Application "birdhouse" in kindergarten classes. Lesson summary for the middle group on the application "birdhouse for birds" Birdhouse application middle group people's work in the spring

Lesson summary for the application “Birdhouse for a starling”

Gulzhan Azhimetovna
Lesson “Birdhouse for a starling”

Subject : « Birdhouse for starling » (2nd junior group) .

Program content : Continue to expand children's knowledge about the world around them. Activate children's vocabulary( starling , birdhouse ) . To promote the ability to lay out and compose images of objects consisting of 3 parts of different shapes and sizes on a sheet of paper. Strengthen the skills of orientation in the space of a landscape sheet and knowledge of colors. Develop interest in the application, memory of perception. Foster accuracy, activity and independence.

Material : Sheet in 1/2 album sheet with a silhouette of a tree, ready-made shapes (6 x 6 yellow, isosceles triangle with a base of 9 cm, height 4 cm - red, brush, oilcloth, napkin, plate, brush stand,starling , ball, ready-made sample and blank sample.

Vocabulary work : birdhouse .

Moveclasses : Children enter the group accompanied by calm music.

Guys, let's hold hands and make a circle. Look how the sun smiles at us through the window, let's also smile at each other so that throughoutclasses we were in a good mood.

Listen, Nastya will tell you a poem"Where is whose house" :

The sparrow lives under the roof,

There's a mouse's house in a warm hole,

The frog has a house in the pond,

And at the warbler's in the garden,

Hey chicken, where's your home?

He is under his mother's wing.

Kids are playing"Where is whose house" with a ball.

Well done, Nastya1 Kolya, where is the mouse’s house? Julia - at the sparrow? The bear? The squirrel? The fox? The wolf? Ustarling ?

Yes, guys, the house isstarling in a birdhouse . Let's all say it together -birdhouse . Now Arina repeat it, Kirill...

Yes, guys, both animals and birds have their own home.

Guys, can you hear someone singing?(music) . Let's sit on the chairs and listen to who is singing.(bird) .

Look, a bird has flown to us. Who knows what kind of bird this is?( starling ) .

- Starling , you’re not happy, what happened to you?( Starling says something in the teacher’s ear) .

- The starling said in my ear , what allbirdhouses are busy and he and his friends have nowhere to live. Let's helpstarlings and make them like thisbirdhouses . And youstarling sit down , relax and look.

Guys, what figures does it consist of?birdhouse ? (triangle, square, circle) .

What color are they?

In order to stick it beautifullybirdhouse , you need to place it in the center of the sheet. First I will glue a square on the house, a circle on the window, and then I will glue the house. And then I glue the roof - a triangle.Birdhouse I pasted it in the center of the leaf onto the tree trunk.

Herestarling which one will you have?birdhouse .

Phys. just a minute : Now let's get up and play(2 times)


Young spring messengers

They peck at worms

And they sing, they sing, they sing.

Go to the tables. Take your shapes and place them in the center of the sheet. A square is a house, a circle is a window, and what is a triangle?(roof) .

First we glue the window onto the house, then the house onto the tree trunk, and then the roof.

Let's start gluing, take the brushes correctly, don't put too much glue on the brush, spread the figure completely. Glue it on oilcloth and smooth it with a napkin.(I give instructions along the way) .

If you have finished your work, put it on this table and listen to the music.

What did we do today?class ?

Whosebirdhouse did you like it better? Why?

And youstarling, whose house did you like?

A lot of birds have arrived and each one needs its own house. The children, together with the teacher, look at the sample and name what geometric shapes the birdhouse is made of.

Master class on making a starling from cardboard and feathers with step-by-step photos.

