Physical fitness concept and general characteristics. Increasing the level of physical fitness of students. Physical fitness assessment

Physical fitness is a human state that is achieved as a result of strength loads and is characterized by good performance, varied motor practice and improvement of physiological characteristics.

What does it give

A person who has excellent self-training has good resistance to various diseases, stressful situations and the influence of other negative factors. He has well-developed respiratory and circulatory systems and metabolism. Such a person’s thinking, attention and memory are less prone to developing fatigue. All these features give a person the opportunity to achieve excellent success in educational, competitive and work practice. The maximum level of physical fitness is acquired through the endurance and diligence of students.

Sports qualities

The main physical properties are:

  • force;
  • flexibility;
  • speed;
  • level of experience and skill;
  • coordination (dexterity);
  • endurance.

All these traits must be improved together to achieve the best results.

How it affects the body

Physical fitness is, to some extent, a change in the physiology of an athlete, whose plasticity, mobility and muscles begin to develop well. Also, the body's metabolism noticeably accelerates, its general condition improves, and the body feels light.

What does it depend on?

The physical development and physical fitness of a person is largely determined by the characteristics of his body. Unfortunately, the environment for the most part negatively affects the body as a whole. And here physical exercise, nutrition, giving up bad habits, as well as daily exposure to fresh air are of great importance.

Physiological formation, like birth and death, is considered a natural process for humans. The processes of physical development and puberty are interconnected, and at this stage noticeable changes occur in the body, and people also change externally. However, such processes still significantly depend on sanitary, hygienic, social, economic and other circumstances.

Indicators of physical fitness are also determined by people’s belonging to different groups. The younger generation is much easier to develop beautiful and even posture, perform a certain number of exercises, and also withstand some strength loads. An elderly person will no longer be able to do many things in training, since his health simply will not allow him to cope with the additional work.

Characteristics of sports training

A high degree of such readiness gives good indicators of mental and muscular performance. The concepts of “training” and “development” are very often confused. It is necessary to take into account that physical fitness is the achievement of significant success as a result of long and grueling exercises that are carried out to acquire the necessary professional skills. And a person develops simply physiologically, according to external signs, without the help of any kind of strength training.

Such training also contributes to the development of various body systems (muscular, cardiovascular, respiratory) and the acquisition of abilities such as flexibility, agility, strength, stamina, and speed.

Physical fitness assessment

The level of this training is analyzed based on the results of (tests) endurance, load intensity and much more. The level of general physical fitness is established through a series of diagnostics. The program and selection of tests must be selected taking into account professional qualities, age and gender, and also correspond to the physical education and health methods used.

Norms for playing sports

There are basic parameters and indicators of physical fitness that must be adhered to.


Physical fitness is also a development process that is recognized by external characteristics. Even outwardly, a person with a high level of training differs from someone who is far from sports and does not monitor nutrition. After all, a person who adheres to a certain exercise schedule, follows a diet, and gives up various habits that have a detrimental effect on the body’s condition will always look good and feel just great!

From the previous subparagraph it is already clear that in the system of pedagogical phenomena, physical education is of paramount importance as a special factor of expedient influence on the development of a person’s physical qualities, his motor abilities and the natural properties of the human body directly related to them. If physical education is carried out systematically throughout the main stages of ontogenesis (individual development of the body), it plays the role of one of the decisive factors in the entire process of physical development of the individual.

In the most general sense, the physical development of a person is the process of changing the natural morphofunctional properties of his body during an individual’s life. External quantitative indicators of physical development are, for example, changes in spatial dimensions and body weight, while qualitatively physical development is characterized, first of all, by a significant change in the functional capabilities of the body over the periods and stages of its age development, expressed in changes in individual physical qualities and the general level of physical performance.

