Dota 2 what they will give for the task. Winning three matches in a week

“What is this, Dota 3?”, “Has Dota really become paid?” - players greeted the Dota Plus update with these questions. Valve has introduced a subscription system that will allow players to use special functions in the game and buy new cosmetic sets. According to the developers, Dota Plus has become a natural continuation of the Battle Pass idea, which will allow them to constantly replenish the store with rewards and add new quests.

The cost of a subscription for 1 month will be 240 rubles, six months - 1350 rubles, a year - 2520 rubles. You can even give Dota Plus to a friend. Let's figure out what you can get for this money and whether Dota has really become Pay to Win.

The most important part of the Dota Plus system is a set of assistants that are designed to guide players in complex world. He will accompany subscribers at all stages of the game: from the draft to the closing of the match window.

Draft assistant

Dota Plus offers players heroes that can be used in different lanes. A list of characters for various positions will be displayed next to the minimap in the draft window. The system will analyze both the choice of allies and rivals. True, it still works according to incomprehensible algorithms. For example, he suggests going Bounty Hunter to mid or sending Shadow Shaman to the difficult lane. She even advises going to the mid lane with a double, just like the professionals.

So that you do not completely get confused in the proposed pick, the system will also suggest how to place heroes along the lines. Moreover, useful information on formations will be available to all team players, and not just to the subscription owner.

Build Assistant

Dota Plus will advise players which abilities to take at each level. Percentages will appear above the skill icons, which you can use as a guide when choosing a skill. If you suddenly decide not to use the proposed option, then at the next level the system will adjust its advice depending on the situation on the line and the chosen order of learning abilities.

This doesn't mean that user guides will die completely. Players can still turn off tips from Dota Plus and connect guides that are in the library. You can find them all there, at the top of the inventory.

Dota Plus will also offer its own purchasing guides. And not just one, but three at once. At any time, the sequence of purchasing items can be recalculated or simply ignored.

Game assistant

Dota Plus will guide the player in key indicators. First of all, you should pay attention to the upper left corner, where during the match the system will compare your basic data with the average for the current rank. Green and red arrows next to the counter of killed creeps and KDA will indicate your level in relation to other users.

While in the tavern, you can have a pleasant time analyzing the damage and stun graph from your last fight, second by second.

Post-game assistant

To begin, Dota Plus will analyze the map you played and allow you to compare all key indicators with the average values ​​for your rank. The system offers to evaluate your network, the number of completed creeps, denies, as well as the main KDA indicators.

Another part of the table gives players the opportunity to compare the amount of damage dealt and received by different heroes and abilities. All this is available in the final screen after the game in the tabs with graphs.

In addition, in Dota Plus, Valve implemented a long-standing idea of ​​​​globally collecting information about each character. All the necessary data, the most popular upgrades and successful talents can be viewed in the hero tab. You can also compare the average performance at each rank.

Know your heroes

Dota Plus offers new way interactions with characters in . Players will now be able to view the progress of each hero on their profile. He will be marked with a special icon, from a bronze triangle to a purple Aegis. Your teammates will be able to see it during the draft stage.

After each match you will gain experience points on your character. Additional points can be obtained for completing a game (50 experience), winning (5 experience) and completing quests (experience depends on difficulty).

In addition to a beautiful icon, players will also receive special cosmetic bonuses for their character - sound phrases for chat. After opening the first level, users will have access to two quotes, and the collection can be supplemented by leveling up the hero. There are a total of 25 levels available for each character.

In-game tasks

Each Dota Plus subscriber has two types of tasks available. The first is general, which can be viewed on the start screen. They will help you get acquainted with the functionality of the new system and evaluate its innovations. For example, to begin with, Dota Plus suggests taking the suggested hero, using a build-up from the guide or a new landscape, and also contacting an assistant. For completing six tasks in the first part, you can earn 3,600 shards for internal purchases.

The second type is the usual quests that players were so in love with. Each hero in the game has three tasks available for in-game interactions and the use of abilities. Each of the quests has three difficulty levels. Before starting the game, you must select a suitable task under the purchase screen. For completing them, hero experience will be awarded. Keep in mind that some of them will require not only hero ownership, but also certain artifact assemblies. For example, Faceless Void must purchase Mask of Madness and deal a certain amount of damage while under its effect.


