Transfer of consciousness to the astral body. Astral travel. Newbie mistakes and triggering intentions. "Matema Shinto" - a pair outing

Julia, thank you for your answer! I somehow got a little lost from this discussion.
So I never managed to end up anywhere near my body, etc. Yes, I didn’t even try, to be honest. But there were several cases, I don’t know if this applies to the astral:
1. A year has passed since my letter to you. And the following began: every night I saw the room in which I slept, and felt the presence of someone hostile. But when I tried to move, it turned out that I was sleeping. It’s very scary because I understand that I’m in a dream, but I can’t wake up. She even tried to hit her husband. But she couldn't move. Then I learned to move, I feel his hand, I try to pinch him so that he wakes up and wakes me up. But I feel him, but he doesn’t feel my attempts. This lasted for a week, I was all exhausted, I was afraid to go to bed, so as not to get stuck in my own dream again.
On the last day, I was able to get up, ran to the door, everything was somehow weak, but it seemed to me that someone was frightening nearby, and then I realized that I had to try to wake up again. And it happened - I woke up. But it was a dream within a dream. And after much suffering I managed to escape.

2 A couple of weeks after this passed, I woke up, and there was what I remembered as a man near the bed. And everything became bright. He said that there is no need to be afraid, he will not cause fear and those whom I was afraid of are not here. I seemed to see a planet on which bright flashes were occurring. He explained that our worlds are connected through them. But I cannot know this until I experience catharsis.
To be honest, I didn’t know anything about catharsis. And I woke up in the morning with only this word in my head. And already, clinging to him, she remembered what happened at night.

3. A year and a half after that, I slept in the next room, again walked along the corridor, but again everything was cotton. And the walls. Everything was strangely askew or something. There was deformation in everything. And again fear. The next day I slept in a regular room again. And dreams began again with horror stories, from which I could not get out, I tried to push my husband, but to no avail.
After a couple of days of such dreams, I began to look for similar cases and methods of dealing with these fears. And in one place I read that mutual repelling helps a person - that is, you need to firmly drive it away.
And then it’s night, I fall asleep. This horror is repeated again. But then I realized that I was in a dream again and managed to wake up. And I remembered that I needed to drive them away. I fell asleep on purpose and without panic (usually I tried not to sleep again, so as not to encounter this again). I fall asleep, it happens again. And I tell them (I don’t know who) something like: “Enough! Get out of here. I'm not afraid of you. If you don’t lag behind, you yourself will begin to fear me! Get out!" And with this I am abruptly thrown out of sleep and stupor. Woke up and fell asleep. And there was no more fear.
But the morning after that, something happened that had never happened before. I’m lying down, the sun is shining into the room, my husband is looking at something next to me. I see myself. And I can't move. And then I sit up with a sharp push from a lying position. And I understand that I see myself from a sitting position, and my body (from the chest down) lies in that position. And I sharply bend my knees. They remain lying down. But in the place where they should be (where I bent them and lifted them) there was some kind of incomprehensible radiation. As if from fire - it was like heat, but it still seemed to shimmer a little. That is, it seemed denser than the air around it. And then my husband wakes me up and says that I haven’t moved at all.

4. This summer (i.e. about a year after the previous incident) I woke up in a dream again. I was scared that I couldn't get out of this. But it was 1 night.

5. A week ago. I slept in the next room again. And I realized that I was in a dream. But there was something different. My son is nearby. And I scream for help - I saw it as if I was disappearing. But then I saw a boy behind the door to the room. And the son doesn’t say anything, but I seem to hear the word “brother” (he doesn’t have a brother or sister). And I look through the door window, he stands there and tries to open the door, I press it, but he still bursts into the room. And that's the end.
It was the night before the solar eclipse in February.

And further. This may or may not be a coincidence. But six months ago I had a dream. But I didn’t understand that it was a dream. And in this dream my relative, husband and some man.
I'm trying to save a relative. Then a man attacks us. I cover my relative with myself and call for help. And my husband fights off this man, but it turns out that in the fight he got a knife in his throat. And then I collect a lot of money around - bills.
It was a terrible dream.
But on the same day I am next to this relative. And during the day he starts bleeding from his mouth. I'm calling an ambulance. They are coming. I grab a stack of bills that were then put aside at home. And my husband arrives and helps me send my relative to the hospital.
Now, either a coincidence, or the image of the man who was a threat to my relative in a dream was transferred to the relative himself in reality. That is, in a dream I saw what happened later during the day, but with distortion.

