What is Marina Devyatova doing now? Three loves of Marina Nyatova. Steam room, broom and felt hat

Marina Devyatova is a beautiful girl and a gifted person with a magical voice. She managed to convey to listeners all the beauty of modern folk art. About the biography of this artist, her personal life and creative plans we will try to reveal in the article.

Marina Devyatova is a native Muscovite, date of birth: December 1983. The girl’s parents were creative people: – creative person, singer; mother is a choreography teacher. Unfortunately, this union did not last long, and the parents separated when Marina was still very young. But they did everything possible so that their daughter did not feel a lack of love or attention. In addition, even after separation, the parents treated each other with mutual warmth and respect.

Marina was simply surrounded by a creative atmosphere, so the girl listened to a huge amount of music of various genres.

For her, her parents were a great pride, because her father received the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation, and her mother was a very sought-after specialist in the field of dance.

She was not the only child in the family; she had an older sister, Katya. Despite the fact that sometimes children may not be as talented as their parents and may not have any creative abilities, the girl was spared this sign. Her musical abilities began to appear very early. Of course, like all little children, she sang along to every song from the cartoon, but what was surprising was that she always found the necessary rhythm and practically hit every note. Therefore, her father immediately set about developing her creativity.

School years

The first step was attending a music school to take a piano class. At first, the girl did not like being there at all, because it is very difficult for such an active child to be in a calm state for several hours. But her parents simply did not pay attention to her indignation. The singer is still grateful to them for such a manifestation of rigor.

She didn't really like learning scales, but she just loved singing. She did it everywhere: studying school material playing in the yard before bed. She often sat all her relatives down and gave them real concerts with thunderous applause and compliments.

Due to the fact that she loved performing in front of people and at the same time received real pleasure, the girl endured daily moral stress.

But, unfortunately, not all members of her family supported her hobbies. My paternal grandfather categorically did not want her to have a future as an artist. He would really like to see his granddaughter in the role of a lawyer or lawyer. But the girl very often went on tour with her father. And only thanks to his performances did she understand what she wanted to do in the future.

Student years

After graduating from school, she entered the Russian Academy of Music. Gnessins to a folk singing class. Studying was extremely easy for her, as evidenced by her winning a prize in one of the vocal competitions. It was during that period of his creative path Marina wants to bring to life her thoughts about combining modern musical style and folk music.

Almost before graduating from the academy, Marina has the opportunity to meet the organizers of the creative team “Indrik-zver”. This group offers the listener an unusual treatment of ethnic music. Their performances involve many styles: rock, classical, live music.

But in those days, ethno-pop was not very popular among listeners. Therefore, the dream of big concerts and multimillion-dollar audiences seemed unfathomable. But she did not give up and continued to develop her talent while studying at the academy.


An incredible success for our star was her own decision to participate in the youth song project “People’s Artist” Season 3. She easily passed the casting and the first stages of the competition, and later reached the finals.

Some told her that her style was not very popular among youth listeners. But it was difficult to convince the ambitious artist. As part of a television project, the young and promising singer managed to form a duet with Nikolai Baskov, Petru Dranga and other famous singers. Marina really wanted to sing a song with Lyudmila Zykina, but, unfortunately, this did not happen.

She believes that participating in the project allowed her to learn stagecraft. Although during the filming of the project she saw the overall picture completely differently. As it turns out, there are many pitfalls in the world of show business.

Thanks to the project, she became much stronger not only morally, but also in terms of future vocational training. In addition, she met many useful people who helped her in concluding a contract with a famous production center. After this, her life changes completely, and filming, concerts, and tours begin.

One of her debut songs is considered “I am fire, you are water.” This hit was recorded as part of the project by the famous music producer Kim Breitburg and to this day is considered a hit among other famous songs from her collection.

The public first saw the singer’s full concert in 2008. It was dedicated to the traditional views of the Russian people and national unity.

