Project modern digital educational environment. News of the project “Modern digital educational environment in the Russian Federation. Why there was a need to implement the priority project “Modern digital educational environment in the Russian Federation”

M. Kurnikov― Good evening, 20:04 in Moscow, Maxim Kurnikov is at the microphone, usually at this time we have the “Blog Out” program, but Michael Naki is on a business trip, and today instead of listening to “Blog Out” we’ll talk about modern digital educational environment in Russia. Our guest is Marina Borovskaya, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation. Good evening.

M. Borovskaya- Good evening.

M. Kurnikov- Let’s immediately understand what today, in principle, we mean by the digital environment and online education at the higher school level?

M. Borovskaya- We understand the creation of certain platforms, the opportunity for teachers, teachers, professors, people involved in science to digitalize their courses, knowledge, to build a system by which a student, student, graduate student can supplement and improve this knowledge, we are working on this system for many years, the world has become digital, actively digital. And this forces the higher education system to also work on creating new products that increase contacts, improve the speed and quality of information processing, allow us to provide more knowledge in a short period of time, and support this with literary references, sources, and scientific references. So this is expanding.

M. Kurnikov- When we talk about the role of the Ministry of Education, are you here just looking and helping the universities that do this? Or do you create such platforms yourself?

M. Borovskaya- The task of the ministry is to create tools. And, probably, even at the first stage, support such platforms with government funds. Therefore, various kinds of projects appear periodically, the creation of a digital environment, the development of various kinds of online courses, programs, platforms, today such online platforms are actively appearing. In particular, a number of platforms such as the modern educational environment are today the subject of discussion in the scientific and pedagogical community.

Therefore, our task is not just to create a tool, but through testing, pilot testing, to carry out implementation activities so that the teaching staff, and most importantly, the students themselves, feel the effectiveness of such tools, from such events.

M. Kurnikov- Again, I'm just trying to understand. What is online education? This is just a way to gain knowledge remotely. Or are there any differences from what we used to call distance education?

M. Borovskaya- You know, this is a very serious topic in terms of understanding. In general, this is a technology, a technology for transferring knowledge, one of the forms that allows you to transfer a larger amount of knowledge in a short period and check with the help of tests, one-time tasks in a shorter operational period, how much the student has achieved the result.

M. Kurnikov- Then I don’t understand why the Ministry of Education should do this. Well, some teacher wanted, for example, to record his lecture, he posted his lecture - here you go, online education. Or not?

M. Borovskaya- The state is a regulator, the state regulates the system. And if the state today sees for itself a new stage of development, a new milestone in the digital economy, the task of the state is to create tools, methods and technologies that not only all institutions, authorities, government structures and, in fact, universities themselves, if we talk about educational institutions, they will master it. That is, they will saturate their infrastructures with the digital economy and build a digital environment.

And the second task of the state is to train the population, everyone personally, to use these digital platforms, digital environments, the system of personal accounts, access to electronic payments, various kinds of electronic resources created in the system. This is the function and task of the state. And then, when regulation in this part is restored, first - legal. Then - economic, financial, social regulation, when all these instruments have already, so to speak, been put into effect, then the system begins to live an independent life.

Now we have come to the stage when the world of the digital platform, the world of online learning, is entering an attempt to live independently. That is, now interest in online learning has begun to increase sharply, a number of national projects - the digital economy, the national project "Science, Education" have pushed us towards this. And today we understand that we are on the threshold of such new decisions, which are essentially moving out of the state institutional structure into real life.

M. Kurnikov- By the way, let me remind you that our listeners can ask questions. The number for SMS is +7-985-970-45-45, in the next part I will definitely get to them. Just from what you said, I have a few sub-questions.

Firstly, life forces you, the world changes. When we talk about this online learning system that you are now introducing in Russia. We are guided by some ready-made samples, are we reinventing our own wheel? If we focus, then on whom? Who is the leader in this environment, who has already made some headway, perhaps?

M. Borovskaya- Well, the process of immersion in such an attempt at the environment did not begin today. The first experience was in 2005, when there was the first national project “Education” and the first system was being modernized, the first federal universities appeared, new digital solutions appeared, and digital campuses began to be created. Then this system was actively developed. We are always in contact with the world, we are always in contact with the leading universities of the world, this contact has never been interrupted. And in the educational system, in the world of science, these contacts are quite long and long, we are interested in this.

In the world of science, many projects today take place through virtual contacts, when you can transfer your material, your sample, your experiment, which will be carried out for you on real equipment by those participants who have this equipment; this is a system of collective centers use. This system works today. Online platforms are the same user centers where a set of courses are uploaded, and you can use these courses.

Now we are talking about the next stage of loading, rebooting, when we want to teach how to use these courses to everyone who has not yet felt the interest, importance, and effectiveness of such solutions. Creating an online industry, an online platform, an online infrastructure is a process that is difficult for both parties. Difficult for a teacher, because at first glance it seems that you have written a course and sleep freely, relax, when someone comes to read and use it. In fact, this is hard virtual work that needs to be maintained all the time.

The second point: there is a lot of information, the creation of digital technologies has led to the fact that a huge amount of information creates the misconception that it is knowledge. This is not knowledge. The information world today requires verification of knowledge. And here we need teachers, teachers, people who carry out this verification of knowledge. That is, we had to change teaching methods; we had to teach not to expand the knowledge base, but to verify this knowledge.

M. Kurnikov- From what was received, testing and everything else, yes. But we will definitely get into more detail about how this works; I have rather more philosophical questions here for now. How do universities react to this? Do all universities say: “Great, this is what we need”? Or there are those who ask why, what for, they teach personally that this is better... Do universities understand you?

M. Borovskaya- You know, today we probably have more supporters who say they understand, but in fact are not fully immersed. We have already passed the stage when everyone rejected and refused en masse. Today we have more people who hope that everything will be fine, that everything will be implemented. And they are also trying to create some kind of online stories.

In fact, for now they are mostly mimicking this story. And this is an important point; a period has come when each teacher simply must understand personally if he wants to remain in the profession. It is important for him to enter this system today. Moreover, to enter is not always the creator, but more the user of those online courses and online projects that are offered to him.

