The world. VPR for the Primary School course. Workshop. Volkova E., Danilova A.V., Tsitovich G.I. Vpr on the surrounding world System for assessing the completion of all work

While writing this work, “ VPR on the surrounding world 2018 Volkova Option 8 ” the manual “ “ was used.

Exercise 1

Look carefully at the pictures of the objects. These are images of stationery. An arrow labeled “rubber” indicates an eraser made from this material. Based on the sample, mark any object that can be made of wood and any object that can be made of metal.

Show answer

Task 2

Carefully study the weather forecast for three days from the table.

Read statements about the weather that is expected on the specified day. Choose the incorrect statements and write their numbers on the answer line.

  1. For three days, air humidity will not exceed 60%
  2. The hot weather will continue for three days.
  3. Cloudiness and precipitation indicators on the indicated days of the week will be the same.
  4. On Saturday, the wind will change direction twice during the day.

Show answer

  1. For three days, air humidity will not exceed 60%. – wrong– the humidity indicator will rise to 80%
  2. The hot weather will continue for three days. – right– the temperature will exceed 29 0 C every day
  3. Cloudiness and precipitation indicators on the indicated days of the week will be the same. – right– the weather will be clear all days
  4. On Saturday, the wind will change direction twice during the day. – wrong– the wind will change direction only once from southeast to south.

Incorrect answers: 1, 4

Look at the map of the Earth's hemispheres, the images and complete task 3.

Task 3

On the map of the Earth's hemispheres, two continents are designated by the letters A and B.

3.1. Write down the names of the continents corresponding to the letters.

Show answer

A: Africa

B: North America

3.2. Look at the images of a puma, a leopard, a red lynx, and a dromedary camel. On each line write the corresponding name of the animal.

  1. _____________________
  2. _____________________
  3. _____________________
  4. _____________________

Show answer

  1. leopard
  2. Red Lynx
  3. dromedary camel

3.3. Which animals (see paragraph 3.2.) are found in nature on continent A, and which on continent B? Write down the numbers of the corresponding images.

A: ________________

B: ________________

Show answer

A: 1, 4 – leopard, dromedary camel

B: 2, 3 – red lynx, puma

Task 4

Make two rules. Match the beginning of each phrase with the appropriate sentence.

Fill out the table: write down the corresponding numbers.

Show answer

Task 5

Carefully look at the image of the person. In the left picture, the arrow marks the head. In the right picture, show the eyes, foot and lungs as an example.

Show answer

Task 6

4th grade students conducted experiments on germinating lentil seeds. They wanted to find out whether light exposure affects the rate of seed germination. The guys put the same number of seeds in two saucers and poured water so that it covered the seeds. They placed one saucer on the windowsill, the second in a dark cabinet and began to watch the sprouts appear.

6.1. Compare the experimental conditions. Underline the word that correctly reflects these conditions.

The amount of water in which the seeds were located in two saucers: the same / different

Illumination of seeds in two saucers: same / different

Show answer

The amount of water in which the seeds were located is the same in the two saucers. The illumination of the seeds in the two saucers is different.

6.2. What measurements and comparisons need to be made to determine how light affects the rate of seed germination?

Show answer

It is necessary to measure and compare the lengths of the sprouts in both saucers.

6.3. If students wanted to find out whether ambient temperature affects the rate of seed germination, what experiment could they use to do this? Describe this experiment.

Show answer

4th grade students conducted an experiment to determine how temperature affects the rate of seed germination. The guys put pea seeds in two glasses and poured water so that it just covered the seeds. They put one glass in a cold, dark place, the second in a warm, dark place, and began to watch the sprouts appear.

Part 2

Task 7

The pictures show signs that can be found, respectively, near a railway, near a reservoir, on a road. Look at them carefully and write what these signs could mean.

  1. _____________________
  2. _____________________
  3. _____________________

Show answer

  1. It is prohibited to cross railway tracks!
  2. Jumping into the water from the bridge is prohibited!
  3. Only bicycles are allowed on this section of the road.

Task 8

People of different professions use various tools, mechanisms and accessories in their work. Look at the images, determine the professions of people who require these items for work. Choose one of the drawings and write down its number in the specially marked box.

On the response line:
- write down the name of the relevant profession (if you know several professions that require these items, write down any of them)
- describe what kind of work people in this profession do
- write how this work is useful to society

Show answer

  1. Firefighter
  2. Police officer

Task 9

Every year since 1962, every second Sunday in September is celebrated as the International Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Fascism. Think and write why this day is revered in Russia and many other countries of the world. (The answer is up to five sentences.)

