Mods for mine 1.10 2 plane. Flight Simulator is a mod for airplanes. Mandatory pre-flight checks and preparations

Flight Simulator is flight simulator for minecraft 1.7.10. This mod will add planes to minecraft and all the necessary parts to build them. Now flying in airplane game will be much more realistic because many factors will be taken into account, such as aerodynamics. You can select the parts for the plane yourself and make your own fastest and best plane in minecraft! Below you can read more about this mod and learn how to create a plane in minecraft and how to fly it.

Realistic flight has never actually been implemented in Minecraft. Even the elytra doesn't take into account true aerodynamics. Minecraft's flight simulator aims to change all of this by introducing planes that handle like real planes and real parts. To do this, physics and aerodynamics are used, taking into account thrust, drag, lift, propeller field, and much more. The controls are also tailored to provide simpler aircraft controls than the current mouse-yoke standard, which allows you to look around as you fly. You can even customize your planes, giving them different propellers and engines that affect their flight characteristics.


Realistic plane handling makes flying much easier. Aircraft can be placed in a circular holding structure and will fly on their own.
- All rotating parts do so at the correct speed. No low speed propellers here!
- Multi-face planes allow precise detection of collisions and damage to parts during rough landings.
- Plane components such as engines and propellers can be customized to create hundreds of unique aircraft, each with their own capabilities.
- A unique camera system makes this so you can fly the plane and look around at the same time.
- Crafting recipes are material sensitive; The seats take on the color of the wool used to make them, and MK-172 take on the appearance of a wood-like texture.



Flying in Minecraft will now cease to be something incredible. The Flight Simulator airplane mod throws off the shackles that have held you to the ground and lifts you into the air so you can feel the thrill of flying. And flying airplanes here is not just for show, everything is done very realistically, from controlling the aircraft to its behavior in the air. In flight, many parameters are taken into account: aerodynamics, thrust, propeller pitch, flaps, air resistance, aircraft position, etc.. Taking off and landing is not about pressing two buttons, everything will not be so simple, but at the same time very interesting, and Once you get the hang of it, you will enjoy flying, flying around your property or simply enjoying the views from a bird's eye view.

Main features of the mod

  • Realistic airplane controls
  • Moving parts of airplanes, just like in reality
  • Airplanes consist of many parts and in the event of collisions, which at first will be inevitable, the corresponding parts will fall off
  • Aircraft customization, you can create hundreds of different winged machines that are not similar to each other
  • A camera system with which you can monitor your flight from several points
  • Crafting recipes depend on the materials you use and this will change your future aircraft


  • W: Tilt down
  • S: Rise up
  • A: Roll left
  • D: Roll right
  • I: Increased traction
  • K: Reduced traction
  • J: Yaw left
  • L: Yaw right
  • Y: Flaps raise
  • H: Flaps lower
  • B: Brakes
  • Right SHIFT+B: Parking brake
  • M: Start the engine - you can start the engine by pulling the propeller
  • Right SHIFT+M: Stop the engine
  • PG_DOWN: Zoom camera out
  • PG_UP: Zoom camera
  • Right Ctrl: Enable auto tracking camera

Mandatory pre-flight checks and preparations

Before you fly there are some things you need to know and do:

  • To access the GUI (aircraft control panel), press Shift+RMB on the aircraft
  • All planes fly on fuel. This version of the Flight Simulator mod uses liquid lava as fuel. You can fill the plane with lava through its GUI. Just place a bucket of lava in the appropriate slot.
  • If you run out of fuel during the flight, don’t panic, you’ll just slowly glide to the ground.
  • The more thrust you give the engine, the faster the fuel is consumed. As soon as you take off to the required altitude, reduce the thrust or turn off the engine altogether. You won’t lose much in speed, but you will save a lot of fuel.
  • Flaps are used for takeoff and landing.

Crafting recipes


Aircraft MC-172

Airplane PLZ-P11

Pilot's seat

small wheel

big wheel



Small motor 0.5

Small motor 0.7

Flight Simulator Mod 1.10.2/1.9.4 introduces planes that handle like actual planes, which makes in Minecraft implemented.

To do this physics and aerodynamics are used, taking into account thrust, drag, lift, prop pitch, and much more. Controls are also tailored to provide a simpler means of than the current mouse-yoke standard, which allows you to look around as you fly. You can even customize your planes by giving them different propellers and engines, which affect their flight characteristics.


