Stories about different countries of the world for children. The most interesting facts about the countries of the world. Presentation, photo, video. ‎31. Country with the longest life expectancy ‎

Our huge and diverse world consists of 252 countries, each of which has its own characteristics and specifics. We hear about some states every day. About others - only occasionally. Well, it's worth listing Interesting Facts about countries of the world that we don’t hear about very often.


This is the first state in the entire Western world to build railway. This happened when I was 18 years old before that, how the construction of the railway in the UK ended. By the way, until 1962, Jamaica was part of the United Kingdom.

Kingston is The largest city island state and its capital. And it was in its poor areas that such a style of music as reggae originated.

Jamaica is a very religious country. In all public schools, the day begins with morning prayer. And Jamaica also has 2 km of churches in the world. There are more than 1,600 of them, and that number is not final - after all, there are more and more churches every year.

It's also worth knowing that Jamaica is the first commercial banana producer in the entire Western Hemisphere.


When telling the story of the world, one cannot fail to note this state. Estonia is surrounded on three sides by the sea - it is for this reason that 1/5 of its territory is occupied by swamps.

The origin of the name of the capital, which is Tallinn, is still not known. There are several possible options - “Danish city” for example. But there is no exact definition. As well as the answer to the question of whether the name is written with one letter “n” at the end or with two.

The language that Estonians speak is also very original. Many words begin with the letter "s". And the number of cases is estimated at fourteen. also in Estonian there is no future tense, but there are three options for the past.

While telling interesting facts about the countries of the world, one cannot fail to note the fact that only 1,315,000 people live in this state. And every year, on average, one and a half million tourists come here, which exceeds the number of locals.

And finally, it’s worth saying that it’s free. After it was made such, a lot of people moved to the capital, and the city began to prosper.

Kingdom of Tonga

Many people have probably never even heard of this Polynesian Pacific state. But it is also worth mentioning, telling interesting facts about the countries of the world.

Interestingly, the kingdom is dispersed over 177 islands, of which only 36 are inhabited. The total area of ​​Tonga is 750,000 km². But the population does not exceed 100,000 people.

Volcanic eruptions occur very often in the kingdom. Over the past two centuries there have been 35 of them. The last one was 56 years ago.

The standard of living here is not the best. Residents are experiencing big problems with drinking water. To survive, they have to accumulate rainwater in special tanks. But there are 6 nature reserves and 2 national parks. And few people know that Tonga maintains diplomatic relations with Russia.


This city-state, located in Southeast Asia, is of particular interest. And it also needs to be noted with attention, telling interesting facts about the countries of the world.

Few people know that Singapore is built entirely according to Feng Shui. Even the trees here are planted according to the ancient Chinese concept. And the Ferris wheel rotates clockwise - it is believed that this creates a powerful influx of funds into the city.

There are no traffic jams in Singapore. Firstly, because the roads here are built according to Feng Shui. And secondly, in order to purchase a car, you must first buy a permit at an auction, the price of which sometimes reaches 100 thousand dollars.

It is also worth knowing that in Singapore there is the death penalty, which threatens thieves, rapists, and drug lords. Less serious crimes are punishable by whipping. And fines are issued here for almost every mistake. Even for the fact that a person watered a flower too much big amount water, the remains of which settled in the saucer. The moisture attracts mosquitoes, which authorities have had difficulty ridding the city of, eradicating malaria and fever. By the way, the police in Singapore are extremely rare. Because security here is carried out through video cameras that are installed literally on every corner.


This Scandinavian Kingdom should also be noted with attention, telling interesting facts about different countries peace.

In Norway, it is not customary to enter into dialogue with strangers while on public transport, even in a friendly manner and with a smile. This may be considered uncivil behavior. In general, the locals are very educated people. Norwegians are the most reading nation in the whole world, and the state itself is the safest and calmest in the whole world. Perhaps this is why many people want to move here. For example, in Oslo, 1/3 of the population are immigrants from developing countries.

This country is really spacious. Only 5 million people live there, which means there are only 16 people per 1 km². This sounds scary, but in the middle of the 14th century, the plague claimed the lives of more than 1/3 of the local population!

And here, until 995, when Christianity came to Norway, they worshiped the pagan gods Thor and Odin.


When listing interesting facts about the countries of the world for children, it is worth mentioning the Grand Duchy. The only thing in the world and.

This is one of the smallest states in the whole world. Its area is only 2,600 km², and about half a million people live on its territory. But it is Luxembourg that ranks 3rd among EU countries in terms of business efficiency. The first and second places in the ranking are occupied by Finland and Denmark.

