Young adult romance novels are the best. New YA Novels Everyone Will Love. To get acquainted, we can recommend the works of both Russian and foreign contemporary writers

Katya Lyutova - this is not bullshit! She is a modern girl and does not believe in love with other crap... Farhad Yangibaev is a guy who lives happily, not really worrying about his “tomorrow”... If they meet and ask each other for a favor, what will it lead to? (Dedicated to my friend, with the royal name Catherine... You, the most important reader for me, friend!)
The book is CHROVIK!!!
Author's page on SI

The guy she secretly adored during all three years of her university studies has found a girlfriend - completely unexpectedly! So what should the unhappy girl do now? Cry and suffer? Watch someone else's happiness and kill yourself? Or join forces with the second hopelessly in love, pining for her rival? Perhaps she will choose the third, and in every possible way will interfere with the sweet and unsuspecting couple in the struggle for their personal happiness. In addition, her partner is a difficult guy: smart, handsome, popular and terribly reminiscent of the wind. A real tornado.

Caitlin Warker has no problem being the Invisible Girl, so she hides in offices and little rooms all over the college campus. Despite her best efforts, she can't escape the attention of Martin Sandecki, a bad boy, a bully, the hottest, richest, most inaccessible student in the universe, who also happens to be Caitlin's chemistry lab partner.

Caitlin is probably the only girl who isn't interested in conquering the rower's gorgeous body, chiseled features and his family's billion-dollar fortune. Caitlin wants Martin for his intelligence, especially for tabulating trace element data in surface water.

When Caitlin saves Martin from a nefarious plot, Martin uses the opportunity to push Caitlin out of her comfort zone: spring break, one week, house parties, swimsuits and suntan lotion. Can she overcome her aversion to being noticed? Will he be able to overcome his self-centered nature? Or, despite the obvious chemistry between them, will Martin be the one to lead Caitlin into the dark science room with the best of intentions?

Miroslava is a good lawyer. Her heightened instincts have helped the girl out more than once. And now, when Slava was asked to deliver documents to one of the VIP clients, she immediately felt anxious. Entering the invitingly open gate, the girl was prepared for trouble, but could not even imagine that she would see a naked man. Moreover, the man seemed familiar to her...

Waking up in Las Vegas was never planned this way. Evelyn Thomas had big plans to celebrate her twenty-first birthday in Las Vegas. Grandiose. But she sure as hell didn't plan on waking up on the bathroom floor with a hangover rivaling her blackouts, a very attractive, half-naked, tattooed man, and a diamond on her finger that could scare King Kong. If only she could remember now how this happened. One thing is for sure, being married to one of the sexiest rock stars on the planet is a wild ride.

Sexy Australian billionaire Grant Devlin is slowly ruining my life. He became famous for his shirtless exercises, having sex in his office during lunch, he even yawns sexy.If I didn't need this job so badly, I would take his black American Express Card and tell him that I had stolen it for good. He doesn't even know about my existence, and why would he know? On Friday night, he flies to Paris with super models, and I spend the evening with Netflix, watching TV, and a slice of Pepperidge Farm frozen cake, waiting for his call. Because every time he crashes his yacht, or one loses $500 thousand at roulette in Monte Carlo, I volunteer, the PR girl who has to clean up this whole mess.

But this time, he's going to do a lot more than just make generous charitable donations. This time the whole company has to be present and involved because he wants to show investors that he has calmed down, and Step #1 in this direction is naturally to date a good, permanent girl until people forget what happened to Playboy pussies over backstage at the Oscars.

My plan is perfect, except for one thing: he takes me with him.

The book contains real sex scenes and is intended for 18+

What girl doesn’t dream of true strong love, of who will become her soulmate? The problem is that sometimes those who are meant for you are so difficult to guess. At first glance you can judge appearance, but not character. And anyway, who said that your soul mate will initially be ideal for you? Maybe they should both make an effort and adapt to each other?