It is known that throughout the life of an individual, various periods of development successively change: prenatal (intrauterine), early postnatal (first years of life), childhood, adolescence, youth, periods of maturity and aging. The most significant progressive changes in the forms and functionality of the body occur in the first periods (in particular, growth after birth until the period of age-related maturation increases by 3 - 4 times, weight - by 20 - 30 times, vital capacity of the lungs - by 5 - 10 times, shock heart volume - 20 - 30 times or more, indicators of strength abilities - 50 times or more); Then there come periods of relative stabilization of forms and functions, replaced as we age by periods of age-related involution, when certain morphofunctional properties of the body gradually regress. This life cycle of physical development is reproduced from generation to generation, repeating certain features and at the same time acquiring new features depending on the totality of natural and social conditions of human existence. Although the biological evolution of modern humans appears to be largely complete, new generations differ significantly from previous ones not only in their functional capabilities, but also morphologically.

To understand the role of physical education in the physical development of a person, it is extremely important that physical development is not only a natural, but also a socially conditioned process. This is a natural process, since it unfolds on a natural basis, transmitted by inheritance, and is subject to natural laws. These include the law of interaction between hereditary development tendencies and tendencies determined by living conditions; laws of interdependence of functional and structural changes (their unity and the leading role of functional changes in relation to morphological ones); gradualism and age-related alternation of periods of development (periods of progressive development are replaced by periods of relative stabilization of forms and functions, then periods of involutionary changes begin), etc.

However, the effect of these natural laws manifests itself depending on the social conditions of human life and activity (conditions of distribution and use, material goods, education, work, everyday life, etc.), due to which his physical development is socially determined, and to a decisive extent.

Depending on the totality of factors and conditions influencing physical development, it can acquire a different character - be comprehensive and harmonious or limited and disharmonious. Knowing and skillfully using the objective laws of a person’s physical development, it is possible, in principle, to influence him in such a way as to give him a direction that is optimal for the individual and society, to ensure the harmonious improvement of the forms and functions of the body, to increase the efficiency necessary for creative work and other social useful forms of activity, and even “push back” the timing of natural aging, thereby increasing a person’s creative longevity.

These possibilities for the expedient management of physical development are realized under certain conditions in the process of physical education. The scientific understanding of the role of physical education in human physical development comes precisely from the fact that the process of physical development is, in principle, controllable; First of all, the specific social function (purpose) of physical education lies in the expedient directing influence on this process.

This, of course, does not mean that physical education entirely predetermines physical development. The latter, as already mentioned, depends on many factors and conditions, natural and social, the most fundamental of which are the conditions of the material life of society. However, physical education has a special role as a special factor in the rational regulation of a person’s physical development in accordance with the requirements placed on him by society. It is from physical education (if all other necessary conditions are present) that the tendencies consciously introduced into physical development, its direction, degree, as well as what motor abilities, abilities and skills are formed and improved in a person throughout life directly depend.

Physical education in a social setting promotes the comprehensive development of the individual. Optimization of physical development follows the path of achieving ever higher levels of physical perfection. The concept of “physical perfection” generalizes ideas about the optimal measure of harmonious physical development and comprehensive physical fitness of a person. Moreover, it is understood that this measure optimally meets the requirements of labor and other spheres of his life, expresses a sufficiently high degree of development of individual physical talent and meets the patterns of long-term preservation of good health. The specific historical nature of physical perfection lies in the fact that its actual features (signs, indicators, etc.) are determined by the real demands and living conditions of society at each given historical stage and therefore change as society develops. It follows, in particular, that there is not and cannot be some kind of unchanging ideal of physical perfection, just as there are not and cannot be unchanging standard indicators of it.

For the first time, the ideal of the all-round harmonious development of man acquires very specific features in connection with its mass implementation at the modern historical stage of the construction of communist society, when the possibilities of educating a new person, harmoniously combining spiritual wealth, moral purity and physical perfection, are steadily increasing. The scientific theory of education now faces the most important task - to develop reasonable pedagogical criteria for the comprehensive harmonious perfection of a person, including physical perfection, which would fully meet the requirements of social progress at the present stage of social development and in the future.

The program for a comprehensive assessment of the physical capabilities of preschool children involves the analysis of indicators that help determine the state of health:

¦ physique;

¦ main functional parameters;

¦ development of the motor sphere.

A comprehensive study of these indicators allows for a holistic approach to the issue of harmonious physical development of children, excluding the forced or one-sided development of one or another indicator. Numerous scientific and practical studies have revealed a close relationship between indicators of physical development, development of the motor sphere and the functional capabilities of the child’s body. Handbook of a senior teacher of a preschool institution No. 3, 2007, p. 16..