It also has the highest minimum wage in the whole world. On this moment it is 1,642 euros (about 113,000 rubles). And the figure is constantly growing! And the GDP in Luxembourg is the highest - three times higher than the European average. There is also an amazing literacy rate (100 percent!) and education, which is one of the best in the world. After such a list of facts, it will not be surprising that the whole of Luxembourg is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.


We can't forget about this either small state, naming the most interesting facts about the countries of the world. After all, it was in Ireland that the man who built the White House was born. This is architect James Hoban.

The country's flag is similar to the Italian and Ivory Coast. The Irish don't really care. But they treat colors with special trepidation. If you accidentally say that the Irish flag contains orange, there is a risk of running into a scandal. Every Irish person will be outraged because it's not orange, it's gold.

Irish (Gaelic) is taught in schools across the country, but in the end local children speak it the same way our children speak English.


Few people know that it was in this country that the ballpoint pen, Rubik's cube, and dishes such as goulash and salami were invented. And here is the largest lake in the whole Central Europe, - Balaton. Locals call it the Hungarian Sea. And it is in Hungary that the world's largest thermal lake is located. It's called Heviz.

It is also worth noting that Budapest, the capital of the country, has the world's longest tram. Its length exceeds 50 meters! And the trains used in the metro were manufactured in Russia (in Mytishchi).

About education

Finally, I would like to talk about schools in different countries of the world. Interesting facts can sometimes even shock you. So, for example, students educational institutions located in Papua New Guinea, you don't have to wear clothes.

In some Indian towns, the situation with education is so sad that schoolchildren are taught... by children just like them. There is such a school in the city of Murshidad. The teachers there are taught by children who acquired their knowledge from outside. In general, in India, parents are very worried about the success of their children. So if a tourist sees people climbing on window bars, you don’t have to be surprised - these are adults trying to tell their children the correct answers to exam questions so that they pass everything successfully. It is prestigious to get an education here.

In different countries of the world, interesting facts characterize this or that state in their own way. The economic situation in Indonesia is very sad - everyone knows this. In the village of Levak, for example, there is only one school, and to get to it, you need to overcome a dangerous suspension bridge, which at any moment can fall into the river.

In some settlements in the Philippines, children get to school by crossing bodies of water in inflatable boats. And in Colombia, students cross the Rio Negro River, sliding down a 400-meter cable to the opposite side of the bank, since there is a school there.

However, there are still many interesting facts about the states of our world, and if you wish, you can familiarize yourself with them. Because it’s very difficult to list everything.

© Boris Yasny, 2018

ISBN 978-5-4493-1782-7

Created in the intellectual publishing system Ridero


Each of us knows our address. House, street, city, country, finally, planet Earth. Our planet orbits at a distance of one astronomical unit, equal to 149,597,870 km. around the star Sun in the Solar System.

Light travels this distance in 8 minutes and 20 seconds. In a year, light travels 63,241.126 astronomical units or ≈ 9,460,528,447,488 km. In the vast Universe solar system is in the galaxy Milky Way in the Orion Arm at a huge distance of 26 thousand light years from the center. And together with another 200 billion stars, it revolves around the center of the galaxy.

Our neighbors - the Andromeda galaxy, the Large and Small Magellanic clouds, together with our galaxy are part of the Virgo supercluster of galaxies, covering space for about 200 million light years, and numbering about thirty thousand galaxies.

Planet Earth - the third planet from the Sun has 6 continents: Eurasia, Africa, Australia, Antarctica, Northern and South America 5 of them (except Antarctica) are home to 251 countries and a population of more than 7.55 billion people.

World map



Territory (78 in the world) – 243809 km2. Population (22 in the world) – 63,395,000 people. The official language is English.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is located on the islands of the British archipelago in northern Europe. And also: in the north-eastern part of the island of Ireland, on the Hebrides, Shetland, Orkney Islands and Anglesey, Arran, White in the Atlantic Ocean.

The United Kingdom is washed by the North, Irish, Celtic and Hebridean seas. In the southeast, the English Channel (35 km) separates it from France. We often call Great Britain England, but England is only part of the United Kingdom. It also includes Scotland in the north, Wales in the west of the British archipelago and Northern Ireland.

