English-Russian dictionary of general vocabulary. Rate translation and transcription, pronunciation, phrases and sentences How rate is translated

  1. noun
    1. norm; rate, tariff; rate, price;
      the rate of wages per week wages;
      rate of exchange exchange rate;
      rate of excess value political Economy rate of surplus value;
      average rate of profit political Economy average rate of profit;
      at an easy rate cheap; easily;
      to live at a high rate

      Examples of using

      1. Mum disliked phone because rates to Luna City Co-op Comm Company were passed on in large measure to Authority.

        Ma hated telephones, because the money for using the services of the Luna City Cooperative Telecommunications Company largely went into the pockets of the Administration.

        The moon is a harsh mistress. Robert Heinlein, page 103
      2. "They have a ninety-eight per cent cure rate."

        Ninety-eight percent of their clients quit smoking.

        Stop Smoking Corporation Stephen KING, page 2
      3. I shall never get to twenty at that rate!

        Oh, mommy, I’ll never reach twenty!

        Alice in Wonderland. Lewis Carroll, page 8
    2. relevant part; proportion; coefficient, degree, percentage; share;
      mortality rate
    3. local tax

      Examples of using

      1. Then Madame Coralie explained in a manner so frank that I prefer to paraphrase her speech that owing to this invasion of the town by beautiful ladies from a foreign land the three elegant houses on which she and her two friends paid rates and taxes were utterly deserted.

        And Madame Coralie explained in extremely frank terms, I will try to soften them as much as possible, that such a disastrous situation was created because of these beauties of foreigners, they filled the city, and three first-class establishments, for which she and her friends regularly pay both municipal and state taxes, completely lost customers.

        ...And the wolves are safe. William Somerset Maugham, page 7
    4. pace; stroke, speed;
      rate of increase rate of growth, increase;
      at the rate of 40 miles an hour;
      rate of fire military rate of fire, fire mode;
      rate of climb aviation

      Examples of using

      1. In 1936, between February and June, 269 political murders were committed, and the Nationalists executed Republicans at the rate of a thousand a month, with no mourning permitted.

        From February to June 1936, 269 political murders were committed; nationalists executed a thousand republicans every month, while prohibiting mourning ceremonies.

        The sands of Time. Sidney Sheldon, page 1
      2. "We"ll never get ashore at this rate"said I.

        “We’ll never get to the shore this way,” I said.

        Treasure Island. Robert Louis Stevenson, p. 90
      3. here are the growth rates of China, here are the growth rates of the USA,

        Subtitles for the video "Joseph Nye on Shifting Powers in the World", page 4
    5. rank, class; variety

      Examples of using

      1. At any rate, now was the perfect opportunity to experiment with this kind of hunger: he almost wanted to stay in Paris long enough to gauge how susceptible Miss Weiner was.

        Reef, or Where Happiness Breaks. Edith Wharton, page 25
      2. Suddenly she came upon a little three-legged table, all made of solid glass; there was nothing on it except a tiny golden key, and Alice"s first thought was that it might belong to one of the doors of the hall; but, alas! either the locks were too large, or the key was too small, but at any rate it would not open any of them.

        She walked sadly back and forth, trying to figure out how to get out of here, when she suddenly came across a small glass table on which lay a tiny golden key. Alice was very happy: she thought it was a key to one of the doors. But alas! Maybe the locks were too big, or maybe the key was too small, but he just didn’t want to open a single door.

        Alice in Wonderland. Lewis Carroll, page 4
      3. "That is a first- rate idea," said the Lion.

        Good idea! - Lev exclaimed.

        The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. Frank Bohm, page 33
    6. ration, portion
    7. technique; technology— consumption (of water);
      at any rate in any case; at least;
      at this (or that) rate in this case; under such conditions
  2. verb
    1. evaluate, calculate, determine, establish;
      the copper coinage was then rated above it real value

      Examples of using

      1. While a hundred-megatonne bomb is rated as having fifty thousand times the yield of a two-kilotonne bomb, its destructive effect is only about thirteen hundred times as great as that of a two-kilotonne explosion."

        Although a hundred-megaton bomb is fifty thousand times more powerful than a two-kiloton bomb, its destructive effect is only one thousand three hundred times greater.

        The moon is a harsh mistress. Robert Heinlein, p. 91
      2. Besides, private contractor paid more than civil service rating with Authority.

        In addition, the private contractor was paid much more than the Administration employee.

        The moon is a harsh mistress. Robert Heinlein, page 3
      3. It's crucial to realize that the rate of progress doesn't matter,

        It is very important to realize that the rate of progress is not important,

        Video subtitles "Can We Build AI and Keep Control of It? Sam Harris", page 1
    2. count; evaluate; consider;
      he was rated the best poet of his time;
      I rate his speech very high

      Examples of using

      1. They were rated for twelve hours, plenty for a fifty-hour orbit most of which I was unconscious and none involving heavy exercise, but not quite enough with some hours of towing added.

