When can you retake social studies exam? Is it possible to retake the exam if the threshold is not passed or if the result is not satisfactory? Humanities: minor changes

Passing the Unified State Exam is an important step in the life of every graduate. For some, this is a formality that allows them to obtain a document on education, and for others, it is an opportunity for successful admission to the desired university in the country. But sometimes fate makes unexpected adjustments to a person’s life. Thus, in 2017, 3.4% of all Unified State Exam participants were unable to overcome the barrier required to obtain a certificate. Many more failed to achieve the scores required to gain admission to highly ranked universities. What to do if you fail the Unified State Examination and is a second attempt possible?

Until 2017, the right to retake the Unified State Examination was granted only to persons who had not passed the minimum threshold in compulsory subjects, the passing of which determines the receipt of a certificate.

One of the important innovations of 2017 was the possibility of retaking any subject taken for the Unified State Exam. Thus, in 2018 it will be possible to get a second attempt in the Russian language, mathematics, physics, computer science, literature, chemistry, biology, geography, social studies, history or foreign languages.

It is important to take into account the following facts:

  1. You can only retake 1 exam.
  2. You can now try to retake a subject twice.
  3. You can retake one subject if there is a good reason (documentary evidence is required) or if desired (in order to increase your score, you can retake the exam next year).
  4. Graduates from previous years who took part in the preliminary or main session of the Unified State Exam 2018 and received an unsatisfactory score do not receive the right to retake it.
  5. If a graduate is not allowed to retake the exam in 2018, he can retake the Unified State Exam a year later.

Unified State Exam retake dates in 2018

In 2018, you will be able to retake one of the Unified State Exam subjects that you failed the first time twice:

  • 1 retake – in the summer on reserve days indicated in the Unified State Exam calendar;
  • 2nd retake – in September 2018.

Thus, having increased the score to the desired one on the 1st attempt, you can have time to submit documents to the university on the main wave. After 2 retakes, it is unlikely to enter on a budget. But, this is another chance for those for whom the question of obtaining an education document remains open. Although, many universities that have a shortage of applicants for budget places sometimes conduct additional admissions in the autumn months.

The validity period of the USE certificate 2018 is 4 years. This means that having passed the exam on the 3rd attempt, the graduate gets a chance to enter the desired university next year based on the exam results already in hand.

The dates for the early, main and autumn sessions of final exams in 2018 are set by ORDER of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 1099 dated November 10, 2017 year, the full text of which can be viewed.

Retake schedule for 2018:

Main summer session (retakes)

06/22/18 (Friday)

Geography, Computer Science and ICT

06/25/18 (Monday)

mathematics (base and profile)

06/26/18 (Tuesday)

Russian language

06/27/18 (Wednesday)

history, chemistry, biology, in. languages

06/28/18 (Thursday)

literature, physics, social studies

06/29/18 (Friday)

foreign languages ​​(oral)

07/02/18 (Monday)

all things

Autumn retake

04.09.18 (Tuesday)

Russian language

09/07/18 (Monday)

mathematics (basic level)

09/15/18 (Saturday)

Russian and mathematics (basic level)

For the full GIA 2018 schedule, visit the official website ege.edu.ru

Who will be eligible to retake the Unified State Exam in 2018

According to the new rules in 2018, retaking any USE subject is possible in the following cases:

  1. unsatisfactory result;
  2. failure to appear for the exam for a valid reason (documentary evidence required);
  3. incomplete test (for a good reason: poor health of the examinee, an emergency at the Unified State Examination site, etc.);
  4. cancellation of the test result (through no fault of the examinee).

A significant reason for failure to appear means: illness or planned surgery (confirmation - a doctor’s certificate), a car accident, the death of a close relative and other similar situations.

