By clear azure. Alexander Pushkin - Cloud: Verse. School analysis of the poem by A.S. Pushkin "Cloud"

You recently circled the sky,
And lightning wrapped around you menacingly;
And you made a mysterious thunder
And watered the greedy earth with rain.

That's enough, hide! The time has passed
The earth was refreshed and the storm passed
And the wind, caressing the leaves of the trees,
Drives you from the calm heavens.


"The Cloud" by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin was written in 1835.
« Late Pushkin achieves amazing spiritual enlightenment in prose and in lyrical creativity. Delight before the rebellious beauty of sensual passions disappears, dark clouds and blizzards of vain earthly anxieties go away, a tender contemplation of spiritual beauty in nature and in man appears.
Just as nature is cleansed and renewed in a thunderstorm, so the soul (in the poem it is symbolized by the image of a cloud), passing through violent sensual temptations, is renewed and reborn, joins the harmony and beauty of the surrounding world. In the poem "Cloud" Pushkin joyfully welcomes this harmony, this spiritual enlightenment» .
« The images of the storm in the literal and figurative sense were used by the great poet more than once in his works, for example, in the poem "Storm", "Winter Evening", "Cloud" and others ... The philosophical meaning of the poem by A.S. Pushkin's "Cloud" lies in the fact that the author shows that nature and man are inextricably linked ... In the poem "Cloud" (1835), Pushkin joyfully welcomes this harmony, this spiritual enlightenment» .
A poem by A.S. Pushkin's "Cloud" can be viewed not only as a sketch of nature, as a philosophical reflection, but also as a response to the decade of the Decembrist uprising. From a historical point of view, the poet recalls the events of the recent past (the Decembrist uprising, exile), sees the echoes of those events in the present (the ban on the publication of his works). In this regard, the image of a thunderstorm is the semantic center of the poem, since the images of clouds, storms, thunderstorms are symbolic. A thunderstorm is the persecution that the poet was subjected to for freedom-loving poems.
From the foregoing, it follows that the theme of the poem "Cloud" is the contemplation of nature by a lyrical hero, and the idea is a reflection of the social upheavals and hardships that the poet had to endure through an inextricable connection and unity with nature. Nature is cleansed and renewed in a thunderstorm - so the soul of a person (a lyrical hero) is resurrected in admiring the beauty and harmony of the world around.
Consider the text of the poem in more detail.
The composition of the poem is unique. Before us are three pictures, three parts, linked together in meaning. Conventionally, they can be designated as follows:
1. The present(a lonely cloud rushes across the sky / a ban on publishing works);
2. Past(recent thunderstorm / Decembrist uprising);
3. appeasement(the last trace of a cloud in the calmed heaven / the soul of the lyrical hero seeks solace, familiarization with the harmony and beauty of the surrounding world).
Each part has its own keywords, a certain style is inherent.
So the first quatrain is characterized by despondency. It helps us to understand words like “you alone”, “a sad shadow”, “sorrow ... day”.
The second quatrain is aggressive. This is evidenced by the use of phrases such as “wrapped around you menacingly”, “published a mysterious thunder”, “greedy earth”. In addition, aggression is created by repeated "Growling" consonants in the words "around", "terrible", "thunder".
In the last stanza, there is a sense of peace due to words such as “passed”, “refreshed”, “rushed”, “drives from the calmed heavens”.
The poem is written in four-foot amphibrach with truncation (in this case, with an incomplete foot at the end of the last two lines of each stanza), which makes the poem look like a philosophical reflection of a lyrical hero. On the other hand, smooth-sounding lines, as it were, calm the raging elements.
Let's pay attention to vocabulary. At first glance, all the words in the text are simple and understandable, but if you read carefully, we will notice such words as “azure”, “hide”, “passed”, “wood”.
« Azure" is one of the shades blue color, the color of the sky on a clear day. According to some scholars, this word is borrowed from Polish or Czech.
An expressive tone to the text of the poem is given by the outdated forms of the words "hid" and "passed by".
« Drewes» - i.e. trees, this word is not used in modern Russian.
These words set the reader in a solemn mood, serve to more fully reveal the meaning of the poem.
To give the text a special elegance, the author uses semantic repetitions: exact lexical repetitions ( "one you", "and"), synonymous repeats ( “fitted” - “wrapped around”, “passed” - “rushed”), root repeats ( "sky" - "heaven", "earth" - "earth", "storm" - "storms").
Of particular note is the pronoun " you"and its forms" you", which is the content center of the poem. it keyword occurs six times in the text; it concentrates the ideological content of the text of the poem.
Most of the text is verbs. Saturation with verbs (plus one gerund) gives the poem dynamism, vigor, intensity of rhythm, indicates a quick change of action: rushing, directing, saddening, hugged, wrapped around, published, watered, hide, passed, refreshed, rushed, drives, caressing. Interesting tense and form of verbs. In the first stanza, the verbs are present tense, in the second - the past. Thus, we see a response to the events of the past and a reflection of the phenomena of reality.
The poem is characterized by a parallel rhyme. Male and female rhyme successfully alternate: the first two lines of each stanza are female - the last two stanzas are male rhyme. Thanks to the female rhyme, the poem is sung in a singsong voice. The completion of each stanza with a male rhyme, on the one hand, gives completeness to each paragraph, on the other hand, makes the poem more solemn and sonorous.
Let's pay attention to the phonetic side of the text. It is not difficult to notice alliteration on sonorant consonants r, l, m, n:

