Lesson on the topic Altai. Summary of a geography lesson on the topic "Altai". Internet materials were used in the presentations

In many ways, they have been preserved by modern bearers of ethnic culture. They are inseparable from each other and are directly related to the spiritual culture and beliefs of people. Altai carefully preserves them, changing and improving them, nourishing the spiritual life of the peoples living here until the present day. All the peoples of the Altai Mountains have their own and unique ethnic culture, have a special view of the world, nature and their place in this world.

The spiritual culture of the Altai people, descendants of the ancient Turkic ethnic group, occupies a worthy and fundamental place among the traditional cultures represented in Altai. During a long historical development it has absorbed many of the spiritual and moral traditions of the peoples of Central Asia.

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The cult of Altai occupies one of the central places in the worldview of the Altai people.

According to this worldview, there is an eezi (master) of Altai. The Master of Altai is a deity who patronizes all those living in Altai. He lives on the sacred mountain Uch-Sumer and has the image of an old man in white clothes. Seeing it in a dream is considered a harbinger of good luck for a person. During prayers one can know or feel his invisible presence. He has the right to give life on earth, preserving and developing it. Ask an Altai “Who is your god” and he will answer “Mening kudayim agashtash, ar-butken, Altai”, which means “My god is stone, tree, nature, Altai.” The veneration of the eezi of Altai is manifested through the ritual “kyira buular” - tying ribbons at passes, oboo and pronouncing good wishes (alkyshi) for one’s family, a safe road, protection from illnesses and misfortunes. Alkysh have protective and magical powers.

The territory of the Altai Mountains is replete with rivers, lakes, and springs. According to the traditional worldview, spirits live in mountains, water sources, valleys and forests. Spirits of water sources, like mountains, can be deities of celestial origin. If special rules of behavior around these sources are not observed, they can pose a threat to human life. The water of the Altai Mountains has truly healing properties for curing many diseases. Mainly, healing springs – arzhans – are endowed with such properties. According to indigenous people, the water in such springs is sacred and can bestow immortality. You cannot go to the source without a guide who not only knows the way to it, but also has experience in healing practice. The timing of visiting Arzhan is important. According to the beliefs of the Altai people, mountain lakes are the favorite place of mountain spirits. People can rarely enter there, and therefore it is clean.

Each clan has its own sacred mountain. The mountain is considered as a kind of repository of life substance, the sacred center of the clan. Women are forbidden to be near the revered ancestral mountains with their heads naked or barefoot, to climb it and to say its name out loud. It should be noted in Altai culture special status women. According to ancient ideas, a woman is a precious vessel, thanks to which the family grows. This implies the extent of a man’s responsibility for a woman. A man is a hunter, a warrior, and a woman is a keeper of the hearth, a mother and a teacher.
The manifestation of the sacredness of the surrounding world today can also be seen in relation to objects of the material world, in family and marriage rituals, ethics and morality of the Altai people. This served to create taboos in behavior, customs and traditions. Violation of such a prohibition brings punishment to a person. A feature of the traditional culture of the Altai people is a deep understanding of many phenomena. The housing space is also organized in accordance with the laws of space. The Altai ail is strictly divided into female (right) and male (left) halves. In accordance with this, certain rules have been established for receiving guests in the village. A certain place is occupied by a distinguished guest, women and youth. The center of the yurt is considered to be a hearth - a container for fire. Altai people treat fire with special respect and regularly “feed” it. They sprinkle milk and araka, throw in pieces of meat, fat, etc. It is completely unacceptable to step over the fire, throw garbage into it, or spit into the fire.
The Altai people observe their own customs at the birth of a child, marriage, and others. The birth of a child is celebrated festively in the family. Large young animals are slaughtered cattle or sheep. The wedding ceremony takes place according to special canons. The newlyweds pour fat into the fire, throw in a pinch of tea and dedicate the first drops of araki to the fire. Above the village where the first wedding day on the groom’s side takes place, you can still see the branches of the iconic birch tree. The second day of the wedding is held on the bride's side, and is called Belkenchek - bride's day. Altaians perform two rituals at a wedding: traditional and official, secular.