A bright future is just around the corner: beloved young man, perspective job, success and recognition. But at some point everything went wrong. Nastya was left alone, without an apartment, without a man and without money. The girl was used to achieving everything with her intelligence and talent, she was not distinguished by a punchy character, so she had to go with the flow, which was clearly carried away in the wrong direction. in the right direction. There is no one to expect a lifeline from, the surest path is to return to a remote village, to your parents, thereby putting an end to your dream. The turning point in life is the realization that before that everything was wrong, not right, not the way she herself wanted. And then, giving up on everything, Nastya succumbs to the influence of new friends who clearly know what they want from life and how to achieve it.

Delilah "Lily" Flynn is used to her dull everyday life. Lily has lived in them for twenty-two years. Her boring life is suddenly turned upside down when she is brazenly kidnapped from her bedroom. Or so she thinks. Knox Taylor is too big in his field to be a babysitter. Most of all, he wants to quickly complete his mission in order to get rid of the too smart tomboy girl, Lily. Day after day, Knox observes Lily's strange behavior. She's not like any other woman he's ever met. He gets closer to the girl, just for her own protection... right? Lily never thought that she would find her first real friends in captivity. What will she go through to keep them? Original title: Belle Aurora, Willing Captive Belle Aurora, “In Desired Captivity” Translator: Deletantka Editor: Matreshka Proofreading, design and cover: Mistress Translated for the group:

Veronica, a graduate of the Law Faculty of Moscow State University, gets a job at the Crystal holding. An absurd incident pits her against the head of the conglomerate himself. She resists the strong feeling that arose in her for Alexander Ognev, because there can be nothing in common between a simple girl and one of the richest people on the planet...

We have collected the most best books about love for teenage girls 16 - 18 years old. Modern novels for every taste about romance, first kisses and relationships with guys.

Stephen Chbosky. The perks of Being a Wallflower

Charlie is in high school. Due to childhood traumas still fresh in the memory and recent experiences nervous disorder he writes letters to a fictitious addressee who must understand his problems. Literature teacher Bill recommends that he read books, each of which becomes the best and favorite for the main character. Charlie doesn't go to dances and is secretly in love with a girl from high school with the strange nickname “No way”. Further

Lauren Oliver. Before I fall

You have made a huge mistake and every day you are given a chance to correct it, but something always goes wrong. You will most likely fall into despair, just like Samantha Kingston. It was an ordinary Friday, no different from a string of similar ones, but today she dies. Her soul knows no peace, and the girl lives the day of her death again and again. Further

Svetlana Lubenets. Amulet for lovers

Shy Marina fell in love with three boys at once. Of all the applicants, she chooses Bogdan, the weakest student in the class. Classmates do not hide their amazement: Bogdan became interested in another girl, instead of dating the beautiful Marina. Further

Irina grew up a real tomboy: she preferred jeans and shirts to dresses and shoes, helped her father in the garage and did airbrushing. However, after meeting the guy of her dreams, the girl will have to change and become more feminine. It’s a pity that Ira didn’t know that you can’t fall in love with everyone! Further

Sonny is the world's biggest liar. Amy is her best friend. One day the girls decide to play a prank on the arrogant Ryder, who is in love with Amy. However, the game goes too far, posing as Sonny's girlfriend and not noticing how she falls in love with the guy. How to find love and not lose your friend? Further

Karina falls in love with a rock musician. What will happen to her love? Are feelings capable of passing the test over a distance of several thousand kilometers? And can you trust a man who has already betrayed other girls? Our heroine has to find out all this. Further

The first love remains in memory forever. Seven years ago, Emily broke up with handsome Elias. Now she has a new relationship with Lucas, which is limited to online communication. Our heroine will have to understand herself and understand who she really loves. Further

Sveta was supposed to be introduced to Alex by Sonya, who herself did not notice how she fell in love with the guy. Tormented by the torment of choice, she will have to decide: betray her friend or sacrifice her happiness. Sonya considers Sveta’s attitude towards her boyfriend frivolous, and besides, her chosen one is leaving the city soon. We need to act! Further

