Othello princesses read. Adult fairy tales. The image of the main character

William Shakespeare


Doge of Venice .

Brabantio , senator.

Other senators.

Graziano , brother of Brabantio.

Othello , a well-born Moor in Venetian service.

Cassio , his lieutenant, that is, his deputy.

Iago , his lieutenant.

Rodrigo , Venetian nobleman.

Montano , Othello's predecessor in ruling Cyprus.

Jester , in the service of Othello.

Desdemona , daughter of Brabantio and wife of Othello.

Emilia , wife of Iago.

Bianca , Cassio's mistress.

Sailors, messengers, heralds, soldiers, officials, private citizens, musicians and servants.

The first action takes place in Venice, the rest - in Cyprus.


Venice. Street.

Enter Rodrigo And Iago.

Say no more. This is baseness, Iago.

You took the money and hid this incident.

I didn't know myself. You don't want to listen.

I didn’t think about it, I didn’t guess.

You lied to me that you couldn't stand him.

And you can believe me - I can’t stand it.

Three influential individuals proposed

Me for lieutenantship. This is a post

Which, by God, I am worthy of.

But he only thinks about himself:

They are one thing for him, he is another for them.

He didn’t listen, he started teaching,

He told me, he told me, and he let me go with a refusal.

“Alas,” he tells them, “gentlemen,

I have already chosen an officer for myself."

Who is he? A literate mathematician,

And if the old man is not ashamed out loud

To boast of my family, I also declare:

I am of royal blood and can stand before him

Stand as an equal without taking off your hat.

I am as proud of my family as I am of my destiny.

If I did not fall in love with dear Desdemona,

I would never hesitate to marry

To your free life, honest Iago.

Who's that there with the lights? Look.

They are. Father with all his relatives.

Enter the house.

For what? I'm not hiding

My name and title justify me

And conscience. But are they there?

I swear by two-faced Janus that no.

Enter Cassio And several palace servants with torches.

Military men from the doge's retinue, I see,

And my assistant. Hello, friends.

What's new?

The Doge sent us greetings.

He demands you, General.

Quicker. Hurry up.

What's happened?

All Cyprus, as far as I can tell.

Some unexpected events.

There are endless messengers from the fleet.

The senators are awakened and assembled.

The Doge is having a meeting in the palace.

They demanded you, but didn’t find you at home

And watchmen were sent to the city,

So that you can be retrieved from the bottom of the sea.

It’s all the more joyful that you found me.

I will only go in and out of this house.


Why is he here?

He has now captured

A galley with cargo and get rich,

As soon as he legitimizes his seizure.

I do not understand.

He got married.

You won't guess.

Returns Othello.

Let's go, general.

Ready. Let's go.

The people from the palace are behind you again.

You see?

Brabantio, probably.

Look out, beware. Him

Evil in the mind.

Enter Brabantio, Rodrigo and night guard with torches and weapons.


Here is the Moor.


Here he is, the robber. Beat him!

Swords are drawn on both sides.

At your service. Hello Rodrigo!

Down with the swords! The dew will damage them.

Your age affects us more,

What is your sword, most noble sir.


Despicable thief, tell me, where is my daughter?

You have entangled her with charms, devil!

There is magic here, I will prove it.

Indeed, judge for yourself, people:

Beauty and angel of kindness,

Doesn't want to hear anything about marriage

Refuses the best suitors

And suddenly he leaves home, comfort, contentment,

To rush without fear of ridicule,

On the monster's chest blacker than soot,

Inspiring fear, not love!

Is this natural? Judge,

Does this happen without witchcraft?

You secretly put her mind to sleep

And he gave me a love potion!

The law tells me to take you into custody

Like a warlock and a sorcerer,

Who trades in the forbidden. -

Arrest him, and if he

Good will not come, take possession of power.

Both you and you. It will come to blood, -

I know this role without being told.

Where should I go to justify myself?


First to jail. You'll sit for a while.

The time will come, they will call you - you will answer.

What if I really obey you?

What will the Doge say? Here are some messengers.

They're out of the palace right now

And they demand me there on business.

First military

Yes, sir, the situation is this:

The Doge is having an emergency meeting.

They are definitely waiting for you there too.


Night council from the Doge? Very handy.

Let's go there with him. My problem is

Not an everyday trifle, but an incident,

Concerning us all. If we

Let's start unleashing such assassination attempts,

In the republic the lords of fate

There will be pagan slaves.

They leave.

Right there. Council Hall.

Doge And senators at the table. There are military men all around officials And servants.

There is no connection in the news. You can't trust them.

First Senator

They contain contradictions.

They write to me that there are one hundred and seven galleys.

That there are one hundred and forty of them.

Second Senator

I have two hundred of them.

It is clear that the calculations are contradictory.

It was made by guesswork, at random.

But that the Turkish fleet is sailing to Cyprus,

All messages agree on this.

Yes, this is a discrepancy in numbers

It cannot serve us as reassurance.

At the core there is truth, and it is bitter.

(behind the scenes)

Hey, hey, let me in!

First minister

A messenger from the fleet.

Included sailor.

Well, how are you doing?

Turkish fleet

Sailing to Rhodes. This is a report

From Angelo to the Senate.

How do you like this change?

First Senator

Absurdity. This is a distraction.

Some kind of tactical trick.

For the Turks, Cyprus is more important than Rhodes,

And Cyprus is much easier to master.

Rhodes is a stronghold, Cyprus is not fortified,

The Turks are not so naive as not to see

Where is the harm, where is the benefit, and do not discriminate

Complete safety from risk.

No, no, of course, their goal is not Rhodes.

First minister

Another messenger.

Included messenger.

Doge and assembly!

Having completed the passage on the galleys

To Rhodes, the Turks united here

With another squadron.

First Senator

Here you go, gentlemen.

I knew it. Big reinforcements?

Thirty ships each. All together

Again they openly turned towards Cyprus.

Signor Montano, your faithful servant,

He informs you that he will not betray his duty.

Of course, to Cyprus. I told you!

What, Mark Luchese is in town?

First Senator

Out of town.

He's in Florence.

Send for him.

Demand by letter, let him return.

First Senator

Here is Brabantio and the brave Moor.

Enter Brabantio, Othello, Iago, Rodrigo And accompanying.

Valiant Othello, we owe you

Immediately send against the Turks.

Brabantio, I didn't notice you.

We missed your help.


And I need yours, good Doge.

Don't be offended, but to tell the truth,

I'm in the palace for another reason.

It wasn't my job title that got me out of bed.

It's not the war that worries me now.

Oh no, a very special concern

All my thoughts were consumed.

Leaving no room for anything.

But what happened?


Daughter, oh my daughter!

Doge and senators

What with her?


She's ruined, she's ruined!

She was lured by force and taken away

A spell, slander, dope.

She is smart, healthy, not blind

And I couldn’t help but understand the mistake,

But this is witchcraft, witchcraft!

Whoever the thief was who deprived you of your daughter,

And your daughter - the ability to judge,

Find a page for him yourself

In the bloody book of law and above it

Execute the sentence. I won't interfere

At least it was my own son.


Heartily grateful. Here's the culprit.

The same Moor who is summoned to you

By your order.

Doge and senators

Very sorry!


What is your answer to us?


He's caught.

Dignitaries, nobles,

My lords! What can I say?

I won’t argue, his daughter is with me,

He is right. I got married to her.

These are all my sins.

I don't know the others. I'm not a talker

And I don’t speak secular language well.

Having begun his service as a boy at the age of seven,

I've been fighting almost all my life

And besides talking about fights,

I can't hold a conversation.

However, here is a simple story

About what spells

And I enticed his daughter with secret spells,

As my accuser complained to you.


Judge for yourself, how not to blame?

I was afraid to take a step, shy, quiet,

And suddenly, look where it came from!

Everything is aside - nature, shame, decency,

Fell in love with something you can't look at!

Such a statement is unthinkable.

There are intrigues and intrigues here.

I guarantee he gave her poison

And my will was fettered by sleepy stupor.

Your accusations must be proven.

I don't see any evidence for the prosecution.

First Senator

Othello, finally speak!

Were there really any tricks here?

Or is it harmless love,

How does it arise in a conversation?

Souls with soul?

Send it to the arsenal.

Let her testify herself.

If it is necessary, take away the rank

And dispose of my life.

Deliver Desdemona, gentlemen.

Lieutenant, show them the way.

Iago With several ministers leaving.

Until they return without hiding,

I confess openly to you,

How did I achieve her love and how

She is mine.

Othello, speak.

Her father loved me. I often

I visited them. I told you more than once

Events personal life, year after year.

Described the vicissitudes of fate,

Battles, sieges, everything I've experienced.

I was reviewing my whole life again -

From childhood days to the present moment.

I recalled hardships and labors,

Tested on sea and land.

He told me how I avoided trouble

On the verge of death. Like once

I was captured and sold into slavery,

And escaped from captivity. Was returning

To the places of your wanderings. Said

About fabulous caves and deserts,

Gorges with abysses and mountains,

Peaks touching the sky.

About cannibals, that is, savages,

Eating each other. About people,

Which shoulders are higher than the head.

Stories occupied Desdemona,

And while away on business, she

I always tried to finish them early,

To return in time and catch

The lost thread of the story.