And if this teacher today checks for himself how these online stories work, how this knowledge is collected and accumulated, and tests himself to see how well he meets these requirements, he will gain a foothold in this profession. Now is the time when it is important and relevant to do this. And simply mimicking and waiting for everything to pass by will no longer work.

M. Kurnikov- That is, there are some universities or teachers who say: “Well, okay, they came up with a fashionable thing, now we will endure it, pretend that we are doing everything,” but in fact they are not imbued with the idea?

M. Borovskaya- Yes, that time has already passed. Today, it seems to me, more and more of our colleagues, teachers, professors understand that the success of their profession lies precisely in mastering new technologies.

M. Kurnikov― Are there any universities that you can call leaders in such online learning?

M. Borovskaya- Yes, it just took place, for example, just here... We were summing up the results of the top 100 project, we deserved leading universities. And there, each of them demonstrated absolutely brilliant achievements in this area, created online courses, projects, and training systems. That is, the ability to use these technologies in teaching and in organizing scientific research, which is also important.

And today we were at MISiS, opening the next project session there on Times Education subject ratings, and we also observed how these online technologies, online platforms are being actively introduced into such circulation today. Therefore, there are many universities that are participating in this. I can name federal universities, there are 10 of them, very active. National Research. Just two weeks ago we also completed another summing up of the flagship universities, regional universities, 33 of them are participating in this project today. And you know, they are also very good, they began to understand that network programs, network projects provide solutions to many problems.

Today, through network partnerships with leading universities, they can optimize many of their tasks and build a system of optimal training. They are also actively being integrated.

M. Kurnikov- What super task do you set for yourself? Should online learning replace classical university attendance in classes or not?

M. Borovskaya- No. The fact is that this is one of the technologies, one of the forms of education. We can say, and we see this in a number of examples and projects, that visual projects, visual practices, they expand forms of memorization, technologies of development. We see from the residual knowledge that young people who, through the visualization program, studied, for example, Baikal, they had the opportunity to walk along the shore of Lake Baikal in these pictures, see the depth of the waters, the degree of occurrence of rocks, and study all the nature that is surrounded.

And after some testing and measurements, when they tried to assess their residual knowledge, it turned out that the assessment of knowledge for this kind of mastery of the material increases to 90-92%.

M. Kurnikov- Visualization can be done during a lecture, if the teacher gets confused, he can do it. However, look. At the Higher School of Economics, if I remember correctly, most of the lectures will be transferred online, because students often do not attend. But the online mode will be great. How do you feel about such statements and to what extent is this the future of our education?

M. Borovskaya- In the education system, everything is good in moderation, we have a system of testing, again, the same residual knowledge, by which we see how and to whom in an individual trajectory which product benefited. Sometimes it is desirable for a person to read for himself and using his eye contact improves perception. Another needs to decide for himself, a third needs to hear, a fourth must definitely try and check how it works in practice.

All the learning mechanisms and tools that have been created today, they all work well. We know that the combination of skillful practices, lectures, seminars, a competent living real professor and a leading world leader who is ready to show you the main accents of the subject, that is, the area in which you are immersed, is a rather important combination.

The task of universities is to find this combination model. The main thing is to adjust it correctly. And here the center of responsibility, the degree of responsibility, is transferred to the student himself. And he must choose for himself the technology that suits him best.

M. Kurnikov- So, ideally, when a student comes to a university, he will say: “So, this is what I’m studying, I’ll go to lectures, I’ll take an online course,” and so on?

M. Borovskaya- Yes, sure. Today this opportunity exists.

M. Kurnikov- Is this legally possible?

M. Borovskaya- Certainly. In the Law “On Education”, today every young person has the opportunity to form an individual trajectory, who can assemble a certain range of courses that he will take in real time, which he will take in online learning, which he will transfer from one semester to another. The credit-modular system we are talking about works. But it must work effectively. And today young people studying at universities in the Russian Federation have all the bases and rights.

M. Kurnikov- I graduated from university almost several decades ago... I can’t imagine this. Well, maybe it really works like that, but I can’t imagine that a student would come to their dean and say: “I don’t really like it, for some reason I can’t attend the lecture course, but I found an online course in this university,” and they have no right to refuse him?

M. Borovskaya- Well, a little bit... I’ll add how. There is a credit-module system: if you have chosen an engineering course or are studying in some engineering program, but you get that your stratum... That is, you see yourself in a small and medium-sized business, and you want to organize your own business, a start-up company and so on. Then you understand that you need to take these elective courses, law, economics, investment planning, and entrepreneurship. And you need these modules to build your own trajectory.

Today, percent... I will express high expectations, but I can say that in the country’s leading universities there are 8-10% of young people, today they are trying to model their history in this way. Of course, this requires tutors and mentors, this mentoring system that is being created. If a young person plans to build his career scientifically and remain in science, he needs more philosophy of science, scientific knowledge, and methods of scientific research, so he is able to acquire these modules precisely by strengthening this component. How can a young man in his first or second year decide where he wants to go? I also admit this question.

To do this, he uses a system of tutors, mentors, practical scientific seminars, and access to companies and corporations that are partners of universities. Such experience today is clearly valid at leading universities. And here I can quite calmly say about this, there are about 30 universities that live according to this model. Today I believe that 30 universities also understand that this is the real future, and for them even the real present. But the percentage of young people who decide to do this kind of individual tricks is also not very high yet.

There is a certain fear. Maybe even the personification of responsibility worries me a little.

M. Kurnikov- It is clear that there must be some kind of super motivation here in order to break the usual stereotypes, because we are used to it: you go to lectures, go to seminars, then get a diploma, write coursework. And here you need to take the initiative yourself.

Do I understand correctly that you motivate universities, among other things, to encourage students to choose some kind of online courses? Or not? Or is such a task not worth it?

M. Borovskaya- Today we want these new technologies to appear in the university community. I myself studied in the direction of “political economy”. And then the whole country studied political economy using Rumyantsev’s textbook. This is not online, but, nevertheless, a standard textbook from which we all mastered our knowledge.

