A group to familiarize yourself with the rules of the road. Traffic rules club in the preparatory group. Software and methodological support

Sakharova Elena
Club program for familiarization with traffic rules for children older than school age"Traffic light"

Explanatory note

According to Federal Law "About safety traffic» basic principles of safety traffic are: priority of life and health of citizens participating in traffic, over economic results economic activity; priority of state responsibility for ensuring security traffic over the responsibility of citizens participating in traffic; respecting the interests of citizens, society and the state.

IN Russian Federation number of accidents involving children aged up to 14 years old per 10 thousand units of transport is almost 10 times higher than in the UK, 30 times higher than in Italy and 20 times higher than in France and Germany.

The current situation with children road– transport injuries, according to estimates of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, indicates children's ignorance of traffic rules(hereinafter referred to as traffic regulations) and inability navigate the road correctly, which is insufficient attention to the problems of preventing childhood injuries, primarily on the part of educational authorities. Despite the fact that in Russia there are a number of regulatory documents obliging educational establishments carry out consistent preventive work to study Traffic rules, test results - analytical work State traffic inspectors in major cities show that more than half road– transport accidents occur due to the fault of children, violating rules behavior on the streets and roads.

The situation should be influenced by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2009 No. 86 - Federal Law “On Amendments to the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative offenses».

The program is intended for preschoolers, And directed to provide additional training in studying Traffic rules and their practical application.

Relevance programs

Teaching safe behavior, instilling psychological resistance to dangerous situations, discipline, caution, and observation.

Form ideas. Teach compliance with traffic rules. Expand and consolidate acquired knowledge.

Target programs

Purposefully to form a culture of behavior and observance among the younger generation traffic rules, introduce to universal human values ​​- life and people's health, enter preschooler into the world of relationships between driver and passenger, where knowledge about behavior, observance and implementation of traffic rules takes place.


1. Introduce safe behavior preschool children on the streets, familiarization with various types of transport - trucks and cars, trams, trolleybuses, buses - with regulation traffic on city streets, settlements;

2. Assimilation of norms and rules of conduct, manifestations of tolerance for antisocial behavior;

3. Formation children skills and abilities to monitor road situation and anticipation of dangerous situations, the ability to circumvent them;

4. Instilling discipline and conscious compliance with traffic rules, culture of behavior, exposure to road transport process.

The program is focused:

To ensure the safety of a child 5-7 years old, individualization of personality through awareness child's needs, capabilities and abilities,

Promotes development personal qualities that will help them adapt to road environment,

Helps children acquire certain behavioral skills, experience, and development of communication children,

Formation of skills of a value-based attitude towards both one’s own and other people’s lives;

Development program material;

Develop educational activity and independence;

Develop the ability to observe, compare, analyze, draw conclusions;

Ability to use acquired knowledge in practice;

Features of the organization of the educational process

1. Child in game form gains knowledge, skills and abilities.

2. The main form of organization is circle.

3. Subgroup form of training – 8-10 children.

4. The duration of the OOD is 25 minutes.

5. OOD mode – once a week.

Provides for further development of knowledge about compliance with traffic rules. At the same time this program discloses in a way that is accessible to children level of contradiction in relationships "Driver-pedestrian" and ways to resolve it. Students learn about real problems that people face; that knowledge and observance traffic rules -

necessary condition for preservation health and life. Along with this, it contributes to the formation of children

respect for common law roads, both in your city, and in the country, on the whole planet. Children preschool

age acquire certain skills that allow them to participate in practical activities.

Principles of training

The basis circleThe work is based on the following didactic teaching principles:

The educational nature of education;

The scientific nature of the transmitted information;

Systematicity in organizing classes;

Availability of the material being studied age of pupils;

Visualization of training;

Individual approach to students.

The nurturing nature of education

Provides children with the opportunity to assimilate world experience and study the patterns of social development. Forms a scientific worldview. Educates moral qualities. Develops morally and aesthetically. The scientific nature of the transmitted information. Promotes correct reflection of reality, the more clearly expressed in educational activity of representations about real objects, the more understandable for children taught material.

Systematicity in organizing work mug

Justified age And psychological characteristics children, so teaching educational material sent mainly on the formation cognitive activity .

Availability of the material being studied

The material must be available to this group children, match them age and level of development. A sign of accessibility to education is the connection between the acquired knowledge and those enshrined in students' minds.

Individual approach.

Knowledge in the educational process is acquired individually by each child. During the work, the teacher has the opportunity to work with a group and individually with each... Individual differences children speed up or slow down the learning process Various methods, forms, means of teaching work programsallow extensive use of modeling: creating graphic and dynamic diagrams that help children understand and articulate rules and standards of acceptable behavior. Program provides for the teacher's story, which should be vivid, emotional, awakening interest in the material being studied, facilitating its assimilation.

Content programs provides ample opportunities for implementation differentiated approach to children when teaching. Program also provides for the use additional materials for study, which will allow greater consideration of individual characteristics children and develop their interests and abilities, form a culture of behavior.

Structure programs.

Consists of educational blocks: theory, practice. The content is combined into blocks, each of which implements a separate task. All educational tasks involve not only the acquisition of theoretical knowledge, but also the formation of practical experience.

Practical tasks.

Promote the development of children creativity, ability to create situations

happening in Everyday life, develop imagination and thinking. Based on practical work

execution lies creative tasks to create such situations. Children of this age capable of emotional

figurative level, carry out the proposed tasks.

Expected results

Know the norms and street rules;

Be able to show tolerance towards antisocial behavior;

Be able to anticipate and avoid dangerous situations that arise road.

Content mastery involves two levels of educational achievement: basic and advanced. Requirements for these levels are determined in accordance with the educational mug program.

This program will provide an opportunity to achieve successful results in training and education of disciplined participants traffic, and will also help reduce the level of childhood injuries. Form representations children about road safety. Teach compliance with traffic rules. Expand and consolidate acquired knowledge. This knowledge will help children protect health and possibly life.

Educational and methodological support

Development centers

Theater Center; - design center; - art center; - physical activity center; - traffic rules center.

Technical training aids

Record player; -CD and audio materials; - computer.

Visual - didactic material

Pencils, felt-tip pens, paints, glue, scissors, brush, album sheets;

Attributes road patrol service: rods, helmets, signs;

Transport for various functional purposes (trucks and cars, buses, trains, fire engines and postal vehicles, etc.);

- Traffic lights, figures of people (pedestrians, drivers);


Scene pictures reflecting traffic situations;

Attributes for role-playing games, games of traffic controllers, drivers and pedestrians (rod, whistle, cap, etc.);

- Road signs.

