Family Code of the Russian Federation in English. Labor Code

The names of laws must be classified as realities. This follows from the fact that, although laws are adopted everywhere, the accepted ways of naming them different countries are different. Thus, in English-language practice the very word “law” ( Act) usually stands at the end and is a marker for the end of the name, and the entire name, introduced by the definite article, is highlighted by capitalizing the significant words included in it ( the Industrial Relations Act ). In Russian (Soviet) practice, the word “ Law" is written before the name, which almost invariably begins with the preposition " ABOUT» (« About") and is enclosed in quotation marks. The names of English-language laws are usually short, Russian names can extend as far as several lines, and they often include, like a nesting doll, internal quotation marks (like this case: Law 999-FZ “On amendments and additions to Law 888-FZ, On the restructuring of housing and communal services management”"- a conditional example).

If when translating names Russian laws try to reproduce the structure adopted in English-speaking countries - with the word Act In the end, we will encounter a number of technical and linguistic difficulties. For example, with the question: where to put the alphanumeric number of the law? If you put it after the final word Act, then linguistically it will conflict with the need to write it before the name definite article, and without an article the construction will be semantically deceptive. For example, if Law No. 127-FZ “On Bankruptcy” is translated as Bankruptsy Act 127-FZ, then this will create the impression that there were many such “bankruptsy acts”, and this is the number of one of them.

In short, practice leads to the conclusion that the optimal method for translating the names of Russian laws is the tracing method, which I wrote about in the previous answer: with quotation marks and without capitalization. However, the option with capitalization of each significant word is also quite acceptable. As the WikiHow guide rightly points out,


"Titles using all capitalization is a personal or organizational preference. While the initial letter should be capitalized at the beginning of the
title, always aim for consistency of use with either all upper or all
lower case (after the initial word) for the entire title. Always check
your organization's or publisher's style guide to see what they prefer
for titles."

In other words, with regard to capitalization, choose for yourself the option that you and your customer consider acceptable, and follow it without deviation.

As for the translation into Russian of the names of English-language laws, here, since we cannot do without the pretext “ ABOUT» (« About"), it is recommended to follow the Russian tradition, for example: the Homeland Security Act of 2002 - Law of 2002 “On Homeland Security”(or: Law “On Homeland Security” 2002), although there are also options when the word “Law” is included in the quoted title, but this seems to be a half-hearted solution, and therefore I would not recommend this practice.

More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for the word “CRIMINAL CODE” in dictionaries.