Altaians are very hospitable and welcoming

By tradition, rules of behavior in everyday life, receiving guests, and observing family relationships are passed down. For example, how to serve arrack in a bowl to a guest, a smoking pipe. There is a custom to welcome a guest kindly, serve him milk or chegen (fermented milk), and invite him to tea. The father is considered the head of the family. Boys in an Altai family are always with their father. He teaches them how to care for livestock, do yard work, and teach them how to hunt, as well as the ability to cut up prey. From early childhood, a boy's father gives his son a horse. The horse becomes not only a means of transportation, but a member of the family, an assistant in the household and a friend of the owner. In the old days, in Altai villages they asked, “Who saw the owner of this horse?” At the same time, only the color of the horse was called, and not the name of the owner. According to tradition, the youngest son must live with his parents and accompany them on their last journey. Girls learn to do housework, cook food from dairy products, sew, and knit. They comprehend the canons of ritual and ritual culture, the guardian and creator future family. The ethics of communication have also been developed over centuries. Children are taught to address everyone as “you.” This is due to the belief of the Altai people that a person has two patron spirits: the Heavenly spirit, which is connected with Heaven, and the second is the spirit of the ancestor, connected with the Lower World.
Legends and heroic tales were transmitted orally in the spiritual culture of the Altai by storytellers (kaichi). Epic legends are narrated in a special way, through throat singing (kai). The execution could take several days, which indicates the unusual power and abilities of the kaichi voice. Kai for the Altai people is a prayer, a sacred action. And the storytellers enjoy enormous authority. In Altai there is a tradition of kaichi competitions; they are also invited to various holidays and weddings.
For the Altai people, Altai is alive, it feeds and clothes, gives life and happiness. It is an inexhaustible source of human well-being, it is the strength and beauty of the Earth. Modern residents of Altai have preserved a considerable part of the traditions of their ancestors. This concerns, first of all, rural residents. Many traditions are currently being revived.

Throat singing Kai

The song culture of the Altai people goes back to ancient times. The songs of the Altai people are tales about heroes and their exploits, stories telling about hunting and meetings with spirits. The longest kai can last several days. Singing can be accompanied by playing topshur or yatakana - national musical instruments. Kai is considered a masculine art.

Altai komus is a type of jew's harp, a reed musical instrument. Under different names, a similar instrument is found among many peoples of the world. In Russia, this instrument is found in Yakutia and Tuva (khomus), Bashkiria (kubyz) and Altai (komus). When playing, the komus is pressed to the lips, and oral cavity serves as a resonator. Using a variety of breathing techniques and articulation, you can change the nature of the sound, creating magical melodies. The comus is considered a women's instrument.

Currently, komus is a popular Altai souvenir.

From time immemorial, on passes and near springs, as a sign of worship to Altaidyn eezi - the owner of Altai, kyira (dyalama) - white ribbons - are tied. White ribbons fluttering on the trees and stones stacked in slides - oboo tash - always attracted the attention of guests. And if a guest wants to tie a ribbon to a tree or place stones on a pass, he must know why and how this is done.

The ritual of tying a kyir or dialam (depending on how the inhabitants of a particular area are used to calling them) is one of the most ancient rituals. Kyira (dyalama) is tied at passes, near springs, in places where archyn (juniper) grows.

There are certain rules that every kira (dyalama) tyer must follow. A person must be clean. This means that there should be no deceased among his relatives and family members during the year. The kyira (dyalama) can be tied in the same place once a year. The kyira ribbon should only be made of new fabric, 4-5 cm wide, 80 cm to 1 meter long and should be tied in pairs. The kyira is tied to a tree branch on the eastern side. The tree can be birch, larch, cedar. It is prohibited to tie it to a pine or spruce tree.

They usually tie a white ribbon. But you can have blue, yellow, pink, green. At the same time, ribbons of all colors are tied at prayers. Each color of kyir has its own purpose. White color– the color of Arzhan Suu – healing springs, the color of white milk that nourished the human race. Yellow- symbol of the sun, moon. Pink color is a symbol of fire. Blue color is a symbol of the sky and stars. Green is the color of nature, the sacred plants archyn (juniper) and cedar.

A person mentally turns to nature, to the Burkans through alkyshi-good wishes and asks for peace, health, prosperity for his children, relatives and the people as a whole. On passes, mainly where there are no trees, you can put stones on the oboo tash as a sign of worship to Altai. A traveler passing through the pass asks the Master of Altai for a blessing and a happy journey.

Traditional methods of farming and the basics of life that have survived to this day in many regions of the Altai Mountains make Altai attractive from the point of view of cultural and ethnographic tourism. Living in close proximity to the territory of several ethnic groups with diverse and colorful cultures contributes to the formation of a rich mosaic of traditional cultural landscapes in Altai.

This fact, along with the unique natural diversity and aesthetic appeal, is the most important factor determining the attractiveness of the Altai Mountains for tourists. Here you can still see in a “living environment” solid five-walled huts, polygonal ails and felt yurts, crane wells and chaka hitching posts.

The ethnographic direction of tourism becomes especially relevant in Lately, which is facilitated by the revival of traditions, including those associated with shamanistic customs and Burkhanist rituals. In 1988, the biennial theatrical and play festival “El-Oyyn” was established, attracting a huge number of participants and spectators from all over the republic and from beyond its borders, including from far abroad.
If you are seriously interested in the traditions and culture of the Altai people, then you should definitely visit the village of Mendur-Sokkon, where the collector of Altai antiquities I. Shadoev lives, and there is a unique museum created by his hands.