Task 10

10.1. Write down the name of the region (republic, region, territory, autonomous district, city) in which you live.

10.2. Write down the name of the capital of the main administrative city of your region.

10.3. What is the name of the locality where you live? Write down the name, in the answer indicate the type of settlement (city, village, town, hamlet). What architectural monuments are located in your city? Write about one of them.

VPR The world around us, grade 4 (samples, options)

VPR 2020, 4th grade. Test work on the subject "The World around us". SAMPLE.

VPR 2019. 4th grade. The world. Training options 1-5 with answers.

VPR 2016, 4th grade. Test work on the subject "The World around us". Sample.

2016. - 10 p. (+ 8 pp. answers, evaluation criteria).

Demo version. A selection of materials is intended for familiarization and individual preparation (at school and at home) of fourth-graders for completing the All-Russian Final Test Work (FT) on the world around them.
Answers, solutions, and evaluation criteria are provided for all assignments.

Format: pdf

Size: 769 KB


Diagnostic work on the subject "The World around us", 4th grade, demo version 2015, NIKO (National Research on the Quality of Education)

20 pages, with answers (system for assessing diagnostic work) + Specification 9 pages. and etc. "

(All-Russian tests) are final tests that are carried out in individual academic subjects in order to assess the level of preparation of schoolchildren, taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

The work is carried out on any day from April 13-24. To solve all problems in the subject “The World around us” given 45 minutes. The work consists of two parts and includes 10 tasks.

On our website you can always find what is relevant for grades 4,5,6,7 and 11, taken from the official FIPI website.

The answers are at the end of the demo itself. But, it is worth remembering that this sample is posted only for informational purposes and for training.

What to do if you can’t solve the VPR on the World around you for 4th grade?

If you are not confident in your abilities and the successful delivery of work on the World around you, order a solution on our website. It is not necessary to copy; you can also order a solution in order to compare your answers and the progress of the solution with the correct ones. You will be confident that you will successfully pass the test, get a good score and continue your studies at school.

How to prepare?

We recommend preparing for the VPR for 4th grade in the subject The World around us. It contains typical tasks and example solutions. The manual contains all the necessary information and, with due diligence, will help you pass the VPR on the World around you.

Preparation for the VPR on the World around us is certainly important. In addition to training at school and using Volkova’s textbook, you should practice at home. A good practice would be to take the 2020 test, try your hand at the demo version of the exam and evaluate your capabilities.

Download GDZ VPR E.V. Volkova the world around us, grade 4 with answers

You can download and review the textbook by clicking on the “Download” link in the table. In the table we tried to present several options for GDZ with answers.

VPR 2020. The world. 4th grade. Options with answers

As an additional preparation option, you can return to the test work for the previous year and solve it, after comparing your answers with those already known.

1.What device is used to determine body weight?

1) speedometer 2) scales 3) barometer 4) thermometer

2.What device is used to determine time intervals?

3. Read the description of the plant.

Pine is an evergreen plant up to 40 m high. The average lifespan of a tree is 150–200 years. The pine has a slender, straight trunk, the bark on it is almost gray below, and yellowish-red above. Dark green needles grow in bunches of two needles each. The needles fall from the tree every year, but not all at once, but partially, since most needles live for two to three years. The pine cones are brownish-gray and ovoid in shape.

Which picture shows a pine tree?

1) 2)

3) 4)

4. Thanks to what natural phenomenon on Earth are groundwater supplies constantly replenished?

5. Read the description of the animal.

A swallow is a small, swiftly flying bird that rarely falls to the ground. Its plumage is black and white near the tail. The chest is wide, the neck is short, the head is flat. The wings are long and pointed, and the tail is forked or has a notch in the middle. The legs are short, with long thin toes. Swallows are insectivores; they catch their food directly in flight, and during the season, swallows destroy a large number of insects.

Which picture shows a swallow?

6. What device does the driver use to determine the speed of the car?

1) speedometer 2) lever scales 3) compass 4) thermometer

7. Finish the statement: The Universe is...

1) all the planets orbiting the Sun

2) Earth and its satellite Moon

3) stars and planets that astronomers observe

4) vast space with stars, planets and other celestial bodies

9.What natural phenomenon can be observed at any time of the year?

1) leaf fall 2) full moon 3) the appearance of thawed patches 4) swelling of the buds

10.What property of brick is used by a mason building the wall of a house?

1) fusibility 2) hardness 3) elasticity 4) plasticity

June 11, 23 is International Olympic Day. What do the Olympic rings symbolize? Why is the development of the Olympic movement important for humanity?


A representative of what profession is shown in the photo? What kind of work do people in this profession do? What character qualities do you consider most important for people in this profession? Name two or three qualities and explain your choice.





