Communication barriers. Presentation on the topic of communication barriers, work completed by students Barriers in business communication presentation

A communication barrier is an absolute or relative obstacle to effective communication, subjectively experienced or actually preventing in communication situations, the reasons for which are the motivational-operational, individual-psychological, socio-psychological characteristics of those communicating. Factors: differences in culturally determined norms of communication during the interaction of representatives of different cultures and nations; a large difference in age, when each interlocutor is a bearer of the culture, values, and ideals of the norms of his generation; lack of feedback in contact; errors in understanding the meaning; failure to take into account subtext, etc.

Avoidance Misunderstanding Lack of authority Sociocultural differences Physical level Phonetic barrier Reliability Subculture Mental level Semantic barrier Competence Social stratum Stylistic barrier Objectivity Nationality Logical barrier Sincerity Authority

Lack of authority The effect of authority is to significantly influence the interlocutor. Having determined who is and who is not an authority, we begin to uncritically trust the first and distrust the second. As a result, trust or distrust arises, which are personalized and do not depend on the characteristics of the information being transmitted, but are closely related to the personality of the speaker. If a person is not an authority, we criticize him. Thus, lack of authority hinders effective communication. The origin of authority depends on social status, status; from superiority in a parameter that is important at the moment; on a person’s membership in a real authoritative group, on age

They arise when using words that are incomprehensible for some reason (ambiguous words, rare terms, foreign words, etc.). Often the semantic level of misunderstanding manifests itself in cases where a person does not have the associations, knowledge and cultural context that allow him to perceive the meanings of certain words and expressions. A semantic barrier occurs when people for some reason do not understand the meaning of what is being said. Example: a philologist hears a highly professional conversation between two mathematicians. It is unlikely that he will understand what we are talking about. The same barrier arises between parents and teenage children if the latter speak using slang. A semantic barrier can arise between people who are carriers of different subcultures within the dominant culture; they determine the lifestyle and thinking of its carriers. Most often, there are subcultures of youth, representatives of various professional groups, criminals (delinquent subcultures), children's subcultures, and so on. Professional, delinquent and children's subcultures are the most specific in any society. Each subculture has its own specific language, different from others, which can be of great importance not only for the exchange of information in its environment, but also for the method of self-determination and even survival, as happens, for example, in a criminal environment.

Such barriers arise when style (the relationship between the form and content of speech) is violated. The stylistic barrier is determined by the difference in the style of presenting information. Styles are usually determined by the functional asymmetry of the human brain as a special phenomenon of the specificity of the left and right hemispheres in relation to various mental functions. The dominance of one hemisphere can determine characteristic difficulties in the perception and processing of information, and the discrepancy between the types of dominance of partners leads to the emergence of a stylistic barrier in the communication process.

When the logical style dominates, the subject processes and presents information sequentially, without missing a single link in the chain of reasoning. Excessive predilection for details and clarifications does not allow the bearer of the logical style to quickly make decisions, and rationality, coldness and emotional dryness prevent him from establishing contacts with different people. But in situations that are known in advance and do not require new decisions, such people are quite successful. When the expressive style dominates, the subject manifests himself as emotional, impulsive, oriented towards the opinions of others, capable of empathy and having good intuition. Such a person can very easily attract attention to his words and easily establish contact with others. However, excessive exaltation and some scattered thoughts can alienate people with a different style from him. The most optimal is a mixed style, in which there is both a logical vision of the problem and its expressive perception and interpretation.

They appear when there is a clear violation of grammatical norms (syntactic, word-formation, morphological). 5. Logical barriers Arise due to a violation of logical laws in speech. (It should be noted that these barriers are difficult to detect, since many incorrect thoughts are similar to correct ones. And the greater the similarity, the more difficult it is to notice the error)

The above language barriers arise due to the following errors: 1) The message is poorly formulated and presented. 2) The message is not complete. 3) Poorly selected message codes (inaccurate, ambiguous, unknown to the recipient). 4) Incorrect data was transmitted. 5) The form of the message does not match the content

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Channels of information perception corresponding to different sense organs Visual. Visual people love visual presentation, concreteness, prefer to rise above their interlocutor, are prone to accusatory statements, and do not tolerate walking in front of them during communication. I see what you are saying. Auditory. Audials perceive everything through auditory images, music, speech, sounds in nature. I hear what you say. Somatosensory (feeling of your body). Kinestatics – through the state of their body, as if they experience everything emotionally. I feel what you are saying.

