Famous people with a rich inner world. What does it mean to be a spiritually rich person? What traits are inherent in people with a rich inner world?

Self improvement

What does it mean to be a spiritually rich person? What traits are inherent in people with a rich inner world?

December 11, 2015

Not everyone can call themselves a spiritually rich person. Sometimes such controversial definition criteria are mixed or replaced with obviously incorrect ones. The article will tell you what signs are the most accurate and what it means to be a spiritually rich person.

What is it, spiritual wealth?

The concept of “spiritual wealth” cannot be interpreted unambiguously. There are controversial criteria by which this term is most often defined. Moreover, they are controversial individually, but together, with their help, a fairly clear idea of ​​spiritual wealth emerges.

  1. The criterion of humanity. What does it mean to be a spiritually rich person from the point of view of other people? Often this includes qualities such as humanity, understanding, empathy, and the ability to listen. Can a person who does not have these qualities be considered spiritually rich? Most likely the answer is negative. But the concept of spiritual wealth is not limited to these signs.
  2. Education criterion. Its essence is that the more educated a person is, the richer he is. Yes and no, because there are many examples when a person has several educations, he is smart, but his inner world is completely poor and empty. At the same time, history knows individuals who had no education, but their inner world was like a blooming garden, the flowers from which they shared with others. Such an example could be A.S. Pushkin’s nanny. A simple woman from a small village did not have the opportunity to receive an education, but Arina Rodionovna was so rich in her knowledge of folklore and history that, perhaps, her spiritual wealth became the spark that ignited the flame of creativity in the poet’s soul.
  3. Criterion of the history of the family and homeland. Its essence is that a person who does not carry a store of knowledge about the historical past of his family and homeland cannot be called spiritually rich.
  4. The criterion of faith. The word "spiritual" comes from the word "spirit". Christianity defines a spiritually rich person as a believer who lives according to the commandments and laws of God.

Signs of spiritual wealth in people

What it means to be a spiritually rich person is difficult to say in one sentence. For each, the main feature is something different. But here is a list of traits without which it is impossible to imagine such a person.

  • humanity;
  • empathy;
  • sensitivity;
  • flexible, lively mind;
  • love for the homeland and knowledge of its historical past;
  • life according to the laws of morality;
  • knowledge in various fields.

What does spiritual poverty lead to?

In contrast to the spiritual wealth of a person is the disease of our society - spiritual poverty.

Understanding what it means to be a spiritually rich, whole person cannot be revealed without negative qualities that should not be present in life:

  • ignorance;
  • callousness;
  • life for one’s own pleasure and outside the moral laws of society;
  • ignorance and non-perception of the spiritual and historical heritage of their people.

This is not the entire list, but the presence of several traits can define a person as spiritually poor.

What does the spiritual impoverishment of the people lead to? Often this phenomenon leads to a significant decline in society, and sometimes to its death. Man is structured in such a way that if he does not develop, does not enrich his inner world, then he degrades. The principle “if you don’t go up, you slide down” is very fair here.

How to deal with spiritual poverty? One of the scientists said that spiritual wealth is the only type of wealth that cannot be deprived of a person. If you fill your inner world with light, knowledge, goodness and wisdom, then this will stay with you for the rest of your life.

There are many ways to become spiritually enriched. The most effective of them is reading decent books. This is a classic, although many modern authors also write good works. Read books, respect your history, be a person with capital letters- and then poverty of spirit will not touch you.

What does it mean to be a spiritually rich person?

Now we can clearly outline the image of a person with a rich inner world. What kind of spiritually rich person is he? Most likely, a good conversationalist knows how to not only speak so that they listen to him, but also listen so that you want to talk to him. He lives according to the moral laws of society, is honest and sincere with his surroundings, he knows what empathy is, and will never ignore someone else's misfortune. Such a person is smart, and not necessarily due to the education he received. Self-education, constant food for the mind and dynamic development make it so. A spiritually rich person must know the history of his people, the elements of their folklore, and be diversified.

Instead of a conclusion

These days it may seem that material wealth is valued more than spiritual wealth. To some extent this is true, but another question is, by whom? Only a spiritually impoverished person will not appreciate the inner world of his interlocutor. Material wealth will never replace the breadth of soul, wisdom, and moral purity. Sympathy, love, respect cannot be bought. Only a spiritually rich person is capable of displaying such feelings. Material things are perishable; tomorrow they may no longer exist. But spiritual wealth will remain with a person for his entire life, and will illuminate the path not only for him, but also for those who are next to him. Ask yourself what it means to be a spiritually rich person, set yourself a goal and go towards it. Believe me, your efforts will be worth it.