Can all sorts of fears cause me harm? Or does it all remain on the other side? What could this be, have you encountered something similar?

I hope that you find something interesting in my story. Thank you!


This chapter was compiled by me from diary notes and extracts from various esoteric books. At first glance, the briefly stated thoughts here do not always agree with each other. But upon re-reading, you, dear reader, will notice the general outline of these notes.

With independent astral projection, first of all, we note a certain risk and danger of the double’s non-return to the physical body or a partial return.

The simplest and most accessible method of conscious projection is the fasting method. That is, you need to drink only water for 40 - 50 days and not take any food. You need to end fasting gradually, starting with freshly prepared juices diluted with water. The number of days after a juice fast should be equal to half the duration of the fast itself. During fasting, it is recommended to breathe rhythmically according to the yogic system and meditate on the sixth chakra.

Another simple way to enter the astral plane is to bring yourself to the point of exhaustion. This includes long, monotonous work, endless bowing, staying in one position, ultra-long distance running, and so on. There are methods that induce instant trance. This includes pinching certain nerves in the neck, sharp compression of the chest of a person with full lungs, a blow to the head with a hard object, impact on the point between the mouth and nose, and others. Only the exit from the body will be unconscious, and therefore will not be remembered.

When an astral double exits, there is always a danger of mistaking the physical body for a dead one and burying it alive. Unfortunately, modern doctors do not know how to distinguish a living body from a dead one. Therefore, approximately 5% of people today are buried alive.

All astral worlds are very densely populated. The essences of the subtle worlds are generally neutral towards humans. But in the lower astral worlds there are creatures hostile to people. Sometimes they inhabit the body, causing possession. Black magicians can also damage the silver thread connecting the physical body with the astral body, twist it or break it. If the silver thread breaks, then the physical body dies. Let us note once again that a strong physique and “rough” health of people prevent all forms of occult activity. Such bodies are built by young and young souls; it is too early for them to return “home”. Fragility of the physique and nervous sensitivity, on the contrary, favor the exit of the astral body. Sensitive, plain-looking people are often powerful magicians and initiates.

When practicing exercises to exit the astral body, you should not eat 4 hours before exercise and 4 hours after exercise. The room should be quiet and dark, you should be completely alone. During this time, no one should enter your room. It is not recommended to project onto the subtle planes during rain or thunderstorms. The temperature in the room should be approximately plus 22 - 26 degrees Celsius.

Very important role rhythmic music is played to enter a trance state. The Israeli prophet Elisha (850 - 800 BC), wanting to prophesy, called a harpist to him to play. Siberian shamans used a dance accompanied by the rhythmic beats of a tambourine to find out the future, guess thieves, and search for stolen things. The very power of the influence of ritual music and a given rhythm can be unpredictable. This is evidenced by an amazing incident that happened to a Leningrad graduate ethnographer who was writing a dissertation on tundra shamans. While doing research at the Anthropological Museum, one day he took a tambourine and, to amuse his girlfriend, began to imitate the ritual of a shaman. At first it was a playful game, but gradually the rhythm of the tambourine captured him so much that he could no longer interrupt his dance. The friend tried to stop the graduate student, but was thrown away from him by an invisible force. The dance became more and more frantic, the cries of the ritual became louder, until the scientist collapsed on the floor. At this moment there was a conscious exit of the astral double from the body of the graduate student. The stay of the graduate student’s consciousness in the subtle world turned out to be so significant for the young scientist that he abandoned his dissertation, left his scientific career and became a shaman.

Some sorcerers use various drugs, music, and various techniques to exit the astral double, while others can achieve these states spontaneously. For example, the mullahs in Samarkand, who read fortunes from a book in order to “reveal their fate,” would force themselves into a trance, “becoming like drunken people.”

It is easy to leave the body on the full moon, new moon, on the seventh and twenty-second lunar day. For successful exits, you need to learn how to completely relax the body - relax all muscles. I described the relaxation exercise in detail in the chapter “The Third Method of Astral Projection.” No thoughts should disturb the mind. There's no rush. 15 to 30 minutes of daily relaxation training will help you with this. A state of mind wandering, even thoughtfulness, helps to “deconcentrate” the consciousness. Let the cottony silence envelop you, then “feel” the house, the room and the person you want to see. If concentration is specifically directed towards a special goal, then it should be limited to the day preceding the experience. During the experiment the mind must be relaxed and then the goal will give impetus to the forces of separation.