I was glad to satisfy this greed

And I was glad to hear a request from her,

So that I could tell her somehow

From beginning to end, what is part of her

It is already known. I began. And when

Reached the first bitter clashes

Of my immature youth with destiny,

I saw that the listener was crying.

When I finished I was rewarded

A whole world of sighs for this story.

“No,” she gasped, “what a life!

I am beside myself with tears and surprise.

Why did I know this! For what

I wasn't born the same person!

Thank you. That's what. If you had

A friend happened and he fell in love with me,

Let your life be told from your words -

And he will conquer me." In response to this

I also confessed to her. That's all.

I fell in love with my fearlessness,

She gives me her sympathy.

That's how I did my magic. Here comes Desdemona.

Now you turn to her herself.

Enter Desdemona And Iago with ministers.

Before such a story, I believe,

Our daughter would not have been able to resist either.

Brabantio, we must reconcile.

After all, you won’t break through walls with your forehead.


First, let's listen to what she has to say.

Of course, if both are at the same time,

Then I have no claims to the Moor. -

Come closer, my lady.

Tell whom from this assembly

Should you obey the most?


Father, in such a circle my duty is twofold.

You gave me life and education.

And life and upbringing tell me,

It is my duty as a daughter to obey you.

But here's my husband. Like my mother once

Changed her duty to her father

In debt to you, so will I from now on

I am obedient to the Moor, my husband.


Well, God be with you. - I'm finished, your lordship.

Let's get down to government affairs. -

I'd rather accept a stranger's girl,

How he gave birth and raised his own!

Be happy, Moor. My will - daughters

You wouldn't be able to see your ears.

Well, my angel, this is what I say goodbye to:

I'm glad you're the only daughter.

Your escape would have made me a tyrant.

I would chain your sisters. -

I'm finished, Your Grace.

I'll add

One piece of advice for you, so that young people

Help you rise in your opinion again.

What has passed is time to forget,

And a mountain will immediately fall from your heart.

Always remember past misfortunes,

Perhaps worse than fresh misfortune.

In suffering the only outcome is

To the best of your ability, ignore adversity.


Well, we are not giving Cyprus to the Turks,

When something has passed, then it doesn’t matter?

It costs nothing to teach dispassion

The one who doesn't care about anything.

Where can he acquire dispassion?

Who has something to regret and remember?

The sayings are ambiguous and shaky.

Literature does not bring relief.

And not the ears - the way

Into the suffering tormented chest.

Therefore, I come to you with the lowest request:

Let's get down to government affairs.

Fine. So, the Turks moved in large forces towards Cyprus. Othello, the structure of the fortress is well known to you. Although the island is ruled by a man of undeniable merit, war time Such a position requires a well-known person. Everyone speaks up for you. Get ready to spoil your youthful happiness with this troublesome trip.

Omnipotent habit, gentlemen,

The rigors of camping overnight

Turns it into a soft down jacket for me.

I like deprivation. I'm happy to

I'll go against the Turks, but I ask

Give your wife a comfortable home,

Decent by her origin.

Let him live with his father for now.


I'm against it.


I will remind my father again

About what happened. There is a convenient exit.

I will offer you another remedy.

What do you want to say, Desdemona?


I fell in love with the Moor, so that everywhere

To be with him. Swiftness of step

I trumpeted this to the whole world.

I give myself to his calling

And courage and glory. For me

Othello's beauty lies in Othello's exploits.

My lot is dedicated to his fate,

And I can’t do it in the midst of his campaign

Remain a peaceful midge in the rear.

Danger is dearer to me than separation.

Let me accompany him.

Senators, please agree.

There is no self-interest here, God knows!

I am not guided by the desire of my heart,

Which he could drown out.

But it's about her. Let's meet her halfway.

Don't think that in her company

I'll take the task more casually.

Not if light-winged Cupid

My eyes are so filled with passion,

Why am I missing out on my military duty?

Let the housewives do it

From the helmet of my stove pot

And this will disgrace me forever.

Decide as you wish among yourselves,

Should she stay or go, but events

They are rushing us.

First Senator

You need to leave

This night.

I am glad.

Let's get together

Here again by nine o'clock in the morning.

Leave us someone, Othello,

Who will take our order to you next?

Then here is my lieutenant, your lordship.

He is a dedicated and faithful person.

I'm thinking of sending Desdemona with him.

He will be able to capture everything that needs to be captured.

Wonderful! Gentlemen, good night. -

That's it, Brabantio. Your dark son-in-law

I concentrated so much light in myself,

I must tell you which is purer than whites.

First Senator

Othello, take care of Desdemona.


Look more strictly, Moor, follow her ahead:

She deceived her father and will lie to you.

Doge, senators And ministers leaving.

I am as confident in her as I am in myself.

But to the point. In your care

I entrust, Iago, Desdemona.

Tell your wife to follow her.

As soon as the first opportunity arises,

Sail away happily too.

I have less than an hour at my disposal.

And you can’t count the deeds and thoughts!

Let's go and say goodbye together.

Othello And Desdemona leaving.

What do you say, noble soul?

What do you think I'll do now?

You'll go and go to bed.

I'll drown myself this minute.

Just try to do this, and I will become friends with you forever.

It's stupid to live when life has become torture. How not to seek death, your only deliverer?

Pathetic fool! I have lived in the world for twenty-eight years and, since I learned to distinguish profit from loss, I have not seen people who knew how to take care of themselves. Before I say that I will drown myself over some skirt, I will exchange my immortal essence with a baboon.

What should I do? I myself am ashamed that I fell in love so much, but I am not able to correct this.

Unable! Tell me please! It is up to us to be one or the other. Each of us is a garden, and the gardener in it is the will. Whether nettles, lettuce, hyssop, cumin, one or many things grow in us, whether they die out without care or grow magnificently - we ourselves are the masters of all this. If there were no reason, sensuality would overwhelm us. That's what intelligence is for, to curb its absurdities. Your love is one of the garden species that, whether you like, can be cultivated or not.

As if!

How about that? The purest letting of blood with the silent consent of the soul. Be a man. Drown yourself! Better drown cats and puppies. I vowed to help you. We have never been so close to our goal. Fill your wallet and come with us. Change your appearance with a fake beard. It cannot be that Desdemona loved the Moor for a long time. Fill your wallet tighter. It cannot be that the Moor loved her for a long time. A stormy beginning will have a stormy end. Fill your wallet tighter. These Moors are fickle. What now seems sweet to him, like pods, will soon become bitterer than horseradish. She is young and will change. When she's had enough of him, she'll come to her senses. She'll need another one. Fill your wallet tighter. If you absolutely have to ruin yourself, come up with something smarter than water. Fill your wallet tighter. On the one hand, a seasoned, cunning Venetian, on the other, an uncouth nomad. And I will believe in the strength of their feelings! She's yours! Fill your wallet with coins. It's completely unnecessary to drown yourself. It’s better to be hanged after you’ve had fun than to drown without seeing anything in life.

Will you not deceive me if I rely on you?

Don't worry. Fill your wallet with coins. I have often told you and I repeat: I hate the Moor. I have my own scores to settle with him, no worse than yours. Let's merge our hatred into one. Cuckold him. For you this is a pleasure, but for me it is an even greater triumph. Go. Fill your wallet with coins. We'll talk more tomorrow. Goodbye.

Where will we meet in the morning?

I'll come early.

OK. Well, Rodrigo?

What exactly?

No matter what, drown yourself!

I changed my mind. I'll mortgage the estate.


This fool serves as my wallet

And free fun. Otherwise

I wouldn't waste time on him.

I hate the Moor. They report

It was as if he was creeping on my wife.

This is unlikely to be the case, but let's assume.

If there is suspicion, then it means so.

He puts me high. All the better:

It's more convenient to act. What a thought!

After all, Cassio is a godsend for this!

First, I'll knock him out of his place,

And secondly... Hurray! Hooray! Invented!

I'll start whispering in Othello's ear,

That Cassio is good with his wife,

Just look: manners, stature, -

A ready, born seducer.

The Moor is simple-minded and open-hearted,

He will take everything at face value.

Leading someone like that by the nose is sheer nonsense.

So hands down! Pitch hell and night

They must help me with this plan.



Seaside town in Cyprus. Fortress site.

Enter Montano And two townspeople.

Is there anything visible in the sea?

First Citizen

No. Absolutely nothing. Solid waves.

No sail. Desert horizon.

I simply don’t remember such wind.

There is a crackling sound on our fortifications.

I can imagine what’s going on in the sea!

What beams can stand

When the ramparts are as big as mountains!

Probably crashes!..

Second Citizen

This storm is quite

Could destroy the Turkish squadron.

Try standing on the shore.

He's covered in foam and the fury of the surf

Sprays into the sky, extinguishing

Ursa bear with the North Star.

I have never seen an equal storm in my life.

Included third citizen.

Third Citizen

What news! End of the war.

The Turks' calculations burst. Galleys

Broken to pieces. There's a ship in the harbor

From where their wreckage was seen

And the place of death.

Can't be!

Third Citizen

I just heard. The ship has moored

This minute. Went ashore

Michele Cassio, Lieutenant of Othello,

Who is still on his way

And he was appointed governor of Cyprus.

