Magnetic storm schedule for February: schedule for every day. Schedule of magnetic storms for February: schedule for every day Magnetic storms in February of the year

Magnetic storms in February 2019 primarily concern weather-dependent people, those whose well-being depends on natural phenomena. However, the influence magnetic storms All people are exposed, and the consequences of this exposure largely depend on the person’s health status.

February is an anxious month; nature froze in anticipation of spring, and winter constantly asserts its rights. On such days, saving vitality will not hurt at all, and therefore many people would like to know the schedule of magnetic storms by day and hour, on what factors the strength of their influence depends.

What is a magnetic storm?

The correct name for magnetic storms is geomagnetic storms. In essence, a magnetic storm is the consequences of a reaction magnetic field Earth to solar flares that emit huge amounts of charged particles. Streams of particles reach the atmosphere of our planet in two to three days, but the Earth is protected by its own electromagnetic field, absorbing most of these particles. The reaction of the Earth's magnetic field to the action of particles strongly and quickly changes its characteristics and gives rise to magnetic storms.

Solar flares occur several times a month and cause geomagnetic storms of varying intensity. Strong flashes can cause problems with satellite communications, navigation sensors, etc. The negative consequences of magnetic storms are felt by 50-70% of the entire population of the planet.

The influence of magnetic storms on humans

Over the course of his entire life, a person experiences the influence of more than 2000 magnetic storms.

It has been noticed that people feel unpleasant changes in their health not during the magnetic storms themselves, but most often either a few days before the outbreaks or after the storm ends.

During a magnetic field disturbance, the atmosphere heats up, its pressure changes, and all this affects the health of people with poor adaptation. Particularly susceptible negative impact people with cardiovascular diseases, mental illnesses and vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Symptoms of influence on the body:

  • blood pressure surges;
  • tachycardia;
  • migraine;
  • insomnia:
  • mood swings;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • headache;
  • joint pain.

When the magnetic field fluctuates, the blood flow slows down, it thickens, and the risk of blood clots increases.

Magnetic storms in February

Magnetic storms do not have a clear schedule; they occur in winter and summer, day and night, and can occur in Moscow and Irkutsk.

Modern scientists do not predict magnetic field disturbances in advance and do not schedule magnetic storms months in advance. The only thing they can do so far is to track solar flares and, based on this data, make forecasts for several days in advance. The accuracy of the forecast is only 30%. All other predictions and forecasts belong to the field of esotericism or astrology.

However, despite the impossibility of an accurate forecast, all people whose well-being depends on magnetic storms need to know the characteristics of their body and prepare for the consequences of solar flares.

These days you should avoid conflict situations, heavy physical activity, long car trips. It is advisable to walk in nature, relax more, and not overeat.

Chronic patients should carry the necessary pills with them. For insomnia and anxiety, take sedatives: motherwort, valerian, etc. It should also be remembered that Negative consequences Magnetic storms can affect both before and after they begin. The duration and intensity of storms also vary.

The strongest magnetic storms

September 1, 1859 The first recording in the history of science of the negative consequences of a strong magnetic storm for technical objects. This storm is called the “Carrington Event,” a British astronomer who linked solar flares to the outbreak of a magnetic storm. Consequences natural phenomenon were impressive: telegraph failures throughout Europe and North America, auroras Worldwide.
March 24, 1940 Consequences: disruption of power supply in many US states.
March 13-14, 1989 Consequences: disruption of radio communications throughout the world, large-scale disruptions in the power supply of North America; auroras were observed in Mexico, on the Mediterranean coast, in Japan, in the Crimea.

Every year the Earth's technosphere is increasing, which means that the consequences of magnetic storms will be more and more serious.

According to preliminary forecasts from meteorologists, February will be a fairly prosperous month. There will be no strong magnetic storms caused by solar activity. However, the forecast may change, because the unpredictable Sun is capable of unexpectedly releasing another prominence that will reach the Earth’s magnetosphere.

Disturbance of the Earth's magnetosphere on February 10

For this day, meteorologists predict a slight disturbance in the Earth's magnetic field. A single solar burst is expected on Saturday, but weather-sensitive people may feel the negative impact as early as Friday morning. In connection with this state of affairs, everyone who is influenced solar winds, you should take protective measures in a timely manner, unload the day so as not to overwork. Meteorologists recommend drinking plenty of fluids and light exercise, mainly in warm water. You can visit the swimming pool to relax and relieve your discomfort.

