My magical swan carries you around the planet in a dream...
We will dream just like everyone else.

Grandma 1: I see that you can sing, but we also have dancing.

Marina: Move away, otherwise I’ll hit you.

/The song “Coconut Paradise” by the group “Brilliant” is played, Marina dances/

Kravtsov: Don’t be violent, citizen, you see yourself decently.

Dancing is good for me, but being a doctor is better.
I’ll go treat the children, let them teach me.

Kravtsov: I recorded it.

With your pain and suffering
I'll go where the red cross is.
On our little planet
I can’t count these places.
Here we are met, distracted,
Find out exactly what hurts
And he's been watching us since childhood
Pilyulkin or Aibolit.
Years pass, years rush by,
We can’t count the number of illnesses,
But still, what happiness:
There are people in white coats!

Grandma 2: Oh, our village is lucky again. First the local travel officer came, now the doctor, to help our chemist.

Grandma 1: Okay, Marina Vladimirovna, stay, we’ll greet you like family.

Grandma 2: It’s immediately obvious - a star! Cooler than the factory.

/Song based on the anthem “Star Factory”/

At the competition today I told how I live,
What interests me is why I go to school.
In life, each person searches for his own area to the best of his ability:
Who brings benefit to people, who was cut off from the army.
I want people to live: a policeman, not a cop,
So that you and I, and the president, can be proud of Russia.
Everyone must make a choice, you made a choice too:
I won the school tour, so go boldly here too.


I have a lot on my way

Let only smiles bloom in this hall today,
Let the fans cheer, let them wait for the winners,
Let a very strict jury judge fairly
Everyone has their own path, feel free to follow it.
I root for Russia and for the school with all my heart
And my friends, of course, I am with them, they are with me.
Let the whole city know who is the best student here:
Look at this scene, make a choice, it’s great.


I love my Russia for her, for her I am looking for myself in life
I have a lot on my way
But always, but always my country is ahead

I know my path is not easy,
Challenges await, I know
But the mind is daring, science is a friend
And I try, I dare!

Hello, friends! Evgenia Klimkovich is in touch. So, your little schoolboy excellent portfolio and the teacher invites him to take part in the Student of the Year competition. What to do? Agree? Of course, agree! It must be said that the process of preparing for the competition is quite labor-intensive and will take a lot of time, but it is worth it!

In this article I want to talk about this interesting and difficult competition in more detail. About how it is held at our school, what tours it consists of. I’ll even share the performance scripts with you. Maybe it will be useful to someone.

Lesson plan:

What is Student of the Year?

Student of the Year is essentially a battle of student portfolios.

The competition consists of three rounds:

  • 1st round Portfolio competition.
  • 2 round Portfolio protection.
  • 3rd round Student business card.

First tour

In the first round, the jury evaluates the portfolio directly. The assessment is made according to two criteria:

  1. Filling. The jury pays attention to academic performance, the presence of certificates, diplomas, and certificates of merit. They look at what the student does, what he is interested in, what results he achieves, what he strives for.
  2. Decor. The portfolio should be designed beautifully and neatly.

My daughter Alexandra is now finishing 4th grade. Sasha’s portfolio is one of the best in school, if I say so without undue modesty. Already two volumes of information have been collected.

Over the course of 4 years, it has accumulated more than 30 certificates and diplomas. These are certificates for victories in various dance, school and city competitions, for participation in Olympiads and quizzes, for excellent studies and activity.

Those students whose portfolio has passed the test are allowed to defend it. This is already the second round.

Second round

What is portfolio protection? Child presents short story(for 2 - 3 minutes) according to the following plan:

  1. Success in your studies.
  2. A collection of creative works.
  3. My ladder of success.
  4. Assessing your success.
  5. Future plans.

Second class

We still have the text of the portfolio defense for grade 2.

Hello, dear teachers!

My name is Alexandra Klimkovich! I wish you a good day and good mood!

With your permission, I will begin my story, I hope you will not find it boring!

So, chapter one “Success in studies.”

I'm in second grade. This year they started grading us. And I finished the first half of the year with all A's.

I love studying, although I don't really like doing homework. I had the opportunity to participate in many Olympiads, for example in mathematics, Russian language, and the environment. Maybe I didn’t become the best, but I tried to show everything I know. I took part in many competitions. By the way, I express my gratitude to my parents for their help. I especially remember the competition from Nestlé on “Nutrition Rules”. We came up with and made an excellent poster, for which they gave me a diploma and gave me a plush hedgehog.

Chapter two. "A collection of creative works."