Channels of information perception, on a logical basis Direct is what the source communicates explicitly. Indirect or indirect is that information about what is being communicated to you in a direct channel, which you obtain yourself by actively observing and feeling in all manifestations of the source. If you trust the source, that is, you believe that he will not intentionally tell you something false, then the indirect channel is not used as a control channel, you receive other, additional information through it. If you do not trust the source, then the indirect channel is a controlling double: you consider its content in the sense of coincidence or discrepancy with the content of the direct channel (the person smiles and his eyes are sad; he says I am calm and drums his fingers on the table, he seems relaxed and smiling, and his foot taps rhythmically on the floor, etc.). Controlled indirect, when a message perceived as unintentional is emitted quite intentionally. Usually little things help you see the big things and, most importantly, make sure of them. A confident tone in a dubious situation, a direct look when lying, etc. - all this is a deliberate radiation of what your addressee will consider to be genuine, what he himself has found in you. Thus, facial muscles are controlled simultaneously from areas of the brain that provide intentional and unintentional movements. So, in principle, there is always a basis for judging uncontrolled radiation that shows the actual state of our partner.

Phases of communication Getting into contact. Attunement, it is important to feel the state and mood of your partner, get comfortable yourself and give the other one the opportunity to navigate. Ends with the establishment of psychological contact. Concentrating attention on something, some problem, task of the parties and developing a topic. Motivational sounding. Understanding the interlocutor’s motives and interests. Maintaining attention. Argumentation and persuasion if there is a difference of opinion. Recording the result. Ending communication. Preparation. Communication must be planned, the right place and time must be chosen, and one’s expectations for the results of communication must be determined.

1. Perception barrier. People react not to events that actually happen, but to what is perceived as happening. This is due to the fact that there is selectivity of information sources, selective attention, distortion, and memorization. So-called perception barriers arise. These are: – first impression (appearance, speech, demeanor, etc.); – prejudice towards oneself and others (underestimation or overestimation); – stereotypes; – projection effect. A person tends to attribute to his interlocutor those positive or negative traits that he himself has, but which the interlocutor is unlikely to possess; – order effect. When communicating with strangers, they trust and remember more information that comes first (at the beginning of the conversation), when communicating with friends - information that comes last.

2. Semantic barrier. A semantic barrier arises in the verbal form of communication (oral and written speech). This language was developed by man during social development. Semantics is the science that studies the way words are used and the meanings conveyed by words. Semantic variations often cause misunderstandings. The meaning of symbols used in communication is learned through experience and varies depending on the context. This applies to both individual words (especially those of foreign origin or characterizing a person, such as decency) and phrases (“as soon as possible”, “as soon as the opportunity arises”).

3. Nonverbal barriers. A nonverbal form of communication is communication using language provided to humans by nature and imprinted in gestures, intonation, facial expressions, postures, expression of movements, etc. Nonverbal communications in most cases have an unconscious basis and indicate the actual emotions of the participants in communications. It is difficult to manipulate and difficult to hide in any interpersonal communication. Some sources claim that verbal communications account for 7% of information, sounds and intonation - 38%, gestures, pantomime - 55%. Non-verbal communication barriers include: visual barriers (body features, gait, movement of arms, legs, etc., posture and change of posture, visual contact, skin reactions, psychological distance); acoustic barriers (intonation, timbre, tempo, volume, pitch, speech pauses, etc.); tactile sensitivity (handshakes, pats, kisses, etc.); olfactory barriers (odors).

4. Poor listening (inability to listen). Effective communication is possible when a person is equally accurate in sending and receiving information. Effective listening is the most important quality of a good manager. It is not enough to perceive facts; you need to listen to the feelings of your subordinate.