Didactic games :

1. "Our street"

2. "Put road sign»

3. "Teremok"

4. "Guess what sign"

5. "Types of intersections"

6. "City Street"

7. "Forbidden - allowed"

8. "Collect traffic light»

9. “What do the signs say?”

10. “Where is the sign hidden?”

Methodical techniques:


Role-playing game;

Didactic games;

Reading and memorizing poetry;

Examination of illustrations;



Target walk to a specially equipped site.

In the learning process children traffic rules You cannot limit yourself to just verbal explanations. A significant place should be given to practical forms of training: observation, excursions, targeted walks, during which children learn in practice rules for pedestrians, are watching traffic, consolidate previously acquired knowledge.

Carrying out targeted walks and excursions with children along the streets at different times of the year, observe how pedestrians and transport interact, pay attention children for such important points for safety movement: like lighting, weather conditions, condition roads, number of pedestrians, their physical activity(walk or hurry, run across the road or calmly walk along the passage).

In winter, pay attention to slippery the road: you may slip and fall; it is difficult for the driver to stop the car (even after he presses the brake, the car slides and drives a few more meters).

Visualization of learning.

Illustrations, diagrams, tables, photo and video materials are used to help children freely imagine the subject being studied. This contributes to better assimilation of the material presented.

Working with parents

1. Consultations “What parents should know when they are on the street with their child”, "Be polite - rules behavior in public transport", "The safety of your children in your hands» , “Parents are an example for children» etc. 2. Visual information "Safety on road» , “We study and follow traffic rules together with children”, “The child is in the car!”, « typical mistakes when crossing streets and roads» etc. 3. Group meeting on familiarization with a work plan to prevent children road– transport injuries. 4. Participation in drawing competitions, crafts on traffic rules, children's parties.


Program content

Cooperative activity

b TB instruction.

1. « Walk around the city»

Target: consolidate concepts "Roadway", "Sidewalk", "Crosswalk", "Dividing strip". Introduce concepts"Border", "Safety Island" and their purpose. Exercise your ability to navigate the neighborhood closest to the kindergarten and understand this scheme. 1. D/i "Our street". Conversation “Pavement for cars, sidewalk for pedestrians”.

2. Discussion on the topic “What is the danger of vehicles standing on the roadway?”

3. P/n "Orientation".Looking at illustrations.

4. Conversation “The roadway. Sidewalk. Safety island".

5. Reading S. Mikhalkov "Walking with Care", A. Dmokhovsky "Wonderful Island", V. Golovko « Traffic rules» , S. Mikhalkov "Our street".

6. Collective application "The street where I live".

b 2. « Traffic light»

Target: consolidate knowledge of signals traffic light: red, red and yellow at the same time, green flashing, green, yellow. Introduce with additional sections traffic light: arrows right or left, their purpose and rules crossing the roadway according to their signals. Practice the ability to start driving on a green traffic light only, making sure that all cars have stopped. 1. Discussions on the topic “How to cross the roadway at the intersection with traffic light, having additional sections with arrows”, “What is the danger movement pedestrian following an authorized signal traffic light»

2. P/n « Traffic light» , p/n "The quieter you go, the further you'll get"- practice walking and running, stopping at a signal traffic light. Reading by V. Kozhevnikov « Traffic light» .

3. Modeling « Traffic light» . Making layouts traffic light.

5. Modeling situations on a mock-up of an intersection and city streets.

b 3. « Road signs»

Target: consolidate knowledge about the purpose road signs. Introduce road signs"Pedestrians Movement Prohibition» , "No entry", "Parking area", "Telephone", « Go straight, right, to the left", "Food station". Continue to develop the ability to pay attention to road signs and take into account their purpose.

1. D/i "Guess what sign" Reading I. Gurin "The Tale of road signs» , G. Tsyferova "Fairy Tales on Wheels", Ya. Pishumov "It's just a sign".

2. Examination of illustrations, posters with road signs. Conversation "Our Helpers"(familiarity with the signs "Pedestrians Movement Prohibition» , "No entry", « Go straight, left, right» .

3. D/i "Who will name more road signs» , logic exercise “How does one picture differ from another?”

4. Modeling on a street layout « Place road signs correctly» .

5. Drawing "Signs traffic» .

b 4. "Transport"

Target: to develop the ability to navigate the variety of vehicles in your neighborhood (ground, railway) . Introduce with warning signals given by drivers, rules of cycling. Clarify knowledge about the work of a driver.

1. Conversations about what kind of passenger transport children use with their parents. Looking at illustrations various types transport.

2. Reading M. Ilyin "Cars of our street", N. Nosov "Automobile".

3. Discussions on topics “The dangers of slow moving traffic”, “What is the danger of vehicles passing by you?”

4. Conversation « Rules for cycling» . Reading M. Ilyin "Tales of Machines".

5. Designing various types of transport from a construction set "Lego".

6. Drawing "The bus travels along road» .

b 5. " Rules path, roadside"

Target: to form childrenunderstanding the meaning of new words: sidewalk, pedestrian track, roadside; skills of disciplined behavior, ability to anticipate danger; cultivate observation and caution. Expand knowledge children about road signs and their purpose.

1. Reading a poem by O. Bedarev "The ABCs of Security", S. Mikhalkov "Walking with Care".P/i "Go".

2. Conversation on the topic “ Rules behavior on the sidewalk, pedestrian path, roadside", « Rules for cycling» . Reading S. Volkov "About Traffic Laws» .

3. Modeling on a street model of various situations during transition roads.

4. Drawing road signs regulating cyclist movement».

b TB instruction.

6. "Traffic Controller's Signals"

Target: Give an initial introduction to the job of a traffic policeman. Build skill recognize traffic controller gestures, their correspondence to signals traffic light.

1. Conversation about the work of a police officer. Di "Gestures of a traffic controller"- display of traffic controller signals.

2. Reading and discussing the story Dorokhova"Power Wand", Ya. Pishumova "Guard".Looking at illustrations. Reading works.

3. Modeling of regulatory situations movement guard - traffic controller. Memorizing a poem by S. Mikhalkov "Guard".

4. Paper construction "Traffic Controller's Rod".

T 5. "We are passengers"

Target: create knowledge rulesuse of public transport: where to wait for the shuttle bus, the behavior of passengers when boarding, during movement and when exiting transport, cultivate a culture of behavior in transport.