Worthy Governor. I am glad.

Third Citizen

This visitor, Cassio, is in alarm.

Then he thanks the gentlemen for the squall,

Having destroyed the Turk, he makes prayers,

So that the Moor remains safe and sound.

Along the way he disappeared from view.

God willing. I served with him.

He knows how to rule like a military man.

Let's go to the port and look at the ship

And we'll wait on the pier for Othello,

When he himself appears in the distance.

Third Citizen

He could be here any minute.

Included Cassio.

How they love Othello here! Gentlemen,

Thanks for it. Let there be heaven

Protection for him. He disappeared into the distance

In the midst of a storm, in a menacing moment.

What is his ship?


And - strong construction. An experienced navigator is with him.

No matter how worried I am, I am convinced:

Second Citizen

Some Iago

Lieutenant General, I heard.

Think how soon! It can not be!

Is it really him? Now that's speed!

It looks like before the beauty of Desdemona

The waves have calmed down, the stones under water

And the hurricane gave her the way.

The one we were talking about earlier.

To the head of the authorities, the general's wife.

Lieutenant Iago is with her. I was waiting for them

A week after us, not earlier.

Now it’s the Moor’s turn. Strain

With the breath of his sails, Jupiter,

So that, having landed in the bay from the ship,

He embraced Desdemona,

Breathed fire and vigor into the garrison

And Cyprus filled with joy. Look!

Enter Desdemona, Emilia, Iago, Rodrigo And retinue.

The wealth of the ship on the shore!

Let us kneel before her.

Be a good guest of Cyprus, madam!

He gets me off with his tongue.


Emilia is not that chatty at all.

I know better. I studied it

When I'm dying to sleep at night.

She's naturally quiet around you.

And he sends him to hell only in his thoughts.

I don't deserve such speeches.

Is not it so? All of you are guests - pictures,

Ratchets are at home, cats are at the stove.

Grumpy innocences with claws,

Devils wearing a martyr's crown.


Tip on your tongue! This is not true!

No, its true. I'm not a slanderer.

You get out of bed for idleness,

And you do your business in bed.

I don't expect odes from him.


What would you write to praise me?

Better don't ask. I can not:

I’m not used to praising, but to find fault.


No, after all. - Did anyone go

Find out at the pier?

Yes, let's go as if.


What sadness! I'm trying to deceive

Himself feigning this animation. -

So what would you say to me in praise?

Now. But my impromptu is still not moving.

It stuck to the brain like bird glue to cloth.

I tear it off along with the meat.

But here it is, the fruit of my labor pains:

The beauty will not bother with her mind:

Savvy will find it, beauty will get it!


OK then. What can I say about the one

Which is bad, but not stupid either?

The one that does not shine with beauty, but with a guess,

He will make bait out of a deficiency.


It's not getting any easier hour by hour!

What do you say

About the one who is good, but not smart?

There are no such stupid beauties in the world,

So as not to be able to give birth to children.


Flat tavern jokes for the amusement of old fools. I can imagine how you will treat the unfortunate woman who is ugly and stupid!

Where there is beauty, there is also ugliness.

Like a woman's mind, so is her extravagance.


How stupid, how stupid! You said it best about the worst. But jokes aside. How would you define a truly ideal woman, whose merits would be recognized by unfriendliness itself?

The one who is good without self-praise,

Polite, without sinning with eloquence,

With means, but no money to spend,

I could take everything, but I don’t think it’s necessary,

Proud, but humbles anger,

Having mastered yourself at any time,

The one who is not at all so innocent,

To confuse salmon with cod,

Which hiding places were not penetrated

Vain seekers for a hand,

Worthy, if only there is one...


What, what?

Giving birth to fools, wallowing in worries.


Oh, how mediocre and stupid! Don't listen to him, Emilia, even though he is your husband. Well, tell me, Cassio, what will you take from him, except greasy and impudent?

I can't believe my eyes.

Are you here? How did you get ahead of me?

There would always be such calm behind the storms,

Who wouldn't dream of bad weather back then!

Oh, if I could die now!

I will never be happier.


Oh no! God forbid! Vice versa:

Life will give us more and more happiness.

Amen! Let it be done according to your words.

I'm so happy that I can't speak.

They hug.

And my heart beats faster than yours -

Our only disagreement.

(to the side)

Which concert! But I'll pull the pins

And you will sing in a lower note.

Let's go to the castle. News, friends:

The hike is over. The Turks drowned.

Well, how is it in Cyprus? I've been here before.

What about old acquaintances, Desdemona?

They will carry you here in their arms,

I have earned the favor of the people here.

But I'm chattering non-stop and drunk

From happiness. Yes, don’t forget, Iago:

Go get the chests on the ship

And bring the captain with you.

A wonderful person, by the way! -

So you and I are in Cyprus, Desdemona.

Othello, Desdemona And retinue leaving.

(to one of the servants)

Go and wait for me at the harbor. (Rodrigo.) Come here. If you are not a woman - and love makes even cowards brave - listen. At night, the lieutenant commands the guard. But first, this: Desdemona is crazy about Cassio.

From Cassio? What nonsense?

Without objections! Listen. Notice how strongly she fell in love with the Moor. And, one wonders, for what? For nothing but bragging and fables. What do you think, she will be fed up with chatter forever? The eye needs food. What joy is it to look at the devil? When the blood gets tired of tenderness, only attractive appearance, common age, similar upbringing can inflame it again. The Moor has none of this. Her requests will remain unsatisfied. Sooner or later she will feel it. The Moor will set her on edge. Nature itself will push her to another. Then, if it is inevitable, who is better suited for this role than Cassio? An animal the likes of which the world has never created, and which reeks of dissipation. He will not miss an opportunity so as not to take advantage, but there is no opportunity, he will blink his eye - and there will be an opportunity. Handsome, young, and he has everything that dreamy green innocence can yearn for. A notorious and completely complete animal. And the woman has already chosen him.

Not this one. I will not believe. She's too chaste.

Too chaste man of God! The wine she drinks is from grapes like yours. Too chaste! How then did she fall in love with the Moor? Didn't you see, chaste slut, how she played with his hand?

So what? This is just a courtesy.

End of free trial.

William Shakespeare


Doge of Venice .

Brabantio , senator.

Other senators.

Graziano , brother of Brabantio.

Othello , a well-born Moor in Venetian service.

Cassio , his lieutenant, that is, his deputy.

Iago , his lieutenant.

Rodrigo , Venetian nobleman.

Montano , Othello's predecessor in ruling Cyprus.

Jester , in the service of Othello.

Desdemona , daughter of Brabantio and wife of Othello.

Emilia , wife of Iago.

Bianca , Cassio's mistress.

Sailors, messengers, heralds, soldiers, officials, private citizens, musicians and servants.

The first action takes place in Venice, the rest - in Cyprus.


Venice. Street.

Enter Rodrigo And Iago.

Say no more. This is baseness, Iago.

You took the money and hid this incident.

I didn't know myself. You don't want to listen.

I didn’t think about it, I didn’t guess.

You lied to me that you couldn't stand him.

And you can believe me - I can’t stand it.

Three influential individuals proposed

Me for lieutenantship. This is a post

Which, by God, I am worthy of.

But he only thinks about himself:

They are one thing for him, he is another for them.

He didn’t listen, he started teaching,

He told me, he told me, and he let me go with a refusal.

“Alas,” he tells them, “gentlemen,

I have already chosen an officer for myself."

Who is he? A literate mathematician,

And if the old man is not ashamed out loud

To boast of my family, I also declare:

I am of royal blood and can stand before him

Stand as an equal without taking off your hat.

I am as proud of my family as I am of my destiny.

If I did not fall in love with dear Desdemona,

I would never hesitate to marry

To your free life, honest Iago.

Who's that there with the lights? Look.

They are. Father with all his relatives.

Enter the house.

For what? I'm not hiding

My name and title justify me

And conscience. But are they there?

I swear by two-faced Janus that no.

Enter Cassio And several palace servants with torches.

Military men from the doge's retinue, I see,

And my assistant. Hello, friends.

What's new?

The Doge sent us greetings.

He demands you, General.

Quicker. Hurry up.

What's happened?

All Cyprus, as far as I can tell.

Some unexpected events.

There are endless messengers from the fleet.

The senators are awakened and assembled.

The Doge is having a meeting in the palace.

They demanded you, but didn’t find you at home

And watchmen were sent to the city,

So that you can be retrieved from the bottom of the sea.

It’s all the more joyful that you found me.

I will only go in and out of this house.


Why is he here?

He has now captured

A galley with cargo and get rich,

As soon as he legitimizes his seizure.

I do not understand.

He got married.

You won't guess.

Returns Othello.

Let's go, general.

Ready. Let's go.

The people from the palace are behind you again.

You see?

Brabantio, probably.

Look out, beware. Him

Evil in the mind.

Enter Brabantio, Rodrigo and night guard with torches and weapons.


Here is the Moor.


Here he is, the robber. Beat him!

Swords are drawn on both sides.

At your service. Hello Rodrigo!

Down with the swords! The dew will damage them.

Your age affects us more,

What is your sword, most noble sir.