Teachers conveyed it to students in different ways, developed different teaching technologies, different methods, sometimes through lectures, sometimes through seminars, sometimes using the method of individual trajectories. The most important thing is that this did not frighten anyone, that one textbook - and think about the variety of scientific schools that developed as a result of such mastery of this knowledge. Therefore, today online courses are also one of the technologies and models that allow you to gain access to the best practices. This is the most important thing, it seems to me. Get access to the best practices, where a scientist, a specialist who knows how this equipment works and all its capabilities, will show you through virtual access how you can use the mode of this equipment.

The equipment is expensive, high-precision, it is necessary for the first skills to develop in this way. And after that, entry into the profession takes place. Therefore, educators today are interested in ensuring that this method of gradual immersion occurs through best practices. Because sometimes, by showing a bad example, bad practice on low-quality layouts, you can simply discourage this interest.

It seems to me that this is also the success of online learning, here you can immerse yourself, you can feel, so to speak, a real closeness to world names, to world stars, to people who are recognized in the world or in the country for specific courses and practices.

M. Kurnikov- If we talk about goals and objectives, again, with what we have now. Is it possible to graduate today and get a diploma thanks to online learning? Or not?

M. Borovskaya- First of all, it can be done. And we know a number of global and Russian platforms that require certification at the end of the course, in particular, returning to the “Modern Digital Environment” project, here I also want to say that at the end of each course a corresponding certification is expected.

A young person who has completed such an online course can apply for certification, that is, passing his test or exam as part of his curriculum, that is, he has completed this course on this platform, watched, completed all stages of this course, conducted all tests tasks that are given there in stages. And for his final certification, he returns to his university and takes the exams.

He can also use the platform, receive a certificate and access - it is paid. But the young man is studying on a budget, he already believes that everything has worked out for him, that he has access. And here he only expands his capabilities, he received this course from the best lecturer, who today is the best specialist in the country on any specific issue.

Therefore, today we are talking about creating mechanisms and these tools that will allow young people to have purely online programs to gain access to this online resource with full certification. Of course, the question arises what those teachers who remain in those universities that are contracted to provide these courses will do.

M. Kurnikov- Those who were supposed to teach students who will now study online?

M. Borovskaya- Yes. And so this is the problem that I told you about. That is, today it is important for every teacher in his profession to try to find the niche that will become his professional niche. Mentor, tutor, person accompanying young people in the field of scientific research, in the field of organizing skills development practices. Because today for our young people, this is the next stage, which we are not discussing today, the topic is a little different. But then there are the real practical skills that are needed. It’s not enough to learn how to take samples with pipettes using virtual access or do some experiments using virtual access; you also need to learn how to actually do it in practice. And this is the task of those universities that are ready and receptive to these new technologies. And they expand opportunities for their students.

M. Kurnikov- Listening to what you say, I am most worried about regional universities, which in this situation may be left without those who directly attend their classes. But we will talk about this after the news. Let me just remind you that our guest is Marina Borovskaya, Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.

M. Kurnikov- We continue our program. Let me remind you that our guest is the Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, Marina Borovskaya. And we are talking about online education, how it is being implemented now, and what threatens us. And I said, for example, that I am worried about regional universities, which in such a system, if suddenly everyone starts getting carried away with online education and takes online courses at the best universities, what will the teachers who remain in these universities do? And won’t this generally devalue the profession of a university teacher, if this is not some of the best universities in Russia?

M. Borovskaya- Maxim, you know, today we have approximately 4.2 million young people studying in the higher school system. And, of course, each of them has their own expectations from this process. Each of them has an interest in, if possible, the interest of quality education, but education is a two-way process. One gives knowledge, the other receives. The system of filling young people with this knowledge is an important part of the learning process, so everyone chooses for themselves where and how to obtain their knowledge.

Probably, Moscow and St. Petersburg universities today are not able to accommodate the flow of all the young people who want to, this is the first thing. Secondly, regional universities, to their credit, are for the most part quite active today.

Teachers at regional universities are also quite active in this; this is their workplace, this is their professional community. Therefore, when we see the activity of regional teachers, professors, teachers who actively attend online projects, online conferences, who participate on various platforms, when these resources are exchanged, they are also trying to master these technologies for themselves.

Therefore, the question for the professional community about which of them will be first in this race remains open.

M. Kurnikov- We are now talking about a specific platform that you are working on, that you are doing. Firstly, explain to me why it was necessary to create this platform if each university can do it independently and show its individuality and so on?

M. Borovskaya- Firstly, we have many such platforms, we must pay tribute. The task today is to build a unified interface so that these courses that are there are visible and in demand by the entire community. And so the universities themselves, in fact, came to this very need. Initially, the ministry acted as a regulator, supporting the beginnings of the modern digital environment that were accumulating in various educational organizations.

Today, when many such platforms have appeared, there is a need to integrate them. And those platforms that collected high-quality resources began to stand out. Some time ago we discussed this topic with magazines, when only high-quality publications appear in the magazine, and when the editorial service, the expert community monitors the high level of publications, then interest in the magazine grows and does not fall. We know such world leaders in science who retain their names for years.

It's the same with digital platforms. When these platforms contain a high-quality resource, and it is assessed by a whole group of expert community, when we see how many requests have come for this or that online course, how many young people... Even today we have already calculated the break-even point at which this online course becomes effective . If more than 17 users contacted him...

M. Kurnikov- Look, let's talk about specific things then. Let’s say I’m 18 years old, I graduated from school. I may even have entered some university. How can I take these online courses and what do I need? Do I need to register somewhere, do I need to go to some website? And, most importantly, if at some point I want to quit, what are the consequences for me?

M. Borovskaya- Firstly, there is a first level of access, which allows you to simply log in and see what courses are offered.

M. Kurnikov- To each? It doesn’t matter whether you have a higher education, no education, whether you are 15 years old, 17...

M. Borovskaya― For individuals – this is use for everyone. We are trying to include, and our colleagues are now actively working on this, they are trying to include universities here through agreements, because it is important for universities to gain access to this platform for their students, to ensure this access. And that’s why university teams are now entering into agreements.