The form of government is a parliamentary monarchy. The Queen hosts parades, organizes balls, and is a symbol of the state. The country is governed by a prime minister and parliament. Great Britain is a big country. There are high mountains here (Ben Nevis 1344m), Ben - Makdi (1309m), and large rivers: Severn, Thames, Trent, and large lakes: Doch Neagh, Loch Ness (which is said to be inhabited by the dinosaur Nessie). There are Royal Forests with huge old oak, birch and other deciduous trees. There are pine groves and plantings, grassy pastures and heather-covered hills. Roe deer and deer, raccoons and foxes, otters, stoats and weasels, and many birds and fish in coastal waters live here. But most of all in the Kingdom of rabbits and gray hares. The weather in Great Britain is foggy and rainy, but warm thanks to the Gulf Stream.

Since ancient times, people have settled on this land and built cities. But the legions of the Roman Empire came and captured Britain, making it their province. Rome ruled it for 400 long years, but fell after the invasion of Germanic and Anglo-Saxon tribes. The British lands then united to form the Kingdom of England. The British built a mighty fleet and set off across all seas and oceans to settle new lands and conquer colonies. They began to rule India and Australia, America and South Africa. This is how the British Empire came into being. Then England and Scotland united and called themselves Great Britain. Ireland joined them. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland was formed. The British Empire owned many overseas colonies and was at war with many countries. By now, many colonies have become independent states, but Great Britain is still one of the most powerful countries in the world.

Its capital is London

London has stood on the River Thames for many centuries. Neither fires nor plague epidemics could destroy it. Never once was he captured by enemies. London has many ancient castles, palaces and cathedrals. Among them: the Palace of Westminster - has been the home of the British government for over 900 years, Buckingham Palace - the residence of monarchs, Westminster Abbey - a Gothic church, built intermittently for about 500 years since 1245, St. Paul's Cathedral - a cathedral, the residence of a bishop, Tower Bridge - a drawbridge the bridge is a symbol of London, Trafalgar Square was built in honor of the victory over France in 1805, Piccadilly Circus is the center of London. There are a lot of museums, beautiful modern buildings, parks and squares.

Great Britain is the birthplace of great scientists: Newton, Darwin, Faraday. Writers: Swift (author of stories about Gulliver), Defoe (who wrote a book about Robinson Crusoe), Shakespeare (Hamlet). Composers: Byrd, Purcell, Sullivan. Artists: Constable, Blake, Palmer.

Did you know that Great Britain has had the most queens to rule a country? That "Big Ben" is not the name of a tall clock tower, but the name of a huge bell inside it. That it rarely snows in London in winter? This is a whole event. Residents drop everything and run outside to build snowmen and ride down slides on inflatable mattresses. That all swans on the River Thames are legally the property of the Queen?


Territory (62 in the world) – 357,021 km2. Population (16 in the world) – 80,523,000 people. The official language is German.

The Federal Republic of Germany is located in the center of Europe. This is a big country. It is governed by parliament and the chancellor. In the north of Germany there is a plain, and in the south there are the Alps. The highest mountain is called Zugspitze. Its height is 2962 meters. Many rivers flow through Germany. The largest of them are the Rhine, Danube, Elbe and Oder. There are lakes. The largest is Bodenskoe. The weather changes frequently. A sunny day can suddenly turn cold. In the north of the country the climate is maritime, in the south it is temperate continental. But there are no severe frosts and heat. Forests are found only on mountain slopes. Spruce, pine, and beech trees grow in the forests. There are a lot of flowers and cultivated plants on the plains.

Animals of Germany are wild boars, foxes, red deer, roe deer, fallow deer, squirrels and hares, marmots and otters. There are many ducks, geese, wading and small birds near the water, and there are storks. About 70 species of fish are found in German water bodies. These are mainly carp, as well as eel, salmon and herring.

Even in ancient times, warlike tribes lived in Germany. The Romans called them barbarians. In 476, the barbarians conquered the Roman Empire and created the Frankish Empire led by Charlemagne. Germany and Italy became part of it. In 962, the Holy Roman Empire was founded by King Otto I the Great. It was to become the successor to the Ancient Roman Empire and the Frankish Empire of Charlemagne. For many centuries the Holy Roman Empire was the center of Western Christendom. Since 1512, it began to be called the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation.

Germany went from medieval fragmentation and peasant wars, through the Renaissance to the emergence of the Kingdom of Prussia. As a result of the wars with the French Emperor Napoleon in 1806, the Holy Roman Empire fell. In its place, the Confederation of the Rhine was formed. Germany became Napoleon's ally. After the defeat of Napoleon, the Confederation of the Rhine ceased to exist. In the 19th century, the German lands united into the German Empire.

The German Empire began to seize colonies. By the outbreak of the First World War in 1914, Germany had the most powerful army in the world. But in 1918 it was defeated by Russia, England, France and America. Kaiser Wilhelm II abdicated the throne, after which the Weimar Republic was proclaimed. After revolutionary uprisings and a change of governments in 1933, Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist Fascist Party came to power.