1. Discussion on the topic “On what roads Are public transport stops more dangerous - narrow ones or wide ones? Looking at illustrations, posters, books.

2. Conversation "ABOUT rules behavior in public transport". Reading

S. Mikhalkov "Bad Story".

3. Simulation of travel situations in transport - “Grandma got on the bus; woman with heavy bags; woman with baby." Making riddles about transport, road signs, traffic light.

4. Collective production of a street model to simulate situations traffic.

b 6. "We are pedestrians"

Target: expand knowledge children about the rules of behavior on the street. Introduce with the responsibilities of pedestrians, traffic rules pedestrians on the sidewalk and crossing the roadway in groups and individually.

1. Discussions on topics “Which vehicle is more dangerous than the others?”, “What is the danger if a child runs across the road Reading

S. Volkov "About Traffic Laws» .

2. Quiz "Best Pedestrian". Simulation of situations on the layout "Arrange correct signs»

3. Reading by D. Denisov "How to Cross the Street", Memorization of T. Shorygin « Traffic light» .

4. Application "Pedestrians walk down the street"- practice the ability to cut out symmetrical shapes from paper folded in half; encourage the creation of a collective composition, reflecting impressions of the surrounding world.

J 9. "Crossroads"

Target: consolidate the concept "Crossroads", generate knowledge rules crossing the intersection. Introduce with cross views stkov: four-sided, three-sided, multi-sided. Practice the ability to use personal experience in joint play activities.

1. Conversation "Dangerous Crossroads"- expand knowledge about the features movement transport and pedestrians at the intersection, give an idea of "controlled intersection", O rules of movement pedestrians and cars using traffic light. Di "Crossroads".

2. Discussions on the topic “How to cross the roadway at the intersection with traffic light, having an additional section with an arrow? Reading

D. Denisov "How to go the road» , "A. Dorokhov"Green, yellow, red".

3. Entertainment “Who is the most literate?”- strengthen the ability to navigate road using knowledge traffic rules for pedestrians and drivers in various practical situations.

Used Books

1. Program education and training children in kindergarten"From birth to school" edited by N. E. Veraksa. Ed. "Mosaic - Synthesis", Moscow, 2015

2. Avdeeva N. N. Security. Tutorial on the basics of life safety children of senior preschool age. – St. Petersburg. Childhood - Press, 2007.

3. Poddubnaya L. B. Traffic Laws. Older and preparatory group. Ed. "Corypheus", Volgograd, 2027

4. Solomennikova O. A. Education and training in older group kindergarten. Program and methodological recommendations. Publishing house "Mosaic - Synthesis", Moscow, 2006.

5. Shorygina T. A. Conversations about the basics of safety with children 5-8 years old. Ed. shopping center "Sphere", Moscow, 2008

Club program "Young Traffic Inspectors"

1. Explanatory note

The program of the “Young Traffic Inspectors” circle is based on the author’s program by N.F. Vinogradov "Young traffic inspectors".

This program is aimed at developing in children and adolescents a culture of behavior on the roads, civic responsibility and legal self-awareness, an attitude towards their life and the lives of others as a value, as well as active adaptation in the ever-increasing process of motorization of the country. The program allows you to develop a set of sustainable forms of behavior on the roads, in public transport, in cases of emergency situations, as well as skills in advocacy work

The problem of road safety has different aspects. The main one will always be conservation human life, especially the lives of children and adolescents. Therefore, the school should be the first to support the idea social movement“Young Traffic Inspectors”, the goal of which is to unite children and adults interested in reducing road traffic injuries

During classes, children participate in raids to ensure traffic safety on streets and roads, and in campaign car rallies to promote rules of conduct on roads and streets. Competitions for young cyclists, competitions for traffic rules experts, the “Safe Wheel” competition, etc. are held.

The peculiarity of the program is to create conditions for the formation of a safe educational space when interacting with traffic police officers. The implementation of the program is designed for one year. The JID squad consists of 6th grade students. The work is carried out in the form of theoretical and practical classes. The content of classes, volume and intensity of loads depend on age and physical condition health of students. The training program is built on the principle of “simple to complex” and deepening theoretical knowledge and practical skills at each subsequent stage of training.

The purpose of the “Young Traffic Inspectors” program - to involve students aged 12-13 years in activities to prevent child road injuries, to acquaint them with the content of the work of specialists ensuring road safety.

Tasks : teach the rules of safe behavior on roads and streets; introduce the operation of modern technical devices used in various traffic police services; provide experience in real activities to prevent child road injuries; teach techniques for providing first aid to victims of road accidents; develop natural inclinations that contribute to success in the social and professional self-determination of children.

Classes can be conducted by teachers and traffic police specialists in a classroom equipped with appropriate equipment.

The results of mastering the program are summed up in the form of games - competitions, in the form of a reporting theatrical performance based on the rules of safe behavior on the roads and streets.

2. general characteristics

In education - methods of forming the consciousness of the individual, methods of organizing activities and forming the experience of social behavior, methods of stimulating behavior and activity.

The program of the “YuID” circle relates to a social and pedagogical orientation: conditions are created for the child’s social practice in his real life, the accumulation of moral and practical experience.

The work of the "YuID" circle is based on various types of activities :

    Creation of a road safety corner;

    Studying traffic rules and promoting them in classes;

    Meetings and conversations with the traffic police inspector;

    Meetings with a medical professional to learn the basics of medical knowledge and apply knowledge in practice;

    Conducting practical training on driving a bicycle;

    Participation in various competitions on the prevention of road safety;

    Conducting games, contests, competitions at school.

The main forms of activity of the circle under this program: training, application of knowledge in practice through practical exercises, competitions, games, practical work to promote road safety through competitions, quizzes, and show programs.

6th grade students participate in the work of the circle. An active base of children is being created to assist in the study of traffic rules in all primary and secondary classes through agitation, propaganda, competitions, games, and competitions.

Development of personal qualities that are significant for this activity:

    Independence in making the right decision;

    Conviction and activity in promoting conscientious compliance with traffic rules, as a necessary element of preserving one’s life;

    Attentiveness and courtesy in relations between road users;

    A healthy lifestyle and the skill of independent physical improvement.

Students must:


    • traffic rules, regulations on liability for traffic violations;

      series of road signs and their representatives;

      methods of providing first aid;

      technical device of a bicycle.

    be able to:

    • work with traffic rules, highlight the necessary information;

      assess the traffic situation;

      provide first aid to the victim;

      drive a bicycle.

    have the skills:

    • discipline, caution, safe movement as a pedestrian, passenger, cyclist;

      mutual support and revenue in joint activities;

      participation in contests and competitions.

      active life position of an exemplary road user.