A special currency available to Dota Plus subscribers. It is earned by leveling up your Hero Badge, winning the Battle Cup, and completing challenges and quests. The shards themselves can be spent in the store. More on this below.


Dota Plus subscribers have access to a store where they can purchase exclusive and retired sets, as well as relics.

The second section with sets is more extensive: 36 different popular sets. Their price varies from 2 thousand to 5 thousand fragments.

A random relic per hero (there are 14 in total) costs 800 fragments. Relics of the fourth level (heroic) will cost 10 thousand fragments.

Battle Cup

Weekly competitions for team fans return to the client. Since Dota Plus is a logical continuation of the Battle Pass, it could not do without the Battle Cup. As during the pass, players will be able to take part in small in-game tournaments every week.

For winning, users will again receive icons and emoticons, and in addition Valve will give 20,000 shards, which can be spent in the store on relics or sets.

But you can take part in Battle Cups even if you are not a Dota Plus subscriber. To do this, you need to buy a one-time ticket in the store. It will cost $0.99 or approximately 56 rubles.

What are they saying about Dota Plus?

The first reaction of many players was unambiguous: Pay to Win was introduced. In theory new system offers tips that will improve both your draft and builds, and will help you choose the right ability and talent.

But no one guarantees that the information collected, even from millions of matches, will lead to victory. The game itself will not start pressing buttons, and information not available in open sources(like Dotabuff or OpenDota) it does not provide. A sort of Battle Pass with built-in statistics without the need to change the window. Its main advantage is that you don’t need to waste time searching for this data. But you still have to use it wisely.

“It only gives you an advantage if you're an idiot. If they tell you what artifacts to buy and what to upgrade, you won’t become any smarter,” commented Alexander RobotVice Dagher, an American streamer, on the innovations.

The item build assistant is based on statistics and win rates. Therefore, he does not always give useful tips. It also does not explain the choice of abilities, as most guides do, but only displays the percentage of popularity and success at a certain level of pumping.

However, the new system will seriously hit precisely those services that previously sold detailed information in monthly subscriptions. And with the advent of official guides, the authors of previously created guides will lose their users.

In addition, many players suggested that having Dota Plus for a player would at least mean that he is serious about the game. Still, paying 240 rubles a month for a game that you just play to get burned and ruin someone’s evening is not the most reasonable way to spend your money. Especially with the chance of getting a ban.

However, for now many people buy Dota Plus just to see what’s inside. And it is quite possible that they will not renew the subscription for the next months.

By purchasing a subscription to Dota Plus from Valve, you receive expanded statistics right during the match, you can complete quests and receive shards, for which you can buy new unique items and sets, and much more:

  • Hero Badges
  • Relics with heroes' successes
  • Hero Chat Wheel
  • Hero Challenges
  • Weekly shard rewards
  • Free Battle Cup Pass
  • Access to the current season's terrain

All earned fragments (points) you you can spend it in the game store with very interesting rewards:

  • Exclusive sets
  • Selected sets from the past
  • Heroic relics

Quests Dota Plus

Each hero now has their own set of challenges, some unique to them, allowing you to hone and prove your skills. Challenges have three difficulty levels (stars), each of which gives more experience and allows you to increase both the level of the badge and the skill of using the hero.

Dota Plus Chat Wheel

By completing quests on heroes, you also receive new phrases for the chat wheel, which are spoken in the hero’s voice.

Take control of your hero's voice: The new chat wheel allows your hero to say specific phrases to allies or all players. To unlock a hero's initial lines, you only need to play him once, and new lines are awarded at the level of the hero badge.

Dota 2 Plus Store

All earned points (shards) can be spent in the game store, buying unique modifiers and items.

And the cherry on the cake is in-game statistics, right during the match, subscribers are given advice on choosing a hero, an item, leveling up an ability, choosing a line for the current hero. When making this or that choice, you will be shown the percentage of wins in case of your choice, based on the statistics of all matches in Dota 2.