pos l units n ya cloud R assay nn oh boo R and!
od n and you n eat your ass n oh l azu R and,
od n and you n you drive at n s l oh those n b,
od n and you bake l ish l hiccup de n b.

You n ebo n eating n oh circle m about l ega l a,
And m ol n ia g R oz n wrapped around you l a;
And you published l and thai n stve nn th g R about m
And a l h n yu ze m liu poi l but the rain m.

Dovo l b n oh juice R oh! By R a m and n ova l ace,
Ze ml I refresh l ace and boo R i p R about m cha l ace,
And vete R, l askaya l sources d R eves,
you with peace nn th n it n hell.

The combination of these consonants is very successful. Thanks to this device, it seems to the reader that the lyrical hero pronounces these words easily, in a singsong voice; they are like music flowing from his heart.
The syntax of the poem is peculiar. In the first two paragraphs, we observe an anaphora:

One you rushing along clear blue,
One you cast a gloomy shadow
One you sad jubilant day ...
And lightning wrapped around you menacingly;
And you made a mysterious thunder
And watered the greedy earth with rain.

Anaphora " alone you ”sets the rhythm of the poem. Behind the threefold repetition of words sounds reproach and indignation. Anaphora on " And » shows stringing simple sentences within the complex. Such a stylistic figure is called a polyunion. The triple use of the union here is not accidental, but intentional. Thanks to this technique, speech is slowed down by forced pauses, polyunion emphasizes the role of each of the words, creating a unity of enumeration and enhancing the expressiveness of speech.
There are two exclamatory sentences in the text, the first of which is nominative. This offer is an appeal The last cloud of the scattered storm!". The second is incentive exclamatory sentence « That's enough, hide!". Rhetorical appeal and rhetorical exclamation create the content center of the work, convey the mood of the poet, who feels a sense of indignation towards those who deprive him of the opportunity to freely create.
The sentences of the first paragraph are built clearly and concisely, according to a certain scheme: subject - predicate - minor members(definition - addition).

Alone you rush through the clear azure,
You alone cast a sad shadow,
You alone grieve the jubilant day.

The same rigor in the construction of sentences is observed in the last stanza: subject-predicate:

... The time has passed,
The earth was refreshed, and the storm rushed…

The integrity of the text is achieved through coordinating conjunctions « and", as well as unionless proposals connected in meaning.
The text contains epithets denoting the internal state: "pos l units n ya cloud", " R assay nn oh boo R and", "yas n oh l azu R and", "at n s l oh those n b", " l hiccup de n b”, “tai n stve nn th gro m", "a l h n yu ze ml yu", "with peace of mind nn s n hell". A peculiar epithet greedy land". To enhance the impression of the reader, the poet uses the hyperbolic word " greedy". Before us appears an exaggerated greed, a desire to absorb something. Unexpected compatibility of lexico-semantic words clear azure, calm skies, scattered storm, mysterious thunder fills them with new content.
The animation of the cloud comes through not only in the clear landscape-symbolic nature of the poem, but also in the presence of personifications. “you are rushing”, “you are suggesting”, “you are sad”, “you fit”, “lightning ... wrapped around”, “you published ... watered”, “wind ... drives”, “the earth has refreshed”, “time has passed”. The cloud is a living being, symbolizing the soul of the lyrical hero, which goes through violent sensual temptations, is renewed and reborn, joins the harmony and beauty of the surrounding world.
Thus, this lyrical miniature is an opportunity to talk about the world of man, his soul. After analyzing the text, it is easy to see that the basis of the poem is the technique of allegory - allegory. The images of clouds and storms reflected the social upheavals and hardships that the poet had to endure. lexical means, syntactic constructions, morphological features, means of expression contribute to this, make the text richer and more unique. Metric, rhyme and type of rhyme introduce an element of philosophical reflection into the poem.

The last cloud of the scattered storm! You alone rush through the clear azure, You alone cast a gloomy shadow, You alone grieve the jubilant day. You recently covered the sky all around, And lightning wrapped around you menacingly; And you issued a mysterious thunder And watered the greedy earth with rain. That's enough, hide! The time has passed, the Earth has refreshed itself, and the storm has rushed by, And the wind, caressing the leaves of the trees, drives you from the calm skies.

Fresh day after a thunderstorm. Only a cloud, delayed, for some reason, in the sky "casts a dull shadow." The poem is "impatient": both the poet and nature, as if waiting for the sky to become clear, the cloud to hide behind the horizon.

Interesting structure of the poem. In the first quatrain, the poet reproaches the cloud for not hiding yet, evoking melancholy and memories of the past downpour. In the second quatrain, the author recalls the past thunderstorm, when the earth greedily swallowed life-giving moisture, when lightning flashed blindingly, thunder rumbled ... When this cloud was at the height of its power. In the last four lines, the poet turns to the cloud, says that its time has passed and urges to hide from sight as soon as possible.

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The last cloud of the scattered storm! You alone rush through the clear azure, You alone cast a dull shadow, You alone sadden ...

The poem "The Cloud" was written on April 13, 1835. And a month later it was published in the Moscow Observer. This magazine began to be published in 1835, existed for 4 years, and Pushkin was among its first authors.

Some literary critics saw in the masterfully written, colorful poem "The Cloud" an allusion to the Decembrist uprising that took place 10 years ago. Others believe that the poet compares himself with this cloud, they see a hint that he must leave, making way for the young.

The next day, after writing the poem, Pushkin was supposed to meet with the chief of the gendarmes, Alexander Benkendorf, to get an answer to a request to publish his own newspaper. Some biographers of Pushkin are trying to connect this event with a poem written the day before. Although it is difficult to see any connection in this.

It is impossible not to agree with Belinsky, who believed that the poem "Cloud" is an example of "Pushkin's contemplation of nature." Once, after a torrential, refreshing rain, the poet saw a cloud lingering in the sky. This picture served as a theme for creating a lyrical sketch.

The last cloud of the scattered storm!
Alone you rush through the clear azure.
You alone cast a sad shadow,
You alone grieve the jubilant day.

You recently circled the sky,
And lightning wrapped around you menacingly;
And you made a mysterious thunder
And watered the greedy earth with rain.

That's enough, hide! The time has passed
The earth was refreshed and the storm passed
And the wind, caressing the leaves of the trees,
Drives you from the calm heavens.

The last cloud of the scattered storm!
Alone you rush through the clear azure,
You alone cast a sad shadow,
You alone grieve the jubilant day.

You recently circled the sky,
And lightning wrapped around you menacingly;
And you made a mysterious thunder
And watered the greedy earth with rain.

That's enough, hide! The time has passed
The earth was refreshed and the storm passed
And the wind, caressing the leaves of the trees,
Drives you from the calm heavens.

Analysis of the poem "Cloud" by Pushkin

The poem "Cloud" (1835) is a brilliant example of Pushkin's landscape lyrics. In it, he uses the technique of personification, referring to the cloud as a living being. Thanks to this, the poem has great expressiveness and artistic beauty.