3. Place of the circle in the work plan

The program is designed for 6th grade students, for 1 year of study. 70 hours are allotted for the implementation of the “Young Traffic Inspectors” course in the 6th grade. Classes are held for 2 hours in accordance with SanPin standards.

4. Personal, meta-subject and subject results of mastering the circle

Educational results of work under this program extracurricular activities can be assessed on two levels.

Results of the first level (the student’s acquisition of social knowledge, understanding of social reality and everyday life): students acquire knowledge about road safety, the basics of first aid, and traffic rules.

Results of the second level (formation of a positive attitude of the student towards the basic values ​​of our society and towards social reality in general).

As a result of the implementation of the program, students will develop UUD.

Personal results

Students will develop:

    installation on a safe, healthy lifestyle;

    the need for cooperation with peers, a friendly attitude towards peers, conflict-free behavior, the desire to listen to the opinions of classmates;

The meta-subject results of studying the course are the formation of the following universal learning actions.

Regulatory UUD :

    Students will learn:

    • understand and accept learning task formulated by the teacher;

      carry out control, correction and evaluation of the results of their activities

Cognitive UUD :

    Students will learn:

    • compare and classify objects;

      understand and apply the information received when performing tasks;

      demonstrate individual creative abilities.

Communicative UUD :

    Students will learn:

    • work in a group, take into account the opinions of partners that differ from your own;

      ask for help;

      offer assistance and cooperation;

      listen to your interlocutor;

      formulate your difficulties;

      formulate own opinion and position;

      negotiate and come to a common decision;

      exercise mutual control;

Subject results

    formation of initial ideas about the meaning of road safety rules.

    mastering the skills of first aid and safe road traffic.

5. Contents of the circle program

The program consists of several thematic sections that are interconnected. 34 hours

Topic 1. Introduction to educational program mug.

Theory . Goals and objectives of the YID circle. Program approval. Organizational matters(squad structure, position, responsibilities). Design of the corner “Road, transport, pedestrian”.
Practice . Design of the DD safety corner.

Topic 2. History of traffic rules.
Theory . History and development of Traffic Rules. Information about the first traffic light, vehicles, bicycles, road signs...
Practice . Compiling a quiz on the history of traffic rules in a corner for classes.

Topic 3. Study of traffic rules.

Theory . Traffic rules in Russia. General provisions. Responsibilities of pedestrians, drivers, cyclists and passengers. Traffic safety problems, causes of road accidents.
Roads and their elements. Roadway. Dividing strip. Traffic lane.
Sidewalk. Adjacent areas. Crossroads.
Intersection boundaries. Crossing roadways at intersections. Settlements.
Traffic rules for pedestrians - driving on the right, rules for crossing the road, places to cross the roadway. Bypass standing transport at the curb. Movement of foot groups and columns. Controlled and unregulated intersections. Traffic control devices. Signs.
Traffic rules for passengers - types of public transport, landing areas and road signs, rules of conduct in the vehicle, transportation of goods. Mutually polite relations between passengers and driver.
Road signs. Warning signs.
Road signs. Priority signs.
Road signs. Mandatory signs.
Road signs. Information and directional signs. Service signs. Signs additional information.
Cases when the meanings of temporary road signs contradict the instructions of stationary signs. Road markings and their characteristics. Horizontal marking.
Cases when the meaning of temporary road signs and temporary marking lines contradicts the meaning of permanent marking lines. Vertical markings. Traffic light regulation. The meaning of round traffic lights made in the form of arrows. Pedestrian traffic lights for cyclists. Traffic lights to regulate traffic through railway crossings (1 hour).
Distribution of priority among road users. Main and secondary roads. "Right hand rule."
The action of the driver when there is a prohibiting traffic light (except for a reversing one) or a traffic controller. Priority for vehicles giving special signals. Vehicles equipped with blue or blue and red beacons and a special sound signal. Vehicles equipped with yellow or orange beacons. Vehicles equipped with white-moon colored beacons and a special sound signal.
Definition of signalized and uncontrolled intersections. General rules driving through intersections. Controlled intersections.
Driving through intersections where traffic is controlled by a traffic controller. Driving through intersections with traffic lights.
The advantage of trams at controlled intersections. Unregulated intersections. Uncontrolled intersections of unequal roads. Unregulated intersections of equivalent roads.
Passing pedestrian crossings. Directions to stops for route vehicles. Driving past vehicles intended for transporting children.
Movement across railway tracks.
Approaching a railway crossing. Traffic stop points in cases where traffic through the crossing is prohibited. Forced stop at a railway crossing.
Traffic rules for cyclists - road signs, technical condition of the bicycle, movement of groups of cyclists. Marking the roadway. Stopping and parking of vehicles. Influence weather conditions on the movement of vehicles. Braking and stopping distances.
Road traps.
Causes of road accidents.
Liability measures for pedestrians and drivers for violating traffic rules.
Practice . Solving problems, traffic rules cards.
Meetings with the traffic police inspector on practical issues.
Development of a traffic rules quiz in the corner.
Conducting a lesson in primary school“The ABCs of the road”, “They don’t see it themselves, but they tell others.”
Help primary classes in creating the “Safe Path: Home-School-Home” scheme.
Participation in competitions according to the rules of DD.

Topic 4. Basics of first aid.

Theory . First aid in case of an accident. Information that a witness to an accident must provide. Car first aid kit and its contents.
Wounds, their types, first aid.
Dislocations and first aid.
Types of bleeding and first aid.
Fractures, their types. Providing first aid to the victim.
Burns, degrees of burns. Providing first aid.
Types of dressings and methods of applying them.
Fainting, assistance.
First aid rules for sunstroke and heatstroke.
Transportation of the victim, immobilization.
Frostbite. Providing first aid.
Heart attack, first aid.
Practice . Meetings with a medical professional on practical issues.
Application of various types of dressings. Providing first aid for bleeding. Providing first aid for bruises, dislocations, burns, frostbite, fractures, fainting, heart attack.
Transporting the victim.
Answers to ticket questions and completing a practical task.

Topic 5. Traditional mass events.

Practice .
Preparation and conduct of traffic rules games in classrooms.
Preparation and holding of the “Safe Wheel” competition at school.
Speech in classes to promote traffic rules.
Preparation and participation in the competition of propaganda teams on traffic rules. Participation in various competitions on traffic rules (competitions of drawings, posters, poems, newspapers, essays...)