        Each of them is designed for twelve hours - quite enough for a fifty-hour flight, most of which I spent immobilized, but a few additional hours of towing were not enough.

        The moon is a harsh mistress. Robert Heinlein, page 201
      2. The visitor rated his brother's memory considerably lower than that, say thirty roubles.

        The visitor valued his brother’s memory much lower, at thirty rubles.

        The twelve Chairs. Ilya Ilf and Evgeny Petrov, page 77
      3. The station was even more crowded today, just two days before Christmas, than on Friday, but the train - at least at the rear - was relatively quiet and calm.

        At 4:50 from Paddington station. Agatha Christie, page 14
    3. (prim. passive voice) impose (local) tax
    4. nautical; nautical- determine the class, category (of the ship)

      Examples of using

      1. We knew he had one because these finks did not report to Alvarez by phone, nor did it seem possible that Alvarez could have recruited them as none of them worked in Complex and Alvarez came inside Luna City only when an Earthside vip was so important as to rate a bodyguard commanded by Alvarez in person.

        We knew that such a one existed, since the local spies did not report directly to Alvarez by phone, and it was also unlikely that he himself recruited them: none of them worked in the Complex, and Alvarez appeared in Luna City only when Some particularly big shot would arrive from Terra and he would have to accompany her.

        The moon is a harsh mistress. Robert Heinlein, p. 125
  • rate [eɪ] verb

    scold; rate

    Examples of using

    1. Not many people would have admired the situation of Manilov’s abode, for it stood on an isolated rise and was open to every wind that blew. On the slope of the rise lay closely-mounted turf, while, disposed here and there, after the English fashion, were flower-beds containing clumps of lilac and yellow acacia. Also, there were a few insignificant groups of slender-leaved, pointed-tipped birch trees, with, under two of the latter, an arbor having a shabby green cupola, some blue-painted wooden supports, and the inscription “This is the Temple” of Solitary Thought.” Lower down the slope lay a green-coated pond - green-coated ponds constitute a frequent spectacle in the gardens of Russian landowners; and, lastly, from the foot of the declivity there stretched a line of moldy, log-built huts which, for some obscure reason or another, our hero set himself to count. Up to two hundred or more did he count, but nowhere could he perceive a single leaf of vegetation or a single stick of timber. The only thing to greet the eye was the logs of which the huts were constructed. Nevertheless the scene was to a certain extent enlivened by the spectacle of two peasant women who, with clothes picturesquely tucked up, were wading knee-deep in the pond and dragging behind them, with wooden handles, a ragged fishing-net, in the meshes of which two crawfish and a roach with glistening scales were entangled. The women appeared to have cause of dispute between themselves - to be rating one another about something.

      Then Chichikov remembered that if a friend invites you to his village fifteen miles away, it means that there are thirty faithful to her. The village of Manilovka could lure few with its location. The master's house stood alone on the jura, that is, on an eminence, open to all the winds that could blow; the slope of the mountain on which he stood was covered with trimmed turf. Two or three flower beds with lilac and yellow acacia bushes were scattered on it in English style; Five or six birches in small clumps here and there raised their thin, small-leaved tops. Under two of them was visible a gazebo with a flat green dome, blue wooden columns and the inscription “temple of solitary reflection”; Below is a pond covered with greenery, which, however, is not unusual in the English gardens of Russian landowners. At the foot of this elevation, and partly along the slope itself, gray log huts darkened length and breadth, which our hero, for unknown reasons, at that very moment began to count and counted more than two hundred; nowhere between them is a growing tree or any greenery; There was only one log visible everywhere. The view was enlivened by two women who, having picked up their dresses in a picturesque manner and tucked themselves in on all sides, were wandering knee-deep in the pond, dragging a tattered mess by two wooden nags, where two tangled crayfish were visible and a roach that had come across was glistening; the women seemed to be quarreling among themselves and quarreling over something.

      Dead Souls. Poem. Gogol Nikolay Vasilievich, p. 19
  • rate [eɪ]
  • English-Russian translation RATE

    a) property valuation

    b) judgment, opinion, assessment (for example, of an event)

    2) norm; rate, tariff; rate, price

    at an easy rate - cheap; easily

    average rate of profit - eq. average rate of profit

    book rate - amer. "book" tariff (tariff for postal parcel)

    lock-in rate - American ; Finnish frozen rate

    rate of excess value - eq. rate of surplus value

    a) proportion, ratio; coefficient; degree; percentage, share

    to fix, set a rate - set the percentage

    Inflation rate

    Metabolic rate

    Respiration rate

    b) Finnish rate (special ratio for transactions with currency and securities)

    at the rate - at the rate

    at the average close rate - according to the average final rate

    exchange rate, rate of exchange - exchange rate

    cabin rate - American ; Finnish "telegraph course"

    4) local, municipal, utility tax

    a) pace; speed, stroke (as a physical characteristic)

    The most rapid rate of a box-wagon is about thirty miles per hour. - The most high speed freight train movement is about thirty miles per hour.

    b) relative speed (of performing actions, etc.)