Cuisine of the peoples of Altai

The main occupation of the population of Altai was cattle breeding. In the summer, people grazed their herds in the foothills and alpine meadows, and in the winter they went to the mountain valleys. Horse breeding was of primary importance. Sheep, and in smaller quantities cows, goats, yaks, and poultry were also bred. Hunting was also an important industry. Therefore, it is not surprising that meat and milk occupy a preferred place in the national Altai cuisine. In addition to soup - kocho and boiled meat, Altaians make dorgom - sausage from lamb intestines, kerzech, kan (blood sausage) and other dishes.
Altai people prepare a wide variety of dishes from milk, including moonshine from milk - araku. Sour cheese - kurut, is also made from milk and can be tasted among the Altai people.
Everyone knows about the favorite dish of the Altai people - tea with talkan. But how many people know that preparing talkan is a real ritual and that it is prepared exactly as Herodotus described, on stone grain grinders.
You can make the sweet tok-chok from talkan with pine nuts and honey. Talkan, like semolina, gives weight to children, it makes them gain weight, but there are no problems with the child’s reluctance to eat it or diathesis. A child accustomed to a talkan never forgets it. In an Altai home, it is customary to first of all treat the guest to chegen, a drink like kefir.
And of course, anyone who has tried hot kaltyr (flatbread), teertpek (bread baked in ash) and boorsok (balls boiled in fat) will never forget their taste.
Altaians drink tea with salt and milk. Ulagan Altaians (Teleuts, Bayats) also add butter and talkan to their tea.

Dairy dishes

Old chegen - 100 g, milk - 1 liter.
Chegen is sour milk, fermented not from raw milk, but from boiled milk with sourdough - the previous chegen at the rate of 100 g per 1 liter of milk. The initial starter was sapwood (the outer part of the young willow grass), which was dried and allowed to stand in the smoke. Before fermenting, the old chegen is stirred well in a clean bowl, then warm boiled milk is poured in and stirred thoroughly. Prepare and store in a special container with a tight lid - a 30-40 liter barrel, it is thoroughly washed, poured with boiling water and fumigated for 2-2.5 hours. For fumigation, rot of healthy larch and bird cherry branches are used. To ripen, chegen is placed in a warm place for 8-10 hours to prevent peroxidation. Combine the milk, cream and starter, mix thoroughly for 5 minutes, and beat every 2-3 hours. Good chegen has a dense, grain-free consistency and a pleasant, refreshing taste. Chegen itself serves as a semi-finished product for aarcha and kurut.
Aarchi- good chegen, dense, homogeneous, not over-acidified, without grains, put on the fire, bring to a boil. Boil for 1.5-2 hours, cool and filter through a linen bag. The mass in the bag is placed under pressure. The result is a dense, tender mass.
Kurut— the aarchi is taken out of the bag, placed on the table, cut into layers with a thick thread and placed to dry on a special grill over the fire. After 3-4 hours the kurut is ready.
Byshtak— pour chegen into warm whole milk in a 1:2 ratio and bring to a boil. The mass is filtered through a gauze bag, placed under pressure, after 1-2 hours the byshtak is removed from the bag and cut into slices. The product is very nutritious, reminiscent of curd mass. It is especially tasty if you add honey and kaymak (sour cream).
Kaymak- Boil 1 liter of whole milk for 3-4 minutes and place in a cool place without shaking. After a day, skim off the foam and cream - kaymak. The remaining skim milk is used for soups and cooking chegen.
Edigey- for 1 liter of milk 150-200 chegen. They prepare it like byshtak, but the mass is not freed from the liquid part, but is boiled until the liquid has completely evaporated. The resulting grains are golden in color, slightly crunchy, and taste sweet.
Who's dairy- Place barley or pearl barley into boiling water and cook until almost done, then drain the water and add milk. Add salt and bring until done.

Flour dishes

3 cups flour, 1 cup chegen, curdled milk or sour cream, 3 eggs, 70 g butter or margarine, 1/2 tsp. soda and salt.
Roll the dough into balls and fry in fat until golden brown. The fat is allowed to drain and poured over with heated honey.
Teertnek - Altai national bread

2 cups flour, 2 eggs, 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar, 50 g butter, salt.
Grind the eggs with salt, a tablespoon of sugar, 50 g of butter, knead into a stiff dough and leave for 15-20 minutes, then divide.
Teertnek - Altai national bread (second method)

2 cups flour, 2 cups yogurt, butter 1 tbsp. l, 1 egg, 1/2 tsp soda, salt.
Knead a stiff dough by adding yogurt, butter, 1 egg, soda and salt to the flour. The flatbreads are fried in a frying pan in a small amount of fat. Previously, housewives baked them directly on the ground, in hot ashes after a fire, removing only round coals.