At the beginning of 2009, the singer performed a Russian song in front of the British royal couple, headed by Elizabeth 2. The Russian Orthodox Church and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation organized the singer’s performance at a social reception in the capital of Great Britain.

At the end of the year, the talented artist and singer presented the audience with a new performance, “I’ll Go, I’ll Go.” In addition, the performance was not complete without the new album “I Didn’t Think, I Didn’t Guess.”

At the end of 2011, another Devyatova album was released, which is called “I’m Happy.” The singer subsequently explained the meaning of this name: “Happiness is exactly what surrounds me now. This is my energy, my state of mind, this is what I want to convey to the listener through my creativity.”

According to Marina, Russian folk art is the connecting thread that allows us to unite. “Everyone has their own age limits, social status, views, but it is on these traditions that our future is built. Only a Russian person will be able to glorify our state, our principles and melodic Russian music.”

Marina performs on stage with the wonderful dance group “Yar-Dance”. In addition, she participated more than once in a song festival in Germany. Devyatova did not limit herself to performing only in her own country. She visited Italy, Estonia, Bulgaria, America and China with her concert program.

Devyatova today

Having come a long way, the singer nevertheless found an acceptable field of activity for herself, in which all her creative aspirations and plans are realized. She performs her musical compositions, processed in a modern style, and thus she becomes a unique performer of folk songs.

That’s why it was so quickly remembered by TV viewers and became popular among many listeners.

By the way, Devyatova’s creativity began to quickly spread to other foreign countries. To date, she has been on tour in Europe, America and Asia, thus extolling Russian music.

Marina Devyatova truly won over the audience when she sang the same song “Katyusha” many times in a row at the opening of the Winter Olympics. Then the audience simply did not want to let her go and vigorously supported her every performance. Devyatova often speaks before representatives of various states who visit the Russian Federation.

Moreover, it will not be difficult for her to assemble full hall audiences and surprise them with new musical directions of folk art. The President of Russia has repeatedly expressed his approval of the creative unit - Marina Devyatova.

Recently, Marina Devyatova performed the song “Golden Bee” at the humorous concert “It’s Allowed to Laugh” on the Russia 1 channel. All the TV viewers were very pleased, the children were especially happy with this performance.

Personal life: family, children of Marina Devyatova, personal photos

The biography of Marina Devyatova very rarely mentions her personal life, photos or children. The singer tries to hide this information from the public as much as possible. But this is not surprising, because she was brought up on the example of high moral principles and traditions.

From the personal life of Marina Devyatova, all that is known is that for a long time She did not have romantic relationships. The reason for this was too much workload and the desire to develop as a soloist. Then she began a relationship with a stage colleague. After some time, the couple broke up, since in one of the interviews her boyfriend, Nikolai Demidov, stated that their relationship was just a simple PR.

Marina Devyatova and Nikolai Demidov

After some time, Marina met Alexey Pigurenko. Both of them were not free, but fate still brought them together. He is far from music and is involved in the advertising business. The couple dated for a very long time, almost 5 years. During this time, Alexey proposed to her several times, but she did not agree immediately.

The decision to get married came with the news of the singer’s pregnancy. They decided to sign in a modest manner, without attracting unnecessary conversations to the solemn event.

On February 16, 2017, the happy parents met their daughter for the first time (photos of the family can be seen in the article).

Marina Devyatova supports a special religious teaching - Krishnaism. She became interested in this faith while studying at a music college; her classmate told her about this religion.

Thanks to these religious worldviews, the girl gave up smoking, drinking alcohol and eating meat.

In addition, she often supports her internal forces, health and harmony thanks to yoga.

Performer of songs in the national genre, as well as famous songs of other performers, remade into Russian folklore. Marina gained fame among the public after she became a finalist in the third season of the “People’s Artist” music competition. Marina Devyatova’s husband, Alexey Pigurenko, is a famous Russian businessman working in the field of advertising.