6. Calendar and thematic planning


IN methodological development"Work Plan" presented extracurricular activities according to the Rules of the Road for students in grades 5-7."

Classes are planned to be held in the amount of 34 teaching hours per year (1 lesson per week). The circle's work plan contains the names of the topics training sessions and approximate dates.

The main goal of developing extracurricular classes on traffic rules is to increase road literacy among students and increase the level of safety when driving on the road as a pedestrian and on bicycles. As well as instilling general discipline on the roads, and the foundations of mutual respect among road users.



Municipal treasury educational institution Skurishenskaya average comprehensive school them. Burmistrova V.P.

at a meeting of the Moscow Region of science teachers

T.D. Sedova


Deputy Director of HR


Work plan for the circle PD D

In grades 5 - 7

Head teacher

L.V. Dikareva


Compiled by: Egorova Nina Vasilievna teacher of the first category of fine art and life safety of the MKOU Skurishenskaya secondary school

2010-2011 academic year


Work plan of the traffic rules circle for 2010-2011 academic year



Introductory lesson “Traffic rules - the law of streets and roads”


Road traffic accident. Causes of road accidents.


Forms of traffic regulation. Traffic lights, traffic controllers, road markings.


Road signs.

29.09, 6.09

Traffic organization. Road traps.


Behavior of students in road accidents. Providing first aid to victims.


Practical training on providing first aid to victims of road accidents.


Requirements for the movement of cyclists. Rules for cycling.


State automobile inspection. Responsibility for violations of traffic rules.


"Write a letter to the driver."



Wall newspaper design« Attention - the road!

1.12, 8.11


Preparation of an extracurricular event for junior classes “Visiting the Traffic Light”


Carrying out an event in junior classes.


Responsibilities of passengers.


Dangerous situations on roads with pedestrians.


Driver's work.


License plates, identification marks and inscriptions on vehicles.


Traffic rules quiz.


Preparation for the “Safe Wheel” competition. "Erudite".


Preparation for the “Safe Wheel” competition. Insurance.



Preparation for the "Safe Wheel" competition.


Preparation for the “Safe Wheel” competition. Providing first aid in case of an accident.


Practical lessons with a bicycle. Figured bicycle driving.

6.04, 13.04, 20.04


The program is designed for children 7-8 years old and is designed for 1 year of implementation. Classes are held once a week for 35 minutes. This program is focused on studying the basics of safety aimed at ensuring personal safety on the road from all sources of threats, knowledge and skills in using the rules road traffic in life, which are one of the fragments of the culture of personal safety.



Municipal educational budgetary institution

Secondary school No. 8 Beloretsk

Republic of Bashkortostan

"I affirm"

Director of MOBU Secondary School No. 8

Khaliullina A.I.

"___" ____________ 2010

Club program

"The ABCs of Road Safety"

for 1st grade

(for 1 year of implementation)

Tereshina L.G. - teacher

Primary classes

Beloretsk - 2010

Explanatory note

The development of the road network and the sharp increase in the number of vehicles have given rise to a number of problems. Road injuries are a problem that worries people all over the world. The fee is very expensive and not justified in any way.

The Government of the Russian Federation appeals to all road users to “concentrate their attention on strict adherence to traffic rules, on respect for each other, while remembering that our own life, as well as the life and health of any person, depends on our behavior on the roads and streets.” Being in society, each person, in one way or another, influences the level of safety of the people around him, and the safety of everyone largely depends on the level of formation of the culture of personal safety of a particular person. We face the urgent task of fostering a culture of personal safety, which is a component of universal human culture.

This program is focused on studying the basics of safety aimed at ensuring personal safety on the road from all sources of threats, knowledge and skills in using traffic rules in life, which are one of the fragments of a culture of personal safety.

The “ABC of Road Safety” program does not aim at rote memorization of traffic rules, but at the formation and development of cognitive activity focused on understanding danger and safety.

Classes are conducted in an accessible and interest-stimulating manner. Every lesson has an element of play.

The gaming technologies used in the program provide the child with the opportunity to engage in practical activities in situations aimed at recreating and mastering the experience of safe behavior on roads and streets, in which self-management of behavior is developed and improved.

The program is structured around three main activities:

  • Children are taught on the basis of modern pedagogical technologies theoretical knowledge: traffic rules and safe behavior on the street;
  • creative work of students (studying thematic illustrations, posters, slides and performing creative tasks that develop their cognitive abilities necessary for them to correctly and safely navigate the road environment);
  • practical training of coordination of movements, motor skills and skills of safe behavior on the streets, roads and in transport using a set of games (story-based, role-playing, games according to the rules, etc.) and special exercises (introductory, group, individual).

Relevance : when moving to federal state standards of the second generation, modern requirements Education includes the need to focus on compliance with traffic rules and a culture of personal safety.

Novelty: 1) the number of hours has been increased by 3 times, which allows you to study the Traffic Rules more thoroughly.

2) education of a person who is well acquainted with modern problems life safety, aware of their exceptional importance, striving to solve these problems and at the same time wisely combine personal interests with the interests of society occurs through ICT, role-playing games, creative tasks.

Basic goals: Protecting the life and health of young citizens, protecting their rights and legitimate interests by preventing road accidents


1. Develop motivation for safe behavior.

2.Teach the basic rules of the road.

3.Form a stable observation skill in various traffic situations.

4. To form personal and socially significant experience of safe behavior on the roads and streets

5. Develop skills of self-esteem, self-analysis of one’s behavior on the street

and in transport.

Methodology : thematic classes, conversations, gaming lessons, practical exercises, contests, competitions, quizzes for better knowledge of traffic rules, board games, role-playing, didactic games.

Contingent of trainees:children of primary school age 7-8 years old.

Implementation deadlines:the program lasts 1 year

Forms and mode of classes:The work of the “ABC of Road Safety” circle is designed for 33 hours, once a week, lasting 35 minutes. Classes take place in a classroom using a multimedia installation, board games, visual handouts and demonstration materials, watching films on traffic rules, invitation of a traffic police inspector.

Results: be able to apply knowledge of traffic rules in practice, highlight the necessary information; read information on road signs; assess the traffic situation.

have skills discipline, caution, anticipation of danger on the road without turning into a feeling of fear and fear.

know: history of traffic rules; safe way from home to school, road signs; traffic lights;

types of transport; causes of road accidents; rules of behavior in transport.

Summing up form:testing, celebration on the theme: “We know the rules of the road.”

Educational and thematic plan









The street is full of surprises.