    Morbidity rate

    Mortality rate

    a) rank, class; variety

    b) pestilence. class of military vessels

    7) degree, intensity (of some feeling, action, etc.)

    at a great rate - to a large extent

    8) ration, portion

    9) tech. consumption (water)

    at any rate - in any case; at least

    at this rate, at that rate - in this case; under such conditions

    1) mouth grant, assign, allocate

    a) evaluate, evaluate, calculate, determine, establish (among; as)

    to rate high - to rate highly

    to rate low - to rate low

    That player is rated among the very best. — This player is considered one of the best.

    This wine rates as excellent. — This wine is considered excellent.

    value 2., esteem 2.

    b) assign class, rank; rank according to rank

    3) evaluate, evaluate, appreciate

    Why should you rate yourself above this job? - Why do you think that doing this work is beneath you?

    She was rated an excellent pianist. — She was considered an excellent pianist.

    consider , regard 2.

    She rates as the finest teacher we have. “She is the best teacher we have.”

    5) deserve (smth.), be worthy of (smth.)

    He rated special privileges. “He had special privileges.”

    6) ordinary suffering rate

    a) determine the class, category (of a sea vessel)

    b) assign a class, rank (to a sailor)

    1) scold, scold, scold; rate

    He began to rate them soundly for the ir ingratitude. “He began to scold them strongly for their ingratitude.

    chide, scold 1., reprove

    2) uninterrupted. scold, swear

    She has rated at her child all day long. “She swore at her child all day.”

    English-Russian dictionary of general lexicon. English-Russian dictionary By general vocabulary. 2005

    • English-Russian dictionaries
    • English-Russian dictionary of general vocabulary

    More meanings of the word and translation of RATE from English into Russian in English-Russian dictionaries and from Russian into English in Russian-English dictionaries.

    More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for the word “RATE” in dictionaries.