M. Kurnikov- So, all students will be informed and registered in advance?

M. Borovskaya- Yes.

M. Kurnikov- Fine. Let’s say I went in and looked. I have never taught, I don’t know, astrophysics, but I want to. Is there something stopping me, will there be some kind of entrance barrier for me so that I can take some kind of course on conventional astrophysics?

M. Borovskaya- No.

M. Kurnikov- So, I just take it and listen? It's free?

M. Borovskaya- Yes.

M. Kurnikov- So, in essence, there is a set of lectures on any university-level topics for free? Does this look like just a series of lectures or do I have to take some tests and something like that after each lecture to access the next one?

M. Borovskaya- This is probably a good and important question. This is not the YouTube system, this is important because there you connect and watch a lecture in a minute, find yourself an entertaining, popular science channel. This is a learning system, a system that allows... You can quit at any stage, you can go through the first or second lecture, you can watch it periodically. But this is not the main thing.

This is a training system, that is, there is an educational and methodological logic that is laid down.

M. Kurnikov- Is this also a list of literature that I need to read, tests?

M. Borovskaya- This is a training course that allows you to use hyperlinks to move from one source to another, to see how some design works. How does a device work? How to conduct an experiment using virtual proposed descriptions. Moreover, the courses are completely different. Some courses with more visualization, where specific exhibits or specific devices are shown. Some courses involve less visualization, more reading and emotional storytelling, especially when it comes to world names, people who are famous and popular.

But this is not YouTube, this is a serious educational activity that requires immersion, maximum learning and high dedication, personal responsibility, which, in fact, is probably exciting.

M. Kurnikov- Are there any time restrictions for those who decide to study online? That is, every morning at eight in the morning. Or every day at eight o'clock in the evening a person must sit down at the computer. Or can he do it at any time of the day or night?

M. Borovskaya- There are those when we are talking about some kind of contacts. For example, you can talk to a native speaker. And then you will be assigned a certain time cycle when you connect to this medium.

And there are courses when you turn on yourself at the required time. But that’s not the point. You have a course of, say, 15 lectures, and you have to master them in a maximum of 30 days, let’s say. And on day 30, your access to this course will end, you will have to dive in again.

Moreover, in our platforms there are no such restrictions yet, but we increasingly agree that we cannot leave constantly hanging loops, because the library of participants is expanding, there are many of them, the courses all look open, but have not been fully mastered.

This is what today does not allow us to say that now we will all move to online learning, because when you immerse yourself in a specific course, pass it, seek advice from tutors, you then go to your teacher in the course with whom you are studying . It is important for you to talk, to make contact about a specific subject. At a real lecture, at a live one, at a real seminar, you have the opportunity to ask again, to clarify. Today we are actively trying to add this option to online products, it is also starting to work, mentors are appearing...

M. Kurnikov- The university will have to keep some staff of people who will answer questions.

M. Borovskaya- Not the staff, this is all the task of the lecturer and the community that he founded. This is the professor...

M. Kurnikov- And then questions will come by email, he will answer them.

M. Borovskaya- And today we see more and more often that these answers are at night, that is, he runs this course as a blog.

M. Kurnikov- Listen, does the lecturer receive a separate salary, separate money for this?

M. Borovskaya- No. Look, it's also important. By the way, colleagues also discuss with us. I, as a representative of public authorities, the ministry, they are discussing this topic with us. That is, you are interested in having many subscribers on your blog or online course, then you are in constant contact. And having 17 of them, break even, and then there can be as many of them as you like. That is, the higher the quality of this resource, the more people connect to this product, the more people see that it is a good broadcast, high-quality presentation and good material, and is easily digestible. And with the help of this particular specialist, you mastered complex things easily and easily. This is an important point.

M. Kurnikov- We need to encourage a specialist for this.

M. Borovskaya- Well, this is the number of subscribers we have...

M. Kurnikov- This is, as they say, social stroking, as they say.

M. Borovskaya- He works. This is his job, his professional. From this he gets these loans, but we have a credit-modular system.

M. Kurnikov- That is, more people want to get to him.

M. Borovskaya- Certainly. And loans are transformed into money.

M. Kurnikov- Oh, this is important. Let me remind you again, because we have questions about what kind of service this is. Let me just remind you that our guest is the Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, Marina Borovskaya. And we are talking about the platform that is controlled and managed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

Then, continuing the learning process for a specific person, he took this course, it’s free. But any passing of this exam based on the results of the course is paid. If I paid and did not pass, and my knowledge was not accepted as satisfactory, what should I do?

M. Borovskaya- Probably, you know, I’ll go back half a step a little more. All this is not free. He entered on a budget or under a contract, he has access. That is why universities are now signing agreements. That is, he entered here, this university is included in online networks, in online platforms, he has access to library knowledge bases, to the Tretyakov Gallery, and including to this online platform. And from this online platform he has such an exit.

That is, universities among themselves, entering into these relationships, support this network program. The number of subscribers from this university will still be paid for in credits to this professor. That is, for the young man there are options for choice. Either he goes to a live lecture from a specific professor, or he chooses online courses and masters it that way.

M. Kurnikov- Some famous university, some famous specialist?

M. Borovskaya- Yes. And not only that... Now that we are trying to reach this system of agreements. When you enter a university, they tell you that this university is subscribed to lectures from Cambridge, subscribed to lectures from MISiS, subscribed to lectures from Stanford. And you understand that these subscriptions will be available to you. You can master part of the product, part of your educational programs with the help of such courses.

And then you are accompanied by these same teachers, who are your tutors and mentors.

But here's the second question you're talking about. You have mastered this course. And now you have to take the final certification for this course. And, if you are just an independent, individual user who came to this platform without a university, you took this course for free. And he must pay only for the final certification, that is, obtaining the certificate itself and testing.

If you are a student of this university... The university is already in this network.

M. Kurnikov- But for me, as a non-student, what is the price order? That is, I pay a thousand, ten thousand?

M. Borovskaya- Now, since this platform is trying to get used to it, the cost of certificates in it is insignificant, it amounts to 1500-2000 rubles. Now we are talking about how the demand for certain courses will develop in the market. Like licensing agreements, you know, when you sign up for some program, they tell you: “we’ll draw up a license agreement.”