The Nazi regime was called the Third Reich. Year after year, Hitler intensified his terror and dictatorship. Physically destroyed all his opponents. In 1939, Germany started World War II. Second World War is a grandiose tragedy for all humanity. 61 states took part in it. Thousands of cities and villages were destroyed. 54 million people died. 90 million were maimed. At the cost of enormous efforts and sacrifices, the alliance of Russia, England and the USA managed to defeat fascism. On May 9, 1945, Germany surrendered. On May 23, 1945, the German Empire ceased to exist. The history of the formation and unification of post-war Germany is a history of democratic transformations and an amazing economic recovery. Germany has again taken a leading place among the countries of the world. All cities in Germany are stunningly beautiful, but the official capital is Berlin.

Berlin is the second largest city in Europe after London. Berlin is a very green city. It contains a huge number of parks, squares, groves, rivers and canals. Tiergarten Park and the Botanical Garden are favorite recreational spots for Berliners. Magnificent buildings adorn Berlin. These are the Reichstag on Republic Square, the German State Opera, Humboldt University, the Museum of German History, Bebelplatz and St. Hedwig's Cathedral. Many theaters and art galleries. Interesting fact. There are more than a hundred in the world settlements with the name Berlin!

Germany is the country that gave the world great thinkers: Kant, Hegel, Schopenhauer. Brilliant writers: Sebastian Brant, Bertolt Brecht, Goethe, Schiller, Feuchtwanger. Composers: Bach, Wagner, Abel, Beethoven, Brahms, Handel. Scientists and inventors: Gaus, Geiger, Heisenberg, Kepler, Leibniz, Ohm, Plnck, Roentgen, Schliemann, Einstein. Artists: Altdorfer Albrecht, Grunewald Matthias, Durer, Rubens.


Territory (48th in the world) – 674,685 km2. Population (21 in the world) – 65,951,000 people. The official language is French.

The head of the French Republic is the President. The head of government is the prime minister. Laws are approved by Parliament. Most of France is located in Western Europe. The state also includes the island of Corsica in the Mediterranean Sea and more than 20 dependent territories.

France is washed by the English Channel, the North Sea, the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. In the north and west of the country there are plains and low mountains. Plains occupy 2/3 of the country's territory. The rest – mountain ranges: Alps, Pyrenees, Jura, Ardennes, Massif Central and Vosges. The highest mountain is Mont Blanc (4807m).

The largest rivers of the country: the Seine and its tributaries, Garonne, Rhone, Loire. There are not many lakes. The largest are Bourget, Annecy and Lake Geneva. The climate on the European territory of France is temperate maritime, turning into temperate continental in the east, and subtropical on the southern coast. Summer is hot and dry +25 degrees C, in winter it rains +7 -8 degrees C.

Forests occupy a third of the country's territory. Hazel, birch, and oak grow in the north. spruce and cork. On the Mediterranean coast there are palm trees and citrus fruits. There are many vineyards in France. Among the fauna, deer, fox, roe deer, and wild boar stand out. There are a lot of birds, including migratory ones. Reptiles are rare; among snakes there is one poisonous viper. Many types of fish in the waters of seas and rivers. Mackerel, hake, flounder, herring, tuna, cod, sardine.

In ancient times, Celtic Gaul tribes lived in France. As a result of the Gallic War of Julius Caesar, in the 1st century BC, France became part of the Roman Empire as the province of Gaul. In 486, Gaul was conquered by the Germanic Frankish tribes. Formed Frankish state. In the 10th century, the country began to be called France.

The following times are remarkable Crusades, religious wars and the Hundred Years' War with England. It began in 1337 and ended, with the participation of Joan of Arc, with the surrender of the British. By the reign of Louis XI in 1461-1483, France turned into an absolute monarchy. France subsequently fought with Spain for control of Italy. In 1572, religious wars between Catholics and Protestants resulted in the massacre of Protestants in Paris on St. Bartholomew's Day. Then Protestants were given equal rights. Thirty Years' War with the Swedes. When the country was ruled by the minister of King Louis XIII, Cardinal Richelieu (familiar to us from the book “The Three Musketeers”). Then the reign of the king is the sun Louis XIV, the uprising of the urban lower classes - the Fronde, against Mazarin and Queen Mother Anne of Austria. War with Spain, Dutch War, Persecution of Protestants again. Reign of Louis XV from 1715 to 1774. In 1789 – Great French revolution. Overthrow of the monarchy. First Republic. Jacobin terror. Capture of the Netherlands, Venice and the march on Egypt. In 1799 Napoleon becomes emperor. Conquers Europe by military means. March on Russia. Defeat and flight of Napoleon to France. 1815 -Battle of Waterloo, defeat of Napoleon and his capture on the island of St. Helena. Then restoration royalty. Second Republic. Second Empire - Napoleon III. Third Republic. 1870 - 1871 war with Prussia. Paris Commune. 1914 – First World War. 1939-1945-World War II. France fought against Germany in both wars. Fourth Republic. And in 1958 the Fifth Republic. Charles de Gaulle was elected president. The French colonies declared independence. And finally, joining the European Union. The capital of France is Paris.