    • RATE — I. ˈrāt, usu -ād.+V verb (-ed/-ing/-s) Etymology: Middle English raten, perhaps of Scandinavian origin; akin to Swedish rata…
      Webster's New International English Dictionary
    • RATE - noun order; arrangement. 2. rate noun ratification; approval. 3. rate vt to ratify. 4. rate vi to make an estimate. ...
      Webster English vocab
    • RATE - /reɪt; NAmE / noun, verb ■ noun 1. [C] a measurement of the speed at which ...
      Oxford Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
    • RATE - I. rate 1 S1 W1 /reɪt/ BrE AmE noun [Word Family: verb: rate, overrate...
      Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
    • RATE - (rates, rating, rated) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. The rate…
      Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
    • RATE — I. noun COLLOCATIONS FROM OTHER ENTRIES a failure rate ▪ There is a high failure rate in the restaurant industry. ...
      Longman DOCE5 Extras English vocabulary
    • RATE
      Large English-Russian Dictionary
    • RATE — rate.ogg _I 1. reıt n 1. norm; size birth rate - birth rate crime rate - indicator / index, statistics / crime per ...
      Anglo-Russian- English dictionary general vocabulary - Collection of the best dictionaries
    • RATE - 1) speed (see speed) 2) intensity 3) frequency 4) flow 5) rate || normalize 6) tariff || ...
      Big English-Russian Polytechnic Dictionary
    • RATE - 1) speed (see speed) 2) intensity 3) frequency 4) flow 5) rate || normalize 6) tariff || charge 7) degree 8) attitude; coefficient 9) rank; variety; Class …
      Large English-Russian Polytechnic Dictionary - RUSSO
    • RATE - 1) intensity 2) class 3) coefficient 4) norm 5) ratio 6) evaluate 7) assessment 8) percentage 9) mode 10) speed 11) grade 12) rate 13) degree 14) rate 15) tariff 16) rate . adiabatic lapse rate - ...
      English-Russian scientific and technical dictionary
    • RATE — _I 1. reıt n 1. norm; size birth rate - birth rate crime rate - indicator / index, statistics / crime per cent ...
      Large new English-Russian dictionary
    • RATE - I [ЇўЎ«] rate.wav 1. noun. 1) a) assessment of property Syn: valuation b) judgment, opinion, assessment (for example, of an event) Syn: estimation 2) norm; rate, tariff; rate, price at an easy rate...
      English-Russian dictionary of general vocabulary
    • RATE - 1) speed; frequency; intensity 2) degree 3) scale 4) size || measure 5) attitude; proportion 6) productivity; output volume 7) ...
      English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and production automation 2
    • RATE - 1) speed; frequency; intensity 2) degree 3) scale 4) size || measure 5) attitude; proportion 6) productivity; output volume 7) consumption 8) grade; discharge; class || classify 9) ...
      English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and production automation
    • RATE - 1) speed; pace; intensity 2) degree; coefficient; proportion 3) norm; price; evaluate 4) frequency. - aberration rate - absolute growth rate - accuracy rate - additive growth …
      New English-Russian Dictionary of Biology
    • RATE - 1) speed; pace; intensity 2) degree; coefficient; proportion 3) norm; price; evaluate 4) frequency. - aberration rate - absolute…
      New English-Russian Biological Dictionary
    • RATE — _I 1. _n. 1> norm; rate, tariff; rate, price; the rate of wages per week - weekly wage rate; ...
      Muller's English-Russian Dictionary - 24th edition
    • RATE - 1) rank; variety; class 2) degree; coefficient (eg spring stiffness) 3) value; speed; pace; move; intensity 4) flow rate; productivity 5) norm; rate; price; price 6) ...
      English-Russian dictionary of construction and new construction technologies
    • RATE - 1. speed; pace; intensity; degree 2. norm 3. cost; assessment - abort rate - absolute drilling rate - accelerated failure rate - acceptable degradation …
      Large English-Russian Dictionary of Oil and Gas
    • RATE - 1. noun. 1) size, norm, rate 2) discount rate 3) customs duty rate 4) tariff, tax 5) exchange rate, price 6) proportion, degree, percentage, coefficient, indicator 7) local ...
      English-Russian Dictionary of Economics
    • RATE - 1) coefficient; degree 2) speed; intensity; frequency 3) evaluation 4) evaluate. - access rate - arrival rate - asynchronous rate - average envelope crossing rate - average transfer …
      English-Russian Dictionary of Computer Science and Programming
    • RATE
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    • RATE - 1) speed; degree; pace; mode; intensity 2) tariff 3) productivity; norm 4) class; grade 5) indicator; parameter; coefficient - rate...
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    • RATE - 1) speed 2) intensity 3) tariff. - accounting rate - aggregate bit rate - area rate - average bit error rate - basic rate - baud rate - bit …
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    • RATE - 1) norm 2) rate; rate; price 3) rank; grade 4) speed 5) consumption 6) productivity 7) attitude; proportion - rates…
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    • RATE - 1) value; flow rate 2) speed; intensity 3) level; degree 4) cost 5) class. - acceleration rate - accident rate - balancing rate - charging rate - collision rate - damping …
      English-Russian Automotive Dictionary - Russo
    • RATE - normal; bid; rate; well; price; price; speed; temp(s) ; move; degree; ...
      English-Russian Business Dictionary
    • RATE - speed; frequency; intensity see rate of key change see arrival rate see baud rate see bit rate see bit error …
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    • RATE - I 1. noun. 1) a) assessment of property Syn: valuation b) judgment, opinion, assessment (for example, of an event) Syn: estimation ...
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    • RATE — n raft (= float) adj ratified, averred
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    • RATE - ~, percentage, tariff; rapidore; (exchange) value; (tax) impost; (death ~) mortalitá. AT ANY ~: in omni casu; v. taxar; impostar; ...
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    • RATE - bayad;upa
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    • RATE — I. verb (~d; rating) Etymology: Middle English Date: 14th century transitive verb to rebuke angrily or violently, to drive away …
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    • RATE — (as used in expressions) discount rate ((link=exchange rate">exchange rate reaction rate
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    • RATE - (n.) The order or class to which a war vessel belongs, determined according to its size, armament, etc.; as, first...
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    • RATE — (n.) The gain or loss of a timepiece in a unit of time; as, daily rate; hourly rate etc.
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    • RATE - (n.) Ratification; approval.
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    • RATE - (n.) Order; arrangement.
      Webster English Dictionary
    • RATE — (n.) A tax or sum assessed by authority on property for public use, according to its income or value; esp., …
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    • RATE - (n.) Valuation; price fixed with relation to a standard; cost; charge; as, high or low rates of transportation.
      Webster English Dictionary
    • RATE — (n.) That which is established as a measure or criterion; degree; standard; rank; proportion; ratio; as, a slow rate of …
      Webster English Dictionary
    • RATE - (n.) Established portion or measure; fixed allowance.
      Webster English Dictionary


    rate (reɪt)


    1) norm; rate, tariff; rate, price;

    the rate of wages per week;

    rate of exchange exchange rate;

    rate of excess value political-ec. rate of surplus value;

    average rate of profit political-ec. average rate of profit;

    at an easy rate cheap; easily;

    to live at a high rate

    2) the corresponding part; proportion; coefficient, degree, percentage; share;

    mortality rate

    3) pace; move; speed;

    rate of increase rate of growth, increase;

    at the rate of 40 miles an hour;

    rate of fire military rate of fire, fire mode;

    rate of climb av. rate of climb

    4) local tax

    5) rank, class; variety"