  • Realistic handling of planes makes flight much simpler. Planes can be put in circular holding patterns and will climb on their own power.
  • All rotating parts do so at the correct speeds. No slow-moving propellers here!
  • Multi-entity planes allows for accurate collision detection and breaking of parts during rough landings.
  • Plane components like engines and propellers can be customized to create hundreds of unique planes, each with their own capabilities.
  • Unique camera system makes it so you can fly a plane and look around at the same time.
  • Crafting recipes are material sensitive; seats take the color of the wool used to craft them, and the MC-172 take the type of wood as its texture.


Mod Showcase:


Crafting planes and components is easy! Just use these recipes. Note that any recipe with a TS at the end of the name indicates that it is type-sensitive, and must be crafted with parts of the same type. This means that you can’t mix and match wood types with a TS recipe. You can, however, use ANY type of that material in the recipe, which influences its outcome. One example is the MC-172, which must be made with only one kind of wood, but takes the texture of that wood when crafted.

Wooden propeller

Obsidian propeller

Small Wheel (any wool)

Small Engine (1.0 fuel per tick @2800 RPM)

Small Engine (1.2 fuel per tick @3000 RPM)

If you want to create a custom propeller or engine, you’ll need to know about their codes. When you use the give command you’ll need to input the code as the item’s damage value. Propellers are specified using a four-digit code number that defines their properties. The first digit is how many multiples of five the propeller’s diameter is above 70. The second specifies how many multiples of three the pitch is above 55 degrees. The third is how many blades the propeller has, while the fourth is the material code, with 0 standing for wood, 1 for iron, and 2 for obsidian. This means that the standard propeller for a MC-172 is an 1120, or 70+5*1=75in diameter, 55+3*1=58in pitch, 2 blade wooden propeller. Similar, a 4241 would be a 90in diameter, 67in pitch, 4-blade iron propeller.

Engines are a bit simpler, in that they have only two parameters. The first two digits times 100 plus 1000 is the engine’s maximum RPM, while the last two digits divided by ten plus 1 is the fuel consumption per tick. This means that the basic small engine () has a code of 1800, while the advanced small engine () has a code of 2002. Remember that the fuel consumption is based on the engine spinning at the maximum RPM; the engine uses only 1.12 units of fuel per tick at 2800RPM.


  • W: Pitch down
  • S: Pitch up
  • A: Roll left
  • D: Roll right
  • I: Increase throttle
  • K: Decrease throttle
  • J: Yaw left
  • L: Yaw right
  • Y: Flaps up
  • H: Flaps down
  • B: Brake (disables parking brake)
  • RIGHT_SHIFT+B: Engage parking brake
  • M: Start engine – you can also hit the propeller until the engine starts
  • RIGHT_SHIFT+M: Stop engine
  • PG_DOWN: Zoom out
  • PG_UP: Zoom in
  • RIGHT_CONTROL: Toggle camera auto-follow

Pre-flight checklist:

Before you go flying, there’s a few things you should know:

  • If you need to access the plane’s GUI, just shift-right-click the center of the plane.
  • Planes require fuel to fly. Currently their internal combustion engines run on liquid lava, which can be inserted into the fuel tank by opening the GUI and placing a bucket of lava into the slot with the gas pump icon. If the bucket doesn’t fill it means that the fuel tank is full, or there’s no room for the empty bucket in the adjacent slot. Each bucket provides 1000 units of fuel.
  • Should you run out of fuel during flight, don’t panic! Planes can glide for a long way even without power.
  • Remember that the faster the engine is running, the more fuel it consumes. When you get up to your desired altitude you can let off the throttle to conserve fuel. This doesn’t result in much of a speed loss, and makes flying much more fluid.
  • Flaps are used for takeoff and landing. 10 degrees is customary for takeoff, while landings can use as much flap as necessary to slow down. Make sure to remove the flaps after takeoff, as they slow you down and increase drag.
  • Braking force depends on how many wheels you have on the ground. Landing crooked is not advised as it reduces the effectiveness of your brakes. Also note that planes won’t turn on the tarmac well unless all wheels are down, so keep that in mind when speeding on taxiways.

How to install:

  • Download and install.
  • Download the mod.
  • Go to %appdata%.
  • Go to .minecraft/mods folder.
  • If the “mods” folder does not exist you can create one.
  • Drag and drop the downloaded jar (zip) file into that.
  • Enjoy the mod.


Flight Simulator Mod Download Links:

File Name Status Game Version Date
Release 1.10.2 Oct 1, 2016
Release 1.9.4 Oct 1, 2016
Release 1.9 Oct 1, 2016
Release 1.8.9 Oct 1, 2016
Release 1.8 Oct 1, 2016
Release 1.7.10 Oct 1, 2016
Release 1.10.2 Sep 20, 2016