The most unfortunate person. The “luckiest man in the world” survived several disasters and then won a million in the lottery. UN truck and mountain gorge

Russia is a country of despondency, and a unique one at that. In few countries, under similar living conditions, people feel as unhappy as we do. This is a scientifically proven fact: as a result of the World Values ​​Survey, which lasted 30 years, scientists Ronald Inglehart University of Michigan came to the conclusion that Russians are among the most unhappy people on Earth.

The study was conducted in one hundred countries around the world. People were asked how happy they were and their sociocultural values ​​were examined. Russia, Nigeria and Iraq took the last places in this “happiness index”.

Ronald Inglehart says: “Incredible pessimism was identified back in 1981, when our group conducted a pilot study in the Tambov region. It recorded levels of unhappiness similar to India and Nigeria, whose residents were significantly poorer. We did not expect such a result!”

Since 1991, scientists from the above-mentioned university have measured the level of happiness in Russia. Once again, they were shocked by the results: our country fell from a low level of happiness in 1991 to a level that was not recorded even in countries affected by war or epidemics! And by 1996, the level of happiness fell even lower!

A slight increase was registered in 2006, when trips to European countries became available to many Russian residents. Russians had approximately the same amount of happiness as Albanians. In the latest table, Russia is in 88th place out of 97. Ethiopia, Romania and Rwanda are slightly happier than our country, Iraq, Albania and Zimbabwe are more unhappy.

— The level of happiness depends on the level of income. In rich countries happy people more, says Ronald Inglehart. — Increasing the level of well-being helps people become happier exclusively in poor countries. The more inequality there is in a country, the more unhappy its residents are. Democracy is necessary - not only in politics, but also in Everyday life. A person who has freedom of choice is confident that he will be able to change his life for the better, and this makes him happier... Societies that develop tolerance towards people of other races, nationalities, religions, and sexual preferences are happier. The best indicator of the level of happiness is the attitude towards a woman.

Scientists led by Inglehart have found that even the inhabitants of Africa are not ready to endure hardships like the Russians.

Last December, during a visit to Russia, Ronald Inglehart said: “As our 30 years of research have shown, the well-being of a country and the level of happiness of its citizens are connected in a rather intricate way. As long as a country is poor and the people in it are poor, economic growth leads to more happy people. But this doesn't last long. Poor countries have fewer happy people than richer ones. I don't want a country with so many nuclear weapons to be cornered and filled with unhappy people."

Experts confirm the conclusions of American scientists All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion. According to them, our fellow citizens feel unhappy because of poverty, low income, difficult life circumstances, lack of a good job, and loneliness. The list of “misfortunes” is completed by rising prices and lack of confidence in the future.

A Director of the Interdepartmental Center for Socio-Economic Measurements of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexey Shevyakov says: “A huge mass of poor and almost poor people have appeared in our country. On the other hand, we have the top of society - 10-12% of the rich, who live separately from the large mass of people. We have a deep socio-economic stratification of society.”

Persistent depression

— The conclusions made by American scientists are correct. Russia is in such a situation that this cannot even be called a disaster. “This is something worse,” says a member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation commission on social issues and demographic policy, president of the regional public organization promoting the protection of children's rights "Right of the Child" Boris Altshuler. — For a huge number of families, the birth of a child is a “leap” into poverty and into impossible living conditions; there is nothing to feed the children, there is nowhere to live with them. The reasons for mass Russian poverty are known: low incomes of the population due to the suppression of domestic production combined with monopolistically inflated prices for the most necessary things: the purchase price of a liter of milk is about 10 rubles, with a sales price of 40-60 rubles. And so it is in everything. The only good news is that in the “pseudo-market” new Russia a certain “Vozdukhoprom” has not arisen, where the very ability to breathe does not yet depend on the level of family income. The catastrophic aging of the country's population against the backdrop of low life expectancy (62 years for men, 74 for women, in the USA - 76 and 81, respectively) is stated in the WHO report presented on May 13. Where will happiness come from in such a situation?!

“SP”: — Is it possible to correct the situation and increase the level of happiness?