The famous American clairvoyant Edgar Cayce himself put himself in a similar state of trance. This is how he described this technique: “Lying down comfortably, I put both palms to my head - to the place where, as they say, the “third eye”, I pray. I lie there and wait for the “signal” for several minutes. A “signal” - a flash of white light, sometimes with a golden tint - means that contact has been made. Seeing the light, I move my palms to the solar plexus. My eyes are open all the time. Breathing becomes smooth and deep - from the diaphragm. After a few minutes the eyes close. After that, as they tell me, I answer questions.”

A strong desire to achieve separation, frequent repetition of this desire and persistent retention in consciousness of a moving image of oneself that goes beyond the body will invariably lead to success. The key to all astral exits is a clear visual image created by your imagination. Various exercises have been invented to develop the magical power of imagination. The stages of progress in these exercises are the fantasy of an image perceived through closed eyelids - the image is first static and then dynamic. Next comes the creation of a visual image with open eyes. These methods are not mutually exclusive; they should be used interchangeably.

Two exercises for developing imagination:

You look at a simple drawing, then close your eyes and try to hold the picture in your memory. This must be done without concentration. It is enough to look at the drawing for one second, then close your eyes for three seconds and hold the picture in memory. Then open your eyes again to check the details - and close them again. Do this 10 to 100 times until every detail of the picture becomes clearly clear. Then take a drawing with more complex illustrations and color pictures for exercise.

You can then practice by putting several simple (and then increasingly complex) objects on a tray and trying to remember them with your eyes closed, not by mental association, but simply by visualizing their position.

During sleep, conscious exits to the astral plane are also possible. Typically, extreme thirst and extreme hunger during sleep lead to astral projection. (To do this, it is advised to eat salty food before going to bed and not drink it.)

Conscious projection is also induced by inhaling nitrous oxide (laughing gas). Psychologist William James, after breathing laughing gas, said that all mystical secrets were revealed to him. Inhalation of chloroform leads to a similar condition. Medicines containing narcotics also cause separation of bodies. The effects of AD LSD often bear similarities to schizophrenia. But experiments with drugs are unclean, since the trainee cannot give an account of where he was. Moreover, drug use is disastrous for both the physical body and the human soul.

Tobacco is also a type of drug. Natives South America, while inhaling snuff, we saw giant lizards and dinosaurs. And medieval sorcerers fell into a trance while smelling henbane. They also applied an ointment containing belladonna, hemlock and other stimulants to the skin of the body, which took them on an imaginary journey. Under the influence of cocaine, people see gnomes and huge insects.

But not all drug-induced hallucinations are unpleasant. Thus, inhaling hashish leads to a vision of infinity. Mescoline brings lifeless objects to life. LSD - synthetic drug- helps a person fly in the astral body.

The human subconscious always knows about the existence of other worlds. Drugs do not provide a complete transition to the astral plane; the transition is distorted and only partial. The most spiritual and safe way to travel through the astral worlds is described in yoga. Even with the help of the yogic breathing method alone, you can achieve all imaginable and unimaginable miracles. In the chapter “Causal Body” we already said that drugs affect the circulatory system, and it is connected with the lower astral plane. Yogic breathing takes us to the highest astral plane. If you breathe rhythmically for 30 minutes every day, spending 12 seconds on inhalation, 48 seconds on holding your breath after inhalation, and 24 seconds on exhalation, then after three months almost all diseases in a person will be cured. If you breathe for 24 seconds - inhale, 96 - hold, 48 - exhale for 30 minutes, then the exerciser begins to rhythmically fly up half a meter above the ground in the physical body and descend without any bodily movements. As the breath-hold increases, the height of the jumps increases until the physical body begins to levitate continuously. With rhythmic breathing of 36 - 144-72 seconds for 30 minutes, a person achieves Nirvikalpa Samadhi. He completely merges with God and discovers in himself all the divine qualities, including such siddhis as conscious exits from the physical body. Thought is power. She moves objects (psychokinesis), creates ghosts and elementals, and animates matter. Thoughts cause bodily changes and thinking man. All diseases in the world are created by thought. Ulcers due to stress, migraines due to frustration, asthma due to anxiety, heart pain due to stress in business, politics and social life. Selfish thoughts create huge egregors of evil.

In the subtle worlds, time does not exist. There are only causes and effects. The reason people exist is because of what will happen in the end. Space is a great idea. What we call matter is a form created by our senses and therefore an illusion. Therefore, any science is just a continuation of our feelings.

