Why reading is fashionable and useful. “Reading is fashionable!”: effective motivation or substitution of concepts? Reading develops logical and abstract thinking

The main trend of the season is self-development. It's not just about education and improving skills. In order to independently acquire new knowledge, it is important to have certain qualities and be able to learn. And this is exactly what books can help with. Let's try to tell you.

Reading develops attention

To develop yourself, it is important to be able to focus and maintain attention. Books and reading can help develop these skills. Starting small, reading a page a day, you will learn not only to enjoy the story, but to hold your attention on it for a long time, not to be distracted and to thoroughly absorb the information.

Reading increases vocabulary

Reading develops intuitive literacy

When you read a lot, your brain not only remembers new words, but gradually learns how to spell them. This way you become more literate, although you may not know some of the rules of grammar. This life hack also works with punctuation.

Reading helps you make friends

Books, even fiction, share knowledge: specific details, relationship issues, references to others literary works, music, cinema... Information accumulates in memory and subsequently allows you to maintain a conversation even in unfamiliar company.

Reading develops logical and abstract thinking

While reading, you involuntarily reason, learn to put yourself in the shoes of the characters, look at the same situations and issues from different angles. Reading teaches objectivity. You learn to draw conclusions, build logical chains, predict events and reactions.

Books are called “food for the mind.” Before the widespread introduction of television and computerization into our lives, the most important leisure entertainment for people was reading. With the advent of “blue” screens, people began to look at them more and more often, go to cinemas and read less often. And with further global informatization, society turned its gaze to the monitors of computers, laptops and all sorts of mobile “gadgets”. And the books were generally pushed further away to gather dust on the shelves.

But this could not last long. To whatever level technical development civilization has not reached Eternal values will always remain relevant. And now few people have the opinion that reading is a waste of time, because there are movies and computers. IN last years There is an increasing trend in the number of people reading. This is especially noticeable in large cities: people have to travel a long time to get to their place of work and travel through several modes of transport. And to pass the time on the road, most people read. There is a combination of business and pleasure. You’ve obviously heard about the benefits of reading since you were in school, but it’s hard to argue with the basic logical arguments:

  • Reading, like nothing else, develops visual memory- words, sentence construction, punctuation marks - which, in turn, develops literacy, even without special grammar lessons.
  • Imagination develops well, since any book forms in the reader certain visual images: characters, their characters and appearance, surrounding nature, furnishings and much more.
  • Thanks to specialized literature, you can engage in self-education: learn new terms from professional fields that are familiar or new to you.
  • An interesting, unusual plot, invented by the author, captivates us, and this surprises the brain and makes it perceive the world around us in a new way.

The information development of mankind has not only had a negative impact on reading, but it has also significantly given a positive impetus towards convenience and economy. Types of books appeared that were alternative to ordinary printed (paper) publications. So, let's take it in order, what can you choose if you decide to continue or just start reading?

Printed book editions.

So to speak, no one has canceled real or paper books and will never cancel them. Those who like to rustle the pages and inhale the smell of old yellowed paper or crisp new paper straight from the printing house will never stop. You can always buy a book at a regular bookstore, second-hand bookstore, or just borrow it from the library. For those who don’t know, a second-hand bookstore is a kind of “second-hand” book store, where people can bring their unwanted ones, exchange them for others, or buy them for a very affordable price.


With their advent, we got the opportunity not to carry heavy volumes with us, but to download countless books and read them on a small flat tablet that can easily be carried in our pocket. This is where the name “pocket book” comes from. E-books are especially convenient on the road - light weight and plenty of time to read if you suddenly get bored. It is clear that you can download and read books on any computer or mobile device, but we are talking about books, so we will not digress from the topic. Books differ from other mobile devices - smartphones, tablets and the like - by significantly less functionality, but more for a long time charge retention. But a book is just that: a book. We buy it for reading, and not for surfing the Internet or working with computer programs. Although manufacturers are already trying to equip some books with such capabilities.

The main fundamental point that you should first pay attention to when purchasing e-books is the type of screen - liquid crystal (TFT, like a computer monitor) or ink type (E-ink). I won’t go into the details of technology; you can read about this in many articles if you wish. technical sources. I’ll just say the most important thing: if books with a TFT screen have the same effect on vision harmful effects Like computer monitors, ink-type books are not harmful to eyesight, their impact is exactly the same as that of a regular paper book.

Audio books.