Paris was founded in the 3rd century BC by the Celtic tribe of the Parisians. From III – IV centuries. known as the Gallo-Roman city of Parisia. Since the end of the 10th century, with interruptions, it has been the capital of France. Paris has a huge number of attractions. These include not only architectural buildings, but squares, streets, bridges and parks. In Paris 1800 historical places and 130 museums. The symbol of Paris is the Eiffel Tower. Also the Tour Montparnasse Tower, the Sacré-Coeur Basilica, the Louvre Museum, the Tuileries Garden, Avenue des Champs-Élysées, the Arc de Triomphe, Place des Stars. Great Arch of Defense, military museum - Invalides, Pantheon. The historical center is the Ile de la Cité, Notre Dame Cathedral and Sainte-Chapelle. In the suburbs Royal Palace Versailles. And many modern buildings, sports and scientific centers.

Did you know that Europe's only Disneyland is located in Paris? And that the magnificent sculpture of the Statue of Liberty was given to the Americans by France? The whole world knows the names of the great French writers and poets: Balzac, Dumas, Hugo, Moliere, La Fontaine. Scientists and inventors: Eiffel, Louis Pasteur, Blaise Pascal, Montgolfier Brothers, Ampère, Laplace, Lagrange. Artists: Gauguin, Degas, Monet, Renoir, Rodin. Musicians and composers: Bizet, Gounod, Debussy, Ravel. Singers and performers: Joe Dassin, Charles Aznavour, Edith Piaf, Patricia Kaas. Film actors: Jean Marais, Jean Reno, Michel Mercier, Mylene de Mongeau, Louis De Funes, Depardieu, Gabin, Bourville. Athletes: figure skaters Nathalie Néchale and Fabien Bourzat, bioathlete Simon Fourcade, speed skater Alexis Conten, football players Zinedine Zidane, Raymond Domenech, Lilian Thuram. It is simply impossible to list all the names. It is impossible to exaggerate the contribution of France to world culture, science and industrial production of perfumery, wines, and mechanical engineering.

In some countries of the world, a child is allowed almost everything, but in others, children have the most responsibilities that must be fulfilled strictly. The material will tell you about the most unusual responsibilities of young children of different cultures.

1. China: strict daily routine

The main thing in raising children in China, starting from 3 years old, is humility and obedience. From kindergarten, every child must strictly follow everything told by an adult (often by any adult). Children's days are scheduled hourly by their parents, and this schedule, as a rule, does not change for years. Household responsibilities are assigned by parents when the child turns 4-5 years old. Attending several sections outside of school is strictly required. Chinese parents themselves choose toys for their child and their leisure activities; they rarely praise them and severely punish them for trying to contradict them.

2. Thailand: older children raise younger ones instead of parents

In Thailand, older children look after the younger ones, and children of different ages are constantly together - whether playing games or doing simple work. Children may be offered activities such as peeling vegetables or sorting fruit. Moreover, older children become moderators of sorts, and younger children become interns. Therefore, Thai children become independent early. Children are given the freedom to regulate their behavior within a community of children of different ages - from 3 to 16.

Interesting fact. Thais never run to the first call or cry of a child. The parent glances at the crying or calling child, assesses the situation, and if he finds it not threatening to health, continues to ignore the call/crying so that the child learns to solve his problems himself.

3. England: duty to control emotions

In England, from the age of 2-3, a child is required to attend teachers of good manners and the art of restraining emotions. These may be special courses kindergarten. When a child gets older, some democratic parents may suggest that he self-educate in the art of good manners: video lessons on the Internet, books on etiquette. The child must learn table manners and social behavior. English parents express love for their child often and constantly, but with restraint. This is also due to the fact that, as a rule, modern Englishmen have their first child at the age of 35-40 years.

4. France: independent shopping

Children in France are characterized by early maturation and independence. By law, children can be at home alone, go to school and do shopping on their own. At an early age (1-2 years), children are sent to kindergarten, and they themselves go to work. From a very young age, a child is constantly asked to help his parents with something: add cream to the coffee, bring a plate of bread, turn off the light, etc.