Plato said: “The world of reality consists of ideas. They exist in another sphere, but not as simple concepts, but as complex prototypes or first principles. In that world there are ideas about a tree, a person, a dog, etc.” In the world of Eden, in the astral plane, Adam and Eve sinned and were given “coverings of skin” - exile into physical bodies after the fall.

Thomas Aquinas - the Divine Doctor, systematized the entire philosophical heritage from antiquity to 1273. While he was celebrating Mass in 1273, a vision suddenly appeared before him from the astral world, which he knew only from books. Brother Thomas said to Brother Reginald: “Compared to what I have seen, everything I have written is not worth a penny.” He did not write again and died a month later at the age of 49.

On the astral planets we are just as mortal as on Earth. Only we live there much longer. Deep down in their souls, all people passionately wish for death. In the mental worlds, our bodies are just as mortal as in the physical world. Deceased children instantly grow up in the astral worlds, and old people become younger until the age of 25 - 30 years. Dead people don't see physical world, as we do them.

The emotional maturity that a person acquires during earthly life determines the well-being and happy life of the soul in the next world. Maturity is everything. The death of the physical body does not in any way change a person's character or thinking. If we do not resolve the differences within ourselves here, then even heaven will not make us happy. Our emotions in the astral worlds after the death of the physical body become thousands of times stronger. If a person has not learned to control his emotions during life, then after death they burn him and turn life on the astral plane into hell until he outgrows them. We ourselves build our own hell, and the demons that will torment us there are our thought forms, our desires. Wealth on earth can be a great obstacle to spiritual development. In heaven, more is asked of the rich and talented than of the poor and simple-minded. Therefore, those who have been given a lot from birth must first overcome their laziness and bad habits on Earth.

All worlds are built according to the figure eight principle. Eight is infinity, it is the ball of the celestial sphere and the ball of the lower sphere, which includes the physical world, the astral, ethereal, demonic, and klifonic. The bottom circle of the eight is represented in many occult sciences by the symbol of a snake biting its tail. For most people, there is no way out of the bottom circle. People are trapped in time because they cannot overcome their desires. They leave the physical world in order to take a short break in the astral plane and return to it again.

A person improves in this way: first we lose the body on earth, the personality, the ego, our own essence on the posthumous planes, and in the divine spheres - the feeling of separation and individuality. Merging with God, we lose our “L”.

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A beginner can enter the astral plane without much effort. Although, you probably won’t succeed the first time. Before you enter the astral plane on your own, we advise you to familiarize yourself with special methods and techniques that will help you leave your body and learn how parallel worlds work.

Before you try to travel to the astral plane, you should realize that you can do this almost every night. There are special, astral dreams. It is known that during dreams the subtle astral component of a person is capable of traveling through various dimensions.

This is possible and unconscious, however, what determines the probability of entering the astral plane in a dream is unknown. But it is known that this can be done consciously.

As in the case of lucid dreams, subconscious exits to the astral plane in a dream can become more frequent after reading the relevant literature. But, if you want to know how to enter the astral plane at will, and not when your subconscious mind wanders, you will have to study the rules and techniques.

Rules for entering the astral plane

Rules of behavior in the astral plane can protect you from dangers parallel worlds. If you follow them, travel will become safe and interesting. The consequences of non-compliance with these rules can be nightmares, the appearance of poltergeists and the presence of entities, as well as serious losses of energy.

It is not advisable to engage in astral practices during a thunderstorm or other weather disasters. A storm or thunderstorm seriously affects the astral plane. In addition, lightning can cause harm not only to the physical body, but also to the astral one. As a last resort, you should not travel to places that could be struck by lightning.

During illness or poor health, you can read about how to go to the astral plane. But you shouldn’t put what you read into practice. Deal with the physiological issues first. During illness, the astral body is weaker than usual.

Your natural defense against entities inhabiting other worlds will have virtually no effect. For the same reason, you cannot practice exiting the body into the astral plane if you are tired or stressed. The practice is also undesirable after a conflict or quarrel. A calm, balanced state is much better suited for this.

It is undesirable to go into the astral plane in a room in which there is someone other than you. Ask your household members not to disturb you, turn off their phones and TV. Nothing should distract you from trying to separate from the body. Clothes should be comfortable, preferably made from natural materials.

It is sometimes recommended to follow a vegetarian diet the day before performing the techniques. However, this rule is purely individual. If the absence of meat dishes has a positive effect on the results, you need a diet. If there is no relationship between diet and practice results, fasting is unlikely to help you.