Rules for effective listening: stop talking, it is impossible to listen while talking; help the speaker to relax; show a willingness to listen; eliminate irritating moments; empathize with the speaker; control your temper, an angry person gives the wrong meaning to words; do not allow argument or criticism; don't interrupt; ask questions.

5. Poor quality feedback. This is a reaction to this or that information. A limitation to the effectiveness of interpersonal communication may be the lack of feedback. Feedback is important because it makes it possible to establish the adequacy (correctness) of the perception of your message. In addition to interpersonal contacts, the manager must use information circulating within and outside the enterprise. Organizational communications also have a strong impact on management effectiveness. They are characterized by such barriers as distortion of messages during the movement of downward and upward information; the more hierarchical levels, the more distorting “filters”, the role of which is played by both managers at different levels and subordinates (for example, a children's game of broken telephone); information overload that does not allow managers to respond to incoming information in a timely and adequate manner; lack of connections between departments that are either formally or actually not provided for by a specific scheme

Microbarriers At the same time, microbarriers associated with the external environment in which the communication process is carried out turn out to be: information overload (too much information becomes a barrier); variety of media (newspapers, television, conferences, consultants' reports, etc.); information overload, which leads to depreciation of its content; the ability to use information (exclusive data allows them to be used to influence others; access to sources of limited information, i.e., that which is intended for internal use, expands the power of individuals).

Causes of Microbarriers are specific communication barriers. Various reasons for their occurrence are cited: the characteristics of the intelligence of those who communicate; unequal knowledge of the subject of conversation; various lexicon and thesaurus (a set of concepts from a certain field of knowledge); lack of a common understanding of the communication situation; psychological characteristics of partners (for example, extreme frankness or extreme intelligence of one of them, intuitive perception of the world or assertiveness of the other); social, political, professional, religious differences, etc.

Communication barriers arise at the interpersonal level: in the message of the sender, in the exchange of opinions between the sender and the recipient, in the choice of medium (e-mail, computer, official speech, etc.). They depend on the individual characteristics of the participants in communication, on the interlocutors’ ability to recode thoughts into words, listen and concentrate.

Types of communication barriers In this regard, barriers such as: the limit of imagination, the vocabulary of the sender of information, the vocabulary of the recipient, his ability to understand the meaning of words, and the amount of memorization are identified. Barriers associated with the communicative characteristics of the participants in the interaction are social or psychological in nature. They can arise through special socio-psychological relationships that have developed between partners (antipathy, mistrust, etc.), as well as through a kind of “filter” of trust or mistrust. Moreover, the filter acts in such a way that absolutely true information may become unacceptable, and erroneous information, on the contrary, may become acceptable.

Fascination From a psychological point of view, it is very important to find out under what conditions a particular channel of information can be blocked by this filter. It is also important to identify means that help the acceptance of information and weaken the effect of filters. The combination of these means is called fascination (from the English Fascination - charm). They are organized to accompany information in order to reduce its losses during perception by the recipient and increase confidence in it. Means of fascination play the role of an additional background, an amplifier of information, which partly helps to overcome the filter of mistrust. The musical accompaniment of a message can serve as an example of fascination.

B. Porshnev identifies three forms of communication barriers, which differ in the degree of transparency: avoidance, authority, misunderstanding. The point is that, by its psychological nature, the communication barrier is a mechanism for protecting against unwanted information. The psychological barrier that the recipient puts in the way of unwanted, tiresome or dangerous information can be of varying degrees of transparency.

Avoidance An almost opaque barrier is avoidance. It is possible to escape from unwanted information and its influence both physically (avoiding does not involve contact with the carrier of such information) and psychologically (forgetting information or “going deeper into oneself” while listening).

Authority The second barrier - authority - operates as follows: information enters consciousness, but along this path it is significantly devalued through a subjective decrease in the authority of its source, i.e., ultimately, it becomes unreliable and insignificant.

Misunderstanding The third barrier is misunderstanding, the subtlest way to reduce the influence of information by distorting it beyond recognition, giving it a neutral meaning. Since the causes of communication barriers may be hidden in the content and formal characteristics of the message itself (phonetic, stylistic, semantic), as well as in the logic of its construction, there is a need to consider such barriers in more detail.