  • Statistical advice by subject
  • Real-time benchmarking
  • Tips for distributing lines
  • Statistical Ability Tips
  • Detailed summary of deaths
  • Dynamic Hero Tips
  • Post-game analysis
  • Global trends by heroes
  • Win probability chart for spectators

Dota Plus Statistics - Items

At the selection stage, the assistant suggests items depending on your heroes and the specified lines. As you play, it will offer you three sequences of items, as well as a list of other popular purchases. Tips are based on the chosen line and current items. Does the situation force you to buy something else? Click the recalculation button to get advice based on recent purchases.

Dota Plus Statistics - Abilities

Each level, the Dota Plus assistant will prompt you to learn a specific ability. His advice takes into account the heroes in the game, your lane and the abilities you have learned. If you deviate from the assistant's advice, he will simply select for you new order studying abilities.

Probability of winning by pick - Dota Plus

Dota Plus also enhances the viewer experience. In addition to the gold and experience graphs, observers will receive a win probability graph based on the current game situation.

Statistics after death - Dota Plus

After each death, you can see a second-by-second chronicle of incoming damage, stuns and other effects that sent the hero to the next world. You'll see the full breakdown of damage types and sources in real time, whether you're a spectator trying to make sense of a mind-bending battle or a player looking to break the cycle of death.

And many other bonuses are available for paid subscribers; when you purchase Dota Plus for 6 months or more, you will receive a discount!

How to complete all tasks of The International 2017 battle pass in Dota 2

Some tips for completing The International 2017 Battle Pass tasks in the Dota 2 client

Some tips for completing The International 2017 Battle Pass quests in the Dota 2 client.

Let us immediately note that the so-called Dota 2 compendium or battle pass is purchased in the game client and provides a lot of additional content. Part of it are tasks, for completing which you are awarded points that increase the level of your battle pass.

Path of the Navigator (
Path of the Navigator)

Magic of the Mind - Win 1/3/5 games with heroes with the intelligence attribute.
A very simple task. Just choose any heroes with the intelligence attribute and win.

Deep roots - Apply a root effect to 10/20/30 enemy heroes.
Apply the “Root” effect to enemies (numbness - approx. editors). This effect has Crystal Maiden, Treant Protector, Underlord, Ember Spirit, Meepo, Naga Siren and Techies. You can also use the Rod of Atos item for this.

Fatal Mirage - Deal 1500/3000/4500 damage while under the effect of a Glimmer Cape item.
Use the Glimmer Cape item on yourself and deal damage. Pairs perfectly with Crystal Maiden's ultimate.

Change Attack - Use any method to transform an enemy into an animal for 20/30/40 seconds.
The heroes Lion and Shadow Shaman are excellent choices for this quest. Or use the Scythe of Vyse item.

Like Swimming - Slow down enemy heroes for 30/60/90 seconds with Shiva's Guard.
Buy the Shiva's Guard item and use it on enemies.

Forward looking - Set 20/40/60 ObserverWard for your team.
Choose any support and place wards frantically.

Muffler - Kill or help kill 2/4/6 enemy heroes that you stun.
The main thing is to choose a hero who has a stun. Heroes such as Lion, Wraith King, Chaos Knight, Gyrocopter, Kunkka, Lina, Magnus, Mirana, Earthshaker, Sand King, Tidehunter and Slardar would be a great choice to complete this task.

Can't escape the noose - Deal 1000/3000/5000 damage to enemy heroes in ethereal form.
Morphling and Pugna will help you complete this task. You can also buy an Ethereal Blade item and actively use it.

Without mining there is no profit - Earn 4000/8000/10000 gold for your team.
Just collect 10,000 gold. Alchemist would be the best choice for this quest.

Sudden gybe - Stun 8/12/16 enemy heroes after using Blink Dagger.
Choose any hero with a stun and buy Blink Dagger. Earthshaker, Sand King, Sven, Lion, Wraith King, Tidehunter, Slardar and Centaur Warrunner will be an excellent choice.

Evasive Action - Absorb 3/6/9 enemy abilities withLinken's Sphere orLotus Orb.
Buy Linken's Sphere or Lotus Orb and get into more fights.

