Which millionaire dynasty has red on its emblem? Subjugating states: the most famous representatives of the Rothschild clan. Rothschild dynasty in Austria

In 1993-2000 Russia has not abandoned the “red shield” instead of the golden one. The Rothschild coat of arms is still in the coat of arms of the Russian Federation. State King of Arms Georgy Vilinbakhov explained this by saying that Russia had returned to historical colors. But if this is so, then why are the ribbons of the double-headed eagle gold and not azure?

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In the summer of 1918, the Soviet government finally decided to break with the historical symbols of Russia, and the new Constitution adopted on July 10, 1918 proclaimed in the state emblem not land, but political, party symbols: the double-headed eagle was replaced by a red shield (ROTH-SHILD is translated exactly as RED SHIELD. - A.R .), which depicted a crossed hammer and sickle and a rising sun as a sign of change. Since 1920, the abbreviated name of the state - the RSFSR - was placed at the top of the shield. The shield was bordered by ears of wheat, secured with a red ribbon with the inscription “Workers of all countries, unite.” Later, this image of the coat of arms was approved in the Constitution of the RSFSR.

Even earlier (April 16, 1918) the sign of the Red Army was legalized: five-pointed red star , symbol of the ancient god of war Mars . 60 years later, in the spring of 1978, the military star, which by that time had become part of the coat of arms of the USSR and most republics, was included in the coat of arms of the RSFSR.

In 1992, the last change to the coat of arms came into force: the abbreviation above the hammer and sickle was replaced by the inscription “Russian Federation”. But this decision was almost never carried out, because the Soviet coat of arms with its party symbols no longer corresponded to the political structure of Russia after the collapse of the one-party system of government, the ideology of which it embodied.

Coat of arms of the Barons Rothschild

"The Russian eagle in the coat of arms remains a mystery"

The author of the State Emblem tells how the symbols of the new Russia were created

On the eve of November 30 - on this day in 1993, the double-headed eagle again became the coat of arms of Russia - an interesting heraldic symbol in the form of a blue eagle with the signature AMERICAN private police force was discovered on the Internet. Amazement was caused by the fact that the eagle of the private American police exactly copies the coat of arms of Russia. "Ogonyok" decided to find out what the author of the main state symbols, People's Artist of Russia, member of the Heraldic Council under the President of the Russian Federation Evgeny Ukhnalev himself thinks about this.

— Evgeniy Ilyich, what can you say about this blue bird on the emblem of the US police? Is it a coincidence or did you allow me to use your drawing?

- They obviously slammed it, yes...

— How will you react to the insolence of the Americans?

- No way, probably. I think this is a matter for lawyers. And I won’t react in any way. Somehow I’m even flattered that they took my eagle and not another.

— Is it possible to easily paint the state symbol of a foreign country in a different color, replace the shield with St. George the Victorious and use it as your own? Isn't your copyright protected?

- Funnily enough, it’s not protected. Moreover, I will even tell you in confidence that the regulations on the State Emblem do not stipulate a reference model anywhere! The heraldry only listed what attributes should be in our coat of arms.

— Is this an omission of the inexperienced authorities at the beginning of the era of change?

- No, it was done deliberately. So I made 12 versions of the eagle. Some were rejected along the way. And this golden eagle on a red field, which was eventually accepted, did not immediately go off with a bang, I painted several more after it. Where are all these sketches now, who took them, where, I have no idea. I wanted them to be returned to me. Some of my works are kept by the state herald master Georgy Vilinbakhov, I sometimes see them, but the fate of the rest is unknown.

— Who exactly was responsible for selecting the sketches?

- I don’t know the details. Everything was needed urgently at that time. We came up with an idea - draw immediately, there’s a train in an hour! I sometimes ran to the carriage in which Vilinbakhov was leaving for Moscow, and almost on the move handed him the rolls with sketches of the coat of arms. He submitted it to the deputy commission for consideration. It was they who wanted the scepter, and the orb, and three crowns.

— Did the deputies deliberately choose imperial insignia as the state symbols of Russia?

- Yes, they said then: are we worse than our ex? Tsarist Russia? And for some reason, it was the version of the eagle with the prickly feathers, like knives, that they really liked. They were all immensely warlike there. Or we could have a different coat of arms.

— Is it true that Boris Yeltsin approved the drawings at first? It is known that he was shown a golden eagle on a red field - a variant of the coat of arms of the era of Peter I’s father, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, and exactly the same black eagle on a yellow field - a variant once approved by Peter I himself, who was inspired by the coat of arms of the German Empire. Why did Yeltsin reject the color black?

— To be honest, the selection kitchen was not very interesting to me. I am not vain and prefer not to go to Moscow. I have no doubt that Yeltsin saw the sketches, but the decisive vote then belonged to the Supreme Council. The State Heraldry, which was partly organized at that time, itself offered options. But everything was decided collectively.

— What does the golden color of our coat of arms symbolize?

- Nothing.

—Can color in heraldry mean nothing?

— Gold has always been used in heraldry. Beautiful colour. There is only one principle in our business - that there is no overlap of metal on metal. Silver on gold or gold on silver is not acceptable.

— Why did you need to re-draw state symbols? Couldn't it have just been some version of the royal coat of arms?

- On the wings of the coat of arms that preceded Soviet period, were the coats of arms of the great principalities. Kingdom of Kazan, Finland, Poland and so on. They needed to be removed. This means that another edition would still be required.

— Do your colleagues in the Guild of Heraldists have the right to use your eagle in their sketch?

— This is not forbidden, but I would not mind if Russian organizations and institutions showed their imagination and looked for their own symbols. They also painted their own eagles. After all, why did we abandon the standard in the first place? It was assumed that there would be different editions of eagles in the country. After all, monotony is boring. But our Russian thinking is strange: everyone decided that the approved coat of arms is the standard. And now everyone kindergarten and every clinic blurts out exactly this eagle.

— How must the Russian eagle differ from the eagles of other countries?

- Well, they have the same head. And other attributes - a wreath, stars, shields. Ours doesn't have special signs, except for the description with a list of symbols. A scepter, an orb, two heads, three crowns, at the top a blue ribbon in the color of our highest award - the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called.

The symbol of the double-headed eagle is very ancient; it was used back in Babylon. And we still don’t understand why there are two of these heads. Just as we still don’t know exactly why in Russia the eagle has two heads.

- Well, the Third Rome, the heirs of Byzantium, one head looks at Asia, the second at Europe.

- In fact, no one knows why the double-headed eagle was born in the first place and why it appeared in the drawings. There are photographs of rocks with carvings, but who are they copied from?

— It is also believed that this is a symbol of the two sides of the world, West and East, as well as heat and cold, or dark and light energy.

- Yes, yes, and if you turn the cardinal directions, you can say that the heads of our eagles look north and south. No, the Russian eagle in the coat of arms remains a mystery from the history of Russia. The plumage of this bird is easier. Black or White color Orlov is a conventionally accepted symbol for historical periods. Our imperial period was with the black eagle. And earlier, Alexey Mikhailovich introduced a golden eagle on a red background. In an era when the official symbol was a black eagle, even Nicholas II still used the colors of Father Peter I at costume balls. For example, on a red caftan there was a huge golden eagle. These costumes are intact, they are kept in the Hermitage, and they are shown at exhibitions.

- They say that the history of the creation of a special sign of presidential power - the chain - was also very mysterious?

— This story, I would say, was funny. The fact is that when the decision was made to make new emblems for Russia, the conversation naturally turned to orders. One of the first was the order and cross of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland. Like the old St. George the Victorious, it was also decided to make this cross into four grades, soldier and officer. And the first “For Merit” was on a fairly small block. The second was a neck one, larger, on a narrow ribbon. The third was on a wide ribbon. And the fourth was conceived on a chain. The chain was made powerful and significant. But the chain was not given to anyone - no one deserved it. Suddenly the time for Yeltsin’s inauguration approached, and they suddenly decided to put this highest order chain on him as a symbol of power. It ceased to be an award order and became a symbol presented to the president, in one copy. However, they made a couple as spares. That's how the chain for the president was born. I made a sketch of this circuit. A highest degree Without thinking twice, the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" was simply added with a ribbon over the shoulder.