— To do this, first of all, it is necessary to overcome poverty: to reduce the price of the “minimum consumer basket” in the areas of housing and food. Massive social construction is required. New jobs will appear and the income of many families currently classified as poor will increase. With the construction of public housing and roads, President Roosevelt led the United States out of the Great Depression in the late 1930s. The possibility of applying this experience in modern Russia depends on the state’s ability to limit the price appetites of monopolies.

Children must be taken care of, otherwise Manezhnaya Square 2010, drugs, and juvenile crimes are inevitable.

Author of books on child and adult psychology Inna Malkhanova claims that more than half of the world's population accepts life as it is, although about a third are concerned about the state of their affairs: “Eastern Europeans do not feel very happy, but regarding Russians, I agree with the conclusions of American scientists. 75% of our country's population lives in poverty. At the same time, in Russia, 1.5% of the population owns more than 50% of the national wealth.

In this terrible situation, the Russian government wrote off the debt of Libya in the amount of 4.5 billion dollars, Iraq in the amount of 12 billion dollars, Afghanistan in the amount of 11.6 billion... Our rulers provided Venezuela with a loan of 2.2 billion dollars for the purchase of weapons. The Republic of Nauru, home to about 15 thousand people, received for sale social programs after recognition of independence Abkhazia loan of 50 million dollars!

“SP”: — So, Russians will not be happy in the foreseeable future?

- What are you talking about? Almost half the country lives in a state of persistent depression. People are going wild from the inability to support their children, from unemployment, from the fact that they don’t see a way out... People show unmotivated aggression, commit suicide for minor reasons.

Poverty and misfortune

Inna Malkhanova’s words are confirmed by the abundance scary stories, occurring in the Russian state.

The village of Kozlovka, located in the Buturlinovsky district Voronezh region, almost a month has been rocked by scandals. The peace in the village was disturbed after a local guy got into a fight with an Azerbaijani peer. The young men admitted that they were both wrong and made peace.

A few days later, a fight broke out again: this time, 20-year-old Alexey Lepyokhin got into a fight with 21-year-old Armenian Robert Koshelyan. Some of the residents sided with Robert: they say that Lyoshka recently returned from the army, his blood is boiling... Another part said that Robert is not an angel, he wrote on the Internet that “he will do whatever he wants.” Lyoshka didn’t like this and expressed his dissatisfaction to his neighbor. As a result, he suffered a broken jaw.

At first, the parents of the fighters wanted to “settle the matter peacefully.” The Lepyokhin family demanded 100 thousand rubles from the Koshelyan family, but they replied that they could only provide 30 thousand. The Lepyokhins were not satisfied with the mentioned amount and Alexey wrote a statement to the police against Robert.

Local residents were outraged by the behavior of the Koshelyan family. At the same time, they remembered about the Azerbaijanis, whose family opened a bar in the village. Several dozen people decided to eliminate the “hot spot” and headed to the bar. The parents of the victim Alexei Lepyokhin were not among them.

The head of the rural settlement, Alexander Golovkov, managed to reason with his fellow villagers. But a few days later, almost 500 people gathered near the bar. Residents of neighboring villages came to the aid of the Kozlovites. People shouted that the visitors were to blame for the fights and the sale of low-quality alcohol. The police had great difficulty in calming down the angry people.

Local authorities, wanting to end the conflict, invited residents to a meeting at the village club. About 200 people came, but there was no conversation. People shouted: “They beat our children, and you stand up for strangers!”, “The newcomers here are getting rich, but we are beggars!”

— In my opinion, the causes of the conflict in Kozlovka have nothing to do with interethnic contradictions. Poverty, a feeling of hopelessness, irritation that strangers are earning a lot of money... People are tired of a hard life and take out their anger on newcomers, says Voronezh human rights activist Andrey Komarov.

Last July in the Pskov region, 58-year-old teacher Vishlevskaya high school Nadezhda Udaltsova hanged herself in a barn near her house in the village of Kryukovo, Novorzhevsky district. We talked about this terrible story.

According to the relatives of the deceased, Nadezhda Udaltsova committed suicide because her students received bad Unified State Exam results. She indicated this motive in her suicide note.