Dry Powder - Deal 2000/4000/6000 or more pure damage to enemy heroes.
Ax, Bloodseeker, Invoker, Pudge, Omniknight, Timbersaw, Tinker and Templar Assasin will help you with complete this task.

There's a plug in every barrel - Use Mekanism to heal three allies at once 3/6/9 times.
Buy Mekanism and use about three allied heroes. It is advisable to play as a support, for example, as Omniknight .

Press Gang - Hit three or more enemy heroes with a single spell 10/30/50 times.
Spells with a large area of ​​application will be good here. Spells LegionCommander, Jakiro, Zeus, Queen of PainShadow Shaman, Meepo and Underlord will help you.

Sailor's Fortune - Hit an enemy hero with your club 50/100/150 times and activate the Jackpot with Fireblast or Ignite on enemies 10/20/30 times.
Choose Ogre Magi and attack enemy heroes. Try to use Fireblast and Ignite abilities on enemies more often.

Path of the Wave Breaker

Master-At-Arms - Win 1/3/5 games playing as a hero with the strength attribute.
It's simple: choose any heroes with the strength attribute and win.

Boarder - Win 1/3/5 games as a hero with the agility attribute.
And here everything is very simple: choose any heroes with the agility attribute and win matches.

Unsinkable - Die before the end of the game less than 5/3/1 times.
Just try not to die. Choose heroes with invisibility, for example, Riki.

You have a gap - Keep enemies affected by Medallion Of Courage or Solar Crest for 30/60/90 seconds.
Buy Medallion Of Courage or Solar Crest as quickly as possible and use it on enemies.

Lubber's Fate - Kill the same enemy 2/3/4 times.
Choose Riki or Bounty Hunter and hunt down your target.

Rum Punch - Stun an enemy hero 12/24/36 times with an attack.
The Skull Basher and Monkey King Bar items will help you complete this task. Best heroes to play through: Alchemist, Troll Warlord and Antimage.

Body Triple - Clear 5/10/15 effects with Manta Style.
Buy Manta Style and use it after the enemy hero has thrown its effect on you. You can also complete this quest using Manta Style after receiving numbness from the ancient creep Moroder Shaman.

Submariner - Kill or help kill 3/6/9 enemy heroes protected by your tower.
Try to kill enemies near someone else's tower. Try to do this with the support of your creeps.

Riverview Gusher - Deal 2000/4000/6000 damage with critical attacks.
Critical attacks of PhantomAssasin, Juggernaut and Bounty Hunter will help you with this.

Full speed ahead - Use Moon Shard on yourself or your allies 2/4/6 times.
Buy a Moon Shard item and use it on yourself or allies.

Chum in the water - Dial15/20/25 chargesBloodstone.
Buy a Bloodstone item and kill enemy heroes to gain item charges. This item looks good on many heroes, such as Death Prophet, Timbersaw and Lina.

Burial at BKB - Get 2/4/6 kills or assists on enemy heroes after you use BlackKing Bar.
Just use Black King Bar in team fights.

Loyal Crew - Deal 2000/4000/6000 damage to creatures you control.
Heroes that can summon creatures are suitable: Visage, Invoker, Chen, Lone Druid, Shadow Shaman, Nature`sProphet, Enchantress. Or buy Helm of theDominator, use it on creeps and deal damage to enemies with it.

Freeboot Haul - Reach 7500/10000/12500 current gold before 25:00 minutes.
Choose Alchemist and go to the mid lane. There shouldn't be any problems with the passage.

Night Watch - Cast Lucent Beam on an enemy hero in any way 20/40/60 times and kill 10/15/20 creeps in 30 seconds.
Choose Luna and use Lucent Beam 20/40/60 times on enemy heroes. Ask the supports to make you stacks of creeps and calmly farm them, or wait until the a large number of enemy creeps on the line.

Arcana drawing to choose from - click the link

Path of the Rising Tide

Let’s immediately make a reservation that the tasks of this path imply the correct play of the entire team. Some of them cannot be completed alone. Try to complete the tasks of this path with friends.