Body position and internal dialogue

Separately, it is worth mentioning the position of the body. Of course, you should be comfortable. An uncomfortable posture should not distract you from trying to separate from your body. Do not cross your arms and legs, this interferes with any magical work if we're talking about about the first attempts.

The best position is lying down or sitting in a comfortable chair. Start with this, perhaps with experience, determine the best body position.

The first stage of astral travel or leaving the body is relaxation and stopping the internal dialogue. There are many relaxation techniques, choose the one that suits you personally.

Regarding stopping the internal dialogue, an individual approach is also needed here. Before starting the training, give yourself the idea that after relaxation you will leave the physical body and rush to the astral plane.

It is also advisable to formulate the purpose of the trip in advance, otherwise, under the impressions of the new world, you will simply forget about it.

After all, even a personally created protective energy ball can interfere with an inexperienced astral traveler. But this is not a reason to remain without protection - you can use salt, protective amulets and other things, but remember that sometimes they interfere with leaving the body.

Possible obstacles to entering the astral plane

The main obstacle for beginners is fear and other strong emotions, such as surprise. Often, astral travel ends there, after which the astral body returns, and quite abruptly.

Getting rid of vivid emotions when leaving the body is possible only with experience. The fact is that that part of the astral body that remains in the physical attracts back those traveling in the astral, because fear considers it a threat. The “rough” astral shell of a person performs a protective function during astral travel.

If you are unable to enter the astral plane, do not be discouraged. Few people get it right the first time. Some people need a few days to get an out-of-body experience, while others will spend about a year. If unsuccessful, try again the next day.

Sooner or later you will see what the astral world is like and who lives in it. This will most likely happen when you least expect success.

How to get to the astral plane using the astral rope method

A visualized rope will help you travel to the astral plane, but we are not talking about the same silvery cord that connects the astral component with physical body. Not everyone sees and feels it. You may not notice his presence at all.

In fact, the connection with the physical body does not depend on it, it is only its thought form embodied in a visual image. No matter how far you go in the astral reality, the part of the astral body that never leaves the physical will pull you back.

The essence of the astral rope method is to visualize a rope that starts from the ceiling and comes straight to you. After you have imagined it, cling to the rope with your hands, which the astral body also has.

The goal is to feel your hands wrap around the rope, feel its texture, and begin to pull yourself up. Climbing on a visualized rope is perhaps more difficult than on a regular one. You cannot move during the procedure; you must be completely relaxed.

Concentrating your attention on mentally moving along an imaginary rope is necessary in order to leave the physical body. You must understand that this subtle astral body carries out movements, or rather, tries to do so.

You may feel the vibration throughout your entire body. There is no need to be afraid of this, this is a sign of success - you are already beginning to understand how to get into the astral world, and you are doing everything right.

What is good about this technique? She suggests concentrating on just one simple action - trying to climb the rope, leaving the physical body. This exercise is great for beginners.

The first journey to the astral plane - leaving the body

If you imagine a rope that stretches from the astral plane and can become your means of transportation from your physical body, you can’t do it, there is another technique. It is also suitable for beginners. This is an out-of-body meditation - you will need to relax and try to evoke the sensations that occur during separation from the physical body.

So, before correctly exiting into the astral plane, take a comfortable position in bed or on a chair. Relax, arrange yourself so that an uncomfortable position does not distract you from meditation. Stop the internal dialogue. Concentrate on your breathing. Watch your inhalations and exhalations, try to make them smoother and deeper than usual.

Once breath control is achieved, become aware of and feel your entire physical body. Listen to the sounds around you, feel the situation around you. After this, direct your attention to your inner self. Be calm, but prepare yourself to wait for the first exit into the astral plane.

This is just a preparatory stage. After this, proceed to attempts to leave the physical body. Don’t strain your attention, try to move to the astral plane slowly, without sudden movements or thoughts. Your mind should be relaxed but focused on leaving your body.

You can think about how you want it. You can concentrate on the area between the eyebrows, where the third eye, or ajna chakra, is located. It is believed that it is from there that the astral body begins to leave the physical.

Concentrate on the area between your eyebrows and imagine getting up from a chair or bed, without moving, until you can feel a vibration or something like a tickle.

Make these sensations clear, rush towards them. They always accompany leaving the body. Just surrender to them, continuing to mentally get up from your chair, and soon you will realize that you have entered the astral plane.

There may be a feeling of falling down. Many people feel it when falling asleep. Such sensations accompany immersion in astral dreams and, in fact, the astral plane. Do not resist the illusory fall and you will be able to have an out-of-body experience.