— Did you get the Order of the Garter?

- Well, yes! ( Laughs.) Later, Andrei the First-Called appeared a couple of years later. This revived order became highest award in Russia. The design for this award is also my work. There was a specific task: in general, from a distance, the spot had to look like a spot similar to a historical order. But with new elements. I actually made the chain links from old elements, and the eagle became a little different. This order was developed in two forms: for the military - an eagle with swords, and for civilians - an eagle with a scepter and orb.

— Why did some historians scold the authorities of St. Petersburg for such a symbol as the governor’s chain?

“That’s the job of critics: to scold everyone.” This chain was ready for the first mayor Anatoly Sobchak. A sketch, of course. I racked my brain for a long time about what it should look like. And I decided to use elements of the Anichkov Bridge fence with horses and naiads in the links. Then they spent a long time deciding who to give the order for production to, but they never did. Then Vladimir Yakovlev came, but they didn’t even show him the drawing, he didn’t like it. Somehow cold November night After inspecting the consequences of the flood, Yakovlev drove past the Hermitage and stopped by to see the light. The museum management does not sleep when there is a flood. I sat and had coffee with Vilinbakhov and Piotrovsky, and at that moment they all relaxed and took out my drawing with Sobchak’s autograph from the folder. Yakovlev saw it and said: “Oh, we have to do it!” But again they took their time. Finally, the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg is approaching, Valentina Matvienko came, they decided to quickly make a governor’s chain and put it on it! The funny thing is that we did not take into account the features of the female figure. There are two griffins holding the city's coat of arms, they are attached to brackets like window hinges. We made it, tried it on - fathers, the design is bristling! Panic arose: “What should we do, we’re about to lay down a chain?!” To which I told them: let the master manufacturer come with pliers and bend the ears a little. And everything went very beautifully. The governor wears a chain very rarely, but it’s a pity, otherwise she would be supposed to wear this regalia.

— How do customers describe their wishes, what exactly do they want to see in the sketch?

- It can be funny. I made sketches of the State Prize laureate badge. He offered different options, even drew an excellent golden eagle with a branch of sapphires and diamonds. With elegant wings bordering laurel and palm branches. But everything was not right for the customers, and they could not formulate their thoughts.

— Who was the customer?

— Commission in the Presidential Administration. Property manager Vladimir Kozhin, looking at the sketches, asks: “What is that in the eagle’s paws?” I explain that it is a palm branch and that I often use such a classic element in sketches. And he suddenly says: “Why a palm tree? We grow Christmas trees!” And he laughs. With great difficulty I got it out of them that they, it turns out, did not want the eagle’s wings to be lowered down. When they saw the drawing with raised wings, they shouted: “Oh, that’s what we need!” In accordance with the taste of the customers, our laureates are given a regular badge - an eagle without diamonds, entirely gold and symmetrical. It turns out that symmetry is of particular importance to officials. My sketch of a naval award, similar to George for sailors, was rejected precisely for the reason that the eagle in the drawing was asymmetrical. When you draw a department symbol on the left or right against the background of an eagle, and I had an old heroic sailing ship with the St. Andrew’s flag, then the eagle, of course, turns out to be asymmetrical. But in that silhouette there was the very essence of the sea soul, sea honor! The official was worried about other things: they say, it would be awkward for the head of state to attach an asymmetrical award to the hero

— Surely people believe that fees for such a unique state order as the State Emblem and state awards made you a millionaire?

“I didn’t receive anything for them except my salary in the heraldry.” In our country we have a strange principle: the higher the customer, the more reputable, the less he considers himself obligated to pay the contractor. If you made a coat of arms, consider yourself lucky!

— Historians and collectors are still waiting for your big album with all the unique author’s sketches. Why is there no such publication yet?

— Some of my sketches appear in a number of publications. Someone makes money from them by making calendars. But I myself cannot publish an album with my works. For a simple reason - I don’t have my own sketches. Some of them are kept in the office of the state herald, and the rest, the most important ones, are somewhere there, in Moscow.

— Is it true that you began to draw eagles because of your resentment towards the state that once sent you to the Gulag?

- No, I refused to draw them at first. But Vilinbakhov persuaded: “Uncle, do it, only you will succeed!” No one liked the options of other artists then. And while working at the Hermitage, I became interested in heraldry a long time ago.

— How did the former prisoner get taken to the most important museum? Directorate front?

— After the camp, I worked in a design office, but they suddenly started firing unreliable people. He didn’t wait until it was his turn, he left. I was unemployed for a long time. Then I heard on the radio that the Hermitage needed specialists. They just removed Mikhail Artamonov and appointed Boris Piotrovsky. The year was 1964. I asked to be a simple architect, but suddenly they told me: a chief is required, simple ones are enough! There was nowhere to go, I agreed. By the way, I had to work side by side with the former head of the camp - he was our chief administrative specialist.

— You were charged with a tunnel from Leningrad to the Kremlin. What really happened?

- We have just survived the blockade. At the school at the Academy of Arts of the Secondary Art School, where I entered in 1944, there were five of us, we played war. After all, the war continued, the spring of 1945 was far away. During the long break, we stayed in the building, because then the transport was not working well, where can you go? The Academy was dead, cold, it had not yet returned from evacuation from Samarkand, and we guys warmed ourselves by running around the attic. In the game, someone had to be a fascist, and someone a red fighter, we took turns, caught each other, tied up the “prisoners,” and scared each other. Someone heard our horror stories and reported them. And they took us, 14-year-old home children. The investigator had to screw something up, so he came up with the idea of ​​a tunnel under the Kremlin.

— You probably didn’t even understand what we were talking about?

“We had no idea what the game would be like for us.” Sent away for 25 years!

Evgeny Ukhnalev: “In fact, no one knows why the eagle is double-headed and why it appeared in the drawings”
Photo: / Evgeniy Luchinsky / Agency.Photographer.ru /

Coat of arms Russian Federation (1993).
This version of the state emblem was rejected as too imperial.

Seal of the President of Russia, sketch (1994).
Most of the official eagles are copies of the armorial.

Coat of arms of St. Petersburg (2001).
The historical coat of arms is complemented by a blue ribbon and eagle batons.

Badge of the head of St. Petersburg (designed in 1995, presented in 2004).
The shield with the city's coat of arms is supported by winged griffins, the chain consists of links that repeat the elements of the fence of the Anichkov Bridge.

The honorary badge of the laureate of the State Prize of Russia (2005) is at the top.
The sketch (below) was not cast due to the drooping wings of the eagles.

For naval services (2000).
The project of the state order was ruined by the lack of symmetry.

“300 years of the Russian Guard” (2000) Sketches of a memorial sign.

“To the Honored Jeweler” The corporate award project is decorated with an image of Carl Faberge.

The American private police eagle copies the Russian coat of arms with minor changes.

There are few people on the globe who have not heard anything about the Rothschilds. Today this surname has become a symbol of wealth. Where did these same Rothschilds come from?

Descendants of the Jewish money changer

The founder of the dynasty of famous Jewish bankers, the Rothschilds, is considered to be Mayer Amschel Rothschild, who was born in 1744 in Frankfurt am Main (Germany). His father, money changer and jeweler Amschel Moses Bauer, was a trading partner of the House of Hesse. The emblem of his jewelry workshop depicted a golden Roman eagle on a red shield, so the workshop began to be called the “Red Shield” (in German - Rothschield). Mayer Amschel took this name as his surname.