Meat dishes

Kan - blood sausage. After careful initial processing, the intestines are turned out so that the fat is inside. The blood is stirred well and added to the milk. The blood takes on a soft pink color. Then add garlic, onion, internal lamb fat, and salt to taste. Mix everything well and pour it into the intestine, tie both ends tightly, lower it into water, and cook for 40 minutes. Readiness is determined by piercing with a thin splinter or needle. If liquid appears at the puncture site, you're done. Without allowing it to cool, serve.
Kocho (meat soup with cereals)
For 4 servings - 1 kg of lamb shoulder, 300 g of barley, fresh or dried wild onions and garlic to taste, salt.
Chop the meat and bones into large pieces, place in a cauldron or saucepan with a thick bottom, pour cold water to the top. Bring to a boil over high heat, skim off foam. Then reduce the heat to low and cook, stirring occasionally, for 2-3 hours. Add barley 30 minutes before the end of cooking. Place the greens in the soup that has already been removed from the heat. Add salt to taste. Kocho tastes better if you let it sit for 3-4 hours. Before serving, separate the meat from the bones and cut into medium-sized pieces. Serve the broth with cereal in bowls, and place the heated meat on a dish. Serve kaymak or sour cream separately.

Sweets and tea

Pine nuts are fried in a cauldron or in a frying pan, the shells burst. Cool, release the nucleoli. The peeled kernels along with crushed barley grains are pounded in a mortar (bowl). Honey is added to the color of the cedar board and the shape of the animals is given. Barley and nut kernels are added 2:1.
Altai style tea
150 g boiling water, 3-5 g dry tea, 30-50 g cream, salt to taste.
Serve either separately - salt, cream are placed on the table and, to taste, placed in bowls with freshly brewed tea; or all the fillings are put into the kettle at the same time, brewed and served.
Tea with talkan
2 tbsp. l. butter, 1/2 tbsp. talkana.
Pour ready-made fresh tea with milk and serve in bowls. Add salt to taste. Previously, bergenia leaves, raspberries, and sorrel berries were used as tea leaves.
Talkan is prepared like this: charak is crushed between two stones (basnak) and winnowed through a fan.
Charak - 1 kg of peeled barley is fried until light brown, pound in a mortar, winnow through a fan, pound again to completely remove scales, winnow again.

Come to Altai to admire its magical beauty, get acquainted with the culture of the people living in these extraordinary lands and enjoy the national cuisine of the Altai people!

You can learn more about the nature of Altai

Date of:_______
Grade: 8
Topic: "Altai"
Lesson type: combined
1) Educational:
1) Further development of knowledge about natural
regions of the republic.
2) Familiarization of students with physiographic
conditions of the mountains of northeastern Kazakhstan.
3) Identification of the features of the nature of Kazakhstan
2) Educational:
3) Developmental:
Methods and
1) Continue the formation of natural science
students' worldviews
2) Cultivate interest in the subject
3) Formation of environmental norms and rules
careful treatment of soil resources
1) Stimulate cognitive activity, skill
quickly and clearly formulate your thoughts.
2) Formation of a complex of general educational
cognitive skills: thinking logically,
analyze, compare, generalize, draw conclusions,
highlight the main thing.
3) Continue developing skills to work with
geographical maps.
Verbal (heuristic conversation, story)
Visual (working with maps)
Comparison and summary
Independent work with the textbook
Lesson plan:
1) Organizing time.
2) Update background knowledge.
3) Introduction to the topic and purpose of the lesson. Motivation
educational activities.
4) Perception and awareness of new material
5) Consolidation of the material covered
6) Commenting D/Z
7) Summing up the lesson. Commenting

I. Updating basic knowledge: working with a map, oral questioning on the following questions:
1) What is the influence of geographical location on the formation of territorial natural
2) How do you explain the features of the Mugojar relief and the connection between the history of the territory’s development and
tectonic structure?
3) How do you understand the continental climate of the Kazakh part of the Urals? What's it like
impact on inland waters?
4) What are the differences in farming in the western and eastern parts?
II. Learning new material:
1) Geographical position.
Altai is part of the largest mountain system called the Sayano-Altai Mountains, the boundaries of which
extend from Lake Zaisan to Lake Baikal. Kazakhstan includes only its southwestern outskirts.
The southern border is the basin of the Black Irtysh River and Lake Zaisan, and the western border is Kalbinsky
2) Relief and geological structure.
According to the relief features, the Kazakhstan Altai is divided into three parts: Southern Altai, Rudny Altai
and Kalbinsky ridge.
Zap. On the desk:
Southern Altai
Rudny Altai
Located between
the Bukhtarma River
in the north, by the lake
Zaysan and the river
Black Irtysh - on
comes in
(Listvyaga and
Situated on
left side
Ertys River
Southern Altai is located between the Bukhtarma River in the north, Lake Zaysan and the Black River
Irtysh in the south. In the west, the Ertys valley separates it from the Kalbinsky ridge. On Voetok Yuzhny
Altai merges with the Ukok plateau. From here, two mountain chains extend to the west and southwest
They are separated by the rivers Kurchum and Kargoba. In the south there is a system of Tarbagatai ridges (2739 m),
Sarymsakty (3373 m) and Narym (2400 m), which belong to the northern part of Southern Altai, and to its
the southern part includes the South Altai (3483 m) and Kurchumsky (2644 m), Sarytau ridges (3300 m)
and Azutau.
Between the Azutau and Sarytau ridges at an altitude of 1449 m the Markakol depression is located.
The elevated part of this territory in the east, gradually decreasing to the west, turns into
foothills. There are small, shallow depressions between the mountain peaks
lakes. They lie at an altitude of 23,002,500 m above sea level. Western border of Southern Altai