Biography of the artist

Marina Vladimirovna Devyatova was born on December 13, 1983 in the capital of the country, Moscow. Her parents instilled a love for the stage in her, because her father, Vladimir Sergeevich Devyatov, is a People's Artist. Mom is a choreographer. The girl's musical taste was instilled in her from childhood by her father, who periodically played her recordings of famous and beautiful compositions. This led to the fact that already at the age of three Marina Devyatova had a great sense of musical rhythm. The Devyatov family also had an eldest daughter, Katya, who also succeeded in the musical field.

Marina's parents divorced in 1988, and her father began to live separately. However, this did not affect Marina Devyatova’s attitude towards music. She went to study at a music school, where she developed both vocal abilities and the ability to play musical instruments, as well as conducting. Having been on tour with her father, she firmly decided to continue musical education. During her studies at Gnesinka, Marina Devyatova decided on her future direction creative development- folk song.

At the same time, modern musical trends did not bypass the singer. Marina Devyatova decided to try to combine these two trends - modern and folk song. It must be said that such an experiment was successful, and such a symbiosis became her business card. After this, the folk singer decided to try herself in a musical project on central television - “People’s Artist - 3”.

This project became truly successful for Devyatova and opened the way to conquering not only the Russian, but also the world. For example, at a performance in Guatemala, Marina Devyatova was called for an encore by the audience 8 times! It is also known that she performed in front of many top officials different countries, including the Queen of England in London.

The singer has been nominated many times for various awards, primarily related to the performance of folk songs.

Marina Devyatova's husband - personal life

At a young age, Marina dated a man - a doctor, much older than her in age. However, this relationship did not have a happy ending - the lover died of cancer. Later, the singer had a relationship with Nikolai Demidov for quite a long time, but the man never became Marina Devyatova’s husband.

Marina Devyatova met her husband Alexei Pigurenko back in 2008, but at that moment the relationship was not destined to begin, since both of them were in a relationship at that time.

The first round of relations between Marina Devyatova and her future husband was in 2011 - then they even began to cohabit, but after a while they separated, remaining on good terms with each other.

A family in the full sense of the word arose between them a year and a half later, when Alexey supported Marina after her stepfather died. In 2016 they got married. Marina Devyatova and her husband still live together, and in 2017 they had a daughter, who was named Ulyana. A photo of Marina Devyatova’s husband, in which he holds his daughter in his arms, quickly spread across the pages of many social networks.

Marina Devyatova has her own active life position - she does not drink, does not smoke, does not use drugs, and is also a vegetarian and actively practices yoga.

Perhaps this is due to the fact that Marina has been a Hare Krishna by religion since her student days. The husband of singer Marina Devyatova supports his beloved wife in everything.

Perhaps interesting: Husband of Aglaya Shilovskaya, Husband of Yulia Zimina.

People like her are often told: “Your creativity is not a format,” but her songs prove the opposite. What kind of “non-format” can we talk about if Marina Devyatova, a performer of Russian folklore, was awarded the honor of performing before several heads of state of Eurasia and before the English royal family? A laureate of international competitions and festivals, a favorite of a wide range of listeners around the world, she is this moment– one of the most popular folk singers in Russia and abroad.

The artist’s biography, widely covered in the media and on the Internet, is carefully studied by her fans. They are interested in absolutely everything related to the mention of Marina Devyatova. What is it like to feel the “burden” of your daughter since childhood? famous person? How did she manage to improve her personal life, going through misunderstandings, quarrels and separation? What is known about her lifestyle and worldview? How actively does she perform now, and what are Marina’s creative plans for the near future?

Official information

Marina Devyatova in childhood.
  • Passport details: Devyatova, Marina Vladimirovna.
  • Place of birth: Moscow, Russia.
  • Date of birth: 1983, December 13.
  • Russian nationality.
  • Zodiac sign: Sagittarius; according to the eastern calendar - Boar (element of the year is water); Patron planet Jupiter.
  • Height and weight: 160 cm, 60 kg.
  • Education: graduated Russian Academy music named after Gnesins.
  • Occupation: singer.
  • Main genre of performances: pop-folk.
  • Family status: Married; husband – Alexey Pigurenko.
  • Children: daughter Ulyana (born in 2017).