About hidden meaning works, there are two points of view. The first is connected with the romantic interpretation of the image of a cloud. Romantic poets considered clouds to be symbols of everyday problems and misfortunes that gather over a person’s head. The thickening of the clouds meant immediate danger. The storm with thunder and lightning symbolized the struggle of the romantic hero with hostile forces. Bad weather was also associated with negative emotions that overwhelmed the human soul. But the weather is a rapidly changing phenomenon. The storm is replaced by a clear sunny day. In the same way, a person finds the strength in himself to cope with his problems. Having expelled fear and hatred from his heart, he again experiences joyful and bright feelings. It awakens new vitality. After the past hurricane, all human sensations are filled with a special freshness of perception.

According to another point of view, the poem is dedicated to the tenth anniversary of the Decembrist uprising ("scattered storm"). The Decembrists are regarded as a necessary shock to society. The poet fully shared the views of the rebels, so the cloud “made a mysterious thunder” and “drank rain” on the earth yearning for moisture. "Mysterious thunder" and "rain" are the ideas of the Decembrists about a just social order. They should have influenced human society("greedy land"), direct him to the right path. The uprising failed, and the Decembrists, like clouds, were dispersed. Society calmed down, and imaginary well-being reigned again. The ideals of the Decembrists and their rebellion were condemned. Pushkin remains true to these ideals, therefore he compares himself with the last cloud. He experienced dissatisfaction, therefore, in the midst of a carefree society (“jubilant day”), he seemed strangely and suspiciously thoughtful (“cast a sad shadow”).

Regardless of what meaning Pushkin himself put into the poem, it is a wonderful work dedicated to nature. In addition to personification, the poet successfully uses the antithesis, contrasting the picture of a formidable storm with a calm day. The image of the last cloud looks very bright, which becomes a boundary phenomenon between two opposite states of nature.

The last cloud of the scattered storm!
Alone you rush through the clear azure,
You alone cast a sad shadow,
You alone grieve the jubilant day.

You recently circled the sky,
And lightning wrapped around you menacingly;
And you made a mysterious thunder
And watered the greedy earth with rain.

That's enough, hide! The time has passed
The earth was refreshed and the storm passed
And the wind, caressing the leaves of the trees,
Drives you from the calm heavens.

Analysis of Pushkin's poem "Cloud"

Alexander Pushkin is rightfully considered one of the first Russian poets, who in his poems used the literary method of identifying nature with a living being, which is very common today. An example of this is the lyrical work "Cloud", written in 1835 and which became a kind of hymn to the summer rain.

From its first lines, the author turns into a cloud, which, after a storm, rushes alone through the azure sky, as if looking for shelter. Watching her, Pushkin admires how thoughtfully our world is arranged, but at the same time reminds the heavenly wanderer that her mission has already been completed, and now it's time to leave the sky. “One you cast a sad shadow, one you sadden the jubilant day,” the poet notes.

Trying to drive away the cloud that darkens his mood so much, Pushkin, nevertheless, perfectly understands that everything in this world is interconnected, and until recently this heavenly wanderer was so necessary and long-awaited. The poet emphasizes that it was she who "watered the greedy earth with water" when everything around needed life-giving moisture. And the thunder and lightning accompanying this amazing phenomenon served as a reminder to all of us that even an ordinary cloud should be treated with reverence, loftiness and with a certain amount of respect.

However, the author immediately contradicts himself and addresses his interlocutor rather familiarly: “Enough, hide! The time has passed,” the poet calls, emphasizing that the cloud has already fulfilled its mission, and now “the wind, caressing the leaves of the trees, drives you from the calmed skies.” With this appeal, Pushkin wants to emphasize not only the fact that the world is changeable and diverse, but also draw the attention of readers to a simple truth - everything in life must obey certain laws established not by people, but by some higher powers. The author emphasizes that their violation deprives both nature and man of that amazing harmony, which gives a feeling of true happiness. After all, if a harmless cloud could darken the mood of the poet, what can we say about human thoughts and actions that can bring much more pain and disappointment? Understanding this, Pushkin, using a simple and very understandable example, explains how important it is to do everything in a timely manner, so that later you do not regret what happened and not be expelled, like a rain cloud that turned out to be in the wrong place and at the wrong time in the sky.