runs along the Kholzun mountain range. The southern slopes of the mountains are large and highly dissected. Foothills
relatively flat.
Rudny Altai enters the borders of Kazakhstan with its western spurs. The main ones are Listvyaga and
Kholzun. Rudny Altai also consists of Ulbinsky (2300 m), Ivanovsky (2775 m) and Ubinsky
(2100 m) mountain ranges that are located in the northeast of Southern Altai. They extend from
the Katun mountain range and the Ukok plateau. Maximum heights are concentrated at the extreme
drainage of the Kazakhstan Altai.
The relief of Rudny Altai is very diverse. The eastern parts of the ridges are strongly dissected and have
alpine character. The mountain slopes are covered mostly with coniferous forests. To the west of the mountains
decrease, their shapes become rounded, the slopes become gentle. In some places there are plateaus with
leveled surfaces.
The Kalbinsky ridge is located on the left side of the Ertys River. Its highest point
Saryngoki (1558 m). To the west, the ridge decreases and merges with Saryarka. The peaks of the mountains are oval,
the slopes are strongly dissected, some areas are flat. Kazakhstan Altai was formed in
as a result of Hercynian folding. Repeated uplifts alternated with destruction. edge,
turned into a plain at the end of the Mesozoic era, was subject to new tectonic uplifts in
Neogene and Anthropocene. As a result, the modern mountainous terrain of Altai was formed.
Kazakhstan Altai is composed of a variety of sedimentary and metamorphic rocks
clayey-silicon shales, limestone, Paleozoic granites.
3) Minerals.
Altai is rich in mineral resources. Large reserves of mercury, silver, tungsten, tin, zinc and
lead are found in these mountains. Gold and rare minerals are mined in the Narym and Kurchum ridges.
metals, in Kalbinskoye tin and tungsten. Built for processing mineral resources
metallurgical plants in Ust-Kamenogorsk, Ridder, Zyryanovsk. Mining and smelting process
fossil ores in the eastern part of Kazakhstan is the reason for the current
unfavorable environmental situation. Therefore protection natural environment construction
treatment facilities, reducing the amount of harmful impurities in waste and smoke emitted
factories is the main environmental challenge of our time.
4) Climate.
In the Kazakhstani part of Altai the climate is moderate continental. Compared to nearby
The plains in the summer in the mountains are cool, and in the winter, on the contrary, warm. Observed here
temperature inversion. As a result, in closed basins it is very cold in winter (up to 40°C),
It's hot in summer. Temperatures in summer decrease with altitude. If in July on the slopes of low mountains
temperature +19 +22°С, then at an altitude of 1000 m +16+14°С, and at a level of 25002700 m the temperature is not
exceeds +6 +7°С. The average temperature in Ust-Kamenogorsk in winter is 15°C. Average annual
the amount of precipitation in the foothills is 300-400 mm, in the mountains 1000-1500 mm. Winter in the mountains
there is a lot of snow falling. Sometimes its thickness reaches 13 meters. And in closed basins it falls
a small amount of snow. Snow avalanches and mudflows are often observed.
5) Rivers, lakes and glaciers.
There are many rivers in Altai that originate from mountain snowfields and glaciers.
Zap. in tetr.: The largest river in Altai, Ertys, begins in China and flows between
Kalbinsky and Narymsky suitable ridges.
The rivers Bukhtarma, Kurchum, Uba, Ulba and others flow into it. Ust-Kamenogorskaya,
Bukhtarminskaya and Shulbinskaya hydroelectric power stations. They provide electricity to the entire East
Kazakhstan region and other regions of the republic. Many small rivers Ak Berel, Turgysyn,
Bilezekty, Berezovka, Kokpekty, Malaya Ulba, Kalzhir, Kalguty, Ulan, Ablaketka, Kyzylsu,
Alkabek, Akkaba, Kaiyndy, Boken and others flow into Ertys, Bukhtarma, Naryn, Kurchum and some
Altai is also rich in lakes. The area of ​​many of them is more than 1 km2 (Yazovoe, Chernovoe, Bukhtarminskoye,
Turangykul, etc.).
Zap. in the tetr.: The largest lakes are Zaisan (area 5510 km2) and Markakol (area 455 km2).