The first Rothschild entered the banking business and succeeded in it. Paul Johnson, in his book The History of the Jews, writes that he managed to create a new type of international company that withstood a series of Jewish pogroms, wars and revolutions.

Mayer Amschel's five sons - Amschel Mayer, Solomon Mayer, Nathan Mayer, Kalman Mayer and James Mayer - founded banks in five major European cities: Paris, London, Vienna, Naples and Frankfurt am Main.

During the Napoleonic Wars, Nathan Mayer Rothschild financed the transport of gold bullion for the Duke of Wellington's army, and also subsidized Britain's continental allies. In 1816, the Austrian Emperor Franz II granted the Rothschilds a baronial title. The family now has its own coat of arms, which depicts five arrows, symbolizing the five offspring of Amschel Mayer, by analogy with the text of the 126th biblical Psalm: “As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man, so are young sons.” Below is the family motto in Latin: Concordia, Integritas, Industria (“Concord, Honesty, Industry”). The British Rothschilds were received at the court of Queen Victoria.

The Rothschilds tried to keep the fortune within the family. They entered into marriages only for convenience and until the end of the 19th century they entered into marriage alliances between distant relatives. Subsequently, they began to marry representatives of influential financial families of Europe, mainly of Jewish origin: the Warburgs, Goldsmiths, Cohens, Raphaels, Sassoons, Salomons.

Rothschilds are marching around the world

The Rothschild family made significant contributions to the industrialization of Europe. It contributed to the construction of the network railways in France, Belgium and Austria and the Suez Canal, financed the founding of the De Beers concern and the Rio Tinto mining enterprise. During Russo-Japanese War The London consortium issued Japanese war bonds worth 11.5 million (at 1907 prices).

By the beginning of the twentieth century, the Rothschild surname had become synonymous with wealth. The Rothschilds owned more than 40 family palaces, surpassing the royal castles of Europe in luxury, and extensive collections of works of art. Among other things, the Rothschilds were actively involved in charity work.

At the beginning of World War II, the Rothschilds were forced to emigrate to the United States as the persecution of Jews began. All their property was confiscated and looted by the Nazis. In 1999, the Austrian government returned a number of palaces to the family, as well as 250 pieces of art that ended up in the state museum.

Secret rulers of the world?

Since 2003, the Rothschild investment banks have been controlled by the Swiss-registered company Rothschild Continuation Holdings, headed by Baron David René de Rothschild. The family owns numerous vineyards and has properties not only in Europe, but also in Northern and South America, South Africa and Australia.

At the end of 2010, Baron Benjamin Rothschild issued a statement that the Rothschild clan had not suffered from

global financial crisis thanks to conservative business practices. “We got through it because our investment managers didn't want to put money into crazy things. The client knows that we will not speculate with his money,” the banker noted.

The Rothschilds are believed to be the richest people in the world. In 2012, their total wealth was estimated at US$1.7 trillion (other estimates put it at over US$3.2 trillion).

Conspiracy theorists periodically show interest in the Rothschilds. For example, supporters of conspiracy theories claim that representatives of this clan belong to the secret society of the Illuminati and control all the finances of the world, and are also organizers of military conflicts between various powers.

Frankfurt am Main. Two branches of the Rothschilds - English (from Nathan) and French (from James) - trace their history to our time. Amschel Mayer, who lived in Frankfurt, died childless in 1855, the Neapolitan branch was terminated in the male line in 1901, in the female line in 1935, the Austrian branch was terminated in the male line in 1980, and the female line of the Austrian branch still exists.

Encyclopedic YouTube

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    ✪ The most influential clan in the world. Who are they? Of course...ROTHSCHILDS

    ✪ We never dreamed of a million on marriageable age, episode 3 of Rockefellers and Rothschilds, a conspiracy of the rich

    ✪ Rothschild bankers of the Black International and the Habsburgs


    remember we told you about one of the main nominees for our award behind the scenes against humanity, today we decided to tell you about the next and no less successful person in this direction and his clan as a whole, and it seems to Rothschild that this clan is so powerful and its influence is so great that it can even turn off this screen and then there are cracks in the slides, but before moving on to the story about the actions of this family and their ancestor, a little introductory information Mayer am Goal was born in Frankfurt in 1744, his first bank, which was an antique shop where you could change money, he founded in Frankfurt at the age of 27, the major married at the age of 17 only for a feast and subsequently five of their sons, namely Ansel Salamon Nathan Karman Jacob continued his work in the largest financial centers of the time Frankfurt Vienna Paris Naples and London it was these five who took down their tenacious roots all over the world, the major also had five daughters, Jeannette Isabella Babette Julie and Henrietta, whose husbands did not have the right to participate in the family business and could only act as labor. Further speaking to Rothschild myriam Chile and his criminal acts against humanity, it is worth talking about the actions of an entire clan consisting from more than one hundred people because family values ​​and missions of this kind unite to this day hundreds of relatives into a single whole. By the way, the Rothschild clan comes from the Khazars who worshiped the golden calf and quite a long time ago seized the key economic levers of control in Europe. Today we want to show you the top 5 the messiah of the Rothschilds who changed history in favor of the Antichrist and don’t let this religious term scare you, because this is the only way to call the plans that this family is implementing, it is so large that all the names and family ties that they specifically and by the way carefully hid and are hiding are extremely difficult to remember, but the essence is the same the Rothschilds and they have a common mission to create a Jewish state, did you know that it was the Rothschilds who invested millions of pounds in the colonization of Palestine, baron deception, yes Rothschild, a member of the French branch of the Rothschilds, actively bought up land in Palestine or provided powerful financial support to the first Jewish settlers in these parts, Rothschild money and religious political the ideas of Zionism, the worldwide domination of the Jews, proclaimed by the founder of the world Zionist organization, Theodor Herzl, subsequently decided the fate of the creation of the future Jewish state in the twentieth century. Support for Hitler is closely connected with this mission. We have already reported that the Rockefellers supported Hitler, and the Rothschilds were also the financial force that stood behind the Nazi leader, however, they had their own plans, Hitler came to power with financial assistance through accounts in a bank in Great Britain, as well as through other banking organizations in England and America, for example through the Kuhn Life and Bank, which was led by Paul Warburg, a representative of the Rothschild dynasty. It is also worth pointing out that the heart of Nazi military power was an association of chemical concerns by Germany LG Farben in America, this conglomerate had its own branch, one of the rectors of which was Max Warburg, the brother of Paul Warburg and, accordingly, again a representative of the Rothschild dynasty during the two world wars, the largest news agency in Germany was owned by the Rothschilds, with their help they controlled information flows from Germany to other countries, it was surprising that against the backdrop of almost completely destroyed industrial enterprises in Germany, the factories of the Orban conglomerates were not damaged by massive air raids, or they were just lucky; in the end, Baron Rothschild financed both the Jewish colony in Palestine and the Adobe election campaign to spread worldwide banking system is no secret that the Rothschild family, since the time of Mayer am sewed for centuries, slowly but surely established their own central banks in every country in the world, giving them incredible amounts of wealth and power around 1815, this family conquered the English bank and expanded their control over banks throughout in all countries of the world, the GIA method was and is to this day to force the corrupt politicians of the country to receive huge loans that they will never be able to repay, so they are not regular customers, the debtors of the Rothschilds, another unpleasant point is that when the head of state refuses to accept a loan, he is often deprived of it the authorities either kill in our time the banks of this family, about one hundred and seventy-four of them, the only countries remaining in 2017 without a central bank owned or controlled by the Rothschild family were Cuba North Korea Iran Syria and now remember what the political financial situation is in these countries today, I don’t think it’s a coincidence after fomenting their unrest in the Arab countries of the Rothschilds finally opened the way for the creation of central banks and destroyed many political leaders which gave them even more power, the technology of subordinating governments and states was well described by Nathan Rothschild who controls the issue of money controls the government and no matter what puppet sits on the throne in the British Empire the person who controls the issue of money in Britain controls the British Empire I control the issue of money in Britain extremely frank clearly and apparently this system works to this day, seeing our world as continuous warriors of collapse and inhumanity to accustom states to borrow the best of the Frankfurt Five, this is exactly what you can call the third son of Rothschild, Mayr Angel over it, repeatedly he is the founder of the English branch of the Rothschilds, he stood out among his brothers with a high level of ability to earn big money, in 1811 he opened a bank n.m. Rothschild, which still exists today under the name M&Rothschild Inc., by the way, its head is now naturally a member of the Rothschild family, David de Rothschild, and so it is worth noting three very talented actions in which Nathan made a big jackpot for the family, thanks to him in 1814, the British government attracted his bank to finance the military campaign against Napoleon, large sums of gold and in a year it was over 11 million pounds were transferred from England to Marshal Wellington and the allies through the brothers' banks. There is also an interesting historical fact when Nathan Rothschild earned 40 million pounds sterling thanks to information received earlier than others that allowed him family to hold a win-win game of the stock exchange speech about the Battle of Waterloo Nathan, having learned about the victory over Napoleon a day earlier than everyone else in London, came with a sad face to the stock exchange and began to sell government bonds. When they saw this, the stockbrokers decided that the British and their defeated allies rushed to get rid of the papers for next to nothing, waiting for the collapse the agents are cunning, otherwise we were bought by cheaper government bonds, which is exactly how Nathan earned 40 million pounds for the family, very talentedly, and you can hardly argue with the grandiose financial accomplishment of the third son of Rothschild, Mayer Angel, and they issued a loan to the British government of as much as 20 million pounds sterling to compensate the slave owner in the dominions, in connection with the prohibition of slavery, the Russian Tsar was overthrown, naturally the Rothschilds with global ambitions could not help but touch our country immediately after the revolution in Russia, which was financed by the Khazar bankers, the Rothschild chase bank seized power over centralized capital and over the Russian state in 1938 during interrogation one man made a shocking statement regarding the revolution and the plans of the Rothschilds, he confirmed that the Rothschilds planned to use communism to establish a world dictatorship over the rich, that it was the Rothschild Zionist community that overthrew our Russian Tsar in 1917, we are interrogating him, he was the peasants of Rakovsky, and to be precise, Chaim Ray cover the former bloody dictator of Soviet Ukraine, personal friend of Trotsky, one of the founders of the communist international, we have shown you only a drop in the bucket from the entire diversity of the ocean of deeds committed and carried out by representatives of the Rothschild clan, Mayr lived, but this is enough to understand the ambitions of this clan and the level of influence in our days, the founder of the Rothschilds died in 1812 the year before his death, he drew up a partnership agreement and a will in which he outlined the principles for the further management of the family business. I would like to show you these amusing instructions from Rothschild to his children, which are certainly not without meaning; all important positions in business should be held only by family members; only male descendants can participate in business. inherit only by direct male heirs, the eldest son becomes the head of the family if the brothers do not unanimously recognize and but the men of the family must marry their cousins ​​and siblings so that the accumulated property remains within the family and serves the common cause; daughters must marry aristocrats while maintaining their faith in any case, do not describe the size of the family’s wealth do not disclose even in court or in a will disputes between brothers resolve within the family maintaining the unity of the house big money loves silence it is worth noting that the last instruction of the Rothschilds is followed to this day because family members are not distinguished by fabulous wealth at least at least officially, but the influence of the family is legendary, the most convinced conspiracy theorists claim that this clan controls almost the entire world, judging by everything that today the fortune of the Rothschilds exceeds the GDP of Great Britain and this is about three and a half trillion dollars, all the instructions work as Heinrich Heine accurately said money the god of our time and Rothschild is their prophet, but now from our series you know a little more about the nominees for the award behind the scenes against humanity, namely Rockefeller Bar Ear and the Rothschilds, do you think it’s all no, we are preparing another character for you, don’t miss the Federal Reserve