    6) ration, portion

    7) tech. consumption ( water) at any rate in any case; at least;

    at this ( or that) rate in this case; under such conditions

    2. v

    1) count; evaluate; consider;

    he was rated the best poet of his time;

    I rate his speech very high I consider his speech very successful

    2) evaluate, calculate, determine, establish;

    the copper coinage was then rated above its real value

    3) (prim. pass.) impose (local) tax

    4) mor. define a class, category ( ship)

    rate (reɪt) v

    scold; rate

    RATETranslation and usage examples - suggestions
    18. Decides, as an ad hoc arrangement, and taking into account the amount of 61,180,707 dollars gross (59,120,770 dollars net) already apportioned in accordance with its resolution 54/267 for the period from 1 February to 30 June 2001, to apportion among Members States the additional amount of 36,149,331 dollars gross (35,958,875 dollars net), at a monthly rate of 7,229,867 dollars gross (7,191,775 dollars net), in accordance with the scheme set out in the present resolution, taking into account the scale of assessments for the year 2001, To be adopted by the General Assembly. subject to the decision of the Security Council to extend the mandate of the Force beyond 31 January 2001;18. Decides, as a special measure and taking into account the amount of US$61,180,707 gross (US$59,120,770 net) already apportioned in accordance with its resolution 54/267 and relating to the period from 1 February to 30 June 2001, to apportion among Member States an additional amount of US$36,149,331 gross (US$35,958,875 net) based on US$7,229,867 gross (US$7,191,775 net) in month in accordance with the scheme set out in this resolution and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2001. Subject to the approval of the General Assembly., subject to the decision of the Security Council to extend the mandate of the Force beyond 31 January 2001;
    Deeply concerned that, despite the many successful and continuing efforts of the international community since the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, held at Stockholm from 5 to 16 June 1972, and the fact that some progress has been achieved, the environment and the natural resource base that support life on earth continue to deterio rate at an alarming rate , Deeply concerned that, despite the active, successful and tireless efforts made by the international community since the United Nations Conference on settlements, and some progress has been achieved, the deterioration of the condition continues at an alarming rate environment and the base of natural resources that support life on Earth,
    Recognizing that, while the rate of poverty in some countries has been reduced, some developing countries and disadvantaged groups are being marginalized and others are at risk of being marginalized and effectively excluded from the benefits of globalization, resulting in increased income disparity among and within countries, thereby constraining efforts to eradicate povertyRecognizing that, while poverty levels have declined in some countries, some developing countries and disadvantaged groups are being marginalized and other countries and populations are at risk of being marginalized and effectively excluded from the benefits of globalization, resulting in increased income inequality between and within countries, which hampers efforts to eradicate poverty,
    1. Notes with deep concern the low rate of compliance with the six-week rule for the issuance of documentation, and encourages the Secretary-General, in view of the impact of late submissions on the timely issuance of documents, to intensify recent efforts with respect to planning meetings and forecasting documentation;1. Notes with deep concern the low rate of compliance with the six-week rule regarding the release of documentation, and encourages the Secretary-General, given the impact of late submission of documents to ensure timely release, to intensify recent efforts to schedule meetings and forecast documentation volumes;
    D= Rate applicable to staff members with a dependent spouse or child.I = rates for employees with a dependent spouse or child.
    S= Rate applicable to staff members with no dependent spouse or child.O = rates for employees who do not have a dependent spouse or child.
    2. Takes note of the decision of the Board, in accordance with article 11 (a) of the Regulations of the Fund, to lower the interest rate used to determine lump-sum commutations, from the current 6.5 per cent to 6 per cent, with respect to contributory service performed as from 1 January 2001;2. Also notes the decision of the Board, in accordance with Article 11 a of the Regulations of the Fund, to reduce the current rate of 6.5 per cent used to determine lump sum payments to 6 per cent for participants with effect from 1 January 2001;
    "(c) The benefit may be commuted by the participant into a lump sum if the rate of the benefit at the normal retirement age is less than 300 dollars. Such commutation shall be equivalent to the full actuarial value of the benefit."“c) At the request of the participant, a deferred pension may be replaced by a lump sum payment if the rate of pension payable at normal retirement age is less than $300. The amount of such payment is equal to the full actuarial amount of the pension.”
    17. Decides, as an ad hoc arrangement, to apportion among Member States the amount of 234,583,330 dollars gross (227,521,500 dollars net) for the period from 1 February to 30 June 2001, at a monthly rate of 46,916,666 dollars gross (45,504,300 dollars net), in accordance with the scheme set out in the present resolution and taking into account the scale of assessments for the year 2001, See resolution 55/5 B. subject to the decision of the Security Council to extend the mandate of the Transitional Administration beyond 31 January 2001;17. Decides, as a special measure, to apportion among Member States the amount of US$234,583,330 gross (US$227,521,500 net) in respect of the period from 1 February to 30 June 2001, at the rate of 46 $916,666 gross ($45,504,300 net) per month in accordance with the scheme set out in this resolution and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2001See resolution 55/5 B., subject to a decision by the Security Council to extend the mandate of the Interim Administration beyond 31 January 2001;
    5. Decides also that the permanent members of the Security Council should form a sepa rate level and that, consistent with their special responsibilities for the maintenance of peace and security, they should be assessed at a higher rate than for the regular budget;5. Also decides that the permanent members of the Security Council should be treated at a separate level and that, in view of their special responsibility for the maintenance of peace and security, they should be assessed at a rate higher than that of the regular budget;
    7. Decides that the least developed countries should be placed in a sepa rate level and receive the highest rate of discount available under the scale;7. Decides that the least developed countries should be classified in a separate tier and that they should receive the maximum discount provided within the scale;
    1. Welcomes with appreciation the commitment of certain Member States to undertake voluntarily to contribute to peacekeeping operations at a rate higher than required by their per capita income;1. Notes with appreciation the voluntary commitment of some Member States to contribute to peacekeeping operations at a rate higher than what is required of them based on their per capita income;
    6. Decides that, at any time during the scale period, a Member State may make a voluntary commitment to contribute at a rate higher than its current rate by informing the General Assembly through the Secretary-General, and the Assembly may take note of that decision.6. Decides that at any time during the period of validity of the scale, any Member State may make a voluntary commitment to contribute at a rate higher than its current rate by informing the General Assembly thereof through Secretary General, and that the Assembly may take note of this decision.
    13. Decides further, as an ad hoc arrangement, to apportion among Member States the amount of 47,807,018 dollars gross (47,239,772 dollars net) for the period from 16 March to 30 June 2001 at a monthly rate of 13,596,491 dollars gross (13,435,164 dollars net), in accordance with the scheme set out in the present resolution and taking into account the scale of assessments for the year 2001, See resolution 55/5 B, annex II. subject to any decision by the Security Council to extend the mandate of the Mission beyond 15 March 2001;13. Further decides, as a special measure, to apportion among Member States the amount of US$47,807,018 gross (US$47,239,772 net) in respect of the period from 16 March to 30 June 2001, at the rate $13,596,491 gross ($13,435,164 net) per month in accordance with the scheme set out in this resolution and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2001 See resolution 55/5 B, annex II., subject to a decision by the Security Council to extend the mandate of the Mission beyond 15 March 2001;
    4. Notes the higher than budgeted vacancy rate relative to the rate approved by the General Assembly in its resolution 54/249, and requests the Secretary-General to take all appropriate measures to rectify this situation in an expeditious manner;4. Notes the higher actual vacancy rate compared to the budgeted rate approved by the General Assembly in its resolution 54/249, and requests the Secretary-General to urgently take all appropriate measures to correct this situation;