Weak magnetic storm on February 16

On Friday, February 16, meteorologists again expect a strong surge in the Sun, which will make people worry. This disturbance will not be as dangerous as a full-fledged storm, but it can affect mood. Avoid conflicts and try to spend most of your time in solitude. Use exercises that will help you regain harmony and a positive attitude. Meteorologists also advise using herbal infusions that reduce stress and panic attacks. Often these are the symptoms that accompany weather-sensitive people on the eve of sun attacks.

Solar eclipse February 15

On this day, meteorologists do not expect significant surges, but the day will be quite stressful for people who are sensitive to all weather changes. Many people will begin to feel the approach of such a significant event within three days, and three days after that, symptoms of ailments and headaches may appear. This period will be quite dangerous, so everyone should carefully monitor their well-being. An increased load on the cardiovascular system during eclipses is not uncommon, which means that this phenomenon will be quite difficult for small children, elderly people and those who suffer from heart disease. On the day of the eclipse, avoid negative emotions, exclude heavy foods, coffee and alcohol from the menu, which will only add unpleasant symptoms, or even cause the development of diseases. Driving vehicles should also be postponed to eliminate the possibility of creating emergency situations. Even physically and mentally healthy people are recommended to exclude any manifestation of aggression, conducting large transactions and participating in gambling. For those experiencing panic attacks, it is important to take care of your condition in advance and not be left completely alone.

How to protect your health during magnetic storms Each person reacts differently to weather changes. The approach of storms and sudden changes in temperature can cause both mild illness and quite serious deterioration in health. Among the most common people call:
aches in joints and bones;
pressure surges;
increased heart rate;
dizziness; drowsiness.
To protect yourself as much as possible, meteorologists recommend following these simple rules:
eliminate lack of sleep, normalize the schedule of awakenings and going to bed;
follow a gentle diet that excludes overeating, fatty and spicy foods, coffee and alcoholic drinks;
to refuse from bad habits;
do not move long distances, especially with a sharp change in climatic conditions;
be less exposed to direct sunlight;
keep the body in good shape with light physical activity;
stay positive;
eliminate conflicts.
By following these rules, you can alleviate your condition. Don't give up everyday activities that will help you take your mind off sad thoughts. However, don't overwork yourself. Do not forget that reception medicines Only a doctor can prescribe it, so do not self-medicate. Use traditional medicine and herbal infusions only if you do not have allergic reactions.
During prolonged magnetic storms, remain calm so that panic attacks do not provoke an exacerbation of chronic diseases. Keep yourself in great shape, and then you can significantly reduce your dependence on weather conditions.

Despite the fact that the Earth's magnetic field is invisible, it has a significant impact on all processes occurring on our planet. This also applies to humans, whose life and health depend on the state of the earth’s shell. She is also subject to cosmic influence. The magnetic storms in February 2018 are proof of this.

Why do magnetic disturbances occur?

As a result of the activity of our star, a huge number of different kinds of particles are thrown into space. They have a diverse impact on what is happening around them. Having reached the Earth's magnetic field, charged particles cause geomagnetic disturbances, which are called magnetic storms.

Without the earth's magnetic shell, all life on our planet would die overnight. However, the changed magnetic field does not have a positive effect on nature. Animals and people experience negative consequences from magnetic field fluctuations.

How do magnetic storms affect

Magnetic surges cause instability in the functioning of many human organs. This applies primarily to the heart and nervous system. During magnetic storms, there can be heart attacks and sudden surges in pressure, both upward and downward. During solar activity, a person’s reaction becomes dulled, which is why accidents occur in production and transport.

Magnetic storms primarily affect people suffering from certain diseases, as well as pregnant women and children. For young and healthy people, changes in the Earth's magnetic field have virtually no effect on their well-being.

Unhealthy people experience:

  • frequent headaches;
  • dizziness;
  • sleep problems;
  • weakness in the body;
  • aching joints;
  • disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • nausea.