Despicable thief, tell me, where is my daughter?

You have entangled her with charms, devil!

There is magic here, I will prove it.

Indeed, judge for yourself, people:

Beauty and angel of kindness,

Doesn't want to hear anything about marriage

Refuses the best suitors

And suddenly he leaves home, comfort, contentment,

To rush without fear of ridicule,

On the monster's chest blacker than soot,

Inspiring fear, not love!

Is this natural? Judge,

Does this happen without witchcraft?

You secretly put her mind to sleep

And he gave me a love potion!

The law tells me to take you into custody

Like a warlock and a sorcerer,

Who trades in the forbidden. -

Arrest him, and if he

Good will not come, take possession of power.

Both you and you. It will come to blood, -

I know this role without being told.

Where should I go to justify myself?


First to jail. You'll sit for a while.

The time will come, they will call you - you will answer.

What if I really obey you?

What will the Doge say? Here are some messengers.

They're out of the palace right now

And they demand me there on business.

First military

Yes, sir, the situation is this:

The Doge is having an emergency meeting.

They are definitely waiting for you there too.


Night council from the Doge? Very handy.

Let's go there with him. My problem is

Not an everyday trifle, but an incident,

Concerning us all. If we

Let's start unleashing such assassination attempts,

In the republic the lords of fate

There will be pagan slaves.

They leave.

Right there. Council Hall.

Doge And senators at the table. There are military men all around officials And servants.

There is no connection in the news. You can't trust them.

First Senator

They contain contradictions.

They write to me that there are one hundred and seven galleys.

That there are one hundred and forty of them.

Second Senator

I have two hundred of them.

It is clear that the calculations are contradictory.

It was made by guesswork, at random.

But that the Turkish fleet is sailing to Cyprus,

All messages agree on this.

Yes, this is a discrepancy in numbers

It cannot serve us as reassurance.

At the core there is truth, and it is bitter.

(behind the scenes)

Hey, hey, let me in!

First minister

A messenger from the fleet.

Included sailor.

Well, how are you doing?

Turkish fleet

Sailing to Rhodes. This is a report

From Angelo to the Senate.

How do you like this change?

First Senator

Absurdity. This is a distraction.

Some kind of tactical trick.

For the Turks, Cyprus is more important than Rhodes,

And Cyprus is much easier to master.

Rhodes is a stronghold, Cyprus is not fortified,

The Turks are not so naive as not to see

Where is the harm, where is the benefit, and do not discriminate

Complete safety from risk.

No, no, of course, their goal is not Rhodes.

First minister

Another messenger.

Included messenger.

Doge and assembly!

Having completed the passage on the galleys

To Rhodes, the Turks united here

With another squadron.

First Senator

Here you go, gentlemen.

I knew it. Big reinforcements?

Thirty ships each. All together

Again they openly turned towards Cyprus.

Signor Montano, your faithful servant,

He informs you that he will not betray his duty.

Of course, to Cyprus. I told you!

What, Mark Luchese is in town?

First Senator

Out of town.

He's in Florence.

Send for him.

Demand by letter, let him return.

First Senator

Here is Brabantio and the brave Moor.

Enter Brabantio, Othello, Iago, Rodrigo And accompanying.

Valiant Othello, we owe you

Immediately send against the Turks.

Brabantio, I didn't notice you.

We missed your help.


And I need yours, good Doge.

Don't be offended, but to tell the truth,

I'm in the palace for another reason.

It wasn't my job title that got me out of bed.

It's not the war that worries me now.

Oh no, a very special concern

All my thoughts were consumed.

Leaving no room for anything.

But what happened?


Daughter, oh my daughter!

Doge and senators

What with her?


She's ruined, she's ruined!

She was lured by force and taken away

A spell, slander, dope.

She is smart, healthy, not blind

And I couldn’t help but understand the mistake,

But this is witchcraft, witchcraft!

Whoever the thief was who deprived you of your daughter,

And your daughter - the ability to judge,

Find a page for him yourself

In the bloody book of law and above it

Execute the sentence. I won't interfere

At least it was my own son.


Heartily grateful. Here's the culprit.

The same Moor who is summoned to you

By your order.

Doge and senators

Very sorry!


What is your answer to us?


He's caught.

Dignitaries, nobles,

My lords! What can I say?

I won’t argue, his daughter is with me,

He is right. I got married to her.

These are all my sins.

I don't know the others. I'm not a talker

And I don’t speak secular language well.

Having begun his service as a boy at the age of seven,

I've been fighting almost all my life

And besides talking about fights,

I can't hold a conversation.

However, here is a simple story

About what spells

And I enticed his daughter with secret spells,

As my accuser complained to you.


Judge for yourself, how not to blame?

I was afraid to take a step, shy, quiet,

And suddenly, look where it came from!

Everything is aside - nature, shame, decency,

Fell in love with something you can't look at!

Such a statement is unthinkable.

There are intrigues and intrigues here.

I guarantee he gave her poison

And my will was fettered by sleepy stupor.

Your accusations must be proven.

I don't see any evidence for the prosecution.

First Senator

Othello, finally speak!

Were there really any tricks here?

Or is it harmless love,

How does it arise in a conversation?

Souls with soul?

Send it to the arsenal.

Let her testify herself.

If it is necessary, take away the rank

And dispose of my life.

Deliver Desdemona, gentlemen.

Lieutenant, show them the way.

Iago With several ministers leaving.

Until they return without hiding,

I confess openly to you,

How did I achieve her love and how

She is mine.

Othello, speak.

Her father loved me. I often

I visited them. I told you more than once

Events of personal life, year after year.

Described the vicissitudes of fate,

Battles, sieges, everything I've experienced.

I was reviewing my whole life again -

From childhood days to the present moment.

I recalled hardships and labors,

Tested on sea and land.

He told me how I avoided trouble

On the verge of death. Like once

I was captured and sold into slavery,

And escaped from captivity. Was returning

To the places of your wanderings. Said

About fabulous caves and deserts,

Gorges with abysses and mountains,

Peaks touching the sky.

About cannibals, that is, savages,

Eating each other. About people,

Which shoulders are higher than the head.

Stories occupied Desdemona,

And while away on business, she

I always tried to finish them early,

To return in time and catch

The lost thread of the story.

I was glad to satisfy this greed

And I was glad to hear a request from her,

So that I could tell her somehow

From beginning to end, what is part of her

It is already known. I began. And when

Reached the first bitter clashes

Of my immature youth with destiny,

I saw that the listener was crying.

When I finished I was rewarded

A whole world of sighs for this story.

“No,” she gasped, “what a life!

I am beside myself with tears and surprise.

Why did I know this! For what

I wasn't born the same person!

Thank you. That's what. If you had

A friend happened and he fell in love with me,

Let your life be told from your words -

And he will conquer me." In response to this

I also confessed to her. That's all.

I fell in love with my fearlessness,

She gives me her sympathy.

That's how I did my magic. Here comes Desdemona.

Now you turn to her herself.

Enter Desdemona And Iago with ministers.

Before such a story, I believe,

Our daughter would not have been able to resist either.

Brabantio, we must reconcile.

After all, you won’t break through walls with your forehead.


First, let's listen to what she has to say.

Of course, if both are at the same time,

Then I have no claims to the Moor. -

Come closer, my lady.

Tell whom from this assembly

Should you obey the most?


Father, in such a circle my duty is twofold.

You gave me life and education.

And life and upbringing tell me,

It is my duty as a daughter to obey you.

But here's my husband. Like my mother once

Changed her duty to her father

In debt to you, so will I from now on

I am obedient to the Moor, my husband.


Well, God be with you. - I'm finished, your lordship.

Let's get down to government affairs. -

I'd rather accept a stranger's girl,

How he gave birth and raised his own!

Be happy, Moor. My will - daughters

You wouldn't be able to see your ears.

Well, my angel, this is what I say goodbye to:

I'm glad you're the only daughter.

Your escape would have made me a tyrant.

I would chain your sisters. -

I'm finished, Your Grace.

I'll add

One piece of advice for you, so that young people

Help you rise in your opinion again.

What has passed is time to forget,

And a mountain will immediately fall from your heart.

Always remember past misfortunes,

Perhaps worse than fresh misfortune.

In suffering the only outcome is

To the best of your ability, ignore adversity.


Well, we are not giving Cyprus to the Turks,

When something has passed, then it doesn’t matter?

It costs nothing to teach dispassion

The one who doesn't care about anything.

Where can he acquire dispassion?

Who has something to regret and remember?

The sayings are ambiguous and shaky.

Literature does not bring relief.

And not the ears - the way

Into the suffering tormented chest.

Therefore, I come to you with the lowest request:

Let's get down to government affairs.

Fine. So, the Turks moved in large forces towards Cyprus. Othello, the structure of the fortress is well known to you. Although the island is governed by a man of undeniable merit, in wartime such a position requires a person of repute. Everyone speaks up for you. Get ready to spoil your youthful happiness with this troublesome trip.

Omnipotent habit, gentlemen,

The rigors of camping overnight

Turns it into a soft down jacket for me.

I like deprivation. I'm happy to

I'll go against the Turks, but I ask

Give your wife a comfortable home,

Decent by her origin.