  • CRIMINAL CODE—Penal code
  • CRIMINAL CODE- criminal code
  • CRIMINAL CODE- criminal code
  • CRIMINAL CODE—Penal code
  • CRIMINAL CODE— criminal code, penal code
  • CRIMINAL CODE— criminal code penal code
  • CRIMINAL CODE— criminal code penal code
  • CRIMINAL—Penal
    Russian-American English Dictionary
  • CRIMINAL— Criminal
    Russian-American English Dictionary
  • CODE— Legal code
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  • CODE- 1. code code of labor laws - labor code 2. : moral code - moral code 3. (an old manuscript ...
    English Russian-English dictionary general vocabulary- Collection of the best dictionaries
  • CRIMINAL- criminal; felony, criminal offense; ~ criminal code; ~past police/criminal/prison record; ~ process of criminal proceeding; ~no big deal...
    Russian-English dictionary of general topics
  • CODE- code; moral ~ moral code; criminal ~ criminal code 1) code, codex (laws, principles, etc.) code of labor laws ...
    Russian-English dictionary of general topics
  • CRIMINAL— Criminal
    Russian Learner's Dictionary
  • CODE— The code
    Russian Learner's Dictionary
  • CODE— code
    Russian Learner's Dictionary
  • CRIMINAL— 1. adj. criminal; penal criminal process - criminal procedure criminal case - criminal case criminal code - criminal offense criminal ...
    Russian-English dictionary
  • CODE- m. 1. code code of labor laws - labor code 2. : moral code - moral code 3. (ancient ...
    Russian-English dictionary
  • CRIMINAL— 1. adj. criminal; penal criminal process - criminal procedure criminal case - criminal case criminal code - criminal offense criminal ...
  • CODE- m. 1. code labor code - labor code 2.: moral code - moral code 3. (an old manuscript ...
    Russian-English Smirnitsky abbreviations dictionary
  • CRIMINAL- adj. criminal; penal criminal case - criminal case criminal prosecution - criminal prosecution criminal offense - criminal offense criminal code ...
    Russian-English short dictionary on general vocabulary
  • CODE— code
    Russian-English dictionary on construction and new construction technologies
  • CODE— Statute book
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  • CODE—Dip
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  • CODE—Code
    British Russian-English Dictionary
  • CRIMINAL— criminal
    Russian-English economic dictionary
  • CRIMINAL- criminal; felony, criminal offense; ~ criminal code; ~past police/criminal/prison record; ~ process of criminal proceeding; ~ new criminal case; ~ criminal investigation...
  • CODE- code; moral ~ moral code; criminal ~ criminal code
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  • CRIMINAL- criminal, penalty
  • CODE— code, lawbook
    Russian-English legal dictionary
  • CODE— (Codex Iuris Canonici), a set of canons, or laws, in force in the Roman Catholic Church since November 27, 1983. It is a revision of earlier ...
    Russian Dictionary Colier
  • CRIMINAL- adj. criminal penal criminal procedure - criminal procedure criminal case - criminal case criminal code - criminal code criminal offense ...
    Large Russian-English Dictionary
  • CODE— m. code moral ~ moral code criminal ~ criminal code
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  • CRIMINAL- criminal criminal
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  • CODE— code code
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  • CODE
  • CODE- 1. noun 1) a) source a collection of laws issued during the reign of a particular emperor b) legal. code, code of laws...
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  • FELON— I 1. noun; legal criminal 2. adj.; poet. criminal; cruel, treacherous felon deed Syn: cruel II noun; honey. ...
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  • PENAL- penal.ogg ʹpi:nl a 1. punishable (by law); criminal penal act - criminally punishable act / action / penal offense - ...
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  • CRIMINAL— criminal.ogg 1. ʹkrımın(ə)l n 1> criminal war state criminal - military state criminal habitual criminal - professional criminal, repeat offender 2> ...
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  • PENAL— a 1. punishable (by law); criminal ~ act - criminally punishable act / action / ~ offense - criminal offense ...
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  • - ex., brit. Code of Best Practice, Code of Corporate Governance, Cadbury Code (a code governing corporate governance issues drawn up in 1992 by the head of ...

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Labor Code is a codified legislative act (code) on labor; is one of the main sources of labor law. In most cases, “labor codes” are not called specially developed sets of norms, but mechanically... ... Wikipedia

LABOR CODE- LABOR CODE, the main set of laws Russian Federation regulating labor relations. Adopted by the State Duma of the Russian Federation on December 21, 2001... encyclopedic Dictionary

Labor Code of the Russian Federation- ... Wikipedia

Labor Code of the Russian Federation on the use of minor labor- Now there are fewer problems with employment for schoolchildren and students. Along with specialized centers for youth, they can also turn to large recruitment agencies. Minors - special social group; application from labor... ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

The main systematized legislative act regulating labor relations in the Russian Federation. Signed by the President of the Russian Federation on December 30, 2001 (No. 197 Federal Law), came into force on February 1, 2002. On October 6, 2006, the Federal Law of July 30, 2006 No. 90 Federal Law was put into effect,... ... Russian encyclopedia of labor protection

Labor Code of the Russian Federation- This term has other meanings, see the Labor Code. Federal Law (Russia) “Labor Code of the Russian Federation” Number: 197 Federal Law Adoption: by the State Duma on December 21, 2001 Approval ... Wikipedia