Logical barriers A logical barrier arises when partners do not find a common language. That is, each person sees the world, the situation, the problem that is being discussed, from his own point of view, which may not coincide with the position of the partner. In addition, the same words in a given situation can have a completely different meaning, which is always individual and personal: it originates in the mind of the one who speaks, but is not necessarily understandable to the one who listens. Moreover, thought itself is generated by various human needs. That is why behind every thought there is a motive, which is the primary authority in the generation of speech. Therefore, before uttering an opinion, a person first “packages” it into inner speech, and then expresses it in words, verbalizes it. The one who listens deciphers the meaning of words, thus comprehending the meaning of the verbal message. Difficulties arise due to inadequate understanding of information. The main problem that lies in misunderstanding is related to the peculiarities of the recipient’s thinking, because the communication partner understands everything in his own way, and not as the sender of the information said.

Causes of logical barriers Often a logical barrier arises among partners with different types of thinking. For example, for one it is abstractly logical, and for the other it is visual and figurative. A logical barrier can arise at the level of people's operational mental activity. It is known that such thinking operations as comparison, analysis, synthesis, generalization, abstraction are used by people with different degrees of depth. type of thinking. That is, while one goes deep into a detailed analysis of the problem, the other, having collected superficial information, already has a ready answer. Depending on what forms of thinking prevail in the intellect of each of the partners, they communicate at the level of understanding or misunderstanding, i.e. and here there is a logical barrier. Of course, a logical barrier can arise whenever partners differ in the characteristics of their mental activity and do not consider it necessary to take into account each other’s specifics. According to experts, there is only one way to overcome the logical barrier: “go from your partner,” that is, try to understand how he builds his conclusions and what the differences are.

Psychologically, the reason for the misunderstanding lies in the fact that all the attention of the individual at whom the stream of offensive words is directed is concentrated not on the meaning of the explanation, but on the attitude of the one who speaks to the partner. And as a result, a defensive reaction arises, i.e. a shift in attention occurs, which blocks the analytical activity of the brain, and the words addressed to the partner who is listening are not realized by them. It is quite clear that in order to avoid such a barrier, it is necessary to speak clearly, not very loudly, avoiding speaking at speed. Psychologists also advise using personal psychological defense techniques. In particular, you can mentally analyze the characteristics of your partner at the moment of incendiary announcement of information: “how big his eyes have become” or “how his veins have swollen.” Although it would be more effective to use verbal means and say, for example: “If you speak slower, quieter and calmer, then I will understand you better.” This phrase allows the partner to restructure.

The semantic barrier arises due to the lack of coincidence in the meaning systems of communication partners - the thesaurus, i.e. linguistic dictionary of the language, with complete semantic information. In other words, it occurs when partners use the same signs (and words too) to designate completely different things. The semantic barrier is, firstly, a problem in jargon and slang; secondly, it is caused by the limited vocabulary of one of the interlocutors; thirdly, its causes may be social, cultural, psychological, national, religious, professional, group and other characteristics of communication. T. Dridze uses the name “semantic scissors effect” to denote a semantic barrier and considers communicative situations in which this effect occurs: a clear discrepancy between the linguistic means used by the communicator and the linguistic resources of the recipient; the discrepancy arises even earlier - at the stage of translating thoughts into words; Mutual understanding is hampered by certain individual characteristics of the recipient, especially the ability to operate with language as a means of thinking. At the same time, from the fact that each person has unique experience, education, his own social circle, and, consequently, a unique thesaurus, it is not at all necessary to conclude that mutual understanding is impossible.

Overcoming the semantic barrier To overcome the semantic barrier, it is necessary to understand the characteristics of another person and use vocabulary that is understandable to him in a conversation with him. At the same time, words that have different meanings should be explained: in what sense do you take this or that word. It is also necessary to remember that language norms, the specifics of your language, should change depending on who the message is directed to.

A stylistic barrier occurs when there is a discrepancy between the communicator’s speech style and the communication situation or the speech style and the recipient’s current psychological state. For example, a partner may not perceive a critical remark from an interlocutor because it was said in a friendly manner. Those. the style may be inappropriate, too difficult, or inconsistent with the communication situation and the partner’s intentions. If the communicator uses speech patterns: “You need”, “You must”, “You must” and the like, the recipient experiences obvious or hidden resistance. This style, which is coercive in nature, is opposed by another philosophy of relationships, which is called the paradigm of the possible: “It is possible”, “It is desirable that you”, “it is possible”, etc.