Zimenko Tamara Aleksandrovna, teacher of MBDOU "Cherlaksky kindergarten No. 2" r.p. Cherlak, Omsk region
Description of material: I offer you a master class on making a starling from cardboard and feathers with step-by-step photos. Master class for children of senior preschool age (5-7 years old) on the topic “Starlings”. This material will be useful to teachers of senior and preparatory groups. This master class can be used to introduce children to birds and prepare for entertainment.
Target: Making a starling from cardboard and feathers to decorate a corner of nature, a group room, or a music room.
Improve the ability to design from scrap materials: be able to highlight the expressiveness of natural objects, select them to create an image on a given topic.
Continue to develop the ability to plan the process of creating a bird. Continue to develop the ability to consistently perform work in accordance with the intended plan.
Cultivate a caring attitude towards feathered friends and the desire to create an expressive image.
Purpose of the work: this work can be used to decorate a music hall for the holiday “Bird Day”, when implementing projects: “Our feathered friends”, “Wintering and migratory birds”.
Demo material: illustration of a starling.
Handout: black cardboard, feathers, glue stick, pencil, gouache, brushes, sippy cups, starling figurine template, scissors. For the teacher: tape, black thread, cutter.
Educator:- Guys, spring has come and our old friends - starlings - have flown to us! It is these beautiful birds that lift our spirits with their vibrant songs.

The starling is smaller than the crow,
But more sparrows -
He is from the birdhouse as from the balcony,
Sings no worse than a nightingale!

To make a starling we will need: black cardboard, feathers, glue stick, simple pencil, gouache, brushes, sippy cups, starling figurine templates, scissors. For the teacher: tape, cutter, black thread, tree branch for placing birds.

On the cardboard, turned the colored side down, a stencil of a starling figurine is outlined.

The starling figurine template is turned over to the other side and traced again onto the cardboard to obtain the second half of the bird figurine.

Both templates are cut out using scissors.

The eyes are drawn on both parts with white gouache, and the beak is painted with yellow gouache.

The reddish shades of the starlings' plumage are drawn in red gouache on both parts.

Green gouache on both parts depicts the green shades of the starlings' plumage.

The violet shades of the starlings' plumage are used on both parts using purple gouache.

Using a cutter, the TEACHER makes cuts on both parts, 2 centimeters long.

Feathers are inserted into the slits.

The TEACHER secures the feathers placed in the slits with tape.

One part is coated with glue and attached to another part.

Tatiana Budnikova
Abstract of GCD for application in the senior group “Birdhouse”

Purpose of the lesson: teach how to create a composition from individual parts. Tasks: clarify and expand children’s knowledge about seasonal spring changes in living and inanimate nature. Learn to create a plot composition; develop memory, imagination, enrich children’s vocabulary; strengthen the ability to cut out different shapes from colored paper; cultivate attention and accuracy when working with scissors. Equipment:pictures depicting a starling and a birdhouse; thick cardboard, square 3*3cm, entrance; two squares of colored paper 6*6cm, wall and roof; cut out starling from paper; green colored paper for leaves; brown colored paper for a branch; scissors, PVA glue, glue brushes, rags, oilcloth linings, hand wipes. Preliminary work: Learning the chant: Spring! Spring is red! Warm sunshine! Come quickly, warm the children. Come to us with joy! With great mercy! With tall flax! With deep roots! With rich bread (Observing starlings while walking.) Progress of the lesson. Organizational part: Q: Guys, guess the riddle: The snow is turning black in the clearing, The weather is getting warmer every day. Time to put the sled in the closet. What time of year is this? Q: Guys, by what signs can we notice the arrival of spring? Why do you think people often say “spring is red” (because spring is beautiful) Why is it beautiful (grass appears, leaves appear on trees, plants begin to bloom, birds fly in and sing their songs, the sun shines brighter and warms, the day becomes longer) With the arrival of spring, our feathered friends return. Who is this? Starlings are the first to arrive. Where do they come from? Why did starlings fly to warmer climes? How many of you guys know what the first concern of birds is in the spring? Prepare a nest for laying eggs and hatching chicks. Starlings do not build nests like some other birds. They prefer to settle in tree hollows or in special houses built for them by people. What are these houses (birdhouses) called? Look at the picture of the birdhouse. (show picture) What parts does a birdhouse consist of (a house with a roof and an entrance) The round entrance is called a letok, because birds fly into it. But this perch under the entrance is called a perch. From the word “sit”, because a bird sits on it. Starlings return to their former homes. They drag feathers, dry grass, and leaves into it, preparing the house for the appearance of eggs and chicks. Physical education moment: Here on the branches, starlings! Do not scream! Black starlings sit in a hollow, fluff their feathers, bask in the sun, turn their heads, want to fly. Shoo! Shoo! Let's fly away! They flew, arrived, and again they all sat down in the hollow. Practical part. Q: Guys, let's try to create a spring composition today - we'll depict a twig with a birdhouse and a starling. 1) Twig. Cut out a twig from brown colored paper and glue it onto cardboard. We cut out leaves from green colored paper and paste them onto a twig. 2) Birdhouse. For a birdhouse, you need to take one large square, fold it diagonally and cut it along the diagonal line into two triangles (one triangle will become the roof, the second will not be useful). Let's take a smaller square and cut off its corners to make a circle (this is the entrance). Let's take a large square - the wall of a birdhouse and stick it near the branch. 3) Starling. Take a pre-cut starling figurine and add the composition to the composition. Reflection: What did you like about today's lesson? At what stages of the lesson did you experience difficulties? What would you like to do differently? And now I suggest you arrange an exhibition of works and clean up your workspaces.