I started creating since childhood. I loved drawing with everyone and on everything. For example, mom's lipstick on dad's laptop. Or my older brother’s felt-tip pens on the wallpaper in the living room. As I got a little older, I didn't stop drawing. Only now I draw on boards, and then I burn out my drawings and give them to my loved ones. I can also dance, since I have been going to a children's art school for the second year. Moreover, in addition to dancing, they also teach us solfeggio.

Chapter three “Ladder of success.”

My ladder of success - there are not many steps in it yet, but I will ascend to my Olympus. In less than two years at school, I was able to gain the trust of my classmates and class teacher and become a prefect. I try to take an active part in the life of the class and am happy to force my parents to help me with this.

Chapter Four. "Assessing your success."

I am only 8 years old, of course, I believe that no one does anything better than me. That I am the smartest, most beautiful and kindest. Surely this is true?

But seriously, there is still a lot I don’t know, there’s something I can’t do. But, I will definitely learn. At the dance I was able to pass the exams and get into the main lineup, we have a concert soon - come.

At the Khokhloma painting circle, I helped beginners paint and burn. In class, even the rowdy boys listen to me. I’m trying, although I still can’t do the splits and I don’t write very beautifully.

Chapter five - farewell “Plans for the future.”

I plan to see Paris and get a dog. I will try to join the ranks of those who make the school proud. When I grow up I will become a teacher, like Olga Vladimirovna. And in May 2023, at graduation, holding in his hands gold medal, I will say:

“And even if for someone you are just a stranger

I can proudly tell everyone

What is the best forty-eighth.

Now I will never forget you."

I will definitely conquer my Olympus!

Thank you for your attention!

Always yours, Klimkovich Sasha.

To make it clear, Olga Vladimirovna is Alexandra’s first teacher, whom she loves very much. And forty-eighth is the school where Sasha studies. And the 2014 academic year was held under the motto “Conquer your Olympus!”

Fourth grade

In the fourth grade, everything was presented more seriously. Here is the text of this year's defense.

Hello dear members of the jury, my name is Alexandra Klimkovich! I am a 4th grade student.

In the next three minutes, I will tell you about my successes and failures in my studies, about my hobbies. I will rate myself and share my plans for the near future. So, let's begin.

Every year it becomes more and more difficult to study, more and more interesting. Now I am not an excellent student, but rather an oval student. My English is lame. I'm trying to cure him. She even took part in the Olympics English language"English Bulldog" to better see gaps in your knowledge. I'm waiting for the results.

In addition, 4 more Olympiads and 5 competitions took place without my participation.

This is the fourth year I have been doing choreography at a children's art school. And I am a member of the Caramel team. Oh, dance! How much pain you have, how many tears, how many rehearsals, how many performances, how many applause, how many awards! I brought this diploma from Belgorod, but these two were given to me by “Lipetsk Dancing Autumn”.

Every day I walk along my ladder of success. Every lesson, every completed homework, every test, every rehearsal, Olympiad, competition - these are the steps of the ladder. And I think that it will definitely lead me to my dream.

My dream is to go to an English camp this summer to have a good rest, gain strength and better understand this difficult language.

For my vigorous activity, I give myself... a four. Why not an A? And to have something to strive for.

My plans for the future are to continue studying, continue dancing and expand my collection of certificates and diplomas. Otherwise I only have about 35 of them.

And I assure you that the diploma of the winner of the school competition “Student of the Year” will take the most honorable place in my collection!

Thank you for your attention. Always yours, Sasha Klimkovich!

Each phrase said by the student is supported by a page from the portfolio. For example, if a student says that he took part in the Olympiad and scored so many points, then a page opens where the diploma or certificate of the Olympiad participant, etc. is located.

All those who pass the second round qualify for the finals of the competition.

Final of the competition

This is the most interesting and most creative part of it. You need to present yourself on stage, show your business card. Reveal all your abilities, talents, hobbies. Moreover, this needs to be done quickly, in 5-7 minutes. This year, 2016, Sasha performed at the competition for the third time. And the first attempt was made in the second grade in 2014.

Scenario for the “Student of the Year” speech. 2nd grade

In second grade, Alexandra was awarded a diploma for winning the “Discovery of the Year” nomination! Oh, what joy it was!

And her classmates and fairy-tale characters helped Sasha tell her about herself.

The entire performance was in poetry, which we composed as a family. The presentation was divided into five semantic parts. Each part revealed some quality of Sasha:

  • friendliness and desire to help;
  • fun and cheerfulness;
  • desire for knowledge and intelligence;
  • beauty;
  • final general part.