In May of this year, a 14-year-old schoolgirl who lived in the village of Tetyanovo in the Gornomarisky district of the Mari El Republic was found hanged on the veranda of her house. IN personal diary the deceased girl explained that she was pushed to commit suicide by the prediction of the American preacher Harold Camping about the coming end of the world. The girl’s teachers and friends say that she was inquisitive and actively interested in what was happening in the world.

The schoolgirl changed when she became familiar with the sermons of the American charismatic Harold Camping. The American, who has been anathematized as a false prophet by almost all Christian communities in the United States, is known for his predictions of the end of the world. The last time Camping, by its own will, set the date of the apocalypse for May 21 of this year...

In June in the city of Kopeisk Chelyabinsk region A 14-year-old schoolgirl committed suicide. The girl grew up in a prosperous family; on the eve of the tragedy, she had no conflicts at school or at home. In her suicide note, the schoolgirl wrote that no one needed her.

— People who accept life as it is are much happier than those who experience severe anxiety about their lives. Alas, Russians, most of whom are concerned with getting a living and feeding their children, cannot think like that, says Inna Malkhanova.

1 Denmark 4.24

2 Puerto Rico 4.21

3 Colombia 4.18

4 Iceland 4.15

5 Northern Ireland 4.13

6 Ireland 4.12

7 Switzerland 3.96

8 Holland 3.77

9 Canada 3.76

10 Austria 3.68

11 El Salvador 3.67

12 Malta 3.61

13 Luxembourg 3.61

14 Sweden 3.58

15 New Zealand 3.57

17 Guatemala 3.53

18 Mexico 3.52

19 Norway 3.5

20 Belgium 3.4

78 Tanzania 0.13

79 Azerbaijan 0.13

80 Macedonia -0.06

81 Rwanda -0.15

82 Pakistan -0.30

83 Ethiopia -0.30

84 Estonia -0.36

85 Lithuania -0.70

86 Latvia -0.75

87 Romania -0.88

88 Russia -1.01

89 Georgia -1.01

90 Bulgaria -1.09

91 Iraq -1.36

92 Albania -1.44

93 Ukraine -1.69

94 Belarus -1.74

95 Moldova -1.74

96 Armenia -1.80

A resident of Croatia who considers himself the luckiest person in the world - he managed to emerge alive and unharmed from seven major disasters - and hit the jackpot in the lottery. Moreover, he decided to play the lottery for the first time in the last forty years.

Frane Selak, 74, who won £600,000, said: “I'm going to enjoy my life now. I feel reborn. I know God has been watching over me all these years.”

Seven disasters of Frane Selak:

Train and icy river

The first time the Croatian was truly lucky was in 1962, when the train on which he was traveling from Sarajevo to Dubrovnik derailed and fell into an icy river, Ananova reports.

Then seventeen people drowned, and Frane Selak almost died with them. He managed to swim ashore, suffering from severe hypothermia, shock, bruises and a broken arm.

Airplane and haystack

A year later, he fell out of a DC-8 airplane between Zagreb and Rijeka when the plane's door suddenly burst open during the flight. As a result of this disaster, 19 people died. Selak landed on a haystack and suffered shock, bruises and cuts.

Bus and river

In 1966, the bus in which he was traveling to the city of Split tilted and fell into the river. Four people died. Selak swam ashore with cuts, bruises and, this time, even more shock.

burning car

Disaster number four happened to the Croatian in 1970. The car he was driving on the highway suddenly caught fire. Selak managed to get out of the car a few seconds before the gas tank exploded.

After this incident, his friend began to call the lucky Croatian “Lucky”. “He told me then,” Selak says. - “You can look at everything that happens to you from two sides. Either you are the unluckiest person in the world, or the luckiest.” I preferred the latter."

Hair and a faulty pump

Three years later, Frane Selak suddenly lost almost all the hair on his head. A leaking fuel pump sprayed gasoline directly onto his car's hot engine, fanning the flames through the breather.

Road accident

In 1995, Frane Selak's sixth disaster occurred. On one of the streets of Zagreb he was accidentally hit by a bus. The lucky Croatian escaped with a “slight fright” this time too - he received minor bruises and inevitable shock.