When studying physical fitness, as a rule, authors identify two main components:

Level of functionality of the main energy supply systems (oxidative, lactic acid, phosphagen);

Level of development of basic physical qualities (strength, speed, endurance).

At the same time, the existence of two components of physical fitness is considered in constant mutual influence: improvement of physical qualities is associated with positive changes in the state of energy supply systems. However, the authors drew attention to the fact that the same exercises have different effects on the studied components (functional capabilities and physical qualities) in preschool children.

Therefore, based on information about the hereditary predisposition of children to one or another type of muscular activity, when planning the process of physical development, the authors recommend taking into account both general and individual characteristics of the development of the body of children of primary preschool age. In this regard, we decided that if we look at the levels, tasks, criteria, and methods for assessing the physical fitness of children, then in the system of mass testing of preschoolers there are no uniform requirements and criteria for assessing physical fitness.

In this regard, a battery of tests was developed at the Department of Theoretical Foundations of Physical Education at Moscow State University (T.P. Zavyalova et al., 2001). It included:

· 30m run;

· 200m and 300m running (in the senior and preparatory groups, respectively);

· shuttle run 3x10m;

standing long jump;

· throwing an object at a distance.

To determine gender and age indicators of physical fitness, 400 boys and girls from fourteen preschool educational institutions were tested. Using the method of sigma deviations (according to K.K. Platonov), five levels of development of each quality were identified in each age group separately for boys and girls. The results of completing each of the five tasks were converted into points:

No points were awarded for low levels of performance;

a result corresponding to a level below average was assessed as 1 point;

the average result corresponded to 2 points;

for results corresponding to above average and high levels, 3 and 4 points were awarded, respectively.

The sum of points obtained from the results of all five tests (from 0 to 20) was an integral indicator of physical fitness.

Thus, the physical fitness of children is assessed according to the following parameters: running 10 m from the start (s), running 30 m from the start (s), shuttle running (s), standing jump (cm), running jump (cm), number squats for 30 sec.

In addition to health status, height and weight indicators and some functional data, for the most complete characterization of the physical condition of preschool children, it is important to determine their physical fitness. The level of physical fitness reflects, first of all, the effectiveness of the organization of the physical education process as a result of the implementation of programs, health-saving technologies and innovations. The senior educator should pay the closest attention in his work to the issue of monitoring the dynamics of children’s physical fitness.

Children's physical fitness is characterized by a combination of developed motor skills and basic physical qualities.

Physical (motor) qualities are the individual qualitative aspects of a child’s motor capabilities, his motor abilities. They manifest themselves in specific actions - basic movements (walking, running, jumping, climbing, throwing), gaming, and sports activities.

The same quality can determine success in performing different actions. For example, the ability to move quickly allows you to quickly run, swim, and ride a bike. And short-term power exertion is necessary in jumping, climbing, and throwing objects.

Physical qualities in children are manifested through motor skills and abilities, and they, in turn, are determined by a sufficient level of their development. These two aspects of motor function are closely interconnected and interdependent. If the formation of motor skills in children is consolidated at a low level of development of motor qualities, then in the future this can lead to the consolidation of incorrect skills in performing movements.

To perform a number of movements, preschool children need a certain level of development of speed, agility, strength, and endurance. Without this, children’s movements, despite their diversity, lack efficiency and expediency; they cannot fully demonstrate the existing reserve of the body’s capabilities.

The level of physical fitness largely reflects the capabilities of the body's functional systems. The best indicators of physical qualities (for example, speed) are observed in a good functional state of the body, with a favorable emotional background. In turn, when fatigue accumulates in the body or during negative emotions, the frequency of movements and their speed noticeably decrease, the motor reaction slows down, and the number of imprecise movements increases, especially those that are difficult to coordinate. Ibid., p. 17..

Based on the nature of physical fitness, preschoolers can be conditionally divided into three groups - children with high, average and low indicators of the main types of movements, physical and volitional qualities.