MBDOU kindergarten in the village of Konstantinogradovka


Educational: Teach children to depict objects consisting of several parts in appliqué; determine the shape of the parts (rectangular, round, strip); clarify knowledge of colors; continue to introduce the rules of gluing, lay out ready-made figures on paper. Develop memory, thinking, fine motor skills of the hands, and the ability to enjoy the results of one’s work.

Educational: continue to cultivate responsiveness in children, instill a desire to help birds at any time of the year; cultivate organization, discipline, perseverance, and independence. Cultivate an interest in birds and a caring attitude towards them.
Educational: develop color perception, imagination, attention, thinking, memory, speech.

Methods: verbal, visual, practical.

Material: landscape sheet, paper shapes (rectangle (wall), rectangle (shelf), circle (window), strip (roof), glue, napkins.

Activating the dictionary: migratory, starling, birdhouse, rectangle.

ABOUT organization. A group of children sit at tables in a semicircle. Throughout the lesson, a light melody sounds: the murmur of a stream and the singing of birds.

Preliminary work: Observations on a walk, examining the birdhouse, clarifying its parts.

The progress of educational activities directly.
The children sit in a semicircle, the murmur of a stream and the singing of birds sound, the teacher asks a riddle:
It gets light early in the morning
Thaws here and there
The stream roars like a waterfall
Starlings fly to the birdhouse
Drops are ringing under the roofs
The bear got up from the spruce tree
The sun caresses everyone with warmth
Who knows this time of year? (Spring.)
Educator: Well done, you guessed it. Yes, it's spring time of year. You listened carefully to the riddle and identified the main signs of spring that distinguish it from winter, summer and autumn. Many birds return to us in the spring: swallows, ducks, rooks and starlings (the words are accompanied by pictures of the corresponding birds). Birds build nests and raise chicks. But the starling does not build nests. Where does the starling live?
Educator: The starling does not build a nest, it flies to the birdhouse. Who makes a house for starlings? (Person. 1-2 individual answers are listened to, the teacher generalizes.) When you and I were walking around the kindergarten, and also when you were walking with your parents, we observed small wooden houses in the trees. These are birdhouses.
Educator: Guys (the teacher draws the children’s attention to the image of a starling sitting on a branch - it is posted at the very beginning of the lesson as a background picture for the lesson), look, our starling is still sitting on a tree branch - he has not yet found a house for himself. Do you want to stick a house for a starling? Then listen carefully and see how to do it.
Educator ( speaks with show ): Let's once again highlight the main parts of the birdhouse and what shape they are: the house itself is square in shape, the roof can be straight or triangular, the hole (entrance) with the help of which the starling, like through a door, penetrates into its house, and from below house - a long, narrow plank - a batten to attach the birdhouse to the tree.
1.From what geom. figures we will build a birdhouse?
2.What color is the square?
3.From what geom. Shapes let's build a roof?
4.What color is the triangle?
5.How are they located?
6.Which geom. does the entrance to a birdhouse look like?
7.Where will we stick the perch?
SHOWING the arrangement of parts on the flannelgraph. Look guys, first I take a square and put it at the bottom of the sheet in the middle. What geom. did I take the figure? Then I take the triangle and put it on the square. Look, my roof is glued directly to the birdhouse, exactly in the middle, so that it doesn’t fall. What geom. did I take the figure? Then I glue on a circle, the entrance to the birdhouse. What color circle did I make? And then I glue the perch, exactly under the entrance, like this. Where do I stick the perch? What a birdhouse it turned out to be, like a palace!
FIXING: Now make a birdhouse on your sheets without glue. There is no need to glue anything yet. Did you get a birdhouse? What geom. did we put the figure below? Which one, up? Please show me how you will hold the brush? We will add just a little bit of glue to carefully glue the parts.
Educator: It's time to rest. Stand near your seats.
Physical education minute(low mobility)
One and two - (Make two claps)
Drops are ringing - (Strike the index finger of one hand twice on the palm of the other).
Three - four - (Make two claps)
We started singing - (press palms to chest twice).
Five and six - (Make two claps).
The starlings are flying, the messengers of spring are flying towards us - (Waving their crossed hands).
Seven and eight - (Make two claps).
The songs flow - (Stretch their arms forward).
Nine - ten - (Make two claps).
Everyone laughs - (Raises hands up).
The children take their seats.
Educator: Well done. Now it’s time to glue on a house for our starling. Get to work. (Children stick the image with background music).
Children are offered a sheet of paper with a tree drawn in brown pencil. Children lay out a birdhouse from a rectangle (birdhouse body), a strip (roof), a circle (entry) and a strip (perch). The teacher asks to make a neat, even birdhouse, because birds will not want to live in a bad house. Only after this, a starling (origami starling) flies to each finished birdhouse, which the children stick to the perch.
As the children work, the teacher provides individual assistance.
After finishing the application.
Teacher: ( The teacher and the students attach the finished birdhouses to the tree in the group.)