About the early years and youth

It’s worth mentioning Marina’s ancestors first, because the singer’s childhood early years was filled with their influence. “Ryazan granny and grandpa” (her words) came to Moscow in their youth, the grandfather worked as a trolleybus driver, the grandmother worked as a cutter in an atelier. On her father’s side, the girl’s ancestors are from Kashira and Tambov. Regardless of their profession, they were all creative people, they loved music and instilled in their granddaughter a love of Russian folklore.

Marina Devyatova with her father. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/marinadeviatova/

Natalya Nikolaevna and Vladimir Sergeevich Devyatov, the parents of the future “pearl of Russia,” were directly related to art. Father is People's Artist of the Russian Federation, head of the Cultural Center, and a famous performer of folk songs. Mom worked for a long time as a choreographer in the Dunaevsky ensemble. When the girl was very little, her father had already started teaching her to sing, and if she and her older sister Katya were sent out for a walk, the little ones “didn’t like collecting leaves, breathing oxygen” (the artist’s words): they got into their grandfather’s trolleybus and rode around, singing folk songs into the microphone hits.

In 1992, her father and mother divorced, but the girl managed to maintain a close connection with Vladimir Sergeevich and establish warm relations with my stepfather. At the age of seven, at the insistence of her parents, she entered the Shostakovich music school. The teachers said about her: “Talented, but terribly lazy!”

Marina Devyatova with her mother. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/marinadeviatova/

And the mother caught her daughter having an “excellent student complex, scaring her: “You don’t want to go work as a janitor later.” Or she warned: “They’ll give you a bad mark, and you’ll stand and blush in front of the class, so choose – study or be lazy.” She chose the former, and graduated from music school with honors.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/marinadeviatova/

Upon release from high school the girl will go to study at the Schnittke Music College, despite the fact that her paternal grandfather, a prosecutor, insisted on a career in law for her granddaughter. Now, watching Marina’s performances on TV, he says with pleasure: “What a blessing that she didn’t listen to me! Better sing." And her own father, when she was already a student, called her to his place and offered to work at a vocal school. With her classmates, the future artist went on musicological expeditions: they studied the song heritage in the Russian hinterlands.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/marinadeviatova/

During one of these expeditions, Marina met Artem Vorobyov: he was the leader of the Indrik-Beast ensemble. A fourth-year college student decided to professionally try to perform Russian and Old Church Slavonic songs in modern arrangements. This group also carried out interesting experiments in arranging folk works in the rock style using ethnic wind instruments. While still working at Indrik-Beast, Marina Devyatova entered the Gnessin Academy in 2003 and graduated in 2009.

The hard path to fame

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/marinadeviatova/

The first steps on the big stage gave Marina Devyatova an encouraging forecast that she would soon become famous.

  • 2003: Receiving the title of laureate at the Slavic Bazaar competition for young performers.
  • 2005: successful performance as part of the group “Indrik-Beast” in Tushino at the rock festival.
  • 2006: casting in the project “People’s Artist” and reaching the final.

This is what Oscar Kuchera, who was in the project at that stage on the jury, said. According to him, the girl tried to abandon her style and at the same time wanted to look the best - the notorious “excellent student complex” played a cruel joke on her. He advised her to perform not what was given, but what was closest to her and her style. “You grew up listening to different music and it’s commendable that you try to cope with any direction. Show yourself in your environment,” the actor advised. She chose ancient Kursk folklore. The audience remembered that significant moment when the surprised jury applauded, and one of them said: “So this is what you really are!”

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/marinadeviatova/

The audience was divided into two parts: the older generation sent enthusiastic SMS, and the younger generation grumbled. As a result, she took second place - she was surpassed by the future soloist of “Prime Minister” Borkhuu Amarkhuu. But she wasn’t too upset, especially after the success of her joint duet with Alexey Goman (single “It Could Be Love”). Devyatova gained a huge army of fans during the live broadcasts of the “People’s Artist” program.