Pre-dawn mission - Destroy 2/3/4 towers before your opponent destroys even one.
Choose heroes who can quickly destroy towers: Nature`sProphet, Lycan, Meepo, Broodmother, Chen, ChaosKnight, Clinkz, Lone Druid, Terroblade, Enigma, Venomancer, Tinker, Shadow Shaman.

On all fronts - Destroy 2 enemy towers within 90/60/30 seconds of each other before 30:00.
In this task you also need to choose heroes who are good at breaking buildings. Lycan, Meepo, Broodmother, Chen, ChaosKnight, Clinkz, Lone Druid, Terroblade, Enigma, Venomancer,Nature`sProphet, Tinker and Shadow Shaman will be an excellent choice.

Give up the mooring lines - You and your team must neutralize enemy heroes for 250/350/450 seconds.
Choose Bane, Sven, Tiny, Tidehunter, Enigma, Mirana, Outworld Devourer and neutralize as often as possible.

all hands on deck - With your team, assist in a kill 25/35/45 times before 25:00.
Try to provoke team fights from the very beginning of the game and win them. Heroes like Zeus and Specter are the easiest to complete this task.

In a healthy team... - You and your team must heal each other for 10,000/15,000/20,000 health.
Choose healing heroes: Oracle, Omniknight, Lycan, Wraith King, Winter Wyvern, Witch Doctor, Necrophos, Pugna, Treant Protector. You can also use the Urn of Shadows item and heal allied heroes with it.

The fog is coming - After using Smoker of Deceit, kill an enemy hero 1/2/3 times with 2 allies.
Use Smoker of Deceit and attack your enemies.

Battle Cup Buccaneer - Win a Battle Cup match 1/2/3 times.
Create a group of five people or join an existing one in the Battle Cup and just win.

Discoverers - Your team must draw first blood, destroy the tower first, and kill the first Roshan.
This quest can be completed solo if you choose Ursa or Troll Warlord.

Take no prisoners - Your team must get 10/12/14 kills before 15:00.
Try to provoke team fights from the very beginning of the game and win them. To complete this task, it is better to take a carry with good damage at the beginning of the game, for example: Phantom Assassin, Ursa, Bounty Hunter, Wraith King, Troll Warlord.

All boarded - Together with your team, deal 20000/40000/60000 or more physical damage to enemy heroes.
One of the simplest tasks in this path. Easily completed if the match lasts 40 minutes or more. PhantomAssassin, Ursa, Bounty Hunter, Wraith King and Troll Warlord will help you with this.

Rune Armada - Together with your team, collect or place 20/30/40 runes in a bottle before 30:00.
Have your teammates buy the Bottle item and collect runes. The same task that cannot be completed without friends.

Tailwind Aura - Be affected by 6/9/12 of your team's auras at once.
There are many different auras in the game, under the effect of which you can pass through this building.
Aura from objects:Vladmir’sOffering, Helm of the Dominator, Pipe ofInsight, Mekansm, Headress, Ring of Basillus or Ring of Aquilla , Assault Cuirass, Drums of Endurance, Guardian Greaves.
Aura from heroes: Luna,Outworld Devourer, Vengeful Spirit & Wraith King, CentaurWarrunner, Crystal Maiden, Drow Ranger. It is important that your teammates choose these heroes.
Aura from creeps: Centaur (attack speed aura), Satyr (health regeneration aura), Wolf Leader (damage aura), Owl Ripper (armor aura), Elder Kobold (movement speed aura), Troll Priest (mana regeneration aura).

A day at the helm - Win Captains Mode 1/2/3 times.
Just win in Captains Mode.

An Evolution of the Majors Battle Pass

Enhance your daily Dota experience with Dota Plus, a new monthly subscription service designed to help you get the most out of every match you play.

Hero Progression ● Plus Assistant ● Free Weekly Battle Cup

Subscribe in Client

$3.99 USD per month

Sign up for longer and save
6 Months - 6% off
12 Months - 12% off

Plus is also available for purchase in non-renewing time blocks

Hero Progression

Hero Leveling

Whether you enjoy a wide variety of heroes, or play hundreds of games with just one or two, every game with a hero now earns you XP towards that hero"s level progress. As your hero level advances, you"ll unlock new tiers of hero level badges. Each level grants Reward Shards, and each tier grants new Hero Chat Wheel responses. Just play a single game with a hero to unlock the first of your progression rewards.