I think no one will be surprised by the existence of audio books. Of course, they are not really books; they are not read, but listened to, which accordingly has a different effect on us and our intellect. But still, in their own way, these are books, since you are listening to a recording of some person reading aloud some real book. Anyone understands that audio books cannot exist in nature in paper form, and to listen to them you will need some kind of device (suitable eBook any type or mobile “device”) and headphones.

Such recorded books train auditory memory and help replenish vocabulary, the formation of entire sentences and phrases in human memory, which, in turn, improve the quality of your speech. Sound books are very convenient when traveling when you are traveling in a shaking vehicle. You may not be able to read with your eyes - this is harmful to vision and is not suitable for people with a weak vestibular system, as a “sickness effect” occurs. And you turn on your headphones, and the sea is knee-deep, and the road seems shorter!

In general, what can we say here: reading is not a sign of being behind the times, but a fashionable “trick”. No other biological organism except humans is capable of this, therefore, despite our love for animals, we will once again prove the intellectual superiority of man.

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The importance of books and reading in the life of mankind is difficult to overestimate. Since ancient times, a person who could read was respected and revered by his fellow citizens, and the book itself was treated with reverence. But, unfortunately, reading is one of the activities that not many people enjoy nowadays. But we can say with confidence that reading is fashionable. Since ancient times, books have been not only a source of knowledge, but also an inexhaustible source of life and many useful things. Only by reading can a person comprehend many secrets and educate his feelings. The purpose of the class hour: to cultivate an interest in reading and respect for books.



The purpose of the class hour:

Cultivate an interest in reading, a careful attitude towards books;

Show the significance of the book for humanity.

improving library and bibliographic literacy.


Introduce children to the rules and responsibilities of a children's library reader;

Instill respect for the book, teach the correct handling of the book;

Involve in the preservation of the library collection:

Instill a love of reading.

Introductory words from the teacher:

A book is a teacher, a book is a mentor.
A book is a close comrade and friend.
The mind, like a stream, dries up and grows old,
If you let go of the book.
A book is an adviser, a book is a scout,
The book is an active fighter and fighter.
A book is an imperishable memory and eternity,
A satellite of planet earth, finally.
The book is not just beautiful furniture,
Do not use oak cabinets,
The book is a magician who knows how to tell tales
Turn it into reality and into the basis of foundations.
(Viktor Bokov - Russian poet, prose writer and folklore collector)

The importance of books and reading in the life of mankind is difficult to overestimate. Since ancient times, a person who could read was respected and revered by his fellow citizens, and the book itself was treated with reverence. But, unfortunately, reading is one of the activities that not many people enjoy nowadays. But I can say with confidence that reading is fashionable. Since ancient times, books have been not only a source of knowledge, but also an inexhaustible source of life and many useful things. Only by reading can a person comprehend many secrets and educate his feelings.

I can't imagine life without reading books. It forces you to think correctly and reflect on your actions. To love reading is to never be bored; it gives maximum pleasure. I am particularly concerned about the question: “Why do young people read so little?” But when I think about it, I realize that for many this is a waste of time. In our age of high information technologies many undeservedly ignore reading, unfairly considering the book a relic of the past. But they are wrong, because reading is not only fashionable, but enjoyable and useful.

I have something for you interesting tasks. Having completed them, we will be convinced that we cannot do without reading.

1. Guys, you have sheets of paper on your tables. Please think and formulate the reasons why you still need to read!

Here are some reasons for reading:

  1. Children and adolescents who often read literature have a higher IQ than those who neglect this activity.
  2. Reading makes us more beautiful.
  3. A reading person can communicate with anyone. And those who don’t read – only with their own kind.
  4. A person who reads lives longer.
  5. A person who reads books will inevitably control those who do not read.
  6. It is difficult to manipulate a reading person.
  7. Reading improves literacy.
  8. Reading calms you down and helps relieve stress.
  1. Competition "Fairytale Quiz"

1. Name the long-lived fairy-tale king. (Koschei)

2. This tale tells how the stepmother drove her stepdaughter away New Year to the forest for flowers. What is the name of this fairy tale? Who is author? (“12 months”, S.Ya. Marshak).