Who will not be able to retake exams in 2018

Such a chance as retaking the Unified State Exam is a great gift for all applicants in 2018. But, in some cases, graduates may be deprived of this right. The second attempt will not work if:

  1. The examinee will be removed from the audience for gross violation of the rules (cheating, using a telephone, a programmable calculator, communicating with neighbors, etc.).
  2. The exam result will be canceled due to the fault of the examinee (for example, when violations of the rules are revealed after viewing an archived video).
  3. An unsatisfactory result was obtained in two subjects at once.
  4. In the case of a graduate of previous years gaining a score below the minimum established level for the subject.
  5. In case of missing an exam without a good reason (overslept, forgot, stood in a traffic jam...)

Naturally, all the situations listed in this paragraph should be avoided. Rely on your own knowledge, and not on cheat sheets or modern technical means. Prepare well for the exam and don’t let anxiety get in the way of your dream!

What to do when transferring to 2018 is not possible

If it so happens that you are among that small percentage of graduates who were unable to successfully pass the exam in three attempts or missed one of the Unified State Examinations without good reason, do not be discouraged, much less panic. Consider the situation from the other side. Whatever happens, you have the right to try your luck next year. Moreover, in 2019 you will only have to take the exam for which the result was unsatisfactory or you are not satisfied with it.

In many European countries and the USA there is such a thing as a “gap year”, or “gap year”. Many graduates take a break before entering university.

How to use this time profitably?

  1. consider the choice of profession;
  2. prepare for exams;
  3. relax and gain strength;
  4. earn a little extra money;
  5. learn to enjoy life!

Failing an exam doesn't end your dreams, it just gives you a break. Perhaps this is a sign and you just chose the wrong direction? And if the desired profession is your destiny, then this annoying misunderstanding will not be able to block your path to success

Remember, it is by overcoming obstacles that a person strengthens his character and acquires life wisdom!

At the end of each school year, all eleventh-graders in Russia face a serious test - passing the Unified State Exam. Based on the points earned in this way, the future applicant can expect to receive a prestigious place in a particular university.

Most schoolchildren prefer to begin preparing for the upcoming sections of knowledge long before they actually begin. Many are still in 9-10 grade. To do this, the children sign up for tutors, improve those subjects that they do not understand in the usual way, devote more free time to studying, consciously reducing the period of rest and walks with friends.

However, not all graduates can boast of such a positive example of preparatory work - there are also more careless schoolchildren who are unlikely to be able to pass future exams on their own the first time. As a result, they will not score even the minimum number of points.

True, the described situation does not always depend on the knowledge and skills of a particular student. Some may simply become nervous when they find themselves in such a stressful situation. It turns out that even despite lengthy preparation, the Unified State Exam will fail. It is for such cases that the Ministry of Education has established a retake of the exam. For example, in the coming year you can try to pass the Unified State Exam twice.

What to be afraid of in 2017 or the required number of points?

The good news for current eleventh-graders is that the minimum number of Unified State Exam points remains the same. The Ministry of Education decided not to change last year’s parameters so as not to lower the threshold marks.

We remind you that in the Russian language the minimum threshold of required points is 36. By passing the basic level of mathematics with only 3 points, the student can receive the long-awaited high school diploma, while successfully passing the Unified State Examination of mathematics at the profile level is equal to 27 points. Only in this case does the student have every right to apply for admission to a university. The passing score in natural science is 42, history – 32, physics, chemistry and biology – 36, foreign language – 22, computer science – 40, literature – 32; geography – 37.

The certificate issued after passing the tests can be used for the next 3 years. Otherwise, the Unified State Exam will have to be taken again. By the way, a student can add another 10 to the points received on the Unified State Examination - for an average “A” in the certificate, high achievements in physical education and excellent results when participating in scientific conferences, competitions or olympiads.

Who can retake the Unified State Exam?