UN truck and mountain gorge

The following year, Selak was driving his car in the mountains when suddenly, as he rounded a bend, he saw a UN truck barreling toward him. His Skoda crashed into a road fence, broke through it and hung on the edge of a cliff. Selak managed to jump out of the car at the last moment. After a short flight, he landed on a tree, from where he was able to follow the flight of his car into a mountain gorge, which exploded 90 meters below him.

Frane Selak married unsuccessfully four times. After his lottery win, he remarks philosophically, “I guess my marriages were disasters too.” With the money he won, Selak decided to buy a house, a car, and a speedboat. After this, he marries his beloved, who is 20 years younger than him.

If you think you're having a bad day, just read this article about the unluckiest people in the world and you'll immediately feel better. The failures of most of these people are so rare that they would be comparable in probability to the chance of a vulture dropping a turtle on your head...twice.

9. The whole village won the lottery, except for one person

Every Christmas in Spain there is a lottery with a huge winnings, it is even called “El Gordo”, which translates as “big jackpot”.

And the small village of Sodeto had huge cause for celebration as all but one of its 70 families bought lottery tickets. And these lucky numbers of local residents (58268) won the main prize of 950 million dollars - accordingly, each family received a part of the amount. Just think! It turned out that the residents, mostly farmers and unemployed construction workers, found themselves with millions in their hands.

All except one unlucky guy - Costis Mitsotakis. Poor Kostis. The good Samaritans from the housewives' association who distributed the tickets decided not to knock on his door.

8. Lightning Rod Man

They say lightning never strikes the same place twice - but it struck Roy Sullivan seven times. Yes, yes, you heard right - seven times. Roy was a ranger at Shenandoah National Park in Virginia. He is included in the Guinness Book of Records as the person who has been struck by lightning the most times.

Think about it for a moment—the odds of being struck by lightning at least once in your life are about 3,000 to 1. The odds of being struck by lightning seven times are twenty-two septillion to one. That's 22,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 to 1!

One might assume that an ordinary person would have stayed home after the sixth time... or would have bought lottery tickets - but not Roy! The last time he was struck by lightning was said to be the most impressive.

After Roy was struck by lightning while he was fishing, the bear decided to add insult to injury by stealing his trout line. Seeing this, Sullivan gathered his will into a fist and hit the bear with a branch to take his fish back. Cool guy, to be sure.

7. Ghost Bullet

If we talk about unlucky people, it would be difficult to find a person more unlucky than Henry Zeigland - a man who thought that he had managed to deceive fate. Surely what happened to him was a kind of poetic justice.

It all started in 1883, when he broke off a relationship with a girl who subsequently killed herself out of despair. Distraught, her brother swore an oath that he would kill Siegland at any cost. He tracked him down and shot him. Believing Siegland to be dead, he turned the gun on himself and took his own life.

However, Siegland did not even think about dying. The bullet only grazed his face and pierced a huge tree behind him. At that moment he considered himself incredibly happy man.

However, the story did not end there. Many years later, Siegland decided to cut down the tree into which the ill-fated bullet crashed. The task was not an easy one, so to make his job easier, he decided to blow up the tree using several plates of dynamite.

The explosion caused the bullet to fly off and hit Siegland directly in the head, killing him on the spot. Just terrible - or incredible bad luck.

6. The hairiest man in the world

Dear ladies, if you are complaining that your man is too hairy, we suggest you look at Yu Zhen Huang, officially the hairiest man in the world.

As a result of a rare disease, 96% of Yu's body is covered in hair. Moreover, Yu had to undergo surgery to remove hair from his ears because it was affecting his hearing.

Fibrous black down covers every inch of his lanky body except the palms and soles of his feet. There are an average of 41 hairs per 1 square centimeter of skin on his body. He suffers from atavism, and his appearance is clearly unlucky.

Yu decided to use his unique appearance. He posted his photos on two websites: and the appropriately named He hopes to get a contract and become the next Chinese rock star.

Now he is looking for a wife. Let's see what comes of it.