Zakhar was the love of his life for Violetta, who did not notice anyone but him until the romantic Leva appeared in her life. Thanks to him, the girl learned to love and value herself. But after hurting the guy, the girl is afraid of losing him forever. Will he be able to main character fix everything? Further

In the fall, Lara and her boyfriend Peter are planning to go to college, which should send them confirmation. Educational complex is located not very far from home, and the young people plan to visit their relatives every weekend. Unexpected news ruins all their intentions. Now Lara will have to look for a way to stay close to her relatives and loved one. Further

Blythe and her parents move to a neighboring town and on the very first day the whole school laughs at her. All because of Luke, who published a photo of Blythe picking her nose in the school newspaper. The girl demands that her father, who recently became the school director, close the newspaper. Now everyone her age wants revenge on her, and Blythe herself doesn’t notice how she’s falling in love with Luke. Further

Could you go a whole day without lying? Ninth-graders will have to stop lying. What will happen to secret love and long-hidden hostility towards peers? Further

Even after moving, Yulka’s quarrels with her parents did not occur less frequently. Tired of endless problems, she starts a page on in social networks and registers under the name Juliet. The girl imagines herself as a completely different person, without hassles and problems. In her new form, she will finally be able to meet the ideal guy. Further

This book describes with humor school life. Handsome high school boy Kolya simply melts at the sight of a young teacher in English. Unexpectedly for him, the daughter of the school principal falls in love with the guy. Soon there is a fire in the computer lab, which many believe to be accidental. However, the investigator and the guy himself have other assumptions about this. Further

The love between Andrei and Volka broke out on the sea under the scorching sun and the gentle sound of the surf. They live in different cities and are painfully waiting for the upcoming separation. However, chance makes its own adjustments to their fate: a rash decision to get into a car with strangers changed everything. Further

America 2118. All the skyscrapers of New York are merging into a huge tower, where the lower floors are slums intended for the poor, and the luxurious upper floors are for the elite. Teenagers from the lower tier, risking their lives, are attempting to change everything and get to the top. Further

I'm angry. Why don't you get out of my head? So alien, not native. My stepsister. I didn’t wait for you, didn’t call you and didn’t want to. You will regret that you crossed the threshold of our house. Further

After moving to Elizavetinsk, Lyuba did not like either school or class. Also, as luck would have it, someone is spreading gossip that she has a crush on Sasha Yablokov. But she likes a completely different guy! Or maybe it’s Sasha? Further

Before meeting Vadim, Dasha had no idea about capoeira. Now she spends hours exhausting herself in the gym, all in order to impress the guy. However, the young man does not spoil the girl with his attention at all. What is this: indifference or a certain tactic? Further

A completely inconspicuous schoolgirl Nastya receives a Valentine card with the words that she is a fairy. Instantly strange things begin to happen to the girl: Nikita flirts with her, complex tasks are easy for her, and the cold goes away immediately after using the magic potion. So maybe she really is a fairy? Nastya has to find the anonymous person and find out everything. Further

These were the most popular books about love for teenage girls aged 16 - 18 years. Modern novels about feelings. Share your impressions if you have already read something. 😉

Teenage prose or Young adult is a genre of literature for teenagers that is gaining momentum in popularity. A distinctive feature of such works is the simplicity of the narrative, lightness of style and the disclosure of a number of teenage problems. The works are simple and understandable, but they reveal important issues, such as relationships with parents, first love, friendship and separation, struggle against the system and protest to society.