Before you try your hand at the final level of knowledge again, you should determine who is eligible to retake the Unified State Exam in 2017. It turns out that during the marked period, each student can experience happiness again. In this case, you can retake the indicators of any subject either because of an unsatisfactory grade, or because of scores that do not suit the applicant himself. For example, an 11th grade student scored only 38 points in Russian, while the minimum acceptable standard is 36. Of course, he wants to try to retake the exam, even if he receives a certificate. Most likely, such a student needs more important indicators for future admission to university.

You should also consider when you can retake a particular subject, and what is special about such a procedure. Retaking the Unified State Exam involves a number of the following factors:

Modifications in the Unified State Examination

Today's eleventh-graders will have to take not two mandatory exams, as was the case previously, but three. True, it is not yet clear which discipline the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation chose to assess the knowledge of schoolchildren as a supplement. According to preliminary rumors, this will be history, since the performance of this particular subject is considered the worst among the majority of Russian students. Some people think that soon they will have to take physics without fail. In fact, such information will become available early next year.

Only one thing is clear as day - future graduates will have a hard time, because in addition to the 3 compulsory subjects, they will have to diligently prepare for one more to choose from. If a graduate wants to test his knowledge of computer science, the upcoming exam will be held on a computer. It is assumed that before that time, schools will be able to prepare the necessary base that meets the highest requirements of the ministry.

It only remains to add that there are already rumors about a possible reduction in the test part of the Unified State Exam, while the number of ordinary and detailed questions will be greater. Based on knowledge from the Russian language, the oral part of the exam is conducted.

It is clear that graduates face a very difficult task - to successfully graduate from school and enter a prestigious university. Achieving all this is much easier than it might seem. Only diligent preparation will help achieve the desired results, so it’s time to come to your senses and start working. Just in case, it’s already clear how to retake the Unified State Exam, but you should really hope for additional opportunities. Good luck!

Of course, life will not end if you suddenly do not score the required number of points when passing the Unified State Exam. However, circumstances are different: nervousness, poor health, family circumstances... All this can have a direct or indirect impact on the future of applicants. Is it possible for poor students to retake the Unified State Exam immediately or after 2 years if they are not satisfied with the results?

Don't worry: you will have a chance to retake the Unified State Exam. We will talk further about where and how to do this.

If you are not happy with the result

Let's say you have already decided where you want to go and know exactly the required passing score. But here’s the problem: you didn’t get the required number of points when taking the Unified State Exam! How to retake the Unified State Exam?

Carefully study the entire Unified State Exam schedule. There you will see a schedule of reserve days - these are the designated days when you can retake the Unified State Exam in 2018-2019.

In the fall, a passing stage is held for those who did not pass the main and additional approaches. In this case, you will not be able to improve your results, but you will be able to correct a bad grade in one of the compulsory school subjects and still receive a school certificate.

Important points

Please note the following extremely important points:

  1. If you failed to score the required minimum points in two compulsory subjects at once, you will not be able to retake the Unified State Exam this year. You will be able to receive the long-awaited certificate only a year after retaking the Unified State Exam in 2019.
  2. Graduates can retake the Unified State Exam in the same year if they pass it unsatisfactorily.
  3. If you pass the optional exam and do not receive the minimum number of points, you will be able to retake the Unified State Exam next year in 2018 in any subject.
  4. In the same year, those who grossly violated the exam rules (cheated, talked on the phone or with friends) or missed the test for an unexcused reason will not be able to retake the failed exam.

If the exam result does not exceed the minimum threshold, the graduate can retake it this year during the main wave or in the fall. But if the number of points does not satisfy the student, but exceeds the minimum, then a retake will be possible only next year.

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If a student does not score the minimum number of points in two subjects, then they can be retaken in the same year, one in the main period on a reserve day, and the second in the fall.


It also matters whether you have a valid reason for retaking the Unified State Exam. To retake, you need to provide documents (for example, a health certificate, death certificate of a loved one).

You can safely write an application to retake the Unified State Exam (2018) if you came to take the exam in good faith, but there were technical or organizational failures beyond your control (power outage, ran out of forms, and so on).