The Rothschild dynasty traces its history back to Mayer Amschel Rothschild. Mayer Amschel was born in 1744 in the Jewish quarter in Frankfurt am Main (Germany) in the family of money changer and jeweler Amschel Moses Bauer, a trading partner of the House of Hesse. Mayer Amschel built a large banking business and created his empire, sending his five sons to European capitals.

Another important component of Mayer Rothschild's strategy, which became the key to future success, was maintaining complete control of the business in the hands of family members. In 1906, the Jewish Encyclopedia noted: “The practice initiated by Rothschild of establishing several branches of the firm, managed by the brothers, in various financial centers was adopted by other Jewish financiers, such as Bischoffsheims, Pereires, Seligmans. , Lazards (Lazard (English)) and others, and these financiers, thanks to their reliability and financial experience, gained the trust not only of their Jewish brethren, but also of the entire financial community as a whole. Thus, in the middle and last quarter of the 19th century, Jewish financiers began to hold a predominant share in international finance. This practice, similar to royal marriages, where members of the same royal family marry into another royal family, later used by other business dynasties, such as the Du Pont family.”

Mayer Rothschild carefully arranged marriages of convenience, including marriages between first and second cousins, so that the accumulated wealth remained within the family and served the common cause. It was only at the end of the 19th century that almost all Rothschilds began to marry outside the family. For more than two hundred years, the Rothschilds intermarried with many financial families of Europe (mostly Jewish). Among them: the Warburgs, Goldsmiths, Cohens, Raphaels, Sassoons, Salomons and others.

Sons of Mayer Rothschild:

  • Amschel Mayer Rothschild (1773-1855): Frankfurt am Main, eldest son, born 12 June 1773, married Eva Hanau on 16 November 1793. The coincidence of the names of father and son - Mayer Amschel and Amschel Mayer - was the cause of frequent confusion and created difficulties in studying documents. Amschel died on December 6, 1855, childless.
  • Solomon Mayer Rothschild (1774-1855): Vienna, second son, born September 9, 1774. On November 26, 1800 he married Caroline Stern and died on July 27, 1855.
  • Nathan Mayer Rothschild (1777-1836): London, third son, born 16 September 1777. He was married to Hannah Cohen. Nathan was considered the most talented of the Frankfurt Five, but died before brothers, July 28, 1836.
  • Kalman Mayer Rothschild (1788-1855): Naples, fourth son, born April 24, 1788. On September 16, 1818 he married Adelheid Hertz. Died March 10, 1855.
  • Jacob (James Mayer Rothschild) (1792-1868): Paris, youngest son, born May 15, 1792, July 11, 1824 he married his niece Betty Rothschild. Died November 15, 1868.

International major financial transactions

The elevation to the nobility took place at the request of the Minister of Finance, Count Stadion. First, Amschel received the title, then Solomon. By this time, the brothers were at the head of the Frankfurt bill bank in Schönbrunn. This happened on September 25, 1816, and on October 21, the brothers Jacob and Karl received the title. On March 25, 1817, each was issued a diploma of nobility. At the request of the adviser to the government of Lower Austria and the court agent Sonleitner, trustee four brothers, the diploma was awarded to each separately, since the brothers lived in four different countries. Nathan, who lives in England, was not mentioned in these documents.

Notable for assessing the activities of the Rothschilds was the fact that, as Jews, they were listed as money changers in the diploma, while financiers of the Christian faith were called bankers. Usually, court financiers sought the title of baron soon after receiving the nobility, so the Rothschilds also petitioned for this title. On September 29, 1822, their request was granted. Now, some members of the dynasty used the family prefix “de” or “von” (in the German version) Rothschild as an indication of aristocratic origin. Now Nathan was also included in the documents, who immediately became a baron. This time the five brothers were directly named as bankers. They were Austrian barons, “considering the services rendered to the state,” “with respectful words to your honor.” Once again, each of the five brothers received their own baronial diploma. Their coat of arms bore the motto: Concordia, Integritas, Industria. (Agreement. Honesty. Hard work.).