Our city and its transport

Where and how to cross the road

Road to school

Our street, our area.

How dangerous situations arise on the roads


Our faithful friends on the streets and roads.

Traffic signals

Game "Traffic Controller"

Road signs.

Prohibition signs

Warning signs

Special instructions and service marks


Dangerous situations on the roads

Know the rules of the road like a multiplication table

Where you can and cannot play. The pavement is not for play.

Features of driving on wet and slippery roads.


We are passengers

KVN “Transport and rules of behavior in it”

Be attentive and careful

Club of attentive pedestrians.

About markings on the road.


Little secrets of transport.


Travel etiquette.

A traffic police inspector visiting the guys.

Traffic rules test

Celebration “We know the rules of the road”


1. The street is full of surprises.Conversation, presentation, riddles, poems.

2. Our city and its transport. Puzzles, historical material, presentation “Special cars”, division of cars by purpose (work in pairs).

3.Where and how to cross the road.Poem by Y. Pishumov “The city in which...”, historical material, presentation (road markings, one-way and two-way streets), role-playing game.

4.Where and how to cross the road.A dramatized fairy tale based on traffic rules,game "find the mistake"group work.

5. The road to school. Working with a site plan,poem by S. Mikhalkov “The city is full of movement”, conversation (pedestrian rules), practical work (near school),parsing and analysis specific situations.

6.Our street, our area. Conversation, working with a neighborhood plan (find your street, house), individual work (mark your path on the map dangerous places On him), analysis and analysis of work.

7. How dangerous situations arise on the roads.Conversation, historical material,traffic situations, practical work.

8. Quiz "Lucky case". Division into 3 teams (in rows), warm-up, troubles from a barrel, musical break (physical education), you to me - I to you, video questions from elders).

9. Our faithful friends on the streets and roads.Poem by G. Titov “I am above a noisy intersection”, historical material, conversation , poem by Y. Pishumov “Two brothers are on duty...”, independent work(draw 2 traffic lights: for cars and for pedestrians)

10.Traffic control signals. Crossword, blitz survey, conversation, presentation “Traffic Controller Signals”, game “Say the Word”, game "At the Crossroads".

11. Game "Traffic Controller".Riddles, role-playing game, presentation.

12.Road signs.Historical material, conversation, presentation, independent work (drawing a “Beware of children” sign)

13. Prohibition signs. Blitz survey, conversation, presentation, work in pairs (draw a sign, tell what you remember about it).

14.Warning signs. Blitz survey, conversation, poems by V. Golovko “Road Signs”, presentation ,

15.Special regulations and service marks. Blitz survey, conversation, poems by V. Golovko “Road Signs”, presentation , work in pairs (draw a sign of your choice, tell what you remember about it)

16.Dangerous situations on the roads. Conversation, analysis of situations (presentation “Dangerous situations”), game "Find out the road sign", role-playing game.

17.Dangerous situations on the roads. Conversation, role-playing game, work in groups (make up traffic rules based on what has been passed).

18. Game “Know the rules of the road like the multiplication table.”Warm-up, “Green Sign” quiz, “Three traffic lights” game,game “Allowed - prohibited”, competition – captains “Drivers Relay”,game “Crossroads of Mysteries”, game “Collect signs”, game “Funny traffic light”, game “Cyclist”, summing up, rewarding.

19.Where you can and cannot play. The pavement is not for play.Poems by G. Titov “A stupid duckling plays football”, conversation, presentation, role-playing game.

20. Features of driving on wet and slippery roads.Conversation, poetry, case study, presentation, dramatization.

21. We are passengers. Conversation, presentation, poetry, situation analysis, group work.

22.We are passengers. Conversation, blitz survey, excursion.

23.KVN “Transport and rules of behavior in it.”Warm-up, dramatization of situations, presentation, puzzles, game “who knows the most traffic rules?”

24.Be attentive and careful.Say the word, quiz, riddles, presentation, Domino game.

25. Club of attentive pedestrians.Conversation, game "insert" the right word", poems, puzzles, game "Dominoes" (road signs), dramatization, presentation.

26.About the markings on the road.Blitz - survey, presentation, conversation, dramatization, role-playing game.

27.Crossroads. Conversation, presentation, film “Toropyzhka”, role-playing game.

28.Little secrets of transport.Role play, situation analysis, presentation, group work (come up with a rule)

29. Travel etiquette.Conversation, presentation, situation analysis, dramatization, role-playing game.

30. Travel etiquette.Role-playing game, work in groups (draw up rules of behavior), presentation.

31. A traffic police inspector visiting the guys.Conversation, quiz.

32. Traffic rules test. Test, presentation, riddles.

33. Celebration “We know the rules of the road.”Poems, dramatization, quiz, riddles, charades.


1. Three traffic lights. Didactic games, quizzes. M: Enlightenment, 1998

2. Filenko M.N. Schoolchildren about traffic rules. M: Enlightenment, 1985.

3. Knyazeva R.A. 100 tasks on traffic rules. M: Pedagogy, 1997

4. G.N. Shevchenko. Fundamentals of life safety. Volglgrad, 2003

5.S.N.Podgornaya. Thematic weeks in elementary school. Moscow-Rostov-on-Don. IC "MarT" 2004

6. Materials from the newspaper “Good Road of Childhood”.

7.Encyclopedia “Everything about everything.”

8.Encyclopedia “What? Where? When?".

9. Encyclopedia “Pochemuchka”. - M.: Pedagogy, 1987.

Natalya Hello
Traffic circle program “Young Inspector”

Explanatory note

Sphere additional education plays big role in child development. Mastering the rules of safe behavior on the road helps children develop an active life position at an early age. The problem of road safety in general and child road traffic injuries in particular arose with the advent of the first motor vehicle. Every year the number of cars on the roads, especially in large cities, is growing, traffic is becoming more intense, little man It’s becoming increasingly difficult to understand and navigate the moving stream of cars and pedestrians. In Russia, about thirty thousand people die annually as a result of road traffic accidents and more than 250 thousand are injured, including about 27 thousand children and adolescents under 16 years of age. This tragedy is caused by ignorance or irresponsible non-compliance with the basic rules of the road, the lack of basic culture of behavior on the road, and the lack of respectful attitude of road users towards each other. Even if a child involved in an accident did not receive serious physical injuries, he had to endure such a moral and psychological shock that he Negative consequences will remain in the victim’s soul for life. In order for a child to feel comfortable, confident, and safe in the world of rushing people and cars, it is necessary to teach him the rules of behavior in this world from early childhood. After all, it is always easier to eliminate the cause than to then spend the rest of your life overcoming its consequences. The system of activities for the study and promotion of traffic rules, agitation, prevention and prevention of children's road traffic injuries needs to be developed and improved. The sooner the process of learning the correct actions on the street and road begins, the greater the opportunity to educate competent pedestrians and significantly reduce road traffic injuries among children and adolescents.