    1. (reıt) n

    1. norm; size

    birth ~ - birth rate

    crime ~ - indicator / index, statistics / crime

    per cent ~ - percentage amount

    ~ of profit /of return/ - political-ec. rate of return

    ~ of surplus value - political-ec. rate of surplus value

    ~ of production - a) production rate; b) productivity

    ~ of seeding - agricultural seeding rate

    the ~ of speed per minute - speed per minute

    the marriage ~ per mille - the number of marriages per thousand (people) of the population

    to go at the ~ of six miles an hour - walk 6 miles per hour; move at 6 mph

    2. 1) rate, tariff; dachshund; price

    the Rate - Finnish UK bank discount rate

    ~ of discount - Finnish discount rate, discount interest; discount rate

    ~ of duty - customs duty rate

    the ~s of wages per week - weekly wage rates

    the ~ of interest - interest rate

    2) Finnish well

    the ~ of exchange - exchange rate; bill rate; exchange rate

    dollar (sterling) ~ - dollar exchange rate (pound sterling)

    3) price; grade

    to buy (to sell) at a high ~ - buy (sell) at a high price

    you can have them at the ~ of $1 a dozen - you can buy them for one dollar per dozen

    at an easy ~ - a) at an inexpensive price, cheap; b) easily, without difficulty, without effort

    to win success at an easy ~ - achieve success without difficulty

    to value smth. at a low ~ - a) to rate something low; b) to have a low opinion of smth.