In 1976, it was organized here
Markakol is located in a tectonic basin.
Markakolsky reserve.
Zap. in tetr.: in the Altai Mountains of Kazakhstan there are 328 glaciers with a total area of ​​89.6 km2.
Glaciers are mainly located at altitudes above 2600 m. Most glaciers are located in
ridges Katun, Kholzun, Ivanovsky, South Altai, Sarymsakty.
6) Natural areas. Vegetable and animal world.
On climatic conditions The Altai Mountains are significantly influenced by their geographical
position. Therefore, in the mountains located in the western part of the Altai Territory, rain falls annually.
a large amount of precipitation. The slopes of the low mountains of the southeast are dry.
The altitudinal belts of Altai in the southwest, from the side of the Zaisan Basin, begin with
semi-desert zone, which rises to a height of 900-1100 m, in the northwest from the steppe zone,
which rises to 16001800 m. The mountain forest belt is distributed at a level of 21002300 m, sub
alpine meadows at an altitude of 2500-2600 m; above 2600 m there is a glacial belt. They grow in the forests
larch, pine, spruce, cedar and fir. Alpine meadows are used for grazing in the summer months
livestock and beekeeping. The high mountain belt is represented by mountain tundra, rocky cliffs and
glaciers. The foothills and lowlands are covered with fertile black soils, where
vegetation of steppe zones (white feather grass, fescue, etc.)" in semi-desert zones, solyanka
plants. There are a lot of black currants and rose hips in the forests, and violet merlin in the intermountain valleys.
herbs, etc.
There are many animals in Altai. Deer are bred in the forests. Wild animals include bears, wild boars,
moose, mountain goats, snow leopards. There are non-valuable fur-bearing animals: sable, mink,
acclimatized water rats, raccoon dogs, ferrets. Among the birds there are wood grouse,
hazel grouse, partridges, woodpeckers, mountain snowcocks.
In order to protect the nature of rare animals and plants of Eastern Kazakhstan, in 1976 there was
The Markakolsky Nature Reserve was organized. Objects of protection 58 species of animals, 260 species of birds, 4 species
fish, 721 plant species.
The eastern part of Kazakhstan is the territory of the republic with developed forestry. The forest is
his main wealth. But in last years intensive use of forest resources,
uncontrolled cutting of trees has led to a decrease in forest areas.
Cattle graze in the mountain meadows, and beekeeping is developed.
III. Fastening:
I. Oral survey on the following questions:
1) Compare the physical and tectonic maps and determine whether the tectonic
the structure of the Kazakhstan Altai in relief.
2) Why is the Kazakh part of Western Altai called Rudny Altai?
3) Why is the relief of the Kazakhstan Altai and the Ural Mountains different, although they appeared in the same
period? Why did “renewal” happen faster here than in the Ural Mountains?
4) Why is the climate different on the western and eastern slopes of Altai?
5) What characterizes the Altai type of river regime? How are the rivers in this area used?
6) How many glaciers are there in the Altai Mountains of Kazakhstan? Where are they mainly located?
7) How are Altai’s natural resources used?
II. Working with a contour map:
1) On the contour map (p. 67) of the “Physical Geographical Atlas of Kazakhstan” indicate the directions
location of the Altai mountain ranges. Map out mineral deposits.
2) Using the diagram of Altai’s altitudinal zones, explain the diversity of their types.
III. Fill out the table:

Open lesson in 8th grade. Geography of Kazakhstan.
Subject: Altai. Physiographic characteristics.Target: Highlight the features of nature mountain range Altai.Lesson objectives: 1. Determine the features of the geographical location Altai ridges and highlight its uniqueness minerals and other types of resources. 2. To develop students’ cognitive interest in a unique natural object - a mountainous region. 3.Developing a sense of responsibility, the ability to work in team, increasing interest in studying the subject.Equipment: physical map of Kazakhstan, atlas 8th grade, test tasks (2 options), color cards, dictionary, herbarium, Altai cards.

Look what it is like, our golden Altai!

Where are there such cedar trees, mirror lakes,

Strong unruly rivers.

M.V. Borodin.

Methods: work with maps, textbook, dictionary, notebook.Lesson type: learning new material with elements of self-knowledge.Lesson type: combined.
During the classes: I. Organizational moment. Teacher: My friends! I'm very happy Enter your welcoming class. And for me this is already a reward - Attention your smart eyes. I know: everyone in the class is a genius, But without work, talent is of no use. Cross the swords of your opinions - We'll create a lesson together! My co-authors and judges, I won't punish you with a rating. Don't blame me for the strange syllable, And then I’ll say it in prose. We opened our workbooks, let's write down the number. Today we have an unusual lesson. Let's call it a lesson in Creativity and Mastery. Why is this so? But because during the lesson you will show our guests and yourself your creativity and skill, i.e. your ingenuity and invention, originality and poetry, and many other qualities. II . Checking homework. Guys, let's mentally transport ourselves to the edge of the mountains. A crossword puzzle will help us with this.1.Working with a crossword puzzle.