Preparation for VPR on the surrounding world

    What pictures show objects created by nature? Write it downnumbers drawings.

2. The reason for the change of day and night on Earth is

3. The sun is a cosmic body in the solar system that emits a huge amount of light and heat. At night we see the Moon also glowing. Why?

1) The moon is a star

2) The Moon is the largest object in the solar system

3) The Moon is closer to the Earth than to the Sun

4) The moon reflects sunlight

4. Read the description of the animal.

The gray toad is a large amphibian that spends most of its time on land. They can be found in the meadow, field, garden, and forest. In the spring, they briefly move into bodies of water to lay eggs. At sunset, toads actively hunt, and during the day they burrow into loose soil or hide under stones and in other shelters. They have short hind legs, dry, sometimes keratinized skin with numerous warts.

Which picture shows a gray toad?

5. Read the text.

Porcini– the most desirable find for a mushroom picker. Beautiful, tasty, amazingly aromatic. “White” got its name for its unique feature: unlike other mushrooms, it does not darken when cut and further cooked. The size of the porcini mushroom cap can reach up to 40 centimeters in diameter; the maturity of the mushroom is indicated by the olive-yellow color of the tubes and pores under the cap. The color of the cap varies from light or dark brown to brownish-white, and less commonly yellow or red-brown. The leg is up to 25 centimeters in diameter, smooth or widening towards the base with a white mesh on a light brown background. The flesh of a freshly cut mushroom is white or slightly pink.

Which picture shows a white mushroom?

6. The figure shows a fragment of a double-glazed window. Which of the properties of air determines its design?

1) elasticity 2) flammability 3) plasticity 4) transparency

7. What gas supports combustion and is necessary for breathing?

1) nitrogen 2) oxygen 3) hydrogen 4) carbon dioxide

8. Which of the following cosmic bodies does the following description apply to?

“A small celestial body orbiting the Sun. Sometimes it forms a tail of gas and dust.”

1) comet 2) planet 3) star 4) meteorite

Preparation for VPR on the surrounding world

1. Read the description of the animal.

The Mongolian gazelle is a medium-sized antelope living in the steppe with slender legs and lyre-shaped horns in males. The antelope received its second name because the males have a highly developed larynx, which makes the bottom of the neck convex. At the sight of danger, the animal can jump at a speed of 75–80 km per hour, taking off with 4–6-meter jumps up to 2 m in height. So an antelope can run for an hour or more.

Which picture shows the Mongolian gazelle?

3) 4)

2. What mineral does a person use in making bricks?

1) marble 2) limestone 3) coal 4) clay

3. Thanks to what natural phenomenon on Earth is the water supply in the lake constantly replenished?

1) the wind 2) the ebb and flow of the tides 3) the water cycle 4) the change of day and night

4.What device is used to determine air temperature?

1) speedometer 2) barometer 3) hygrometer 4) thermometer

5.What property of charcoal does a chef use when cooking meat over an open fire?

1) fusibility 2) hardness 3) flammability 4) ductility

6.What kind of mineralis not hard?

1) sand 2) oil 3) limestone 4) granite

7.What phenomenon occurring in wildlife is typical for autumn in central Russia?

8.What gas supports combustion and is necessary for breathing?

1) quartz sand 2) limestone 3) clay 4) peat

9. You can find similar tables on weather websites. Carefully study the weather forecast for three days.

Choose the correct statement about the weather for these three days.

1) Air humidity on Tuesday will vary from 95% at night to 70% during the day.

2) From Tuesday to Thursday it will be partly cloudy.

3) The air temperature on Thursday will be above –6 °C.

4) On Wednesday morning the wind will change from south to southeast.

What conclusions could Ksenia draw from her experience?

1) Seeds need light for germination.

2) For seed germination, identical glass glasses are needed.

3) Seeds placed on a damp cloth always germinate.

4) Germination of pea seeds depends on air temperature.

Preparation for VPR on the surrounding world

1. You can find similar tables on weather websites. Carefully study the weather forecast for three days.

What is indicated by the icon in the table ?

1) south wind 2) north wind 3) west wind 4) east wind

What conclusion could Petya draw from the results of his experience?

1) Light is required for seeds to germinate.

2) Dry soil is required for seed germination.

3) The box promotes rapid plant growth.

4) A growing plant strives for light.

3. Carefully look at the sign that you can find, for example, in a forest park.

Write this rule.






4.Look carefully at the fragment of the map. The territory is highlighted in gray.

What is the name of this area?

5. Look at the pictures, read the text and compare the descriptions of cabbage and radish. Based on the descriptions, indicate at least one similarity and one difference between these plants.