We made a birdhouse

And they attached it to a tree.

We are waiting for flying guests

Starlings! Come quickly!

You made some wonderful birdhouses. What do you guys think, have you pasted up some beautiful houses? (Yes.) Why? (Because we tried.) I think our starling will not only choose a house for himself, but will also tell his friends about your houses, where they can all live.


Clarify and expand children's knowledge about seasonal spring changes in living and inanimate nature.
Introduce the peculiarities of life of starlings.
Develop an interest in bird life.
Enrich children's vocabulary: birds, stonefly, starling, birdhouse, entrance, perch.
Strengthen knowledge about shape and color.
Continue to teach children to lay out and carefully paste an image of an object consisting of several parts.
Develop memory, thinking, fine motor skills of the hands, and the ability to enjoy the results of one’s work.
Cultivate an interest in birds and a caring attitude towards them.


Pictures with the image of a starling, a doll “Spring” in folk style; a dog in a picture or in the form of a toy; a real feeder outside the window or in a picture; recordings of starling singing and background music; material and equipment for application.


Preliminary work:

Learning the call:

Spring, red Spring!
Come spring, clear!
Come spring with joy,
Come spring with mercy,
With the hot sun,
With the heavy rain,
Bring in the harvest
To our happy land!

Watching the film “About the cat, Vasya and the hunting mess.”
Watching starlings while walking.

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, guess what time of year this riddle is about:

The time has come for winter to replace
Nature awakened from sleep.
The snow has melted, a wedge of birds floats across the sky,
Warmth was brought to us...Spring.

Guys, have you noticed the arrival of spring? By what signs?

Spring is just coming into its own, driving winter out of the yard. And winter is in no hurry to leave - no, and it will remind you of itself with snow or an icy wind. In the old days, children made a doll like this, carried it everywhere and called for spring with special calls - stoneflies. We recently learned one of them.

You, winter, go north -
Stop being naughty here!
Come out quickly, guys.
Let's invite spring!

(Children walk around the group room, pass each other the “Spring” doll and recite the Spring chant in chorus).

What do you guys think, why do people often say “spring is red”? Because spring is beautiful. Why is she beautiful? Grass and leaves appear on the trees, plants begin to bloom, birds fly in and sing their songs, animals awaken from hibernation, the sun shines brighter and warms.
And the day is getting longer. Listen to how the poet V. Berestov wrote about this in his poem “Song of Spring Minutes”:

Every day,
One minute at a time
The day is longer
In short, night.
Little by little
Let's drive away winter

With the arrival of spring, our feathered friends return. Who is this? Who are called feathered friends? Why do you think birds are called feathered friends? They are feathered because birds' bodies are covered with feathers. And friends, because birds eat harmful insects, birds sing songs and make us happy with them.