5. The Unluckiest Woman in America

After losing four homes to four hurricanes, Melanie Martinez could rightfully hold the title of America's unluckiest woman. There was Betsy in 1965, Juan in 1985, George in 1998 and Katrina in 2005. That was the price of living on the Louisiana floodplain.

But then luck smiled on the school bus driver. The reality show chose to transform her rundown home in Braithwaite, south of New Orleans. The team spent a full week and $20,000 transforming Martinez's home. She got a new kitchen, new cabinets and new technology- including a 50-inch TV. “They did a great job. I really enjoyed it,” Martinez says.

But on Wednesday, August 29, seven years after Katrina, Hurricane Isaac, a Category 1 hurricane, emerged from the deep sea and destroyed her home again.

Martinez, her family, five kittens and three dogs were rescued by boat. They have lost everything. “Now I’ve lost five houses to five hurricanes. Every time my house is leveled to the ground.”

Melanie, maybe you should think about building a house on a hill next time?

4. Britain's unluckiest man

John Lyne, nicknamed "Calamity", is often called Britain's unluckiest man - he survived 16 major accidents in his life, including a lightning strike, a rock falling into a mine, and three car accidents. There was also a case when a stone launched with a catapult hit him in the mouth, knocking out eight teeth.

Mr. Line's series of misfortunes span his entire life. When he was born - one of five children in a peasant family - there was no certainty that he would survive. He had underdeveloped lungs and needed steroids and special care. But, as later in his life, he survived, no matter what.

Curiosity was his sworn enemy. At the age of 18 months, he crawled into his grandmother's bathroom and took a decent sip from a plastic bottle. Unfortunately, the bottle contained disinfectant, so he was rushed to the hospital to flush out his stomach and entire digestive system.

Perhaps his most famous accident happened when he was a teenager. After he broke his arm falling from a tree, he went to the hospital for treatment. On the way to the hospital, the bus in which he was traveling had an accident and he broke the same arm again, only in a different place. Oh yes, this all happened on Friday the 13th.

Reality is sometimes worse than fiction.

3. Tree Man from Indonesia

Dede Koswara was born a healthy child. But at the age of 10, after he fell and scraped his knee in an Indonesian forest, small warts began to appear around the wound. Over time they spread to his arms and legs.
For years, he watched helplessly as the warts on his limbs cracked into strips like grotesque bark. They drain all the energy from him and limit his mobility. Now he walks on blackened, swollen legs - a prisoner of his mutated body.

There was a moment when from the outside it seemed that meter-long, yellow-brown shoots were growing out of it. It was as if Kosvara was becoming half-plant - merging with the green jungle that was forming around him.

His mysterious illness cost him his marriage, his career and his independence. Poverty forced him to join a traveling panopticon, where he was presented as a tree man from Java.

He suffers from a double whammy: first, from the common human papillomavirus, a condition that usually causes small warts; as well as from a rare disease of immune deficiency, due to which these warts were able to grow so much. Last year, Indonesian doctors used an electric saw to cut off nearly 6 kilograms of warts and decaying matter. But it all grew back.

Unlucky, so unlucky.

2. A man who survived a nuclear attack twice

Tsutomu Yamaguchi was the only officially recognized survivor of nuclear strikes on Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of World War II.
On August 6, 1945, Yamaguchi, as a young engineer, went to Hiroshima. Seconds after getting off the tram at 8.15am he saw a massive flash of light and was knocked to the ground by the force of a bomb that exploded 600 meters above the city.

About 140,000 of Hiroshima's 350,000 residents died instantly. Despite being less than 3 kilometers from ground zero, Yamaguchi escaped with only burns to his upper body and a punctured eardrum. He spent the night in a bomb shelter, among dying people screaming in pain. The next day, Yamaguchi made his way through piles of burned and dying people to catch a train home to the city of Nagasaki, which was 290 kilometers away and which, like Hiroshima, was an important industrial and military base.

At 11:02 am, Yamaguchi once again saw a familiar flash of light, this time less than three kilometers from the city center. Now Yamaguchi was thrown to the ground by the explosion of a 25-kiloton plutonium bomb that exploded over Nagasaki.