a) Natural area that can be called “golden” - (Altyn).b) Diverse vegetation cover, giving this area a unique and unique beauty - (forests).c) Waters flowing in the spring due to the melting of snow and ice and revitalizing nature after a long winter sleep - (melt).c) A lake formed in a tectonic trough - (Zaisan).d) Natural zone consisting of coniferous species - (taiga).2.- In the highlighted cells you see the name of the natural area that we have to study. The purpose of our lesson is to get acquainted with the unique natural features of the Altai mountain range and prove that these are truly “golden mountains” (Altai - from the Mongolian language “altyn” - gold). This is what traveler M.V. said. Borodin about Altai (epigraph to the lesson). III . Brainstorm: 1. “What do you know about the Altai Mountains?” Association students' answers in drawings. The class is divided into 2 groups.2. Working with a contour map Mark the Altai Mountains on the contour map.3. Filling out the concept map (by levels)
FGP Altai

A – complex level map drawn on the boardB – average levelC – easy level4. Characteristics of students a) FGP Altai. b) Formation of mountains.c) Relief and minerals (cards No. 1,2,3).d) Climate (card No. 4).e) Inland waters.f) Natural complexes of Altai (card No. 5). IV. Consolidation of the studied material. 1.Creative work:ESSAY “Where can I use the knowledge of this lesson?” 2. Five-verse: Altai Zolotoy, ore Stretched, formed, bordered “Altai – the pearl of Kazakhstan” Mountains. 3. Working with tests 2 options.4. – I want to end the lesson with the words of N.M. Yadrintsev, another traveler in Altai: Having traveled the heights of the icy mountains, I saw a beautiful land And I gave myself to him with my soul, With my passionate soul.- With these words, I express my attitude towards the wonderful land - the Altai Mountains, and you guys, reflect your feelings that arose after meeting them in class. The Altai cluster will help you with this: Beluga whale endemic
Let's write it down homework: §457. Grading.

Date: 04/08/13

Subject: geography

Grade: 8

Topic: "Altai".

Target: highlight the natural features of the Altai mountain range.

Lesson objectives:

1) determine the features of the geographical location of the Altai ridges and highlight its uniqueness in the presence of minerals and other types of natural resources;

2) expand students’ ability to work with textbook text, geographic maps, additional material;

3) develop schoolchildren’s cognitive interest in a unique natural object - a mountainous region.

Equipment: atlases, contour maps, notebook, tests.

Methods: work with maps, textbook, dictionary, notebook.

Lesson type: learning new material with elements of self-knowledge.

During the classes.

    Organizing time. Greetings. Identification of missing persons.

II. Checking homework.

1. Geographical location(Mugodzhary; length 450 km, width 30 km, average height 450-500 m; highest point - Bolshoi Boktybay (657 m and Airyk (633 m))

2. Relief and geological structure (unlike the Urals, Mugodzhary has gentle eastern slopes and steep western ones; folded in the Paleozoic - Hercynian folding; composed of sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rocks of the Paleozoic and Mesozoic; due to exogenous processes - low-altitude; divided into western and eastern parts by the Bershogyr depression; West Side– main, slope from north to south)

3. Minerals(nickel, cobalt, chromium, copper, coal, marly limestone, phosphorites, quartz sand for glass)

4. Climate(mountains prevent air circulation, precipitation falls more often than in neighboring areas; January temperature minimum - 42°; July temperature maximum +38°; precipitation 300 mm; strong winds are frequent, snow storms in winter)

5. Rivers and lakes(Emba, Irgiz, Or, Tobol, Taldy; fed by melted snow; groundwater - 700 billion m³)

6. Natural areas(steppe, semi-desert; soils are light chestnut in dry steppes and chestnut, dark chestnut in the northern parts; the western part is for crops, the eastern part is for pastures)

III. Comprehensive knowledge test.

1. Main zones (equatorial, tropical, temperate)

2. Water bodies on geographic maps are indicated by what color? (blue)

3. The Turan Lowland is located in ... Kazakhstan (southwest and south)

4. The soil is fertile in the (steppe)

5. The largest summer daily temperature amplitudes are observed (in the desert)

6. Anthropogenic natural complex is (ponds and parks)

7. The reservoirs of Kazakhstan are intended for (irrigation, energy purposes)

8. How many landscape zones are there in Kazakhstan? (9)

9. The biosphere is (part geographic envelope, inhabited and modified by organisms)

10. Rice growing in Kazakhstan is developed in (Syr Darya valley)

11. The part of the earth’s surface that is visible to us is visible around us at an open level of space (horizon)

12. Physical card of the world, in terms of territory coverage, belongs to the group (world maps)

IV . Preparing to explain a new topic. Write the topic of the lesson on the board and explain the objectives of the lesson.

The purpose of our lesson is to get acquainted with the unique natural features of the Altai mountain range. What evidence can be given of neotectonic processes in the Altai Mountains?

V. Explanation of a new topic.

1. FGP Altai.

The southwestern ranges of the Altai mountainous country extend within the borders of Kazakhstan. This part is called Kazakhstan Altai; in the west it borders with Saryarka, in the south with the mountainous region of Saur-Tarbagatai; in the east - with the state border of the Republic of Kazakhstan, separating our Altai from the Russian.