This motto fully expressed the unity of the brothers, their honesty and tireless zeal. But receiving the title of baron hardly meant an increase in their authority for the five brothers. There was no way Nathan could use this title in England. This was contrary to the English constitution, which did not allow the granting of noble titles to foreigners. But still, elevation to the nobility changed the Rothschilds’ lifestyle. They acquired luxurious palaces and began to give magnificent dinners, which were attended by representatives of aristocratic circles from many countries.

In 1885, Nathan Mayer Rothschild II (1840-1915), eldest son of Lionel de Rothschild (in turn, son of Nathan Rodschild), also known how Nathaniel, a representative of the London branch of the dynasty, a hereditary baron, first became a lord. He was the first Jew to enter the House of Lords. It is generally accepted that from this moment on, Nathan’s descendants completely merged with the English elite.

The Rothschild family banking enterprise pioneered international major financial transactions during the industrialization of Europe, contributed to the construction of the railway network in France, Belgium and Austria, and contributed to the financing of projects of great political significance such as the Suez Canal (Rothschild banking house only was able to provide many tens of millions in cash within a few hours for the acquisition of shares in the Suez Canal).

The dynasty bought a huge chunk of property in Mayfair, London. The main activities in which the Rothschilds invested include: Alliance Assurance (1824) (now Royal & Sun Alliance); Chemin de Fer du Nord (English) (1845); Rio Tinto Group (1873); Société Le Nickel (1880) (now Eramet); and Imétal (1962) (now Imerys (English)). The Rothschilds financed the founding of DeBeers, as well as the Cecil Rhodes expedition to Africa and the establishment of a colony in Rhodesia. From the late 1880s onwards, the family controlled Rio Tinto's mining operations. The Japanese government turned to the London and Paris branches for funding during the Russo-Japanese War. A London consortium issued £11.5 million worth of Japanese war bonds (at 1907 prices).

After their impressive and enormous success, the Rothschild name became synonymous with wealth. The family became famous for its art collections, family palaces, and philanthropy. By the end of the century, the family owned, or had built, at most, more than 41 palaces, comparable or even surpassing the richest royal families in luxury. In 1909, British Prime Minister David Lloyd George claimed that Lord Nathan Mayer Rothschild II was the most powerful man in Britain. In 1901, due to the lack of a male heir, the Frankfurt House closed its doors after more than a century of operation. It was not until 1989 that the Rothschilds returned to Frankfurt when N M Rothschild & Sons(British investment branch) and Bank Rothschild AG (Swiss branch) opened a representative office there.

Rothschild dynasty in France

There are two French branches of the Rothschild dynasty. The first branch was founded by Mayer-Amschel-Rothschild's youngest son, James Mayer-Rothschild, who established de Rothschild Frères in Paris. A supporter of the Napoleonic Wars, he played a major role in financing the railroads and mining ventures that helped establish France as an industrial power. James's sons, Gustave de Rothschild and Alphonse James de Rothschild, continued the banking tradition and became guarantors of the $5 billion reparations demanded by the occupying Prussian army during the Franco-Prussian War in the 1870s.

The next generations of this branch of the Rothschild dynasty became a major force in international investment banking. Another son of James Mayer Rothschild, Edmond de Rothschild (1845-1934) was a great supporter of charity and the arts, and a prominent supporter of Zionism. His grandson, Baron Edmond Adolphe de Rothschild, founded the LCF Rothschild Group, a private bank, in 1953. Since 1997, it has been headed by Baron Benjamin de Rothschild. The group has assets of €100 billion and many wineries in France (Château Clarke, Château des Laurets), Australia and South Africa.

The second French branch of the dynasty was founded by Nathaniel de Rothschild (1812-1870). Born in London, he was the fourth son of the founder of the British branch of the dynasty, Nathan Mayer Rothschild. In 1850, Nathaniel moved to Paris, apparently to work with his uncle, James Mayer. However, in 1853, Nathaniel purchased Château Brane Mouton, a Pauillac vineyard in the Gironde department. Nathaniel renamed the estate Château Mouton Rothschild, and the name became one of the most famous brands in the world. In 1868, Nathaniel's uncle, James Mayer Rothschild, purchased the nearby Chateau Lafite vineyard.

Solomon Mayer Rothschild founded his bank in Vienna in 1820. The Austrian banker Albert von Salomon Rothschild bought the right to name the asteroid (250) Bettina, discovered on September 3, 1885 by the Austrian astronomer Johann Palisa at the Vienna Observatory in honor of his wife Baroness Bettina von Rothschild, for £50. However, the crisis of 1929 brought problems. Baron Ludwig von Rothschild Louis von Rothschild attempted to save Creditanstalt, Austria's largest bank. But at the beginning of the Second World War, the Rothschilds were forced to emigrate to the United States, avoiding the Holocaust. All Rothschild palaces, distinguished by their exceptional size, huge collections of paintings, armor, tapestries and statues, were confiscated and looted by the Nazis. After the end of World War II, the Rothschilds returned to Europe. In 1999, the Austrian government agreed to return to the Rothschilds a number of palaces and 250 pieces of art confiscated by the Nazis and given to a state museum.

Rothschild dynasty in Naples

The bank C M de Rothschild & Figli lent to the Papal Provinces, various kings of Naples, the Dukes of Parma and the Grand Dukes of Tuscany. The Rothschild family worked nearby. However, in 1830, Naples, following Spain, gradually moved away from issuing traditional bonds, which began to affect bank growth and profitability. The political unification of Italy (Risorgimento) in 1861, followed by the decline of the Italian aristocracy, who were the Rothschilds' main clients, eventually led to the closure of the Bank of Naples, due to falling profits, lack of growth and their forecast for the account sustainable development in the long term.

Jewish identity and attitude towards Zionism

Only a few Rothschilds supported Zionism and the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine. Most Rothschilds were skeptical of this idea and even believed that the founding of a Jewish state would lead to an increase in anti-Semitism in Europe. In 1917, Walter Rothschild received the Balfour Declaration to the Zionist Federation, which stated the British government's commitment to creating a national home for the Jewish people in Palestine. Lord Victor Rothschild was later opposed to providing asylum or even assistance to Jewish refugees during the Holocaust.

After the death of James Jacob Rothschild in 1868, Alphonse, his eldest son, who took over the family bank, was the most active in supporting the Land of Israel issue. Rothschild family archives say that during the 1870s the family donated about 500,000 francs annually on behalf of Eastern Jews to the World Jewish Union. Baron Edmond James de Rothschild, the youngest son of James Jacob de Rothschild, was the head of the first settlement in Palestine at Rishon LeZion and purchased from an Ottoman landowner parts of the land that now constitute Israel. In 1924, he established the Palestine Jewish Colonization Society (PICA) in Palestine, which acquired over 125,000 acres (22.36 km²) of land, and established ventures. Tel Aviv has a street named after him, Rothschild Boulevard, as well as many other areas of Israel where he helped with construction, such as Metula, Zichron Yaakov, Rishon LeZion, and Rosh Pinna. The Boulogne-Billancourt Park in Paris, Parc Edmond de Rothschild, is also named after him. The Rothschilds also played a significant role in establishing the infrastructure of the Israeli government. James financed the construction of the Knesset as a gift to the Jewish State, and the building of the Supreme Court of Israel was gifted to Israel by Dorothy de Rothschild. Outside the Presidential Room, a letter from Mr. Rothschild to then-Prime Minister Shimon Peres is displayed, expressing his desire to sponsor the construction of a new Supreme Court building.