Children of the first group, who have high levels of physical fitness, are distinguished by their speed and confidence in their actions; in case of failure, they do not deviate from the goal, but make every effort to achieve the intended result, they are able to make decisions independently, find an appropriate course of action, and restrain their feelings and desires. They are characterized by a lack of doubt and fear when performing exercises, a high sense of activity and independence, the ability to listen to the teacher, follow his instructions and instructions.

Children of the second group, who have average levels of physical fitness, are characterized by uneven development of the main types of movements, physical and volitional qualities, and diversity of motor behavior. Thus, along with high levels of strength, speed, and endurance, these children have low levels of agility and make many mistakes in the technique of complex types of movements (jumping, climbing, etc.). Some children in this group, even with constant encouragement from the teacher, perform the exercise poorly, shy away from tasks that require prolonged volitional effort, however, there are also those who show pedantic diligence in carrying out the teacher’s recommendations, but in case of failures or mistakes, they reduce the activity of their actions and do not pay attention. attention to whether they complete the task efficiently or not.

Children with low levels of physical fitness (in most cases, having a low level of development of physical and volitional qualities and generally low quantitative and qualitative indicators of movements), unlike other children, make almost no effort to force themselves to work. In situations that require decisiveness and energetic action, they show slowness, lack of confidence, and inability to overcome feelings of fear. They are characterized by a state of oppression due to failures, an inability to suppress individual desires. Only in a fairly simple environment do they display some activity, which, as new difficulties arise, gives way to more familiar forms of behavior (passivity, indifference, etc.).

Correctional work with children in selected groups should be built taking into account the individual characteristics of their motor development. Thus, a group of children with high levels of physical fitness benefit from tasks aimed at improving their motor skills. This is facilitated by performing familiar movements in new combinations (exercises in pairs), from unusual starting positions (standing long jumps from a low squat, running from a starting position lying down, etc.), in unusual conditions (on sports equipment, exercise machines) . It is possible to use elements of acrobatics and rhythmic gymnastics accessible to children.

This material can also be used in working with children who have an average level of physical fitness, but along with improving the technique of basic types of movements, preschoolers can be offered special tasks aimed at developing their volitional and physical qualities. Thus, the development of dexterity can be facilitated by performing familiar movements in new combinations (exercises in pairs, games with constantly changing game situations).

Strength development tasks include dynamic tension during jumping exercises, climbing on a backboard, rope, and general developmental exercises performed from the starting position, lying down (on the back, stomach).

To develop speed, it is necessary to use exercises familiar to children, including movements of the legs, arms, torso, i.e. exercises to develop the frequency of movements and speed of muscle contractions (running, swimming, outdoor and sports games). To develop the necessary skills, game competitions and tasks can be especially effective: catch up with the hoop, who can collect the most, etc.).

Preschoolers with low levels of physical fitness need accessible tasks that contribute to their overall physical development. This can be achieved through physical exercises familiar to children, outdoor and sports games recommended by the education program. Particular attention should be paid to the development of all basic types of movements. Games should be held more often, during which all children perform the same movements with the goal of performing them well.

When selecting methods that provide visual learning, it is necessary to be guided by the children’s developed skills to perceive spatial, temporal and quantitative signs and relationships that exist between objects and phenomena of the surrounding world. The lower the children’s motor abilities, the more specific and complete the visualization should be. So, if for children with a high level of physical fitness, in order to create accurate ideas about how to perform a movement, it is enough to demonstrate it at a normal pace, then for children with an average and low level of physical ability, a slow demonstration is required, indicating which element of the technique needs to be paid special attention to. The most complex exercises need to be demonstrated in different planes, repeating their demonstration many times during the lesson. It has been noticed that children learn the exercise better if it is demonstrated by a child. The teacher explains the details of the movement.

The method of sensory orientation, which includes the use of visual landmarks (objects, toys, markings and details of the environment), also requires compliance with certain conditions for its use: for children with a high level of physical fitness, landmarks should be located at a distance from their maximum motor capabilities, for children , having a low level, at a distance covered by the child without additional effort. This helps to mobilize the physical capabilities of the former and create confidence, a sense of satisfaction and self-affirmation in achieving the intended goal for the latter.