3. Who wrote books about Uncle Fyodor? (Uspensky).

4. Name the fairy tales of H.H. Andersen. (Thumbelina, ugly duck etc.).

5. Main character fairy tales " The Snow Queen"? (Kai).

6. Who did King Guidon turn into? (Into a mosquito, a bumblebee and a fly).

7. In which work was the door behind the painted hearth? (Tolstoy’s “The Adventures of Pinocchio”)

8. Who wrote the fairy tale “The Silver Hoof”? (P. Bazhov)

9. What work are these characters from: a boy and a girl, a little robber (“The Snow Queen. Andersen”)

10. The one who gave Buratino wise advice. (Cricket)

11. “Pull your leg out from under you and lower it under the table. Don’t eat with your hands, that’s what spoons and forks are for.” (Malvina – Pinocchio)

13. Under pressure from a royal person, this woman committed a terrible crime. Under the guise of a wretched beggar, she infiltrated a kind, unsuspecting girl and treated her to a very common tasty fruit. As a result, she fell dead. (Chernavka poisoned the young princess. “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”)

14. Three attackers, while in the service of a high-ranking official, committed a forgery of a document, which had sad, very dramatic consequences: the family was destroyed. Mother and son are severely punished. But in the end, truth triumphed, evil was defeated. (A weaver with a cook, with her matchmaker Babarikha. “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”)

15. What very sour fruit is named after the prince from the fairy tale about the adventures of Cippolino? (Lemon)

16. Who is Kaa? (Python, Mowgli's friend)

17. Alice's fox companion. (Basilio)

18. The formidable robber of Chukovsky’s fairy tales (Barmaley)

19. The means by which Doctor Aibolit communicated with little animals (Telephone)

20. Far, far away, in the country where swallows fly away from us for the winter, there lived a king. He had eleven sons and one daughter, Eliza. (H.H. Andersen. “Wild Swans”)

  1. An educational moment.


People actually read a lot these days. Countless messages, non-stop news feed, favorite blogs on the Internet... But nothing can replace books. It is reading books that helps a person maintain a vibrant mind for many years. Here Interesting Facts about reading, which will make you look at this type of pastime in a new way.

  • Russian writer Maxim Gorky read at a speed of 4,000 words per minute.
  • American inventor Thomas Edison read 2-3 lines at once, memorizing the text in almost pages, thanks to maximum concentration.
  • The French writer Honore de Balzac read a 200-page novel in half an hour.
  • Napoleon read at a speed of 2000 words per minute.
  • Stalin read 400 pages a day, considering this the minimum norm.
  • Eliyahu Gaon - an outstanding genius of spiritual Orthodox Jewry, a mathematician who remembered 2,500 books he read verbatim

As you know, modern girls read little, or rather, it would be more accurate to say: they hardly read. By the word “read” we do not mean reading all sorts of glamorous magazines in order to find out which fur coats - mink or arctic fox - are in fashion today and which fur store will offer them the best choice fur products. Namely, reading in the very sense that it has had since time immemorial. Of course, no one says that modern beauties should sit for hours at a time reading volumes of classics or any “abstruse” literature. But sometimes it’s worth reading literature, rather than catalogs of fur factories or fashion boutiques. Moreover, in Lately Girls who are not only visually attractive, but also educated to a certain extent are valued everywhere.

It is not for nothing that they say that philological faculties of universities are the faculties of brides for diplomats. After all, no diplomat would want to have a beautiful but uneducated wife who has not read a single book in her life. Girls planning to find a wealthy husband, remember that successful men prefer to see women who are successful in all respects next to them. Ability to carry on a conversation in different interesting topics, navigating well-known things (and this is not just a discussion of the latest fashion trends) is deservedly valued by male representatives, despite the fact that men supposedly “love with their eyes.”

Again, this does not mean that you need to know by heart all of Brodsky and the release dates of all of Dostoevsky’s novels. Among classical literature there are quite a few “light” works of different genres that are quite easy to read and whose plot will not make you bored. Thanks to the film adaptations of great novels that have become so popular lately, large quantity people learned about them and even began to read them. This can also be considered as an option to get acquainted with the world of real literature. Well, if classical literature still seems too boring to you, there is a wide choice modern literature, quite bearable. We are not talking about the so-called “books” of Robski, Donskoy and Sobchak. For starters, you can read Coelho, Richard Bach, and, ultimately, The Lord of the Rings. The main thing is to take the first step and begin to be at least a little interested in literature. This is very interesting. Yes, everyone has lost the habit of reading now, they think it’s unfashionable, even shameful, and that’s why it’s so valued in modern world and commands respect among successful worthy people.

Discussion of the article “It’s fashionable to read!”