For each of these semantic parts, a literary text was selected fairy tale character and attributes that allowed Alexandra to transform into the character a little.

  • Aibolit. White cap with a red cross.
  • Little Red Riding Hood. Actually, Little Red Riding Hood.
  • Znayka. Glasses.
  • Malvina. Headband with a blue flower.
  • Rainbow. Headband with multi-colored roses.

In addition, for each part we selected musical accompaniment and pre-recorded the voices of Sasha’s classmates. That is, before each part, the audience in the hall heard approximately the following audio dialogue:

- Hello!

- Hello!

- What is your name?

— Do you know Sasha Klimkovich?

- Yes, we study in the same class.

— Tell me, which fairy-tale hero does Sasha resemble?

“She is very kind, she always helps everyone, just like Doctor Aibolit!”

While the audience listened to the dialogue, Sasha managed to transform into the desired hero and jump onto the stage.

Unfortunately, no recording of this performance has survived. But the script was preserved. So, Sasha went on stage to the music from the movie “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears.”

Hello. I am a 2nd grade student Alexandra Klimkovich. Today I will tell you about myself, and help me with this fairy-tale heroes and my friends and classmates.

Part 1. Aibolit

Like Doctor Aibolit,

I find out: “What hurts?”

Sadness, sadness I take away with my hand

And I drive away the melancholy.

I like to be friends with people

I can cheer you up

If my friend hangs his nose,

Crying and not happy at all.

I have a lot of friends

Among adults and children!

After all, you can’t live without them,

Hello to you, my friends!!!

Part 2. Little Red Riding Hood

At home or in a group

I'm always positive!

It’s impossible without him.

There are a lot of things going on, friends.

Dancing, music, choirs.

Yes... and what about without a game?

Blind man's buff, jumping ropes, skipping ropes,

classics, of course tags,

Rollerblades, skates and skis,

And also a red kitten,

Two budgies

They are waiting for me already bored!

How do I manage to do everything???

I don’t even know myself!!!

Part 3. Znayka

It's not for nothing that I put on glasses

I wanted to become smarter.

Like Nosovsky hero

I'll think with my head!

starting to study

Numbers, letters and words

Think, think head!

Mountains, countries, oceans.

Why bananas are good for us

Oranges and nuts

This is no laughing matter, brothers.

And where do the streams run???

I have five minutes...

As soon as I find out, I'll tell you

In the meantime, I'm leaving.

Part 4. Malvina

There are problems with blue hair

But I have no problems with my eyes!

Heavenly color on your face!

Oh! My dreams, my dreams,

Beauty Queen

Of course I would like to become

And then I would fly away

I'd go to Paris

Better yet, go to London!

There, on a cold autumn day

I would give everyone warmth!

It would be bright all around!

Flowers would bloom

Such beauty!

Part 5. Rainbow

In general, I can be different

Like a Rainbow! And beautiful

Both sad and funny,

Very brave, fearful,

Too noisy and not very good.

And beautiful, by the way.

That's who I am! Always yours

Alexandra! No,

Just Sasha!

Scenario for the “Student of the Year” speech. 3rd grade

In third grade, Alexandra and I decided to put on a real magic show.

The performance was called “School Magic”. Sasha was the main sorceress. She had an assistant, a friend from class, named Masha. And several more people helped.

There were no words as such. To the accompaniment of music, Alexandra showed school tricks:

"Self-assembling briefcase."

The briefcase was empty. One wave of the magic wand and the briefcase already contains textbooks, a diary and notebooks.

“Instantly changing clothes for physical education class.”

It turns out that in order to quickly take off your shirt, you don’t even have to take off your jacket. I found a video with this trick, not performed by us, but the meaning is the same.

"Taming evil hooligans."

With the wave of a magic wand, the notorious school bullies calmed down, made peace and even combed their hair!

In principle, it was interesting and fun, but the jury considered Alexandra’s performance not versatile enough. That is, we revealed only her magical gift, and all the others remained in the shadows.

But Alexandra still received a certificate as a winner of the competition.

Scenario for the “Student of the Year” speech. 4th grade

When preparing for the competition this year, we tried to take everything into account. Key points to pay attention to when preparing a business card:

  1. Mandatory compliance with the performance regulations. If you were given only 7 minutes. That means you need to do it in 7 minutes. Not everyone follows this rule. But you don't look at others. Remember: “Brevity is the sister of talent!”
  2. Representation of the child from all sides. You can present one hobby more vividly, and the rest, at least in passing, must be mentioned.
  3. You need to remain in the memory of the jury, for this you need to evoke emotions. Either make people cry or laugh.