Most of humanity's spiritual masters were materially poor,
but this does not mean that if there is no money, then a person has a direct path to becoming a spiritual teacher.

You can refuse wealth based on your convictions, or you can be poor out of stupidity.
Therefore, I consider it a great illusion that the poorer a person is, the richer his inner world.

It is not enough to be a beggar to become wise.

Is it possible to combine money and spiritual wisdom, as well as spiritual enlightenment?

While you are earning money, you have to deviate from the path of spiritual enlightenment. Big money is almost always involved in crime and blood.
In the 90s, our oligarchs regularly shot at each other, and now they are strangling their competitors with criminal cases and administrative resources. Sometimes they remember the experience of the 90s...

When there is a lot of money, property, capital, it is also not easy to retain this wealth.
There are many people seeking to take away and divide everything that has been acquired through exorbitant labor in showdowns, shootouts and other privatizations.

I believe that wolf wisdom emerges on how to survive in a pack when dividing the prey.

This is far from the enlightenment of Buddha or Mahatma Gandhi.

On the other hand, a poor person thinks about one thing: where to get money for food, clothing, housing.
Previously, slaves were paid just enough so that they would not die prematurely, but would work. Payment was food.

Now the principle of formation of remuneration for labor has remained almost unchanged. People should have enough for food, clothing, housing.

Like slaves, the average poor person has one thought - to break out of the shackles of poverty into financial freedom.

In battles for material wealth, there is no time to think about the soul.

It turns out that the rich “will not enter the Kingdom of God,” and the poor have no time to think about it at all. Need to work.

And this is what G. Thoreau and I think about the answer to the title of the article (although there is no question there).

The richest person is the person whose joys require the least money, and whose inner peace requires the most knowledge, wisdom and understanding.

Not everyone can call themselves a spiritually rich person. Sometimes such controversial definition criteria are mixed or replaced with obviously incorrect ones. The article will tell you what signs are the most accurate and what it means to be a spiritually rich person.

What is it, spiritual wealth?

The concept of “spiritual wealth” cannot be interpreted unambiguously. There are controversial criteria by which this term is most often defined. Moreover, they are controversial individually, but together, with their help, a fairly clear idea of ​​spiritual wealth emerges.

  1. The criterion of humanity. What does it mean to be a spiritually rich person from the point of view of other people? Often this includes qualities such as humanity, understanding, empathy, and the ability to listen. Can a person who does not have these qualities be considered spiritually rich? Most likely the answer is negative. But the concept of spiritual wealth is not limited to these signs.
  2. Education criterion. Its essence is that the more educated a person is, the richer he is. Yes and no, because there are many examples when a person has several educations, he is smart, but his inner world is completely poor and empty. At the same time, history knows individuals who had no education, but their inner world was like a blooming garden, the flowers from which they shared with others. Such an example could be A simple woman from a small village did not have the opportunity to receive an education, but Arina Rodionovna was so rich in her knowledge of folklore and history that perhaps her spiritual wealth became the spark that ignited the flame of creativity in the poet’s soul.
  3. Criterion of the history of the family and homeland. Its essence is that a person who does not carry a store of knowledge about the historical past of his family and homeland cannot be called spiritually rich.
  4. The criterion of faith. The word "spiritual" comes from the word "spirit". Christianity defines a spiritually rich person as a believer who lives according to the commandments and laws of God.

Signs of spiritual wealth in people

What it means to be a spiritually rich person is difficult to say in one sentence. For each, the main feature is something different. But here is a list of traits without which it is impossible to imagine such a person.

  • humanity;
  • empathy;
  • sensitivity;
  • flexible, lively mind;
  • love for the homeland and knowledge of its historical past;
  • life according to the laws of morality;
  • knowledge in various fields.

What does spiritual poverty lead to?

In contrast to the spiritual wealth of a person is the disease of our society - spiritual poverty.

Understanding what it means to be a spiritually rich, whole person cannot be revealed without negative qualities that should not be present in life:

  • ignorance;
  • callousness;
  • life for one’s own pleasure and outside the moral laws of society;
  • ignorance and non-perception of the spiritual and historical heritage of their people.

This is not the entire list, but the presence of several traits can define a person as spiritually poor.

What does the spiritual impoverishment of the people lead to? Often this phenomenon leads to a significant decline in society, and sometimes to its death. Man is structured in such a way that if he does not develop, does not enrich his inner world, then he degrades. The principle “if you don’t go up, you slide down” is very fair here.