Yes, I generally like to read, but it’s rare that I get exactly the kind of novel I like. For example, Coelho is philosophical thoughts in dry history. But I want to read about characters (in an accurate description of appearance), about events where everything is written out, these are novels where you live the whole story together with the main character. For example, "The Count of Monte Cristo" (about 1000 pages in small print), but there is one phrase on the very last page, which is worth a lot, for which it is worth reading the entire novel!! I strongly recommend it!! And give advice on who to read, with such as, for example, Dumas, London (my favorite writers).?

20.02.2011 (03:20)


Nonsense, nonsense, nonsense!

04.11.2010 (20:30)


Indeed, nowadays people read less, especially young people. But there is a sea of ​​interesting works, the world of fiction is great, there is so much more unread. Reading broadens our horizons, enriches inner world. If parents read, then children also become familiar with books. So read, experience, enrich yourself spiritually! Sometimes a book turns out to be much more interesting than the film based on its plot.

12.10.2010 (11:43)


I completely agree! True, I’m more of a fan of Vladislav Krapivin (Ural writer, founder of the “Caravel” detachment, to which, by the way, I myself belong). Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Solzhenitsyn and many other authors also appeal to me. Besides, a person who reads is an intelligent person.. In what way is this Where does it say that being smart is not fashionable?!!

27.07.2010 (15:07)


Lord, who wrote such nonsense!! I was especially struck by the phrase “Yes, everyone has lost the habit of reading now, they think it’s not fashionable, it’s even embarrassing” oo.
Yes, I agree that our generation reads less and less. but everyone decides for themselves what to read, why, and why.
I’m shocked by the behavior and lifestyle of today’s youth, although I myself am 18 years old. But I don’t care what they think about books. because I have always loved to read and without books, life is empty for me.
I adore Tolstoy, I read War and Peace 2 times, Dostoevsky is generally super!! youth supposedly golden should read at least one book!!
Paulo Coelho also enriches readers with the philosophical content of his books. God forbid they read Dontsova, and especially Sobchak!! this is walking nonsense! Fools painted two letters have learned to connect!

More and more experts and specialists are coming to the conclusion that reading today has again become a fashionable activity, attracting millions of people from different ages and social groups. So, why was it that 10-15 years ago (or maybe less) spending time reading a book was not as popular as it is now? There are several reasons for this.

Get acquainted with a new work by your favorite writer, read classics from school curriculum or find a fascinating detective story, reading which you can have a good rest - all this is available to each of us. Any text is currently stored electronically. There is no need to go to the opposite part of the city and stand in line to get the book you need from the library. It is much easier to turn to numerous online services where you can download for free or purchase any literary products for money. Therefore, it is natural to consider the availability of books as one of the reasons for the popularity of reading.

Compared to the 90s, it has become easier to purchase books. Today, in every city there are several large used bookstores offering a wide range of literary creations of any genre. There is no need to ask neighbors, friends and classmates if they have a book that interests you, as was the case before.

We must not forget about the active introduction into life of various mobile devices that allow you to take a real library with you, store hundreds and even thousands of books in electronic versions that you can read at home, at work, in the park, on the road, on the street, etc.

The young generation's great interest in books is explained by the fact that often published films or computer games are based on some work. Naturally, a movie you like pushes you to take the original source - a book, after reading which you can find out more information about your favorite characters and re-experience all the feelings and emotions, worrying about their fate.

Even the fashion industry is fueling global interest in literature. Clutch bags imitating book covers with texts by famous classics are in fashion. A number of designers even cover their clothes with quotes from their works. For example, not long ago a whole collection of dresses was released, the hem of which was decorated with lines from Mikhail Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita”.

The consciousness of most people has also changed. Everyone today wants to stand out from the crowd, to be more vibrant, stylish, smart and different from others. The times when they did exotic hairstyles, covered their bodies with tattoos or pierced every part are gradually becoming a thing of the past. Today's fashion dictates different rules. It is important not only to lead a healthy lifestyle, go to the gym, eat right, etc., but also to be erudite enough to complete prestigious university, be able to support any conversation or maintain your own blog on the Internet. Of course, you can’t do without reading books and constantly searching for new information.

The diversity of works also has a positive effect modern prose, describing the problems and conflicts of the present time. Not everyone is interested in reading about what happened before, say, in the Middle Ages or post-war years. Therefore, most young people turn to the works of Coutier, Haruki Murakami, Roxanne Robski, Pelevin, Ulitskaya and others.

Even though we are still far from the status of the most reading country in the world, which the USSR was once considered to be, interest and love for reading are gradually becoming the main attributes of modern society.