Let him live with his father for now.


I'm against it.


I will remind my father again

About what happened. There is a convenient exit.

I will offer you another remedy.

What do you want to say, Desdemona?


I fell in love with the Moor, so that everywhere

To be with him. Swiftness of step

I trumpeted this to the whole world.

I give myself to his calling

And courage and glory. For me

Othello's beauty lies in Othello's exploits.

My lot is dedicated to his fate,

And I can’t do it in the midst of his campaign

Remain a peaceful midge in the rear.

Danger is dearer to me than separation.

One of the most famous Russian writers of the 19th century is Garshin. Attalea princeps can be called his most significant work. This tale is in many ways similar to the works of Andersen, but it has a number of features that are characteristic specifically of the work of this author. Published in 1880, it has retained its significance today and is included in school literature courses.

Briefly about the writer

Garshin, whose Attalea princeps has a deep philosophical meaning, despite the apparent simplicity of the narrative, wrote briefly and laconically. This tale, like other works by the author, is recognizable due to its unique style: despite the apparent simplicity of the design and composition, it attracts readers with its symbolism and metaphor. In addition to fairy tales, the writer also composed serious dramatic stories, into which he brought his personal impressions of the war. He was by nature a very nervous, sensitive person, and so are his heroes, who also feel injustice especially keenly and try to fight it, despite the fact that their attempts are initially doomed to failure. Nevertheless, in these works the writer’s faith in the triumph of goodness and truth is heard.

Author's identity

Many fairy tales were composed by the writer Garshin. Attalea princeps is a work that is not intended for entertainment, but for reflection, as evidenced by its very title, which is clearly not intended for idle reading. In general, the author created very serious and dramatic works, which was largely due to the circumstances of his personal life and character traits. Being by nature an unusually sensitive and deeply vulnerable person, he felt especially keenly the social injustice and suffering of the common people. He succumbed to the mood of the era and, together with other representatives of student youth of that time, shared the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe responsibility of the intelligentsia to the peasants. The latter circumstance determined the fact that his works are distinguished by the subtlety of their perception of the world.


Garshin made an important contribution to the development of the Russian fairy tale genre. Attalea princeps can be called an exemplary work in this regard, since it is short, concise, dynamic and, at the same time, full of deep philosophical meaning. The composition of the work is quite simple, as in all his other works. In the introduction, the author describes the greenhouse - the habitat of the characters: plants and trees, and also writes about their way of life, simultaneously briefly reporting on the past of each of them. In the beginning, the writer points out a feature in the character main character, who does not want to put up with existence in captivity, and also contrasts her with the rest of the inhabitants of the greenhouse, who are more or less accustomed to captivity. V. M. Garshin made the climaxes in his works especially exciting. Attalea princeps in this regard is an example of dynamic, exciting storytelling. The main semantic point of the essay is the decision of the main character (palm tree) to radically change her fate and break free, which ended in failure. In the finale, the palm tree dies, however, despite such a sad ending, the work contains the theme of freedom and love for the homeland, which makes this work so popular.

Characteristics of the director

The famous writer V. M. Garshin had particular skill in depicting characters. Attalea princeps is a fairy tale in which the heroes are both people and plants. At the beginning of the analysis of this essay, one should give short review two people who play an important role in the composition. It's about about the director of a greenhouse, a botanist-scientist, and a Brazilian traveler. Both seem to be opposed to each other both in their inner world and in relation to the main character. The first of them is initially presented as a hardworking person who cares about the most optimal conditions for the existence of his plants. However, it soon becomes clear that he is cold and soulless by nature. He is interested in plants, first of all, as objects. scientific research, he does not feel their suffering, he needs them only as valuable exhibits.

Traveler Description

The analysis of Garshin's fairy tale Attalea princeps should be continued by analyzing the image of a Brazilian who once visited a greenhouse and was the only one who named a palm tree by its real name. This character carries a great meaning in the work, since it was the meeting with him that served as the impetus for the climax of the fairy tale. When the heroine saw this traveler and heard her own real name from him, her long-standing desire to break free awoke in her again. Unlike the director, who is completely unable to feel or understand his plants, the Brazilian traveler has a sensitive soul and a responsive heart: he is the only person who took pity on the palm tree.

About the greenhouse

Garshin's story Attalea princeps begins with a description of the botanical greenhouse in which the scientist keeps his plants. And here the author again resorts to a system of contrasts: at first he described the greenhouse as a very beautiful, comfortable and warm garden, in which, it would seem, the inhabitants should have felt good and comfortable. However, very soon the reader will find out that this is not at all the case. All plants and trees feel very difficult in captivity: each of them dreams of freedom, of their native land. It is not for nothing that the writer pays so much attention to the description of the places where they lived before. He again uses the technique of contrast, describing the sky in captivity and in freedom. The author emphasizes that in captivity, none of the inhabitants of the greenhouse felt happy, despite the fact that they were regularly fed, looked after, and were warm and dry.

Greenhouse inhabitants

One of the masters psychological analysis was Vsevolod Mikhailovich Garshin. Attalea princeps in this regard is an example of the writer's talent in depicting characters. In the work under consideration, he endowed the plants and trees, the inhabitants of the greenhouse, with human traits. arrogant, arrogant, she loves to talk and be the center of attention. The tree fern is easy to communicate, unpretentious, not proud. Cinnamon takes care of itself and is concerned with its own comfort. The cactus is full of optimism and does not lose heart, according to him in my own words, he is very unpretentious and is content with what he has. Despite the dissimilarity in character, all these plants have one thing in common: common feature, which contrasts them with the main character: they have resigned themselves to captivity and, although they dream of freedom, none of them wants to risk comfort and convenience in order to try to break free.

About grass

M. Garshin's fairy tale Attalea princeps should be considered in the context of the entire work of the writer, who often resorted to metaphors and symbols to express his thoughts. This is exactly the image of the main character’s neighbor, a simple herb, who was the only one imbued with sympathy for the palm tree and supported it. The author again used the technique of contrast: he emphasized that this most inconspicuous plant in the entire greenhouse provided her with support and moral assistance. The writer showed the background of the grass: it lived in a simple area, where the most ordinary trees grew, the sky was not as bright as in the south, however, despite this, the grass has a rich inner world: she dreams of distant beautiful countries and understands the desire of the palm tree to break out. The grass twines around its trunk, seeking support and help from it, and it dies with it.

The image of the main character

Garshin occupies a special place in Russian literature. Attalea princeps, the analysis of which is the subject of this review, can be called his most successful work in the fairy-tale genre. The image of the main character, a Brazilian palm tree, turned out to be especially successful. She is proud, freedom-loving, and most importantly, she has a strong will and character, which give her the strength to overcome all obstacles and get out (even if only for a short time) from captivity. Palma attracts readers with her persistence and confidence in her rightness. She is firm in her decision to go all the way and does not back down, despite the fact that her roots have weakened from the fact that she threw all her strength into growing.

About nature

Garshin did a lot for the development of Russian literature. Attalea princeps, summary which we examined, is also interesting because in this work the writer showed himself to be a wonderful painter of nature: with the help of language, he reproduces a colorful picture of the southern tropics, in which a proud palm tree has grown. This partly explains her character and such a burning desire to break free. The fact is that the situation in captivity contrasted too much with what she saw and observed in the wild. At home there was a hot sun, bright blue sky, beautiful dense forests. In addition, the fairy tale gives a short description of the places where grass used to grow. There, on the contrary, very simple trees grew there, and nature was not as beautiful as in the tropics. Most likely, this is why the grass turned out to be so receptive to beauty and best understood the palm tree, which so wanted to return home.


Many readers admire the work of a writer named Garshin. The tale of Attalea princeps is especially memorable for the action of the palm tree, which tried to break free, although the futility of such an attempt was obvious from the very beginning. Nevertheless, the description of how she was filled with juices and with the last of her strength grew upward is striking in its expressiveness and depth, as well as stylistic accuracy. The writer here again returned to the image of the botanist director, who attributed such rapid growth to good care and comfortable living conditions.

The final

The end of the tale is striking in its drama: the palm tree, despite all its efforts, was never able to return to its homeland. Instead, she found herself in the cold, in the middle of snow and rain, and the director, not wanting to spend money on an additional extension to the greenhouse, ordered the proud tree to be cut down. At the same time, he gave the order to pull out the grass and throw it into the backyard. This ending is in the tradition of Andersen’s fairy tales, the heroes of which also in the end are defeated in the fight against injustice and die. In this context, it is indicative that the writer always calls the palm tree by its Latin name. This language is considered dead, and by giving the tree such a name, the author seems to show the reader in advance that the tree, in fact, no longer lives a real life, but only lives out its life in captivity. Even in the episode with the Brazilian traveler, the writer deliberately does not call the palm tree by its real name, thereby once again emphasizing that it has turned into an ordinary exhibit.