Techniques for overcoming stylistic barriers Psychologists advise adhering to two main techniques for structuring information (we are talking primarily about the business sphere): frame rules and chain rules. The essence of the frame rule is that the beginning and end (goals, intentions, prospects, results and conclusions) of any conversation should be clearly delineated, because they are remembered better in the information series. The chain rule determines the “internal” structuring of the communication process. The point is that the information necessary to analyze the problem must form a chain in which messages are combined according to certain characteristics. The sequence of presentation of all information as a whole is also very important. So, the stylistic barrier between partners in such conditions is caused by incorrect organization of the message.

Composition of an effective message It is believed that a message is perceived better if it is structured in this way: – from attention to interest; – from interest to the main provisions; – from basic provisions to objections and questions; – answers, conclusions, summary. A stylistic barrier can also arise if the form of communication and its content do not correspond to each other. For example, they were invited to a conversation, but instead of a dialogue there was a one-sided monologue, which caused the interlocutor not only dissatisfaction, but also a misunderstanding of the information itself, since negative emotions that do not allow effective listening, prevent them from concentrating and perceiving what they heard. A stylistic barrier also arises when information is conveyed in a scientific-clerical style, which is understandable during reading and has difficulty in auditory perception.

The principles of “nonviolent communication” by M. Rosenberg Marshall Rosenberg are three main forms of communication that interfere with compassion, while provoking misunderstanding and forced defense: Words perceived as a demand. For each of us, autonomy is dear - the opportunity to independently choose our goals and act in accordance with our choice. The requirement threatens this possibility. When we hear a demand, we often see two options before us: submission or fight. When we are asked, we feel free and willingly respond to the request if the actions expected of us do not contradict our values. If actions are not consonant with our goals and values, we simply talk about the impossibility of responding to the request. Words that are perceived as diagnosis, condemnation. When we tell people that we think they are rude, selfish, or inconsiderate, they tend to feel bad about either themselves or us. If they changed behavior that we condemned, they did so out of shame, fear, or guilt rather than out of a desire to act in harmony with us. Words that leave no choice. The ability to make our own choices gives us strength. It is especially necessary for a person to be able to choose his goal, his path to his dream.

Sources and literature 1. Yampolskaya, D., M. Zonis, M. Communication barriers // D. Yampolskaya, M. Zonis. Management [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: / / 2. Communication barriers [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: obchenie.html?id=14 obchenie.html?id=14 3. Metkin, M.V. “Barriers” of communication // Metkin, M.V. Theoretical and practical aspects of conflict resolution [Electronic resource]. - Access mode:

Prepared by Anastasia Korotkikh, a student of grade 11-A Korotkikh
  • Communication

  • Contact

  • In general, communication is...

  • We communicate constantly

  • Barriers

  • Let's list these barriers

  • Communication technique

  • School

  • Psychology

  • Family

  • First mention of cats

  • Zodiac signs

  • First mention of rose

  • Communication is everything to us

  • We communicate constantly

  • Without communication, we lock ourselves in

  • And with communication we become better

  • The bottom line is this


We are all constantly in communication situations - at home, at work, on the street, in transport; with close people and complete strangers.

And, of course, the huge number of contacts that a person enters into every day requires him to fulfill a number of conditions and rules that allow him to communicate while maintaining personal dignity and distance from other people.

Communication as interaction presupposes that people establish contact with each other, exchange certain information in order to build joint activities and cooperation.

Communication is characteristic of all higher living beings, but at the human level it takes on the most perfect forms, becoming conscious and mediated by speech. There is not even the shortest period in a person’s life when he is out of communication, out of interaction with other subjects.

In general, communication is...

Communication is a multifaceted, complex process that requires certain skills. In communication, information is exchanged and interpreted, mutual perception, mutual understanding, mutual assessment, empathy, the formation of likes or dislikes, the nature of relationships, beliefs, views, psychological influence, resolution of contradictions, and joint activities. Thus, each of us in our lives, interacting with other people, acquires practical skills and abilities in the field of communication.