After the project, the venerable producer Evgeny Fridlyand invited Marina to sign a contract with the FBI Music company, and a life full of touring, filming and recording new works began. The first time you could listen to her recordings was on a disc from the competition, where she took second place (the album was released in 2006), then in 2009 in her personal album “I didn’t think, I didn’t guess.” Almost immediately followed by her solo concert at the Moscow Variety Theater. And two years earlier she went to Guatemala, where she was choosing a city for the Olympics. winter games 2014 takes part in a big concert - she was called for an encore and demanded to repeat “Katyusha” eight times!

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/marinadeviatova/

2009 was very rich in significant cultural events in her life. At a social reception organized by the Russian Foreign Ministry and the Russian Orthodox Church, the singer performed “Looking into the Blue Lakes” for the British royal family, and the Queen of England herself applauded her. The London event gained her more fans abroad, and the series of important people for whom she later had the opportunity to perform was replenished with the following names:

  • Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation;
  • Muammar Gaddafi, Libyan politician;
  • Nursultan Nazarbayev, then president of Kazakhstan;
  • Dmitry Medvedev, Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation.

The artist offered her second personal collection, “I’m Happy,” to the public in 2011. The idea had already matured that solo performance would bring more freedom in creativity than collaboration with FBI Music, and two years later she set off on a “free swim”. Marina Devyatova’s third album did not take long to arrive: it went on sale in 2013 and was called “In the Moonlight.”

A triumphant march through the world of art - this is how her future career can be characterized. The achievements of the girl who sings in the “pop-folk” style were not limited to collaboration with colleagues in the “folk” workshop. This is what she did, and the list below is by no means a complete reflection of her successes.

  • Duets with Al Bano, Alexander Buinov, Nikolai Baskov.
  • Joint performances with Peter Dranga.
  • Repeated participation in the Berlin Russian-German Festival.
  • Recording comedy numbers with comedian Svyatoslav Eshchenko.
  • “On your birthday with love” - a concert dedicated to her thirtieth birthday (December 2013).
  • “Symphony of the Soul” - Moscow Variety Theater, 2014.
  • September 2015 – joint program with Varvara at the Moscow International House of Music.

Marina Devyatova and Varvara. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/marinadeviatova/

At the same time, her candidacy was nominated for the national nomination “Best Folk Performer”. The fact that Pelageya beat the girl did not upset her too much, because her popularity only grew after participating in this prestigious program.

Marina Devyatova now

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/marinadeviatova/

“20 years with you” (April 2019) - a program in the Kremlin Palace, presented to listeners in the spring of this year, summed up her activities. Tickets for the event were sold out long before the appointed date - this is an indicator of her creative rise and further success in the “non-format” (according to detractors) niche of art.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/marinadeviatova/

During her tours, Marina Devyatova is always accompanied by the show ballet “YAR DANCE”; a guitarist and an accordion player are required in the orchestra. The singer never uses a phonograph: during every performance, the audience admires her strong, clear voice. Not only big cities and large stages are visited by her: she is ready to go to any city in Russia, where they are waiting for her and ready to listen. In March 2019, for example, in Kostroma, the stage of the Gubernsky Exhibition and Convention Center was literally covered with flowers (and Kostroma residents had previously complained in social networks, that due to financial difficulties they do not always buy flowers for idols). After singing a song dedicated to my mother, many of the spectators cried.

Another event in the outback, where a performance recently took place, is the Lermontov Poetry Festival at the Tarkhany Museum-Reserve, Penza (June 2019). Several thousand people admired her and listened to her every day. The photo on the singer’s Instagram from this holiday shows that people sat on the ground if there were not enough chairs - they so wanted to join in with her talent.