Program additional education « Young Inspector» will contribute to the education of a full-fledged road user, the formation of a transport culture and the development of the correct skills and habits of behavior on the roadway. Teaching pupils a culture of behavior on the street is closely related to the development of children's spatial orientation. Program will allow you to cultivate in children such qualities as discipline, attention, composure, responsibility, caution, confidence. After all, it is often the lack of them that causes road accidents.

Traffic rules written complex language and are addressed to adult road users. Concept "children" used in traffic regulations only at points where we're talking about about the movement of organized groups of children and their transportation. Therefore, in relation to pupils, the responsibilities of pedestrians and passengers should be stated in an accessible and understandable manner. Children cannot act independently in dangerous road situations, relying only on personal experience, because this, as a rule, leads to accidents. The psychophysiological and age characteristics of children largely determine their behavior on the roads. Children are a special category of passengers and pedestrians. They cannot be treated with the same standards as adults. A child's reaction to danger is very different from an adult's reaction to the same danger. Consequently, pupils need to be purposefully educated and taught safe behavior on the streets and roads, based on a psychological and pedagogical approach.

Target: to train basic rules behavior on the road, develop skills of correct behavior on the street, be able to use traffic rules in real life.



Provide each child with the required level of knowledge on safe behavior on the streets and roads;

Develop the ability to apply acquired knowledge in practice, thereby ensuring your own safety;

Develop knowledge of traffic rules for pedestrians, passengers, cyclists;

To promote the acquisition of skills in socially significant activities to prevent child road traffic injuries.


To develop students’ ability to navigate traffic situations;

To form personal and socially significant experience of safe behavior on the roads and streets;

Develop skills of self-esteem, self-analysis of one’s behavior on the street and in transport;

To promote the development in children and adolescents of speed of reaction, attentiveness, observation, visual and auditory perception, logical thinking, self-control, resourcefulness, and other personal qualities that help improve behavior on the streets and roads.


Foster a conscious attitude towards compliance with traffic rules;

Instill discipline and responsibility for your behavior on the road;

Develop a culture of behavior in transport and road etiquette;

To develop awareness and a responsible attitude towards one’s own life and health, towards personal safety and security those around.

Solving these problems not only contributes to achieving the goal program goals,but also creates conditions for the formation of key competencies: communicative; informational; problem solving competence.

Implementation methodology and technology:

This programadditional education on teaching basic rules of behavior on the road contributes to: mental development– students consolidate their knowledge of road safety, learn to logically organize their thoughts and express them competently, summarize the information received, and build a dialogue;

moral education - through classes, students develop a culture of behavior among peers and in the family, the skills of safe behavior on the road are reinforced, and general system values ​​– respectful attitude towards people, development of personal qualities (independence, accuracy, personal responsibility for behavior on the road, for preserving one’s own life and health, their discipline as road users; aesthetic education – participating in artistic, literary, other creative competitions, pupils improve their general cultural level.

In this programthe assigned tasks are effectively implemented at the next stages of pedagogical work:

1. Organizational stage 2. Diagnostic stage 3. Implementation stage 4. Analytical stage

At the first, organizational stage, implementation programs provided by a spatial development environment. Its elements are:

Classroom, blackboard, computer, screen, multimedia projector, music player for creating an emotional mood for exercises and organizing a break, copying equipment for reproducing handouts, questionnaires and other things, stationery (paper, Whatman paper, thick sheets of paper, felt-tip pens, markers, pens, pencils, paints for drawing, scissors, glue, tape, buttons, paper clips, set methodological manuals "Road signs";

Assembly hall where they are held family holidays, entertainment, joint events with specialists, parents, creative teams, etc.

The organization of subject development is carried out in accordance with the requirements for the creation of a subject development environment, sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and regime of raising and training children in the rehabilitation center.

To implement this programs a long-term plan has been developed with activities appropriate to the age of the students, taking into account goals and objectives programs« Young Inspector» (Annex 1).

The peculiarity of this programs is the variety of forms, methods and techniques for organizing minors.

Forms of implementation programs:

Observation; - individual consultations for students; - conversations, dialogues, discussions; - testing; - role-playing games and didactic exercises; - survey; - diagnostics; - informing; - competitions; - film club (viewing and discussion of thematic films and videos, presentations.

Basic implementation methods programs:

Verbal – conversations, stories, discussions; - visual – use of photographs, video materials; - practical – role-playing games, open events.

At the second, diagnostic stage, diagnostics are carried out with the aim of in-depth study of the pupil, his individual characteristics. Primary diagnosis allows you to outline further directions correctional work and set narrower rehabilitation tasks that are most relevant for each individual pupil. The work is carried out using tests, questionnaires, surveys (Appendix 2).

The third stage, the implementation stage, aims to implement

corrective work on the following blocks:

1. History of the appearance of traffic rules (4 hours);

(4 hours);

(4 hours).

The implementation stage includes the following forms of work: - specially organized classes in which children receive theoretical and practical knowledge;

Thematic hours, conversations;

Role-playing games;

Game exercises; - quizzes;

Watching, followed by discussion, films, educational programs; - artistic creativity.

At the fourth, analytical stage of implementation programs A final diagnostic is carried out aimed at checking the quality of assimilation of theoretical material and the development of practical skills.

Target group: adolescents aged 7 to 13 years in

social rehabilitation center for minors.

Form of study: role-playing games and didactic exercises, questioning, diagnostics, information, competitions, quizzes, film club (viewing and discussion of thematic films and videos, observation, individual consultations, conversations, dialogues, discussions, testing.

The use of a wide range of methods allows you to optimize the load and create a positive psychological climate in the group during classes.

Lesson mode: group classes (4 – 8 people, lasting 30 minutes, 2 times a week.

Proposed program« Young Inspector» is variable, that is, if the need arises, adjustments to the content and forms of classes are allowed.

Criteria for the effectiveness of general developmental programs:

Classes are adapted to a specific cultural environment;

Designed for long-term and continuous training;

Various working methods are used;

All participants are informed about the goals, objectives and forms of work;

Diagnostics are carried out monthly/quarterly to determine the level of development of students’ knowledge.