Finger gymnastics “Birds”

The fingers are the bird's head, the palms are the wings. (Thumbs intertwined, fingers closed.) A bird sits on the ground. So it took off and flew up, and now it flew to the right, went down, and flew to the left. Here the bird flies slowly, faster, even faster, and slows down again. She quietly sank to the ground.

Starlings are the first to arrive. Where do they come from? Why did starlings fly to warmer climes? We've watched them more than once, but take a look at this picture - you can take a close look at the starling. (Show picture). Tell us what kind of starling he is? (If it is difficult to ask leading questions: what color are the feathers, what size is the tail, beak, etc.) The starling is all black, its beak is sharp, its breast is speckled with white, and its tail is short.

How many of you guys know what the first concern of birds is in the spring?
Prepare a nest for laying eggs and hatching chicks.

Starlings do not build nests like some other birds. They prefer to settle in tree hollows or in special houses built for them by people. Do you know what these houses are called? Birdhouses. Look at the picture of a birdhouse. (Show picture). There is a roof on top of the birdhouse and a round entrance called the entrance. Think about why the entrance to a birdhouse is called a “letok”? Because birds fly into it. But this perch under the entrance is called a perch. Can you guess why? From the word “sit”, because a bird sits on it. Starlings return to their former homes. They drag feathers, dry grass, and leaves into it. And they start singing.
The singing of a starling can be similar to the croaking of a frog or the neighing of a foal, because the starling cleverly imitates various sounds that it has heard before. Now listen to his own singing. The starling sings. (A recording of a starling's singing is turned on.)

He comes every year
To where the house awaits:
Sturdy wooden house
With a small round window.
He can sing other people's songs,
And yet it has its own voice.

By the end of spring, starlings will have chicks. They squeak loudly when their parents bring them worms or beetles in their beaks. The starling sings little at this time: he is very busy - getting food for the children. After all, they grow quickly and every day they need more and more food. Starlings prefer caterpillars, beetles, and worms, but they also like to eat berries, fruits, and grapes.
Only in the summer will the chicks become adults - they will fly out of the birdhouse and begin to feed themselves, gathering in large flocks. Do you know what a pack is? This is a group of birds gathered together.

Dynamic pause "Starlings"

Oh, starlings were flying.
Everyone was flying, singing songs,
They flapped their wings.
(Waving your arms)

They sat down in a flock on the ground,
They ate the worms.
(Turn towards the feeder)

Kluk, kluk, kluk, kluk,
(Squat down)

Kluk, kluk, kluk, kluk,
How I love worms.
(Tap the floor with your index fingers)

Let's clean the feathers
To be cleaner.
(Rub your forearms with your hands, as if hugging yourself)

Like this, like this
Like this, like this
To be cleaner.

We jump on the branches,
To make the children stronger.
(Turn towards the trees outside the windows)

Jump-jump, jump-jump,
Jump-jump, jump-jump,
We jump on the branches.

Then the dog came running
And scared away the starlings
(Turn towards the dog - toy or picture)

Woof-woof-woof, the starlings took off,
And they flew into the birdhouse.
(Waving your arms)

Application "Birdhouse"

Children are offered a sheet of paper with a tree drawn in brown pencil. Children lay out a birdhouse from a rectangle (birdhouse body), a triangle (roof), a circle (entry) and a strip (perch). The teacher is interested in what geometric shapes the parts of the birdhouse look like, what color they are, which parts are the same in color. Then the children stick the picture on while music plays in the background. The teacher asks to make a neat, even birdhouse, because birds will not want to live in a bad house. Only after this, a starling (a silhouette of a bird with white specks cut out of black paper) flies to each finished birdhouse, which the children stick to the perch. In the future, you can continue working on this sheet by drawing green leaves (dipping with a brush) and gluing balls rolled from napkins (flowers on a tree) with the center drawn with a yellow marker.