At the age of three she first appeared on stage. In one of her interviews, Marina recalls that her older nine-year-old sister then sat down at the piano. Then she herself came on stage, and behind her the presenter brought out a huge heavy microphone, the kind they used in the late 80s.

The man handed her the equipment, but she refused: “No, uncle, take it yourself!” So the entertainer had to stay on stage with the girls and hold the microphone for the young star until the end of the performance.

Continue the dynasty

When the children grew a little older, the parents separated. For some time, Vladimir Devyatov disappeared from the girls’ lives. One day she will tell you that she met him again when she turned 11. But then dad not only continued to raise children from his first marriage, but also helped decide on the future. For Marina, absorbed in music since childhood, it turned out to be a foregone conclusion.

The children's performances were followed by the prestigious music school named after. Dmitry Shostokovich, and then dad decided to show the child the world of professional music from the inside and took her with him on a big tour. It was assumed that Marina would decide there whether she wanted to continue the dynasty.

National artist

Returning from the tour, the girl realized that she would connect her life with folk music and continued her studies in this direction. At music college, Marina joined the Indrik-Beast group, which was engaged in modernizing Russian folk and giving it a fashionable sound. She remembers those years as a period of trial and experimentation.

But television brought real fame to the girl. Having learned about the recruitment for the show “People’s Artist - 3”, Marina, without hesitation, went to audition. The show gave her vast experience working on the modern stage and, of course, a huge number of fans.

Pickle jars like love

She says that they began to shower the public's favorite with jars of jam and pickles, and at the market one day a granny who recognized her filled a whole bag of vegetables and did not want to take the money.

Marina says that she loves and knows how to cook, but she adores animals and does not eat their meat. The girl admits that, having learned about her vegetarian preferences, fans bring even more vegetables and fruits to concerts, thinking that vegetarians are starving.

Tragic love

Fans noticed that one day Marina’s songs became deeper, and the melancholy in the saddest of them became more heartfelt, and suggested that there was unrequited love in the girl’s life. But it turned out that the feeling was mutual, but the story ended tragically.

This was the first serious relationship. A man much older than Marina, far from show business, a professional doctor, a respected specialist.

The artist admits that she was passionately in love, but one day the singer had to hear terrible news: her beloved was diagnosed with oncology. Doctors don't like to be treated. So his story with Marina ended with his departure. The girl took the tragedy seriously.

The path to love

But everything comes to an end someday. A few years later, the young singer Nikolai Demidov began to court the already successful singer. They moved in together, and Marina already admitted in an interview that she would like to hear the proposal. But the marriage never happened. The couple parted badly: Demidov provoked a real scandal.

After a strange relationship, the girl could not enter into a new one for a long time. A good friend and former young man came to the rescue: before the scandalous affair, in 2011, Alexey Pigurenko already lived with Marina. But the relationship then broke down due to some nonsense.

Second try

The exes met for the second time in 2016. Now they themselves were older, they were interested in being together. That same year, the couple submitted an application to the registry office, and the next year little Ulyana was born, to whom Marina devotes a lot of energy and time.

The singer says that she was on maternity leave for very little time: a month before the birth of her daughter, fans persuaded her to finally rest and prepare for childbirth. And just two months after giving birth, Marina returned to shape and appeared on stage.

Soldier Jane

Now Ole is already two. Her mother calls her “Soldier Jane” because the girl is growing up reserved and not at all capricious. The family lives outside the city, in their own house. For Marina, this was not an easy decision - the girl grew up in Moscow.

However, now she is completely accustomed to nature and silence. The artist says that she wakes up to the singing of nightingales and the rustling of trees and has already forgotten what a sleepless city and noisy neighbors in city high-rises sound like.

Singer Marina Devyatova has revived young people's love for folk songs. Thanks to her, forgotten songs received new life in the original arrangement, and well-known songs sounded in a new way, remade into folklore.

Successful performers performing in this direction in music can be counted on one hand. Some do not find recognition from the audience, some doubt that folk songs will bring popularity.