At the end of the lesson cycle, teenagers should:

Have an idea of ​​safe behavior on the streets and roads;

Be able to freely apply the acquired knowledge in practice, thereby ensuring your own safety;

Have traffic rules for pedestrians, passengers, cyclists;

Have a desire to develop skills in socially significant activities to prevent child road traffic injuries;

Be prepared for self-assessment, self-analysis of your behavior on the street and in transport;

Possess the skills of reaction speed, attentiveness, observation, visual and auditory perception, logical thinking, self-control, resourcefulness, and other personal qualities that help improve behavior on the streets and roads.

Develop a culture of behavior in transport and road etiquette;

Be capable of a conscious and responsible attitude towards one’s own life and health, personal safety and security those around.

Material support for the lesson cycle, technical training aids: cool room, board, computer, screen, multimedia projector, music player for creating an emotional mood for exercises and organizing a break, copying equipment for reproducing handouts, questionnaires and other things, stationery (paper, Whatman paper, thick sheets of paper, felt-tip pens, markers, pens, pencils, paints for drawing, scissors, glue, tape, buttons, paper clips, a set of teaching aids "Road signs".

No expensive equipment is required to conduct classes.

The training room meets all the requirements for training premises with different working methods. It is quite spacious, cozy, bright and ventilated; not passable and not visible to outsiders. The door is closed during classes. Chairs and tables in the room are easy to move, depending on the form of the lesson.

1. History of the appearance of traffic rules

1.1. Pedestrian, driver, passenger.

Basic Concepts "passenger", "a pedestrian", "driver".

1.2.Traffic laws: history and modernity

The history of the appearance of the car and the Rules of the Road. Information about the first traffic light.

1.3. Elements of streets and roads.

The road and its components. Street - high traffic zone: the difference between the road environment and the other, elements of the street. Introduction to Concepts "road", "roadway", "crossroads", "unregulated intersections".

1.4. Pedestrian movement along streets and roads.

Basic concepts about pedestrian traffic rules. Pedestrian movement in populated areas and outside, rules for crossing the road. Questions for consolidation.

1.5. Traffic light. History of appearance.

New information about traffic lights. Types of traffic lights. Regulated and unregulated road crossings

1.6. Crosswalk.

Rules for crossing unregulated and controlled intersections. Concept "Crosswalk", "Unregulated pedestrian crossing", "Underground crossing". Signs indicating a pedestrian crossing. A game. Questions to consolidate knowledge.

1.7. Road signs and their groups

Road signs and their groups. The meaning of individual road signs.

1.8. Road signs and their purpose

Installation of road signs. Display of visual aids. Puzzles “Guess what sign?”

2. Basics of traffic rules

2.1.Traffic rules: responsibilities of drivers and pedestrians.

Traffic safety problems, causes of road accidents. Traffic rules for pedestrians. Pedestrian traffic in populated areas and beyond, rules for pedestrians on the road, crossing points and the roadway.

2.2. Traffic rules for cyclists.

Traffic rules for cyclists - technical condition of the bicycle, road signs, movement of groups of cyclists. Safe driving of mopeds and cyclists. Unobvious moments. Requirements to technical condition and bicycle equipment.

2.3. Rules of conduct on roads and streets.

Rules of conduct on the streets. Main dangers on the street. Rules for safe behavior in crowded places. Pedestrian safety on the road. Pedestrian movement along the street in heavy ice. Crossing the roadway, passenger safety.

2.4. Rules of behavior and safety in public transport.

Mutually polite relations between passengers, conductor and driver.

2.5.Road accident: causes and consequences.

Statistics. Causes of accidents and accidents on streets and roads. Crossroads and dangerous turns of transport. Pedestrian movement on country roads.

2.6. Preventing road accidents.

Basic rules for preventing road accidents. Flicker and its purpose. Quiz.

2.7.Traffic rules: the law for all road users

Activating students' knowledge about the rules of the road, forming in children a clear knowledge that traffic rules are the law for all road users. The main rules of safety on the street. Quiz. A game "Say the word"

2.8. First aid health care in case of an accident.

The extent of burns, the degree of frostbite and assistance. Distinctive features sun and heat stroke and assistance. Types of poisoning (food, toxic, carbon dioxide, their signs and medical care. The concept of wounds, classification of wounds and their complications.

3. Development of practical skills and their application in real life

3.2. The street is full of surprises.

Game situation. Puzzles. Quiz.

3.3. Discipline on the road.

Repetition of covered material. Quiz. Do you know? Basic rules for a cyclist.

3.4. Know the rules of movement like the multiplication table.

Quiz. A game "Say the word". A game - competition: "Crossroads of Mysteries", "Automulti", "Understand me", "Pedestrian ABC", "Quiz", « Keyword» , boulevard "Attention", "Waiting for the tram", "Collect a proverb".

3.5. Safety rules in various situations.

Safety rules on the street, on the road during a fire, in the forest, on the water, during

terrorist acts.

3.6. Traffic rules experts.

Consolidation of knowledge. Quiz. Practical exercises with visual material.

3.7. Children - the road - life.


3.8. Reminders for young people inspectors.

Main literature

1. Traffic rules of the Russian Federation with illustrations. M. :, OOO "Atberg 98", 2009

2. "Fundamentals of Life Safety", V. Bubnov, N. Bubnova, (magazine No. 3, M. : "Genesis", 2005

3. “Prevention of children’s road traffic injuries in primary and secondary schools,” M. :,"Teacher" 2006

4. "ABC of the road" Kozlovskaya E. M., M. :,"Teacher" 2007

5. At your leisure. Games at school, at home, in the yard. A popular guide for parents and teachers. Zaitseva O. V., Karpova E. V., Yaroslavl, 2007.

additional literature

1. E. A. Voronova. Red. Yellow. Green! Traffic rules in extracurricular activities. - Rostov n/d, 2009 2. Study of traffic rules. - Vologda, 2004 3. M. R. Maksinyaeva. Life safety classes for younger schoolchildren. – M, 2004 4. Guidelines on organizing work among school students on traffic rules. - Maykop, 2002 5. Methodological recommendations for the prevention of children's road traffic injuries. - Vologda, 2006 6. Everyone should know the rules of the road. Educational games with preschoolers and schoolchildren. - Novosibirsk - 2008 7. S. V. Petrov. Actions in case of road accidents. – M., 2004 8. The traffic light does not have holidays/recommendations/. - Vologda, 2005 9. To the teacher about the rules of the road. / Recommendations for organizing extracurricular work with children on traffic rules. – M., Education, 2002