Cabbage is a biennial plant and agricultural crop. Not found in the wild. The leaves that form the head of cabbage are eaten. As a rule, cabbage is grown in seedlings. The finished seedlings are planted in open ground. A head of cabbage usually matures in four to five months.

Cultivated varieties of radish originated from a wild form - seaside radish, widespread along the shores of the Black and Mediterranean seas. The root crops formed in the first year are used raw for food. Cultivated radish is a frost-resistant plant. Its seeds begin to germinate at a temperature of 4 °C, seedlings and adult plants tolerate frosts down to –5 °C, so the seeds of this plant can be planted as early as April.


Preparation for VPR on the surrounding world

What question could Masha have answered as a result of her experience?

1) How does oil dissolve in water?

2) Does water evaporation depend on the number of leaves a plant has?

3) How long will the plant branches evaporate water and oil?

4) Will the oil evaporate if it is in water?

2. The teacher asked Kirill to help her plant rooted cuttings of a begonia indoor plant in flower pots. Place in order the numbers of actions that Kirill must carry out.

Write down the action numbers in the correct order.

1) pour soil into the flower pot

2) lower the cutting into the dug hole

3) sprinkle the hole and compact it a little

4) make a small depression in the soil

5) lightly moisten the planting site and cover the cutting with a glass jar


3.Look carefully at the fragment of the map. The mainland is highlighted in gray.

What is the name of this continent? _________________________________

4. Petya decided to conduct an experiment explaining the mechanism of the satellite’s motion around the Earth.

He took a half-liter glass jar with a small hole and a plastic tennis ball. Holding the can horizontally(Fig. 1) , Petya placed the ball in it and closed the neck of the jar with the palm of his free hand. Next, he began to intensively rotate the jar so that the ball inside began to quickly move along the wall of the vessel. After this, Petya turned the jar over, while continuing the rotational movements. Once she was in the neck down position(Fig. 2) , Petya removed his palm from the hole and stopped rotating the jar. After a short time the ball fell out of the jar.

What conclusion could Petya draw from the results of his experiment?

1) Any objects placed in it can move in the jar.

2) The ball remains in the jar as long as it is rotated.

3) The jar must be opaque so that the movement of the ball is noticeable.

4) Any vessel can be used for such experiments.

Rice. 1

Rice. 2

5. Read the notice on the door of the pet store.

Will Masha be able to buy food for her cat in this store if she comes to the store at eight o'clock on Thursday evening?

Explain your answer.







6. Fill in the blanks in the “Natural Areas” table using the names and descriptions from the list below. Write down in place of each passnumber selected title or description.

Natural areas

List of names and descriptions of natural conditions:

1) saxaul

2) hot climate, little precipitation

3) beaver

4) stable snow cover, cold, long winters

5) forest

6) desert

Preparation for VPR on the surrounding world

1.Look carefully at the map. The mainland is highlighted in dark color.

What is the name of this continent? __________________________________________

2. You know that in order for seeds to germinate, certain conditions are necessary. Sergei decided to find out the role of one of these conditions by conducting the following experiment. He took two identical glasses, in which there was a little water, and put 15 pea seeds in each, and he poured a little soil into one. He left both glasses in the classroom on the teacher's desk. He soon discovered that the seeds had sprouted in both glasses.

What question could Sergey get an answer to when setting up his experiment?

1) How does the presence of schoolchildren in the classroom affect the germination of pea seeds?

2) Is sunlight necessary for pea seeds to germinate?

3) Do pea seeds germinate in glass containers?

4) Does the germination of pea seeds depend on the availability of soil?

Beginning of experience

End of experience

3. Which of the following human actions is a bad habit?

1) use of other people's personal hygiene items

2) regular visits to the dentist's office

3) inclusion of vegetables and fruits in the diet

4) covering your mouth with a tissue when coughing or sneezing

4. Thanks to what organs can a person move?

1) kidneys 2) lungs 3) blood vessels 4) muscles

5.Look carefully at the fragment of the map. The territory is highlighted in gray.

Below are pictures of animals. Which three of these animals live in the natural environment (not in a zoo) in the area highlighted on the map? Write it downnumbers

6.What is the functionunusual human skin?

1) secretion of sweat and sebum

2) reaction to cold and heat

3) protection from sun rays

4) camouflage in the environment

Preparation for VPR on the surrounding world

1. You know that in order for seeds to germinate, certain conditions are necessary. Alena decided to find out the role of one of these conditions by conducting the following experiment. She took two identical glasses, put a damp cloth in each of them and poured in 15 pea seeds. She left one glass on the classroom table and put the other in a closed cabinet. She soon discovered that the seeds had sprouted in both glasses.