Features of books in the genre of Teenage Prose
Thanks to the fact that everyone has access to the Internet, good teenage prose is gaining an ever larger audience. Young people want to feel new emotions, and books are a great way to get them. The heroes of such works can stand out from their peers, or they can be gray mice. The relationships, experiences and problems experienced by the heroes of such works are described in detail. Whether it's a transition to new school, unrequited love, new acquaintances, family problems. Even despite the softness that the genre implies, here you can find works imbued with a gloomy atmosphere, with a large dose of realism. The plots of teenage prose can sometimes bear features of the genres of science fiction, fantasy, psychology, or even mysticism. The heroes of such works can be both boys and girls, while the main age of the main characters ranges from ten to eighteen years.
Another of distinctive features There is also a mention of fashion brands, performers and car brands. There are often cases when heroes try to resist the system, and the system in their eyes can be a teacher, a director, or parents, and idols, older comrades, and popular high school students become authorities.

Why is it best to read teenage prose online on Litnet?
On our portal, the authors themselves post fascinating youth books in the genre of teenage prose. In this section you will find both works from professional authors and masters of the genre, as well as bright new items that have not yet gained popularity outside of Litnet - after all, many of the works are exclusive to us! You can either read teenage prose online or download these stories in a format convenient for you on smartphones, e-readers, and tablets. These books will not leave anyone indifferent. Just start reading and see for yourself!

I never thought about tomorrow until I woke up from my overdose in the hospital. I didn't want to wake up. But they saved me. "You have had a heart transplant." Why did they do this? Someone else’s heart is now beating in my chest, and I want to tear them to pieces because they dared to change my life like that. My personality... now, in addition to constant withdrawal, I am also tormented by mysterious visions and memories of a girl whose face I cannot see. And I don't want to see. I wasted my life and intended to continue to do so... but only the new heart goes against me, and my life turns into a real nightmare from which there is no way out. (c) - Michael Next to him, I always knew how my day would begin and end. We were one of those ideal couples whose wedding is written about in magazines and whose love story can be made into a film. When I returned home, I knew that support and support were waiting for me there. I can still see his eyes when I close mine to sleep. But ever since one fateful accident changed my life, I can no longer sleep. I lost him. Lost him forever. While I'm in the clinic, it seems to me that this is all a hoax, and when I finally leave...he will greet me again with a perfect smile and hazel eyes. But this won't happen. And my life will never be the same again, because now I am forced to learn everything again...learn to live without my husband. Go through the pain, tearing open wounds in your soul. And the last thing I want is for the person whose name I swore to forget years ago and hate with all my heart to appear in my life again. And he decided to finish me off completely. (c) - Monica

Dan is smart, lucky and determined. He has everything: money, power, strength. He always goes firmly towards his goal, is uncompromising and self-confident.

Sonya is a soft, gentle and insecure girl. She is stubborn in her principles until it comes to him. He turns her world upside down. And, despite everything - her principles, desires, assurances and opinions of others - she is ready to be with him.

First... Second... He sat and counted how many glasses this blonde, perched on the next chair, would throw in one gulp. The third - already after two sips... Well, there is hope that she will not fall under the counter next to her shoes. A very entertaining sight - a girl in an evening dress, sipping a Martini alone. How did she even get here? He turned around. Darkened hall. There are very few women, and even those are accompanied by men and certainly not in evening dresses. Hearing the polite “thank you” addressed to the bartender, he again turned his gaze to his neighbor. Her face was not really visible; hair falling to one side covered it. He returned to his occupation, which was as exciting as hers. Apparently, they had one goal - to get drunk alone. And he wasn’t going to disturb her, but when he heard her colorful statements, he couldn’t resist and turned his whole body towards her. This did not go unnoticed and she looked at him. "Lord, what are you doing here?" - the first thing that came to mind when he looked into her blue eyes. "Bird of Paradise" clearly fluttered in the wrong direction, or maybe even there... But why?"

She wears sneakers and a shoulder bag. He drives an Aston Martin and doesn't miss a single skirt. She calls him Bald Head, Bruiser and Mama's Boy, and they can't stand each other. And then - one stupid slip of the tongue, and that’s it...

Young Evelyn Armstrong does not expect miracles and obediently goes down the aisle with the man her father chose for her - the courageous and stern Graham Montgomery.