We communicate constantly

At work


Psychological barriers in communication arise unnoticed and subjectively; often they are not felt by the person himself, but are immediately perceived by others. The person ceases to feel the infidelity of his behavior and is confident that he communicates normally. If he detects inconsistencies, complexes begin to develop.

Let's list these barriers:

First impression is considered one of the barriers, which may contribute to erroneous perceptions of a communication partner. Why? The first impression, in fact, is not always the first, since both visual and auditory memory influence the formation of the image. Consequently, it may be relatively adequate, consistent with character traits, or it may be erroneous.

Let's list these barriers:

Barrier of bias and groundless negative attitude. It is expressed as follows: outwardly, for no reason, a person begins to have a negative attitude towards this or that person as a result of a first impression or for some hidden reasons. It is necessary to establish possible motives for the appearance of such an attitude and overcome them.

Let's list these barriers:

    Negative installation barrier introduced into a person's experience by one of the other people. You were told negative information about someone, and a negative attitude develops towards a person about whom you know little and have no experience of personal interaction with him. Such negative attitudes introduced from the outside must be avoided before your personal experience of communicating with a specific person. New people with whom you are to communicate must be approached with an optimistic hypothesis. Do not base your final assessment of a person solely on the opinions of others. a person only on the opinions of others.

Let's list these barriers:

    Barrier of “fear” of contact with a person. It happens that you need to come into direct contact with a person, but it’s somehow awkward. What to do? Try to calmly, without emotion, analyze what is holding you back in communication, and you will see that these emotional layers are either subjective or of too secondary a nature. After the conversation, be sure to analyze the success of the conversation and fix your attention on the fact that nothing terrible happened. Typically, such a barrier is typical for people who have difficulty communicating and have a generally low level of sociability.

Let's list these barriers:

    Barrier of “expectations of misunderstanding.” You must enter into direct interaction with a person in business or personal communication, but you are concerned about the question: will your partner understand you correctly? Moreover, here they often proceed from the fact that the partner must understand incorrectly. They begin to predict the consequences of this misunderstanding and anticipate unpleasant sensations. It is necessary to calmly and thoroughly analyze the content of the conversation you are planning and, if possible, eliminate from it those moments or emotional aspects that may cause an inadequate interpretation of your intentions. After that, feel free to get in touch.

Let's list these barriers:

    Barrier of "age"– typical in the system of everyday communication. It arises in a wide variety of areas of human interaction: between adults and children (the adult does not understand how the child lives, which is the cause of many conflicts), between people of different generations. Older people often condemn the behavior of young people, as if forgetting themselves at this age. The young people get irritated and laugh. Complications arise in interpersonal relationships. The age barrier in communication is dangerous both in family relationships and in the system of professional interaction. (4) Therefore, it was the “age” barrier that became the topic of my research.

Communication technique

Communication technique- these are ways of pre-tuning a person to communicate with people, his behavior in the process of communication, and techniques are the preferred means of communication, including verbal and non-verbal.

The word "School"

The word “school” originally appeared in Ancient Greece, but its meaning was completely different - “leisure, recreation.” However, this leisure was not idle - it meant philosophical conversations in free time from work. Gradually, philosophers began to have regular students, and this concept began to denote the educational process. And when the need arose for special premises for teaching children, in tribute to this tradition they were also called schools

What is psychology?

Early ancient authors often paid attention in their work to the problems of human nature, his soul and mind. In 1590, Rudolf Gocklenius first used the term "psychology" to refer to the science of the soul. His contemporary Otto Kasmann is considered the first to use the term “psychology” in the modern scientific sense. Representatives of modern times (for example, Descartes) believed that the body and soul have different natures - this was a new look at the problem of psychology. “The soul and body live and act according to different laws and have different natures” Descartes. The nineteenth century became for psychology the century of its gradual emergence as a scientific discipline, the separation of relevant areas from philosophy, medicine, and exact sciences. However, the main name in the history of the formation of psychology as a science is Wilhelm Wundt. 1950-1960s

These decades are the era of the flourishing of psychological science, active growth in many directions. In modern textbooks, most of the material is devoted to experiments and research conducted during this period.