What conclusions could Alena draw from her experience?

1) To germinate seeds, you need to take different glasses.

2) For seeds to germinate, sunlight must be present.

3) Seeds do not require sunlight to germinate.

4) For seed germination, a dry cloth is needed.

Beginning of experience

End of experience

2.Look carefully at the fragment of the map. The mainland is highlighted in gray.

What is the name of this continent? ____________________________

3. Look at the pictures, read the text and compare the descriptions of the chicken and the domestic goose. Based on the descriptions, indicate at least one similarity and one difference between these animals.

Chicken is the most numerous and widespread type of poultry. She doesn't fly well. Over the long history of human domestication, a large number of different breeds of chickens have been developed. Chickens are among the most useful and productive poultry. They are bred for meat and eggs, and they also produce feathers and down.

A domesticated breed of greylag goose is the domestic goose. He is usually incapable of flight. Because of its feathers and tasty meat, the gray goose was domesticated quite early. Studying ancient Egyptian and Roman sources, biblical texts, we can conclude that this is one of the oldest domestic birds, since geese were domesticated more than 3,000 thousand years ago. However, geese are less modified by humans than other domestic birds; the modern domestic goose has remained practically the same as it was in the days of the ancient Romans.

4. If you place a chicken egg in vinegar, after a while gas bubbles will begin to form. This is how egg shells and vinegar interact. Moreover, the more acidic the vinegar, the more active gas bubbles will be released.

Andrey decided to explore cranberry juice. He took two glasses, poured equal amounts of fruit drink and vinegar into them, and then placed an egg in each glass (rice. 1 ). After some time, he saw that in both glasses a large number of bubbles had collected on the surface of the eggs and at the upper boundary of the liquid, but in the glass with vinegar there were much more of them and they continued to actively form(Fig. 2).

What conclusion should Andrey draw based on the results of his experience?

1) Vinegar and fruit juice change the shape of a chicken egg.

2) Fruit juice is more acidic than vinegar.

3) Fruit juice should not be eaten.

4) Morse contains acid.

Rice. 1

Rice. 2

5. Look carefully at the map. The mainland is highlighted in dark color.

numbers , under which these animals are indicated.

Preparation for VPR on the surrounding world

    Carefully look at the fragment of the map. The mainland is highlighted in gray.

Below are pictures of animals. Which three of these animals live in the natural environment (not in a zoo) on the continent highlighted on the map on the previous page? Write it downnumbers , under which these animals are indicated.

2. Look at the pictures, read the text and compare the descriptions of ice and snow. Based on the descriptions, indicate at least one similarity and one difference between these objects.

Ice is water in a solid state. It is formed at temperatures below 0 °C. The peculiarity of ice is that it forms on the surface of water and is transparent even when thick. The main ice reserves on Earth are concentrated in the polar caps, mainly in Antarctica, where the thickness of the ice layer reaches 4 km.

Snow consists of snowflakes - small crystals of frozen water. The color of the snow appears white because of the air between the crystals. Snow forms when the air temperature is below 0 °C. The height of snow cover on Earth does not exceed 4–5 meters.







3. In each case, select its continuation at the beginning of the phrase so as to correctly compose the rule: for this, for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Beginning of a phrase Continuation of a phrase

A) To remove dust indoors

1) you need to shower or take a bath regularly.

B) To maintain healthy skin

2) it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning.

B) To improve health

3) you need to exercise regularly.

4. You know that in order for seeds to germinate, certain conditions are necessary. Olga was assigned to conduct an experiment testing the need for water and air for the germination of pea seeds. She took three identical glasses and poured 15 pea seeds into each of them. Olga put a damp cloth under the seeds in the second glass, and in the third glass she poured water over the seeds(Fig. 1) . The girl put all the glasses in the same warm place. After some time, she discovered that the pea seeds sprouted only in the second glass(Fig. 2) .

What conclusions could Olga draw from her experience?

1) In the second glass, the seeds germinated more slowly than in the others.

2) With excess moisture, seed germination accelerates.

3) For seed germination, both water and air are needed.

4) For seeds to germinate, only light is needed.


    Part 5. A person digests and assimilates food through the organs

1) blood circulation 2) breathing 3) digestion 4) senses

Preparation for VPR on the surrounding world

1.Look carefully at the fragment of the map. The mainland is highlighted in gray.

Below are pictures of animals. Which three of these animals live in the natural environment (not in a zoo) on the continent highlighted on the map? Write it downnumbers , under which these animals are indicated.