    4) pl railway freight tariff

    ~ scale /card/ - tariff schedule ( sent by transport and insurance organizations)

    3. speed, pace

    ~ constant - chem. reaction rate constant

    ~ of growth - growth rate

    ~ of advance - military rate of advance

    ~ of climb - Av. rate of climb

    ~ of descent - Av. rate of descent

    ~ of fire - military rate of fire; rate of fire; fire mode

    ~ of sailing - mor. travel speed ( vessel)

    ~ of ionization - physical ionization rate

    at a great (fearful) ~ - with enormous (terrible) speed

    to drive at a dangerous ~ - drive a car at a dangerous speed limit

    unemployment increases at a fearful ~ - unemployment is growing at an alarming rate

    he read at a mode~ ~ - he read slowly

    4. percentage, share; coefficient; proportion; degree

    ~ of chickens - agricultural chicks coming out ( from the number of eggs laid)

    ~ of reproduction, reproduction ~ - eq. replacement rate

    ~ of return - eq. profitability, rate of return

    5. 1) category, grade

    of the first ~ - first-class; best

    this fruit (this orchestra) is very second ~ - these are very unimportant fruits (mediocre orchestra)

    2) hurt, flight

    6. local, municipal, utility tax; collection for local needs ( In Great Britain)

    ~s and taxes - (local) fees and (state) taxes; utility and state taxes

    harbor ~s - port dues

    to raise a ~ of £1 - charge a fee of one pound sterling

    7. Amer. score, mark ( At school)

    8. mode of action; manner, way

    ~ of living - (broad) way of life

    to live at a high ~ - live on a grand scale

    if you go on at that ~ you will injure your health - if you continue to do this, you will undermine your health

    at this ~ - a) in this way; So; b) if this continues

    at that ~ - in that case; if so, if what you say is true

    at that ~ we shan"t get any dinner today - if this goes on, we will be left without lunch today

    he ought to be dismissed at that ~ - in this case, he should be fired

    9. specialist. intensity; power

    emission (radiation, fission) ~ - physical emission intensity (radiation, fission)

    exposure (dosage) ~ - physical irradiation power (dose)

    ~ of work - work intensity, power

    ~ of gain - agricultural intensity of growth /weight gain/

    10. specialist. frequency

    pulse ~ - a) honey. heart rate; b) elk. pulse (repetition) frequency

    11. sport. discharge

    12. mor.

    1 class ( merchant ship)

    2) ist. rank ( ship)

    3) = rating1 6, 1)

    13. (about the watch) move; daily lag; care a day ahead

    ~ of a chronometer - movement of the chronometer

    14. those. consumption ( water, etc.)

    at any ~ - in any case; at least

    not at any ~ - arch. in no case; never

    he has improved somewhat, in manners at any ~ - he has become a little better, at least in circulation

    at any ~ I will do nothing without further instructions - in any case, I will not do anything without further instructions

    at all ~s - a) in any /in any/ case; as it were; b) arch. at any cost; by any means

    to come upon the ~s - ist. supported by taxpayers ( about the poor); go to the workhouse

    2. (reıt) v

    1. 1) (often at) evaluate, evaluate; count

    to ~ a coin (paper money) above (below) its real value - determine the rate of a coin (paper money) above (below) its real value

    what do you ~ his fortune at? - How much do you estimate his condition to be?

    output was ~d at about 5,000 bales per working day - according to calculations, it turned out that the productivity is about 5,000 bales per working day

    2) appreciate, evaluate, evaluate

    to ~ smb., smth. high - to highly value someone, sth.

    to ~ one profession above another in usefulness - consider one profession more useful than another

    to ~ fame at its true value - know the real price of fame

    I do not ~ his merits high - I have a low opinion of his merits

    he doesn't ~ himself an ordinary clerk - he does not consider himself an ordinary clerk

    3) specialist. tax, charge

    he is ~d as a distinguished scientist - he is considered an outstanding scientist

    he is ~d the best in his field - he is considered the best specialist in this field

    I ~ him among my friends - I consider him among my friends; I consider him my friend

    to ~ as a national resource - to be considered as a source of national significance

    he ~s as one of the best runners over the distance - he is considered one of the best runners at this distance

    3. preim. pass

    1) impose a local tax

    they were heavily ~d - they paid high local taxes

    2) evaluate to establish the local tax rate or insurance premium

    the shop was ~d at £500 a year - taxable income from the store was calculated at five hundred pounds sterling per year

    to ~ up - fear. increase the insurance premium ( in case of special risk) {see also 7, 3)}

    4. Amer. put a mark, evaluate ( to the student); evaluate knowledge

    5. decomposition deserve

    he ~s the best - he deserves the best

    6. Amer.

    1) (deservedly) to enjoy something; have the right to smth.

    she ~s special privileges - she enjoys special privileges; she is given special privileges

    2) occupy a privileged position

    she really ~s with her boss - the boss really takes her into account / appreciates her very much /

    7. preim. mor.