Magnetic disturbances affect the state of the circulatory system. The blood can thicken, resulting in reduced blood flow in the vessels, which in turn causes instability in blood pressure. At these moments, a headache begins and a cerebral hemorrhage may occur.

Is it possible to save the body?

Medical professionals are confident that anyone can help their body reduce the influence of magnetic disturbances. For example, if a person suffering from some kind of chronic disease carries with him a basic set of medications, then the likelihood of complications can decrease significantly. In this case, severe cases with the heart and blood pressure can be prevented.

Also, if a person drinks less alcoholic beverages, coffee and tea during magnetic storms, this will protect him from complications of his health.

Doctors recommend that people drink natural water during this period. It is better to forget about carbonated drinks and prefer juices and herbal teas. It is also worth reconsidering your attitude towards nutrition. You should not eat heavy, high-calorie foods. You need to give up smoked meat, sausages, and fried foods. This also applies to convenience foods and fast foods. The menu should contain mainly products of plant and natural origin. For people suffering from frequent mood swings, it is recommended to drink herbal infusions, teas made from mint, lemon balm or chamomile.

On days of magnetic disturbances, psychologists do not advise visiting crowded places. The presence of a large number of people can cause panic in those suffering from nervous diseases.

During this period, it is better to go to a park, forest, etc. Connecting with nature can calm you down nervous system and reduce brain tension.

Schedule by days and hours

Several geomagnetic storms are possible throughout the month. They can also be different in strength: barely noticeable, medium and quite powerful.

Some weather-dependent people feel them long before the onset. Usually it is 2-3 days. Most often this applies to hypertensive patients and people suffering from heart disease. People with mental disorders also behave restlessly. Their mood worsens and they experience attacks of rage or, conversely, depression.

Since the psychological state of many people changes during a change in the magnetic field, it is better to postpone important matters for this time. You should also not negotiate or sign important documents, especially financial ones. Any long trips are not recommended at this time. During this period, it is better to plan a day off, if, of course, this is possible.

Making an hourly forecast of magnetic storms for February 2018 so early is very problematic. This, like normal weather, is influenced by many factors. As a rule, such a forecast is made a month before the appointed date. In this case, scientists can calculate how much and on what scale solar radiation can reach our planet and in what position the Earth itself will be.

Currently, it is only possible to make a preliminary forecast of magnetic disturbances based on statistical data for the past period. Here, for example, is how many magnetic storms there were in February in previous years:

2013 9
2014 5
2015 9
2016 6
2017 4

Scientists who constantly monitor the Sun already approximately know the periodicity of the processes occurring on our star, so they can predict the behavior of the Earth’s magnetic field. Although, as with any natural phenomenon, the probability of the forecast will not be very accurate.

So, solar researchers are confident that in February 2018 there will not be too many magnetic storms - 8-9, since there is some calm on our luminary. At the same time, there cannot be too few geomagnetic disturbances, for example – 1-2. The fastest magnetic storms will be approximately 3-4, and they will be distributed as follows:

  • 05.02.18;
  • 07.02.18;
  • 10.02.18;
  • 15.02.18.

You should take care these days. You should not engage in heavy work or sports. It's time to relax. You can take a bath with mint, lemon balm or other relaxing herbs. A good option might be to listen to calm, beautiful music. You can sit comfortably in a chair by the fireplace and watch the flames. They say that its flickering lights can bring peace and tranquility to a person’s soul.

During magnetic storms, you need to maintain a positive mood. This can be facilitated by watching comedy films and humorous television programs. We must not forget that to maintain your health, a lot depends on you.


Forecast of magnetic storms in February 2018 from will be useful to all weather-dependent people.

Based on the forecast, the end of winter promises an unusually calm manifestation solar activity. Only a few minor magnetic fluctuations are expected. However, the sun can be unpredictable, and therefore you should not relax and should be on guard so that magnetic changes do not take you by surprise and undermine your health on the threshold of spring.


Magnetic storms in February 2018 year by numbers

During February 2018, minor solar activity is expected.

Magnetic fluctuations are possible 10, 16, 18, 21 numbers.