Baron Benjamin da Rothschild, a representative of the Swiss branch of the dynasty, gave an interview to Ha-Aretz in 2010 in which he said that he supported the peace process: “I understand that this is a difficult matter, mainly because of the fanatics and extremists - and I have meaning both sides. I think there are fanatics in Israel... I don't usually talk to politicians. One day I spoke with Netanyahu, and another time I met with the Israeli finance minister. But the less I interact with politicians, the better I feel.” Regarding his religious affiliation, he said that he tries to be impartial: “We do business with many countries, including Arab ones... My eldest daughter’s lover is from Saudi Arabia. He's a good guy and if she wants to marry him, I won't mind."

Modern business

Since the late 19th century, the Rothschild dynasty has maintained a low profile, donating many of their famous estates, as well as large amounts of art, to charity, while maintaining anonymity about the size of their fortune and avoiding displays of conspicuous luxury. The Rothschild dynasty once had the largest private art collection in the world, and much of the art in the world's public museums donated by the Rothschilds was given anonymously, according to family tradition.

Since 2003, the Rothschild investment banks have been controlled by Rothschild Continuation Holdings, a Swiss-registered holding company (chaired by Baron David René de Rothschild), which in turn is controlled by Concordia BV, a German-registered parent holding company. Rothschild et Cie Banque controls the Rothschild banking business in France and continental Europe, while Rothschilds Continuation Holdings AG controls a number of Rothschild banks elsewhere, including N M Rothschild & Sons in London. 20% of Rothschild Continuation Holdings AG was sold in 2005 to Jardine Strategic, a subsidiary of Jardine, Matheson & Co. (English) in Hong Kong. In November 2008, the Rabobank Group, a leading investment and commercial bank in the Netherlands, acquired 7.5% of Rothschild Continuation Holdings AG and Rabobank, and the Rothschilds agreed to cooperate in M&A advisory and Equity Capital Markets in the food and agribusiness sectors. The moves are believed to be aimed at helping Rothschild Continuation Holdings AG access a wider pool of capital, increasing its presence in East Asian markets.

Paris Orleans S.A., an investment banking and holding company founded in 1838 and registered in France, which has over 2,000 employees. The company has offices in France, Great Britain, Channel Islands, Switzerland, North America, Asia, Australia. The company's board of directors includes Eric and Robert de Rothschild and Count Philippe de Nicolay. London-based investment bank N M Rothschild & Sons does a significant portion of the business, advising on M&A (mergers and acquisitions). In 2004, the investment bank withdrew from the market for gold, a commodity that the Rothschild bankers had traded for two centuries. In 2006 In 2006, it was ranked second in the UK M&A with a total turnover of US$104.9 billion. In 2006, publicly reported pre-tax profits were £83.2 million on assets of £5.5 billion .

One of the members of the Paris (non-wine) branch, Edmond Adolphe de Rothschild, founded the LCF Rothschild Group, based in Geneva, with assets of €100 billion, which is now spread to 15 countries around the world. Although this group is primarily involved in finance, specializing in asset management and high net worth banking (private banking), it also deals agriculture, luxury hotels and yacht competitions. The LCF Rothschild Group's committee is currently headed by Benjamin de Rothschild, son of Baron Edmond. Among others, the banks of the Rothschild dynasty include Compagnie Financière Edmond de Rothschild, RIT Capital Partners, St James's Place Capital, Banque privée Edmond de Rothschild, La Compagnie Benjamin de Rothschild S.A. and COGIFRANCE.

Throughout the 19th century, the Rothschilds controlled Rio Tinto, and to this day the Rothschilds and Rio Tinto maintain a close business relationship. The Rothschild family also owns many vineyards: they have properties in France including Château Clarke, Château de Ferrières, Château des Fontaines, Château Lafite, Château de Laversine, Château des Laurets, Château Malmaison, Château de Montvillargenne, Château Mouton Rothschild, Château de la Muette, Château Rothschild d'Armainvilliers, Château Rothschild, Boulogne-Billancourt, also in North America, South America, South Africa and Australia.

Rothschilds in culture

In France, the word “Rothschild” became a household word throughout the 19th and 20th centuries. This was the name given to rich people who were prone to luxury but were not active in business.

He is repeatedly mentioned in Fyodor Dostoevsky’s book “Teenager”, where main character Arkady cherishes the main “idea” of his entire life - to become richer than the named descendant of Rothschild.

The Rothschild story has been shown in a number of films. In 1934, the film “The House of Rothschild” was shot in Hollywood, telling about the life of Mayer Amschel Rothschild. Excerpts from this film were included in the propaganda documentary "Der ewige Jude" ("The Eternal Jew") and another German film "Die Rothschilds" ("The Rothschilds"), also known as "Aktien auf Waterloo" ("Action at Waterloo") ), filmed by Erik Wasniek in 1940. A Broadway musical entitled "The Rothschilds" depicts the history of the family before 1818 as the Illuminati control all the world's wealth and financial institutions or encourage wars between governments. Reviewing these and similar views, the historian Niall Ferguson wrote: “As we have seen, however, wars tend to have a negative effect on the price of existing bonds, because of the increased risk that the debtor state may default on the debt if territory is gained or lost. . By the mid-19th century, the Rothschilds had retired from trading into wealth management, carefully overseeing their own vast portfolio of government bonds. Now, having made money, they are more likely to lose money than to earn money in the event of a conflict..."

Gradually, among the “privileged Jews” of Germany, their leader emerged - Mayer Amschel Rothschild. The head of the family took this surname and passed it on to his five sons, since his relatives lived in a house with a red roof (“Roten Schield” - “red shield”), which developed as a characteristic feature of the entire family.

Under new name The Rothschilds will make their first major international deal in 1804, when the Danish treasury will be completely empty. The secret commercial adviser of this country was Solomon Rothschild, he would occupy an equally high position in Prussia and as the founder of S M von Rothschild in Austria. Nathan in England, Calman's bank "C M de Rothschild & Figli" in Italy, and Jacob and his "De Rothschild Frères" in France, and Amschel the son will become Minister of Finance of the German Confederation, an Austrian baron, Royal Consul of Bavaria, Prussian Privy Commercial Councilor and court banker and Privy Councilor Grand Duke of Hesse.

The main business of the Hessian elector, whose “privileged Jews” were both sons of Amschel the father, were, as they would now say, private military companies, which brought him a very, very significant income. Great Britain paid $40 million for the use of 16,800 Hessian soldiers during the American Revolution.

By the way, this is how the Rockefeller ancestor came to the USA as the Hessian mercenary Roggenfelder, which in German means “rye field.” The Duke of Brunswick, the Landgraves of Waldeck, Hanau, Anspach and other minor German monarchs were engaged in similar business. IN large quantities German soldiers were purchased by the English East India Company, using them in the conquest of India, so the Rothschilds viewed earnings from wars pragmatically as a very profitable business.

Once, to Major Martins, horrified by the number of military casualties, Nathan Rothschild remarked: “If they had not all died, Major, you would still be a lieutenant.” The Rothschilds themselves would have remained the bank clerks of the Oppenheimers, because it was the wars that emptied the royal bins and filled the bank reserves of the “court factors”. The family became treasurers of one of the main creditors of Europe, and started with a loan for Prussia, and by the mid-1830s one American had already described their position as follows: “The Rothschilds rule the Christian world... Not a single cabinet of ministers can move without their advice. ..Baron Rothschild holds in his hands the keys to peace and war.”

Prince Metternich noted that “the House of Rothschild plays a much larger role in the life of France.” big role than any foreign government." James Rothschild's fortune was 150 million francs greater than that of all other French financiers combined; he and his brother Louis XVIII “were the right hand of the regime, controlling all financial transactions” of Charles X. His debt of 25 million francs was the King of Portugal, aka managed the finances of the King of Belgium. Similar successes were achieved by the secret commercial adviser to the Kingdom of Sicily and the Duchy of Palma and Sardinia, the “Italian Rothschild”

Using war only as a means of speculation, the “factors” in ethnic or civil conflicts did not sympathize with any particular side and were not interested in any political ideas.