    1) define a class ( ship, car); set category; classify

    a ship ~s as first (as second) - the ship belongs to the first (second) class

    3) assign a class, title ( sailor)

    he was ~d as a midshipman - he was awarded the rank of midshipman

    to ~ up - raise in class, rank and so on. {see also 3, 2)}

    4) have a class, rank ( about the sailor)

    8. regulate, check ( watch)

    to ~ a chronometer - set the chronometer to mean standard time

    II(reıt) v

    reprimand; reprimand, scold, scold ( someone)

    1. price (rate, tariff, size, price, assessment, fee)
    2. speed (tempo, rhythm)
    3. well (degree, level, rank, class, grade)
    4. norm
    5. frequency (case)
    6. coefficient (indicator)
    7. percent (share, proportion)
    8. intensity
    9. power

    Plural number: rates.


    1. tariff

    Verb forms


    cheaper rates
    cheap prices

    interest rate
    interest rate

    discount rate
    preferential tariff

    average rate
    the average size

    low rates
    low prices

    certain rate
    certain fee

    transfer rate
    transfer cost

    low rate
    low speed

    growth rate
    growth rate

    pulse rate

    exchange rate
    exchange rate

    maximum rate
    maximum degree

    minimum rate
    minimum level

    annual rate
    annual rate

    higher rate
    high frequency

    different rates
    different odds

    highest rate
    high rate

    bank rate
    bank interest

    high rate
    high intensity

    rated power
    rated power

    rate power
    estimate power

    rate policy
    tariff policy


    This firm manufactures cars at the rate of two hundred per day.
    This company produces two hundred cars per day.

    What's the postage rate for packages?
    What is the rate for postal parcels?

    Many Australians are descendants of criminals sent there. Meanwhile, the crime rate in Australia is very low. Food for thought.
    Many Australians are descendants of criminals exiled there. Meanwhile, the crime rate in Australia is very low. Food for thought.

    The old woman lends money at the rate of three percent.
    The old woman gives money at three percent.

    The rate of exchange is 145 yen to the dollar.
    The exchange rate is 145 yen per dollar.

    There is no single room available at present, I"m afraid, but you could have a double room at a slightly reduced rate unless you want two breakfasts, of course.
    I'm afraid there are no single rooms available at the moment, but you can book a double room at a reduced rate unless you need two breakfasts of course.

    The rainforests are disappearing at the rate of tens of thousands of hectares a day.
    Tropical forests are disappearing at a rate of tens of thousands of hectares per day.

    What rate of exchange is today?
    What is the exchange rate today?

    In those days, or at any rate in Cambridge, laboratory life was rather informal.
    At that time, at least in Cambridge, the atmosphere in the laboratories was quite informal.

    For the first time in more than 6 years, the unemployment rate is below 6%.
    For the first time in more than six years, the unemployment rate fell below 6%.

    Our rates are now lower!
    Our rates have become lower!

    Tom rates a reward for that.
    Tom deserves a reward for this.

    Interest rates have been fixed at 5%.
    Interest rates were fixed at 5%.

    The figures for recidivism rates among murderers cited in the newspaper appear to have been taken out of thin air.
    The figures on the percentage of relapses among murderers given in the newspaper look like they were pulled out of thin air.

    Interest rates have seen all year.
    Interest rates have fluctuated all year.

    Interest rates will rise due to tighten monetaryization.
    Interest rates will rise due to tightening monetary policy.

    La rate est un organe lymphoïde richement vascularisé pesant 150 grammes environ chez l’adulte. Elle est située dans la partie supérieure gauche de l'abdomen recouverte par le gril costal. Les fonctions de la rate sont multiples en liaison avec… … Encyclopédie Universelle

    rate- 1. (ra t) s. f. 1° Terme d anatomy. Viscère situé dans l hypocondre gauche, sous les fausses côtes. Ce qui marque une intempérie dans le parenchyme splénétique, c est à dire la rate, MOL. Mal. imag. II, 9. Au milieu du souper, Cadoc... ...

    rate- of camber change rate of caster change rate of heat generation rate of track change amplitude rate critical cooling rate damping rate dynamic rate frequency rate overall steering rate ride rate … Mechanics glossary

    Rate- Rate, n. 1. Established portion or measure; fixed allowance. The one right feeble through the evil rate... ...

    Rate- Rate, v. t. 1. To set a certain estimate on; to value at a certain price or degree. To rate a man by the nature of his companions is a rule frequent indeed, but not infallible.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

    rate- n 1: a fixed ratio between two things 2: a charge, payment, or price fixed according to a ratio, scale, or standard: as a: a charge per unit of a commodity provided by a public utility b: a charge per unit of freight or passenger service see also … Law dictionary

    rate- RATE. s. f. Un des principaux visceres placé à l hypochondre gauche. Il avoit la rate gonflée, oppilée. Desoppiler la rate. il a mal à la rate. un mal de rate. desopilation de rate. Les fumées, les vapeurs de la rate. On dit prov. & fig.… … Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

    rate- rate1 n. 1. the amount, degree, etc. of anything in relation to units of something else)