Hero-Specific Challenges

Every hero now has a pool of tailored challenges-including those that focus on a hero’s specific mechanics-that allow you to sharpen and prove your skills and playstyle. Each challenge offers three levels of difficulty with more XP awarded for more stars achieved, letting you push your level progression and explore your mastery of each hero at the same time.

View In-Game Progress

Track your in-game progress to help plan your strategy. But remember, you"ll only reap the rewards if you win.

Select A Challenge Pre-game

Once you"ve selected your hero, you can choose from that hero"s active challenges. A set of challenges can be refreshed every two weeks.

Reap the Rewards

Complete a challenge with one, two, or three stars in a victory in order to apply the XP reward towards your level progress.

Hero Relics

Each hero has gained a reliquary with slots for 14 Relics-10 Common and 4 Rare-that track a variety of battleground achievements. Once unlocked, Relics update and display your statistical milestones as you play, with a breakdown of progress in each match available on the post-game screen. You can unlock Relics for any hero by using Reward Shards, and when you unlock multiple Relics, they all track simultaneously.

Hero Chat Wheel

Take control of your hero"s voice with the new Hero Chat Wheel, which lets you choose phrases your hero can say in allied or all chat. Each hero"s initial phrases unlock after your first game as that hero, with more phrases available as you increase your hero badge tier.

Weekly Reward

Each week presents the opportunity to earn 1,000 extra shards for your rewards stash-just win three games before the weekly timer refreshes.

Plus Rewards

In addition to relics, you can use your shards to choose rewards from a stock of new Plus-exclusive items, as well as select legacy item sets for some of the most popular heroes.

A World of Knowledge at Your Command

The collective knowledge of the Dota community is vast, and every day, in millions of games played around the world, it grows. Now, with the help of Plus Assistant, that global repository of Dota knowhow can be brought to bear on every single game you play.

Plus Assistant offers real-time item and ability suggestions-generated from data gathered across millions of recent games at each skill bracket-to keep you up-to-date on the latest trends. Whether you need advice on which hero best fits a draft, or aren't sure what to build after securing that coveted Blink Dagger, Plus Assistant is in your corner.

Item Suggestions

For the draft, the Assistant offers item suggestions according to which lane you"ve selected and the lineup of heroes. During the game, you"ll see three item build sequences to choose from, as well as a pool of other popular items. Suggestions are based on your lane selection and items you purchased so far. Decided to buy a different set of items because of a situation that came up in the game? Hit the recalculate button to see what suggestions it has based on your current item inventory.

Ability Suggestions

The Plus Assistant will display a suggested ability to select at each level. Suggestions are based on hero lineups, the lane you are in, and which abilities you"ve already selected. If you veer off the suggestions, it will take that into account and create a new suggested sequence.

Hero Suggestions

Don"t know which hero to pick? Look for the Assistant"s suggestions, which take into account the heroes your allies and enemies have selected to give you a set of options to choose from.

Death Summary

Whenever a hero is dead, access their Death Summary for a second-by-second timeline of incoming damage, stuns, and other disabling effects that led to their demise. You"ll have a complete breakdown of damage types and sources, available in real time whether you"re a spectator trying to make sense of a brain-melting teamfight or a respawning player learning how to avoid a recurring fate.

Lane Strategy

Sometimes conditions dictate that plans must change, and that can include lane configurations. As the pre-game draft proceeds, the Assistant will provide suggestions for how do you r team may choose to lane. To ensure everyone is on the same page, teammates of Dota Plus members will also see these suggestions.

Post-Game Analytics

After the match, you can compare your performance for a given metric over the course of the game to what the average performance is at a given skill bracket. You can also check out a grid that shows how much damage each hero dealt to all other heroes, broken down by source abilities, summoned units, and attacks.

Global Rank Trends

See pick/win rates for Talents as well as trends for hero picks/bans/wins in each skill bracket. Compare how you perform with any hero (kills, deaths, GPM/XPM, etc.) to how other brackets perform to see what you need to improve.