From this article you will learn which country is the most prosperous, the most cat-loving, the most equipped with the Internet, as well as many other facts from the category of extremes and records.

‎1. The hottest place in the world

The highest air temperature on the planet in history, +56.6 °C, was recorded in Death Valley National Park on July 10, 1913.

‎2. The coldest place in the world

At the top of the Polar Plateau in Antarctica, temperatures can drop to a minimum of -‎‎92.7 °C, recorded in August 2010.‎

‎3. City with the largest population

Shanghai holds the title of the most populous city in the world thanks to its 24,150,000 permanent residents.

‎4. City with the smallest population

Home to just 842 citizens, Vatican City State is also recognized as the smallest city and smallest state in the world.

‎5. The wealthiest and most prosperous city ‎

This tower could well have been made of real gold, since Tokyo can afford it: the city's GDP is 1520 billion (New York, which occupies the second position in this ranking, has only $310 billion in GDP).

‎6. The poorest city ‎

The poorest country, the Democratic Republic of Congo, is home to perhaps the world's most impoverished city, Kinshasa. The state's GDP is only 55 billion dollars, and residents of the capital live on less than 1 dollar a day.‎

‎7. Highest point in the world

Rising to 8,839 meters, the peak of Mount Everest is the highest place in nature that you can touch with your hand on our planet.‎

‎8. The deepest point in the world

The maximum depth known to modern mankind is 10,668 meters below sea level at the Mariana Trench, called the Challenger Deep. ‎

‎9. Most photographed place

Now, thanks to detailed photographic maps, ubiquitous video surveillance and cameras installed on almost any device, we can see most of the landscapes on Earth with extreme meticulousness. Which place is the leader in the number of available images? This is the Guggenheim Museum in New York.‎

‎10. The wettest place on the planet

The Indian village of Mawsynram receives up to 11,900 mm of rainfall annually. The “wet” record for this place was 25,400 mm of rain that fell in 1985.‎

‎11. Driest place on the planet

The South American Atacama Desert is without a doubt the driest place on Earth. Its sands, stretching over 965 km, receive an average of 101 mm of precipitation per thousand years (that's right, you read that right!). ‎

‎12. The sunniest place on the planet

In Yuma, Arizona, the sun shines on average at least 11 hours a day. 90% of local forecasts call for clear weather, which means an average of 4015 hours of natural light per year.‎

‎13. The most expensive city to live in

Singapore in 2014 displaced Tokyo from the pedestal of “the most expensive city" Cars in the most expensive city can cost 4-6 times more than the same brands in the US or UK markets.‎

‎14. The cheapest city to live in

According to the World Cost of Living Index 2014, Indian city Mumbai is the cheapest place to live. To understand the scale, imagine an ordinary loaf of bread: in Singapore it will cost $3.36, and in Mumbai it will cost only 91 cents.

‎15. Country that consumes the most food

Perhaps the fact that the average US person consumes about 3,770 calories per day may go some way to explaining their reputation as the world's biggest gluttons.

‎16. The oldest city in the world

Determining the oldest city in the world is a topic that gives rise to a lot of controversy, since historians cannot agree on whether it is important to take into account the habitation of ancient settlements over the centuries. So far, as a compromise solution, Damascus in Syria, which has existed for more than 11 thousand years, is recognized as the main “long-liver”.

‎17. The youngest state

The people of South Sudan received official recognition as an independent state in 2011, making it the youngest country to date. ‎

‎18. Most visited city

After years of competition with Bangkok, London has reclaimed its title as a hub for international tourism. More than 18 million tourists annually enrich the British treasury by approximately $19 billion.‎

‎19. Most Popular Country

According to the results of a BBC survey, Germany came out on top in terms of the number of positive comments about it from people all over the world (59% positive comments).‎

‎20. Most unpopular country

‎21. The most dangerous city in the world

In San Pedro Sula, Honduras, there are on average more than three murders per day. The high level of crime on the streets of this city is due to the fact that it has the status of a major drug and weapons trafficking center.

‎22. The most caffeinated country

Coffee lovers in Sweden consume an average of 388 mg of caffeine per person per day (the equivalent of almost five cans of energy drink).‎

‎23. The most bike-friendly city in the world

The city of Groningen in the Netherlands has the highest percentage of cyclists among its residents in the world. More than half of the population prefers two-wheeled transport as the optimal means of transportation: city dwellers use bicycles to get to work and go out into nature on bicycles.