Submitting an application to retake the Unified State Examination will be successful if the results of the previous exam were canceled due to irregularities in the examination.

Don’t worry ahead of time if you have scored the minimum, but do not qualify for admission to your chosen university based on your scores! Most universities conduct additional enrollment in the fall. At this time, the state often increases the quota for the number of applicants, and applicants enrolled in this university may change their mind about enrolling. So you always have a small chance.

In addition, if admission to a university is critical, you can always go to a less prestigious educational institution or try your hand at an evening/correspondence course at the same university.

The most important thing is not to worry and prepare to take the Unified State Exam as usual. Don't set yourself up for failure in advance. In any case, you will always have those nearby who are ready to support you in difficult times, and, if necessary, to help you pass exams. Student service specialists not only have an excellent understanding of basic and specialized disciplines, but will also help with advice, teach you how to solve problems on the topic, and much more!

If you do not see the answer to your question in this article, please contact the Rosobrnadzor hotline for advice.

The Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science has summed up the preliminary results of the Unified State Examination in mathematics at the profile level, which took place on June 2.

The average score of participants increased by almost 1 point compared to last year and amounted to 47.1 points. The number of participants who failed to meet the minimum threshold of 27 points decreased by 1%. In total, about 391 thousand participants took part in the Unified State Examination in specialized mathematics.

“The level of difficulty of the Unified State Examination in mathematics at the specialized level did not change in 2017. Preliminary exam results indicate that participants performed the tasks better this year. We can also note a more conscious choice of the Unified State Exam level in mathematics by graduates: fewer participants signed up for both exams at once; the profile Unified State Exam was chosen mainly by graduates who need mathematics to enter a university,” noted the head of Rosobrnadzor, Sergei Kravtsov.

Thanks to the introduction of technology for scanning the answer forms of Unified State Examination participants at examination points, the processing of results was promptly completed. Participants in the Unified State Examination in mathematics at the profile level will be able to find out their results two days earlier than the deadline. This can be done through your personal account on the Unified State Exam portal - http://check.site/.

On June 28, during the main period of the Unified State Exam 2017, a reserve deadline is provided for taking the Unified State Exam in mathematics. Graduates of previous years who want to improve their results will be able to take the exam on this day. Also, graduates of the current year who received a positive Unified State Examination result in the Russian language, but do not have a satisfactory Unified State Examination result in mathematics at either the basic or specialized level, will be able to retake the Unified State Examination in mathematics. To retake, such graduates can choose any level of the Unified State Examination in mathematics - specialized or basic.

So, what is to be submitted? Required subjects: mathematics (basic), Russian language. Elective subjects: mathematics (specialized), physics, chemistry, biology, geography, literature, foreign language, history, social studies, computer science and ICT.

Unified State Exam 2017 schedule

Early stage

Main stage

Procedure for taking the exam

In 2017, school graduates will traditionally take the Unified State Exam in two waves - early and main. The early stage will take place from March 23 to April 7, the main stage - from May 29 to June 19. At the early stage, graduates of evening schools, young people called up for military service, athletes of national teams, as well as high school students who cannot take the exams at the main stage for health reasons or due to moving to another country have the right to take the exam.

The most popular elective subject among schoolchildren, social studies, will be held on a special day. This exam will not overlap with other Unified State Exams so that all willing graduates can take it on the main day.


Graduates who fail exams in compulsory subjects can retake them in the fall.

On September 5, the Unified State Exam will be held in the Russian language, and on September 8 - in basic mathematics, which are eligible to take:

*who graduated from school this year, but “failed” both compulsory exams (Russian language and mathematics) during the summer exams;
*who graduated from school this year, but received a bad mark in one of the required exams (Russian language or mathematics) and were unable to retake the subject on the reserve day;
*who graduated from school this year, but for some reason did not take exams at all in the summer.