Comparative Analytics

During the game, you"ll have an updated HUD with real-time K/D/A, Last Hit, and Net Worth stats that let you track your performance compared to the average of other players on that hero in the same skill bracket.

Spectator Win
Probability Graph

Dota Plus also brings another addition to spectating tools. To complement the Gold and XP graphs, spectators can now check out a graph of expected win probability calculated based on conditions in the game.

Battle Cup is Back

The weekly Battle Cup is back. And it's free for all Dota Plus members. Non-members can still buy Battle Cup tickets for $0.99 in order to participate. The prize for winning, in addition to the special emoticons and profile accolades, will be 20,000 Shards.

Seasonal Terrain

The layout of the Dota map is indelible, but sometimes a bit of seasonal variety is nice. Dota Plus members will have access to the Seasonal Terrain active during each season.

Chat Wheel Sounds

In the Dota community, the right sound bite can describe a moment better than text or emoticons ever will, and with in-game chat wheel sound effects now available as Plus Rewards, members have even more options to express themselves. Once unlocked, you’ll have access to these sounds whenever your Dota Plus membership is active, letting you convey that perfect, timely sentiment whenever you want.

In-Game Tipping

It"s important to recognize the achievements of others, and with the In-Game Tipping feature, it"s never been easier to celebrate success. Feel free to tip your allies for setting up a kill, or even doff your hat in admiration of a maddeningly effective enemy smoke gank. You can issue up to three 50-Shard tips during a single game, up to a maximum of ten tips per week. Tips don"t come from your own Shard stash, so there"s no need to be frugal.

What is Dota 2 PLUS?

Dota 2 PLUS is a small addition to the game. It expands the functions of regular Dota and can also track progress by heroes.

First meeting.

And so, you bought Dota 2 PLUS. Now the main menu of the game looks like this

A Dota 2 + icon appeared next to our profile, which means that we have subscribed.
Next comes this window
Our number of fragments is shown here and here you can pick up a weekly reward (for 3 victories)
You can also go to the description of DOTA 2 PLUS by clicking on the icon.
And the most interesting thing is that you can go to DOTA 2 PLUS rewards by poking in the middle.
This is what will open:
Here you can buy sets (skins) for various heroes using fragments. Of course, the coolest ones cost the most 75,000 or as they are called in this section, exclusive.
But there are also cheaper ones (we move on to heritage) They cost from 2-5k.
Okay, we've sorted out the sets, next comes the section, relics, .
Select any hero from the list (in my case VENGEFUL SPIRIT)
First you need to buy a relic. There are expensive (best) ones for 10 k, or you can buy a random relic for 800 (if repeated, they return 400) For example: I have a relic, help, or wards installed, in short, we figure out what it says and it will be recorded.
And there was still a magazine of awards left. It is located opposite the inscription, my fragments.
Here is a log of earnings and expenses, fragments
I told you everything about this section) Let's move on

How to earn fragments?

There are 2 ways to earn shards,
1) Let's start with the initial tasks. They are in the main menu of Dota.
Here we simply do what they want from us and get fragments for it,
2) This method is more complicated. We go to the tab, heroes and click on anyone.
I'll click on ABADDON and that's what we see
As you all already understood, you need to click on, update the tests,
Now we have 3 tests.
We can say that each challenge has 3 lvls, the more lvls, the more experience you will get. For example: my 1st test, Help 3/6/9 r until 15:00.
for 1 lvl 250, 2nd 375, 3rd 500.
Challenges are updated every 14 days.
Above the test you can see the Level Progress, in my case 0/50. Therefore, you need to complete 1 test and we will increase your level. (You don’t have to do this, because you get 100 experience for winning the skating rink, and 50 for losing). You can also see future rewards (for raising lvl). There is also a trends tab that shows statistics for the character.
Please note that tasks are not executed in,turbo,mode. But in All Pick or Single Draft you can, etc.
1 more of your team must win this skating rink

Hero Chat Wheel

By subscribing to Dota 2 PLUS you will have access to voice chat and a hero. To do this, you need to click on Russian L (or English K) and possible phrases of the hero will open