What is family?

The scientific study of forms of family life began in the 19th century and is associated with the works of I. Bachofen, L. Morgan, M. M. Kovalevsky.

Before World War II, Russia was dominated by the patriarchal family, which is characterized by the predominance of men in the home and the subordination of all other family members to him. In the post-war years, from the late 40s to the 80s, the child-centered family became dominant, in which great importance was attached to the well-being of children and the preservation of marriage in the interests of children. More recently, in recent decades, a married family has emerged [source not specified 385 days], in which equal relationships dominate; the stability of the marriage depends on the desires and quality of the relationship between the spouses.

First mention of cats

And, of course, the story about cats in human life should begin with Egypt. It was in Ancient Egypt that we find the first mention of a cat and its first images. And it was there that the cat became a sacred creature, the “good genius of the home,” the keeper of the hearth and was taken under the protection of the law. Because of its mystery, nocturnal lifestyle, eyes glowing in the darkness, rare fertility and femininity, this graceful animal was dedicated to the goddess of the Moon, fertility and childbirth, Bast, or Bastet, who was depicted with a cat's head. Killing a cat was punishable by death, and sometimes a finger or hand was cut off. When a cat died naturally, mourning was declared in the house, all its inhabitants cut their hair and plucked their eyebrows, and the cat itself was often embalmed and buried with honors in a special cemetery. A large number of cat mummies have been found in the tombs of pharaohs.

    In China, cats and their images were considered to bring happiness. Among the Chinese, the cat, being a nocturnal animal, belongs to the yin principle (feminine, darkness, moon, etc.). He can communicate with evil forces and has the ability to transform. According to an ancient Persian legend, cats were created by the sneezing of a lion. In Zoroastrianism, the ancient religion of the Persians, killing a cat is as serious a crime as killing a person. And later, in the Muslim tradition, the cat was also revered in the Middle East. And Russian sailors had a custom - a cat should be the first to cross a constructed ship. All these customs were associated with the cat’s ability to cast out evil spirits that had already settled in secluded corners.

Zodiac signs

The identification of the zodiac as a belt of the celestial sphere along which the visible path of initially the Moon, and then the Sun and planets passes, occurred in Babylon. The first mention of the allocation of the zodiac belt in the written sources of Babylon is contained in a series of cuneiform tablets “Mul Apin. these texts list 18 constellations on the “path of the Moon” and indicate that the Sun and five planets move along the same path, and also highlight a group of equatorial (and, accordingly, close to the ecliptic) stars. The Babylonian zodiac system also served as a system of celestial coordinates:

First mention of rose

Rose is the name adopted in decorative floriculture for cultural forms of plants belonging to the genus Rosehip (lat. Rósa) of the Rosaceae family. In the classical image, a rose has 32 petals, hence the name wind rose. Among the ancient Romans, the rose symbolized mystery. There was an expression that became a proverb - “Sub rosa dictum” (“It is said under the rose”), that is, it must be kept secret. The symbolism of a rose depends on its color (scarlet rose - passion, yellow rose - separation or betrayal in love, white rose - tenderness, etc.). During excavations of an Egyptian tomb of the 2nd century AD. e. in Hawara, a wreath of dried roses was found, which were identified as Rosa ×richardii. There is a poetic riddle about the rose, composed over 1000 years ago. [clarify] The tea rose got its name not for its color, but for its aroma, reminiscent of the smell of freshly brewed tea. From nature, roses lack the gene that produces blue pigment.

Communication is everything to us)

We communicate constantly)

Without communication we become isolated

And with communication we become better

The result is this:

Summarizing the work, we can draw the following conclusions:

Communication is a very important component of human social life. Difficulties often arise in this complex process - the so-called “communication barriers”.

For effective communication, one must have a certain system of skills, knowledge and abilities, which is usually referred to as socio-psychological or communicative competence. Social and psychological competence includes the ability to understand the personality and emotional states of communication partners, to know the rules

Thank you for your attention)