But Marina Devyatova turned out to be a very purposeful girl who decided to prove to herself and the audience that she could achieve success by performing folklore on the largest stages in the country. In this she received special support from her parents, who knew the world of show business from the inside.

Marina's father instilled in her a love of music from an early age. Already at the age of three, the baby had a great sense of music. Later, the father took the girl with him on tour. She liked it so much that she decided to also become an artist, like her parents.

Despite her parents’ divorce, Marina did not stop communicating with her father, and he continued to develop his daughter’s musical talent in every possible way. The girl gained real popularity after participating in the People's Artist competition. After the competition, Marina’s career began to develop rapidly. Within a few years, she had the honor of performing in front of the Queen of Great Britain, the President of Russia and many famous political figures.

But popularity did not affect the girl’s character in any way. She did not try to advertise her personal life and increase interest in herself with high-profile romances and breakups. There were misfortunes and separations in her personal life, but now Marina has found happiness and peace with her beloved man.

Looking for a real man

Marina met her first love at a young age. She fell in love with a man who was much older than her. He worked as a doctor and saved human lives. Their feelings were mutual and, perhaps, everything would have ended in a wedding if not for a fatal illness. Marina's lover was diagnosed with cancer.

The girl hoped to the last for the success of the treatment, but her loved one could not be saved. He died, and Marina took this loss very hard. For several years, her only solace was music.

Next Marina Devyatova had a relationship with a young aspiring singer Nikolai Demidov. At first, everything was perfect in the personal lives of the young people. But, as it turned out later, everyone wanted their own from this relationship. Marina dreamed of creating a strong family. She wanted her future husband to become her support and support. Nikolai dreamed of popularity. For him, an affair with Marina was a chance to be noticed.

Naturally, such a relationship could not last long. The girl felt that their relationship lacked sincerity. After talking with Nikolai, she understood everything and decided not to continue them.

Interesting notes:

After breaking up with Marina, Nikolai began to tell everyone how difficult it was for him. He believed that the girl was overly protective of him and put pressure on him. He wanted to realize himself and then think about his family, but Marina did not want to wait. The girl also did not remain in debt. She simply said that Nikolai was still a child and not ready for serious actions. A little later, passions subsided and everyone went their own way.

Strong and reliable

The singer never left the hope of meeting a real man. And it happened. Unfortunately, she couldn't see him right away. A full five years passed from the moment they met until the wedding.

Marina’s chosen one this time was an absolutely non-public person. This was the owner of an advertising agency and businessman Alexey Pigurenko. The young people met in 2008. At that time, they were in a different relationship and there could be no talk of romance between them. Alexey and Marina began to simply communicate and even became friends.

The relationship between the young people moved to a new level a little later. Alexey supported the girl during a difficult period for her. It was then that she lost someone close to her, and Pigurenko helped the singer get through it. This time Marina was able to see in the man what she was looking for. Their romance was quick and beautiful. Literally a few months later they began to live together.

Although Marina appreciated Alexey’s personal qualities, she was in a hurry to formalize the relationship. Moreover, at some point the lovers quarreled and decided to live separately. But, after a while, they realized that they could not live without each other and reunited again.

In 2016, it became known that Marina and Alexey formalized their relationship. The couple simply signed at the registry office, and fans learned information about the event from social networks.

In one of the interviews, Marina revealed the secret of her personal life. She said that breaking up with Alexei gave her the opportunity to understand how dear and close he was to her. After their last reunion, the lovers decided not to separate. They were prompted to get married by the news of Marina’s pregnancy. It was then that they decided to formalize the relationship.

Now Marina and Alexey are raising a beautiful daughter, Ulyana. They spend a lot of time together and still devote time to work. The singer did not stay on maternity leave for long and went back to work just a few weeks after the birth of her daughter.

Now she manages to do a lot. She believes that the key to this is a beloved man nearby, who will help and support at the right time. This is exactly the kind of husband she dreamed of.