Techniques such as explanation, analysis, and evaluation facilitate children’s conscious performance of movement. A detailed and consistent presentation of the technique of performing the exercise with a demonstration of each of its elements is necessary for children with a low level of physical fitness.

For children of average and high levels of preparedness, it is important to emphasize in the explanation the features of performing the most complex elements of the movement. The explanation can be given in a concise form, referring to already known elements of movements. These children can imagine and describe an exercise that they are just beginning to learn, which is not possible for children with a low level of physical fitness.

Among practical methods, special importance should be given to repetition of exercises and game motor tasks, however, in a group of children with a high level of physical fitness, the most effective is variable repetition, in which changes are made to the nature of the exercise. This causes increased interest in the exercise and contributes to better performance.

The use of gaming techniques is also ambiguous. Games should be played with children who have a low level of physical fitness, during which all participants perform the same movements with the goal of performing them well. In groups of children with high and average levels of physical fitness, games with elements of competition are most effective. Some children, and most often these are children with low indicators of physical fitness: decreased interest in a learning task in the presence of difficulty, inability to listen to instructions when the teacher addresses all children, inability to identify and remember the features of performing complex elements of movement techniques - need additional techniques for stimulating their motor activity. Taking into account these signs, the teacher selects methods of individual influence on such children.

Thus, the formation of interest in educational tasks of varying degrees of difficulty in preschoolers can be facilitated by game situations in which the exercise being learned is included in the game.

The formation of a child’s ability to isolate and remember complex elements of movements is helped by the teacher’s direct appeal to him, focusing his attention on the method of performing the movement; indecisive and insecure children need encouragement and help from a teacher.

Chapter Summary

In the general system of educational work, physical education of preschool children occupies a special place. It is in preschool childhood that, as a result of targeted pedagogical influence, the child’s health is strengthened, the physiological functions of the body are trained, movements, motor skills and physical qualities necessary for the comprehensive harmonious development of the individual are intensively developed.

In the first chapter of our study, we theoretically substantiated the problems of developing the physical qualities of preschool children in the process of physical fitness. To do this, we characterized the essence of the development of physical qualities, motor skills and age-related anatomical and physiological characteristics of the development of preschool children, physical development and physical fitness in the physical education system.

Thus, the physical education programs recommended by the Russian Ministry of Education for preschool educational institutions direct teachers to take into account the individual characteristics of preschoolers related to their rates of biological maturation, levels of physical development and motor readiness. However, specific methodological approaches, instructions and developments in this direction are practically absent. Therefore, in order to achieve the goal of our thesis research, it is necessary to move on to the practical study of this problem. One of the most important areas of activity of the senior teacher is pedagogical control over the implementation of the physical education program based on the analysis of the results of diagnostics of the physical condition of pupils.

The next chapter reveals a practical study of the effectiveness of the methodology for developing the physical qualities of preschoolers, which shows the results of diagnostic work on the physical qualities of preschoolers in the process of physical fitness and analyzes and processes the data from the experimental work.

Physical fitness

Physical fitness is the level of achieved development of physical qualities, the formation of motor skills as a result of a specialized process of physical education aimed at solving specific problems. (Krutsevich, 2003).

Scientific research conducted in various countries of the world shows that climatic conditions and the geographical location of the region affect a person, and especially the children's body, both directly and indirectly - through living conditions that have an exceptional impact on health, performance and physical fitness. In this regard, differences are noted not only in the indicators of development of motor qualities, but also in the pace, their age development, the presence of sensitive periods, which is the basis for building a regional system of physical training for children.

In addition, the level of physical fitness indicators is influenced by the seasons. Thus, the data obtained by A.E. Bondarenko and A.S. Kuts allow us to assert that among schoolchildren of primary school age, physical and functional readiness is not the same throughout the year and is dynamic in nature. The authors note that the length of the standing jump for boys 7-8 years old in the fall is 121 cm, for girls - 112.8 cm; in winter for boys - 129.1, for girls - 119.4; in the spring, boys - 137.9, and girls - 124.5. A similar increase was noted for other indicators at the age of 8-9 years. It was revealed that in 33-35% of younger students the level of physical performance and motor readiness are not interrelated, but with age this percentage decreases.