Garshin's work Attalea princeps is imbued with the pathos of love of freedom and humanism. Despite the gloomy ending, it teaches children about goodness and justice. It was not for nothing that the writer chose plants and trees as the main characters. Thus, he sought to show the fragility and defenselessness of nature and the surrounding world. The writer contrasted the living world of nature with the soulless world of a greenhouse, in which plants serve only as exhibits for an exhibition, thereby losing their true purpose. Garshin draws attention to the fact that there is nothing worse than accepting such a fate. With the plot of his tale, he showed that it is better to die in the struggle for freedom than to continue in captivity. This is the humanistic pathos and the main idea of ​​the entire work. Studying this tale in a school literature course speaks about it because it teaches love for nature through symbolic images. This work has a philosophical meaning because it shows the value of the life of any living creature, even plants and trees.

Venice. At the house of Senator Brabantio, the Venetian nobleman Rodrigo, unrequitedly in love with the senator's daughter Desdemona, reproaches his friend Iago for accepting the rank of lieutenant from Othello, a well-born Moor, a general in the Venetian service. Iago justifies himself: he himself hates the headstrong African because he, bypassing Iago, a professional military man, appointed Cassio, a mathematician, who is also years younger than Iago, as his deputy (lieutenant). Iago intends to take revenge on both Othello and Cassio. Having finished bickering, the friends raise a cry and wake up Brabantio. They tell the old man that his only daughter Desdemona ran away with Othello. The senator is in despair, he is sure that his child has become a victim of witchcraft. Iago leaves, and Brabantio and Rodrigo go after the guards to arrest the kidnapper with their help.

With false friendliness, Iago hurries to warn Othello, who has just married Desdemona, that his new father-in-law is furious and is about to show up here. The noble Moor does not want to hide: “...I am not hiding. / My name, title / And conscience justify me.” Cassio appears: the Doge urgently demands the famous general. Brabantio enters, accompanied by guards, he wants to arrest his offender. Othello stops the clash that is about to break out and answers his father-in-law with gentle humor. It turns out that Brabantio must also attend the emergency council of the head of the republic, the Doge.

There is commotion in the council chamber. Every now and then messengers appear with conflicting news. One thing is clear: the Turkish fleet is heading towards Cyprus; to master it. As Othello enters, the Doge announces an urgent appointment: the “brave Moor” is sent to fight against the Turks. However, Brabantio accuses the general of attracting Desdemona with the power of witchcraft, and she threw herself “at the chest of a monster blacker than soot, / Inspiring fear, not love.” Othello asks to send for Desdemona and listen to her, and in the meantime sets out the story of his marriage: while visiting Brabantio’s house, Othello, at his request, talked about his life full of adventures and sorrows. The senator's young daughter was struck by the strength of spirit of this already middle-aged and not at all handsome man, she cried over his stories and was the first to confess her love. “I fell in love with her with my fearlessness, / She fell in love with me with her sympathy.” Desdemona, who entered after the Doge’s servants, meekly but firmly answers her father’s questions: “... from now on / I am obedient to the Moor, my husband.” Brabantio humbles himself and wishes the young people happiness. Desdemona asks to be allowed to follow her husband to Cyprus. The Doge does not object, and Othello entrusts Desdemona to the care of Iago and his wife Emilia. They must sail to Cyprus with her. The young ones move away. Rodrigo is in despair, he is going to drown himself. “Just try to do this,” Iago tells him, “and I will become friends with you forever.” With cynicism, not without wit, Iago urges Rodrigo not to give in to feelings. Everything will change - the Moor and the charming Venetian are not a couple, Rodrigo will still enjoy his beloved, Iago’s revenge will be accomplished in this way. “Fill your wallet tighter” - the treacherous lieutenant repeats these words many times. The hopeful Rodrigo leaves, and his imaginary friend laughs at him: “... this fool serves me as a purse and free amusement...” The Moor is also simple-minded and trusting, so shouldn’t he whisper that Desdemona is too friendly with Cassio, and he is handsome, and his manners are excellent, why not a seducer?

Residents of Cyprus rejoice: a strong storm destroyed the Turkish galleys. But the same storm scattered the Venetian ships coming to the rescue across the sea, so Desdemona went ashore before her husband. Until his ship docks, the officers entertain her with chatter. Iago ridicules all women: “You are all visiting - pictures, / Rattles at home, cats - at the stove, / Grumpy innocence with claws, / Devils in a martyr's crown.” And it's even the softest! Desdemona is outraged by his barracks humor, but Cassio stands up for his colleague: Iago is a soldier, “he cuts straight.” Othello appears. The meeting of the spouses is unusually tender. Before going to bed, the general instructs Cassio and Iago to check the guards. Iago offers to drink “to the black Othello” and, although Cassio does not tolerate wine well and tries to give up drinking, he still gets him drunk. Now the lieutenant is knee-deep in the sea, and Rodrigo, taught by Iago, easily provokes him into a quarrel. One of the officers tries to separate them, but Cassio grabs his sword and wounds the hapless peacekeeper. Iago, with the help of Rodrigo, raises the alarm. The alarm sounds. Othello appears and asks “honest Iago” for the details of the fight, declares that Iago is protecting his friend Cassio out of the kindness of his soul, and removes the lieutenant from his post. Cassio has sobered up and is burning with shame. Iago “from a loving heart” gives him advice: to seek reconciliation with Othello through his wife, because she is so generous. Cassio leaves with gratitude. He doesn’t remember who got him drunk, provoked him into a fight and slandered him in front of his comrades. Iago is delighted - now Desdemona, by asking for Cassio, will help tarnish his good name, and he will destroy all his enemies, using their best qualities.

Desdemona promises Cassio her intercession. They are both touched by the kindness of Iago, who so sincerely worries about someone else's misfortune. Meanwhile, the “good guy” had already begun to slowly pour poison into the general’s ears. At first, Othello doesn’t even understand why he is being persuaded not to be jealous, then he begins to doubt and finally asks Iago (“This fellow of crystal honesty...”) to keep an eye on Desdemona. He is upset; his wife comes in and decides that it is due to fatigue and a headache. She tries to tie a scarf around the Moor's head, but he pulls away and the scarf falls to the ground. He is picked up by Desdemona's companion Emilia. She wants to please her husband - he has long asked her to steal a scarf, a family heirloom that was passed down to Othello from his mother and which he gave to Desdemona on her wedding day. Iago praises his wife, but does not tell her why he needed the handkerchief, he only tells her to keep quiet.

The Moor, tormented by jealousy, cannot believe in the betrayal of his beloved wife, but is no longer able to get rid of suspicions. He demands from Iago direct evidence of his misfortune and threatens him with terrible retribution for slander. Iago feigns insulted honesty, but “out of friendship” is ready to provide indirect evidence: he himself heard how in a dream Cassio blabbed about his intimacy with the general’s wife, saw how he wiped himself with Desdemona’s handkerchief, yes, that same handkerchief. This is enough for the gullible Moor. He takes a vow of vengeance on his knees. Iago also throws himself on his knees. He vows to help the insulted Othello. The general gives him three days to kill Cassio. Iago agrees, but hypocritically asks to spare Desdemona. Othello appoints him as his lieutenant.

Desdemona again asks her husband to forgive Cassio, but he does not listen to anything and demands to see the gifted scarf, which has magical properties to preserve the beauty of the owner and the love of her chosen one. Realizing that his wife does not have a scarf, he leaves in a rage.

Cassio finds a scarf with a beautiful pattern at home and gives it to his friend Bianca so that she can copy the embroidery until the owner is found.

Iago, pretending to calm Othello, manages to make the Moor faint. He then persuades the general to hide and observe his conversation with Cassio. They will talk, of course, about Desdemona. In fact, he asks the young man about Bianca. Cassio laughingly talks about this flighty girl, but Othello, in his hiding place, does not hear half the words and is sure that they are laughing at him and his wife. Unfortunately, Bianca herself appears and throws the precious handkerchief in her lover’s face, because it’s probably a gift from some whore! Cassio runs away to calm the jealous charmer, and Iago continues to inflame the feelings of the fooled Moor. He advises strangling the unfaithful woman in bed. Othello agrees. Suddenly a senate envoy arrives. This is a relative of Desdemona Lodovico. He brought an order: the general was recalled from Cyprus, he must transfer power to Cassio. Desdemona cannot contain her joy. But Othello understands her in his own way. He insults his wife and hits her. The people around are amazed.

In a face-to-face conversation, Desdemona swears to her husband of her innocence, but he is only convinced of her deceit. Othello is beside himself with grief. After dinner in honor of Lodovico, he goes to see off the guest of honor. The Moor orders his wife to let Emilia go and go to bed. She is glad - her husband seems to have become softer, but still Desdemona is tormented by an incomprehensible melancholy. She always remembers the sad song she heard in childhood about a willow tree and the unfortunate girl who sang it before her death. Emilia tries to calm her mistress with her simple worldly wisdom. She believes that it would be better for Desdemona not to meet Othello at all in life. But she loves her husband and could not cheat on him even for “all the treasures of the universe.”

At Iago's instigation, Roderigo tries to kill Cassio, who is returning from Bianca at night. The shell saves Cassio's life, he even wounds Rodrigo, but Iago, attacking from an ambush, manages to cripple Cassio and finish off Rodrigo. People appear on the street, and Iago tries to direct suspicions towards the devoted Bianca, who has come running and lamented over Cassio, while he utters a lot of sanctimonious maxims.