In general, in the fourth grade, on the third attempt, Alexandra won the title of “Student of the Year”! Took first place! I talked about this in more detail.

It is very interesting to attend the competition as a spectator. So many kids, so much talent. Everyone is trying! Some sing, some dance, some read poetry or perform skits. Parents sit on chairs, worrying. And most importantly, the children are busy, busy with creativity, and not hanging out in the streets with who knows who. The following video helps you feel the atmosphere)

I wish you, dear parents, patience. And new victories for your little schoolchildren! If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask them in the comments. I will help as much as I can.

See you again!

Evgenia Klimkovich!

Kononova Irina Sergeevna
Business card script for a competition for students primary school"Student of the Year 2017"

Business card for the competition« Student of the Year 2017»

Storyteller: In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a Tsar and a Queen. And they had a daughter - Katyushka. Smart, clever, she danced, read smart books. And then one day...

Queen: Hello, my beautiful King!

Why are you sitting there like a stormy day?

Sad about what?

Tsar: I don’t understand what I should do.

To our daughter, flower,

It's already 9 years old.

It's time to bring it out into the world.

Queen: Well, what’s the problem, King,

Your Majesty?

Tsar: Ah, dear Queen,

A girl was born

Beauty anywhere,

Well, the rest is a problem.

He draws, performs,

Reads smart books,

He knows about everything in the world.

Learned to write

And chat in English.

He roller skates

Ile on performing on stage.

Well, if he goes into chat,

Won't go back.

But we already have it, mother,

Will be released to people soon!


Yes, our child has grown up

Well, that’s not at all what we need.

(The Princess appears on roller skates and with a book in her hands)

Princess: Hello father! Hello, mom! How are you? I learned a new tune. Do you want me to play for you? Do you want me to sing for you? I’ll also read poetry to you... And I also learned that there are such... And also...

Tsar: Enough! Spare us! We'd better send it to contest« Student of the Year» , and not alone, but with a support group.

Queen: That's where she belongs!

(The king and queen leave with scenes.)

Storyteller: And so the young princess, together with her friends, ended up here, in this hall. On competition« Student of the Year – 2017»

Act two.

/Children run out to the music

1. Sun, smiles,

Joy and laughter

Let it be today for everyone

Greetings, friends contestants

Our participant's name is Katya!

She has a little bit of a mixture of talents.

In everything, only victory awaits her!

2. Without embarrassment and barriers

I am glad to welcome you.

This meeting is not accidental

And I'll tell you, gentlemen,

What is important to her is not Victory

And participation! Yes Yes Yes!

3. Competitions, Olympics

And an object game!

Whatever I take on,

Everything goes with a bang! (All)

4. Where? When? For what? And with whom?

In general, a thousand problems!

Solve them easily

Why? (All)

Book, internet, she

Inseparable friends!

5. Heartfelt smile and sparkling radiant eyes

shine day and night for you, friends, and us!

6. I’ll tell you a secret,

What makes friends with sports!

Sport improves your health!

And I’ll tell you, without hiding,

In all competitions - she wins!

7. I haven’t forgotten about leisure time

I spent all the holidays,

And not averse to having fun,

IN compete in competitions.

Even if we go around the whole world, we won’t find anyone better than Katerina!

1) Nimble, sporty

2) Brave, active

3) Smart

4) inquisitive,

5) and very attractive!

6) She is a reliable, loyal friend, she does not reveal other people’s secrets

7) If trouble happens somewhere, everyone will come to our aid.

8) And in class school knows about everything in the world,

9) He serves as an example for us all and understands us all.

I can be different: Business and Important,

Thoughtful and modest,

Sometimes I joke, sometimes I remain silent,

But I always want to be the best!

There are achievements

And there are results.

For that I received awards.

But the main thing is not to fall behind in your studies,

I try to learn only from "5"!

I'm friends with sports, I'm a brave athlete,

Preserving your health is important, I know!

I can handle any records,

I urge you to be friends with sports!

I'm starting my path to victory

And I know for sure that I will reach the top

When friends, parents, teacher are around

I will definitely achieve success!

And in conclusion I want say:

"In search of my own I:

I came to the conclusion that I need to be

Cheerful, generous, attentive, sincere, brave, responsive.

Be independent and charming

Then your life path will be stellar!”

With you today I am Ekaterina Grigorieva.

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