M. Kurnikov- What does it look like? Is this the paper that will come to me later by mail? Or will I just print from the printer and that's it?

M. Borovskaya- These are the systems that we are already discussing today, the modern digital educational environment, where a personal account is created for the participant himself, where a portfolio is created. This portfolio is a document with which young people today come from schools to universities, their successes and steps are tracked there, this whole history is digitized, this portfolio is saved for this young person. We want it to be preserved throughout his next working life, because the digital footprint of this young man accumulates there. Where did he go, what courses did he take... He entered the course but could not master it, entered the course, completed it to the end and could not be tested. Or didn't want to.

And so this digital trace is collected, which allows the young man, and, consequently, the employer partner who wants to see him as an employee, to see what the speed of learning is...

M. Kurnikov- That is, I, as an applicant for some place, can send the employer a link to my profile, and he can see what I really went through. And the Ministry of Education confirms that I studied this, this and this. And there are ratings.

M. Borovskaya- Not the Ministry of Education. An online platform that is certified by the Ministry of Education.

M. Kurnikov- However, are there any grades there or are they pass/fail?

M. Borovskaya- Of course, points. That is, the number of points. Various indicators, from 0 to 10. As a rule, the standard is 100% complete mastery. And there according to the percentage line. Each course, depending on these credits, according to which the educational standard is based today, from these credits for some the step is 5 credits, for others - 15.

M. Kurnikov- If we're talking about employers. But if I am an employer, I have a fairly large team, and I understand that I do not have enough specialists, or even specialists in some specialty. I can try to pump them up through this platform in this way and get the results, how did each of them get through all this?

M. Borovskaya- Certainly. You remember this story with “Total Dictation”. “Total dictation” today, many business partners, many companies, especially where they have to work with writing letters, many today instruct their employees to take this dictation in order to confirm the right, the ability to write appropriate texts.

The same system operates here. If a young man brings you in his resume that he knows, for example, Excel and lists this as a competency that he has, you ask him to be checked, tested, and you see the degree of his proficiency. And you understand that it is proficient, but it is only 10% of the skill that is embedded in this program.

Therefore, this system allows us to give the young person another chance to take this course. And you will see that this young man has a brilliant immersion speed, because in five days he has already risen from 10% proficiency to 90%.

M. Kurnikov- Does the employer have to pay for testing every time?

M. Borovskaya- Differently. It depends on what competencies you include in the hiring requirements, but you can include this in the competencies specifically for hiring, because you don’t hire a driver without a driver’s license and then train him, right?

You know, this is also an important part. Already on behalf of the president, they formed today. And in those federal projects that are discussed and adopted, there is one federal project called “Education for Everyone.” Today we understand that it is also important for adults to enter this digital environment well and competently. And now you can gain these skills through online programs, through online access. Because an adult already understands more responsibility for his own independent learning and knows that he can somehow supplement himself with additional education or additional vocational education when he wants to improve.

And so, through a system of such access, we provide them with the opportunity...

M. Kurnikov- I just keep an eye on the SMS messages that come on the air all this time. You know which topic provoked the most, so I see, there was an explosion. This is the story of how a person leaves an online footprint. And then you can see what he learned and what he didn’t learn. Can a person not show it, can he make this profile private? Because, let’s say, he took five courses, but completed only one. And everything else is just for yourself, as they say. I wanted to see what it was.

And then the employer comes in and looks: “Yeah, he typed it, didn’t finish anything, which means he’s irresponsible.”

M. Borovskaya- Firstly, this does not directly characterize the participant.

M. Kurnikov- Well, you never know. Questions like this come, that’s why I ask.

M. Borovskaya- And secondly, you know, of course, this profile, it is his personal profile. Moreover, access is regulated there. That is, this account is closed to any external user, we have offices for the tax inspectorate, we have accounts for financial responsibility, we have accounts for personalized plastic cards. All these accesses are closed. And we don’t open them to anyone. And, if we want to authorize our access to close family members or somehow describe our rights, we regulate this.

M. Kurnikov- Does a person decide for himself what to open and what not to open?

M. Borovskaya- Certainly.

M. Kurnikov- I’m very ashamed, because I wanted to ask about this throughout the program, but you see, I left it until the very end. As far as I understand, such methods of education, this method of obtaining education solves the problem, including for people with disabilities, because if there are any problems with the musculoskeletal system... We know, unfortunately, that not all universities here were built at a time when this was thought about. How much room do you see for improving the situation here?

M. Borovskaya- Why is it embarrassing? Because you forgot?

M. Kurnikov- Because I ask at the very end. In fact of the matter. I should have asked much earlier.

M. Borovskaya- You know, this is a world of equal opportunities. And today, online learning is probably a very important advantage for this kind of guys and people in general, to gain access to this kind of software products, this kind of training systems. Because the opportunities for children who can see, for the visually impaired, for the hearing impaired, for all sorts of people with musculoskeletal health limitations... Today they have been seriously expanded due to this. A new world of professions is emerging, which is also being actively created by guys who have these kinds of limitations. These are different professions, there are many of them, this world is also changing. Thanks a lot.

M. Kurnikov- Thank you. Let me remind you once again that our guest was the Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, Marina Borovskaya. Goodbye.

M. Borovskaya- Thank you.

The priority project in the field of education “Modern digital educational environment in the Russian Federation” was approved by the Government of the Russian Federation on October 25, 2016 as part of the implementation of the state program “Development of Education” for 2013-2020.

Presenting the project at a meeting of the Presidium of the Presidential Council of the Russian Federation for Strategic Development and Priority Projects, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev emphasized that the formation of a digital educational environment is a strategic state task.

Currently, our country is implementing a number of initiatives aimed at creating the necessary conditions for the development of a digital economy in Russia, which increases the country’s competitiveness, the quality of life of citizens, ensures economic growth and national sovereignty. First of all, this is the “Strategy for the Development of the Information Society in the Russian Federation for 2017 - 2030” and the Program “Digital Economy of the Russian Federation”.