Othello kisses the sleeping Desdemona. He knows that he will go crazy by killing his beloved, but he sees no other way out. Desdemona wakes up. “Did you pray before going to bed, Desdemona?” The unfortunate woman is unable to either prove her innocence or convince her husband to take pity. He strangles Desdemona, and then, to reduce her suffering, stabs her with a dagger. Emilia runs in (at first she does not see the body of her mistress) informs the general about Cassio’s injury. Mortally wounded, Desdemona manages to shout to Emilia that she is dying innocently, but refuses to name the killer. Othello himself confesses to Emilia: Desdemona was killed for infidelity, deceit and deceit, and it was Emilia’s husband and Othello’s friend “faithful Iago” who exposed her betrayal. Emilia calls people: “The Moor killed his wife!” She understood everything. In the presence of the officers who entered, as well as Iago himself, she exposes him and explains to Othello the story of the handkerchief. Othello is horrified: “How does heaven endure? What an indescribable villain! - and tries to stab Iago. But Iago kills his wife and runs away. Othello's despair knows no bounds; he calls himself a “low murderer” and Desdemona “a girl with an unfortunate star.” When the arrested Iago is brought in, Othello wounds him and, after an explanation with Cassio, stabs himself to death. Before his death, he says that “he was... jealous, but in a storm of feelings he fell into a rage...” and “ with my own hand picked up and threw away the pearl.” Everyone pays tribute to the general’s courage and the greatness of his soul. Cassio remains the ruler of Cyprus. He is ordered to judge Iago and put him to a painful death.


Venice. Street.

Enter Rodrigo And Iago.


Say no more. This is baseness, Iago.

You took the money and hid this incident.

I didn't know myself. You don't want to listen.

I didn’t think about it, I didn’t guess.


You lied to me that you couldn't stand him.

And you can believe me - I can’t stand it.

Three influential individuals proposed

Me for lieutenantship. This is a post

Which, by God, I am worthy of.

But he only thinks about himself:

They are one thing for him, he is another for them.

He didn’t listen, he started teaching,

He told me, he told me, and he let me go with a refusal.

“Alas,” he tells them, “gentlemen,

I have already chosen an officer for myself.”

Who is he? A literate mathematician,

A certain Michele Cassio. Florentine,

Entangled in beauty. woman's tail,

Never led troops into an attack.

He knows the system no better than old maids.

But he was chosen. I'm in front of Othello's eyes

Saved Rhodes and Cyprus The islands were naval bases of the Venetian Republic. and fought

In pagan and Christian countries.

But he was chosen. He is a Moorish lieutenant,

And I am the guarantor of their Mauritanianism.


Lieutenant! It would be better to be an executioner!

Yes Yes. He only puts forward his favorites

But they need to be promoted according to seniority.

This one has a long wait for production!

Oh no, I have nothing to love the Moor for.


Then I would quit the service.

Calm down.

In this service I serve myself.

It is impossible for everyone to be born masters,

It is impossible for everyone to serve well.

Of course, there are such simpletons

Who loved bondage

And I like the donkey's zeal,

Life from hand to mouth and old age without a corner.

Scourge such slaves! There are others.

They seem to be busy for the gentlemen,

But in fact - for your own profit.

These are far from fools,

And I'm proud that I'm from their breed.

I am Iago, not a Moor, and for myself,

But I’m not trying for their beautiful eyes.

But rather than reveal your face - quickly

I'll let the jackdaws eat my liver.

No, my dear, I am not what I seem.


Ooh, thick-lipped devil! He's with her, you'll see

He will achieve everything!

We need to wake you up

Her father, make the escape public,

Raise soda, inflame the relatives.

Like flies, harass the African,

May he find so much torment in joy,

That he himself will not be happy with such happiness.


This is her father's house. I'll scream.

Scream at the top of your lungs. Don't spare your breath.

Scream as if there is a fire in the city.


Brabantio! Brabantio, wake up!

Brabantio, wake up! Guard!

Where is your daughter? Where's the money? The thieves! The thieves!

Check the chests! Robbery! Robbery!

appears in the window above Brabantio.


What do these screams mean? What's happened?


All your houses?

Is the door locked?


Why are you asking?

Hell and the devil!

You are in a rout. Come to your senses, my friend.

Put on a raincoat. Just now, perhaps,

This minute the black angry ram

Dishonors your little white sheep.

Hurry up! Instantly! We must ring the alarm

Wake up the snoring townspeople. Otherwise

They will make you a grandfather. Live!

Hurry, I say.


Are you crazy?


Who are you?


Rodrigo I.


So much the worse.

They kindly asked you: don’t go.

They told you briefly and clearly

That your daughter is not for you. Are you good:

The devil knows where I got drunk and full

And you disturb my peace at night



Sir, sir, sir!


But believe me, I will be able to forever

Discourage you from being rowdy.




Why are you making a fuss?

After all, we are in Venice, not in the village:

There are watchmen.


I woke up

You with the best intentions, sir.

Sir, for the devil's sake remember God! We are doing you a favor, but they tell us that we are rowdy! So, you want your daughter to have an affair with an Arabian stallion, so that your grandchildren neigh and you have trotters in your family and connections with pacers?


Who are you, wicked man?

Iago (with shamelessness).

I have come to tell you, sir, that your daughter is currently bedding a beast with two backs to the Moor.


You are a vile scoundrel.

And you are a senator.


Rodrigo, you will answer me for everything.

But I don’t know about this!


And I will answer.

But maybe I'm definitely wrong

And this is with your permission

Your daughter left so late

Alone, without proper protection,

In the community of the hired rower

Into the voluptuous embrace of the Moor?

Then I apologize:

We insulted you without reason.

But if what we tell you

This is new for you, you are not fair.

I think it's unnecessary to assure

That I wouldn't dare make fun of you.

Find out: your daughter is behaving

Immoral, connecting without asking

Your wealth, honor and beauty

With a rootless foreign rogue.

Look, the young lady is at home. Then

Prosecute me for false rumors.


Fire quickly! Give me a candle.

Hey servants, servants! How does it look like

What I saw in my dream now!

I'm starting to think it's true.

Fire! Fire!


Farewell. I'll leave.

I can't point to the Moor.

I am a subordinate of the Moor. I'll get away with it.

He will be forgiven for his nightly adventure.

They'll put it on slightly, that's all.

The Senate can't resign him

Especially now when there's a thunderstorm

Cyprus has embraced and no one is visible,

Who could replace him in trouble?

Even though I hate him to death -

You yourself understand now -

I have to throw it away for show

There is a friendly flag in front of the general.

But this, of course, is a guise.

When they go looking for him,

You and them head to the arsenal.

He is there. I will also be with him.

But I'm going. Farewell.


They leave the house Brabantio And servants with torches.


The matter is clear.

She left. I can't live anymore. –

So, where is this girl, Rodrigo?

Unhappy! At the Moor's, you say? –

After this, consider yourself fathers!

Have you seen her yourself? - What a deception! –

What is she saying? - Incomprehensible!

Shine! And more people! –

Do you think they're already married?


Yes, it seems.


Oh my God! But how

Did she manage to get out?

Fathers, don't trust your daughters anymore,

No matter how innocent their habits may be!

You have to believe in witchcraft

By which the purest are seduced.


I had to.


Go see your brother. - It's a pity that for you

I didn't give it away. -Where are you going in a bunch?

Some go this way, the other go that way.

Do you know where to look for her and the Moor?


I'll show you, but I need to stock up

Reliable guards. Follow me.


Lead. Let's go. I am vested with power

Film the guards wherever I wish.

We'll take them with us. Well, let's go.

I will reward you for everything, Rodrigo.

They leave.

Right there. Another street.

Enter Othello, Iago And servants with torches.

Even though I killed people in the war,

Murder in civilian life is a crime.

That's how I look. It would be easier for me to live

Without this scrupulousness. Ten times

I wanted to stab him in the stomach.


And it’s better that I didn’t touch it.

He's like that

Called you names that, although

I am soft and flexible, I restrained myself a little.

So, then you got married in earnest?

Her father, unfortunately, with influence,

He will divorce you, true Lord,

Or in retaliation he will exhaust you with the courts.


Let it go. He will be silenced

My services to the Signoria.

And if the old man is not ashamed out loud

To boast of my family, I also declare:

I am of royal blood and can stand before him

Stand as an equal without taking off your hat.

I am as proud of my family as I am of my destiny.

If I did not love Desdemona, Iago,

For all the riches of the sea I wouldn’t bother

By marrying my free life, -

Who's that there with the lights? Look.

They are. Father with all his relatives.

Enter the house.


For what? I'm not hiding

My name and title justify me

And conscience. But are they there?

I swear by two-faced Janus that no.

Enter Cassio And several military with torches.


Military men from the doge's retinue, I see,

And my assistant. Hello, friends.

What's new?


The Doge sent us greetings.

He demands you, General.

Quicker. Hurry up.


What's happened?


All Cyprus, as far as I can tell.

Some unexpected events.

There are endless messengers from the fleet.

The senators are awakened and assembled.

The Doge is having a meeting in the palace.

They demanded you, but didn’t find you at home

And they even called a patrol into the city,

To get you even from the bottom of the sea.


It’s all the more joyful that you found me.

I will only go in and out of this house.



Why is he here?