In addition to the fact that he was left completely deaf in one ear, his wounds had to be bandaged for another 12 years, and his wife was poisoned from radioactive fallout.

She died in 2008, at the age of 88, from kidney and liver cancer. Their son, exposed to radiation on Nagasaki at the age of six months, died in 2005 at the age of 59.

Before he died of stomach cancer, Yamaguchi became active in the campaign against nuclear weapons- but never in his life did he express any anti-American ideas.

1. The dog brings back the dynamite

Imagine: deep winter in the far north. Harry Jenkins and two friends once went ice fishing on a lake called Ten Mile Lake in Akeley, Minnesota. The lake is completely covered with a thick crust of ice.

In order not to suffer for a long time and quickly make an ice hole for fishing, Mr. Jenkins first lit and then threw a briquette of illegally obtained dynamite onto the ice.

To his horror, he sees his favorite Labrador retriever Jerry running across the ice, trying to grab and return the dynamite, thinking that the owner is playing with him and he must bring him the stick back. This couldn't end well, could it?

The dog picks up the dynamite - despite the man's screams - and then begins running back towards them, tail wagging. All three realize that they are in greater danger than they thought and begin to run as fast as they can. reverse direction, and the dog is chasing them at this time.

The men narrowly escaped death, but the explosion not only killed the dog, but also created a crack in the ice, right next to the truck, which fell through it and sank to the bottom of the lake.

In addition to losing his dog, Mr. Jenkins became a double loser because the insurance company refused to pay his claim for a drowned truck.

All these people are truly the unluckiest people in the world! It’s simply hard to believe that all these accidents could have happened to them.

Tsutomu Yamaguchi

Was in Hiroshima on a business trip on August 6, 1945. While exiting the tram, less than 3 kilometers from the Japanese, a nuclear explosion occurred. He survived and returned to his hometown Nagasaki, where the next bomb was dropped a few days later! He survived again and death came for him in 2010.

John "Calamity" Lin

Englishman John Lean got into trouble so often that he was nicknamed “The Calamity.” In total, he suffered 16 major accidents, including a fall from a cart when he was immediately run over by a car. He also fell from a tree and broke his arm, survived a lightning strike, was in a mine during a cave-in, and was hit by a stone fired from a catapult. He survived a bus accident, drowned in a swamp, after which his stomach was washed and disinfected like a child.

Roy Sullivan

The chances of being struck by lightning are 1 in 3000. Roy Sullivan was struck by lightning a total of 7 times in his life, the chances of surviving such cases are zero. Once lightning struck him and his wife. But despite all this, Roy lived to the respectable age of 71 years.

Kostis Mitsotakis

In 2012, all residents of a Spanish village purchased lottery tickets, which were distributed by a local association of housewives. As it turned out, every single resident of the village of Sodeto won. This is £600 million. And only one person did not share the general fun - Kostis Mitsotakis. Surprisingly, out of 70 houses in the village, only Mitsotakis’s house was bypassed by distributors. Naturally, even his girlfriend left him after that.

Anne Hodges

Meteorites usually burn up in the Earth's atmosphere before reaching the surface. And if they do fly, then several times a year and then somewhere in the desert or over the ocean. But only once in the history of mankind did a meteorite hit a person. This happened in 1954, when American Anne Hodges lay down to take a nap on the sofa and a stone crashed through the roof and injured her hip.

Melanie Martinez

She was named America's unluckiest woman after her fourth home was destroyed by a hurricane in 50 years. Her homes were destroyed by Hurricanes Betsy (1965), Juan (1985), George (1998), and Katrina (2005). The last and fifth time in a row that Melanie’s home was hit was in 2012 by the powerful Hurricane Isaac.

Violet Jessop

She was a stewardess on the Titanic when it sank. But even before that, she worked on the Titanic's "big brother" Olympic in 1911 when it collided with another ship and sank. Then in 1916 she was serving on the Britannic as a nurse when she, too, sank! She survived all three incidents and lived until 1971.

John Wade Agan

The 47-year-old man was robbed at gunpoint while driving his taxi and was locked in his trunk. He suffered a stab wound to the chest, which was inflicted on him with a butcher knife in 2008. He also claims that in 2009 he was bitten by two snakes at the same time. He made news in 2011 after being struck by lightning while talking on a landline at his home in Florida.