2. Look at the image of a person. In the image on the right, use arrows and label the calves, axilla, and human liver.


3. Thanks to what organs can a person perceive the world around him?

1) sensory organs 2) digestive organs 3) excretory organs 4) respiratory organs

4. Nikolai wanted to surprise his classmates. He unscrewed the cap from the glass bottle (rice. A ) and used the end of the scissors to make a hole in the lid. Next, Nikolai filled the bottle halfway with specially colored cold water and screwed the cap on as tightly as possible (rice. B ).

And then he stuck a straw into the hole in the lid so that its lower end ended up in the colored water. Nikolay covered the junction of the straw and the lid with plasticine (rice. IN ). He placed the finished bottle, half filled with colored cold water, in a large jar of hot water for a few minutes (rice. G ). After some time, the colored water from the bottle began to flow like a fountain (rice. D ).

The answer to what question will help explain the results of Nikolai’s experiment?

1) What happens to air when heated?

2) Can cold water cool hot water?

3) What prevents air from dissolving in water?

4) Why does water flow like a fountain when it cools?

5. Which of the following will lead to deterioration of a person’s vision?

2) TV at a distance no closer than 2.5 m

3) place the table lamp only on the left

4) sit at the computer for hours

6. Three bins were installed near your house for separate collection of household waste.

What items will you put in the glass tank? Write it downnumbers these items.

Preparation for VPR on the surrounding world

1. In the summer, Ivan and his parents vacationed on the Black Sea coast. By the evening of the first day, the teenager complained of skin redness and burning. The parents decided to help Ivan. When helping Ivanit is forbidden

1) lubricate the skin with any oil

2) invite him to take a cool shower

3) give him a glass of water

4) call a doctor

2. Masha read about the role of water evaporation in the life of plants and decided to conduct an experiment. She took four glasses and poured the same amount of water into each. She left the first glass without a plant. In the rest I placed branches of the same size of the same plant. In the second glass she placed a twig from which she had removed all the leaves; in the third - a twig with two leaves, and in the fourth - with six leaves of approximately the same size. To reduce the evaporation of water from the surface, Masha poured a thin layer of oil on the water(Fig. 1) . The girl observed the progress of the experiment for three days. On the fourth day, Masha sketched the results of the experiment(Fig. 2) .

What conclusion can be drawn from the results of this experiment?

1) Water evaporates through a thin layer of oil.

2) The thicker the plant branch, the more water evaporates.

3) For plant life, water and oil are needed.

4) The more leaves on the branch, the more water has evaporated.

3. Why do doctors advise people to breathe through their nose rather than their mouth?

1) The air in the nose is purified and warmed.

2) The tongue and teeth make it difficult for air to enter the lungs.

3) The mouth is an organ of digestion, not breathing.

4) An open mouth is a sign of poor upbringing.

4. What should you do if your cheeks are very cold during a walk in the forest?

1) call an ambulance

2) immediately contact a doctor at the clinic

3) rub your cheeks with clean snow

4) rub your cheeks with a soft woolen cloth

5.What role does the heart play in the human body?

1) supplies the blood with nutrients

2) accumulates oxygen in the blood

3) pushes blood through the vessels

4) regulates the functioning of the body

6. Oxygen enters the human body through

1) lungs 2) heart 3) spinal cord 4) muscle tissue

7. What comes from the brain through the nerves to the human organs?

1) nutrients 2) water and mineral salts 3) electrical signals 4) carbon dioxide and oxygen

8.What is the importance of the respiratory system for humans?

1) fill voids inside the body

2) ensure the flow of air into the body

3) help accumulate nutrients in the body

4) serve as a place where excess blood flows

9. Carefully look at the sign that you can find, for example, in a bookstore.

What rule do you think is set by this sign?

Write this rule.







10. Tell us about the locality in which you live (for example, what kind of houses, attractions, traditions, what kind of nature are there).


11.Which of the following is considered a person’s bad habits?

1) use other people’s personal hygiene items

2) plan your time

3) brush your teeth regularly

4) eat vegetables and fruits

12.Which group lists only personal hygiene items?

1) toothbrush, comb, towel, washcloth

2) toothpaste, soap, bath, washing machine

3) handkerchief, saucepan, hand cream, scissors

4) bucket, bath broom, washing powder, toothpick

Preparation for VPR on the surrounding world

1. Kostya read about the role of the root in providing the plant with water and decided to conduct an experiment. In a fresh carrot root, he cut a 3-4 cm hole with a drill so that a plug with a glass tube would fit into it, and lowered the root for 20-25 minutes. into warm water. Then, after drying the hole in the carrots with a paper napkin, I filled it with the prepared sugar syrup. Kostya inserted a glass tube with a stopper at the end into the upper part of the recess so that part of the syrup was in the tube. He placed all this in a jar filled with water, and secured the tube vertically to the neck of the jar using foil.