2. Geological-tectonic formation of mountains.

Working with a tectonic map. Questions for conversation:

What tectonic structure formed Altai? (Hercynian folding).

In what era did this take place? (Paleozoic).

Pz (end) – Hercynian orogeny – igneous rocks – ore minerals.

Mz – Mesozoic folding– leveling of the territory – accumulation of sedimentary rocks (chalk, limestone, sandstone) – non-metallic minerals.

Kz – alpine folding – secondary orogeny – metamorphic rocks – sedimentary rocks – nonmetallic minerals (marble, grace).

And from this it follows that Altai is folded and blocky in formation, in the relief of which the following alternate:

Jagged Mountains;

Syrty – leveled areas;

Depressions filled with water from lakes Zaisan and Markakol.

Karst phenomena;

Special exposition of ridges;

Gorges, cracks, gorges.

Modern mountain building is characterized by earthquakes, avalanches, and the formation of glaciers with an area of ​​800 km2.

3. Relief and minerals.

The mountain topography is characterized by chains of mountain ranges, tectonic cracks, and eternal glaciers and snow lie on the peaks.

Based on their natural location, the Altai mountain ranges can be divided into 3 parts:

1. Kalbinsky ridge;

2. Southern Altai;

3. Rudny Altai

The most high peak Altai - Belukha city (4506 m). The mountain range is still experiencing rejuvenation, as evidenced by earthquakes (December 2002). The complex arrangement of the ridges requires a person to be attentive, careful and only be surrounded by experienced people who know what troubles can lie in wait in the mountains (mudflows in the summer, avalanches in the winter). And yet, despite the formidable elements, Altai is rich in amazing fossils, and its beautiful landscapes attract tourists and climbers.

Why is the top of the Altai Mountains called Belukha?

Find in the textbook which parts Altai is divided into based on the presence of fossils.

Students note the polymetallic belt of the Rudny and Southern Altai: the Kalbinsky ridge, the Narymsky ridge - a belt of rare metals (tungsten, titanium, molybdenum, magnesium) and the gold belt of the Kalbinsky ridge.

4. Climate.

Find in the text of the textbook what type of climate is in Altai.

The climate of Kazakhstan is sharply continental, and in the mountains it is moderately continental. The climate of Altai changes with altitude from continental to temperate continental. The Altai mountainous country is located at 50º - 52º N. w. and this determines the amount of solar energy reaching the earth's surface. Altai rises above the plains Western Siberia, and its ridges extend from north-west to south-east, which determines the climatic conditions of the area. On the one hand, the ridges stand in the way of western air masses, like a sponge, absorbing moisture. But on the other hand, the openness of the valleys leads to the fact that cold air masses penetrate here, causing the temperature to drop to -40º, and rising to an altitude of 1500 m, the air temperature rises. This phenomenon is called inversion. This a natural phenomenon causes large moisture condensation - up to 1500 mm per year, so Altai is the wettest place in Kazakhstan. There is little snow in the mountains, which forms a large area of ​​glaciers that feed the Irtysh tributaries and lakes. There are mineral springs that are used for medicinal purposes, for example, Rakhmanovsky Springs.

5. Inland waters.

Using a map, name the rivers of Altai and their tributaries.

6. Natural complexes of Altai.

How many belts are there in natural areas Altai and why?

Which natural zone is the most diverse in the species composition of plants and animals? (Forest)

Altai is unique in its biological resources, but its true wealth is its forests. The vegetation of the Altai Mountains is unique and beautiful. Spruce forests, park larch and cedar forests, tall-grass alpine and subalpine meadows. Many interesting and useful plants are found in the Altai Mountains: red and black currants, hawthorn, sea buckthorn. In the taiga there is a carpet of lingonberries, blueberries, blueberries. In Altai there are many plants and animals found only here. Such animals and plants are called endemics. The mountain area is favorable for the development of agriculture and industry, as well as recreation areas and tourism. In order to preserve the landscapes of Altai, the Western Altai and Markakolsky nature reserves and the Rakhmanovskie Klyuchi nature reserve were created. Diverse and unique landscapes are the most important reason for classifying the territory as a World Natural Heritage Site; Altai is the pearl of Kazakhstan, truly a “golden land”.

VI. Mastering a new topic.

Work with the questions on page 191 in the textbook and with the diagram of altitude zones on page 190.

VII. Test "Altai"

1. The highest peak of Altai is ________________________________

2. Folding that formed the mountains - __________________________

3. According to the orographic location, the Altai mountains can be divided into 3 parts: _______________________________________________________________________

4. The mountain range, called the golden belt - ______________________

5. Climate of the Kazakhstani part of Altai: _______________________________________

6. In Altai, within the lake, there is a nature reserve - ________________________

7. Glaciers in the Altai mountains begin at an altitude of - _____________________________

8. The largest lake in Altai is _____________________________________________________

9. The largest river in Altai is _________________________________________________

10. List the minerals found in Altai:


VIII . Homework.§ 45, diagram on page 190, table

IX. Lesson summary.