Henry Zeyland

I thought I had escaped death. After Zeiland broke up with his girlfriend in 1883, she committed suicide. Her brother decided to kill Henry. But the bullet fired from the gun only grazed Henry's face and got stuck in a tree that grew nearby. Years later, he decided to cut down the tree. To complete the task, Henry used dynamite. As a result of the explosion, a bullet shot out of the tree and hit him directly in the head, killing him on the spot.

English couple Jason and Jenny Lawrence

They were attacked by terrorists more than the heroes of famous militants. On September 11 they visited shopping mall in NYC. Many residents and tourists were injured that day as a result of the terrorist attack, Jason and Jenny were among them. Four years later, on July 7, 2005, they found themselves in London during the worst terrorist attack in British history. Several bombs exploded in the subway, killing more than 50 people. But that's not all. Three years later they went on vacation again, this time to an exotic Indian city Mumbai. At this time, riots began there with the use of weapons, as a result many people died. The couple continued their vacation as if nothing had happened.

Dede Kosvar, "Tree Man"

Dede Koswar, from the Indonesian island of Java, began to struggle when he fell and cut his knee at age 15. Soon warts appeared on his body and spread to his arms and legs. He was very unlucky because his body had undergone such terrible changes as a result of immunodeficiency. Surgeons once cut off 13 pounds of warts, but they all grew back.

Wilmer McLean

Civil War in the United States of America, in literally, took place before the eyes of this man. The first Battle of Bull Run took place on Wilmer McLean's farm, and the second one a year later. In total, 20,000 people died on his lands. He decided to escape the war and moved to Virginia, but she followed him. One of the last battles also took place on McLean's new property and even a truce was signed in his living room!

Eric Norrie

Made headlines when a shark bit off two of his legs in 2013. But this was not the first time he had cheated death. Previously, Eric was struck by lightning and survived a rattlesnake bite!

Robert Todd Lincoln

I personally knew several US presidents, and three of them did not die a natural death. Robert Lincoln was the eldest son of the legendary President Lincoln. On April 14, 1865, 22-year-old Robert had the misfortune of witnessing the murder of his father by actor John Booth at Ford's Theatre. On July 2, 1881, President James Garfield was assassinated in front of his eyes. After some time, the next President, William McKinley, was also shot and Robert witnessed this murder. After this, Lincoln permanently abandoned public service.

Joan Rogers

Might be the biggest loser of all time. Here's a short list of terrible things that have happened to her: she fell off a cruise ship, drowned in a swamp, was struck by lightning twice, once had her tights pinching her legs so tightly they caused nerve damage, and now she can't wear shoes. Joan was also hit in the head with a bat, she was strangled and robbed.

All these people are truly the unluckiest people in the world! I just can't believe that all these accidents could have happened to them.