A remarkable fact is that the Paris Commune destroyed all archives containing details of the early Rothschild transactions.

The key moment in the history of their formation was the decision on the fate of France's war debt of 270 million francs, as well as 1.5 billion francs indemnity, which was made at the congress of the victorious countries in Aachen in 1818. The rejected ones, as creditors, the Rothschilds organized a sharp the rate of decline of French government bonds of the loan of 1817, which began to threaten the collapse of the Paris and other major stock exchanges of Europe. Thus, France, which came to its senses, also became a debtor to the Rothschilds.

“I am a simple man... I do things without leaving the cash register,” said the “English Rothschild.” One of these cases was unsuccessful attempt cash a registered bill, in which the bank referred to the fact that it cashes only the securities of the National Bank itself. Then Nathan Rothschild began to “nightmare the business” of the National Bank of England with the daily redemption of its gold reserves, the directors of which, after urgent consultation, relented, deciding to save the bank from ruin. Now the Rothschild bills have acquired equal status to the bills of the National Bank of England.

Nathan initiated the methodology for issuing international loans. His London banking house, over the ninety years since its opening, placed foreign loans in the amount of 6,500 million dollars; from 1776 to 1814, English subsidies in Hesse amounted to 19 million 56 thousand 778 thalers; in 1815, Bavarian subsidies to Arnold von Eichthal amounted to 608 thousand 695 pounds sterling, from 1811 to 1816 almost half of the British subsidies to the countries of the continent passed through their Rothschild hands.

In the period from 1818 to 1832, loans were issued in the amount of 21 million pounds, which gave Edrikhin-Vandam the basis to call the British the “Rothschild people.” Interest alone on eighteen loans to foreign governments amounted to $700 million. In fact, the history of the Central Bank of England began back in 1694, when another war pumped out almost all the silver from England, and bankers, including the Rothschilds, convinced William to take out a loan of 1.2 million pounds sterling and establish a new financial structure for the war with France.

The rise to dominance in the financial sector is replete with stories of brutal competition that do not correspond to the theory of a “single Jewish conspiracy”; “observers,” as Anna Harendt puts it, “made the very wrong conclusion that the Jewish people were a relic of the Middle Ages, and did not see that this a new caste of very recent origin. Its formation was completed only in the 19th century, and it included, in quantitative terms, probably no more than a hundred families. But since they were visible, the entire Jewish people began to be considered a caste.”

Perhaps they were prompted to such conclusions by the fact that to realize their goals, this new caste used primarily fellow tribesmen, which is logical and does not carry elements of a “conspiracy theory,” but gave reason to people like the French writer Louis Ferdinand Celine to claim that “ the Jews prevented Europe's evolution towards political unity, caused all European wars since 843, and plotted to destroy both France and Germany by stirring up their mutual enmity."

But at the same time, it should be noted that the path to financial monopoly led to the ruin, first of all, of the competing financial structures of fellow tribesmen of the English Abraham Goldsmith, the French Achille Fuld, David Parish, and other moneylenders of Austria. A description of these economic battles is beyond the scope of this chapter, but their essence was this: in order to work with the Rothschilds it was necessary to become under the “red roof”.

The confrontation in the competitive struggle of factors gave rise not just to a “single caste within co-religionists,” but to a much more cohesive “international caste system” of relatives, between whom half of the 59 marriages entered into by the Rothschilds in the 19th century took place.

The daughter of the royal court banker of Bavaria and Prussia, Sicilian and Austrian Consul General Karl Rothschild, married Maximilian Goldschmit, a native of the Frankfurt banking family, who became Baron Goldschmit-Rothschild.

A representative of the oldest English family, “the flower of the Jewish aristocracy,” Abraham Montefiori, who was related to the daughter of Amschel Rothschild, was asked to change his surname to Rothschild in order to be admitted to financial affairs. Later, Australia became Montefiori's almost monopoly. Kalman's marriage to Adelheid Hertz, the future favorite of the Neapolitan king, provided Rothschild with not only a business, but also an indirect family connection with the Oppenheimers, while each of the marriages increased their aristocratic status, which was a deliberate policy.

Once again they raised their status in 1814 when they became related to the Warburgs, a family whose interests are closely connected with the creation of the US Federal Reserve System, its first head was Paul Warburg. Representatives of the Italian Jewish dynasty became Warburgs in the 16th century when they arrived in the Westphalian town of Warburg from Bologna.

In 1798, brothers Moses-Mark and Gerson Warburg founded the M. Bank in Hamburg. M. Warburg & Co., to this day the largest private financial institution in Germany. After the sons of Mayer Amschel settled in different countries to create a future empire, the eldest son and his father moved into a five-story Frankfurt mansion, which they shared with the family of another banker, Schiff, who was one of Rothschild’s brokers.

In 1873, the Rothschilds facilitated Schiff's acquisition of Kuhn's interest in Kuhn, Loeb & Co., which was made possible by the new owner marrying the eldest daughter of a co-owner of Kuhn, Loeb & Co. Solomon Leib, Teresa. His daughter, Frieda Schiff, was in turn married by Felix Warburg. And his brother, Paul Warburg, married Nina, youngest daughter Solomon Leibe, whose father was a wheat and wine supplier from the aforementioned Hessian city of Worms and entered the United States only in 1849.

The “American” interests of the Rothschilds did not end there: August Schonberg, another distant relative of the Rothschilds through his grandmother, served as Amschöld von Rothschild’s personal secretary from the age of 18, and in 1837 opened a branch of his bank in Cuba. As a result of the crisis own company"August Belmont & Co." on Wall Street bought up bankrupt American businesses. Having become rich, Schonberg, for the sake of prestige, became “Belmont”, who went down in history as the chairman of the National Committee of the US Democratic Party, and through his efforts the northerners were financed during the Civil War.

As Bismarck frankly admitted, “the division of the United States into federations of equal strength was decided long before the Civil War. Bankers feared that the United States... would overturn their financial dominance over the world and the Rothschilds’ voice prevailed in this.”

In this war, the Rothschilds made money on both sides: the London bank financed the northerners, and the Parisian bank financed the southerners, as a result of which the national debt grew from $64,844,000 in 1860 to $2,755,764,000 in 1866. Pay off debts without loss sovereignty was not so simple, as the English publicist of the 19th century Dunning wrote about capital: “... at 300 percent there is no crime that he would not risk, at least on pain of the gallows”:

According to biographer Ferguson, the rivals of the American Civil War also did not forget to carefully destroy the Rothschild correspondence from 1854-1860. Only oral statement Baron Jacob Rothschild to the US Representative in Belgium Henry Sanford, regarding those killed in Civil War: “When a patient is desperately ill, you take any measures, including bloodletting.”

A new round of “recovery of the American economy” was given by a loan of $150 million. The issuance of most of which was suspended with the requirement that Lincoln reduce the cost of government securities by 25%. On February 33, 1862, the House of Representatives passed a law on a state loan of 150 million dollars in the form of state securities independent of creditors, mandatory for acceptance as a means of payment. By March 1863, the circulation of such securities began to reduce the turnover of payments in gold, controlled by the Rothschilds. The abandonment of gold collided with the requirement that Treasuries be issued in the form of interest-bearing bonds, which were issued at 35 cents on the dollar and converted at a rate of 100 cents after the end of the war.

The future Earl of Beaconsfield Benjamin Disraeli, in front of whose eyes the events described unfolded, was a close friend of Lionel Rothschild, “whom he traditionally visited at the end of the week,” and apparently heard enough at the dinner table that he took up his pen and wrote two novels, one “Jewish money” determine the rise and fall of courts and empires and reign supreme in the sphere of diplomacy,” and in another he “developed a plan for a Jewish empire in which the Jews would rule as a strictly separate class,” but separating it during a period of widespread assimilation would be a separate task for the Rothschilds .