Then Kostya observed for several hours a rise in the level of liquid in a tube inserted into the root crop.

What question did Kostya want to answer in this experiment?

1) Does sugar syrup affect the taste of root vegetables?

2) Does the carrot root absorb water?

3) At what temperature does the root crop begin to grow?

4) Can carrot roots stay in water for a long time?

2. Which of the following refers to bad human habits?

1) eat a lot of vegetables and fruits

2) Brush your teeth morning and evening

3)attend physical education classes

4) use other people’s personal hygiene items

3. Why do doctors recommend breathing through the nose and not through the mouth?

1) The mouth is an organ of digestion, not breathing.

2) Teeth and tongue interfere with the movement of air into the lungs.

3) It’s unpleasant to communicate with a person whose mouth is open all the time.

4) The air in the nose is purified and warmed.

4. What kind of person is called polite? What rules of politeness do you know? Why should every person be polite?


5. The reason for the change of day and night on Earth is

1) uneven illumination by the Sun of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres

2) rotation of the Moon around the Earth

3) rotation of the Earth around its axis

4) the huge distance from the Sun to the Earth

6. Dima, together with his younger brother, conducted an experiment on the formation of roots on the shoot of a houseplant. To do this, he took two cut shoots and placed them in transparent glasses with boiled water cooled to room temperature. At the same time, he poured a little vegetable oil into one of the glasses.(see picture) .

After about a week, in a glass without oil, roots began to form on the part of the shoot that was in the water.

What conclusions could Dima and his younger brother draw from the results of the experiment?

1) Vegetable oil affects the formation of roots.

2) Plants should not be watered with boiled water.

3) The transparency of the glasses affects the development of roots.

4) A plant cannot live without roots.

7. Carefully look at the sign that you can see, for example, next to an asphalt road.

What rule is established by this sign?

Write this rule.





8. What property of air allows us to see objects around us?

1) colorlessness 2) elasticity 3) transparency 4) mobility

9.What phenomenon occurring in wildlife is typical for autumn in central Russia?

1) flood 2) heavy rains 3) ripening of meadow plant fruits 4) mass flowering

10.What device is used to determine time intervals?

1) speedometer 2) hygrometer 3) stopwatch 4) thermometer

11. Look at the image of a person. In the image on the right, use arrows to show and label the ankle, lungs, and stomach of a person.

The VLOOKUP for the surrounding world consists of two parts. The first part includes 6 tasks, and the second - 4, that is, there are 10 tasks in total. The first two tasks consist of highlighting the necessary parts of the image, the next three involve writing a short answer, and the last five involve writing a detailed answer. Tasks 3, 6, 7 are at an increased level of difficulty, and the rest are at a basic level.

Rating system

In total, you can get 31 points for VPR in the surrounding world. Points are converted into grades according to the following scheme:

Examples of tasks with scoring and explanations

Exercise 1

This task presents a drawing - for example, this one:

It is marked with an object made of wood. The student needs to think and mark two more objects in the same way, one of which is made, for example, of metal, and the other of paper.

If two items are correctly indicated, each of which is made of different materials, 2 points are given. If an item from only one material is correctly indicated - 1. If there are no correct answers, the student does not receive points for this task.

Task 2

In the second task, the student may be presented with a table, for example, with a weather forecast for three days. It is accompanied by 4 statements, from which you need to choose the correct ones - something like “on Friday the air temperature during the day will not exceed 28 degrees” and “it will be sunny throughout all three days.” If all correct statements are selected, the fourth grader receives 2 points. If one mistake is made (or one correct statement is not written) - 1. In other cases, 0 points are given.

Task 3

There are several parts to this task. You can get a total of 6 points for this task.

In the first part a map of the world is presented, on which any two natural zones (for example, taiga and desert) or continents (for example, Eurasia and Africa) have two marks - A and B. You need to write the names of the continents. If there are no errors - 2 points are given, if one error is made - 1, and if more than one - 0.

In the second part photographs of three animals are presented with numbers, without captions - for example:

The condition states that photos of a leopard, a bear, a llama and a wolf are presented. In the answer form you need to write which number represents which animal. If everything is written without errors, 1 point is awarded. If not – 0 points.

In the third part you need to answer the question: which animals live in the natural environment on continent A, and which animals live on continent B (or in natural zones A and B). If there are no errors, you can get 3 points. If there is one error - 2 points, two - 1 point, and three or more - 0.