‎24. Most energy efficient city

All of Reykjavík's energy and heat comes from geothermal and renewable hydropower, making Iceland's capital the most sustainable and energy-efficient city in the world. In an effort to make the region completely independent of fossil fuels by 2050, Reykjavik authorities have introduced buses that require only water to refuel.

‎25. The most cat-loving country

The number of cats living as pets in US homes currently stands at 76.43 million, making the United States the undisputed leader in keeping man's mustachioed and striped friends.

‎26. The most dog-loving country

Just like cats, dogs are very popular as companions for US residents. 61.1 million dogs are currently pets of Americans.

‎27. Most sexually satisfied country

Residents of Switzerland are probably the most progressive and free people in terms of sexual life. Against the background of a relaxed attitude towards pornography and prostitution, as well as sexual education from an early age, more than a fifth of all Swiss people rate their intimate life as “excellent”. It is worth noting that Switzerland is also one of the ‎lowest teenage pregnancy rates in the world.‎

‎28. Least sexually satisfied country

The country with the least satisfied population in terms of sex is Japan, as only 15% of its citizens reported that they could boast of a fulfilling sex life. In addition, more than 45% of Japanese women report feeling low ‎interest in sexual intercourse.‎

29. The most emotional country

A study of representatives from 150 countries found that Filipinos' responses to... simple questions‎are the most emotional among all other citizens of the world.‎

‎30. The most unemotional country

The same survey found that Singaporeans were the least likely to worry about ‎ Everyday life. Only 3 out of 10 Singaporeans report having noticeable emotional reactions to various everyday situations.‎

‎31. Country with the longest life expectancy ‎

According to the World Health Organization for 2013, the life expectancy of the average citizen of Monaco is 87.2 years. ‎Men, as a rule, live in this country up to 85.3 years, women - up to 89. ‎

‎32. Country with the shortest life expectancy ‎

The other side of the coin can be observed in Sierra Leone, where the average population lives no more than 47-48 years. ‎

‎‎33. The most tense country ‎

Looking at the statistics of homicides, GDP per capita, income inequality, corruption and unemployment, it is quite clear: Nigeria is the most dysfunctional and stressed state in the world.

‎34. The most prosperous country

According to the same indicators, Norway is recognized as the calmest and most prosperous country.‎

‎35. Country with the highest average IQ

The country with the highest IQ is believed to be Hong Kong, whose residents score ‎ intelligence tests average 107 points.‎

‎36. Country with the lowest average IQ

According to the Global Study of Intelligence among Different Peoples, residents of Equatorial Guinea were at the very bottom of the IQ rankings, with an average score of only 59 points.

37. The most connected city in the world

The capital of South Korea, Seoul, is a champion in Internet accessibility for the population. ‎The city is covered by a network of 10 thousand free Wi-Fi points supported from the ‎state budget.‎


Tatyana Rakushina
Summary of the lesson “Travel around the world” (preparatory group)


Fostering a sustainable interest in learning about the history and culture of one’s people and peoples peace.


Continue to familiarize children with the map, the ability to plot a route along given points. Deepen and expand children's understanding of European countries; about the features geographical location these countries, introduce you to the sights, language, traditional dishes.


Large map of Russia, map of Russia for each child in A3 format, rulers, markers, information sheets, flags of various countries, microphone, map of Europe, pointer.

Preliminary work:

Conversations about different countries, looking at the globe, maps peace, reading fairy tales of different peoples countries, plotting a route on a map, writing descriptive stories, drawing "How I spent summer".

Methodical examples:

Game, conversation, questions, answers.

Actions of the teacher Actions of the children

The teacher takes a bullhorn and makes an announcement:

"Good afternoon! On the air on Radio Dzerzhinsk! In kindergarten "Springheads" club opens « Traveling around the world» . Free admission. Meeting in 5 minutes" Children playing a low mobility game "Invisible hat"

Well done! Everyone came together! Interesting people gathered in our club today travelers! Children approach the map of Russia

What you should know and be able to do travelers? Know the map countries, cities, know foreign languages

What is indicated on the map

in blue,


Rivers, seas, oceans

What is this red stripe? This is the border

Which countries you know? Germany, Italy, Czech Republic...

Well done! Do you want to go to travel around the world? Yes

What type of transport do you want to go to? journey? By train, it is safe and you can see many beautiful cities and landscapes from the window

Let's say the magic words: Spin around, turn around, find yourself on the train (children take seats at the tables)

The teacher puts up a flag countries of Russia

In which country we are with you, How do you think? in Russia

What are the people who live in our country called? country? Russians

What language do we speak? In Russian

Russian people are kind and hospitable, and they also love their country and travel around it

On what continent is ours located? a country? Eurasia

Our a country occupies a large area. Look what these circles on the map mean? Cities

Why is one circle so big? This is the capital

What cities do you know? Nizhny Novgorod, St. Petersburg, Kazan...