One of the significant factors that influences the level of physical fitness and human health, and, consequently, the content of the entire system of physical education, is unfavorable environmental environmental conditions, as evidenced by numerous studies by specialists in various scientific disciplines. The greatest danger is the effect of radiation, as noted by V.S. Kazakov, V.A. Matyukhin, L.N. Astakhov, A.S. Kuts, P.E. Danchuk, V.A. Leonova, in the conditions of which a number of regions are located Russia, Ukraine. Researchers K. Kozlova, T.Yu. Krutsevich, A.S. Kuts note that the children's body is very sensitive to the effects of radiation. Even doses slightly higher than normal can delay or stop the growth of the skeletal system, which leads to abnormalities in skeletal development and causes changes in the mental and mental development of children.

As is known, the effective functioning of any system is achieved by receiving feedback, i.e. assessment of the state of the object to which the influence of the system components is directed. In the system of physical training of children of primary school age, this principle is implemented through pedagogical observation, questioning, testing and other control methods.

A prerequisite for the optimal functioning of the physical training system of primary school age is individual control over the development of physical abilities, which allows making adjustments to the educational process.

The health-improving focus of the process of physical education during school years is carried out thanks to targeted work on the development of those motor qualities that are most necessary to ensure normal life activity, harmonious physical development and smooth out the difficulties of growth of the schoolchildren’s body at each stage of its development.

The positive dynamics of the development of a specific motor quality is ensured by the targeted impact of physical exercises on those leading functional systems of the body that are responsible for the manifestation of this quality.

Consequently, an improvement in the result in the manifestation of any quality is ensured by the improvement of the body system that limits it.

The level of physical fitness is determined using control exercises - tests, which in school physical education are presented in the “Physical Education Program for Students of Secondary Schools”. For students of each year of school, the program provides certain standards for the manifestation of basic motor qualities: speed, strength, endurance, agility, flexibility.

The sets of control tests of the school curriculum comply with the standards of state tests for the population of certain regions and are cross-cutting (i.e., the same) for all grades, differing only in regulatory requirements, which makes it possible to trace the dynamics of individual student results throughout all years of study. Contributing to the further dynamics of the development of the leading motor quality of the student, the lagging ones also develop in parallel, since not a single exercise can be performed efficiently and effectively if a person does not have a certain (basic) level of various motor qualities.

Physical fitness - These are the capabilities of the body's functional systems. It reflects the required level of development of those physical qualities on which competitive success in a particular sport depends.

Physical preparedness as a component of sports readiness in the explanatory dictionary of sports terms defines the concept of sports readiness as “the state of an athlete acquired as a result of preparation (physical, technical, tactical, mental), allowing to achieve certain results in competitive activity.” We also read there that “physical training is one of the aspects of training in physical education and sports, associated with the development of physical qualities (strength, speed, endurance, flexibility and coordination abilities).” K.L. Chernov defines sports preparedness as “a connected system of knowledge, abilities, skills, qualities, properties of functional systems that determine the level of a person’s qualifications in a certain profession.” Yu.I. Smirnov interprets sports readiness as “a complex result of training, expressed in an increased level of functional capabilities of the athlete’s body, his specific and general performance, in the achieved degree of perfection of sports skills, abilities and sports knowledge.”

Many authors agree with their opinion and consider sports results to be the true criterion of sports readiness. At the same time, they note that a sports result, and, consequently, sports readiness, is a multifactorial phenomenon in which many components, including physiological ones, have significant weight, which especially applies to sports with a predominant manifestation of endurance. A number of authors add that in a state of peak athletic performance, some physiological indicators do not correspond to their maximum values. The term “training” is very close in meaning to the concept of “physical training”, i.e. “the state of the body that determines the athlete’s preparedness, which is a consequence of training.” Fitness is a complex medical and pedagogical concept that characterizes an athlete’s readiness to achieve high sports results. Its level depends on the effectiveness of the structural and functional restructuring of the body, which is combined with the high technical, tactical and psychological preparedness of the athlete.

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Work on the topic:

Comprehensive physical training program

Student: Lut E.V.