On May 17, the investment bank Rothschild & Co will be headed by a representative of the seventh generation of the famous Rothschild dynasty - 37-year-old Alexander de Rothschild. For two hundred years now, the family has strictly observed the behests of the patriarch and founder of the clan, who ordered the descendants to always act unitedly, to trust the management of the family enterprise only to male relatives and to maintain secrecy in business. The famous banking house has been involved in transactions of historic proportions for centuries. The image of all-powerful behind-the-scenes puppeteers was formed under the impression of their activities. Conspiracy theorists are sure that famous family, whose branches are widely spread in Europe and the United States, controls global finance with the help of. The origins and change of generations in the famous banking clan are in the material.

Shop under a red sign

The end of the eighteenth century is an era of gigantic changes for Western Europe: revolution and overthrow of the monarchy in France, the emergence of industrial production, a series of large-scale wars, the gradual loss of political influence by aristocratic landowners and the emancipation of oppressed groups. It was at this time that the foundation of the financial power of the Rothschilds was laid. The founder of the dynasty is considered to be Mayer Amschel, the son of Amschel Moses, a modest money changer from the Jewish quarter in Frankfurt am Main.

His father wanted the bright boy to become a rabbi, but Mayer showed a penchant for worldly affairs. For some time he practiced at the Oppenheimer banking house in Hanover. Then he worked in his father’s money changer’s shop under a red sign (in German it sounds like Rot Schild, which later became a surname). “Having caught the trends,” Mayer Amschel began buying old coins and medals. The German nobility of that time was fond of collecting various antiquities, so the courteous and neat young man quickly made useful acquaintances with the powers that be, and the money changer's shop was transformed into a bank.

The career rise of the son of a money changer from the ghetto occurred after meeting Landgrave Wilhelm of Hesse-Kassel. Traditionally, Jewish bankers were involved in various financial transactions for the German princes. For example, the Habsburg court bankers in Vienna were representatives of the House of Oppenheimer; King Frederick II of Prussia the Great used the services of the Berlin firm Ephraim and Sons. Having bypassed competitors with the help of patronage and gifts to patrons, Mayer Amschel became Wilhelm's main court financier.

All to the house

The family's well-being went up sharply, and the growing children were actively involved in the family business. As if fairy tale characters, throwing arrows in search of happiness, Mayer's sons dispersed across largest cities Europe: Solomon - to Vienna, Nathan - to Manchester (later he moved to London), Kalman - to Naples, Jacob - to Paris. The eldest son remained in Frankfurt am Main. In memory of this, the Rothschild coat of arms depicts five arrows and the motto in Latin: Concordia, Integritas, Industria - Concord, Honesty, Diligence.

Thus, an international financial network was founded, covering the most developed European countries. Formally competing, the brothers supported each other in every possible way and exchanged news using correspondence coded in Yiddish. Subsequently, the most viable branches of the family tree turned out to be the English (from Nathan) and the French (from Jacob) - they are still thriving.

The court financier approached the marriages of children very seriously: sons brought daughters-in-law with a substantial dowry into the family, daughters' wives were also part of the clan, but worked in lower positions. In any case, the sons-in-law were not destined to take the helm of the family enterprise. The clan's wealth could only be controlled by a male-line descendant of Mayer Amschel. The money acquired was supposed to remain in the family, so Mayer’s descendants married first and second cousins.

However, the entire elite did this. For example, to end of the 19th century century, the Austrian imperial family turned out to be so extensive that marriages between relatives belonging to different branches of the Habsburg family became increasingly frequent, write Andrei Shary and Yaroslav Shimov in their book “Austria-Hungary: the fate of the empire.” Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary, who became heir to the throne in 1895, was indignant about this: “If someone from our family falls in love on the side, there will certainly be some nonsense in the pedigree that would prevent such a marriage. So it turns out that we have a husband and wife, all twenty-fold relatives. As a result, half of the children are fools or complete idiots.”

The Rothschilds married exclusively adherents of Judaism and gained fame as the “Jewish royal family" The rules established by Mayer Amschel remained unchanged for 200 years, only in the 1970s, David Rene, a representative of the French branch of the Rothschilds, married the Catholic Italian aristocrat Olympia Aldobrandini. They raised their daughters in the Catholic faith, but their only son Alexander, the future heir to the family business, in Judaism. Also in 2010, the Rothschilds for the first time appointed a non-family member as executive director of the investment bank NM Rothschild - the British Nigel Higgins. True, Higgins was not a complete stranger - by this time he had worked for the family for a quarter of a century.

To whom is war

The Rothschilds could have remained at the level of small-town rich people if not for the war. In 1806, French Emperor Napoleon I invaded Germany. Landgrave Wilhelm fled the country, leaving his affairs in the care of his court banker. It was then that Mayer’s arrow, shot towards Foggy Albion, came in handy. Son Nathan instantly quit the textile trade in Manchester and retrained as a stockbroker in London.

The French confiscated part of William's gold, but Rothschild Sr. managed to transfer the main capital of his boss, thanks to transactions with Nathan's securities, to England. To celebrate, the Landgrave gave the court bankers all rights to manage their securities for a symbolic commission, and Nathan began buying and selling British government bonds. So the Rothschilds became the first European millionaires and financed Britain's wars against Napoleon. One of their most notable operations was transporting gold to Wellington's army in Spain.

On September 19, 1812, the battle-weary Russian army under the command of Field Marshal Prince Golenishchev-Kutuzov retreated to Podolsk. On the same day, in a house on Jewish Street in Frankfurt am Main, the founder of the House of Rothschild, Mayer Amschel, died at the age of seventy, but his business lived on and grew - the wealth and influence of the Rothschild brothers increased along with the amounts of loans they provided.

Frame: yorktheatre/YouTube

There is a legend that Nathan learned about the victory over Napoleon at Waterloo a day before everyone else in London, but he came to the stock exchange with a sad face and began selling government bonds. Seeing this, the stockbrokers decided that the British and their allies were defeated, and rushed to get rid of the papers for next to nothing. Having waited for the collapse, the agents of the cunning Nathan bought up government bonds that had fallen in price. As a result, London Rothschild earned 40 million pounds sterling from this operation. However, some researchers deny the authenticity of this story - Nathan bought securities against the background of defeatist sentiments before the Battle of Waterloo, they believe.

The peace established in Europe after the Napoleonic wars also contributed to the growth of family wealth - war-ravaged countries needed loans to rebuild. The grateful victorious monarchs bestowed the nobility on the banker brothers, and the Austrian Emperor Franz II granted the Rothschilds a baronial title. Napoleon tried to conquer Europe with guns and cannons, but lost. old light submitted to the bills and loans of the banking family.

World behind the scenes

The nineteenth century was the golden age of the Rothschilds. Europe, and with it the whole world, was rapidly changing, the Rothschild banking network financed the construction of industrial enterprises, railways, the purchase of the Suez Canal by Great Britain, the development of oil fields in Russian Empire(in the territory of present Azerbaijan).

The Rothschilds were partners with De Beers in the search for diamonds and gold in South Africa. They are accused of helping to start military conflicts, such as the devastating war between Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay and Paraguay. Numerous descendants of Mayer Amschel were interested in luxury and art, building palaces and charity. But by the end of the century, the family's glory began to fade. Perhaps they themselves wanted this, because money, as you know, loves silence, and left- and right-wing publicists blamed bankers for all the ills of humanity.

In the twentieth century, Rothschild structures began to specialize in large-scale mergers and acquisitions. Adherents of conspiracy theories consider the Rothschilds to be the ideological inspirers of the First Bank of the United States - the prototype of the Federal Reserve System (FRS). The dynasty is considered to be the real masters of the system. Officially, the Fed owns 12 federal reserve banks, chartered but organized as private companies.