Let's go to travel around our country. There is a map of Russia on your tables. We can go (to go) over a long distance and not so much. This distance can be measured on a map. We leave from Nizhny Novgorod, since the largest railway station is located here

Very beautiful places in Kaliningrad, let's try to go there, put a ruler from point to point and draw a line to trace our path. What distance did Andrey get? Dima? Yuli? From Nizhny Novgorod to Kaliningrad 7 cm.

Let's take a felt-tip pen of a different color and try to connect a line from Nizhny Novgorod to Murmansk. We will visit you in the north. What is the distance between Dani and Lena? From Nizhny Novgorod to Murmansk 8 cm.

What a beautiful Lake Baikal! Do you want to see Baikal and the taiga? Let's go to Irkutsk.

The path is not close, it will go through other cities. What cities? Izhevsk, Perm, Tyumen, Tomsk, Krasnoyarsk

We draw the line as a single line. What is Zarina's distance? Nastya? From Nizhny Novgorod to Irkutsk 20 cm.

Which city that we visited is closer to Nizhny Novgorod? Closer to Kaliningrad

Well done! Today we visited the west, north and east of our countries

Come to our club « Traveling around the world» many correspondents came who would like to talk about countries which they visited. And the first report will be conducted by Seryozha. - I am reporting from the capital of Russia, Moscow. Russia is the largest country in the world, her washes 12 seas: Black, Baltic, Caspian, etc. The area of ​​Russia is approximately equal to the area of ​​the planet Pluto. Part of Russia is located in Europe, and part in Asia. The most famous Russian toy is the matryoshka doll.

Thanks for the interesting report!

Now let's take a rest. Physical education minute.

One two three four five!

Red, white, yellow, blue,

Copper, iron, aluminum,

Sun, air and water,

Mountains, rivers, cities -

It's all mine a country!

The teacher puts up a flag.

Which country flag?

Denis is reporting! - Belarus.

Good afternoon I am reporting from the capital of Belarus, Minsk. Residents of Belarus are called Belarusians and speak Russian and Belarusian.

There are many rivers, lakes and swamps in Belarus, but there is no access to the sea and no mountains at all.

The oldest forest in Belarus is Belovezhskaya Pushcha. They live only in Belarus wild bulls- bison. Residents countries They are very careful and cautious and never break traffic rules.

(The teacher puts a flag)

Which country flag?

Who wants to talk about Hungary? - Hungary

Hello, I am correspondent Dmitry, reporting from Budapest, Hungary. The inhabitants are called Hungarians and speak Hungarian. Hungarians are very friendly people, so when you walk down the street, you need to say hello to absolutely everyone. Budapest has the world's longest tram. Its length is 54 m.

Is our the journey continues“Turn around, turn around, find yourself on the train!”

(The teacher puts a flag)

Which country flag?

Reporting by special correspondent - Czech Republic

Hello everyone, I am reporting from the Czech Republic, the capital is Prague. Residents of the Czech Republic are called Czechs and speak Czech.

Czech - country of ancient castles. Czechs love animals. On city streets you can meet quite a lot of people walking their dogs. There is a pet store on every corner, and the profession of a veterinarian is one of the most honorable.

(The teacher puts a flag)

Which country flag?

Who wants to tell? - Austria

Hello, my name is Zarina! I am reporting from the capital of Austria, Vienna. The inhabitants of Austria are called Austrians, they speak German. Austria is the most mountainous the country is the Alpine mountains. The Austrian flag is considered the oldest in the world. In Austria you can see a real equestrian ballet.

Well done! The report is very interesting, shall we continue?

(The teacher puts a flag)

Which country flag?


Reporting from Paris, the capital of France, by correspondent Alexey. Bonjour! The inhabitants of France are called French, they speak French. Europe's only Disneyland is located in Paris. Many tourists rush to the park to visit the Pool of Terror, dive with Captain Neme, ride a space rocket and shake Winnie the Pooh's paw.

When in France someone sneezes, it is customary to tell him not to "Be healthy", as in many countries, A "May all your wishes come true". The most recognizable landmark is the Eiffel Tower.

Thank you! This is where ours ends journey. Here we are at home, in Russia.

Where did you like best?

What? Why? Who found it difficult?

In memory of today travel I want to give you postcards with Russian cities.

And our club will be waiting for you.