Specialty: tourism

Group: BT-21

Teacher: Gabidulin O.V.

Novosibirsk 2014

1.Theoretical foundations of complex physical training 4

1.1 Concept of physical fitness 4

1.2 General and special physical training 6

1.3 Types of physical training 8

2. Development of a comprehensive program for physical training at NSUEU 13

2.1 Characteristics of the enterprise 13

2.2 Comprehensive physical training program 15

2.3Advantages and disadvantages of the program 16


List of sources used 19


The relevance of this work is determined by the fact that health is a necessary basis for the life of any person. Nowadays, there are too many factors that destroy human health, directly or indirectly. Even if we exclude the harm that a person can cause to himself - smoking, lack of physical activity, consumption of junk food, alcohol and much more, then there is still radiation from electronic equipment, food additives in almost all products, exhaust gases. Even if you compare photographs of the 50s with those of the present day, you can see a fundamental external difference; with the naked eye you can see that people were much healthier back then.

The purpose of this work is to develop a comprehensive physical training program.

Job objectives:

    Study the literature on the topic of comprehensive physical training.

    Suggest the use of comprehensive physical training using the example of NSUEU.

The object of the study is physical training.

The subject of the study is comprehensive physical training.

    Theoretical foundations of complex physical training

1.1 Concept of physical fitness

Physical training is a pedagogical process aimed at nurturing physical qualities and developing functional capabilities that create favorable conditions for improving all aspects of training.

Physical training is aimed at strengthening and maintaining health, shaping the physique, increasing the functional capabilities of the body, developing physical abilities - strength, speed, coordination, endurance and flexibility. Physical fitness is closely related to sports specialization. In some sports and their individual disciplines, the sports result is determined by:

    speed and strength capabilities, level of development of anaerobic performance;

    aerobic performance, endurance for long-term work;

    speed-strength and coordination abilities;

    uniform development of various physical qualities.

Modern physical training should be considered as a multi-level system, each level of which has its own structure and its own specific features. The lowest level is characterized by a health-improving orientation and is built on the basis of general (conditional) physical training. As the level of physical training increases, its complexity and sports focus increases, and the highest level is built on the principles of sports training in order to increase the functional reserves of the body necessary for professional activities. One of the most important conditions for the implementation of physical training is its rational construction over sufficiently long periods of time. Because it is impossible to prepare for work in a day, a week, a month, or sometimes a year. This is a long process of developing motor skills and abilities, systematically improving physical (motor) qualities, mental preparation, maintaining the level of performance, maintaining and promoting health. The structure of physical training classes is based on the laws of physical education.

Physical training (both general and special) is carried out in the process of sports training.

The term “sports training” largely coincides in its content with the term “training of athletes”. However, they need to be distinguished. Athlete training is a broader concept.

Sports training is the appropriate use of knowledge, means, methods and conditions, which allows for a targeted influence on the development of an athlete and ensures the necessary degree of his readiness for sports achievements. Sports training includes technical, tactical, mental and physical preparation of the athlete.

Sports training is that part of an athlete’s training that is built on the basis of an exercise method. For example, if an athlete performs any physical exercise, this means that sports training is carried out during preparation. If he studies the peculiarities of the competitive activity of his opponents by watching video recordings, then in this case preparation is carried out, but training is not. The positive effect of training should be expressed in an increased level of functional capabilities of the athlete’s body, general and special performance. The functional state of an athlete, his fitness level is the main object of control in the process of sports training. In turn, the athlete’s training system includes such processes as competition, sports training, material and information support for training conditions.

In training, and especially in competitive activity, none of the types of sports training manifests itself in isolation. They are combined into a complex multifunctional process aimed at achieving the highest sporting results.

Technical training – teaching the technique of actions performed in competitions or serving as training tools. In the process of technical training, the athlete masters the technique of the chosen sport, masters the corresponding motor skills and abilities, bringing them to the highest possible degree of perfection.

Tactical training of an athlete involves mastering the theoretical foundations of sports tactics, practical mastery of tactical techniques, their combinations, variations, development of tactical thinking and other abilities that determine tactical skill.