What to do on your first trip to the astral plane

So, you managed to figure out how to enter the astral plane for a beginner. You have left your body and a new world awaits you. But don’t rush to start researching it right away. The astral plane is not as safe as you might think. First you have to get used to the new world and understand how to behave there.

What can you do in the astral plane if you are there for the first time? Try moving in different ways. Perhaps you will pass through walls, but this does not always happen and not for everyone.

In order to leave the room or wander around it, you only need to think about it. Increase the distance from home of astral travel gradually, in accordance with your experience, so as not to cause problems.

In order to return back, order yourself to return to your physical body. It takes a split second. Even random thoughts about him contribute to returning back. Don't be afraid that you won't be able to leave the astral plane. It is much more difficult to stay in it than to get lost.

It is unlikely that you will meet anyone during your first few out-of-body experiences. But in the future this is quite likely. IN astral world Various entities live, both light or dark, and neutral.

There is one simple rule in this regard - behave politely, and no one will touch you. If the astral entity decides to feed on your energy, you can resist or run away.

How to go to the astral plane - video

There are several techniques that will help a beginner enter the astral plane. Not everyone manages to hit it the first time. However, the impressions of traveling through a different reality are worth the effort. There are many dangers in the astral plane that await beginners. In order to avoid them, you need to follow certain rules.

In order to understand what astral travel is, you must firmly believe in. At the same time, astral travel, the method of exiting the body of which is varied, and individual methods are sometimes contradictory, assumes that the human essence has five bodies:

  • material shell– the physical body itself;
  • an astral body that can move in space and time;
  • mental body, giving a person the ability to think and rationalize his thinking;
  • mind - consciousness, which forms the psycho-emotional essence of a person;
  • soul, given to man by the Creator, which is the immortal essence of the individual.

Before understanding specific methods of astral travel, it is necessary to briefly familiarize yourself with modern ideas about them and possible ways to free the astral body from the bodily shell.

Astral Travel Basics

In order for an individual to master the technique of exiting the astral body from its physiological shell, he must have a strong will and the ability to concentrate. People who “fly” in their sleep are most prone to astral travel. Depending on the development of this ability, the following options are possible:

  • when flying during dreams, a person will not spend any physical effort to the rise and fall of your astral body, which will be able to soar, but not move in space;
  • For controlled movement, a person will waste his physical energy, and the astral journey itself takes place in several stages:
  • repulsion from the ground (bed) – take-off – soaring – descent;
  • movement in space provided by a trained physical body and its astral component.

Astral bodies separated from the physical shell hover above their place of residence, and energetically strong and better prepared individuals can make longer and farther journeys. Usually people cannot see the flight of someone else’s body, but those with extrasensory or paranormal abilities (clairvoyants) perceive someone else’s astral shell in the same way as an ordinary physical body.

Some esotericists are convinced that astral travel can end in death, since the soul will not be able to find its way to the physiological shell. This is a deep misconception, since astral flight takes place under the guidance of the subconscious, which, unlike the mind, is always awake.

There is some danger anomalous zones and territories with strong electromagnetic fields. However, even in them, astral travel does not always lead to death. In most cases, a person falls ill and for some time loses the ability to move astrally even in exoterically safe zones.

Training Methods for Astral Travel

People who do not have the innate ability to fly in their sleep can independently, after certain training, make astral travel, the method of leaving the body of which offers various sets of spiritual and physical exercises. Regardless of the chosen method, there are certain requirements that are common to all, the main one of which is regularity and continuity of training, for which you need to devote from five minutes to half an hour every day. At the initial stage of training, a person must master the ability to separate his astral body from his physical body. After this, having chosen one of the sets of exercises, you should begin to master the control of the astral substance. At the same time, at first a person may not actually feel the emerging skill, but he will fly more and more often in his dreams.

Currently, the following methods are most often used to realize one’s astral essence and control astral travel:

  • exit of the astral body from the physiological shell using Alice Anne Bailey techniques (Alice Ann Bailey) - American theosophical writer and founder of the Arcana School;
  • a technique for separating the physical and astral components by self-hypnosis ;
  • technique using a visualization mechanism (self-visualization), sometimes called Aleister Crowley's method (Aleister Crowley);
  • astral method traveler Yuri Borisov .

At the first stage, any astral movements and journeys, exits from the body of which are chosen and accepted, must be carried out under the supervision of a curator (mentor, inductor).