He has now captured

A galley with cargo and get rich,

As soon as he legitimizes his seizure.


I do not understand.

He got married.


You won't guess.

Returns Othello.

Let's go, general.


Ready. Let's go.


The people from the palace are behind you again.

You see?

Brabantio, probably.

Look out, beware. Him

Evil in the mind.

Enter Brabantio, Rodrigo And night watch with torches and weapons.




Here is the Moor.


Here he is, the robber. Beat him!

Swords are drawn on both sides.

At your service. Hello Rodrigo!


Down with the swords! The dew will damage them.

Your age affects us more,

What is your sword, most noble sir.


Despicable thief, tell me, where is my daughter?

You have entangled her with charms, devil!

There is magic here, I will prove it.

Indeed, judge for yourself, people:

Beauty and the angel of kindness

Doesn't want to hear anything about marriage

Refuses the best suitors

And suddenly he leaves home, comfort, contentment,

To rush without fear of ridicule,

On the monster's chest blacker than soot,

Inspiring fear, not love!

Is this natural? Judge,

Does this happen without witchcraft?

You secretly put her mind to sleep

And he gave me a love potion!

The law tells me to take you into custody

Like a warlock and a sorcerer,

Who trades in the forbidden. –

Arrest him, and if he

Good will not come, take possession of the power!

Both you and you. It will come to blood, -

I know this role without being told.

Where should I go to justify myself?


First to jail. You'll sit for a while.

The time will come, they will call you - you will answer.


What if I really obey you?

What will the Doge say? Here are some messengers.

They're out of the palace right now

And they demand me there on business.

First military

Yes, sir, the situation is this:

The Doge is having an emergency meeting.

They are definitely waiting for you there too.


Night council from the Doge? Very handy.

Let's go there with him. My problem is

Not an everyday trifle, but an incident,

Concerning us all. If we

Let's start unleashing such assassination attempts,

In the republic the lords of fate

There will be pagan slaves.

They leave.

Right there. Council Hall.

Doge And senators at the table. There are military men all around officials And servants.

There is no connection in the news. You can't trust them.

First Senator

They contain contradictions.

They write to me that there are one hundred and seven galleys.

That there are one hundred and forty of them.

Second Senator

I have two hundred of them.

It is clear that the calculations are contradictory.

It was made by guesswork, at random.

But that the Turkish fleet is sailing to Cyprus,

All messages agree on this.

Yes, this is a discrepancy in numbers

It cannot serve us as reassurance.

At the core there is truth, and it is bitter.

Sailor (backstage)

Hey, hey, let me in!

First minister

A messenger from the fleet.

Included sailor.

Well, how are you doing?


Turkish fleet

Sailing to Rhodes. This is a report

From Angelo to the Senate.

How do you like this change?

First Senator

Absurdity. This is a distraction.

Some kind of tactical trick.

For the Turks, Cyprus is more important than Rhodes,

And Cyprus is much easier to master.

Rhodes is a stronghold, Cyprus is not fortified,

The Turks are not so naive as not to see

Where is the harm, where is the benefit, and do not discriminate

Complete safety from risk.

No, no, of course, their goal is not Rhodes.

First minister

Another messenger.

Included messenger.


First Senator

Here you go, gentlemen.

I knew it. Big reinforcements?


Thirty ships each. All together

Again they openly turned towards Cyprus.

Signor Montano, your faithful servant,

He informs you that he will not betray his duty.

Of course, to Cyprus. I told you!

What, Mark Luchese is in town?

First Senator

Out of town.

He's in Florence.

Send for him.

Demand by letter, let him return.

First Senator

Here is Brabantio and the brave Moor.

Enter Brabantio, Othello, Iago, Roderigo and accompanying persons.

Valiant Othello, we owe you

Immediately send against the Turks.

Brabantio, I didn't notice you.

We missed your help.


And I need yours, good Doge.

Don't be offended, but to tell the truth,

I'm in the palace for another reason.

It wasn't my job title that got me out of bed.

It's not the war that worries me now.

Oh no, a very special concern

All my thoughts were consumed.

For nothing, leaving no room.

But what happened?


Daughter, oh my daughter!

Doge and senators

What with her?


She's ruined, she's ruined!

She was lured by force and taken away

A spell, slander, dope.

She is smart, healthy, not blind

And I couldn’t help but understand the mistake,

But this is witchcraft, witchcraft!

Whoever the thief was who deprived you of your daughter,

And your daughter - the ability to judge,

Find a page for him yourself

In the bloody book of law and above it

Execute the sentence. I won't interfere

At least it was my own son.


Heartily grateful. Here's the culprit.

The same Moor who is summoned to you

By your order.

Doge and senators

Very sorry!

Doge (Othello)

What is your answer to us?


He's caught.


Dignitaries, nobles,

My lords! What can I say?

I won’t argue, his daughter is with me,

He is right. I got married to her.

These are all my sins.

I don't know the others. I'm not a talker

And I don’t speak secular language well.

Having begun his service as a boy at the age of seven,

I've been fighting almost all my life

And besides talking about fights,

I can't hold a conversation.

However, here is a simple story

About what spells

And I enticed his daughter with secret spells,

As my accuser complained to you.


Judge for yourself, how not to blame?

I was afraid to take a step, shy, quiet,

And suddenly, look where it came from!

Everything is aside - nature, shame, decency,

Fell in love with something you can't look at!

Such a statement is unthinkable.

There are intrigues and intrigues here.

I guarantee he gave her poison

And my will was fettered by sleepy stupor.

Your accusations must be proven.

I don't see any evidence for the prosecution.

First Senator

Othello, finally speak!

Were there really any tricks here?

Or is it harmless love,

How does it arise in a conversation?

Souls with soul?


Send it to the arsenal.

Let her testify herself.

If necessary, take away the rank

And dispose of my life.

Deliver Desdemona, gentlemen.


Lieutenant, show them the way.

Iago and several servants leave.

Until they return without hiding,

I confess openly to you,

How did I achieve her love and how

She is mine.

Othello, speak.


Her father loved me. I often

I visited them. I told you more than once

Events of personal life, year after year.

Described the vicissitudes of fate,

Battles, sieges, everything I've experienced.

I was reviewing my whole life again -

From childhood days to the present moment.

I recalled hardships and labors,

Tested on sea and land.

He told me how I avoided trouble

On the verge of death. Like once

I was captured and sold into slavery,

And escaped from captivity. Was returning

To the places of your wanderings. Said

About fabulous caves and deserts,

Gorges with abysses and mountains,

Peaks touching the sky.

About cannibals, that is, savages,

Eating each other. About people,

Which shoulders are higher than the head.

Stories occupied Desdemona,

And while away on business, she

I always tried to finish them early,

To return in time and catch

The lost thread of the story.

I was glad to satisfy this greed

And I was glad to hear a request from her,

So that I could tell her somehow

From beginning to end, what is part of her

It is already known. I began. And when

Reached the first bitter clashes

Of my immature youth with destiny,

I saw that the listener was crying.

When I finished I was rewarded

A whole world of sighs for this story.

“No,” she gasped, “what a life!”

I am beside myself with tears and surprise.

Why did I know this! For what

I wasn't born the same person!

Thank you. That's what. If you had

A friend happened and he fell in love with me,

Let your life be told from your words -

And he will conquer me." In response to this

I also confessed to her. That's all.

I fell in love with my fearlessness,

She gives me her sympathy.

That's how I did my magic. Here comes Desdemona.

Now you turn to her herself.

Enter Desdemona And Iago with the servants.

Before such a story, I believe,

Our daughter would not have been able to resist either.

Brabantio, we must reconcile.

After all, you won’t break through walls with your forehead.


First, let's listen to what she has to say.

Of course, if both are at the same time,

Then I have no claims to the Moor. –

Come closer, my lady.

Tell whom from this assembly

Should you obey the most?


Father, in such a circle my duty is twofold.

You gave me life and education.

And life and upbringing tell me,

It is my duty as a daughter to obey you.

But here's my husband. Like my mother once

Changed her duty to her father

In debt to you, so will I from now on

I am obedient to the Moor, my husband.


Well, God be with you. - I'm finished, your lordship.

Let's get down to government affairs. –

I'd rather accept a stranger's girl,

How he gave birth and raised his own!

Be happy, Moor. My will is daughters

You wouldn't be able to see your ears.

Well, my angel, this is what I say goodbye to:

I'm glad you're the only daughter.

Your escape would have made me a tyrant.

I would chain your sisters. –

I'm finished, Your Grace.

I'll add

One piece of advice for you, so that young people

Help you rise in your opinion again.

What has passed is time to forget,

And a mountain will immediately fall from your heart.

Always remember past misfortunes,

Perhaps worse than fresh misfortune.

In suffering the only outcome is

To the best of your ability, ignore adversity.


Well, we are not giving Cyprus to the Turks,

When something has passed, then it doesn’t matter?

It costs nothing to teach dispassion

The one who doesn't care about anything.

Where can he acquire dispassion?

Who has something to regret and remember?

The sayings are ambiguous and shaky.

Literature does not bring relief.

And not the ears are the way

Into the suffering tormented chest.

Therefore, I come to you with the lowest request:

Let's get down to government affairs.