The digital economy requires competent personnel. And to prepare them, it is necessary to properly modernize the education and professional training system, bring educational programs in line with the needs of the digital economy, widely introduce digital educational tools and integrate them holistically into the information environment, provide the opportunity for citizens to learn according to an individual curriculum throughout their lives - anytime and anywhere.

The priority project “Modern Digital Educational Environment in the Russian Federation” is aimed at solving some of these problems. The goal of the project: by 2018, to create conditions for systematically improving the quality and expanding opportunities for lifelong education for all categories of citizens through the development of the Russian digital educational space.

To achieve this goal, the path of widespread introduction of online learning has been chosen, including massive open online courses - training courses with interactive participation and open access via the Internet.

On this path, modern technologies and best practices in online learning, the scientific potential of leading Russian universities, and the experience of already existing online platforms and business projects are used. The project provides that in 2017 at least 140 thousand students will undergo online training, and by the end of 2025 - more than 11 million. Already in 2017, as a result of the work of the SCES, schoolchildren, students and teachers will have access to 450 online courses from the twenty best Russian universities.

The implementation of the priority project in the field of education “Modern digital educational environment in the Russian Federation” provides for a number of key areas, the development of which is proceeding in parallel:

  • adoption of legal and regulatory acts aimed at the development of online learning. In particular, fixing the status of online courses as equal parts of educational programs;
  • creation of an information resource that provides access to online courses on a “one-window” basis and unites a number of existing online learning platforms thanks to a unified user authentication system;
  • creation by 2020 of 3.5 thousand online courses in secondary, higher and additional education programs with the involvement of leading developers, both from government agencies and the business community;
  • formation of a system of expert and user assessment of the quality of online course content;
  • creation of ten Regional Competence Centers in the field of online learning;
  • preparing and training at least 10,000 teachers and experts in online learning;

In the summer of 2017, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation held a competition among Russian universities to develop elements of an educational platform. The winners of the competition included the country's leading universities: Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, NUST MISIS, ITMO University, UrFU, Tomsk State University, Far Eastern State University and others.

The successful implementation of the priority project “Modern digital educational environment in the Russian Federation” will radically change the approach to educating the country’s citizens and prepare Russia for the transition to a new technological structure - the digital economy.

Questions about the project

What is the priority project “Modern digital educational environment”?

The priority project in the field of education “Modern digital educational environment” is aimed at increasing the accessibility, relevance and quality of education through the use of modern online learning technologies, as well as the potential of the country’s leading universities, online educational platforms and business solutions.

What is the time frame for implementing the priority project?

The passport of the priority project “Modern digital educational environment in the Russian Federation” was approved on October 25, 2016 at a meeting of the presidium of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for strategic development and priority projects. The duration of the project is from October 25, 2016 to February 1, 2021.

What are the key elements of the priority project?

The first element of the “Modern Digital Educational Environment” project is the “Single Window” Resource (SRO). After registration, the user gains access to online courses contained in the Resource registry. This eliminates the need to register with multiple online educational platforms. Another important component of RPO is the user’s digital portfolio.

The second direction of the implementation of the SCES is the assessment of the quality of online platforms and courses available through the ROO. It provides for both expert and user assessment of the level of course content. Thus, a mechanism for ranking courses by quality will be implemented.

The third element of the project is the creation of ten Regional Competence Centers in the field of online education. Their task is to train teachers and administrative staff, disseminate experience in implementing successful methods and practices of online learning, and monitor the dynamics of creating a digital educational environment.

Finally, the fourth direction of the project is advanced training in the field of development, use and examination of online courses, teaching developers to create high-quality courses, and teachers to use them in their work.

What are the specific tasks of the project and who performs them?

  • Development and testing of a system for assessing the quality of online courses in order to develop academic mobility of students using online courses. Performer - UrFU named after. B.N. Yeltsin;
  • Development and implementation of methods and tools for psychometric analytics of online courses. Executor - National Research University Higher School of Economics;
  • Development and testing of a system for accessing online courses based on the “one-window” principle using a unified system for identifying and authorizing students and generating digital portfolios. Executor - ITMO University;
  • Development of online courses and simulators that ensure the formation of competencies in the field of creating online courses. Performer: MIPT.
  • Development of online courses and simulators that ensure the formation of competencies in the field of examination of online courses. Executor - RANEPA;
  • Development of online courses and simulators that ensure the formation of competencies in the use of online courses. Performer - UrFU named after. B.N. Yeltsin;
  • Creation of 10 regional competence centers in the field of online learning. Performers: TSU, PSTU (Volgatekh), Lomonosov Moscow State University, Southern Federal University, Far Eastern Federal University, Siberian Federal University, Tula State University, IKBFU. Kant, Tyumen State University, St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
  • Promotion of online learning technologies and information support for a priority government project. Performer: NUST MISIS.

How will legislation in the field of online education change?

Legislation will change in the interests of students and educational organizations in order to improve the quality and accessibility of education. In particular:

  • a new procedure has been developed for the use of e-learning and distance educational technologies by universities, colleges and schools in the implementation of educational programs, which provides for definitions of “online course”, etc., as well as minimum requirements for the implementation of online courses;
  • A regulatory legal act of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science has come into force, providing the possibility of transferring the results of mastering online courses with a reduction in the period of mastering the educational program;
  • It is planned to conduct an experiment to implement a virtual academic mobility project, when a student at one university will be able to choose whether to master a specific discipline in a traditional format at his university or in an online format at another. In this case, funds for the implementation of part of the program will be received by the university in favor of which the student has chosen.

Why was there a need to implement the priority project “Modern digital educational environment in the Russian Federation”?

Modern challenges facing the country and its citizens dictate the inevitability of modernization of the educational system in Russia. There is an urgent need to create an environment in which the principle of lifelong learning—lifelong learning—could be effectively implemented. This became possible precisely due to online technologies that erase any barriers. According to experts, many traditional professions will disappear in the next 10 years. New technologies for training and professional retraining will make the task easier for those who find themselves faced with the need for rapid retraining.