Tsutomu Yamaguchi. Was in Hiroshima on a business trip on August 6, 1945. While getting off the tram, less than 3 kilometers from the Japanese, a nuclear explosion occurred. He survived and returned to his hometown of Nagasaki, where another bomb was dropped a few days later! He survived again and death came for him in 2010. John "Calamity" Lean. Englishman John Lean got into trouble so often that he was nicknamed “The Calamity.” In total, he suffered 16 major accidents, including a fall from a cart when he was immediately run over by a car. He also fell from a tree and broke his arm, survived a lightning strike, was in a mine during a cave-in, and was hit by a stone fired from a catapult. He survived a bus accident, drowned in a swamp, after which his stomach was washed and disinfected like a child. Roy Sullivan. The chances of being struck by lightning are 1 in 3000. Roy Sullivan was struck by lightning a total of 7 times in his life, the chances of surviving such cases are zero. Once lightning struck him and his wife. But despite all this, Roy lived to the respectable age of 71 years. Kostis Mitsotakis. In 2012, all residents of a Spanish village purchased lottery tickets, which were distributed by a local association of housewives. As it turned out, every single resident of the village of Sodeto won. This is £600 million. And only one person did not share the general fun - Kostis Mitsotakis. Surprisingly, out of 70 houses in the village, only Mitsotakis’s house was bypassed by distributors. Naturally, even his girlfriend left him after that. Anne Hodges. Meteorites usually burn up in the Earth's atmosphere before reaching the surface. And if they do fly, then several times a year and then somewhere in the desert or over the ocean. But only once in the history of mankind did a meteorite hit a person. This happened in 1954, when American Anne Hodges lay down to take a nap on the sofa and a stone crashed through the roof and injured her hip. Melanie Martinez. She was named America's unluckiest woman after her fourth home was destroyed by a hurricane in 50 years. Her homes were destroyed by Hurricanes Betsy (1965), Juan (1985), George (1998), and Katrina (2005). The last and fifth time in a row that Melanie’s home was hit was in 2012 by the powerful Hurricane Isaac. Violet Jessop. She was a stewardess on the Titanic when it sank. But even before that, she worked on the Titanic's "big brother" Olympic in 1911 when it collided with another ship and sank. Then in 1916 she was serving on the Britannic as a nurse when she, too, sank! She survived all three incidents and lived until 1971. John Wade Agan. The 47-year-old man was robbed at gunpoint while driving his taxi and was locked in his trunk. He suffered a stab wound to the chest, which was inflicted on him with a butcher knife in 2008. He also claims that in 2009 he was bitten by two snakes at the same time. He made news in 2011 after being struck by lightning while talking on a landline at his home in Florida. Henry Zeiland. I thought I had escaped death. After Zeiland broke up with his girlfriend in 1883, she committed suicide. Her brother decided to kill Henry. But the bullet fired from the gun only grazed Henry's face and got stuck in a tree that grew nearby. Years later, he decided to cut down the tree. To complete the task, Henry used dynamite. As a result of the explosion, a bullet shot out of the tree and hit him directly in the head, killing him on the spot. English couple Jason and Jenny Lawrence. They were attacked by terrorists more than the heroes of famous militants. On September 11, they visited a shopping mall in New York. Many residents and tourists were injured that day as a result of the terrorist attack, Jason and Jenny were among them. Four years later, on July 7, 2005, they found themselves in London during the worst terrorist attack in British history. Several bombs exploded in the subway, killing more than 50 people. But that's not all. Three years later, they went on vacation again, this time to the exotic Indian city of Mumbai. At this time, riots began there with the use of weapons, as a result many people died. The couple continued their vacation as if nothing had happened. Dede Kosvar, "Tree Man". Dede Koswar, from the Indonesian island of Java, began to struggle when he fell and cut his knee at age 15. Soon warts appeared on his body and spread to his arms and legs. He was very unlucky because his body had undergone such terrible changes as a result of immunodeficiency. Surgeons once cut off 13 pounds of warts, but they all grew back. Wilmer McLean. The Civil War in the United States of America literally took place before the eyes of this man. The first Battle of Bull Run took place on Wilmer McLean's farm, and the second one a year later. In total, 20,000 people died on his lands. He decided to escape the war and moved to Virginia, but she followed him. One of the last battles also took place on McLean's new property and even a truce was signed in his living room! Eric Norrie. Made headlines when a shark bit off two of his legs in 2013. But this was not the first time he had cheated death. Previously, Eric was struck by lightning and survived a rattlesnake bite! Robert Todd Lincoln. I personally knew several US presidents, and three of them did not die a natural death. Robert Lincoln was the eldest son of the legendary President Lincoln. On April 14, 1865, 22-year-old Robert had the misfortune of witnessing the murder of his father by actor John Booth at Ford's Theatre. On July 2, 1881, President James Garfield was assassinated in front of his eyes. After some time, the next President, William McKinley, was also shot and Robert witnessed this murder. After this, Lincoln permanently abandoned public service. Joan Rogers Might be the biggest loser of all time. Here's a short list of terrible things that have happened to her: she fell off a cruise ship, drowned in a swamp, was struck by lightning twice, once had her tights pinching her legs so tightly they caused nerve damage, and now she can't wear shoes. Joan was also hit in the head with a bat, she was strangled and robbed.

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