No magnetic storms are expected in February.


years - the cause of occurrence

Geomagnetic disturbances on Earth periodically occur due to processes occurring on the Sun, especially in the region of dark spots. During solar flares Plasma particles burst into space at enormous speed and, reaching the lower layers earth's atmosphere, cause storms on our planet.

years - feeling unwell

During magnetic storms and serious geomagnetic fluctuations, people sensitive to them often experience headaches, insomnia, disruption of the cardiovascular system, exacerbation of chronic diseases, decreased performance, loss of strength, increased adrenaline in the blood, stress and depression.

The body's reaction to magnetic storms is different for each person. Scientists have not yet found an exact answer to the question of why solar activity can greatly affect our body. It is believed that the cause of a person’s poor health may be the state of his health at this moment. Whether we are healthy or sick, what is the state of our immunity, whether we suffer from depression or other mental disorders - all these factors influence how we will survive the next magnetic storm.


In addition, suspiciousness is an important factor. It is believed that only 10% of humanity truly suffers from excess solar activity, and the remaining 90% invent symptoms for themselves and believe in them.

Whether this is really so is up to you to decide and check. We can advise how to behave during magnetic storms in February 2018.

What to do to make it easier to survive of the year:

  • limit work that requires increased attention and concentration, or postpone it for another time;
  • try to avoid stressful situations;
  • relax more and walk in the fresh air;
  • monitor your blood pressure;
  • take sedatives: valerian, motherwort, hawthorn, sage, soothing teas;
  • follow the recommendations of your doctor and always have the necessary medications with you;
  • Eat right to lower your blood cholesterol levels. A plant-based diet, consumption of natural juices, decoctions, chicory, a dairy diet and lean meat are recommended. Avoid drinking alcohol during this period.


Previously we told When does Lent 2018 begin?. Read more at.

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Magnetic storms magnetic storms 2018 magnetic storms in 2018 magnetic storms in February magnetic storms in February 2018 schedule of magnetic storms in February 2018 magnetic storms in February 2018 schedule magnetic storms in February 2018 magnetic storms in February 2018 magnetic storms in February 2018 in detail Magnetic storm calendar for February 2018 magnetic storms in February 2018 magnetic storms in February 2018 magnetic storm schedule magnetic storms in 2018 schedule days of magnetic storms days of magnetic storms in February days of magnetic storms in February 2018

No strong magnetic storms are expected in February 2018. In the last month of winter, solar activity will be at a low level.

Especially for weather-sensitive people, we have prepared a forecast of magnetic storms for the next month. February 2018 is encouraging with little solar activity and weak disturbances in the Earth’s magnetosphere.

The Sun will reach its greatest activity in the middle of the month, on February 9 and 16. These days the strength of magnetic storms will reach 4 points, so if you are subject to meteorological dependence, be careful these days. On other days, magnetic disturbances will not exceed 3 points, which should not negatively affect your well-being.

The cause of magnetic storms in February 2018 will be disturbances in the Earth's magnetic field, which periodically occur due to processes occurring on the Sun, especially in the region of dark spots. During solar flares, plasma particles burst into space at enormous speed and, reaching the lower layers of the earth's atmosphere, cause storms on our planet.

During magnetic storms and severe geomagnetic fluctuations, people sensitive to them often experience:

*work disruption of cardio-vascular system,
*exacerbation of chronic diseases,
*decreased performance,
*increased adrenaline in the blood,
*stress and depression.

The body's reaction to magnetic storms is different for each person. Scientists have not yet found an exact answer to the question of why solar activity can greatly affect our body. It is believed that the reason for a person’s poor health may be his current state of health. Whether we are healthy or sick, what is the state of our immunity, whether we suffer from depression or other mental disorders - all these factors influence how we will survive the next magnetic storm.

Also, according to doctors, suspiciousness is an important factor. It is believed that only 10% of humanity truly suffers from excessive solar activity, and the remaining 90%, having read the forecast of magnetic storms for the coming period, invent symptoms for themselves and believe in them. Whether this is really so is up to you to decide and check for yourself. We can advise how to behave during magnetic storms in February 2018.

To make it easier to survive magnetic storms in February 2018, scientists advise following these recommendations:

*refrain from heavy physical work;
*avoid stressful situations;
* devote more time to rest and walks;
*follow the recommendations of your attending physician;
*eat properly and on time.

If possible, on the days of magnetic storms, stick to a diet, drink natural juices, and exclude alcoholic beverages.