The successful implementation of the priority project “Modern digital educational environment in the Russian Federation” will radically change the approach to educating the country’s citizens and prepare Russia for the transition to a new technological structure - the digital economy.

What is the role of the priority project in transforming the education system in Russia?

In world practice, massive open online courses (MOOCs) have already become an integral part of the education system. Russia is still at the beginning of this path. The project “Modern digital educational environment in the Russian Federation” will make it possible to effectively make online learning a harmonious part of the existing educational system within several years. At the same time, citizens will have free access to online training courses at any level with the possibility of crediting their completion by educational institutions and receiving certificates confirming the successful completion of their studies. Finally, the implementation of the priority project “Modern digital educational environment in the Russian Federation” promotes the integration of secondary and higher education, continuity in the academic environment, the penetration of online technologies into education and their effective use by increasing the competencies of teachers.

Planned results of the implementation of the priority project?

Already in 2017, as a result of the “Modern Digital Educational Environment in the Russian Federation” project, schoolchildren, students and teachers will have access to 450 online courses from the twenty best Russian universities, and at least 140 thousand students will undergo distance learning.

Planned project results by 2020:

  • the total number of online courses available through the “one window” resource should exceed 3.5 thousand;
  • more than 6 million people need to take online training.

Increasing the number of available courses, increasing the efficiency of online learning, and expanding opportunities for taking online courses in the formal education system will make it possible by 2025 to increase the number of students taking online courses to 11 million people.

What is the budget of the priority project “Modern digital educational environment”?

Over the next three years, about 1.3 billion rubles will be allocated from the federal budget for the implementation of the priority project “Modern digital educational environment in the Russian Federation”. In addition, the project involves co-financing from extra-budgetary sources in the amount of 1.9 billion rubles. The money is distributed on a competitive basis among the country's leading universities. These funds will be raised from the internal reserves of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation through the prioritization of expenses.

Will the project lead to a reduction in the number of teaching staff in the regions?

The introduction of online courses into the educational process is designed to expand the boundaries of traditional education, providing more opportunities for students and teachers. First of all, the SCES project will allow universities, colleges and schools to strengthen priority areas of training, redistributing the workload of teachers and implementing some disciplines online. This means that teachers, due to the freed up time, will be able to interact more with students in the framework of practical and laboratory work.

On the other hand, the project creates a new format of competition between universities and teachers throughout Russia, which may lead to the reduction of some categories of teachers. Only those who are not ready to engage in advanced training in their subject area will be at risk.

On a “one-stop shop” resource priority project “Modern Digital Educational Environment in the Russian Federation” has implemented a new service - the Employer’s Personal Account, which allows companies to post vacancies and include the necessary online courses in the list of requirements, and the resource to recommend suitable candidates to the employer.

An employer, by registering on the “one-stop-shop” resource, gets access to flexible personnel search tools. The list of requirements can include a certificate of completion of a specific online course, the passport of which is also available on the resource. The service allows for a targeted selection of candidates, ensuring that they have the necessary competencies.

“Commercial companies are a powerful resource both for using the opportunities of online learning and for saturating the educational services market with online courses. The “one-stop shop” resource is, first of all, interesting to them for its recruitment capabilities. A peculiarity and difference from other job services is an interesting language for drawing up requirements for candidates - the language for describing online courses. There are precedents when a large corporation is confident in the quality of a particular online course, and they are ready to consider as candidates only those who have already successfully completed their studies on it - says Andrey Lyamin, head of the open education department at ITMO University, one of the developers of the “one window” resource . “The employer can also play an additional role: many large companies have a corporate training system; they can actively integrate into the digital educational environment - connect their online learning platforms or order the development of the necessary online courses from universities.”

After posting vacancies, the automatic service selects suitable candidates. The data is anonymized, but the employer has the opportunity to send a request to receive personal information about the achievements of a potential employee, including information about existing education, work experience and learning results in online courses available through the “one-stop shop” resource. The corresponding functionality is implemented using another service - the digital portfolio of the resource user.

Representatives of large domestic companies have been saying for a long time that such a personnel selection system, which makes it possible to focus not just on the direction of training, but also on a specific specialization, is needed by the market.

“Business is not ready to hire bachelor’s (or even master’s) graduates without work experience. This is a huge problem, unfortunately. To solve this problem, Sberbank PJSC has several programs. In particular, we create online courses in basic disciplines that are available to both Sberbank employees and students. The development of such online courses is not cheap, but it is more profitable than sending our specialists to lecture at universities, - notes Igor Baranov, vice-rector for educational and methodological work and applied research at Sberbank Corporate University . – In addition, for us, having a certificate of completion of an online course is a very important parameter. It indicates that a person, firstly, is ready to learn, and secondly, is ready to make efforts in order to complete his own project. If you have completed it more than once, for us this is a very important indicator, indicating that a person is ready to achieve his goal.”

The priority project “Modern digital educational environment in the Russian Federation” is aimed at creating conditions for continuous education of all citizens of the country, regardless of their place of residence and age.

The “one-window” resource of the priority project “SCES in the Russian Federation” ( already today provides access to hundreds of online courses, which are attended by thousands of students from dozens of universities and colleges. The rich potential makes it possible in the future to turn the resource into one of the leading platforms for finding highly professional personnel.

Priority project in the field of education “SCES in the Russian Federation” The passport of the priority project in the field of education “Modern digital educational environment in the Russian Federation” was approved on October 25, 2016 at a meeting of the presidium of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for strategic development and priority projects. The organizer of the implementation of the priority project is the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation. The project is aimed at increasing the accessibility, relevance and quality of education for Russian citizens through online learning technologies. As part of the project, a resource has been created and is being tested to provide access to online courses on a “one-stop” basis. The project “SCES in the Russian Federation” provides for professional training of employees of educational institutions in order to improve competencies in the field of creating and using online training courses. Increasing the number of available online courses, increasing the efficiency of online learning, and expanding opportunities for mastering online courses will make it possible to train 11 million people in online courses by 2025. Based on this task, ten Regional Competence Centers in the field of online education (RCCOO) were formed on the basis of the country's leading universities: Baltic, Far Eastern, Siberian, Southern Federal Universities, Tomsk, Tyumen, Tula State Universities, Volga State Technological University, St. Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University and a branch of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov in Sevastopol.