Graduates who have not passed the minimum threshold in elective subjects have the right to retake the exam only the next year.

Minimum grades of three in subjects

Math 27

Russian language 36

biology 36

geography 37

foreign language 22

story 32

social studies 42

literature 32

computer science and ICT 40

Changes by subject

Unified State Exam in Biology

Starting this year, the Unified State Exam in Biology will have fewer tasks, their number reduced from 40 to 28. At the same time, schoolchildren will have more time to write work, the duration of the exam will increase from 180 to 210 minutes. Tasks with a choice of one answer are excluded from the options. Part 1 includes new types of tasks that differ significantly in the types of actions. Graduates will have to fill in the missing elements of a diagram or table, find the correct symbols in the figure, and complete tasks for analyzing and synthesizing information, including those presented in the form of graphs, diagrams and tables with statistical data. Another change is the reduction of the maximum primary score from 61 in 2016 to 59 in 2017.

Unified State Exam in Chemistry

In the chemistry options, the structure of Part 1 has been fundamentally changed: firstly, tasks with a choice of one answer have been eliminated, and secondly, the questions are grouped into separate thematic blocks, each of which contains tasks of both basic and advanced levels of complexity. In general, there will be fewer tasks in the work - schoolchildren will have to complete 34 tasks (instead of 40 in 2016). The maximum primary result for the exam will be 60 points, last year it was 64 points. And one more innovation in chemistry: in tasks of a basic level of complexity, which test the assimilation of knowledge about the genetic connection of inorganic and organic substances (No. 9 and No. 17), the grading scale has been changed. Now you can get not one, but two points for correct answers.

Unified State Exam in Physics

In physics, the structure of part 1 of the examination paper was changed, part 2 was left unchanged. From the first part, tasks with a choice of one correct answer were excluded and tasks with a short answer were added.

EGE in the future

Unified State Exam in Chinese

Since the number of Russian schoolchildren studying Chinese in grades 8-11 already exceeds 5 thousand, it is quite possible that in the next two to three years the Unified State Exam in this subject will become another elective exam along with English, French, German and Spanish . Rosobrnadzor has created a working group that is studying the experience of holding Chinese language exams in China and other countries. MGIMO specialists are also working on the creation of examination materials in Chinese. In October 2015, the first testing of the Unified State Exam in Chinese was carried out. About three thousand schoolchildren from 16 regions of Russia took part in it. The next large-scale testing of the Unified State Exam and State Examination models in the Chinese language is planned for the fall of 2017.

Oral part in the Unified State Exam in Russian

The Ministry of Education and Science plans to introduce an oral part in the Unified State Examination in the Russian language in the coming years. It is expected that it will be tested in exams in 9th grade this academic year, and will appear in the Unified State Examination in two years. When the technology is developed, it can be used in exams in other humanities subjects - history, literature, social studies.

New Unified State Exam in Literature

In 2016, the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements developed an updated model of the Unified State Examination in literature. It was tested in 13 regions of the Russian Federation in 60 educational organizations and presented for public discussion. Short answer tasks were excluded from the exam, the number of elective tasks was increased, comparative tasks were simplified, the assessment criteria were significantly changed and the requirements for the length of the essay were increased. Now the exam will consist of creative tasks that will require extensive reflection, and there will be more topics for essays. The new model is expected to be introduced in 2018; graduates of 2017 will take this Unified State Exam in the usual format.

Unified State Examination in computer science

For several years now there has been talk that in the near future, schoolchildren will take computer science courses on a computer. Experts assess this prospect as real, but not close. Currently, the solution to the problem is hampered by the poor technical equipment of schools in remote regions of the country and SanPiNs, which prohibit schoolchildren from spending four hours at a time at the computer. Therefore, the issue of “computerization” of computer science may not worry graduates of the coming year.

Based on materials from the Rosobrnadzor portal and https://www.ucheba.ru