Task 4

In the fourth task you need to make a match: find the correct ending to the beginning of the phrase. Phrases are associated with a healthy lifestyle and maintaining health in general: playing sports, taking care of the oral cavity, the need to dress for the weather, etc. There are two beginnings of phrases, and three continuations, so it is important not to get confused, and simply putting numbers at random will not work.

The answer is entered into a table of the form:

If there are no errors in the answer, the student receives 1 point, if there are - 0.

Task 5

This task is quite difficult. The condition gives an example of indicating organs on the human body - for example, as in the figure below:

By analogy, the student needs to independently mark the parts of the body and organ indicated in the task - for example, the stomach, hand and lower leg. If this is done correctly, 2 points are given. If only two body parts or only one body part and an organ are correctly indicated - 1 point. In other cases, the fourth grader receives 0 points.

Task 6

The sixth task of the VPR on the surrounding world consists of three parts. In total you can get 4 points for it. It gives a description of the experiment or observation being carried out – e.g.

Artyom observed the germination of pea seeds. To find out whether light affects the rate of germination, he took two glasses, put several identical pea seeds in each of them and filled them with water so that the seeds were completely submerged. Artyom placed both glasses on the table under a fluorescent lamp, but shielded one of them from the lamp with a cardboard box with holes cut out. Then Artyom watched the sprouts appearing in both glasses.

In the first part The student needs to answer the question whether the temperature and illumination in two glasses are the same or different. They may also ask about the material of the glasses. If the answer contains no errors, it is scored 1 point; if it contains at least one, it is scored 0 points.

In the second part one question is asked related to the task - for example, what measurements need to be taken to determine how illumination affects the growth of seeds, or, if the task is not about seeds, but, say, about heating water - what determines the speed of this process. The correct answer to this part of the task also earns the student 1 point.

In the third part the fourth grader should describe another experiment - for example, if Artem would like to find out how the presence of soil affects the growth of seeds. We need to tell you what to do in this case. You can get 2 points for this if the answer reflects all aspects of the experiment. If any aspect is missing, give 1 point. In other cases, the student receives no points for the assignment.

Task 7

This task tests the child’s ability to understand information reflected in various symbols, as well as knowledge of where they can be found. Three signs are given, for example:

First part The task includes the question of where these signs can be found, or, if this is indicated in the condition, what unites these signs (but in this case, all three signs will be from the same series, for example, road signs). For a correct answer, 1 point is given.

Second part The task requires writing three rules - for each sign you need to write which rule it reflects. If three rules are written correctly, they give 2 points, if only two are written correctly, 1 point, and if only one, 0 points.

Task 8

In the eighth task, the student is offered three photographs of materials used for work, or photos of people during work - for example:

  • identify the profession the photo is associated with
  • write what people in this profession do
  • say what benefits the work of people in this profession brings to society

If all this is done correctly and correctly, you can get 3 points (one for each correct answer).

Task 9

This VPR task on the surrounding world in 4th grade checks how the student understands his connection with the people around him and with his country. It contains a statement to which one or two questions are asked, or two questions are simply asked: the answer should be about 5 sentences. A statement task could look like this:

On May 9, the solemn procession “Immortal Regiment” takes place in all cities of Russia. Who is this procession dedicated to? Why is it important for the people of Russia? Example of a task with questions: How do you think real friends differ from just good acquaintances? Why is it important to have real friends?

If relevant, good answers to questions are given, 2 points can be awarded. If there are errors in the answer, or the student simply wrote general arguments on this topic, but did not directly answer the question - 1 point. In other cases they give 0 points.

Task 10

The tenth task tests fourth-graders' knowledge about the region where they live. It consists of three parts; In total, you can score a maximum of 6 points for the task.

First part involves writing the name of the subject of the Russian Federation (city, region, region or republic) where the student lives.

In the second part you need to write the main city of the region, or, if the student lives in a federal city, the district where he lives.

If both the name of the subject and the main city are spelled correctly, 2 points are awarded, and if only one of them is spelled correctly, 1 point is awarded.

In the third part Several questions are asked related to place of residence - for example:

What goods is your region known for producing? What natural monuments or historical and cultural monuments are located in your region? Tell us about one of these monuments. Or: What is your region best known for? What animals can be found in the nature of your region (name at least three animals)? Describe one of these animals. What does this animal eat?

They may also ask what and why is depicted on the coat of arms of the region, which even some adults do not know, so it is important to pay attention to this aspect.

For correct answers to the first two questions, two points are given (that is, a maximum of one point for one question). The correct answer to the third question can earn 2 points: for example, if one of the animals is described and it is written what it eats, 2 points are given, and if only one thing is given, 1 point. That is, for just the third part of the 10th task you can get as many as 6 points.