She is required to be the mistress of her husband's castle and give birth to heirs - we are not talking about happiness...

However, underneath Graham's outward harshness lies kindness and a thirst for love. And the ingenuous, silent beauty with sunny hair and a radiant smile awakens in him not only passionate desire, but also tenderness, the desire to protect her and make her happy...

Zlata is a young girl who will go through difficult times and is trying to cope with difficult life circumstances. And in order to understand herself, she decides to take extreme, desperate measures... And the man who appears in her life only complicates everything. From the Author: I don’t know how to write annotations, for which I certainly apologize. The story turned out to be cruel in places, dark in others, and very, very frank. The novel is “without cuts” and euphemisms. I will say that I haven’t written anything so “edgy” for a long time, and re-reading the work I experienced the whole gamut of emotions that the reader will experience. The novel, of course, is about love - in all its manifestations. I say thank you in advance to everyone who dares to meet the characters and live a piece of their lives...

He is a cruel and all-powerful savage who believes that everything in this world depends only on him. She is a dreamy and freedom-loving girl who strives to achieve something in this life. He has no heart, but she has the purest soul. He doesn’t know what joy is, but she smiles at a new day every day. His coldness kills the shoots of even the most insignificant feelings, and her warmth makes even the most icy hearts burn. His name is Daren Baker and he will do anything to get what he wants. Her name is Abigail Davis, and she is ready to fight for this thing we call love. Fate brought these people together, but forgot that at the same time two opposites are united. She did not even imagine that Heaven would have to face Hell.

Young guys who are just entering adolescence, unexpectedly for themselves, they begin to experience feelings towards the opposite sex. All this is extremely exciting and exciting for young people and girls who do not understand how to cope with the emotions that have washed over them.

The topic of first love and mutual feelings between teenagers is of interest not only to children themselves, but also to adults. It is revealed in many and also literary works various genres. In this article, we bring to your attention a list of foreign and domestic authors about love for teenagers that are worth reading for both boys and girls who are on their way to growing up.

Modern books about teenage love

Among modern foreign books about teenage love The following deserve special attention:

  1. My Favorite Mistake by Chelsea M. Cameron. Due to circumstances, the main character of this book, Taylor, and her new acquaintance, Hunter, are forced to live under the same roof. The guys make a bet according to which the girl will free herself from the handsome man only if certain conditions are met.
  2. "Hopelessness" by Colleen Hoover. The love story of a seventeen-year-old girl for a guy whose reputation leaves much to be desired.
  3. "Take the Final Step" by Abby Glines. The main character of this work, Blair, after the death of her mother, moves with her father to his new wife, who has an adult son. The guy is confident that he can woo any girl, however, Blair ruins all his plans.
  4. "The Vincent Boys" by Abby Glines. A classic story of a love triangle, the participants of which are very young guys.
  5. "While It Lasts" by Abby Glines. P oka main character Cage is busy playing baseball, his twin brother Jeremy is busy courting his girlfriend.
  6. My Beautiful Misfortune by Jamie McGuire. The young guy never knew refusal. However, on his way he met the only one who was not at all interested in him.
  7. "Perfect Chemistry" by Simone Elkeles. A modest and pretty girl, who is about to graduate from school very soon, turns out to be the subject of a dispute between members of a city gang.
  8. "Do It" by Cora Carmack. The main character of this book, Bliss, decides to immediately end her virginity, because among her friends she is the only one who has not yet done this.

Among the works of domestic authors there are also worthwhile copies. For teenagers, the best modern love books are from the following list:

  1. “I allow myself to hate myself,” Yulia Kolesnikova.
  2. “Friend – April”, Eduard Verkin.
  3. “Let's leave together,” Vera and Marina Vorobey.
  4. “Let's not be friends”, Vera and Marina Vorobey.
  5. “Cunning and love in 9 “A”, Lyudmila Matveeva.
  6. “Lessons and changes”, Lyudmila Matveeva.