What are the main tasks that the project “Modern digital educational environment in the Russian Federation” should solve and what is the essence of the digital educational environment? How significant are the upcoming changes and why is the project highlighted as a priority? It is these questions that we will try to address in this article.

Global changes in the Russian education system continue. In particular, the decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, which he signed in May 2018, affected the transformation of the system in the field of digital technologies. Despite the fact that Russian education has remained competitive in the global market for many years, the country’s leadership decided to complicate the task by introducing the project “Modern digital educational environment in the Russian Federation.” The implementation and systematization of this priority project should be at full capacity already in 2024. Therefore, the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education need to work as quickly and harmoniously as possible.

The relevance of introducing a digital educational environment Statistics show that due to global mechanization and automation, about 600 professions disappeared in the 20th century. In the 21st century, the situation has not changed - digital technologies, which are now being introduced into almost all spheres of human activity, continue to rapidly consign entire groups of professions and crafts to history. And those professions that have not disappeared have undergone/are undergoing significant changes. Naturally, digital technologies influence not only the level of development of the state’s economy and its defense capability, but also, ultimately, global political processes. Therefore, the state and society need specialists capable of managing complex equipment, instruments and robots in order to remain competitive at the global level. “Educating” such specialists who are able to “keep up” with constantly improving modern technologies is possible only under one condition: if their learning with the help of digital technologies begins almost from the cradle, and continues throughout their lives. Modern teenagers themselves are already actively using digital technologies to update their acquired knowledge and apply it in practice. But, unfortunately, independent acquisition of knowledge does not make it possible to obtain a certificate and present it to the employer. And it is also difficult to check the quality of this knowledge without an organized digital system in order to issue an appropriate diploma (even if a person has diligently engaged in self-education and his knowledge can be put to worthy use). Another problem of the educational system is the lack of a close relationship between specialized universities/vocational educational institutions and future employers and research centers. The digital system is capable of bringing all stakeholders in the advanced educational environment to a common denominator. In turn, such coordination is guaranteed to ensure economic growth and development of the state. This means that interest in the formation of a modern digital educational environment is dictated by time and state necessity.

Everyone needs MOOCs. Online courses and video lectures, which appeared in the 90s of the last century, did not provide feedback from the teacher, and, therefore, did not provide the opportunity to control and evaluate knowledge. This opportunity arose less than ten years ago. Interactive communication between teachers and students guarantees the quality of education and provides educational organizations with a regulatory framework for its certification. The need to combine all of these factors led to the idea of ​​​​creating a MOOC - a “Massive Open Online Course”. The created MOOC system allows you to solve the most significant problems:

Mass training; Availability; Obtaining a certificate or diploma from any educational institution, anywhere in the world without the need for personal presence, without interruption from work, main place of study, temporary relocation, etc.

In addition, the MOOC system makes it possible to solve the problem of replacing teachers, which arose due to a lack of personnel and the desire of students to study at the most prestigious universities in the country, without the need to move to another city.

By the way, until recently, online platforms were widely used for education only in the United States. However, in 2012, projects similar to the Udemy, Coursera and Udacity systems spread massively throughout the world. To a greater extent, this form of education was used by commercial educational institutions.

It should be noted that the digital educational environment, which, thanks to the light hand of analysts of the industry portal Inside Higher Ed, has been given the name “the era of EdTech optimism”, has made a real revolution in the conservative education system. Today it is a necessary element of education, ensuring the proper level in a modern developed state. Therefore, digital learning, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, has become a priority task for government institutions in the first place. The state's interest in a new form of education is an absolute guarantee of its support and success.

Modern digital educational system in Russia Despite the fact that the leadership in creating a digital educational environment belongs to the United States of America, Russia lags only slightly behind in this area and is among the top five. In 2015, the National Platform for Open Education was created - OPEO, which operates on the basis of the best universities in Russia:

Today, the sites of these universities offer more than 300 online training courses in a variety of industry areas. “Virtual academic mobility” has so far had one significant drawback - the lack of a legal framework that can be organized and ensured with state support. The “Modern Digital Educational Environment” project solves this problem almost completely.

The passport for the priority project “Modern digital educational environment” was developed in October 2016 by the Presidium of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation. Now interested investors are being attracted to develop the created resource. An important issue remains the widespread introduction of digital education and a complete transition to a modern learning model.

Priority project

Design and analytical session

project working groups and invited experts
Moderator: Timonin V.S., priority project administrator
107 members of the project working groups and invited experts took part in the design and analytical session.
Members of project working groups









Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow State Technological University "STANKIN"

















Belgorod State National Research University





Federal Research Center









Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI"





University in your pocket





Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov"









Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "National Research Tomsk State University"





Internet Initiatives Development Fund





Center for Electronic Educational Resources and Distance Technologies of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University named after Peter the Great"





Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia





Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "National Research Technological University "MISiS"





Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI"









Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI"





Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI"





Council of Rectors of Universities of the Republic of Bashkortostan





Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "National Research University - Higher School of Economics"





NP "League of Education"





Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov"





Analytical Center for the Government of the Russian Federation





Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics" (NIU ITMO)





Omsk State University





Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "National Research University - Higher School of Economics"





FSBEI HE "Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Informatics"





Siberian State Automobile and Highway Academy





Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "National Research Tomsk State University"





Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation









Edumarket.Ru, Follow Online, HeadHunter Education





Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI"





Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI"





Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman"





Center for Innovative Educational Technologies of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology"





ANO "Internet Development Institute (IRI)"





Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Novosibirsk State University"





Electronic school "Znanika"





Educational project "Lectorium"





NGO "Omsk Regional Electronic University"





Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation





Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin"





Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia





Innovation Center "ANMICO"





FGAU VO "National Research Tomsk State University"





FSBEI HE Omsk State Agrarian University





Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University"





Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI"





Omsk State Technical University





Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ufa State Petroleum Technical University"





ANO "Institute for Internet Development"










Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after. M.Akmully