Labor Code of the Russian Federation- the main codified normative legal act (law) of the Russian Federation, containing the norms of labor law and aimed at regulating labor and directly related relations that form the subject of labor law in Russia.… … Large legal dictionary

Code 197-FZ: Labor Code of the Russian Federation- Terminology Code 197 Federal Law: Labor Code of the Russian Federation: Basic salary (basic official salary), base rate wages minimum salary (official salary), wage rate for a government employee or... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

LABOR CODE OF THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS- a codified normative legal act, a law that provides complete systemic regulation of labor relations. The Republic of Belarus has a Labor Code adopted on July 26, 1999 and entered into force on January 1, 2000... Legal Dictionary of Modern Civil Law

NPA: Labor Code of the Russian Federation- (as amended as of September 1, 2013) Part one → Labor Code of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2001 No. 197 FZ (Labor Code of the Russian Federation) Source GARANT July 24, 25, 20 ... Accounting Encyclopedia

NLA: Labor Code of the Russian Federation: Part One- (as amended as of November 25, 2013) Labor Code of the Russian Federation ← Labor Code of the Russian Federation ... Accounting Encyclopedia


  • Labor Code of the Russian Federation,. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Federal Law No. 197-FZ of December 30, 2001) is one of the most important sources of labor law, contributing to the establishment of state... Buy for 253 rubles
  • Labor Code of the Russian Federation as of 01.07.19, . This publication contains the text of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation as of July 1, 2019...

More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for the word “LABOR CODE” in dictionaries.

  • LABOR CODE – Labor Code
  • LABOR CODE – Labor Code
  • LABOR – Labor
  • CODE - Legal code
    Russian-American English Dictionary
  • LABOR - working; labor (attr.) labor Code— Labor Code labor people — working-people labor population — working / laboring …
  • CODE - 1. code code of labor laws - labor code 2. : moral code - moral code 3. (an old manuscript ...
    English-Russian-English dictionary of general vocabulary - Collection of the best dictionaries
  • LABOR - 1. labor attr. , working, work attr. ~work skills; ~ education working education, education based on work; ~aya...
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  • LABOR – Labor
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  • CODE - The code
    Russian Learner's Dictionary
  • CODE - code
    Russian Learner's Dictionary
    Russian-English dictionary
  • CODE - m. 1. code code of labor laws - labor code 2.: moral code - moral code 3. (ancient ...
    Russian-English dictionary
  • LABOR - (in different meanings) working; labor (attr.) labor code - Labor Code labor people - working-people labor ...
  • CODE - m. 1. code code of labor laws - labor code 2.: moral code - moral code 3. (an old manuscript ...
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  • CODE – Statute book
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  • CODE - Code
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  • CODE - code; moral ~ moral code; criminal ~ criminal code
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  • CODE — code, lawbook
    Russian-English legal dictionary
  • CODE - (Codex Iuris Canonici), a set of canons, or laws, in force in the Roman Catholic Church since November 27, 1983. It is a revision of earlier ...
    Russian Dictionary Colier
  • LABOR - adj. (in different meanings) working labor after a working day - after a day's work labor code - Labor Code labor ...
    Large Russian-English Dictionary
  • CODE - m. code moral ~ moral code criminal ~ criminal code
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  • LABOR - labor labor
  • CODE - code code
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  • WORK CAMP - labor camp forced labor camp
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  • LABOUR CAMP - forced labor camp forced labor camp
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  • LABOR CAMP - labor camp (Americanism) forced labor camp (Americanism) camp for seasonal workers
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  • ARTICLE - 1. noun. 1) article (in a newspaper, magazine) Syn: composition 2) article, paragraph (part of a written text) Syn: paragraph, section ...
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  • UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE - abbr. UCC trade, legal, amer. Uniform [Uniform] Commercial Code (UTC), Uniform [Uniform] Commercial Code (code of standard laws in the field of commercial ...
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