How to deal with spiritual poverty? One of the scientists said that spiritual wealth is the only type of wealth that cannot be deprived of a person. If you fill yours with light, knowledge, goodness and wisdom, then this will stay with you for life.

There are many ways to become spiritually enriched. The most effective of them is reading decent books. This is a classic, although many modern authors also write good works. Read books, respect your history, be a man with a capital “H” - and then poverty of spirit will not affect you.

What does it mean to be a spiritually rich person?

Now we can clearly outline the image of a person with a rich inner world. What kind of spiritually rich person is he? Most likely, a good conversationalist knows how to not only speak so that they listen to him, but also listen so that you want to talk to him. He lives according to the moral laws of society, is honest and sincere with his surroundings, he knows and will never pass by someone else's misfortune. Such a person is smart, and not necessarily due to the education he received. Self-education, constant food for the mind and dynamic development make it so. A spiritually rich person must know the history of his people, the elements of their folklore, and be diversified.

Instead of a conclusion

These days it may seem that material wealth is valued more than spiritual wealth. To some extent this is true, but another question is, by whom? Only a spiritually impoverished person will not appreciate the inner world of his interlocutor. Material wealth will never replace the breadth of soul, wisdom, and moral purity. Sympathy, love, respect cannot be bought. Only a spiritually rich person is capable of displaying such feelings. Material things are perishable; tomorrow they may no longer exist. But spiritual wealth will remain with a person for his entire life, and will illuminate the path not only for him, but also for those who are next to him. Ask yourself what it means to be a spiritually rich person, set yourself a goal and go towards it. Believe me, your efforts will be worth it.

The issue of spirituality is currently being considered very widely. Everyone has their own understanding of what it means to be a spiritually rich person. For some, this concept is inextricably linked with faith in God, some expand the boundaries of their soul and improve themselves with the help of Eastern practices, while others simply act as if they put the interests of others above their own, for example, as Mother Teresa did.

What does it mean to be a spiritually rich person?

A spiritually rich person is rich because he puts the needs of the soul, not the body, in the foreground. For him, it is not material values ​​that matter, but those that contribute to the improvement of the soul. By showing interest in religion, painting, music, and other forms of art, a person learns environment and social phenomena. As a result, his inner world is filled, a person develops from different sides, becomes an interesting interlocutor, thinking, having his own point of view on everything.

A spiritually rich person strives for self-improvement. He learns new things, using the works and discoveries of famous artists, writers, and poets. The actions and actions of such a person are responsible and meaningful. Thoughts and motives always have a positive color, because he understands that the real treasure is not material values, but inner peace, fortitude and spiritual values. But for those who are interested in what a spiritually rich person should be, it is worth saying that the fullness of the soul is achieved not only through knowledge. Most often this is achieved through suffering. Trials change the worldview, as they say, turn the world upside down.

For those who are wondering what it means to be spiritually rich, it is worth answering that a person can accumulate knowledge all his life and never achieve perfection, and suffering makes it more difficult. short term. It happens that one single event overturns the entire mentality, crosses out past life, dividing it into “before” and “after”. Often people then come to God, considering spiritual well-being as a relationship with the one Creator.

Distinctive characteristics of a person with a rich inner spiritual world
  1. Such people emit some kind of inner light that seeps through a kind smile, the look of wise eyes and the desire to share their wealth with others.
  2. High morality is what is characteristic of such people. They are endowed with honesty and responsibility, and there is a sense of dignity in them, which is expressed in respect for others, goodwill and devotion.
  3. Such people do everything not from the mind, but from the heart. They understand the true meaning of God's commandment to “love your neighbor as yourself” and follow it.
  4. Modesty and forgiveness are what distinguish them. Wherein we're talking about not only about forgiving other people, but also about forgiving yourself. They realize the depth of their mistakes and, first of all, repent of themselves.
  5. Peace and harmony live in their hearts. There is no place for base passions and emotions. They understand the meaninglessness of feelings of guilt, aggression or anger and bring only goodness into the world.

Of course, becoming a person with a rich soul is not easy. The combination of all factors plays a role here - upbringing and piety. You can be a devout person, but still not understand the meaning of faith, or you can read a lot and develop, increase your intellectual level, but remain callous in your soul and hate everyone and everything. In general, spiritual wealth is inseparable from forbearance, wisdom, patience and readiness to lend a helping hand to your neighbor at any moment. Only by giving, without demanding anything in return, can you become rich.
